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for let's go let's go hey guys would you mind for a quick interview okay it's like why Korea actually it was my gence dream and idea because she's like great K drama fan so does she have like a favorite actor that she likes okay so like there's no jealousy no no no I think like Korean women are also like very beautiful so okay so what's the first impression of Korea very nice that's for sure and it's a more very like Mountain like even though in Poland we have like mountains on the south see on the north but there's no way you can like see it all the time and you hear you go like once up one down like a lot of stairs my legs are dying actually basically it's more technologically like Advanced rice than Poland we've been Japan before here people seems a bit different maybe more friendly and more like foreigners friendly even I would say even more like they are seems like you know they don't aren't fond of foreigners o and there are like more foreigners than here actually yeah I like here is a lot of meat even chicken a lot of chicken beer right but in Japan there's only fish fish fish and Japan is like for Korea I think it's like Germany to Poland something something like that I feel they might have the same relationship yeah but there's the difference between Germany and Japan because Japan didn't apologize yeah yeah but Germany also I would say didn't apologize really yeah there is no reparation money was given after the war and this very interesting persective because I thought the Polish forgive the Germany yeah it's like that like there is no like thing going on for for example under the German ambassy it's like everything is okay but you know like for old people for sure there is something still that they remember my question is do you like Germany or not yes I don't have anything against you didn't hesitate that I hate Germany really I thought Polish people like Germany I mean in Poland it's like diverse because of the western culture influence like so there's a lot of of like Polish people who don't care you know about like country and stuff like that they they could live anywhere and they are okay with that the Polish people actually go to work in Germany a lot yes UK Germany a lot of other places so there there was a lot of migration like 15 years ago I think so it's like common thing probably not because they love Germany but more like they needed to earn like more money or something like that more lucrative jobs are yeah but they treat you like second category or something second class citizens right yeah like you know what's the biggest issue in Poland right now probably like socialist government that they say they are like you know conservative or rightwing or something but they are all socialists because of that Poland is poor the prices going up prices are very high actually here it's not even more expensive than yeah it's the inflation is so high thank you so much [Music] for [Music] hello what brings two beautiful Brazilian girls to Korean I'm from vation we watch K dramas and we like hip hop she lives in Korea for 6 years can you speak Korean yes she is my tour guide how has it been so far awesome have you been eating some really nice Korean food yes yes we arrive here in Sunday in Monday we at topi very very very very good what was the best thing you have seen in Korea the culture and I love how they are respectful with the olders food their clothes I love the cities everything I love Korea I would like to live here more than Brazil from everything you've done so far like what has been the most the greatest Koke for you they eat here a lot of vegetables in the morning they came to right is it shocking to you yes because in the morning in Brazil we eat like eggs bread and we have a I think it's very traditional from Brazil cus cus yes it's very good here different about the breakfast and I was like sh little bit thank you so much for for making out time to talk to us hello guys where you from colia are you visiting Korea yes how long have you been here days how long do you intend to stay 4 days yes why is it that short because we already did 11 days in Japan have you visited any other countries in Asia apart from Japan and Korea we have been in Thailand for our honeymoon I was in Philippines China you visited a lot of countries in as M and the place that you actually liked the most where would it be no for sure Korea Japan and as well Thailand specifically for the food yeah but it was very very challenging to move in Bangkok because of the weather very hot humid Transportation was crazy even here I find it a little bit challenging to get a taxi we don't know if we can pay in the bus so we have been using Uber a lot what about the Columbia oh no it's worse it's worse then why is it challenging then challenging because we live in Amsterdam so we're used bicycle use a lot so life in in Amsterdam and life in so do you think it's pretty much the same oh no it's different well Amsterdam is like small like I would say like a big Village exactly everyone knows everyone it's small everything's reachable in like a 20-minute bike uh ride so that amstan has 900,000 abant so you can imagine in proportions everything so you have everything that a large city has how is the cost of living in oh it's high we went to have a nice dinner or lunch we paid around €30 and it was like a fancy restaurant in Netherlands with 10000 but that's expensive like yeah without large amount of alcohol so a couple of beers or gin tonic and that's it is there any issue in Colombia by any chance oh there's a lot of issue okay what's happening now the first time left party president how do the people actually respond to that 505050 super polarized it's the first time a left party governs the country it's a former Guerilla like they were violent and they kidnapped people they killed people and then like 30 years later like one of them is President so you're like ah interesting is the one reason why you moved to the DST one one of many one of do you love your country yes yes we love it and it was Co time as well postco great resignation times exactly especially me thank you for your time you have a wonderful stay in Korea enjoy your time okay take care good day where you from Hong Kong Hong Kong how long have you girls been in Korea like 3 days 3 days and like how has it been so far I love the place here traffic is very convenient and I love the culture of Korea so how long are you going to be in Korea we still have 5 day left like have you been trying some Korean food what's your favorite Korean food to to why does everyone like toi I think it's more tasty than Hong Kong one is it top in Hong Kong yeah lot of uh Korean restaurants nowadays like what is there any like any big issue in Hong Kong that you would like to talk about you know we okay why why did you decide to come to Korea instead of Japan I like the culture of Korean more than Japan is there a reason I have learned some Korean cause at my University there are some cause for learning the Korean culture but also for the speak so you can speak Korean what about you no no no what early childhood and family studies it's not related to Korean or any other culture but we can choose to learn that as a elective so did you practice Korean in Korea oh my I really bad in speaking I'm going to say some things in Korean and tell me if you know it okay okay did you understand she is from Hong Kong you understand Korean then yes the the next question is for you you speak Korean really well that was a shocking thing in Korea experience or things you have seen all the people is beautiful speed it in Korea that's you don't you don't do that in Hong Kong right no no no do you go to jail no no no you have to pay the fee so you have to pay like a fine or something so like how much do you pay if you $5,000 you can use this money to buy you speed and then you pay for money for iPhone um so when was the last time you pay for fine no me I think besides that actually this straight and traffic the bus the train are actually quite clean and you can see there's no trash in here yeah I really appreciate for is it the same thing in back home in in Hong Kong no Hong Kong is small trash on the street so you you guys don't spit bu if the street of in Hong Kong is clean it's just that someone have cleaned it but not people they keep their trash to home or throw it to R Bish do you guys have a trash can on the street by any chance yeah but it have decreased it since I don't know when but I think it will decrease more cuz we are having to collect the trash fee starting with the first of the August okay hey girls before you go I want you to say something to the camera okay love BMA what's up where are you from bro I'm from Russia what brings you to Korea I just traveling I have been traveling for two years already in Korea no no no no no oh traveling to different countries right yeah I came from Japan so how was your trip in Japan was it good it's amazing comparing Tokyo to so who where is more amazing I think for living better is so because I think Japan also Tokyo it's like another Universe only for Japanese people what's so special about there because you know everywhere like bhon in the toilet everywhere and also English in ja is uh like very very bad compared to Soul right okay what countries in Asia have you been to apart from Korea and Japan uh Thailand Malaysia Philippines China which Asian country was the best country so far I would say Korea you got you got the but but to be honest to be honest what country actually gave you the best experience I think Japan best experience but it's not best country what experience did you have I already told that it's another universe and only for Japanese so yeah it was interesting for so you said you've been traveling for 2 years I used to live in Turkey for 9 months so I can speak Turkish also why did you leave the Turkish Turkish girl are crazy I have a tattoo in Turkish ask what does it mean love like like the love yeah so after breaking up with your ex-girlfriend yes from Turkey a that's why yeah Bad Love Story do you want us to go into details no no okay don't worries thank you for your time hello are you are you traveling we are where are you from from America I don't know if I feel comfortable being on camera you no no trust me don't look at the camera just look at me that's fine no you sure what about your friend over here are okay what brings you to Korean I have family here so I came here pretty often like as a kid and then my friends have never been out of the continent so are you Korean or American yeah I'm Korean American can you speak Korean yeah I can hit me oh you took I really enjoyed coming here all the time I always look forward to it so what interests you the most about Korea it's my culture you know yeah it's my background so what's your favorite Korean food I don't know it depends on my I really like sweet things though so Pizza no wait but that's a big thing I always tell my friends in America friends in America I think I really like corn right and all of my American friends think that corn on Pizza is weird but in Korea they do it all the time here's my question uhhuh do you recycle yeah I try to recy for that's true a lot of them don't really care and I heard even if you recycle only like 20% actually gets recycled it's kind of sad it is sad thank you so much wait did you tell us what that was for yeah what is this for what do you guys do YouTube oh okay have your YouTube yeah what's your oh Channel 500,000 K-pop is not my thing M really I'm more into like I'm more into woman oh oh he just exposed you no he's just no no what what was I saying again I think because in Northern Virginia there's a lot of Koreans like I had a lot of classmates who weren't a lot and I grew up in a very privileged area I think I know very lucky me I think that's why I grew up loving my Korean culture and like Korean side of myself don't forget who you are I won't wor anyways I'm going to let you girls be your friend is about to like she anyways I'll see you guys later okay bye wow good evening guys where are you from America America you're traveling right oh we're English teachers how long have you been staying in career this is my third year I have been here 8 months what has been the most the biggest cultural shock people it's everyone's very close the bus Subway the stores we see people like always like leaning on each other and in America it's like a thing to have your own personal space bubble so I definitely agree where in America did you I'm from Ohio so there's no like public transportation or anything so my first time on the subway taxi bus was here really in Ohio I drove everywhere but I wouldn't want to drive here so how many countries have been to Mexico Switzerland France and Japan Tokyo this is a weird one but it's it was quieter like everybody was really more to themselves I feel more comfortable like asking hey how can I get to this place like I'm okay with asking those questions to be here I hope you guys have a wonderful day take care come on [Music] s [Music]
Channel: CKOONY
Views: 418,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 외국인, 외국인반응, 한국, 외국인 채널, 외국인 반응 채널, 외국인채널, 외국인 먹방, 해외, 먹방, 리액션, 로드쇼, 광화문, 한국 외국인 반응, 중국인, 홍콩, 미국인, 미국, 한국인, 아프리카, 브라질, 남미, 외국인 반응, 한국여행, 외국인 한국 여행, 여행, 한국여행 외국인 반응, 유럽, 암스테르담, 일본, 일본여행, 일본 반응, 일본인, 홍콩사람, 일본 도쿄, 일본 외국인 반응
Id: dmx6tK75UiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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