The Deadly Secret of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Treasure - Fallout New Vegas Lore

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while traveling east along the road towards Lipton we see a firefight breaking out between two people just off the road as we get close a woman named Jacqueline asks for our help help you there please help me he's crazy please help me we have no other context we don't know why they're fighting we can allow them to resolve the situation themselves or we can intervene after the fight ends if Jacqueline wins we see her run over to Thomas's corpse and loot something from off of his body she then runs up to you thank God you came around that guy was going to kill me now we can respond a number of ways if we say don't mention it I'll be on my way stay safe the roads dangerous in these parts or so I hear she turns around and walks away otherwise we can say are you alright I am now I was just minding my own business heading west when that psycho came out of nowhere and started shooting he kept shouting about stars or something does that make any sense to you we have three options if we say we have no idea no reason it should I suppose I need to be going thank you again she turns around and walks away but if we have previously found sunset sasparilla star bottle caps and we understand their value we can say yes he was probably trying to steal some sunset sasparilla stars from you some what never mind I'm gonna take a few moments to compose myself then head out thank you again she turns around and walks away but as soon as we turn our back to her sir she turns around and opens fire leaving us one choice to kill her in self-defense her reaction is the same if we choose the other option we can say do you have any bottle caps with stars on them oh no I don't think so cats are cats right look I think I need a few moments to compose myself then head out once again Thanks if at any point we admit that we know how valuable the star bottle caps are she turns on us and tries to murder us now we had another option here if we noticed her loot the corpse of Thomas we can say what was it that you took from his corpse what this he stole this from me at gunpoint lucky for me he got distracted and I got a chance to draw on him it's a necklace that I made out of these special caps you ever see any caps with a blue star on them like these yes I have a few myself oh then you know how rare they are I'm just glad they're back where they belong you can never be too careful these days but we've admitted that we know what these are and so of course as soon as we turn our backs she attacks the other option is hostility we can say yes I've heard of them and I'm thinking of adding yours to my collection this is the only option that Garner's an honest response from her you know I was just thinking the same thing about you she naturally turns hostile and we killed her there's also a seven intelligence check we can play mind games with her we can say yes I've seen these caps before but nothing like the six that you just looted off of his corpse they are nice aren't they I'm very proud of them but of course we've noticed that the necklace is made out of seven caps not six but she didn't notice it which means that they're not hers well I guess you're just too smart for me unfortunately I can't leave any witnesses behind she again opens fire forcing us to kill her on her corpse r9 sunset sasparilla star bottle caps we learned from this speech check that she just looted seven off of Thomas's corpse which means she must have only had two but what if Thomas wins the encounter if we side with him or if we don't intervene and he wins the gunfight just like Jacqueline he comes up to you did you see that that crazy [ __ ] just attacked me out of nowhere do you have any idea why Thomas no none at all we've been traveling together since I picked her up a few days ago and she's been friendly this whole time I'd actually been flirting a little when she suddenly pulled a gun up began yelling at me to hand like caps over now that I think of it though she laughed when I threw her my money I think what she really wanted was my lucky charm necklace your lucky charm necklace yeah every once in a while you can find a cap with a blue star on it they're pretty rare so I started collecting them once I had enough I made a necklace out of them since I thought they were lucky we have three options if we end the conversation and tell him to just be careful in the future he says I will that's the last time I pick up a straggler on the road believe me and he walks off into the distance yes they just can't get any worse if instead we pass a 50 speech check we can say all sorts of nasty people are looking for caps like those you'd be safer if you got rid of them you really I had no idea and here I've been carrying them all this time never knowing how dangerous they were what do you think I should do with them bury him or something well I can hold onto them for you I'm not worried about the people that are looking for them they're all yours I sincerely hope they work better for you than they did for me and he gives us 7 sunset sasparilla star bottle caps if we lose Jacqueline's corpse sure enough we find 2 star bottle caps on her body the other 2 options have the exact same result we can either tell him to figure it out himself or encourage him to just get rid of them you got it I'm glad I ran into you thanks for the advice but of course we always have the option to kill Tomas when he tells us that his caps are lucky we can say lucky for me you mean hand him over what the hell I will and of course he opens fire if we choose this option would not only get the caps but on his corpse we find Thomas's Journal the only page of his journal we can read is the final page and it says things finally seem to be turning around I made a nice bundle of caps turning in some scrap in the last town I passed and now I have a new traveling companion her name is Jacqueline and she's pretty cute I'm not going to get ahead of myself here but things are looking up and to think I was actually beginning to doubt the power of my lucky necklace no Thomas I don't think anyone can deny the power that necklace has over people a short time later out of the blue we get approached by a man named Malcom Holmes hello there it's good to see a friendly face almost took you for a raider I did name's Malcolm Malcolm Holmes don't suppose you'd care to trade I'm missing a few essentials and screw this line just sayin in my nature I'll tell it to you straight I've been following you for a good bit now it started off innocently enough I was travelling as I often do and happen to observe you picking up one of those blue star caps you didn't show any reaction to it so I figured you didn't know what you've gotten your hands on where you've been following me why didn't you say anything when I look at the caps I have to make sure of your disposition there's a lot of jumping folks out there that a shooter man as soon as talk to him now that we're conversing though I can tell you what I know about those caps there's an old wasteland legend it says somewhere out there there's a fabulous treasure from before the war those caps with the blue star on them the tale goes are the key to that treasure they're called sunset sasparilla stars so you collect these yourself now I gave it up years ago too dangerous and even if I did still collect them I tell you the same there's people out there so mad with the idea of treasure that they'll attack strangers just on the suspicion that they have some of those caps yeah we just met one of them knew well Malcolm where can I find more of these caps all over the place the easiest place to find them is unopened bottles of sunset sarsaparilla you'd think they'd all have been picked clean by now but somehow new bottles keep appearing in the machines some say it's old Festus it does it hoping someone will finally collect enough caps to earn the treasure other than bottles you'll just have to scavenge you can find caps in the unlikeliest of places and blue star caps and no exemption you mentioned a man named Festus who's he it said that the treasure is guarded by a man named Festus and he's the one who asked for the blue star caps it's also said he's been around since the war standing a lonely vigil waiting for someone to come and take the treasure off his hands that'll make them pretty damn old but I've met a few people in my travels who claim they actually met him and they want the lying type either what kind of treasure are we talking about no one knows money weapons water it is or maybe was something of value and that's an enough to get people motivated thanks for the info Malcolm no problem if you do end up trying to collect more stars watch out for man named Alan marks he's killed several people for their stars already now he says that he doesn't collect the stars anymore but he sure knows a lot about them for not being a collector if we decide to murder this man sure enough on his body we find 6 sunset sasparilla star bottle caps if we get the caps on all three of these individuals we can walk away with 15 stars now I am intrigued I have got to collect as many stars as I can to discover this treasure but before Malcolm left he gave us a warning there is a man who is so murderous that he has developed an infamous reputation related to the Stars Alan Marx Malcolm told us that Alan Marks has killed several people already in search of the star bottlecaps now we find these sunset sasparilla stars all over the place there's a small chance that every bottle of sunset sasparilla that we find has a star bottle cap on it so just by drinking sunset sasparilla we can gain star bottle caps but these star Bowl caps are also found lying about in many of the dungeons that we visit but we have to collect 50 of these things which can take quite some time in fact I recorded this footage many months ago when I first started making videos about Fallout New Vegas and all this time between then and now I've been collecting sunset sasparilla star bottle caps but at last I finally have 50 but now we need to find the treasure Malcolm told us that it was guarded by an immortal man named Festus where can we find him well our best bet is to head on over to the sunset sasparilla factory we find this factory along the road to new vegas it's amongst the ruins of south vegas the sign on the outside says sunset sasparilla established 1918 it has a big bottle standing outside the front door making it impossible to miss going around the building we find a small raider camp just off in the distance and then a gated off picnic area where the workers must have gone to their lunches here we find a door to the factory floor but we won't go in this way as we continue exploring around we find another door to the factory floor on the northern side of the building and just outside we find all sorts of crates some of which still have unopened bottles of sunset sarsaparilla there are delivery trucks nearby most of which are empty and finally we come around the corner back to the eastern side of the building and walk through the giant bottle to enter the building through the front door this brings us to the building's Lobby on the wall to the right as a poster the most popular beverage in the West sunset sarsaparilla made with pure cane sugar we hear robots off in the distance but exploring a nearby door we find it completely blocked up I'll have to find another way deeper in and against the southern wall right in this Lobby we find an animatronic robot cowboy a man named Festus is this the very same Festus that Malcolm told us about pleased to meet you Festus just give me the lay of the land if you're here to redeem your subsurf sarsaparilla dollars dump both into the slot in a barrel along with I'll tell mom if you don't know what sunset sarsaparilla stars are afoot to old vestiges just shoot this Powerball say store info and you're here to challenge old fifties do a game of lucky horseshoes say I feel lastly if you have about a healthy fibers a terrible kill sex recently very silly old password oh my lots of options let's choose star info to learn more carefully his old fastest goal after repeating so that sunset sasparilla bottles will have special cats with blue stars on these capture zone as sunset sasparilla stocks why do you start there and what do they mean nobody knows except maybe old question attention wrestle up enough work when you can win a prize so get out there start drinkin sunset sasparilla well we have our 50 caps but before we deposit them into this animatronic cowboy let's see if he has anything more to say he mentioned something about a health advisory when we asked him about it so we asked him again haha did you repeat it and then we have to ask him a third time Wow so successful it is perfectly safe a recent independent study whose validity is currently main talents or real above excessive ingestion of sarsaparilla can lead to deleterious effects including but not limited to get it there Noah digital numbness anxiety on the visual acuity is potential or flings your information turns the cane saw broke all times or the rupture I had a pallet honest note that you have to pretend person says that brother that's the qualities used in the city I don't want you in oh oh oh come on in fact you have to get full as a tick on sunset sasparilla become close anyway thanks for stopping by order and keep drinking so sunset sasparilla can kill you well I suppose that's good to know the Venusian cat least fifty of these doggone things now Festus can also play a card game with us if we choose the option that says I feel lucky he tells us about a game he can play called lucky horseshoes when we ask him how to play he says number two and he then goes on to explain the rules in great detail but it's basically just a game of 21 with a simple twist if we play the game with him he then just tells us which card we drew the closest to 21 without going over wins but if we win we get a random reward can't kill your every war sometimes it's a random card that we can use in building our caravan deck and sometimes it's a sunset sasparilla star bottle cap at any rate our final option is to deposit our 50 sunset sasparilla stars into the slot only for you oh let's just new you can do it I suppose you'll be wanting that prize now well in all your cuz it's a doozy not many people heard the true story behind sunset sasparilla what's right on I know what happened ooh your prize legend of the star people didn't have money for choices when he came to soft drinks it was either water war hookah Cola now the three the legal action forces we pursue that nuka-cola is a well beverage but sometimes people just wanting something different you know so one day on man a saloon owner in a small town decided to make a type of soft drink that's just patrons what flavor look like to be after getting no help from them a stranger at the end of the bar suggested the biblical sarsaparilla flavored drink the stranger said he would happily share his family's recipe for the drink on one condition the condition being that the stranger would be allowed to sample the bottle whenever he lot to ensure the recipe was being fallen to the letter well happily agreed but if the drink would make you rich and the stranger promised to me him by sundown the next day next morning the sheriff stopped odd reported that the stranger body was found on the side of the tail rope he'd been killed by banks the fan cursing his luck close the saloon early that day just as the Sun began to sit but after he blocked the doors he turned around to fuzz an unfamiliar ball the ball with a thumb beneath fficer was filled with blue wax in the shape of a star opening a man found it contained a recipe for a sarsaparilla flavored breath sampling the bottles contents and finding it singularly dee-licious well gave sound thanks to his mysterious benefactor wherever he was been an honorable man the saloon owner pay for the strangers film thinking it was the least he could do to repay the saloon over we don't to become rich sill in the new drink and to this day some bottles of sunset sasparilla hello blue star under their cash some say the saloon owner or be done in honor of the stranger other series the stranger sampling the bomb why he promised and satsang end of the store hope you enjoyed it and all be continued enjoy a sunset sasparilla that was our prize to hear a story about the history of sunset sasparilla is this some kind of joke really company has received a miracle please run the prize awarded for engineering sunset sasparilla dogs therefore we have seen fit to provide another prize that we feel will placate the most dominating country just head through the double doors and follow the hallway to your left to the various anak it will be there to preset your pride directly wait descent successful company with once again Walter what do you for your patronage with that we finish the quest the legend of the star and we get the quest of valuable lesson and I wonder what lesson we will learn we then have to weave our way through this Factory to find the prize as we explore we come upon some sunset sasparilla security robots these are always hostile we also find broken robots this tells us that scavengers or Raiders have been here before now there are a few things that don't add up with Festus Astaire for one the companies establish date which we see on all of the signs here in the sunset sasparilla headquarters say 1918 this would make the sunset sasparilla company sixty-three years older than the nuka cola company which we know from Fela lore was founded in 2044 we learned this date from cearĂ¡ patrovita whom we met in fallout 3 this date was also reestablished a number of times while exploring the Nuka world in fallout 4 but the problem is that Festus tells us that before sunset sasparilla was created nuka-cola exists remember he said that all there was to drink was water and nuka-cola which is impossible nuka-cola did not exist in 1918 this leaves us with three options there first if that all of the signs outside the building are wrong and that the real founding date for sunset sasparilla was much later in time the second is that Festus is lying his story is just made up and the third is that obsidian simply got the law wrong which wouldn't be the first time after all remember they placed mr. Haney robots which are made by General Atomics in the repconn facility which is owned by robco not General Atomics at any rate I think the second option that Festus is just weaving us a big yarn is likely the correct one because the story is dark and has some interesting quirks I think this entire story is a fabricated lie to add a sense of mystery and intrigue to the sunset sasparilla brand if anything the bartender killed the man who had the recipe so that he wouldn't have to give the man free drinks for the rest of his life but the likely truth is that the sunset sasparilla company likely developed the recipe by themselves and maybe they cheated an inventor or an alchemist here or there to get a winning recipe but I doubt very much in this fantasy that we hear from Festus now Festus gave us instructions to go through the big double doors to get our prize having gone through them we found a dead end we found a door that led back outside this was one of the factory floor doors that we saw earlier but the way left that he told us to go has since been filled in by rubble but along the way we've discovered big glowing ash piles which tells us that someone has been here before this person was responsible for these ash piles and for destroying some of the other robots this leaves our only option to go north from the lobby entrance and down the hallway in one of the rooms we find a big broken mr. handy robot called mr. janitor he's not dead we can't loot his body but we can't interact with him in any way nearby there is a desk with a terminal on the desk is a folder with the sunset sasparilla logo on it but what's strange about this folder is if you zoom in the folder is labeled Brotherhood of Steel history files I've looked at all of the folders in this sunset sasparilla headquarters and they all say Brotherhood of Steel history files I think this may be a bug I think obsidian is reusing assets from fallout 3 slapped a sunset sasparilla logo on top of them but forgot to remove the label that said Brotherhood of Steel history that's the only way I can explain this the nearby terminal is locked with an average lock but if we unlock it we learn that it is the sunset sasparilla custodial control our first option is to check mail and we learn about a water lake the vice president of operations Clark weathers sent a company-wide in Tramel talking about the water leak he says that he's gotten reports that there was a small water leak in one of the upstairs meeting rooms he notes that the damage of long-term water exposure can be extremely expensive to repair so he wants the custodial staff to get on this and fix it before it gets any worse the next message great job comes from none other than kenneth aguilar the president of sunset sasparilla he's congratulating this custodian on the success of his janitor robots it looks like this company replaced most of their janitorial staff with the mr. handy robots in particular robot number one three five has been very popular with the staff they just love saying these mr. Handy's flying around speaking in that quirky british accent the robots have been keeping the place clean one of the big complaints before was strable caps getting into the machinery he ends by saying we need to talk about what we are going to do with the rest of your staff let's talk Tuesday well I get the idea that there are going to be some big layoffs in the future this is what happens when human labor is replaced with machine labor the final option is to check the maintenance system this system is connected to all of the mr. handy janitor robots most of the mr. Handy's are unavailable but handy robot 135 the very same one that the president said was a staff favorite is in standby mode from this terminal we can click a button to activate him and when we do that mr. handy jumps up my fantasy the requirements law it's about time he then flies off to go clean up bottle caps from around the factory this place is proven if we follow him he runs right through an office room and into a bottling room it's amazing how much stuff clicks you leave things alone even Brussels at 1:00 inside this bottling room we find a few more mr. Handy's still functional heading inside we can talk with one of his mr. Handy's walk another two seven for a report there seems to be enough function with the lights on wait a minute do look my manager in Rota and the mr. handy opens fire we sadly have to destroy this robot next to the working mr. Handy's are some conveyor belts where presumably the bottles would enter this room and then the mr. Handy's would box them up and then the sunset sasparilla shipping crates inside the crates we find empty bottles and full bottles of sunset sasparilla it can get overwhelming but you can loot each and every one of these crates and if you do you're going to walk away with eighty three bottles of sunset sasparilla at least that's how many I walked away with there are also lots of bottle caps on the floor so keep an eye out for them free money is free money there's a stairway against the southern wall this brings us to a loft area where we find even more of these crates after the janitor robot is done cleaning this room really someone should have called me he lives at a lightning pace if we follow him around the corner he leads us to a big loading bay this room is even worse than the last warning continued operation cannot be guaranteed this room is protected by hostile protectron so we have to get rid of them well have you savages be doing it here we find even more crates filled with sunset sarsaparilla and empty bottles in the middle of the room right next to a big stack of sunset sasparilla we find a bottle cap press before the war the sunset sasparilla company used this press to create the bottle caps they would then put on the bottles but after the war we learned from the crimson caravan company that scavengers have been using this press to forge new bottle caps this of course D values the currency one of the things that's valuable about bottle caps is there's a finite number of them no new bottle caps are being made which means that once somebody has collected all of them that person owns all of the wealth so the crimson caravan company sends us here to disable this press so that no one can print any more bottle caps that helps maintain the value of caps as currency and helps maintain a stable economy on a nearby desk we find an average locked terminal inside we find one saved message and one draft the saved message was from the owner of this terminal - Margie Walker the trucker's union rep subject bad news now we already learned from the previous terminal that the president of this company has hired robots to replace all of the janitors but it sounds like they were doing the same thing for some of the sunset sasparilla delivery drivers in this terminal we find a message from the owner of this terminal who is presumably the man in charge of this loading bay and it's a message to Margie Walker the trucker's union representative he says that the president just ordered some sort of newfangled robot that is supposed to take over some of her deliveries now he's not supposed to be talking about it but as the union rep she'll be hearing about it soon anyway the next entry is a draft it was never actually sent but it's labeled worse news he was going to send this to Margie he says we've got trouble you know that hush-hush experimental robot I told you about the other day it has single-handedly been running all of our distribution in the Vegas area your boys are not on temporary leave it's permanent hold on the president wants to see me in his office I'll finish this later well it's likely that the president fired this man seeing as how this message is a draft and was never sent now this is a little confusing because in both messages he's referring to one robot he doesn't say robots he says robot singular and he describes it as a newfangled robot well the only unique newfangled robot we find in this building is Festus himself but we see Festus in the front Bobby and Festus seems like more of a marketing robot he interfaces with consumers tells them stories plays games with them and helps them turn in their bottle caps he's not a truck driver and those are the people who lost their jobs he says the boss ordered a newfangled robot to take over some of your deliveries Festus does he deliver sunset sasparilla so is he talking about a different robot is this a robot that we're going to meet later or is that a robot that was cut could he instead be talking about the protect Ron's we saw here possibly but if so why did he use robot singular instead of robots plural and I didn't know protect Ron's could drive I could understand if they were just loading bay workers but he's talking about truck drivers here doing deliveries and maybe we'll find the answer as we explore further at any rate the company had already replaced their janitorial staff with mr. Handy's we don't find any human remains inside this loading bay it's likely that they replaced their loading staff with protectron it only makes sense that they would then replace all of their delivery drivers with some other kind of robot because after all humans can unionize humans can complain of low wages it only makes sense that they would replace those humans with robots robots who can unionize robots who never complain about low wages after the janitorial robot cleans up all of the cabs in the loading bay he zips on out of the room and heads down the hallway he passes a door to his left if we turn in to explore we find a company break room there's not much notable in here except there's still a fresh apple on a table it says fresh Apple it not only looks fresh but it says fresh either these apples have been ejected with so many chemicals that they can last 200 years in this office or somebody's been here recently and left this fresh Apple what I like about this break room is all of the art on the walls you can tell that this was a gentleman's business there's a magazine advertisement on the poster board which came from for him magazine you see a woman in either lingerie or a swim suit playing hula hoop gotta love those legs and hips apparently this woman's name was leggy lovely lucila cursed God I love the alliteration there guys and find some booths in the fridge and then on the next wall we find some artwork promoting fallout shelters here's the turtle next to a bomb thing oh my danger the turtle ducks into its shell just before the bomb explodes boom kids learn to find shelter I love seeing examples of pre-war propaganda it helps better understand the paranoia of that world but the janitor robot of course skips this by he goes down the hallway around the corner and heads right to a trashcan next to a sunset sasparilla marketing poster he dumps something inside and then goes back into the custodial closet and shuts down heading back over to the garbage can that the robot dumps something into we find a big stack of 553 bottle caps this robot went around and swept up all of the bottle caps into place and dumped them right here for us to loot Thanks number 135 heading back into the office cubicles we can loot camps from the desks and closets but we also find a working terminal hiding behind an upright desk this terminal has the annual sales report we learn a little bit about who's actually drinking sunset sasparilla the company has been having improved performance to the east thanks to their recent marketing campaign called build mass with SAS the Northeast continued to be a tough nut to crack where they've had slower than expected growth but things have been shaping up in the north and Midwest and the Southwest maintains their strongest sales to date this year has been better than the recent years and the writer of this note wants everyone to feel proud of themselves by next to this we find a big poster breaking down their sales in both a pie chart and a bar graph here we see that the Southwest accounts for nearly 30 percent of their total sales the north to Midwest each account for less than 25% fourth place is Canada remember in the fallout world Canada had recently been annexed and bringing up the rear is the Northeast now the floor above has collapsed forming a ramp to the second floor we remember from the custodian terminal that there was a water leak on the second floor perhaps this can account for the collapsed ceiling maybe the water damage caused the wood to rot which led to this collapse heading on up we find ourselves in a marketing room lots of marketing posters on the floor including one with the build mass with SAS marketing campaign looks like they were trying to convince people that sunset sasparilla would make you physically stronger right because that's what sugar does perplexing to me is against the northern wall we find a sign that says notice out of order what what is that afford of the wall is the wall out of order there's no vending machine no elevator no light there's nothing electrical against this wall why is this out of order sign against a wall I don't have an answer I just found it to be very strange turning around we see a hallway split in two we have two paths heading down the path in front of us we see a doorway that leads to the loft area overlooking the packing room and in the hallway a broken custodial robot we come to a t-junction here the right path is completely blocked off we see a stairway leading down at the end we see a blocked doorway to the right and to the left a very hard locked door putting on some overalls and using a magazine I was able to unlock this door inside we find an office here we learn to this terminal belonged to mr. Brody we learned from another terminal that mr. Brody is Marcus Brody the VP of Technology but all we find on this terminal are automated messages the terminal is connected to the mr. Handy's and protect Ron's that we found here and a new message is generated based on the status that these robots observe most of the earlier messages are fairly normal reporting things like inactivity or whether or not one of the robots needs repair but what's interesting is when we reach the third page we see that the robots have detected an intruder and then we start seeing messages saying report major structural damage report intruder has been injured we see long periods of reported inactivity before we see the reports about the intruder so what I gather is what we already know that the bombs fell all of the people here died but the robots remained active without orders they remained inactive for 200 years until recently an intruder broke into the facility and started shooting up all the robots which is why we found so many destroyed protect Ron's when we arrived looks like most of the manual labor aspects of this company we're now being managed by robots which in turn were being operated by mr. Brody from this terminal heading back up the stairs we can explore a couple of bathrooms a couple more office rooms until alas we come to a room with a big hole on the floor this room has a very easy locked terminal the terminal belonged to miss page whom we can presume was the president's secretary there are two messages saved in the Inbox the first is what contest it's here that we learn that the idea that the star bottlecaps could be redeemed for a prize was just a rumor this message came from Nathan Stanley the director of public relations if anybody knew whether or not there was an actual contest going on here it would be the PR guy but he says that he doesn't know about any contest he sends a message to the president saying what contest sir what you want me to do about these rumors should I release a statement denouncing the rumors so some of the bottle caps just had a star on them they weren't part of any contest but people began collecting them thinking that they were the next note how do you like your toy comes from lucaswnash the VP of Sales at robco Lucas says Kenneth I hope you're impressed with your recent purchase contact me if you have any questions what purchase is he talking about this is Rob ko did Kenneth recently purchase a robot checking the saved messages we find a response from the president to Nathan he says Stanley are you out of your mind have you seen the latest sales figures we're up 300% since these rumors started and you're asking if you want me to make it stop please stop by my office so we can further discuss the issue next he has a message to Marcus Brody his VP of Technology whose office we found downstairs on the first floor earlier he says Marcus I have a few ideas on how we can turn this whole contest rumor situation to our advantage he's got an idea for a very special project and he wants to work with Marcus and the advertising guys to get it done he ends by saying by the way how do you feel about cowboys the final message is a response to lucaswnash the robco sales guy about his new toy in this message the president says Lucas I couldn't be happier with the performance of the new model he says if its current performance as any measure it promises to reinvent my company's entire distribution network I'd like to tentatively discuss purchasing a few more in the near future how soon do you expect more to become available so from this terminal we learn a couple of important things the first thing we learn is that this entire contest was a complete accident people saw the stars on the bottle caps and just thought that by collecting them they would get something special the rumors began to spread people began to believe it and the president seized this opportunity to turn it into a marketing ploy he got the idea for a talking cowboy and then approached robco to create Festus the animatronic cowboy that he placed in the lobby of the Las Vegas bottling plant he was just testing out this robot but the results were great and so he was planning on working with robco to create more of these robots and send them to the other sunset sasparilla bottling plants around the nation but since the bombs dropped he never had the opportunity leaving Festus the only one of its kind however what doesn't make sense is how Festus would take the jobs of the loading bay workers and truck drivers remember in the loading bay we saw that terminal where the guy was talking with the truck driving union rep saying that the newfangled robot aka Festus was single-handedly taking over all of the company's distribution which means that the temporary leave that the workers had been placed on was now permanent and then here even in this terminal the president says this robot is going to completely reinvent my distribution network but what I don't understand is how Festus could possibly do that Festus is an animatronic robot in a box he doesn't have legs he doesn't even have wheels he can't move how does he take over a company's distribution network how does he single-handedly do the work of a bunch of human truck drivers and loading bay workers all he does is interface with customers who are trying to redeem their Star bottle caps for a reward this is just a promotional marketing robot not a distribution marketing robot it doesn't solve any problems with distribution that is figuring out how to get the sunset sasparilla bottle to where the consumer wants to consume it so I'm not sure how Festus took their jobs at any rate we can loot plenty of sunset sasparilla from the vending machine and fridge in this room and we can unlock a safe on the wall that's got pre-war money and won sunset sasparilla star bottle cap jumping down into the hole we find a number of tool cabinets which have randomized loot inside and then heading through the double doors we finally find ourselves at the other end of that rubble pile that was blocking our way earlier this means that the double doors we see here must lead to the real prize opening the door we see a bunch of sheriff badges all over the floor when we load one and check it out in our Pip Boy it has no weight and no value the badge simply says sunset sasparilla deputy is this the prize after turning in fifty bottle caps do we only get this flimsy deputy badge in the corner of the room we find a corpse lying against the wall as we get closer we see that this corpse belongs to Alan Marx Alan Marx that's the name of the man whom Malcolm warned us about when he first told us about Festus and legend Alan Marx is the one who became infamous for murdering all of those people searching for star bottle gaps and here he lies in this room surrounded by deputy badges dead on the ground near his body is a hollow tape labeled Alan Marx's last words looting this hollow tape completes the quest and we get the achievement The Legend of the star we can then open the hollow tape in our Pip Boy to hear Alan's last words I just sit not much air left now it's maybe this is what I have to show for it I guess the joke's on me I probably shouldn't have killed all those people probably should stay at home and taking care of my mom she oh say people who murder and steal die bad Vienna City [Applause] Alan Marx somehow got trapped in this room we saw a lock on the door the door was unlocked when we arrived but maybe it had been unlocked since he died in here he got locked in this room and he ran out of air they began to suffocate to death but we find the blood on the wall behind him said and blood by his hand near his laser pistol this tells us that instead of suffocating to death he chose the short way out he chose to end his life instead of suffer through that agony the weapon near his hand is unique it's a laser pistol called pew pew it's a pretty decent gun with 47 damage in a DPS of 123 this weapon does way more damage than any other laser pistol but it also costs more ammunition consuming five energy cells per shot but it's also a hold on weapon which means you can sneak it into casinos it also has a completely unique look Alan marks must have been obsessed with sunset sasparilla he outfitted this weapon with the gold and amber colors of the sunset sasparilla company we also find a bottle cap attached to the back of a gun with a star crudely drawn on it and he's edged his kills into the weapon if you count them up there are a total of 23 talia's itched into this gun meaning that Alan Marks has murdered 23 people for their bottle caps the look of the laser itself is different too this laser is orange like a bottle of sunset sasparilla instead of the typical red besides the gun I was a little underwhelmed about the Ludwig it until I inspected each of these crates I was expecting more sunset sasparilla but instead each of these crates has a stash of bottle caps each one has well over a hundred bottle caps looting each of the crates netted me well over 1000 bottle caps if you loot all the bottle caps you find on the factory floor and you get the caps that the janitor robot placed in the trash can you can walk away with well over 1500 bottle caps as we leave we can try to talk to Festus again but he is non-functional once you complete this quest Festus powers down forever and that's all we hear about the sunset sasparilla company until we install new co world for fallout 4 we learn from the nuclear world expansion that the nuka-cola company came out with a new flavor of nuka-cola in direct response to the success of sunset sasparilla they tried to buy out the sunset sasparilla company but failed and their response was to come out with nuka-cola wild a root beer flavored version of nuka-cola and once we install the Honest Hearts DLC we have the option to craft a home brewed version of sunset sarsaparilla the recipe is one Nevada agave fruit and one Zander root again hinting at the root beer flavor of the sunset sarsaparilla and that ladies and gentlemen is the full story of sunset sarsaparilla in Fallout New Vegas it's a theme of greed a theme that has been explored elsewhere in the Fallout franchise it was explored in depth in the Dead Money DLC and its entire experience is very reminiscent of Treasure of Jamaica Plain from fallout 4 the allure of treasure is just too much for some people to withstand and this greed leads them to do unthinkable acts of violence Allen murdered 23 people in his quest for festus astray and it was only once he discovered that there was no reward that he felt any lick of remorse it sounds like he was raised right though his mother taught him what happens to violent men his mother taught him what greed can do to your soul and yet he let it overcome him anyway he let it rule his life you let it become an obsession an obsession that not only brought him to murder but also caused him to ignore his dying we can assume she died alone having not seen her son for a very long time but maybe we can take comfort in the thought that his mother never knew that her son would turn out to be the very kind of murderer she tried to warn him about at least she died blissfully ignorant of that fact you know what ladies and gentlemen are your thoughts about the legend of the star quest and the sunset sasparilla company were you satisfied with the rewards of this quest or did you feel like pew pew and around 1500 caps were not worth the 50 star bottle caps you spent so long trying to collect let me know in the comments section below I read all of your comments and I use your comments as inspiration for my future videos I publish a new fallout video six days a week spanning the entire Fallout franchise so if you want to make sure that you don't miss my next fallout video be sure to subscribe and to click that Bell notification button I've got a t-shirt shop folks if you would like an ox horn or fallout themed t-shirt you can find a link to my shop in the description below and if you like what I do and you want to support me in a more personal way consider becoming one of my patrons on patreon patreon subscribers gain access to a private channel on my discord server as well as a bunch of other cool oxhorn perks but more than anything ladies and gentlemen I'm just so glad you're here watching this video with me today thank you so much for watching and I'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early with a brand new video you [Music]
Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 6,377,449
Rating: 4.7820516 out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, fallout new vegas, sunset sarsaparilla, sunset sarsaparilla blue star bottle caps, festus, jacklyn
Id: myr-eS2LST4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 28sec (2968 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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