British Students shave their heads for Korean Military Service

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day two baby all right everyone all packed up yeah goodbye best filler I'm ever going to stay in in my life first up today you're going to love this one Bobby Hotel buffet breakfast make sure you get lots of food you're going to need the energy today yeah definitely a look at those they're quite cute strong start to the day yeah very strong look at that healthy man healthy I bet you do this cuz I don't know we do it after I don't eat too much first up on the agenda today boys we are meeting two guys someone called dang and Agent H they are both ex UDT UDT is basically the Korean Navy Seals they've also worked as mercenaries on special missions all over the world and you might know them from Netflix's physical 100 these guys are the real deal and today they're going to test to see if you're physically ready to join the Korean Navy look at he's so he's so scared look at his face he's terrified he's Terri I don't like Jim who you think is going to do better in the strength test Jaden J J they're only seeing that because to make yourselves feel better for doing bad that's why don't listen to them so we've come to their gym we're in their ground now this a lovely gym this is proper I got a dtive do with that Jesus Christ Bobby why you look so sh broken my finger I know sorry played rugby but I'm pretty sure someone land on my finger it was turns out my knuckle was out of place I had to have surgery the week after which was a bit scary did you tell your doctor you're going to Army boot camp um oh sorry doct I don't think I did you guys are all so quiet cuz we're so nervous you know how to say hello come on on three say hello politely 1 2 3 nothing I know absolutely nothing [Laughter] okay okay okay ready ready how you feeling Harvey pretty nervous to be honest man thought we' be coming here to eat food and just relax for it but we got to do stamina and practice boys we got to try our best boys just support each other even if we're tired power three 3 2 1 is this how the Army is going to be cuz I love I happily just do this I've never stretched my neck like [Laughter] this too [Music] go [Music] okay [Music] okay means up and is down the other way around not really yeah Jaden pull up there's no chance not even one no no that's the one thing I'm bad at I can't lift my own body this way I'm not nervous I'm terrified the difference oh this is going to be embarrassing [Music] wow yeah it's very controlled I'm very controlled very controll what yeah made it look so easy it go Max first L you can do more than one did [Music] One MA push push [Music] Ma first time though next I'll be the first to who do first though that's the question go on easy this is about to be really embarrassing you got this it's fine push let do a jump for the start that's what the first the first one you jump up one no no more that's what I can do oh oh we're all dead for sure this man this guy the one smile okay okay he's laughing he's laughing at us look at him go J let's go man you got sey come on push oo he's yeah that was strong that was a strong I want just like lit just tippy [Music] her I'm on push push come on come on come on you can done more as well I reckon Josh will be good at this look at the arms man now you've got this see look yeah yeah muscle up muscle up he's going all the way up all the way up all the way up all right J why he why is he flexing [Music] [Applause] for I thought he was going to have but the oh that's why he's the young good form yeah good form good form prop form one minute as many push-ups as possible yeah I'm already tired yeah yeah ready yeah yeah I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm [Applause] ready the fishup come on Matt push Matt come on no I got a minute I've got push push through first push through the first fight little rest come on Max yeah I got time control your breathing Max Control it matx come on you got this you got this what it's in the whole minute all right got keep going keep going man good home though good for yeah come on only 15 seconds left come on go go I'm five more five more five more one [Applause] two good effort good [Applause] effort 28 oh 28 my record's like nine F 28 I mean if I get five right now I'll be happy naty get 20 go for 20 naty obviously because of the stuff I can't do because of my finger with litch lucky enough I do Sports coaching at Uni so I'm want to support them through it as much as I can when I can't do stuff let's go n come on control your come push come on it's more than five come on good start now come on 8 9 how much time do I have okay you got Lo time Nat you got Nat you got 30 in you come on N control your your get away get away from me mat you got 10 seconds get five in you come on I don't know if I can do anymore one more one more good effort good effort it's all right good effort good yeah guys I'm done I'm going to die more I'm done in the ministry n you to die don't worry I know I know our Squad is dying for sure they'll get you sir uh I'll get 40 40 40 try 50 hi just get down there start vibrating go ready [Music] go yeah yeah guys game over for us game over game over TI is that 20 he he might he might not die yeah we're all definitely dead he might not God har you got this 2 on 40 now you got that oh a little downwards dog nice nice J you still got 20 seconds you got it you got [Music] it hary push you noce everyone the legs e go go [Applause] go that was 60 yeah 60 okay yeah [Music] okay 7 done next 30 minut I I can do this one it's not electric you've never been on these treadmill before get used to it a bit first it feels weird man it's going so fast not feel normal don't lean forward too much Bobby otherwise you're going to have to walk faster I walk quite quick don't I yeah you do 3 2 1 go start slow start slow go go go go go go go good boys let keep in come on come on guys you can go faster than there faster faster die he said you're going to die at this case you're dead oh this is so weird to run on this Tre okay okay slowly slowly run on It come on push it got let's go let's go let's [Music] go come on Max I'm trying to run over there keep why falling over keeping Cal down calm down back 5 4 3 two one well done well done that was harder than a look wait what did you get all dead so all of you guys were way too slow the push-up and pull up thing was all right but the main thing that I think was important for us was like the tips they gave us at the end told us all about what military life is going to be like how we're going to die so what are the punishments for failure die the one guy you really insisted that we were going to die I always knew knew like the physical side of it wouldn't be my strongest Point as long as I don't give up that's like an achievement in itself how much hair did you it did it didn't grow back okay so bobb's actually got a pretty good he's got a pretty good military cut already Natty Natty I'm not sure okay He suggests you just get rid of all of it me too Max both of us all what did he say you look better with your hat off yeah oh you guys you guys look quite similar yeah look Alik look Alik yeah yeah yeah do you want to T of my hair and do any of you guys want to test your strength give an arm wrestle his G is strong Jesus on like three of yours wa I it won't go hey someone else have a go someone else come on come on come on wow oh oh he's strong he's strong oh he's lying lying he's not [Music] strong he's taking the he's taking the B oh too come on you're baining your neck look like it was going to pop out change leg change change change okay want to do go I'm hungry no you you you didn't want to go you think you lose die he's being cheeky he's being cheeky you die maybe today die before Army me ready ready ready yeah go he's smiling look at him he's laughing he's laughing give him all you got wow look at that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's that's so bad I [Applause] [Music] okay all right finally the time has come boys we need a military haircut and I've asked for help from one of Korea's top hair stylists so what are we doing we're trying a Korean barbecue yeah no no all the boys are nervous all the boys are terrified oman's the most up for it and and so was I until I got here I'm nervous on you're going first let's go for it good man come on cool cool as ice let's go let's just do this yeah get this done with all right On's go let's do it got serious straight away this is are you ready are ready yes yes oh go for it oh my my God yeah oh my gosh straight down the [Music] middle wow oh my [Applause] gosh oh my God W it suddenly became very real it has gotten very real [Music] [Laughter] this is the first time ever I'm doing this really first time ever I've always had long hair always had long hair wow wow your face from my angle it still looks like you have perfect 5050 time to take a photo yes is that the one is that the one oh all the way all the way yes wow [Music] wow all right yeah man he actually kind of rocks it though yeah wow that is crazy my parents don't even know this really your parents don't no no no one knows you did Kore wow yeah he went to and did the exact bamp that we're going to do tomorrow finished finished wow yeah man rocking it [Music] wax oh my gosh face wow you look dangerous you do yeah yeah do I look like I'm about to break out prison or something maybe you're in prison thank you man this good okay one's done time for the next one it looks like you and you're right feel feel that it feels nice wow when was the last time you had was this I've never had it this show maybe when I was born probably wow do you think your family is going to be shocked I think they'll embrace the fact that I've gone for it with the military theme and gone all in yeah and and not cared about my Petty looks for it that's that's you isn't it that is going all in all in all the time I'm I'm I'm so excited for tomorrow this I feel like I'll I'll I'll match right in what do you think of our man's hair he likes it if I like it that's a different question but hello hello love to meet you sir love to meet you do you know what yesterday I was quite excited for it but now we've got to the hairong and I'm a little bit nervous I have to say I'm breaking it I'm officially breaking it so because also I think you know although the mullet was a bit of an outrageous haircut to go for I think it looks okay on I think it looks great on me and now you telling me to shave it all off where hair Dreams Come To Die okay [Applause] popular now though it it's fashionable in England yeah in England it's fashionable so I I wanted to like leave it all up to the professional because I heard I heard you are you know you're the best at what you do and uh you who's who who's better to judge where I look the best in but you fantastic I'd also [Applause] [Laughter] you you cutting sced you cut no yeah the back's got to go mate the back's got to go what did you expect I've had it gr for like oh no Max stay still you said you trust him no no no oh no oh no oh no oh the mullet oh no my beau mullet no months of hard work wow look at that The Fringe gone just like that it's not too bad does look good it looks good it looks good there it goes yeah keep going keep going keep going keep going what is going I look like year seven again oh I look like me year seven you're going to look like a baby you you stop moving never stayed so still good I yeah yeah I know that's the thing I look like full they might not let me in the army they might like this guy's full te why why is he what do I now you're not you're not find a person who doesn't move or talk as much as me you've been constantly moving and talking the whole time he's trying got your hair I love it not I think this is the most I can go without finishs good looks great looking good my friend my God it's so so you look good mate I you look I was trying to feel the back of my hair there's no hair there's no mullet there's no mullet no mullet [Applause] I like it good let's do it lovey to meet you I get nervous that the hairdress is normally so I'm just a little bit extra more nervous now I think it'll be fine he's one of the best so it can't be terrible nice that's a good look that's a good look yeah this is good oh my gosh that's a scary sound now I feel I feel what the uh the boys are feeling now 20 there oh well Bobby you actually might get a free pass you're happy you want to hang on to these uh please these beautiful locks on top stop [Laughter] it one after the other we each said goodbye to long hair H yeah with even Ollie and ducky getting involved for moral support come on dck bz like me I'll do it for one yeah man there's no way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yours [Music] look man you actually look good oh my [Laughter] God P Shin what's this it's not you're don't just hit a gum shot I try it feels weird spitting on my face you got to ask me how my [Music] [Music] days that what do you think Jim car all righty then oh you look good man you look great yeah you look ready look smart you look smart until it was finally time for the one with the most hair of all today the day is there still time to to leave to leave go on NY we'll see what happens when I when I sit down it has come the time has come when was the last time you had it short I've actually got a photo 9 years ago oh my my gosh Natty wow that's a it's a lot of hair Natty yeah and it even goes longer if I pull it out oh wow yeah you pull it you can see how long it is I'm just going to close my eyes the that's the way I'm not even going to look that's the way how long have you grown he over a year now you know what I think I'll actually like it nice yeah it's looking clean do you know what this has all reminded me of like the Hunger Games like you take us to the nicest hotel we're staying in the nicest place like in the capital we get treated to the best food and then we have those training session see who's the worst see who's going to do the best and then now we get our hair shaved and then we go fight to the death basically is what's happening Jaden you don't want to see oh my God is that the shortest You' seen his hair in like 10 years yeah yeah this is the shortest it's been for a while for a while yeah a while it's the first time I've had the for forehead out in I don't even know how many years it's so godone clean oh my God the others are going to have the shock of their lives right guys guys I don't think you're ready it's gone my hair is gone I prefer this it looks good I preer this it looks good after the long and nerve-wracking buildup we finally felt ready to go to boot camp but little did we know how unprepared we actually were oh no this is like the actual experience what's going on it's extreme man I did not see that is so bad our Squadron die for sure [Music]
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 2,741,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: JlOclmTq7kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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