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today we're reacting to these guys building a secret underground house with a pool these guys are primitive technology experts they did this all without machinery they use their hands they use tools they build from nature and whatnot and this is this is how humans used to live back in the day you see they have they have an axe which it probably made themselves they don't just find an axe like that so they started off by digging a hole and now they M they started chopping a lot of wood which seems to be like the walls of this hunt this is so flippin cool look at this they've built like nice pretty nice walls so far they're gonna be making a roof they throw some stuff down there some bamboo sticks if you would like to see more of these make sure you drop allies I love this type of stuff okay so they build a bamboo wall inside of there their little house I'm not really sure what they're gonna be using it for yet okay they also build a bamboo floor and now they're you they're strengthening the walls a little bit so it's not gonna fall over obviously it needs needs to be it needs to be pretty nice in that strong you know is the bedroom they just build a bedroom are you flipping kidding me they built this like in their backyards this is crazy all right so the bedroom is done next up if it rains you're kind of get really wet right now so they're gonna support the walls on the outside right now just gonna make sure that it's not gonna fall over and that's a big log they got there too wait are they gonna cover it like that they're gonna put tons of logs on there this is so cool well this is just a foundation of the room okay I see you see so so that's bad and then they're gonna put some more stuff on there not it can even stand on the roof however if it rains it's still gonna leak in so they started working on some some some concrete I don't know what this material is but it seems that it's combined with some hay and it's they're gonna yeah they're gonna be putting it on top of the roof look at that yep that's definitely like concrete type of stuff you know for the roof it just it just makes it so the roof is is waterproof that if something rains on top of the roof nothing three there were whoa and it put some more stuff on top of that look at this oh and they're gonna set it on fire because they need to heat and it's is it clay might just be play they're putting on the roof could just be played you know good spleen you got it heating up and then now they have a nice little hot but you know it's gonna be a lot cooler than this because they still need to make their swimming pool so they have a roof they can sleep there no they you're not gonna get wet or anything I mean if everybody was this skilful and and and things like this can happen nobody will be always in this role but I'm joking you can't do this everywhere in the world it it's also not the best house in the world I mean where is the toilet at am i right so they need to start digging this pool by hand okay they are not using spades they're using sticks to chop up the ground and then they throw it out look at them go this is intense Wow they've started digging up a crazy amount this must have taken them days if not weeks look at that this is insane they're just digging and digging and digging and throwing the dirt away and now it's time to oh what's hidden over there up that's some more clay yeah that's definitely clay they're definitely using clay okay he's gonna be collecting some more clay you know just put it in there take that clay with you I don't know where you're gonna take it or you're gonna do with it but uh okay he's got it all over here he's gonna use it to maybe make the inside off the pool so the water doesn't just like disappear I mean I have no idea I'm not a primitive technology expert this is my first primitive technology vide I'm reacting to so one of the other guys he put some stuff in there's some there's some sand maybe Oh and more is coming up they're mixing mixing it to is you strengthen it okay look at that yep that's definitely definitely strengthening that and now are they gonna be making bricks what what are they gonna do with the bricks this is so cool okay so what yep one is doing one the other guys doing the other one and now they have two bricks you know they just take it a day you must be so patient do something like this this is insane okay so if yep Debbie's gonna is gonna be taking it out very very nice okay that's perfect now it's next oh they're gonna do another one they're gonna do a lot of them it seems not just not just for that maybe they're gonna do it maybe like 20 of them oh and of course you need to you need to heat these things - because it's clay I think it's play I might something might sound like such an idiot for thinking that it's clay but it's like no but I hey that's what I think okay I'm not the expert ear like I said so they're heating this up it's getting stronger no it's getting solid it's it's gonna be strong soon and oh man I would love I would like I built like it like it like tree hot like a tree house when I was when I was a kid but I never built anything this cool and then one day there was a homeless person sleeping in our tree house and then we decided to abandon it I'm not even joking we are even at a tree house permit to build it it's that super cool so they got all the tiles wait no I mean they only have a few okay so now they have a lot more tiles this must have taken them hours imagine breaking a tile like this you spend hours on it they're getting even more tiles now Oh welcome out they're getting their pots you know they probably built those themselves - wait no way they're gonna be tiling the inside of their pool I do not believe this this is insane this is crazy see how long it took them to make one tile they just gonna make all these tiles and then do the whole inside of their pool are you joking they're actually doing the entirety of the pool this is great no way this looks so good this is madness this is straight-up madness these guys are so cool oh okay so up they put that over there they're gonna put some more stuff down I assume soon okay and then the update they're just they're just putting the tiles down you know what I mean you're just putting the doubt they're making this place waterproof so the water I mean the water cannot seep through into the house cuz that that that would be a problem imagine make a pool and water just starts leaking into your house so it's already turning nighttime for these guys I issued one guys on crafting these things Judy and the other guys are putting them in the right spot Judy that would be like pretty efficient right or they both do it I don't know I don't know I love with Helen would it take right so now after doing the wall it's time for the floor because you know obviously in your pool you need a floor - how do you break one of these tiles when it's in this in this spot man I got so much more respect for everything in my house now two weeks later I bet they are finally finishing this up and this is insane this looks so cool this looks so good they finished all the tiles this is so awesome Wow and now how are you gonna get there what if there's water you need to make a bridge right I think they're gonna be making a bridge now this is awesome this is such a cool underground base okay I I think they're gonna start working on the bridge you see that's what hammers used to look like in the good old days it a good old days like yeah my grandparents like this say wait they're gonna even be making like a curved bridge wow that's so cool not not it like a straight one there they're gonna be making a curved one so now they need to put a lot of logs on there and they need to tighten it and make sure that the logs are in the in the correct spot and they don't fall off sorry that's bamboo I believe one of one of them is at least but maybe they use both both some some logs some bamboo and then they put some more stuff over there make sure it's in support well you could just walk on there make sure you're not too happy if you ate too many i'm burgers nobody ain't gonna fall through that little bridge to be honest I think it's a really strong breeze like three people could probably walk in it at the same time now what's next okay got some grass I put in some garage there must be a lot of bugs in this Hut I'm just gonna call so now they even have a little bit of grass so never grass they've bridge all stop they're filling up the pool of course you got to fill up the pool how long is that gonna take I mean you could just wait until there's some horrible rain but they don't care about that they've been working on this for so long they're gonna be feeling this pool old-fashioned way they need to run over they need to grab the water and pour it in there a one scoop at a time one scoop at a time you know how long it takes for your bathtub to fill up right this is like 50 bathtubs imagine having to run to the kitchen bill your glass of water and run to your bathtub and empty it out over there that's pretty much what they're doing right now this is crazy cool this is so cool it's probably gonna be a lot of diseases and whatnot you know in the water wait you're gonna need more tiles you're not done with the tiles they're gonna do so much more but a tile in the right spot wow this is like a straight-up like this is a beautiful house this is so pretty these guys could be like workers for like a big city instead man this is this is what like city's a dream right reminds me of like a Japanese like warrior City in like that I don't know that five hundreds I don't even know if Japan was a thing back then this is so nice - so cool I mean I've absolutely no idea how long it took them to build this but mad respect for these guys this is crazy nowadays things can go much much faster because everything is like automated and whatnot and everything is like machines machines here machines there so they're making sure that it's like in the right spot and then they put the with the glue in there you know what kind of that's kind Wow look at this place I can't wait for them to go for a swim in their secret underground like base Morini cannot wait for them to do that I think oh wait I thought it was the final product there's more they put a little bit of gravel at the entrance I just noticed oh wow they put rocks all around it I mean it just looks cool I don't know why they would do it maybe I was thinking maybe for animals but nope I'm pretty sure it's just just to look good oh wait what what are they they're gonna be building more so wait oh they're gonna actually put the rocks in there and make sure that the rocks can I move you're building a rock wall I mean this is it this is an easier way to build a wall than with those with those things this is how they used to build walls this is crazy look at that so they put a rock down to put some some of the the thingy glue in there and then put some more wraps down now you get this beautiful beautiful wall around there secret underground hidden pool base you know when you think they're done these guys they just they just blow you out of the water they just keep going maybe all the nice entrance over there you know you have a little little doorway ok wait they're doing it all over the place not just in one spot what is this what is that is it gonna be a fence what are they using that for yeah they're gonna be building a fence next to the little wall oh this is so awesome this is so cool look wait and they're putting more rocks on top of that to sort of wow they're really building a wall around this place this wall is swell is there to protect nobody's gonna get through this this is crazy these guys can't come over build me a house you know what I'm saying I mean I don't think anybody wouldn't want a house bill pay these guys look at this building are they gonna be building a little door I think they're gonna be building a door over here they would be building it yeah yep they're building a door put one in the right spot and the other one put that in the right spot I mean you kinda have to duck a little bit but you do have a cool door no way you're gonna be making like a stone archway I bet yeah yes they are this is crazy watch those hands and time to swim they're going for a little swim I haven't seen them go for a swim since since they built the pool you can wash yourself in there you can do your thing that is awesome if you enjoyed this really cool make sure you drop a like and check out the video I have for you it's a surprise flick it on the screen now
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 6,901,253
Rating: 4.7966399 out of 5
Keywords: funny, child, family, moments, games, comedy, challenge, kids, kid, family friendly, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, Underground, Pool, House, Underground pool house, Underground house, Built house, Built secret, Built secret house
Id: Zw9-dJYrbNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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