The Largest Sea Creature Ever | Size Comparison

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[Music] think you know what lurks in the depths of the ocean well nearly 95% of our oceans haven't been explored yet it's not hard to let your imagination run wild but thanks to brave explorers deep-sea cameras and awesome archaeologists we do know about some pretty incredible sea creatures living in our waters today and millions of years ago from the 9-foot spider crab to the 60-foot prehistoric Megalodon these sea dwellers come in all shapes and sizes sharks thanks to horror flicks like the Meg and the timeless classic Jaws it's no secret that sharks are super big and scary but did you know there are sharks that could fit right inside the palm of your hand according to National Geographic one of the smallest shark scientists know about is called the dwarf lanternshark and they're an adorable adorable seven to eight inches long at this size it's no surprise that these little guys are rarely seen which is why scientists don't know too much about them they've been observed a handful of times off the northern tip of South America and have organs called photo spores that literally light up these help them blend in with the sunlight hitting the water when they come to the surface looking for prey while the ocean is home to a shark as tiny as the dwarf lanternshark it's also home to the biggest shark of modern times the whale shark this creature is not only a massive shark but is the largest known fish species alive according to National Geographic like many whales this massive shark is a filter feeder and move slowly in the water an average adult whale shark can grow as long as a school bus typically they can grow anywhere from 33 feet to 40 feet and sometimes they can reach a whopping 60 feet in length while these sharks have somewhat smaller teeth and many other sharks living in the ocean they can't have a mouth full around 3,000 teeth as an adult I wonder what kind of toothbrush they have to use do they floss but even the whale shark isn't the biggest shark known to humans if the entire shark species were a kingdom the prehistoric Megalodon would be the ruler of the sea Megalodon roamed the ocean a long time ago Oh about fifteen point nine to two point six million years back between the early Miocene and late pliocene eras well they've long been extinct people are still amazed to learn about these gigantic sea beasts Megalodon could reach anywhere between 45 to 60 feet in length with jaws more than six feet wide a fossil of a tooth that once belonged to a Megalodon measured in at 7 inches needless to say I'm pretty stoked that these guys have long been extinct Oh marine reptiles many of the oceans reptiles existed long before humans roamed the earth a number of these now extinct marine reptiles resembled dinosaurs with scaly skin and Tails they didn't have gills like fish did and couldn't breathe underwater there were five main groups of reptiles that roamed the sea in the past Natha saurus plio saurus plio saurus Athiya sores and Mosasaurus try saying all those ten times fast well I don't have enough time to describe all these prehistoric marine reptiles there are a few worth comparing so you can understand their vast diversity when it came to size Shauna Soros lived on earth during the Late Triassic period about 215 million years ago shox just missed it archeologists named them shonisaurus thanks to the fossils they found near the Shoshone Mountains in Nevada after studying their fossils archeologists believe these prehistoric reptiles grew to be about 50 feet long and weighed about 60,000 pounds a t-rex supposedly rade around 18,000 pounds to give you a little perspective whoo but not all marine reptiles were massive like the shonisaurus meet opted almost or ik reptile thrived during the late Jurassic period and lived in oceans all over the world up Thelma Soros we'd somewhere around 6000 pounds and grew to approximately 16 feet long according to new dinosaurs calm that's about the same length as the beluga whale that exists today it's too bad these guys went extinct before we had a chance to see them ourselves as their cartoonish wide eyes and dolphin-like features are pretty darn cute of course the up vamos horas evolved over time to become ophthalmologists or eye doctors that we know today no that's a lie just testing you another marine reptile that lived during the Jurassic period was known as Leo plura died they are believed to have been very fast-moving similar to a great white shark a more aggressive marine reptile these carnivorous sea beasts weighed about five thousand pounds and grew to around 30 feet long with a 5 foot long skull packed with razor-sharp teeth these guys meant business they also had flippers that enable them to move incredibly swiftly through the water maybe even swimming as fast as a shark at around 25 miles per hour Wow glad I don't have to worry about these things on my next summer vacation at the beach one of the smaller prehistoric marine reptiles also live during the Jurassic period around 200 to 190 million years ago 'ok theo soros these guys only grew to about 6 feet which would have put them at the same height as a guy who was slightly taller than average today fun fact about these guys similar to humans they gave birth to their young live and not in the form of eggs and since they couldn't breathe underwater like other reptile their babies came out tail first so they wouldn't drown how thoughtful whales can you guess which living species of whale is the largest well it's not the Orca but that's a good guess the Orca also known as the killer whale is a toothed whale and can grow to anywhere from 23 to 32 feet which is slightly smaller than a school bus how about the narwhal no they're not the biggest either these unicorns of the sea live mainly in Arctic waters and only grow 13 to 20 feet in length and that's including their 9 inch tusks that puts them at a slightly longer length than the aforementioned Leo plura died tired of guessing ok I give in the largest whale that still exists today is the blue whale you knew that at a jaw-dropping 82 to 105 feet the blue whale is not only the biggest wheel we know of but is currently the largest animal to have ever lived on earth seriously these animals are bigger than a t-rex and even the prehistoric Megalodon if you were to put a blue whale next to a school bus it would look like it could swallow it think about that according to the National Geographic a blue whale's tongue can weigh the same as an elephant and their hearts can weight as much as a car that doesn't even sound possible it's no wonder these giants need to eat about 4 tons of krill every day well there aren't too many animals living today that can compete with the blue whales epic proportions there is an entirely different species that is a good contender and it's not quite what you would expect it's a jellyfish now I'm not talking about the little jellyfish that wash up on the shore and ruin a perfectly good day at the beach I'm referring to the lion's mane jellyfish the biggest jellyfish around this invertebrate can grow up to 120 feet long they also come in different gorgeous colors like red purple or even shades of orange and as if their length wasn't impressive the lion's mane jellyfish boasts a whopping eight sets of 70 to 150 tentacles that means they can have up to 1,200 in total holy cow I mean holy jellyfish and while the lion's mane jellyfish and the blue whale are yet to be beaten for the longest sea creature there is one marine creature that can grow even larger in length the Portuguese Man O'War tentacles and all can reach a length of 165 feet long and that's according to Mental Floss calm well this thing may look a lot like a jellyfish is actually known as a siphonophore and there are hundreds and sometimes thousands of them that are genetically identical their long tentacles help the organism catch prey and its sting is fatal to most animals even humans in some cases what's even creepier is that if one of the tentacles comes off the organism for whatever reason it can float around the water for days before decomposing even if it's detached this tentacle can still sting you but don't go running out of the ocean just yet your chances of being killed by a Portuguese Man O'War sting are pretty slim however if you do get stung the side effects aren't pretty with welts stomach cramps and elevated heart rate and an upset stomach well you don't want to go anywhere near these long creatures they sure are pretty to look at check out all those colors so which of these sea creatures surprised you the most give us your thoughts in the comment section don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click Subscribe stay on the bright side [Music]
Views: 943,089
Rating: 4.8045473 out of 5
Keywords: sea creatures, extinct creatures, prehistoric animals, sharks, the biggest sea creatures, whale shark, lion’s mane jellyfish, blue whale, giants of the planet, Portuguese man o’ war, siphonophore, orca, Ichthyosaurus, Liopleurodon, Jurassic period, Ophthalmosaurus, Shonisaurus, Triassic Period, Megalodon, dwarf lanternshark
Id: xjscaluPVVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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