The UGLY TRUTH About Rebuilding A Scrapped $350,000 Rolls Royce Wraith

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how's it going guys my name is tvarish this is my Rolls-Royce Wraith and I think I bid off more than I could chew and that's because this car was missing quite a few bits when I got it my 2015 Rolls-Royce Wraith is a car named Sue and it was purchased and Stripped by my friend Matt to fix a very famously wrecked Rolls-Royce Wraith that was definitely going 30 Mi an hour when it crashed but after I got my car I soon realized that getting Rolls-Royce Parts was nearly impossible so I bought a flood damaged car to make my car whole again we swapped out the subframes suspension and exhaust and made the car run under its own power [Music] again but we still had a lot of work ahead of us because less than a week away was shedfest a car show with 12,000 people all desperate to see this car in real life and that means we don't have any time to lose now behind me is the car that I've been working on turned around and we turned it around because we're going to be working from the back to the front of this car now you need a bunch of stuff to make this a Rolls-Royce you need the trunk the trunk lining and I know we have uh a lot of other things that we need to put back on this car but one thing that's really really important are the brakes and uh the reason why this is here is because we're charging the battery while we can do the brake bleeding process which is actually way way way more complicated than you think now up here is the business end of the brake system it's a little weird to me because it's on the other side of the car than what I'm used to but the brake master cylinder is right here and we're about to do a brake bleeding process now essentially what it means is that there's hydraulic fluid that goes from the master cylinder basically where the pedal meets your foot from there the fluid has to go down into the brake calipers they compress and then that's what stops the car right now we don't have any pressure in there because there's a ton of air in the lines because we took off all of the brakes and in order to get all the air out of the system we use this guy uh Matt let me borrow this it's an easy bleed easy bleed they call it Mr push don't know why they call it that but I think it's because it pushes all the air out of the system and I've never seen a system like this because uh instead of using shop air or something regulated like that they use the air from your tire and you you connect this and then you put this into the brake system and then a pressurizer stuff and then you crack the bleed nipple open it's it's actually a really old school way of doing things but we're just doing this just to get the initial pressure for the system because this car is very very complicated and in order to make this a completely OEM install we have my friend Floren here now Floren does not work for Rolls-Royce he does not work for BMW uh he out of the kind Ness of his heart actually has a uh BMW and Rolls-Royce scanner and uh he owns a company called Signature ride it's a car service uh I drove in his Audi uh and then his newer BMW 7 Series and it was fantastic uh very reasonably priced and if you have to get anywhere on time he's always punctual the cars are looking great they smell great I will put all the links in the video description uh but Floren since we you know started talking and we got to know each other because he drove me actually from London to Manchester which is about 4 hours we got to know each other pretty well and he just told me hey I actually have a BMW scanner that can bleed the brakes and uh what the scanner does is it pulses the ABS motor and make sure that there's no air pockets in that so first we're going to bleed it the old school way and then the new school way and hopefully this barge will have some brakes the process for bleeding the brakes on any car is quite simple you want to take all the air out of your system because air can be compressed but hydraulic fluid can't be but oddly enough compressed air is actually necessary for this bleeding process to work I connected the bleeder airline to my tire which had around 30 PSI or two bar of pressure this pressurizes one side of the system and pushes the air trapped in the brake lines out of the bleeders on the calipers at the other end of the system starting at the rear left side and going clockwise as per the Rolls-Royce Factory Instructions I made sure no air at least initially was trapped in the lines this was a very rewarding process so bleeding brakes is among my favorite lines of work because not only do you get drenched and brake fluid uh like I try to to be as clean as I can but I'm sort of a clumsy person bottles fall leaks happen and then you never get this smell break fluid off and you can't get it on paint because then it starts eating the paint um yeah it's it's just a it's just a terrible terrible thing all right guys so it should be very very obvious that rebuilding a Rolls-Royce rate to its former glory is a labor of love now when I first started this project I set some really aggressive goals for myself and hopefully we should get there but sometimes the goals that you set for yourself can be a little bit too much and for that it's always good to ask for some help namely today's sponsor better help now I've been thinking about this lately because May is mental health awareness month I've been around a lot of people who had goals that were just too much to handle on their own but choose not to seek the help of others we shouldn't feel pressured to handle everyone on our own especially when there are other people close by eager to help out now the main theme of mental health awareness month is the fact that it's okay to ask for help now if you use my link tavarish you can answer a couple of questions and based on your answers they'll match you up with one of their 30,000 plus therapists who they think can help you the most the therapist they pick for you will have tons of experience dealing with whatever you're going through every single one of their therapist is licensed has a master's or doctor degree and has spent over 3 years and a thousand hours working with people just like you and me you are not alone join the 4 million people who've used better help to start living a happy healthier life now I wouldn't advertise anything on my channel if I didn't believe in the service I have used this before and they help me get through some very very tough times so go to the link in my video description it's tavarish or just type in tarish at checkout and you can get a special discount on your first month of therapy go check it out it's totally worth it right now with the first round of bleeding complete we were now free to do the fancy bleeding which meant Floren had to activate the car's antilock brake system pump with his Fancy Pants computer and that meant that it would make a few interesting noises you want me to open [Music] yes there we [Music] go I went around the car again opening and closing the bleeder screws on each caliper and listening to that mechanical screeching for way too long but as it turned out it wasn't a total waste of time all right so how does the brake feel Ro hard definitely rock hard that was really easy all we did was uh put brake fluid everywhere and now I need a shower brakes we got brakes that's always good news I mean in theory we do that's better than ours then because we don't have brakes we're basically a Rolls-Royce uh service center now at this point yeah cuz every single ramp has got a Rolls-Royce in it this ramp has that ramp has was high uh we're professionals we we do this as a we do this is what we do for a living okay we repair rolls-royces and modify them only rates only rates yeah rates okay first drive with some actual brakes let's see what happens brakes are holding H got brakes [Music] look at that almost like we know what we're doing [Music] so will this uh if I just give it a little is there a way I can turn traction control off how's your cooling temp uh my cooling temp is all the way at the floor because we don't have any cooling but let's see if the brakes [Music] work I think we're good all right on to the body of this car cuz we need to do quite a lot to the body of this car good car hey everyone so I have a bit of news yesterday I woke up and had a pretty high fever and for the last two days I've been in my hotel room fighting off that fever now uh Tommy actually brought me some meds uh so that was really nice of him uh I am feeling better today uh but that does mean that our 4 day four or 5day build is now down to a 1 day build um we have one more day tomorrow which means all hands on deck we have to get this car uh done inside and out because shedfest is coming up and also I want to see if I can do something fun with it before we go to shedfest so fingers crossed we can make this work and I don't wake up tomorrow feeling worse but um I really want to get this done especially because I want to share this all with you guys is a really really special project so welcome back to The rollsroyce Wraith this is quite a bit later and uh shedfest unfortunately has came and went um I did a lot uh of stuff off camera actually not really off camera you guys will see it on my second channel the crazy week I've had but this thing has actually got some work done and that's all thanks to Tony and Matt well Matt Armstrong's cameraman Matt uh because they managed to put on the trunk or Boot and the door but the door has a little bit of an oopsy so we've got the door off of the rashford car which is over there and put it onto Sue because the paint matches cuz obviously this is the original paint compared to Agnes what do they call it Agnes yeah why did they call it that who named that Freddy did he oh perhaps that's an American thing then maybe is it yeah might maybe or it might be cuz he was sick poor Agnes she's looking as bad as Sue did when Freddy first came and obviously started working on her but this is the bolt that we need to hold the electrics into [Music] place well it looks o minus the side skirt and the front bumper and the rear bumper there oh yeah it is ooh that wasn't like that before was it so this is Sue's original door the paint matches 100% other than the fact that the paint has actually been well this side has been repainted I think there was a little bit of a side swipe or something in this car's past and there's also quite a big sizable dent in here because when the guys were installing it mistakes happen and they put a little bit of a crease in there but that's not a big deal because we can get a paintless dent repair guy out here uh to fix this but what I have to do right now is fit everything up with the trunk make sure the trunk lines up properly and closes right then I have to do the back of the rear bumper then everything behind the rear bumper and then put the rear bumper on put the interior in and then focus on the front of the car so first things first I have to take the lock cylinder out of this car well it's already been taken out of the car uh and put the original lock cylinder for SU because if we swap everything over and if I can't open this thing with the key if the battery ever dies then that is going to be a problem so uh that lock cylinder is actually not too bad to remove all we have to do is take apart these two bolts right here and then we should be able to swap them and then we're going to be putting together the boot lid it's really weird saying that because boots go on your feet now it's one thing to put a Rolls-Royce back together it's a completely different thing to to put a Rolls-Royce back together that you didn't take apart yourself when trying to install this boot panel I ran into several surprises from the previous owner of the car and no I'm not talking about Matt there were broken Clips egregious use of silicone and as hard as I looked it was missing pieces so I decided to borrow some parts from the rashford car that probably wouldn't be missed down the whole thing looks way more scary and way more gnarly but I have to do it the whole point [Music] I turned my attention towards Agnes to remove what was left of the rear end this meant taking off the rear bumper cover which was held on with a few Fasteners and then I just pulled it off the car then I went to work removing all the wiring hoses brackets and Hardware that was underneath an installation was reverse of removal and I was very glad that it was still fresh in my head but I did forget to take the trunk vent off Agnes so I went back to transplant it on Sue now if anybody is curious about what this part does it acts as a sort of one-way valve that allows pressure out when you close the trunk but doesn't let water or the elements in and with that part finally in I had a decision to make so we have two bumpers and to the untrained eye these bumpers look basically identical but they're not so if you can see I don't know if you can see in the sunlight but there is a slight amount more flake in this than there is in this and even though the color is exactly the same sometimes they have slightly different Hues in the factory on the day of painting so you can see right now the sun just came out to make my point uh you can see right here it's really flaky it's almost like a bass boat and this is more subdued now I have no idea if this has been repainted I wager it probably has been I'm not sure maybe both of them have been but we're going to put Sue's original rear bumper back on which is this guy right here and then I think we're going to be done with the back end of the car we just have to to put all the trunk trim back in and then I'm getting real excited because then we get to go into the interior put the interior back in and then we're going to have like a Rolls-Royce that actually feels like a Rolls-Royce on the inside then we have to follow that up with the outside and then we got a running rollsroyce I took care not to scratch anything on the bumper because I wanted this Rolls-Royce to look every bit of the $350,000 car it once was but after plugging in all the sensors and aligning the bumper I had to make that door Dent go away and luckily for me I had just the guys for the [Music] job welcome everyone we are about to do something really really fun because we are going to take out this Dent that was uh lovingly put there by Tony and Matt uh now we have Taylor and Jensen from a company called autod dents and they do paintless dent removal and the idea is that they take away dents without having to paint it it's really really simple so they're going to use some glues and some uh rods and all this other stuff uh to make this Dent go away and make this Rolls-Royce look really really cool for this we'll use hot glue so we'll stick the glue on the panel and as it cools it bonds and then you give it a pull so you'll work the dent outwards okay and then with hammers we'll tap it back flat and it sounds easier than it is I like hammers I like h i mean I could I could get a h i can make more dense for you you want you guys want to stay for [Music] paintless dent repair is more of an art than a science you have to be forceful enough to move metal but delicate enough not to scratch the paint on top of it it was certainly a challenge getting the glue to stick as it was unseasonably warm and we had to resort to some unconventional methods of cooling down the panel so the glue which was meant for a specific temperature range could work they spent some time meticulously working the dent out but then the other shoe dropped as you can see the dent is almost gone but the guys have given me a little bit of a bad news um we're going to have to take the door off again so I've actually never done this and it doesn't seem too hard because there's uh two hinges and then one little 8 mm bolt and that keeps the wiring harness from going in the car so take that off take the two hinges off and then this should be nice and light I mean these these cars are known to be light so uh what could go wrong I mean we already got the dent guys here it's it's fine if we put more dents in it it just it's more content for them and if you think taking the door off a Rolls-Royce is difficult well you'd be wrong because it's quite simple just disconnect one wiring harness from the door then two bolts and hopefully you have a friend with a strong back willing to hold the door up or else you're going to have a very bad time with the door safely on the stand the experts could finally get to the dent from every angle that was until they got smacked in the face with some good old-fashioned British engineering this Dent is nearly nearly out now this is not an exact science right like there's there's some stuff that you know can't be done unless we're taking like literally the entire like structure of the door apart and we ran into some issue up here now this you can see that the dent is like all this is pretty flat but up here I mean honestly I can't still slightly Dent up here where the crash bar is underneath yeah there's like this big structural piece all the way across the door and there's no way to really get to that and the glue that we're using I mean it's it's still like yeah it's pulled the majority out but where the crash bar is it's a lot stronger and the glue just can't pull it out dude I'm I'm looking at it I'm looking at where this was and this is this is 99% better like you can see a small like a tiny tiny divot right here but it's like it's it's totally fine so dude I think you did a great job I think you did a fantastic job there's no crease anymore now we just have to be really really careful in putting it back um and actually this looks a lot cleaner than down there look right here you can see all the ripples in the paint and uh that's because this has been repainted so we're going to have to basically cut and polish this whole thing and then should be should be good to go also this is this is a car that you know it's a driver it's not like a pristine show car even though it's going to look really really nice but this looks like 10 times better so dude thank you so much thank you so much yeah I appreciate it um we should put some more dents in it just so you guys can like be like all right no more long as it's not there anywhere else we'll do yeah wonderful no you guys did a fantastic job thank you so much now I have to figure out how to put this door back on the I'll leave you too though all right sounds good awesome with the door ready and dentree we installed Sue's passenger side door for the third time in our life and since the body workor was nearly complete that meant it was time to clean her up you seem very happy to be doing this I I I don't see a constant stream do you you have a I've got a problem with that yeah block a little bit it's a bit of a problem for me so this is Chris slicks you guys might have seen his YouTube videos if you're from the UK uh and what's your percentage of US audience about 2030 203 a few okay so if you're in the US you'd probably also seen his YouTube videos but if you haven't then Chris does a lot of really cool rebuilding stuff on his channel he has a AMG GT uh he has a BMW x3m and uh a lot of other cool cars I actually took a ride in your x3m and it was very very fast and it might have made me sick um so uh Chris in a previous life before YouTube he actually used to wash cars he did a lot of detailing really high-end stuff so uh I said hey Chris would you like to come here and clean my Rolls-Royce it's R it's very clean already I mean just take a look at it it's it's clean so um that's that was a lie there's nothing else I wanted to do more with my Wednesday evening yes uh so it actually it's Thursday it's thday well that's why I don't want to do it today I wanted to do it yesterday that is true that is true uh so I also told Chris to come last week but then I got sick and then I had to go make a 10,000 m round trip around the world uh but it doesn't matter here we are and we only have so today and tomorrow you turn into pumpkin tomorrow so you can't be here so I have 2 days to finish this car and then it has to be like finished finished done done um so I'm going to be putting the car together while you are washing it I will help you as as I can okay but we're only human we are only human except for you you are made of steel bong bong bong and uh I am going to we're we're going to finish this thing we're going to finish this thing and it's going to look awesome in two days in two in two to three working weeks with no bank holidays yes all right we got to we got to wash this car can can this go any faster just want to you mate look is that really it do you know the same detail you can't rush perfection and that's you absolutely can rush we need to rush perfection and that's why I can't rush filling this bucket Now While most people have washed a car at some point detailing a car requires some Professional Knowledge some Choice equipment and a lot of elbow grease the first step before any sort of detail is always to decontaminate the car with a pressure washer and foam Cannon to make sure no loose dirt grit or Oils are left on the paint while a lot of people would stop here on their Sunday wash we were just getting started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] after drying the car then clay baring it Chris lightly sprays a Degreaser on the paint and wipes off any residue with a clean microfiber [Music] towel he then tries a test spot with a small polisher using his least aggressive compound to make sure the paint isn't heating up and he's getting the desired effect what polishing does is it levels the paint by taking off a very small oxidized layer restoring shine and depth but in the process it also creates tiny scratches that will then need to be be filled in later with a sealant or coating to make the paint look better than [Music] new Chris broke out the big boy polisher and went to town on Sue's nearly decade old paint and I went to town taking the front end off Agnes because we were still missing quite a lot to make sue whole again I was going to help tag team the detailing with Chris but it seemed like he was a oneman detailing [Music] Army dude this looks fantastic let's not look too hard at this side this is this is your side oh this is my side okay all right are we are we doing that now no so this is not perfect but this looks so much better than it did I mean from right here you can see this is like a mirror shine now there are scratches there are imperfections it's not a perfect paint job because well I mean honestly this would need a respray or at least a sand down and buff and like it be a week and a bits work wouldn't it to get this look in but it's dude it it already looks like it's a it's a quick lift I think we've done good I think we've done good for a night's work it's you know you got big big bang for book Sue got a little bit of a face lift tonight Sue has done her makeup and she's looking pretty good to me so we got that we got got the front bumper uh done what are you what are you doing now we're just getting it ready for like a quick coat cuz like needs some protection now like she can't go out without a bit of concealer and Foundation yeah that's what she's going to have awesome so we have some uh protectant there what is like what's all the products that you've been using today so we've had a bunch of the I think I via uh-huh say it with me zisa zisa something like that they've all been from a company called my car cleaning which uh based in the UK so awesome they have sent everything out of needed to polish it all the pads compounds everything apart from the machines basically and I think they have a discount code for us which I can confirm to you at a later date and you can put on screen right now for everyone that wants to go and grab so if there's a if there's a discount code on screen then go to that uh it's going to be in the link in the video description below that's fine um so what we have to do now is you have to go home some point tonight I do have to go home but we've got to finish it tonight so well well I mean I think I think it's pretty much like look it's done this is done what I think we should do since I spent a lot of time taking apart Agnes over there and I actually got um well I I got a shower and coolant just now uh and it is past midnight and what I think I should do is uh go home shower because I smell really bad and then uh I will come here in the morning and then put everything on the front end button this thing up then we have to do some wiring work we have to do some interior work but I think tomorrow is going to be the day that we finish off everything on sue you finish everything on Sue when I say we I mean I mean the Royal we I mean I mean we as in me so okay all right I'm going to go get some sleep like 5 minutes and then we're going to go and again we I'm going to go and finish this car tomorrow I am super super super excited also check that out I'm also using the two bucket method but uh none of my stuff got in the buckets it just went all over me and all over the floor this is my favorite thing to do when it's cold dark outside and very very late uh clean up coolant from your body and your pants and it looks like I went to the bathroom on myself that's great welcome everyone to the next day Sue is up here and about to get all of the cooling stuff in the front transplanted from Agnes and then I put in some coolant and hopefully don't take a bath like I did last night and then uh I think we should be able to run the car for a while make sure the coolant all burped and then we can put it all together and it's done this is weird this is weird having a car nearly done and it's only been a few days this is this is odd I should I should I should do this more often the front end of a Rolls-Royce Wraith can only be described as a series of Racket brackets meaning that it was quite a fiddly process but that process was quickly interrupted by some amazing news now we're making some pretty good progress I am filling out the front end of this thing and it's actually I mean I don't want to tell tell is out of school here but it's actually a little bit easier than I thought um even considering that this is all BMW stuff yes there is a little bit of fiddlin and you know things that you have to finagle I know that you guys like when I use that word but it is honestly really really nice to work on and it goes to show that this is a car that has been well they spared no expense when making this car and Engineering the car because everything up to this point has been a dream to work on but another thing that I wanted to show you guys another dream of mine is that these wheels as good as they look they could look a lot better and I think with Sue she needs to have a big transformation and we have a big transformation right now so the guys are outside I want to show you something really cool now if you're familiar with Matt Armstrong's Channel you'll know the name wheel Mania but if you're not these guys are the guys to go to when it comes to wheels in the UK they have everything for nearly every car and it always always looks good they never miss so these are the wheel Mania guys and these are the wheels oh yeah these are Jud Wheels they are 22 in so they're a little bit bigger than Factory and they look fantastic not only is this the multi-spoke wheel that I wanted they come with some really good Continental sport contact 7 tires brand new and just look at how good these look I can't wait to see what these look like on Sue let's let's get them on let's get on so take a look at the center caps here look at that what can I say the wheel Mania guys were absolutely amazing now it's not rocket science to put wheels on but it is an art form to make sure aftermarket wheels look as good as possible which means a lot of measuring and using things like highquality hubcentric spacers longer wheel bolts and a torque wrench and would you take a look at that this is fantastic these Jud 22in wheels these multi-spoke wheels look so cool on suit I mean just look at the stance Now The Stance is not finalized because we have a few things to do with a computer we have to make sure it's all level it's actually sitting a little bit higher on that side but that's okay because oh buddy this this is fantastic I cannot I could not have asked for a better set of wheels SU is almost ready to hit the streets so thank you so much guys I mean you have saved the day and this car is looking fantastic so where are you guys located Birmingham Birmingham okay it's on the comment Road in Sheldon just by Birmingham Airport wonderful okay so if anybody wants to go see you guys get some wheels for your car where should they go awesome but I need to get back to work putting together Sue's cooling system was pretty straightforward the feed and return lines only go one way and each hose connects with the satisfying click so you know it's sealed all the way there's another coolant reservoir behind the front fender sorry wing and then the front bumper went straight on and that's when things took a turn welcome everyone to 1 in the morning um I have been at work for quite a long time even though it doesn't really seem like it on camera now we got the bumper on bumper looks really really good the only thing is this is the bumper from Agnes and this is Sue and if you notice the color here there is a flop but the color here is not exactly right like this is slightly slightly darker actually on camera you can see that there's a there's quite a big difference but if you come over here there's less of a difference because this side this entire side has been painted so what I wanted to do is I wanted to see Sue's original bumper and uh match up the colors like that because I mean if the car was painted at least they blended it so the paint would all match now since it's one in the morning the bumper was all the way up there and as you can see I used a ladder and I put a ladder up there and I moved the bumper and as soon as I moved the bumper bumper fell onto some other parts and then the parts fell and then the parts fell onto some other parts and unfortunately this is what happened to our front veilance it just broke so it just snapped right in two um and this is why you don't do sketchy stuff at in the morning so now the nose of the car I mean it's going to need a nose job so what I'm thinking we can do instead of repairing this because honestly this was already repainted and I looked at the color between this and this and this doesn't match so it wouldn't have matched in any case but we do have the nose cone from Agnes and what I think is we do the nose cone in silver and then we do the hood and silver we take Agnes's Hood now the rest of the car won't be silver the top won't be silver but that's okay because I mean the rashford car had a two-tone like that so maybe that'll work or maybe I'm just really really tired and I probably shouldn't be making these decisions right now but uh yeah that was that was a lot of fun I didn't get hurt um it the the parts just did so H so tomorrow morning that's when I'm going to make the decision of what to do because uh we need to get this car done like ASAP and I want this car looking as good as humanly possible with Agnes's chrome grill now firmly on Sue I fitted the silver nose cone because it was my only option at that point Sue was coming together minus one small piece so the engine bay and the front end of the car is completely done but we're still missing one piece and that is the engine cover I believe this just goes on like this looks pretty [Music] [Applause] good so it's a few minutes later and now we're on to bleeding the cooling system you can see I've already put some vacuum into the system and we are just testing the system to make sure that there's no air leaks at all the idea is that when you put coolant into a system that doesn't have any coolant in it it can create air bubbles and you need to evacuate those air bubbles before you put the coolant in so that's why this guy is super necessary so I used just a uh little air compressor that's down here and we ran some compressed air through here now we're waiting to make sure that there's no air in the system system then we can back fill it with coolant and then in theory it should run Drive keep temperature and do everything a Rolls-Royce should do fingers [Music] crossed now before we put the car on the ground I wanted to fix a few things uh namely this wiring and I know I couldn't do a project without having some wiring work but this isn't that bad so when Sue was sue the sacrifice uh they took off well they actually cut off this part of the wiring harness and spliced it into the rashford car so thankfully Agnes had the wiring and it doesn't look bad at all there's no corrosion which is really really wild considering it's a flood damaged car but all this stuff was uh weather sealed so that's not actually that bad so what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut off this little harness here there's about five wires and then I'm going to use these guys which are solder seal connectors and uh I'm just going to heat shrink them and then put some tape around it and then call it a day it certainly wasn't a P1 wiring harness but it still was a finicky job and since it was in a place that would likely get exposed to the elements I needed to have it completely waterproof and insulated and after that was done I turned my attention to the 3,000 plastic panels that I needed to install under the car with them fastened with what seemed like an infinite number of rubber clips and nuts it was finally time for Sue to see the sunlight all right now I do have to say this looks fantastic the reason why it's so high is because I put the suspension all the way up just to make sure that everything works but I moved it out here the engine looks fantastic honestly this gray the silver looks really really good I don't know if that's going to be the final sort of paint color for this car because if you close this everything shuts properly but there's a discrepancy in the color here so that might need to change now another thing that is going to need to change is this the fact that we have no side skirt on it right here and we still have to do something with the door uh because if you open up the door all this still needs to be installed all this still needs to be installed and all the interior needs to be installed but there is a little bit of an issue right now and that is with me now this car was a lot of fun to put together but it's still not done and I'm certainly not going to give away a car that looks like this but in the next episode I think that's where we're going to do some finishing touches on this car then we'll probably do a Dino Run we'll do a nice long drive and maybe maybe maybe some modification but for me right now I actually have to go back home to Florida so you're not going to see the next episode until a few like several weeks from now but right now this thing looks amazing but um I should probably I should probably show Matt because he hasn't seen the car yet actually before that let's make sure that this thing doesn't overheat because that was the whole point of us doing all of the stuff to the cooling system so we got the key right here then hold start [Music] still starts up it's going to have a ton of faults and things that we need to clear because half the interior is missing so that is understandable but it sounds good it definitely needs some fuel wow okay so I definitely shouldn't rev it like this ooh that sounds good all right let's wait for it to warm up and hopefully it doesn't burn down also let's lower it down just a little bit you can see right here just press that button all the way down and it will start lowering and hopefully it shouldn't look too caddy Wampus now let's try my favorite feature oh yeah still works Sue was transformed not only from a parted out wreck into the shiny example you see on your screen but she was no longer a faceless luxury car destined for the Scrapper it was a project that brought together friends made memories and engaged millions of people but we still had work to do and take a look at that it is holding temperature no problem and that means that we have a running driving Rolls-Royce Wraith that needs a few little items but I mean just take a look at this you got the Starlight headliner that is so dope I'm going to put this in every single car I own okay maybe not okay so Matt's here hi um what do you think of my car wheels yeah 101 rolling like Snoop Dog uhhuh blinging there there are many many spokes on these wheels wheel Mania did a very very good job um but we did have a little bit of an oopsie because uh as you can see this is I never noticed I know you never noticed but but I not you know it's it's it's like a intention to detail you know that rolls right I don't think this would have came out of the factory looking like this um so at one of the morning um a a few parts fell and then they fell on the original nose cone and snapped it in half so now I'm using Agnes's nose cone and I was thinking since I can't be here for a little while I have to go home and uh do some builds back home and uh I can come back here and in that time we could we could like either paint this or wrap it or something yeah so either two-tone or we paint it original what do people think cuz yeah I kind of like the two tone on Agnes I really like it because it it splits up the entire it's it's a big slab of car right yeah so it splits that up but then it also makes it look a little bit nicer and it pops off with the wheels so like silver silver that is true oh yeah I didn't think of that yeah I think the silver could look really good the thing is as well that like this whole panel on Agnes all of this is all silver as well and this is if I'm right the all one huge panel like a pillar roof all the it's not like a a boltable thing no so I don't know where we go from there but I think we paint we either paint that or wrap the whole thing yeah I think that I think that's a possibility it's looking really good though Sue has got a new life well yeah so it uh runs drives it doesn't overheat it doesn't leak anything um but the there is there is some stuff left to do uh the interior is yeah I didn't I didn't get to that I kind of ran out of time I was I was very tired well when you go back we'll put roll cage in it uh full track car hey so maybe don't do that maybe like like just stop right there Freddy Freddy came back like one I think it was the night maybe that that Grill uh broken at the front because I think maybe it was like half 2 2:00 um I think was that the time when the grill broke yes yeah maybe it should go back and get back on Florida clocks and then uh yeah I am I never adjusted to time here um but the car needs a few things and uh before we give it away it needs to have everything 100% because this is like it's a really really cool car and now it has a cool story and I feel like we should modify it just a little bit yeah we want to make it spot on before it goes definitely so whil you're away I'm sure me Matt and my dad can uh crack on a few bits and uh yeah hopefully get a few miles in it as well and yeah yeah we should we should do like uh we should do like a little road trip or something you know I with the rashford one the sneaker guy the sneaker the sneaker guy yeah don't hate me don't hate me he plays football AKA soccer oh is that what he does yeah oh interesting okay all right all right so I think I need to get on a plane [Music] [Applause] [Music] n h
Channel: Tavarish
Views: 475,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aston martin, mercedes, amg, hyundai, bmw, lamborghini, ferrari, toyota, supra, mr2, sw20, 3sgte, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, r230, r231, m113k, vantage, v8, v12, v10, v6, gallardo, turbo, cheap, budget, diy, wrench everyday, doug demuro, chrisfix, hoovies garage, tavarish, jalopnik, mightycarmods, motor trend, roadkill, hack, bendpak, tools, lift, 4 post, 2 post, quick jack, welding, how to, tutorial, p1, flood, mat armstrong, rolls royce, wraith, mansory, rashford, marcus, manchester united, wrecked, rebuild, chris slix, detailing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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