The Last Appeal | Heart Felt Redemption Movie Starring John Eric Bentley | Marcus LaVoi

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... ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ <i> (male) Negative, do not engage until I arrive.</i> <i> Got that?</i> <i> Be there in a few minutes.</i> <i> I'm coming down Brighton Street now,</i> <i> just stand by.</i> ♪♪♪ Nice of you to show up. Let's do this, I'm on duty. Is that the cash? Yeah. Hand it over. Look, man, I got-- I said hand it over, man! Keep your voice down. Come on, man, I got a guy waiting for me, okay? I don't show up, he comes looking for me. Nice work, sergeant. <i> (Titus) Yo Zane, throw me that bag of cash, man.</i> Whoa, whoa, whoa, who's this guy? Titus, stop acting like a fool and go home, man. Put the gun down. Look, I ain't playing with y'all. I'll kill both of y'all if I don't get that bag in the next 10 seconds. You're dead already, boy. I'm gonna hunt you down. Man, shut up! Put the gun down or I will kill you, do you understand me? Oh yeah, well do it, cop. Titus, I'm going to cut your head off when I find you. You should have thought before you stiffed me, huh? Police, lower your weapon. Hey Casey, what is this, man? Ivan, stay back, man. Lower it now! You better get your boy, I ain't playing with you. I said drop your gun! Look man, you a dirty cop too? Drop your gun, I'm not going to tell you again. Cassie, fix it, man. Look, don't do this. This is your last warning, drop your gun. Why should I drop? [gun shot fired] [gun firing] No, no, no, no, Ivan. Officer down, officer down, 6100 Brighton Street. Oh Ivan, Ivan, stay with me, buddy. Stay with me, you're going to be okay. Ivan, come on, man, you're going to be okay. Stay with me, man. Ivan, Ivan, look at me, man. <i> Stay with me.</i> <i> Ivan, stay with me, come on.</i> <i> [police siren wailing]</i> [knocking on door] Ivan, we can work this out. Trisha, it's about Ivan. What? What happened? ♪♪♪ <i> [gate alarm buzzing]</i> What's going on? How you all going to bring another brother? He's a cop killer. Come on, let's go, Freeman. Don't you ever pull away from me, do you understand? I'm here for the rest of your life, and there's nothing you can do about it. Now, get in your cell. <i> (prisoner) Easy up on him.</i> You need to handle your man. That wouldn't even happen if you just handled your man, Manny. Y'all animals, man. Y'all doing stuff to us like this. We're on lockdown. You're beating us up on lockdown. What's wrong with you? Hey, hon. I picked up your dry cleaning. Now, they said that they'll deliver it next week themselves if that's okay with you. I fed the dogs, and I rescheduled your hair appointment. And you know what I was thinking? I was thinking today, you and I could just take a walk down by the water. It'd be good. You need to get outside more. Trish, have you not watered this plant at all since last time I was here? Trish? <i>Hello, Trish?</i> I'm sorry, say that again? Nothing. Hey, I saw the message in the kitchen. LA Philharmonic called. Yeah. Well, what'd they say? Did you call them back? Why not? Because I have more important things right now. Like what? It's been a year, Trish. I know. It's time to get back to your life. You haven't touched that piano in over 12 months. Well, who cares about the piano? You do. People are calling every week with work, and you're just sitting here. Well, has it ever occurred to you I might not want to play for those people? No. No, 'cause that's not you. You would play that thing whether people were paying you or not. Look, Trisha, I can't stand seeing you this way. It hurts. And honestly, I don't understand. You and Ivan were barely speaking to each other when he was murdered. I mean, you were talking divorce and everything. What happened between you two? I mean, it's like you've been paralyzed for the last 12 months. What are you not telling me? Nothing. You can talk-- I said no. Okay. Okay, I'm sorry. Call you later. [prisoners hollering] They beat you down, boy? They beat you down, boy? <i>(male) I bet you won't be caught sleeping again.</i> <i>You dogging me, boy?</i> What are you doing, man? You're a new fish? Come on man, what are you doing, man? <i>Hey, hey.</i> <i>You got that bag of chips?</i> <i>You got that bag of chips I wanted?</i> Hey ladies, lights out in 10 minutes. Lights out in 10 minutes. Hey, why don't you all just back off? Who are you telling ta back off, Sambo? Hey, you know what, Kurtis? I'm not even going there with you. You can try all you want, but I ain't falling for it. You ain't running nothing around here. Stop talking like you're some kind of boss. <i> (Randy) Oh, what's the matter, Kurtis?</i> You afraid of having a black man for a boss? Man, that ain't funny, man. So hey, don't mind him, young blood. <i> He takes a little getting used to,</i> <i> but he's harmless.</i> Oh, I'll show you harmless. You wait till we get paired up to go in that yard again. Kurtis, come on. <i> (Clayton) Yeah, that's what you said last time.</i> This time, I mean it! Uh huh. Like I said, harmless. <i> So hey, you got a name?</i> Yeah, that's cool, you don't want to talk right now. I understand. We all been there. But in case you change your mind, I guess you know where you can find me. My name is Clayton. Over here to my left, that's Doc. <i> Matter of fact, you and Doc would get along great.</i> <i> See, he's been on death row for over 10 years,</i> but he ain't never said a word. We always try to trick him into talking, <i> but it never works.</i> <i> Ain't that right, Doc?</i> See what I'm saying? He'll tear you up in a card game, though. Over there to your right, that's Randy. I'm innocent, man. Innocent. On the end there, I guess you already met Kurtis, huh? Oh, that's all we need is two apes on the same tier. There goes the neighborhood. <i>Pretty soon, you're going to be taking over.</i> You know what? When that happens, Kurtis, I promise I'll be real good to you, boss. Don't push me, soul train. Hey Doc, is what you have contagious? Maybe you could sneeze on Kurtis so he'll stop talking. Shut up, Randy, I know how to stomp on little oriental boys too. Yeah, that's Asian, Mr. Einstein. Whatever, I'll kill them too. Whatever, man. <i> (Clayton) So hey, man, you like music?</i> 'Cause I got a whole bunch of cassettes around here if you ever want to borrow some. They won't let us have CDs up in here because they could be used <i> as weapons, but hey, I got me some tapes.</i> Man, do you ever shut up? What? Hey, I'm just trying to help you. Just shut up. Listen here, man. <i> I don't care about your tapes, and I don't care about you.</i> I ain't staying on death row long enough to make no friends. I'm getting out of here, so just shut up. All right. You want me to leave you alone, I'll leave you alone. <i>(Randy) Yeah, that's what you get</i> for trying to help a hard case, Clayton. <i>It's hopeless.</i> I guess you forgot what it was like when you first got up in here, huh, Randy? Oh, so what, you think he feels better because you offered him some tapes? Please. I don't even need to justify myself to you. <i>(Randy) Yeah, that's because you can't.</i> Face it, you act like the nice guy and bring up all that God stuff to make you feel good, not him. It makes me sick to my stomach. It's people like you that make me an atheist. All right, Randy, just hear me out for once. You're done. Oh no, no, game over, that's it, you're done, bye bye. Randy, I let you talk all the time. Now, hear me out, bro. <i> (guard) Lights out!</i> Good night, John boy. <i> [phone ringing]</i> <i>(male) Wesley Burns, attorney at law.</i> Yeah, this is Wesley. <i>Hey John, could you hold on a sec?</i> No, I just got--what? What do you mean that was today? <i>That's not until next week.</i> John, why didn't you call and confirm it? <i>Well, yeah man, I got that call, that was like 2 days ago.</i> <i>How about updating me every once in a while?</i> How are you doing? I'm Wesley. Danny, I'm here for 12 o'clock. Twelve o'clock? Twelve o'clock today? That's what you said on the phone, yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it wasn't for today, though. I mean, I'm positive. I don't know why would I schedule anything for today. That's not what you said on the phone. Oh, wait a minute, hold on. Thursday afternoon, 12 p.m., Danny Freeman. Hey man, I'm sorry about that. Look, I can stop by another time if you need me to. No, no, no, it's cool, it's cool. Here, let me move some of this stuff. All right, have a seat. I don't know if you remember me telling you about my brother. Oh yeah, Tommy, right? Titus. Yeah, that's what I meant, Titus. Look, you mind if I tell you again? It'd make me feel better. Sure, man, whatever works for you. Titus was charged with first degree murder. They claim it was premeditated. Now, there's no question that he murdered a man last year. A cop, he murdered a cop. Yes. And I understand he has to pay for that, but I'm here to get him off death row. You think you can help me? I don't know, that depends, Danny. It says here Titus was in the middle of armed robbery when Officer Ivan Parks intervened by holding him at gunpoint. Titus disregarded the warning and opened fire on Officer Ivan, sending him to the ground with one gunshot. Is that true? What the file does not mention is that Sergeant Casey McCaul was doing a drug deal with Zane Pearson when Titus rolled up to steal the cash. You're talking about Zane Pearson, the one who-- The drug lord, yes sir. Okay, so this was a holdup that turned into a murder? Look, like I said, I'm not defending what Titus did. I'm just trying to save his life. Okay, so Titus didn't know Ivan Parks. I can prove it. Okay, well, why was Titus going after Zane in the first place? It's complicated. Okay, well, I'm going to need to know sooner or later. Titus started dealing for Zane to pay bills at home. We had nothing, and my mother got really sick, and Zane stiffed Titus after a job one night, so he went to get his money back. Any witnesses? No. Any evidence? I do have some evidence that can help. Well, it better be good for this one. Look, I know what you're thinking, but I'm desperate here, man. Look, if the Zane Pearson story is not enough, then you might as well know that Titus and I grew up in a house where my dad used to beat us and our mother all the time. And when he took off, he left us broke with nothing. It was up to us to start paying for everything. That was our childhood. Come on, Danny. Do you know how many times I've heard that same kind of abuse story just this week? Now, come on, you got to give me something I can work with here. Look, I don't care what anyone else says, that's the honest to God truth. <i> You wouldn't believe what I saw growing up.</i> Now, it did something to Titus that I believe is worth addressing. He would never fire on a cop unless he thought that cop was working for Zane. Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time, huh? Look, can you help me or not? Okay, I'm going to be honest with you, Danny. It doesn't look that way. It looks like your brother had an agenda. I mean, there's only one angle I can see right now. We've got to find another character witness for Titus. And we got to be able to prove that Titus didn't know Ivan Parks, nor did he intend to kill him. And if that doesn't work? Well, I hate using the same old card, but if your brother is willing to share in detail about the abuse he grew up with, I might be able to reduce his sentence to life in prison. Now, that's if your brother is willing to cooperate. Is that going to be possible? No, not at first. I'll see what I can do. He's still pretty angry about it all. Either way, it's worth trying. Hey, what are we looking at in terms of money? Well, for this case, we're looking at about five grand per appeal. So, with three appeals, we're talking-- Fifteen grand. I mean, hey Danny, you know, I could--I could cut some corners for you, cut some costs, but we're still looking at about that much. And if you want me to get started right away, I'm going to need 5,000 up front. - That's a lot. - Yeah, it is. I mean, you may want to ask yourself if this case is even worth it. Because when it's all said and done, I can't promise anything. Would you do it? If you believe in what you're doing, mortgage your house if you have to. If not, there's no shame in getting on with your life. No, it's worth it. I'll find the money. Okay. I'll tell you what, here's my card. Give me a call when you're ready. Thanks, I'll call you in a few days. Nice to meet you. All right. [indistinct chatter] Titus, Clayton, we're going to start with you. Let's go. Finishing my last sentence. Don't keep me here all day long. Man, shut up. Come over here. Okay, now you want to play, I see. Yeah, yeah, this is cute. This is real cute. Let's go, hands back, man, let's go. Hands back. Open this up, man, I gots to go. Come on, son. You got to go? Toes in line, son, toes in line. Ease up off my arm, bro. I'll tell you who eases up, okay? How was solitary? You going to answer me? I suggest you get along with a man that can make your life hell. No sir. See here, man, I'm getting up out of here. There ain't nothing that you can do about it, so go ahead, man, mess with me all you want to. You enjoy it. But as soon as my appeal comes, I'm gone, and you'll still be here. Is that right? Mm-hmm. You killed a cop, Titus. It wasn't my fault. You deserve to be here. No, I don't. I know your type. You think you're going to use the system to catch a break. You got that right. My oldest brother was killed by a punk like you, a stupid kid just angry, looking for trouble. At the end of the night, he shot him in cold blood. <i>And I vowed right then and there I'd never put up</i> <i>with a punk killer again.</i> Get this punk back in his cell. He ain't going anywhere. <i>(Kurtis) Oh yeah, attaboy, Manny,</i> <i>way to put their kind in their place.</i> You're worse than all these guys put together. I suggest you behave yourself before your execution. Hey, why you got to be like that, man, huh? Titus didn't even do nothing, and I know you seen worse than that. Well, if you like it so much, preacher, why don't you just stay here with him? Put this killer back in his cell. He ain't going anywhere. Take Randy instead. Hey, for real, man? Close cells number three and four. Open two and five. Hey man, hey man, take him up out of here. You know that wasn't right. You shouldn't have done that, Manny, you for real? You going to take away my yard time? Hey Doc, enjoy my sunshine. Soak it up, baby. Toes to the line, toes to the line. Gentlemen, let's get them out here. You wonder why you get your nose broke. Anybody else want to mess with me today? I didn't think so. Shut up, man, always running your mouth. Titus, you have got to take Manny with a grain of salt. You don't mess with him, he won't mess with you. I told you that's how it goes around here, <i> but you don't want to listen.</i> <i> You always want to provoke somebody,</i> always think somebody want to fight with you. Ain't nobody trying to fight with you, man. Hey dog, why don't you shut up and mind your own business, man? You keep talking to Manny like that-- <i>(Titus) No, I know Manny and his kind,</i> and he is not going to abuse his power, not while I'm up in here. All right, fine, I tried. Besides, I ain't going to be here long anyways, so I might as well do what I want to do. Yeah right, now how you know all that? Because I don't deserve to be in here for what I did. Man, join the club. We've all said that mess before, Titus. Look here, my brother's got me a lawyer, a real one. So, I'm getting up out of here, so why don't you just back up off me, man. Look, man, I don't know much about what you up in here for, and I really don't care. But from this point on, you have got to stop tearing into people like you do. Hey man, shut up talking to me like I'm 4 years old, be trying to tell me how to be. Man, I'll do what I want to do. You don't know me. Yeah, you're right, Titus, I don't know you, but God does. Oh no, no, we ain't talking about that God stuff. Man, you got the wrong one with me, Clayton. Man, you're on death row. You need to understand who God is while you're up in here. Yo, I'm telling you right now we ain't talking about that. Look man, he can give you peace, and you need some peace in your life. You need to kill that thing, man. Titus, God can give you that kind of peace. I'm telling you, you're going to get your little feelings hurt if you don't shut up, man. You need to understand-- Man, shut up about God! I hate God. And if you bring him up again, I swear I will kill you. All right, Titus. All right. <i> (Randy) Excuse me, miss?</i> You know, I don't typically do this, but I saw you from across the room there, and you look so beautiful sitting there all alone. I just thought I'd--thought I'd come over and introduce myself. Is this seat taken? Why, no, it isn't. Have a seat. I missed you. I missed you too. Did you get my letter? Yeah, yeah, I wish I could be there for your dad's birthday, but-- I'll tell him you said hi. Okay. What's going on with the case? Any news? John Cutchall brought another lawyer into your legal team. There's three of them now, and this new guy, he's really good. It doesn't mean anything unless they find that witness, Rachel. I mean, that guy saw everything. I know, honey. They think he's an out of towner, so they're checking all over. That's great. They're doing everything they can, Randy. It's not enough. Hey, we're going to find him. You're innocent. It's been almost 2 years, Rachel. We won't stop looking until you're free. Yeah, well, I'm just starting to think that maybe-- Don't. Look, I can't help it. You have not seen what goes on in here. Don't do this to yourself. I'm just being realistic, all right? Randy, I'm not giving up on you. We're getting you out of here, I don't care what you say. Look, we're so close. Just--just give us enough time to finish what we started, okay? Hey, I love you. I love you too. So, the thing is I don't really like school that much, but I met this really cool guy. We're not dating or anything, but you know, there's a lot of potential. Aunt Marsha doesn't really know him per se, but I think once they get to know each other, it'll be really cool. <i>They just need to give it some more time, you know?</i> I don't know, dad, what do you think? Right. Well, anyway, Aunt Marsha says hi. She said she'd try to stop by sometime next week if that's okay with you. Dad? Why won't you talk to me? <i>(guard) Hands off!</i> I mean, did you ever stop and think that I might need you to actually say something every once in a while? I mean, look, I know what the doctor said. I understand this whole post-traumatic stress thing that you're going through. But the fact is, dad, I know you can hear me. And it really hurts when you don't answer back. Dad. So, I guess that's the way it's going to be, huh? Fine. ♪♪♪ Look, it's all taken care of, man, I told you. So, did you hide the money? I buried it at the old house. How's mama feeling? I had to take her to urgent care last week, and she's feeling sick again. Come on, Danny, take her to the hospital, get some tests ran. That's what the money's for. Look, I'm way ahead of you, bro, I just don't have time to tell you everything between raising Dewayne and trying to get you out of here. So, how's my case looking? Where's this lawyer you was talking about? He'll be here. Is he any good? Well, he could use some help around his office, but I hear once you get him in a courtroom, he's-- No, come on, Danny, my case has already been through the courtroom. I need somebody that can work the system. He'll be fine. Look, I'm getting out of here. I know you are. So, if this ain't the right guy, let's move on to somebody else. I don't have a lot of time to waste. All right, check it out, I've been reading about how all these guys are getting pardoned off of death row by writing the governor and telling about their situation, right? So, I figure that's what I'm going to do, man. I'm going to write the governor and tell him about me. There ain't no way they're going to ignore that, right? Seven days a week, I'm going to write him. I got me some new law books too so I'll be ready for that first appeal by the time it comes around. I'm going to know more than that judge by the time this is over with. No way they're going to keep me up in here. Sorry I'm late, guys, one of those days. No problem. Titus, this is Wesley Burns. This is my brother, Titus Freeman. It's good to finally meet you, Titus. So, how's it look? Well, Titus, for starters, we're looking for a few character witnesses. But the main reason I'm here is to find out how you feel about mentioning your abuse as a boy. Who told you about that? I did. What you doing talking about that, Danny? That's all we got, Titus. No look, Zane had half of the police force on his payroll. Now, I didn't mean to kill that man, he pulled up on me. Okay, you stated that in court, and it didn't work. Well, if you're such a great lawyer, why don't you make it work? Titus, if we don't have enough character witnesses, we got to talk about dad. Wrong. Listen, that man is not my path to freedom. We didn't need him when we were kids, and we don't need him now. Okay, Titus, we're trying to help you. Yeah, well, it's not working. So, why don't you go out there and find me some new witnesses, starting with Danny? What happened to you in that house is part of the reason you got involved with Zane. <i> Now, I believe it's worth addressing.</i> No. Could you give me a couple of minutes, man? What? Just need a few minutes, thanks. Fine, I'll be outside. Think that went well, what do you think? Danny, you have no business talking about that, man. Don't give me that, Titus. This is your only way out. I'll get myself out of here if you can't help me. Why can't we just be real, man? Why can't we talk about what dad did? Hey, watch it, Danny. No. I'm a grown man, I'm going to say what I got to say. Dad is dead, Titus, it's over, and you got to let it go so we can move on with this. And night after night, I watched that man beat you half to death, not because of what you did, not because you deserved it, because you were protecting me. When I messed up, you took the hits. When I mouthed off, you took the blame, so when some man twice your size comes at you, you see dad. The old man is still alive in you, Titus, and he ain't gonna leave unless you do something about it. And he was there that night you killed that innocent man. That is the truth, and that's what needs to be told to a judge. Danny, do something else to get me out of here. And if you don't want to help me, that's fine. I'll save myself. <i> [laughter]</i> No, she didn't. I swear, that's exactly what she did, right there at the dinner table in front of everybody. Oh baby, I wish I could've been there. No, you don't. It was embarrassing. Well, that's the beauty of it, Tina. That's the beauty of it. Okay, okay, I've got to stop. So, how are you? I'm good. We got this new brother on the floor I've been trying to connect with, but it's just not working out like I thought it would. Not another one. Yeah, baby, another one. Honey, please be careful. I am. You don't know what's going on through these men's mind, Clayton, they're killers. So am I, Tina. Yeah, but you're different. How am I different? You're more, you know-- I'm your husband, that's how I'm different. Otherwise, I'm just like all these other men, all right? That's not true. Baby, I know what they're feeling right now. I know what they're going through. I just know I'm forgiven, that's all. But some of them don't want your help. I know that. I got to do everything in my power to try. But you could get hurt. Baby, look, most of these cats, they think that God hates them or that he doesn't exist. Besides, I'm just reaching out like somebody did for me, that's all. I know. And you know, I don't know how much longer we're going to be up in here. Clayton, let's not talk about that. Baby, that's something we're going to have to talk about. Not now. Honey, this is something we need to-- Clayton, it's taking everything in me to come down here once a month. It hurts. We never have enough time, and I always leave here feeling like I have no hope. Tina, what are you saying to me right now, huh? Come on, baby, talk to me, what's going on? I can't live like this anymore. Look, I know it's hard. It hurts too much. Listen to me. Every time I come here, I feel like we're just saying goodbye all over again. And I understand that. No, you don't understand because you're too busy trying to save everyone else. Tina, promise me you'll come back here next month. Clayton, it's getting-- Look, aside from God, you're all I got. You're what keeps me going. I don't know-- Tina, promise me. All right, Clay, I promise. Baby. Tina, wait. Sorry. Well, look at you. Hey, Kathryn. You look beautiful. Where you going? I have some important business to take care of today. It is so good to see you getting out. I mean, this is just what we've been waiting for, you know. Yeah. Yeah, well, it's finally here. Well, do you mind if I go with? I mean, I could keep you company. No, this is something I have to do on my own. Okay, I understand. I mean, gosh, it's just been so long since we spent time together. I know. Kathryn, we will, okay? I just--I have to go. I have to be in Carterville in an hour. Carterville? What's in Carterville? Titus Freeman's first appeal is today. I want to make sure he isn't going anywhere. That's where you're going? Wouldn't miss it. Okay, let me get this straight. After 1 year of not leaving the house, the one place you want to go is Titus Freeman's appeal? It's something I have to do, Kathryn. Why? Because I will not let that man get away with what he did. I am pretty sure that they can take care of him just fine without you. And how do you know that? All right, listen to me. It is time for you to get on with your life. I mean, you have got to let go of the past and move forward. Now, that piano, it's been collecting dust while you've been sitting here doing nothing. I don't care what you do. Get up, go play the piano, go see a movie, whatever. But do something. If there's nothing else I do in my life, <i>I need to do this.</i> Just leave me alone and lock up when you leave. Trish, you've got to get help. I mean, this way of life is going to kill you. Now, I don't know what it is that you're not telling me, but if you're not going to tell me, then you got to tell somebody. I mean, we've all been doing everything we know to do. We've been coming by, we're been checking on you. But you know what? None of that stuff means anything if you don't take some steps of your own. Okay, now here's Joy Sanders' card. She's been a friend of the family-- Kathryn, I don't need some shrink trying-- She's a good counselor. What do you have to lose? Take it. Fine. Just lock up when you leave. <i> [gavel banging]</i> <i> (male) Will the defendant please rise?</i> <i>Court finds the defendant's new character witnesses insufficient</i> <i>to reduce the sentence of death.</i> <i> The defendant's sentence will remain.</i> <i> Court is adjourned.</i> <i> [gavel bangs]</i> <i> (Clayton) Oh, I got you now, Doc.</i> <i>Ain't no way you're going to beat this hand, baby.</i> You ready for this? You ready, Doc? Here, bam, there it is, four of a kind, baby. Show me what you working with. <i>Where you at, Doc?</i> Hey, you got a royal flush? Take these cards back, Doc. <i>I ain't playing with you no more.</i> <i>I quit, man. That ain't even right.</i> I had you beat that time, Doc. <i>That ain't funny, I know you're over there</i> <i>smiling to yourself too.</i> Why don't you let one out, ha ha, laugh, something. Give me something, Doc. Had you beat, Doc. <i>Hey, what you thinking about right now, Doc, huh?</i> <i>I know you hear me talking to you, Doc.</i> Bet you seen a whole bunch of stuff around here, am I right? Bet you a whole lot has changed since when they first brought you up in here too, huh? <i>Man, what I wouldn't give just to hear what you've learned.</i> <i>Hey Doc, what if I was to ask you a question?</i> Come on, Doc, I know you hear me talking to you now. <i>You ever think about God?</i> Doc, I know you got to believe in something. <i>I mean, you ever think about him,</i> <i>how he sent his Son to die for you so that you can be forgiven?</i> You ever think about that, Doc? <i>I'm gonna tell you something else too, Doc.</i> Because of him, you don't even have to live with what you did anymore. Now, what you think about that, man? Come on now. Ace of spades? <i>You don't want to talk about him either, huh?</i> What do you expect, Clayton? The man's on death row. If there was a God, he wouldn't be here. He's here right now, Randy. Give me a break, man. I'm serious, man. Yeah? Why should I believe you? Bible says-- <i> (Randy) The Bible says?</i> The Bible says? Don't you have anything more intelligent to say than the Bible says? <i> Who cares what the Bible says? It's just another stupid book.</i> Yeah, a lot of people think that, Randy, but-- <i>(Randy) But what?</i> You know what, Clay? You are just another pathetic little soul that's too afraid to think deeper than what some stupid book tells them to. I'm sick of it, man. Why don't you just think for yourself? It's more than just a book, Randy. God spoke those words. Right. Pass the Kool-Aid, brother. And that book says that whosoever believeth in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. You know what, little boy? You just cling to whatever source of comfort you need to survive. It's more than just my source of comfort, Randy. Would you guys shut up? Shut up, shut up! <i>I'm trying to sleep down here.</i> Relax, baby Hitler, as if you don't have the rest of the day to sleep. Hey, I heard that, atheist boy. At least I believe in God. Oh Kurtis, don't, man. Oh, now this is classic. The perfect spokesperson, Clay. Yo man, you got a strong argument now. I mean, one look at Kurtis and I just want to run right out and get baptized in the Jordan. What are you laughing at, Randy? I will tear you up, man. Hey Kurtis, why don't you let me do the talking about God, all right? Oh yes, please, let's not go from dumb to dumber. Hey, I went to church, man. I know just as much about God as you do, you Koon. That don't mean nothing, man. It goes way deeper than that. <i> (Manny) Heads up, heads up.</i> Titus, Randy, Doc, you got visitors. Let's go. Let's open cells number two, three, and five. <i> (Clayton) Manny, I ain't got no visitor?</i> Man, you ain't got no visitors or I'd be pulling you out, now wouldn't I? Hey Freeman, let's go. Hey Doc, Doc. Doc, you think about what I said, all right? Don't give me no more ace of spades. <i> (Manny) Toes to the line.</i> <i> Toes to the line, gentlemen.</i> <i> Come on, Freeman, we're waiting on you,</i> <i> Freeman, let's go.</i> <i> I ain't got all day, let's go.</i> <i>(Kurtis) Watch yourself out there, Randy,</i> <i>it's a jungle.</i> Randy, we're going to finish this conversation. Hey, pray for those visitors. Toes to the line, let's go. Come on, gentlemen, I ain't got all day for this. Hey Kurtis, go on back to sleep, man. I won't bother you no more. <i>(Kurtis) It's too late now, I'm already up.</i> My bad, sorry. Oh yeah, I'm sure you're real sorry. [page turning] Oh, there it is again. What? I hear those pages ruffling. So what? No big deal, I hear you doing the same thing every day. Oh, so now you got a problem with me reading? So what you reading? What do you care, man? Come on, Kurtis, I hear you doing the same thing every day, man. Answer my question, what you reading? It's nothing man, it's just-- It's just what? It's a comic book, all right? A comic book. For real? Which one? Commander Freedom, is that all right with you? You like Commander Freedom, man? Yeah, so? Man, I used to collect Commander Freedom back in the day. <i>My wife's got all my copies back at home in the garage, brother.</i> I don't care about--how far back? 1970, baby. That's when Commander Freedom wore that green helmet, you remember that? 1970? <i> (Clayton) Yeah, man, I was 4 years old.</i> Do you have any idea how much those are worth? Oh yeah. My wife is hooked up after I'm gone, I'll tell you that right now. Man, I hated that green helmet he wore. Oh, come on, Kurtis. That helmet was cool, man. It made him look more like a soldier, remember? He doesn't need a helmet, he's Commander Freedom. Yeah, you right, he doesn't need the helmet, but it's still cool. Yeah, man, whatever. Got to give me that one. Yeah, I'll give you that one. And you see how you got to give me that one too, right? I will give you that one, it was cool, I got it. All right then. Wow, man, Commander Freedom. So, listen, let me get this straight. Your wife, she just got these copies <i>sitting around in her garage?</i> Yeah, man. Hey Clay. <i> (Clayton) Yo.</i> I was--I was--I was wondering-- What's up? I was just--I was thinking about-- What, Kurtis? Just never mind, just forget about it, just forget it. Kurtis, man, what you need, bro? I was--I was wondering if maybe I could look at a few of those comics, you know, before your wife sold them, man. It's stupid, just forget it, man. Oh, you'd be into that? Yeah. All right, then I'll write her, tell her to bring them up next month, all right? Thank you, thanks. Okay, you're welcome. <i> Hey, I'm going to let you get back to your reading,</i> all right, Kurtis? <i>(Kurtis) Okay.</i> Hey, hey, Clay. Yo. Hey, check this out, man. Have you ever read this one? No, hey, which one is that? It's number 472. It's the one where Commander Freedom, he gets trapped underwater, and he's got the chains <i>around his neck and his legs, man.</i> Hold on, Commander Freedom got trapped underwater? <i> Who put him there?</i> I don't know, man, I'm about ready to find out. But I could--I could read it out loud, you know, if you'd be into that. Yeah, man, that'd be cool because I don't ever remember him getting trapped like that. No, man, I'm telling you, check this out. <i>Says right here.</i> Commander Freedom-- Uh huh. Elis-- Ally, Kurtis. Ally, ally. Ally of justice, friend of-- Friend of liberty. Liberty, liberty. Was trapped underwater. And the-- Situation. You're doing good, man. Situation looked provelous--prevarilous-- <i> (Clayton) Perilous.</i> Perilous, perilous. You're doing good, Kurtis. Oh my gosh, dad, school is so bad. I have literally spent 72 hours in a coffee shop, <i>of all things, doing homework.</i> And midterm exams, they were the worst. It was like the longest week of my entire life. <i>But the important thing is I did good in everything.</i> Why don't you take a look for yourself, dad? It's time to go, let's go. No, dad, please just look, two A's and four B's. Dad. Thanks, dad. <i> (Titus) All right, so I've written 113 letters</i> to the governor so far. That's not including today, and I ain't about to stop. That's good, Titus. We can use all the help we can get. Okay, now let's talk about what I'm going to do. Where's Danny at? He said he was going to be here. He's on his way. Now, your first appeal got denied, so I talked to Danny a little bit. He's agreed to sign some important documents. I brought those with me here, so-- <i> (Titus) Oh man!</i> Oh my goodness, yo Danny, this cannot be my little nephew, man. <i> My little nephew is not this tall.</i> I'm afraid we got some bad news, Titus. What you talking about? <i> (Danny) Go on, tell him, boy.</i> I got kicked out of school. What? He didn't just get kicked out of school. His teacher found a gun on him this morning. He was brought to my house in a police car of all things. Shut up, dad. You don't tell me to shut up. Hey, hey, come on, relax. He won't listen to a word I say, Titus. He keeps on going on and on about you. About me? Titus, tell him it ain't no big thing. Hey, it is a big thing. I'm just trying to be like you, what's wrong with that? Like me? Y'all give me a second with the kid, all right? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Time out, okay? Before we have family time here, you think we could talk about <i>the case a little bit?</i> Come on, Danny, I'm on a tight schedule. I got appointments all day. Look, it'll just take a second, Wesley. Okay, fine. I mean, why do I need to be here? I'm just a lawyer, right? You know, maybe next time I'll bring my nephew. We can all go out into the prison yard, have a play date. It'll just take a second. Yeah. We'll be right out here, Dewayne. Sit down. Boy, I said sit down. What you doing packing, Dewayne. Man, it ain't just me. Everyone's strapped at school. Oh, you supposed to be running with a gang now, huh? You banging? Just like you did. Oh, don't you put this back on me. I'm not what Danny's raising you to be. He don't get me, he don't know me. Don't get you. Boy, don't you know that Danny is working 24/7, around the clock to give you a better life than he <i> or I have ever had?</i> And you want to sit here in my face, talking about he don't know you? Boy, you about the only thing he does get. He's the one that you want to be like, not me. Nah man, I want to be like you. Oh, you want to be like me, huh? Chained up when you're 35 years old, thrown in a cage like an animal. You want a grown man watching over you every time you have to use the toilet? You want to be told they are going to kill you for wasting an innocent man? <i> Is that what you want, Dewayne, huh?</i> Boy, look at me. I am the worst thing that you could ever want to be. No, you're my uncle. Man, I'm done talking with you. Wait, hold on. Get out of my face. Yo man, yo Danny. Why you tripping, man? Get this boy up out of here, he's making me sick. I said get him out of here, and don't you ever bring him back. You don't mean that. Yes, I do. You stay away from me, Dewayne. You know, I don't typically do this, but I saw you from across the room, and I thought I'd come over and say hello. Hello? Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? <i> Rachel?</i> It's not looking good, honey. No new witnesses, no uncovered evidence. But you said they were going to do that search and that-- He did, several times. Nothing. Okay. So, now what? I don't know. Rachel, are you-- are you telling me we've lost? I tried everything I know to do. There's nothing else. No, I remember when we hired that John Cutchall as our lawyer, that guy, he sounded so confident about our case, you know? I actually believed him. <i> I should have known better, you see,</i> because that's what you get for having hope. Honey, we'll keep looking. You know what? Forget it, it's useless, don't bother. Randy. Hey look, Rachel, I want you to stop visiting me. What? It's over, you need to get on with your life. The sooner you leave me alone here, the better. No, stop it, Randy. We're in this together, remember? No, not anymore. It's over. My life is over. The sooner you realize that, the better. Randy. Can't you see? They took my life already. Don't come back here. Randy. <i> (female) Dr. Sanders?</i> <i> (Dr. Sanders) Yes?</i> <i> (female) Your 2 o'clock is here, Trisha Parks.</i> Oh great, thanks, I'll get her myself. Hi, Trisha? I'm Dr. Sanders. It's nice to finally meet you. So, why don't you come on in, have a seat. Can I get you anything, water, juice? I'm fine. <i>All right then.</i> <i>If you don't mind, I'd like to start out</i> asking you some questions. Let's just get something straight right away. I'm here because of my friends and family. They won't leave me alone unless I come see a shrink like you. But I don't need counseling. I don't need you. <i> I'm fine, and there's not one good reason for me to be here.</i> Are you through? I'm through. Well, it sounds like you and I have a lot in common, Trisha, because I don't want another patient. <i>I don't need another therapy session.</i> So, if you're fine, let's just get through this so I can focus on other things. Yeah, well, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm not into helping people who don't want it. Exactly. You realize how much wasted time that is? A lot. So, if you don't want to be here, then don't be here. Thank you. Trisha, you do have to answer me one question, though. Why did you stop playing the piano? Piano was a big part of your life. Why'd you stop playing? Maybe I needed a break. Okay, is that your answer? I just haven't felt like playing. Is that your answer? Okay, what do you want me to say? I just want an honest answer, Trisha. Yeah? Well, I know what you're thinking. What am I thinking? You're thinking I'm too messed up to play again. Is that what I'm thinking? Yes, that's what you're thinking. Or is that what you're thinking? Please. It's just a thought. I don't even need this. So, what's your answer, Trisha? I quit. I don't want to play anymore. That's not an answer. I'll tell you what. I'm going to leave this time slot open for you each week <i>until you can answer my question.</i> <i>So, you do what you want.</i> Come, don't come, I don't care. But my question deserves an answer, Trisha, that's all I'm saying. <i> (guard) Open cell number one.</i> What's going on, man? The people on KP told me a spoon is missing from the mess. The last time that happened, two inmates were stabbed to death. Begin the inspection, gentlemen. Get them out. Come on, Kurtis, to the line. To the line. Kurtis, Kurtis, you know the drill, Kurtis. Get him out. Come on, Kurtis. Easy, Kurtis, easy. Hurry up. Commander Freedom. Hey, give me those, those are mine. Give me those, man. Get off me, man. What's the matter with you? I noticed you've been reading these, Kurtis. Why don't I hang onto it until that spoon shows up. Nobody's got your spoon, Manny. Well, we'll find out soon enough, won't we, Kurtis? Get him back in his cell. Clay, they're the ones you gave me! <i> (Clayton) Don't worry about it, we're going to get them back.</i> Titus, you're next. <i>(Clayton) Manny, how you going to do something like this?</i> <i> Your boys get beat up on.</i> Toes to the line. You know the drill, Titus. You know the drill, Titus. Hold onto those, hold onto those. Oh, that's awfully nice. It's mine until that spoon shows up, Titus, and there ain't nothing you can do about it. Man, you really think that's going to stop me from getting out of here, don't you? You must think I'm stupid like the rest of your prisoners. Well, let me let you know ain't nothing or nobody going to stop me from getting out of here, not even you. So, you go ahead and you take that. I'll find something else, watch me. All I want is that spoon, Titus. And something tells me you know where it is. You just dropped my property, man. Get him back in his cell. Get that punk back in his cell. Get him back in. Pick this mess up. Get those hooks back, get those hooks off, do your job. Lockdown. <i> (Clayton) And you wonder why you get your nose broke.</i> What's wrong with y'all? <i> [gavel banging]</i> <i> (male) Will the defendant please rise?</i> <i> The court finds the evidence in the affidavit</i> <i> on the defendant's brother insufficient to grant</i> <i> the defendant's relief.</i> <i> Motion on appeal denied.</i> <i> [gavel bangs]</i> ♪♪♪ Father God, I know that you put on my heart that you wanted me to show these men who you are. I'm doing everything I can, but it's just not working out like I thought it would. I mean, most of them, they're not open to you. Most of them don't want you, they just want their own way. And I'm doing everything, but Lord, I got to tell you I'm tired. I've tried everything. Look, I know that there's a heaven, and I know that there's a hell, and I know you don't want any of us to go there. But Father, you're going to have to show me. Help me to do what you want me to do. Now, this Titus, this brother is working around the clock just trying to save himself. He's a piece of work too, Father, afraid to look weak in front of us, and even more afraid to die alone. I just ask that you open his eyes before it's too late. Show him who you really are in Jesus' name. Open cell number one. Let's go, Kurtis, put your hands through. Come on, Kurtis, I need your hands. You stay strong, I'm going to be praying for you. Step back, Kurtis. Kurtis, step forward, come on. Step forward, Kurtis. Come on, forward, come on. It's going to be all right, Kurtis, you hear me? All right, pat him down. <i> (Clayton) You're not alone, man, you're not alone.</i> <i> I'm praying for you, you hear me?</i> Is he clean? Yeah. All right, listen up. We got a rifle pointed right at your head. You want to do anything stupid, we can end this quick. Prisoner ready. Dead man walking. Don't you even listen to that, Kurtis. Step forward. Stay strong, Kurtis, you ain't alone. You're not alone, Kurtis, you hear me? <i> Stay strong, I'm praying for you.</i> All right, Kurtis, make it fast, make it fast. All right. I read them all. Did you like them? I did. You be sure that you tell your wife that I said thank you. Will you do that? I will, man. I'll tell her you said thanks. Listen, man, I was wrong about you. I'm sorry for how I treated you and the things I said to you, man. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You're a good man, Clayton. I was wondering if maybe you could forgive me. Of course. Look, man, you said that you believed in God to Randy, but do you know his name? Man, I hurt so many people. You know, I've done so many things wrong, it's too late for me, Clayton. It's too late for me. That's not what I'm asking you right now, look at me. Do you know the name of Jesus? Is your faith in the one who died for you? Yeah, yeah. If you could do all this over again, would you? Oh yeah, yeah, I would change things. I swear I would. I swear I would, Clay. Then I know you can do this. I'm scared. You're going to be all right, you hear me? I don't want to die, I don't want to die. I'll be praying for you. You just stay strong. Okay. Okay, I'll see you on the other side. I'm going to be on the other side, brother. I'll see you on the other side. <i> (Manny) We ain't got all day, you're breaking my heart.</i> <i> Let's go, Kurtis, come on. Follow me, Kurtis.</i> Kurtis, break it up. Break it up, Kurtis, come on. <i> (Clayton) You stay strong.</i> You know the drill, Kurtis. We got a dead man walking. You're not alone, Kurtis. You're not alone, man. Hey Clay. Clayton. <i>Clayton, can you hear me?</i> Yeah, who's that? It's Randy. What are you doing, man? I couldn't sleep. So, you're going to wake me up too? I was--I was just thinking about Kurtis. Yeah, I feel you, man. I never thought I'd miss a guy like Kurtis, you know? But-- I miss him too, Randy. I'm not getting out of here, Clay. What? I'm not getting off death row. I've been kidding myself thinking they'd find that witness or some evidence-- Hey, they still might find something, Randy. No, it's--it's over. No, it's up to you to believe whether it's over or not. No, man, look, I should have just accepted from the beginning, you know? I was friends with a group of men that committed murder, and that's what I get for wanting to be around them, I guess. I just--I just hate going out this way, you know? Knowing that this is what I have to live for from now on. Randy, Randy, I don't know much about what you up in here for, but if you're innocent like you say you are, then I believe that God can still-- <i>(Randy) Clay, don't.</i> Clay, don't do that, all right? I'm trying to talk to you here. I know you are. I don't want to hear it. It's what I live by, Randy. If you want to talk to me, you know I'm going to go there. You know what? If God were real, then why did I end up here, huh? No, I'm sorry, but I just don't see how a God could exist in a world that's this evil. I used to say the same thing, man. Good, then back off. Until I found out and understood who God really was. That doesn't explain why I'm here. Maybe you're here so he could save you. You ever think about that? What kind of God would put me here to rot? <i> (Clayton) Oh, you put yourself here.</i> You just said that you chose to hang out with men who were up to no good, and you didn't do nothing about it, so God didn't put you here. Now that you are, maybe he's got your attention, huh? Whatever. Randy, just think about what you're talking about right now in the middle of the night, man. Would you be doing something like that on the outside? Oh, what am I supposed to say to that, huh? Randy, just hear me out for once. <i>(Randy) All right, look, I don't understand how this</i> is going to help me out. People either believe God exists or they don't. Either way, I'm still locked up here waiting to die. So, whether I agree with you or not, Clay, I'm still stuck here, man. It's not about whether God exists or not, Randy. What else is there? A relationship. What? God wants a relationship with you, man. <i> He wants to help you.</i> Yeah, how do you know? Because I've watched him come through for me over and over again. Oh, no, no, no, do you even hear yourself right now? This is what us sane folk like to call rationalization. You want to believe there's a God helping you out so you <i>feel better while you're stuck here on death row.</i> Randy, if I did something like that, I'd drive myself crazy. Then how else do you explain it? <i> (Clayton) Faith.</i> Randy, everything begins with faith. It's not that simple. I bet you got faith in something. Yeah, you'd be wrong. Oh really? Let me ask you a question then. What would happen if I jumped off my bed in the middle of the night right now? Why you asking me this, man? Man, I let you quiz me all the time, Randy. Now, answer my question, what you would happen? You would land on the ground and wake everybody up. Okay, okay, so how do you know that for sure? It's a law of physics, Clay. All right, so you have faith in a law that says what goes up must come down, is that what you're telling me? If you want to call it that, yes. Having faith in God ain't no different, bro. We believe in him, and he shows himself to be true all the time. Okay, then fine, I have faith in gravity. <i>You happy now?</i> So, you see where you can't knock folks who got faith in God, now can you? Fine, I'll give you that one. You see how you got to give me that one too. That's what I just said, right? Can we drop this, please? Randy, God operates on the basis of faith, man. Come on, what does that even mean? It means that he needs us to take him serious. Yeah, I will when he starts taking me serious. No, no, no, no, the ball's in our court, man. He's waiting on us. Oh no, if God is real-- <i> (Clayton) Randy, it's up to us to trust in him,</i> just like you need the state of California to trust that you're innocent. And you need them to believe you, right? Right. Ain't no different for your Creator. Look, man, you call yourself an atheist. That's not what I see when I look at you. I see a man who's afraid to believe in someone and trust something that he can't see. You don't know that. How long we been on death row together, Randy? I don't know. Long enough for me to know what kind of man you are. Okay, you know what? Let's just say for the sake of argument that you are right, okay? All right, so now why is it up to me to make the first move? Because he already made his move. Yeah, I must have been out of town when he did that, <i>right Clay?</i> He sent his only Son to die for you, Randy. That was his first move. Oh, the whole Jesus thing, come on. Man, look, it's not enough to just believe that God exists. That ain't going to do nothing for nobody. Yeah, well, most people think so. And look at the condition most people are in. Look, Randy, the way God relates to us is through a sacrifice that only he can make. Sacrifice for what? For our sins, man, so that we can be forgiven. <i> Look, so we could have a relationship with him</i> <i> and know him personally.</i> <i> He sent his Son to die for you, and he's just asking you</i> <i> to believe it, that's all.</i> All right, look, Clay, I could see what you're saying, you know, but you're just, I mean-- But you don't want to believe and then be disappointed. Well, who does, man? Randy, what you got to lose, hm? I mean, if I'm wrong, you've lost nothing. But if I'm right, you got everything to gain. You make it sound so simple. <i> (Clayton) Because it is simple.</i> We're the ones who make it so complicated. Look, if you innocent like you say you are, <i> only God can save you now, so why don't you give him</i> <i> that chance?</i> No, I don't know, I'm not-- All right, Randy, you think about it, okay? <i> 'Cause it is important.</i> You know where I'll be if you want to do this thing. Whoa, hey, hey, do what? What do I got to do? We just got to pray, Randy. <i> Ask him into your heart, man.</i> <i> We ain't got to bow our heads, nothing like that.</i> We just pray a prayer, man. Ask him in, what are you talking about? God won't force himself on you, Randy. He waits to be invited in, and that's all he's waiting for. Oh yeah, yeah, ball's in my court again, right? Exactly. You've got to be kidding me, Clay. You get some sleep, man. We'll talk about this in the morning, all right? ♪♪♪ <i> ♪ Got nothing left I can say ♪</i> <i> ♪ If I could let go of the hurts in my past ♪</i> <i> ♪ maybe I'd find a new way ♪</i> <i> ♪ If I let him in now-- ♪</i> Hey, Clay? Yeah? All right, man, I've tried everything, okay? And I don't know what else to do. You think you want to do this? Yeah. All right. We're just going to pray a prayer, all right? You cool with that? Yeah. That's how we ask him in, Randy. You ready? Yeah. Say, "Father." Hey, he's not just God, Randy, he's your Father. And you can trust me, man, we're going to do this together. Say, "Father." Father. Thank you. Thank you. For forgiving me of all my sins. For forgiving me of all my sins. Jesus. Jesus. Come into my heart. Come into my heart. Be my Lord. Be my Lord. Be my Savior. Be my Savior. <i> (Clayton) I thank you.</i> I thank you. <i> (Clayton) For today.</i> For today. <i> (Clayton) For I choose you.</i> <i>(Randy) For I choose you.</i> In Jesus' name. <i>(Randy) In Jesus' name.</i> Amen. <i>(Randy) Amen.</i> Good job, Randy. Good job. Oh, no, no, no, you don't have to do that, Judy. You just call me if you're not feeling any better, okay? All right, I'm going to transfer you over to Jamie, and she's going to set up your next appointment for you, okay? All right, Judy, thanks, bye. Hey. You're back. Please, have a seat. <i>I thought I ran you off last time.</i> Yeah, well, so did I. Have you thought about my question? Would you like to talk about it? Would you mind if I ask you some questions? All right. I promise we're going to get through this. Okay, so here are the questions they're going to want answered <i> for with your last appeal, Titus.</i> <i>Under certain circumstances, I think this last appeal will go</i> our way, one of them being that Titus comes clean about how he was abused. Forget it. That money they found should have been evidence enough. Titus, if you don't do this, you're a dead man, do you understand that? Wesley, could you give me a couple of minutes with him? What? Just need a few minutes, Wes. Man, what is up with you always needing a couple of minutes? I appreciate it, thanks. Fine, I'll be back in five. Hey, maybe you could take notes while I'm gone. Look, Danny, I'm not doing this, we already talked-- Wait, hold on, man, hold on. I got to tell you something. What? I just--I feel responsible for you taking all those beatings from dad. He always hit you, not me. You were always taking the heat. I can't remember a time you didn't protect me. And I'm just feeling guilty about it. Danny, let's-- I felt like the least I could do was mortgage my house to get you a good lawyer. I had to do something. So, I'm asking you, please just tell them the truth about what happened and give yourself a chance to live. Man, dad messed you up. You had a lot to work through. I just want you to have a chance to start over. I hated that man. I know. I still do. It would have torn me up inside to watch him start in on you. I could have took care of myself. I know you could've, I know. It's just you were a special kid. What are you talking about? You were different. I guess I'm saying that even though you're my little brother, I always looked up to you. Titus, I'm no different than you, man. <i> (Titus) Danny, Danny, you've done good with your life.</i> You've made things right. You're my hero. And you and Dewayne are the only family I've got. Titus, then I'm begging you, man, if that's true, please just tell them the truth about what happened then. It's your only chance. If you don't, I will. I can't let that man be the reason I'm free, Danny. <i> It'll make me feel like I owe him something.</i> Listen, I can get myself out of here, little brother, I know I can. I read 8 new law books in the past 2 months. <i> Now, I appreciate everything that you've done for me,</i> little brother, I do. But if I have to take my own case in front of the courtroom, I will. Danny, if I can save you from dad, I can save myself from death row. Hey, what time you got? About 20 after. <i>(Tina) Clay.</i> Tina. Oh Tina, you came back. I did. I'm so sorry I'm late. No, no, thank you, baby. I can't let you go through this alone. So, no matter when your time comes, I'll be here. Yeah, I just want you to know that, listen, I don't blame you for how you feel. Let's not worry about how I feel anymore, okay? I got your letter. I can't believe I'm doing this. Oh Tina, baby, thank you. Thank you, Titus is going to flip out when he sees this. Guards took his typewriter away. Brother's been writing on a napkin with a crayon for the last 3 weeks. I will never understand why you do what you do for these guys. Hey, I'll do anything I can to win these guys, you know? Aside from you and God, that's all I got. You'll never change. If you think about it, that's what got you in here. Yeah, you're right. Hey, but this time, I'm making good on it. I just wish I didn't have to hear about it once a month. <i>I wish I could see it for myself.</i> I do too, baby. Time's up. Visitors prepare to exit. I better go. But hey, I promise I won't be late next time. Yeah. Hey Tina, I want you to know I'm not just sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for what I did to us. <i> I regret not being there with you.</i> <i> That's the hardest part of this whole thing.</i> Clay, I'm not going anywhere. Come on, let's go. Thank you. <i>(Dr. Sanders) What you're going through, it's normal.</i> It's all part of the process. But it's been 3 years, Trisha, and you still haven't touched that piano, the thing that earned your living <i>and you love so much.</i> <i>What's stopping you?</i> It just doesn't fit into my life anymore. You honestly believe that? I don't--I don't know what to believe. Well, you won't play the piano, but it says here that you've attended both of Titus Freeman's appeals. <i>Is that true?</i> What are you looking for at those appeals, Trisha? I'm going to make sure that--that man gets what he deserves. Well, he probably will. I mean, statistically speaking, he doesn't stand much of a chance. Why are you really going, Trisha? Does it make you feel better? Yes. I didn't expect that answer. You know, I don't believe that, not for a second. You lost your husband, the love of your life. Okay, no. It doesn't make me feel any better. So, why not? It's just-- What? It's just-- What? Trisha, Trisha, come on. I don't know. <i>Well, you brought it up.</i> What is it that you're not telling me? Somebody has to pay. Okay, pay for what? Pay for how I feel, and pay for everything I've lost. Good, Trisha, tell me how you feel. It's my fault. <i>Now, why would you say that?</i> You don't know what happened. You're right, I don't know what happened. <i> (Ivan) No, not tonight, Don, I can't cover you.</i> I got plans with Trish. Any other time works, though. Hey, hey, real quick, Casey told me you had a lead on a suspect from the shooting last night, is that right? Oh wait, hang on, hang on, let me write this down. Hey Ivan-- Hang on, hang on. All right, go. Yeah, I heard that too. All right, I'll check it out on my end. Good work, Don. I'll talk to you. All right, Trish, talk to me. What do you need? I've been trying to since you got back, but you're too busy-- Go on, I'm listening. You're not listening. You can't do anything but worry about your next assignment. Trish, please, don't start with me about the job. Don't do this tonight. You know, I'm out there risking my life to help people. The least that you can do is give me some support. Support? You're the--you're the one who's never at my concerts. <i>You're never at home.</i> Now you're blaming me for all your problems? No. I've supported you being on the force since day one. What do you want me to do? You want me to quit and stay home all day? Ivan, this is a marriage. We're not just roommates, where you can come and go as you please. I'm the one that bought you that piano when we had nothing. Yeah, yeah, you're not listening, as usual. Trisha, I go to your shows when I can. What else do you need me to do? I hate coming home to this. You coming home to this? You're the one that's out of town all the time. I come home to nothing. Why can't you just have a conversation? Why is that so difficult? Because it goes nowhere! Well, that's why I found someone else! Trisha. I was seeing another man, Ivan. But I'm not seeing him anymore. It's done. It was a mistake. I can't be here right now. Ivan, please don't--don't go now. We need to work through this, Ivan. I'm going to cover Don's shift tonight. <i>(Trisha) Why now?</i> Ivan, please. <i> (Trisha) So, it's my fault.</i> He was out that night because of me. I'm the one responsible. And those were the last words we said to each other. And you've kept this to yourself for the past 3 years? <i>All right, Trisha, it's real simple.</i> <i>You got to forgive yourself.</i> It's my fault. <i>(Dr. Sanders) No, there were a lot of factors</i> that you had no control over. Are you sorry for what you did? Of course. Unforgiveness is a killer, Trisha, towards yourself, towards Titus. If I just would have stopped-- <i>(Dr. Sanders) No, no, no, no, no, listen, listen to me.</i> You had no control over his actions that night. <i>Hanging onto this unforgiveness is like drinking poison</i> and expecting Titus to die. You know, it just doesn't work that way. Well, how does it work? Okay, well, you can't do it by yourself. You need help, you need your family, someone like me, and you need God. I don't know where to start. I know that, Trisha, and that's why I'm here. Think of it this way. You can't recover from how you're feeling right now until you start forgiving yourself. <i>Okay?</i> <i> [gavel banging]</i> <i> (male) Will the defendant please rise?</i> <i>The court finds the new evidence of frequent child abuse</i> <i> upon the defendant as insufficient to reduce</i> <i> the sentence of death.</i> <i>Titus Freeman, you will remain convicted of premeditated murder</i> <i> and sentenced to death.</i> <i> Court is adjourned.</i> <i> [gavel bangs]</i> <i> (Manny) Heads up, heads up, apparently there's more</i> <i> silverware missing from the mess.</i> Nobody sleeps tonight until we find it. Titus, you were out last. We're going to start with you. Come on, Lee, get him cuffed up. I ain't staying in here, man. I can't do it no more. Man, just kill me. I can't do it no more, man. Just kill me and get it over with. <i>(Manny) Get his hands, get his hands.</i> Titus, one, two. <i> [Doc screaming] Titus!</i> Don't do it, Titus, please. Let him go. Get him out of there. Get him out of there. Sixty days in the hole, get that punk out of here. <i> Get him out of there now.</i> Get that piece of trash out of my sight before I bust his head. <i> I'm sick of looking at that punk.</i> <i> Get him out of my face.</i> <i>(Manny) Heads up, heads up, we're bringing back the bad boy.</i> Sixty days in the hole and he ain't happy. <i>Come on, let's go, get him in the cell.</i> <i>Get that opened up.</i> Come on, get that piece of trash in the cell. Get him in there, get those hooks off him. Get out of my way, get out of my way. Freeman, you ever pull another stunt like that again and I'm going to kill you myself. Get him locked down. Titus, take this. I don't need that. Stop acting like a fool and wrap this around before you freeze to death. Come on. Congratulations, young blood. Ain't nobody ever made it in the hole for 60 days. You're a bad boy. Yeah, well, they can't get to me. Yeah, I guess not. I don't bow or scrape for nobody. Yeah, I know, Titus. I can't stay in here, Clayton. I heard about your last appeal, man, I'm sorry. I can't die alone in here. I won't. My father died alone with people cursing his grave, and I can't be like him. You don't have to be, Titus. Oh, believe me, I won't. No, what I'm telling you is whether you get out of here or not, you could still be free. Oh man, we must be talking about something different. My freedom is outside these walls. And what I'm telling you is whether you get out of here <i>or not, you could still be free, and you don't have to live with</i> <i> that pain anymore.</i> You're losing me, man. Jesus made a way for you to be forgiven. Stop playing with my head, Clayton. What you did to that innocent man can be wiped off your record. I thought I told you to shut up about God. He's all you got left, Titus. Oh man, I can write the governor again. I can write some senator, some people-- Your last appeal is over, man. You can't save yourself no more. I can't die in here, man. There's so much I haven't even done yet. We've all felt that way, Titus. No, it's different for me. I haven't been married yet. I haven't had kids. Hey, look, believe it or not, man, there's something that goes even deeper than that, all right? Oh Clayton, I could be a good father, man, I know I could. You should have saw me raising Danny. Titus, I want those same things for you too, man, but I'm going--I'm going to tell you don't none of it matter if you ain't got God in your life. <i> I should know because I had all those things,</i> <i> and I lost them.</i> You see, I can't speak for nobody else, but I'm up in here for murder, man. I got back from fighting a classified mission, and I wanted to retire. But I just wasn't happy with what they paid vets, so I started selling drugs. <i> One night, this young lady, she came to buy,</i> and the police decided that they was going to raid me in my own crib. So, I picked up my rifle, and I started shooting back. One of the bullets went through the drywall, and it killed that young woman, killed that young mother. What I didn't know was that she was there with her little daughter to buy drugs from me. <i> In a split second, I orphaned that little baby girl</i> all because I wanted a bigger paycheck. Well, when I got here, the other prisoners, they found out why I was locked up, so that first year, it was hell. <i> I had to fight for my life every day.</i> <i> But I was a soldier, so I survived.</i> But the guilt, the guilt and the shame that came from me knowing that little girl was wondering why I did what I did for the rest of her life, that tore me up. <i> And I started thinking about her little face.</i> She was horrified. Her face haunted me for a long time, Titus, and so I started thinking of ways <i> that I could take myself out.</i> But one day, this man, I don't know where he came, and he started talking about how we could be forgiven. I don't know where he came from, I don't even know who he was with. I just remember him speaking in that gym about how we <i> didn't have to live with that kind of shame</i> <i> anymore for the rest of our lives.</i> <i> And he helped me, Titus.</i> I asked God to forgive me. I asked God to save me, and I started following Jesus. And that's--that's when all that pain got lifted off. Then I felt like I could breathe again. And I'm going to tell you even today, I feel like I'm more free inside these walls than most folks outside. And I want you to know, Titus, I understand how you feel. But you need to know everything can change. Oh man, but if somebody shoots at you, you got to shoot back. No, no, Titus, you're missing the point, man. Me killing that young lady, me killing them cops, I was wrong from the very start, man. I had this hole in my heart, you know? I tried to fill it by making six figures, but look where that got me. I had the wife, I had the kids, Titus, but I don't even have that anymore. Only God can fill that kind of hole, man. And I'm here to tell you that he loves you, and he sent his only Son to die for you, bro. and you need to know that he can forgive you. He will forgive you for anything. Well, if your God was so great, then where was he when my pops was beating the hell out of me night after night, huh? Where was he then? He was the one keeping you alive when you should have been dead. Keeping me alive for what, Clayton, so I can die in here? So he can save you, Titus. Save me from what, man? Titus, make no mistake, there is a heaven and there is a hell. Our soul goes to one place or another. Now, where you choose to go, that's up to you. I see what you're doing. <i> (Clayton) I'm trying to help you.</i> I didn't ask for your help. That ain't going to stop God from pursuing you, bro. I'm not ready for something like that, Clayton. Hey, it's not even about whether you ready or not, Titus. Oh man, just back off me, all right? I just need some time, okay? Just--I just need some time. I just need some time. All right, Titus, but just don't wait too long, you hear me? Don't you wait too long. Oh, I got you now, Doc. We'll see. No, I see, You're going to see. Call. There it is, baby, full house. [laughing] Four of a kind? Man, take these cards. Four kings. Take these back. I quit, Doc. Okay, I'm going to deal one more hand. No, I'm not playing with you no more. Come on, I'll let you win. No, I quit. What did I do? I'm playing with a man who should be dealing in Vegas. <i> (Doc) Oh, don't say that.</i> <i> That's what got me put in here in the first place.</i> <i> (Clayton) Oh, for real?</i> Randy. Hey, John, what are you doing here? Got good news. Your conviction has been overturned. New evidence was found after certain witnesses came forward with sworn statements on your behalf. How'd you find them? That's just it, Randy, we didn't. They found us. <i> (Manny) You're free to go, Randy.</i> Open cell number two. You're a free man, Randy. Get out of here, Randy. You're joking, right? I can't walk out without my cuffs on. It's illegal. No, you and I are both walking out, no more cuffs. Oh, come on, where's the camera, Manny? Randy, you've got 60 seconds to get your stuff and get out of my prison. I'm sick of looking at you, Randy. Get in there, clean that cell, Randy, move it. Hey, you don't need to talk to him like that, he's a free man now. Don't talk to me. I'll do my job, you do yours. I am doing my job. I am taking care of my client. Hey, come on, man, don't push him, man. I've got a prison to run, counselor, and not you. <i> Get out of my face.</i> I will have you before a judge. You need to learn some manners, Manny. Get back in there and clean that cell already. Don't you ever talk to me-- I will talk to you any way I need to. I got my stuff, all right? Here's all my stuff, you happy now? Oh my god. Oh Randy, get off me. You are a good man, Charlie Brown. Now, I got some slobber there under your H. I'm just going to dab that off. Randy, leave it. Let's just leave it. Yeah, just leave it. He's a grown man, can clean his own shirt, right? John, give me a second, would you? Sure, I'll wait for you over here. [Clayton laughing] I guess there's something in those prayers of yours, huh Clay? I told you, man. I thought I was trapped in here forever. If you're impressed with this, you wait until we see each other in heaven. I won't forget you, Clay. Then you better send me some letters. Hey, I will do, man. Listen, I just want to say thanks for everything. Hey, go on out there and find that wife of yours, man. Okay. Hey Randy? Yeah. Don't you ever forget what God did for you, man. No way. Whoo, we're going to Taco Bell. Titus Freeman. That, Titus, is a formal death warrant signed by the governor of California. It states that on November 15, 2015, you will be put to death by lethal injection. Manny, that's only a month away. Yes, it is, Titus. So, I suggest you make the most of your last 4 weeks. ♪♪♪ <i>(female) Daddy, daddy, daddy.</i> Oh my gosh, you are not going to believe who asked me out this weekend. Are you ready, are you ready? Okay, the captain of the football team. [screaming] I mean, I turned him down and everything, but dad, it was so flattering. How often do you get asked out by anyone, the captain of anything? That's great, Carey. But from now on, I want to meet these guys you keep telling me about. What? I don't know what to say. I've been waiting for this moment for the past 10 years. And I don't know what to say. I mean, are you okay? Can you talk normally all the time, or does it hurt? Do you get a certain number of words? Do you have to take a pill that keeps the words flowing? Am I the only one that can hear you? No, honey, I'm fine. Just in case I don't get the chance again, I want to tell you how much I love you, Carey. You mean everything to me, and that'll never change. I love you too, dad. <i>(guard) Oh guys, come on, no touching,</i> <i>quit the hugging.</i> All right, Doc, let's go, come on, break it up. <i>(Titus) Man, who is it?</i> <i>(guard) You'll see.</i> <i>(Titus) I told you if it wasn't my brother,</i> <i>I don't want to see nobody, man.</i> <i>(guard) Well, you'll find out soon enough.</i> Stop playing games with me. Titus Freeman? <i> We haven't formally met yet.</i> I'm Trisha Parks. You shouldn't be here. And I came here to say something, and then I'll get out of your way, Titus. I don't want no problems with you-- Titus, I came here to forgive you. You need to know that I don't hate you. And I don't wish death upon you. What I went through was painful, but who am I to judge you? It's too much for me. And I want you to know that I won't be at your execution. <i> I don't know what it is, Titus,</i> but God has changed me. And I hope he does the same for you. Before I leave, I want to give you something. See, see, I'm a pianist. And I finally got back to playing after taking a long break. I made this tape of music just for you. I hope you like piano music because it's all it is. I appreciate you--I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me, Titus. ♪♪♪ Get up. I said get up. ♪♪♪ Pops. Listen, I--I don't know if you can hear me. I guess it really doesn't matter. I just needed to let you know that no matter what happened growing up in that house in the past, it's over. I forgive you. I forgive what you did. I've allowed you to live rent-free inside of me for far too long. And I'm not holding onto that hate no more. I'm cutting you loose. I forgive you. And God, God, I need you to forgive me for killing that man. Help me through this. I'm scared. I don't want to die alone. Listen, I don't know how to do this, but I believe you. I believe what you did. And I understand if you're not buying any of this, but if I was going to be here any longer, oh, I would want to know you. I would. So, if you are real, then show me who you are because my time is running out. Titus Freeman, the time has come for you to walk the longest mile. Come on, Manny. On your feet, Titus. Get up, Titus. On your feet, Titus. Show your wrists. Come on, man, put your hands through, let's go. Let's get this done. <i> (Clayton) Come on, now ease up on him.</i> Step back, open this gate. <i> (Clayton) Titus, don't even listen to that.</i> Titus, to the line, let's go. Come on, let's go, move, step up. Right there, son. Pat him down. <i> (Clayton) We'll be praying for you, Titus, believe that.</i> Hurry up, let's get this over with, man. I've been waiting for this. Prisoner ready. Dead man walking. Don't even listen to that, Titus, you hear me? <i> I'll be praying for you.</i> It's time. You can do it, Titus. You hear me, Titus, you stay strong. Come on, Titus. ♪♪♪ <i> (male) Does the jury recommend a sentence?</i> <i> (juror) Your honor, based on Titus Freeman's verdict</i> <i> of guilty for premeditated murder,</i> <i> we the jury recommend that Mr. Freeman</i> <i> be sentenced to death by a lethal injection.</i> ♪♪♪ <i> ♪ As we made our way across the prison yard ♪</i> <i> ♪ I felt my heart begin to race ♪</i> <i> ♪ As we drew nearer to the place ♪</i> <i> ♪ Where they say that death ♪</i> <i> ♪ Was waiting in the dark ♪</i> <i> ♪ The slamming doors of iron echo through the halls ♪</i> <i> ♪ Where despair holds life within its cruel claws ♪</i> <i> ♪ But then I met a man whose face ♪</i> <i> ♪ Seemed so strangely out of place ♪</i> <i> ♪ A blinding light of hope was shining in his eyes ♪</i> <i> ♪ And with repentance in his voice ♪</i> <i> ♪ He told me of his tragic choice ♪</i> <i> ♪ That led him to this place ♪</i> <i> ♪ Where he must pay the price ♪</i> <i> ♪ But then his voice grew strong ♪</i> <i> ♪ As he began to tell about the one ♪</i> <i> ♪ He said had rescued him from hell ♪</i> <i> ♪ He said, I'm free ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh, I have been forgiven ♪</i> <i> ♪ God's love has taken off my chains ♪</i> <i> ♪ And given me these wings ♪</i> <i> ♪ And I'm free, yeah, yeah ♪</i> <i> ♪ And the freedom I've been given ♪</i> <i> ♪ Is something that not even death ♪</i> <i> ♪ Can take away from me ♪</i> <i> ♪ Because I'm free ♪</i> <i> ♪ And if the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh if the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ Then you are free, really, really free ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh free, yeah ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh we have been forgiven ♪</i> <i> ♪ God's grace has broken every chain ♪</i> <i> ♪ And given us these wings ♪</i> <i> ♪ We're free, yeah ♪</i> <i> ♪ The freedom we've been given ♪</i> <i> ♪ Is something that not even death can take ♪</i> <i> ♪ From you and me because we're free ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh, we're free, yeah, yeah ♪</i> <i> ♪ We are free ♪</i> <i> ♪ We are free, yeah, yeah ♪</i> <i> ♪ The Son has set us free ♪</i> <i> (Titus) So, if you are real,</i> <i> then show me who you are</i> <i> because my time is running out.</i> <i> ♪♪♪</i> <i> ♪ We are free ♪</i> <i> (Titus) If you're real, then show me who you are</i> <i> 'cause my time is running out.</i> <i> (Trisha) God has changed me, Titus.</i> <i> I hope he does the same for you.</i> <i> (Clayton) If you're impressed with this,</i> <i> wait until we see each other in heaven.</i> ♪♪♪ <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ If the Son has set you free ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪</i> <i> ♪ You are free indeed ♪♪</i> <i> ♪ I can't make you love me more ♪</i> <i> ♪ Even if I'm perfect, Lord ♪</i> <i> ♪ I am accepted ♪</i> <i> ♪ I am accepted ♪</i> <i> ♪ I can't make you love me less ♪</i> <i> ♪ Even in my brokenness ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm accepted ♪</i> <i> ♪ All because your blood is enough ♪</i> <i> ♪ Overwhelming grace, neverending love ♪</i> <i> ♪ Everlasting mercy is my judge ♪</i> <i> ♪ Overwhelming grace, neverending love ♪</i> <i> ♪ Everlasting mercy is my judge ♪</i> <i> ♪ Overcoming death, all your work is done ♪</i> <i> ♪ And I'll forever sing resurrection song ♪♪</i> ♪♪♪ <i> ♪ I want a heart that forgives ♪</i> <i> ♪ A heart full of love ♪</i> <i> ♪ One with compassion just like yours above ♪</i> <i> ♪ One that overcomes evil ♪</i> <i> ♪ With goodness and love ♪</i> <i> ♪ Like it never happened ♪</i> <i> ♪ Never holding a grudge ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a heart that forgives ♪</i> <i> ♪ That lives and lets live ♪</i> <i> ♪ One that keeps loving over and over again ♪</i> <i> ♪ One that men can't offend ♪</i> <i>♪ Because your word is within ♪</i> <i> ♪ One that loves without price like you ♪</i> <i> ♪ Lord Jesus Christ ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a heart that loves everybody ♪</i> <i> ♪ Even my enemies ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want to love like you, be like you ♪</i> <i> ♪ Just like you did ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a heart that forgives ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a heart that forgives ♪</i> <i> ♪ When the ones that are closest ♪</i> <i> ♪ That I've known the longest ♪</i> <i> ♪ Hurt me the most ♪</i> <i> ♪ I still want to love them ♪</i> <i> ♪ Just like you loved me ♪</i> <i> ♪ Even though I'm hurting ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a heart that forgives ♪</i> <i> ♪ When the pain is so deep ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's so hard to speak about it to anyone ♪</i> <i> ♪ Just like your Son ♪</i> <i> ♪ I give up my right ♪</i> <i> ♪ To hold it against them with hatred inside ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want a heart that loves everybody ♪</i> <i> ♪ Even my enemies ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want to love like you, be like you ♪</i> <i> ♪ Just like you did ♪</i> <i> ♪ I want to walk like you, talk like you ♪</i> <i> ♪ Just like you did ♪</i> <i> ♪ Want to be like you, live like you ♪</i> <i> ♪ Just like you did ♪</i> <i> ♪ 'Cause a heart that forgives ♪</i> <i> ♪ That is the heart that will live ♪</i> <i> ♪ Totally free from the pain of the past ♪</i> <i> ♪ And the heart that lets go ♪</i> <i> ♪ Is the heart that will know so much freedom ♪</i> <i> ♪ Lord I want to let it go ♪</i> <i> ♪ Hey, hallelujah ♪</i> <i> ♪ God, I need to let it go ♪</i> <i> ♪ Lord, it's been holding me back ♪</i> <i> ♪ And I don't want it, I don't want it ♪</i> <i> ♪ I don't, I don't want it no more ♪</i> <i> ♪ I don't know exactly what to do to get rid of it ♪</i> <i> ♪ But here I am, Lord Jesus ♪</i> <i> ♪ Here I am, oh here I am, Lord Jesus ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh Lord, I need you, I need you ♪</i> <i> ♪ I know this is me that you're talking to ♪</i> <i> ♪ this is me, this is me, this is me ♪</i> <i> ♪ Lord, this is me ♪♪</i> ...
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 423,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital
Id: wCrwFq-Yup8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 14sec (6914 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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