British Highschooler Surprises Mum with Korean BBQ!

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today Bobby has got his mum to come out for dinner without any idea where she's going and we are going to surprise her we told him to tell her to you know dress up look okay hey it is surprised [Music] I couldn't even look at the shops he wouldn't let me know fantastic here we go you ready Bob no you didn't give her a chance to be ready I'm really shaken surprise to God I just thought why it comes so far because he knows I don't like the tubes okay okay and then kept rushing me and I don't like to be rushed you must have got a recommendation let's go with it Bobby just told you he's going to take you for lunch which is a shock to work I've never taken so long that was the shot in itself so nice to meet you man thank you for what you've done for him but I never thought he'd be an environment like this so you cannot believe yeah we all saw your comment on the first video I think your comic got 60 000 I know I've never seen that before how about a new show you've got more than YouTube when a comment is so the first thing we've ordered I've missed this was the first thing that you had when you got to Korea if you remember also probably one of the first things we ever introduced you look at that there oh that's cheesy got a bit of cheese on it yeah it's not dark is it no no it's not dark stock market sorry chewy that's very nice bit cheesy make my nose run oh no there's a little bit of spice a little bit of a kick yeah what is what is what is that then it's made from sticky rice no yeah yeah same reaction with iron when I find out stick your rice I'm not sure about the texture it's a texture to get used to isn't it the texture is definitely an acquired one to be completely honest I think it's a textual thing with me but the flavor's unbelievable I like it if you took that wow okay just had it like a soup well if it's a little bit spicy you said you've got a little bit of a kick oh it looks amazing essentially an egg souffle see that's shaking I don't know how you feel loved nice and hot so be careful it's very hot so oh you went all in one yeah it's very hot for that it's pretty nice it's really really nice it doesn't feel like you're eating anything did it yeah it's very light very very light so Mandy I've always wondered what it was like as a mum seeing Bobby you know in the first of our videos I mean it's all about a year and a half ago now I feel I was a little bit jealous to be honest because he wouldn't he wouldn't try nothing at home would you yeah I was very fussy it was very fussy really I've always said to the kids okay if you don't like it you can spit it out but you have to try it I don't even have onions in the sauce and then I've found you know seeing things that he's eating with onions in and yeah avocado and raw cabbage and stuff so I love cabbage I do like that's my favorite vegetable funny enough oh chef's kiss yeah you can yeah you can laugh so yeah I haven't tried anything it was a surprise because before even flew out he said look try the culture just try it just throw yourself into it nothing's gonna happen by you eating something that you don't like yeah liver have a word seriously my husband likes calves liver and that so you know we bring it down and then he sold out [Laughter] okay okay I think the worst thing of it all was keeping the secret because you know Mr Smith phoned us we've got to keep it quiet contact shut up yeah am I going to keep you quiet [Music] stop going out okay you know and he's like oh yeah I'm going uni don't worry about it and then obviously then the reveal I mean that's why you said big figs here she started laughing on the phone I might call my mama no no it's too early four in the morning they've even phoning me someone wasn't obviously no concept of time difference did you love yeah it wasn't so he was actually calling you a lot from Korea yeah okay called you from Lottie Tower you did yeah I didn't like that I hear you screaming yeah I like it I don't like it yeah I was glad he kept in contact with me though I know it's awful my old man was saying to me yeah just leave him don't worry about it yeah the worst thing you did was give me the flight details oh why I'm gonna track the plane I mean I guess you've never been apart for two weeks before I didn't even stay at a friend's house really well I think it set me up for when he went to UNI but then Uni's only two hours away I was never getting to him in Korea okay yeah you know so I was putting a lot of trust wow so okay just don't tell me what it is you're a bit scared by the look of that I am yeah looks like steak tartar steak tartar okay so this is called he's ready he's ready to go I'm hungry mum have you had this before mommy nope first time for you as well embarrassing me Mom so this here is an egg yolk and what we're gonna do is we'll break that open get that nicely mixed in what's the stuff at the bottom of that it's a crunchy Korean pear or hair with minis right he has Apple with pork Oh yeah that's true I'm scared I'm really scared all right let's do it you ready [Music] you don't like the texture yeah oh yeah the texture the texture puts you off yeah I can't do smoked salmon for that reason I like to smoke from the texture when did you like smoked salmon oh my gosh the pears are lovely though it has a lovely pair there's something what's that after taste Sesame Sesame oil yeah oh good what I like Sesame okay well let's try some cooked meat shall we then go then oh Hawaii today's wow this is a tador bangi oh the sizzle thank you very much first is maybe just give it a tiny little dip into that salt and oil okay [Music] [Music] well being so thinly sliced yeah I don't think it packs so much flavor looking it like that you'd think it disintegrates to nothing wouldn't you yeah yeah yeah I'm going for this one is that not that nice oh that's my favorite thing well what's that jump down pajamas oh I have this subject I've missed it it's so it's not good I used to every breakfast when I was like I used to have that with my breakfast breakfast yeah that wasn't on the videos videos we had a hotel buffet did he tell you about that we videoed the buffet for me I know what he video called you when he was at the hotel have a look at this Mom I used to wake up early just to go to breakfast and fall back asleep until we had to go out he'd stay up into the middle of the night going to the gym with a couple of the other boys working out so that next morning he could wake up early and eat a huge Buffet before we go start filming I remember I filmed that for me [Laughter] yes please there you go mate here we go okay and then I'm gonna put a bit of pajotti in there as well who's that Jordy basically cut up spring onion with a little bit of a marinade once you've got once you've got everything in there yeah fold it up and then all in one um [Music] um all the different flavors coming together the samjang you like the Santa oh my god oh wow so we wanted to show you come off his face oh it's quite heavy though I warned you oh drop here onions licked it yeah this is called uh that's really heavy don't knock nothing down you got it can I take it home no that's an expensive company so this is the cup we've got up next the sizzle is so good that does oh what I would do is take a little bit of salt and just sprinkle it on and give this a taste Cheers Cheers [Music] so tender [Music] I love your reactions like every single time you try out this [Music] you only have to chew it and sometimes when I see the boy's reactions on the videos I thought it was over exaggerating yeah it can't be that good yeah well I'll take it all back honest to God it's not bad hey oh it's decent not bad it's in the quality this is hot tea fantastic I've missed this food again it just looks like loads of fat which it is it's very rich you don't want to eat too much of it [Laughter] so of all the things they did in Korea Mandy what was your favorite to watch them do I quite like well I didn't like it um you cheating at the test at the school oh the world little problem though same mistakes on these two Natty and Bobby Spotify okay I'll come clean they won't all natural with me obviously well I did I don't think there was an episode where I didn't well up they're all really yeah I'm doing it now let's see there's loads I think everyone you can pick something out of everything you're right you're fair I wasn't mainly watching Bobby okay fairly reasonable I'd say you're an adult now at University yeah would you guys like to have a glass of Soju together first time well let's try it there you go this is Soju sounds like you're saying Soju so I'm not so I really got it I got it it took me a light bulb moment yeah exactly here you are Bobby sweetheart you can just ship it if you like you want to do sip or one I'll grab one lunch Mommy yeah it doesn't hurt your nose yeah collar if I ever had that out I'll be dangerous because it goes down so smoothly yeah we've got one more Cup oh that looks so good yeah there you are yeah [Music] you're gonna try again with the Chopsticks yeah go for it there we go there's something wrong with them what'd you mean they're twisting I mean the metal ones are oh there you go ready I couldn't hold the Chopstick properly wow that is so soft that's even softer Rich very rich I was such nice unbelievable that's so soft and tender I need to give credit to you because Bobby was a joy genuinely right you did you did well the way you told him just throw himself into everything and remember to be thankful for each moment by moment I'm big on manners as well I hate Bad Manners I don't expect anything less from him I always say to him what you present represents in anything how you speak to them yes so since yes I've been saying that we're not just homework but everything you do you know the people that you meet it's not just the people at the top it's the people you that you associate with walk down the street path you know like help them with a trolley don't need my kids will hold doors opens will Fulham boys has got a lot to answer for that to be honest I mean it's all about you know just be decent they do you know they're really strict and I love that amazing amazing Mr Smith and I still got my Regis still there all the teachers spend the holidays doing GCSE work to help them get through it I'm ready don't talk about what you got okay cheers Bob will you smashed your b-text yeah how about you dude happy got a girlfriend so yeah girlfriend yeah I always thought I'd be the first one to take him away to be fair but I wouldn't know I don't think I could ever have given him the experience that you got there was really no way because it took a lot of effort and you know to organize it it was a big ask on our behalf take away your kids right as they're finishing school for two weeks also that has never been abroad across the other side of the world yeah you know and I'm glad that he done all his first yeah yeah stop my old man's gonna go oh that woman but Bob if it worked for you I would have had the best show in my lifetime so oh you are my journey oh the vodka's here [Laughter] I'm so Jews well on behalf of of all of our team and I'm sure everyone at home as well who's just had so much fun watching Bobby and the rest of boys yeah thank you everyone wanted us to say thank you to you for letting us take him how do you say cheers one shot oh what's it called Soju I love that the way we end our videos Bobby you know on the run on a run Yogi Yogi kaju wanna run Yogi kaduate yeah foreign [Applause]
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 3,961,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: bTHqiAsQNRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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