The Korean NAVY SEAL fitness test

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so boys you may have noticed we're at a different base and you probably saw the UDT SEAL signs on the way in quite scary we are here to give you your final physical test we are going to get tested by the official UDT testers and they're going to put us through our paces and see which of us would actually pass the test to become a UDT SEAL yeah can't wait my body isn't sore enough is it let's just add some more all right go come on Max you got it let's do this ready let's go good cool we're sick one more time one more time up we no boys yeah got it man you got it oh wow oh no red caps I'm traumatized of red caps Now red caps and white gloves a I see a pull up bar I'm scared oh look at his shoulders man oh yeah Jesus they look scary man genuinely his arms are oh they they built man these guys are going to wreck us they built like me in it oh sh oh God oh God sunglasses more than testing your discipline they're testing your physical ability the newly updated UDT test also includes a swimming test yes I'm on that he can't swim he can't swim guys we're in it the other day and I said if they do ruin your trainers I'm going to buy you guys new pairs they have actually cleaned all your Trainers for you however the winner of this I will buy a new pair of trainers step aside guys that's my extra motivation I want to see you guys giving it your all yeah let's give it our all come on f f to okay wow look at that form 30 [Music] 30 hold at the bottom oh my God mate that's you have to hold down that's insane he's got to be a robot if you miss the beat immediate fail oh no one's going to get 30 get point I know what you're thinking guys this is really hard I want you guys to give it your best so what we're going to do is we have a point system set up where we're going to compete against each other if you're first place you get Five Points second place four third three Etc the loser gets nothing if you happen to pass their level you'll get an extra two points good oh Bobby has to take a pass on this one it's fine I get set out set anyway I'm thing easy you ready Jaden this is your moment yeah I'll do what I can I'll get i'll get I get okay sound Max Max down down down there ready more so CL you got [Music] [Music] let's brilliant flipping ah 20 that might get me a point Bob's already out two more to go in he just wasn't falling Max and naty won't make 20 DA's getting a point only one only one got did he get a point just miss out how many did you get 21 oh here we go I'm nervous cuz I need to get some points on the board Jesus oh that's fast one a beat one per be I thought it was the other way around bloody hell this is tough can I do one I I don't even think I can do one perfect score is 85 we probably don't need to know that but 3 two one oh Josh is do you really well [Music] we lost CH outrageous no no no he ruined me I've got the harsh guy ohos you did really well there 10 more up more five me five more I want a point five more no no no I've got the harsh guy I felt I got St quite harshly your form was shocking was it you were like this TR god let's go ready for this out of Time Master Class three two one [Music] [Music] to no no no no you couldn't keep up the pace it's a fail [Music] [Music] Jen [Music] [Applause] hands good job boys giving it your all Jaden's my hero okay let's get the scores on the doors I got some [Music] free J done well done extra two points in the bag extra two points in the bag play I think swimming's double points I I don't think Point N okay oh this is my worst one that bar is way higher than the one we used last time as [Music] well that's a lot yeah okay so sound like many does it it's a lot oh God this is ridiculous last time we cheated a little bit we didn't go full lock on the arms full lock is going to be hard full lock is hard [Applause] [Music] up I can't I can't even do one [Music] y That's so hard that so [Music] hard I don't even if I did one I don't know if it's one or maybe two I think I did [Music] four oh my goodness so this is the fittest I've been for years it's still humiliating but you are against 20y old that's true that's true but at 20 you knew me could I do this I'm going to be so sore tomorrow I'm just going to be dead I thought I was already dead I found the start tricky and the middle and the End come on Jaden come on Harvey come on Max come on natty I can't even get one I get one that was horrible that is too hard that's impossible you disappoint of yourself Jaden last time I did so much but it's starting on the full lock so difficult that's the difference between me and you mediocre Med get me in a 10K against everyone here you want running yeah want run no no no no no run no run no run what I think I did three I thought I did 15 I didn't actually hit him I've only got a go Point guys got be in it to win it that's what I'm saying bring [Applause] onaz I know I know he's my friend Josh is my friend you so far you you passed to become a Navy s so [Music] far my back is not going to be happy about this yeah watch how he picks up boys this important you do not want to injure your backs use your legs yeah there you go he struggles okay this is not going to be easy boys this this is prime time injury so Dave especially we need to be careful really got to be careful with your back on this one this is dangerous Bro Look it's going to take us 30 seconds to lift it up how are we going to run around as well oh [Music] okay on on you blood tear oh my [Music] gosh 10 seconds come on I feel like I've just done it that amazing so good who's next Who's Next l no no no he had it there he had it there 3 2 1 [Music] start yeah this is the hard bit Yeah okay straight back straight back straight back yeah come on come on plenty of time plenty of time Come On Come On Dave Come On Dave okay yes mate get in who needs pull-ups when you can lift large things I think you get I think you did it quicker than me this is hard let's go let's go let's go sake it's heavy it's really heavy go on go on come on come on come on yes yes come on come on you you 15 seconds all right get get under his crotch get under his crotch yeah youis straight back straight back come on 5 Seconds 5 Seconds come on you're out you're out that's a Bobby no oh hopefully I can do this yeah hopefully got Bobby the problem is also you're trying to hurry so much like if you had all the time in the world it would be I reckon it would be a breeze but cuz you're trying to hurry it's like it's hard Don't Panic whatever you do don't panic Bobs this is it count down come on set two let's go he's going to smash this he's go let's go put your legs down step lower step lower yes yes yes right get under it you've got this Bobby you're facing wrong way wrong way turn around yes yes you done it you done it you done [Music] it that was brilliant you AB smash that oh Lord 2 one let's go got oh my God his arms armpits under the armpits hug him hug him from under the arm under the armpits under the arm no yes there he is get him stood up get him stood up bro is not even coming up stood up come on yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right squat squat under him straight back squat under him get your get your arm arm yes that's the one 1 2 go stra back stra back time was up man unlocky good effort good effort it's a good effort that was terrible that is hard Four 3 2 1 come on Jaden yeah good [Music] [Music] he's done 12 he's done 12 strong man strong abely come on he sat down before the time's done Jaden basically weighs the same as that yeah that's impressive that's very impressive D Max you got this you can do it come on max four three two one let's go yes Max yes Max come on okay under the crotch under the legs let's go let's go yes let's yeah yes yes yes yes come on yes yes [Music] yes yes yes I thought he's going to break his neck over there you smashed it you smashed it well done prous press is on Harvey I've had a hernia once before so I'm I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine Harvey you got this I believe thank you to Han let's go oh yeah oh oh yes I do this every day that's it right come on Gerald over we go come on ay come on ay squat easy squat easy easy yes on lower lower lower you need to get lower yes yes go on yes 3 2 one he's out he's out of there he's out oh me man in it let the hary do it again that was great come on hary have another go I'll be the dummy you everyone's done that was great wow that was this is exhausting because we didn't tell you it's time we're going to give you a point for flare if you did a little bit of something extra you got a flare Point all right my points are racking up they are racking up no flare though he didn't do any flare no flare J all of them are 23 brilliant guys good job go to S now oh my go I can't swim so I didn't do any of the exercises I wasn't confident doing those exercises there if someone goes under water and they can't do it what happens just come up to the surface and it's a fail fail good sorry fail and this is your tip the more you are deeper the better yeah the better and it's it's easy that's resistance to pass the test minimum requirement 4 minutes and 50 seconds 4 a half minutes yeah 4 and a half minutes you got this boys you got this come on all [Applause] together he just chose to not that can you imagine how out of breath you'll be at the end of the first you have to imaged it did you imag yeah I can't I can he's making it look so easy no goggles either all right [Music] wa it's going to speed up now he fter you see why they called him [Music] seals come on he's just made that look so easy if we do it under 10 I'm impressed he literally made that look like about as easy as me getting into a hot tub [Applause] minut wow just push up the wall right away there and there how you feeling bro I'm not that confident of a swimmer I'm giving it a go anyway so see how it goes I mean I've barely 25 3 2 [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1 dad do it come on yeah DD come on come on D go off to go [Music] [Applause] B you're doing so well come on you're doing so well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes mate come on come on Josh you got this buddy yes M come [Applause] on let's go let's go come on didn't fancy it Jen my skill set didn't fancy it it's not even me I would love to do it but yeah KN you knew you were literally out of your death yeah literally yeah all we can do is support the boys all we can do is support hey Mr Smith is he going to make the time there is Mr Smith let's go come on come on Smith [Applause] get in there see Pro well done well done SE home come on I did it about 4:15 you got this come onast it it come on let's go hey what up B hold on well on r on that's the biggest in the world come on man almost there come on man all the way all the way to the wall buddy well in well [Music] in come on there yes boys I knew swimming would be my downfall but uh I did well I finished it I aim for 10 minutes and I probably got like six so that's okay strong Harvey very strong man feeling good how how impressive is his 3 minutes now yeah it's m what did I get I think you were under five really I can't remember what time you did but I think you def you were second shatter it up I was tired before I'm tired now up honestly the mental challenge for me it was like as soon as you started the front go I was like I can't I I have to go I have to go one when we were breathing on the I lost I had two my SES were under waterer but then from that point I just thought I don't know if I am a meat in front of someone or 20 minut close we were close because because the front CW we ran out of breath so we couldn't do the two or three but I I needed to [Applause] you can do either FR kick or rotary kick [Applause] for Good Start Max Good Start good head up right good start all your breathing one what easy work is it e easy it's m 20 seconds now you got 20 seconds told you you already got more than 10 let's go boys come on up 30 seconds now Boys 30 seconds in guys told you a minute head up Max Head Up 4 40 oh one up back go go off away 20 seconds keep going 15 5 Seconds keep going keep going he's going to win he's going win you can't let on beat you you can't let I'm on I'm on I'm on you one you want you you brilliant that was nice well done well done brilliant well done of right yeah hey Harvey that was really [Applause] [Music] impressive top score wow boys amazing that's the first time any of us a top score boys well played he organized the series I know uh I said the winner would get trainers since I'm the winner I actually just want to say thank you to all of you boys you did so well [Applause] I Prim we have to win okay we have to win translate translate strength strength oh okay I'm okay and we win we have to win okay let's keep the ball on the flooor yeah passing no Neymar on this team no neyar Max and Harvey what the hell you doing doing the max Harvey I don't think I've ever seen this excited it's ridiculous m [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come good sportsmanship boys good sportsmanship well played all around well played right there that is pretty brutal well played wow 6 n 6 n wow embarass that was embarrassing so Dave uh how how do you feel about your teammates I mean as player manager um I was really didn't did very very well the whole thing while covering their faces even though we boil um absolutely fantastic is yeah great experience and thank you so much for to giving up time if we come out next time we'll give you a rematch so oh
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 2,234,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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