Her Beautiful Self-Built Tiny Home In The French Countryside

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we're capable of doing so much if we only try something like building our own home can be such a scary idea but what might happen if you just gave it a go maybe something like this next beautiful story from France [Music] hi my name is Manu we are here in the west side of France and behind me is my tiny house which I built by myself I live here with my two cats and sometimes my boyfriend since I was 18 I moved around a lot first for my studies and then because I loved it I never spent more than one year in the same place in the last 15 years I was starting to need somewhere to call my home but I didn't know where so I decided to have a nomadic home I bought a van which I set up by myself and I lived in it for 2 years but um I needed more Comfort especially in the winter that's why I chose to live in a tiny house I have been working as a cabinet maker for 10 years so I was already familiar with wood walking so it was natural for me to trose to build a wooden frame house on Wells the most difficult thing for me was to find a shed to run but luckily I have found this place the land here belongs to a tiny house makers company and uh they run workshop for self-builders I built my tiny house in the shed behind us it took me 9 months to build it I had to learn to make plumbering electricity Roofing and everything but it was easier for me because I already had the vocabulary of construction and I received some help if I had any questions professionals were at literally 20 steps away I really enjoy this place cuz there is several tiny house all around the mood is very friendly and uh the view is amazing so I'm really happy to be here for the exterior design I didn't want something too simple like a rectangle I wanted different shapes that's why I decided to have um different clading vertically and horizontally and different heights I think that D structured shape give an impression of bigger volume because the eye can focus on different parts my tiny house is 6 M long 2.5 M wide and 4.3 M High I am GD connected but I mostly use solar panels okay let's take a look inside welcome inside before beginning the construction I spent almost six months to dream about it to draw to erase to redro looking for inspiration my goal was to have feeling of spaciousness to have a lot of views to outside to have a huge living room to receive some friends for drinks or for board games and um most important to have a huge library with all my books I didn't want any modular or foldable Furnitures I really wanted to have everything at hand at any time I Know Myself and I know if I have to unfold something to get it it will stay in the middle of the room and take much more space than if I made it fixed most of the material are second hand for example the windows I have on them in a secondhand shop that's why there are all mismatch there is wood there is PVC there is aluminium and I designed the tiny house according to the windows I have found I think it's better to have old plastic materials than new sustainable wood because it's like garbage I can value most of my furniture are second hand too like my desk my coffee table my stove table which was a sewing machine that I modified and my flooring my paneling all that are second hand the living room is really my favorite place in the house it's where I spend most of my time here I usually read a book on my couch or I can do yoga I also play a lot of board games with my friends or my boyfriend here I chose to have a be window instead of the entrance door because I wanted to have the biggest view possible from the couch I started to have a minimalist lifestyle a few years ago when I was in my van so I already got rid of all the things I don't need the only thing I can't live without are my books I feel safe when they are near me I love them they make me feel at home the couch is convertible to a double bed and there is some storage in it I can uh store some foldable stools and we can be up to eight people around the table I don't need a dinner table I usually eat on my knees and uh if one day I need I have my desk what is really convenient is that I have a huge drawer on the desk to put my administrative paper I removed the armrest of the couch so I can sit on the side and I usually sit here to work next over here is the kitchen to separate the living room and the kitchen I made a wooden screen and hunging shelves it's a classical kitchen the gas cooker is designed for comper van it's smaller that standard one so it allows me to save some space I have all the spices above the cooker so it's really convenient I have everything I need at hand I made a Mac hammock for the vegetables to save place on the work plan and uh to be sure that they can chill as well the fridge is also a second hand and when people are coming for the first time they always speak about my fridge and uh what is funny is that it's almost the only thing I didn't made by myself here I have been a vegetarian for the past 17 years and now I'm vegan it makes me very happy and uh I am so much more in line with my values with the tiny house lifestyle I have much more time than before and I am so happy that I have the time to learn to cook on the other side is my dressing room and the story area I wanted to have my dressing room downstairs cuz it saved some space on my bedroom access to the solar kit is behind drawers they look like regular drawers but half of the depth is used for solar kit Under the Stairs is the cat's place they have their own entrance and the door mat which is quite useful for the rainy days I chose to have a staircase and then a war plan and then a ladder in order to have more space when I cook so it's quite useful cuz I can cook on both sides the two windows are face to face so I can have crossing lights and it makes me feel that the room is bigger then behind me is the bathroom I chose a n girl shower and a ner worktop cuz I think the room looks bigger that way I met the shower paneling with the end of my cladding from outside cuz the Rood is mosture resistant and there is composting toilet okay now let's have a look upstairs this is the bedroom I really wanted the ceiling to be high enough so I can sit with enough height above my head I wanted to make different spaces between the living room and the bedroom that's why the ceiling is painted differently I designed a shape different from the living room they are both triangle shape but in opposite side it's helping to create different volumes and gives the impression of space there is no railing here CU I wanted to have a big view to downstairs so I made a storage with the same thickness than the mattress which is invisible from upstairs but I have my board games stored in it there is an extra storage on the side and sometimes we put our computer here with my boyfriend to watch watch a movie before sleeping I decided to have two windows to have a Crossing light and even if I don't have any window on the ceiling I can see the stars at night and of course there are books here I've been living here for 15 months and I love it of [Music] course the entire tiny house cost me 30,000 which is pretty cheap thanks to all the second hand materials I found I've been living here from the beginning of the construction the first area I managed to finish was my Medan so I could sleep on it even before the roof was finished if I had to do it again I wouldn't change a thing I'm so happy with it if I would have one regret is the solar panel to my opinion Solarity also mean doing with what already exists so if I had the possibility to be great connected I think I wouldn't buy solar system some people ask me how is it to build a house as a woman I don't think it's quite different from building a house as a man maybe the only thing which is a little different is the lack of representation of woman in the building Universe we miss model to inspire us so thank you to all the woman before me who gave me the courage to do it and I'm happy happy because we are more and more and it will be so helpful for the future generation living in a house which is too small to accumulate lot of stuff make me save a lot of money for now I don't want a full-time job anymore it took me a long time to understand that my value and my happiness is not associated with my work productivity and uh my salary to understand that it's okay to slow down it's okay not to be efficient all the time I have less money than before less possessions but living in a tiny house gave me so much more time than before to be with my friends and to do what I love and to be with people I love there are several tiny houses here and youths so we are between three and six people living here they became great friends and the atmosphere is good the view is amazing so I'm not such in a hurry to find somewhere else to settle down but that's my next step I want to find somewhere to park my tiny legally which is quite difficult in France so for now my life project is uh doing what makes me happy which is um read books gardening make cabins with wood militate just being with my friends and spend time with people I love and living in a tiny house is one step to achieve this slave girl Manan has built such an incredible tiny home for herself and the house is brilliant it's beautiful and cleverly designed with loads of features that make it a perfect house for her but what she's really built for herself is an amazing life one with time to focus on all of the things that she truly loves that really is just such a huge accomplishment and she's done that for herself [Music]
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 113,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CNsdVe71HhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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