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let me simply begin by saying i'm delighted to be here i sure wish my wife could have heard all those kind remarks he made about me but uh i really love your pastor and his wife and you know really um i don't know you just try to live your life in such a way and you don't make notes and to be honest when he shared i'm thinking did i really i mean i i really don't try to keep a record and here's what i've done for you but uh it really blesses me to invest in someone that invested in so many others so that really encourages me uh all of you that i've met so far have been so kind to me and i'm grateful for that do believe that i prayed into the evening and up early this morning praying that our time together would really enhance the furtherance of god's kingdom i love to speak in the context of a missions conference when i look at the brochure i got up early this morning and read your whole brochure and realize we're supporting a lot of the same work that you're supporting in different places around the world and it greatly blessed me so thank you uh roy for the invite i love you in april they're always such a delight to be with and by the way i'm glad god spared your pastor's life and raised him up surely if you have a copy of god's word or you're just following along on a tablet or whatever i would i would love for you to turn to first corinthians 16 and i'm going to do an overview of this passage because there's a lot to say in here and i want to talk about the kingdom life when the bible says seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these other things will be added to you or the bible says uh let christ rule in your hearts so it really means that i'm living a kingdom life i've submitted to the rule of christ in my heart and so in this text in first corinthians 16 there's four words that really jump out and it's these words if the lord permits so i want to do these things in the kingdom life there was no greater missionary statesman that ever lived apart from the apostle paul other than the lord jesus himself god radically changed his life allowed him to give us 13 of the new testament books and he wrote so much about the life he was living and that is the kingdom life let me speak to the senior adults for a moment since i'm in that category you don't know how hard it is for me to admit that i'm in the category i used to raise the age of the senior adult department when i was at woodstock so i could stay out of it and somebody says why didn't you want to go in because it reminds me of hotel california you can check in but you can't check out i mean it's um tough but uh i was reading recently about senior adults and they said if they could live life over so if you're younger think about this if god lets you live if jesus doesn't return soon you one day will be a senior citizen i was 23 when i started pastoring i'd only been converted three years and i didn't get a bible until the night i was converted so think about that you've had a bible three years and you start pastoring your first church and so i was the youngest preacher in the room always and so i say jokingly but really honestly sometimes how did i get here where unto heaven that time go so when you get older there's some things that you start doing that really do help you that's why the psalms are so rich many of them were written like ecclesiastes that's in the latter part of solomon's life and so speaking real wisdom but these seniors were asked if you could live life over what would you do differently let me just give you three things to launch in on this biblical text number one they said they would reflect more let me define reflection from where i sit looking out the window no agenda and just thinking about look at me my life so far what i feel like i'm involved in now that can make a difference and what i what i'd like to see god do with me before i die i broke my life down 20 years ago i started doing this and the average man it keeps increasing but right now the average male in the united states lives to be 78. some of you are thinking if you're older than that and you say well how about me well you're on borrowed time but uh bottom line is 78. so there was a big ball game in your state last night there was four quarters and my life is broken into four quarters and that just happens to be 19 and a half years and everybody here fits into one of those categories you're in the first second third i'm in the last quarter of my life so whatever i'm to do i need to do quickly i need to do in these next few years so i want to reflect on my life number two they said if they could live life again they would invest more and that which would outlast them so what am i doing with the resources god's given me about the last outlast me for 25 years 25 years i brought two preachers to my office which stayed with me january to december and i modeled life and ministry for them and now they're literally planted all over the planet and i feel like i'm living my life through them and the impact already this morning my inbox god is my witness they're texting me while i'm sitting over there from the west coast but just preachers that i've tried to invest in that are investing in others so invest in something that would outlast you boy here we are on missions day uh to make it make a difference listen to this roy everybody in our family there's 11 of us me and my wife two daughters two son-in-laws four grandbabies every one of us no exception support children over in haiti i've got one granddaughter and she's has cerebral palsy and she has a medical clinic there that we built and called it after her the hope center so we want them took every one of them there i want them i want them to know what it's really like in a biblical world view that it's not like this everywhere in the world and so it makes a difference now you may say i don't know how your grandkids did that oh easy if they didn't have the money they came to see me and by the way that's the biblical model because when i don't have the money i talk to my father that was a good place to say amen if you were looking to slide one in that was a good good place to get in number three they said listen carefully if i could live life over again i'd take more risk but some of you are living too safe and at the end of life you may say well we played it safe but your life really didn't count it could have made a difference in somebody else's life listen in somebody else's eternity i'll never forget janet and i walking up a road in haiti saw this cute little girl and through and interpreted we talked to her what's your name sweetie she was about five years old her name was rose i said i said based on the color of her skin because her skin was red from malnutrition and her hair was turning red and i said she must not have a sponsor she said no and i said tim do you know the village this little girl comes from he said yes i said can janet and i can she be the first one we sponsor she was like five fast forward nine years i'm there and they said we got a we got a special word for you i didn't plan to share this on who's this for and they said we want you to know rose just received jesus the other day she heard that you were coming pastor johnny and she asked could we save her and let you baptize her and so what a joy to be able to are y'all listening i not only fed the little girl clothed the little girl got the little girl in school got her medical attention and then she came to faith in jesus christ now she's part of god's forever family is this settled in on you we will live together forever that's a long time and so i want to live the kingdom life so i'm just going to give you four statements and i'm going to lift them right out the text and you can make note of them but when you live the kingdom life here's four things you're going to say number one i have possessions i wish to give verses one through four here's what he says he says on the first day of the week i want you to lay aside a gift to give and it tells us how we're to give it says as god has prospered you now i love to study the language of the new testament so the word prosper drew me in so let me translate it for you from the greek text it means a good journey a good journey and so i've had a good journey when my dad at bomb were raising us in wilmington north carolina at the age of seven and i have five siblings i'm next to the youngest my dad decided to check out he divorced my mom and then over the next 20 years was married at least three times this was interesting my wife just the other day first time we ever had this discussion she said even though your mom's been gone for 30 years said you still realize you've got some stepmoms ain't going to step monks she said yes you do your dad was meredith i don't consider them but i just i'd never thought about it so it just kind of alerted me maybe so when when dad checked out he chose not to support mom and she didn't file charges and here's what my mom said she drilled it into our minds if your dad loved you he'd be here for you we're going to make it somehow so mom went to work at century mill factory in the daytime she came home and cooked dinner for six kids i can see her seems like her pocketbook was bigger than life and mom would walk down front street in wilmington north carolina to white front grill where she worked as a waitress and she did that every day i stayed in and out of trouble no dad there living in another state married didn't see him for close to 20 years and then mom working like that nobody there and we we stayed in and out of trouble and then when i was 16 made a silly decision i decided to quit school and by the way one of the reasons i chose to quit the day i did is it was time for me to give my first public book report and i was shy and didn't want to report god has a sense of humor i got saved and i've been reporting ever since and i mean a lot i preached four services every sunday for 17 years at woodstock and so i dropped out of school and started hanging out at a pool hall so i was there all the time so the man said would you just like a job so i went to work at sunset park pool room so for the next four years that's what i called home and i had many days those of you that like billiards i would play seven eight hours a day so bottom line is i became very good i uh hustled pool for two years i played straight pull tournaments and when i was 20 years old my goal was to be a professional pool player people say do you still play i did until recently i gave my table away professional table and they said you don't steal gamble do you sometimes but if i do i give all the winnings to the mission's offering you know that's not true all right so just seeing if you're listening but then somebody invited me to church and by the way just for the record sake this is absolute facts i lead evangelism nationally for the largest evangelical denomination that's ever existed in north america here's what we know for a fact 85 of the people that will ever place faith in jesus will do so because a friend relative work associate or neighbor invited them to come to church that's facts i'm a soul winner i believe in doing the work of an evangelist but nothing is more effective than saying i'd love for you to come with me this sunday and my wife and i are going to fix lunch for you or take you out to lunch and they come get in that environment and then the spirit of god doesn't work in their life that's how most people come to faith in christ so mr pridgeon invited me we went and on a sunday morning three or four weeks i was shy again my wife said let's visit around i didn't know what visiting around was but i said no i don't want to meet anybody else new as shy as i am this is enough so we kept going one day the spirit of god dealt with me i didn't know it then i didn't know the bible but now i know that john 16 9 says when he the holy spirit has come he will convict the world of sin righteousness and judgment to come the spirit of god took the gospel and exposed my need for jesus christ and so when i i saw his holiness my hellishness i mean i fell under deep conviction so the preacher said this as the service closed there's a young man here god's dealing with him let's pray that god bringing back the night and saving and those of you that like fast cars i i dragged race on sunday afternoon holly ridge drag strip had a 67 gto so i got in my car and headed home my wife said we're not going to the racetrack i said not today she said well i said that preacher was talking about me she said how did you know he was talking about you i want to just make a statement somebody every nano to hear my story and they said boy god had your number didn't he can i want to make something clear on the authority of the word of god god doesn't have your number god knows your name god knows your name and so he can call you out you can be in a large setting and the spirit of god will just come straight to your heart that's why we say it's a personal relationship he's my personal savior and god dealt with me so i said let's go back tonight never in my whole life there i've never been to a sunday school class didn't know what a revival was and never been to an evening service i'll never forget text with a guy yesterday we're still best friends name's roy joyner i said on i normally sat in the back but that night i wanted to get saved and somebody said you didn't have to go to church to get saved no you don't have to go to a funeral home to die but the bottom line is the church ought to be the place that is noted that if you want to meet god you can go to church and they'll tell you how to know god and so i i went that night and sat down near the front on the outside because i planned to slip out go forward roy joyner came and said man really truthful said can't believe you're here tonight slide in i thought no sir come on by preacher began to preach and the more he preached the more nervous i got and so i looked over to my wife and i said this hey baby when mr gibson gives the invitation go forward tell him i want to get saved i was too shy to go myself so that's why i really believe god's used me to reach so many men and to see so many by the literally thousands come to jesus in our ministry is because i know how tough it was sitting there and i just couldn't do it in my wife said i'll do anything for you don't miss this but i can't get saved for you and so uh i slipped out that night and gave my life to jesus i lived in a project my mom was on welfare hadn't seen my dad in about 20 years i began to sense that god was calling me to preach but i i didn't have a high school education i felt a call to preach was a call to prepare and by the way this is a good word right here how much god can use you is not contingent on your background your education and what you present to him when you come your usefulness is based on the god who comes to live inside of you and if you'll let him out of you and how he can live through you for the glory of god i mean that is just a fact and so uh i went and started studying at a technical institute cape fear technical institute and made myself ready to do a ged and on the third attempt i passed i mean i failed the first two that's really something this is it's really it's a testimony to god i have been the president two terms of the southern baptist convention and i come out of a project my high school dropout raised in poverty and failed the ged twice i'm telling you god has not only a sense of humor it is amazing listen that ought to be a testimony to say this that's what it ought to say to you if god can use that man god can use anybody for the glory of god and so we got in church and this is strange and i'm long story but i'm gonna do shorter on the other three because some of you are thinking he's got four points all right but here here it is here it is the night i got saved it's snowed this is unusual wilmington north carolina seven inches you can find it in history so no no it shut everything down so one of the guys he's a truck driver named alfred joyner later he would become the person before discipleship was cool he discipled me by his life in the bible he invited me to his house that night to grab a bite to eat since there'd be no school the next day you can't make stuff up like this i've been saved two hours i'm getting ready to leave and he says john did you think to get your envelopes at church tonight i'm brand new i just enveloped envelopes what kind of envelopes he said starting now every week you tithe tithe what is tithe you don't use that word in the pool hall time he said 10 of your income and listen what i said i'll never forget as long as i live net or gross his response which do you want god to bless and i call the holy spirit of god as my witness starting the next week thanks to that layman i started giving a tithe and i've never ever ever missed giving a tithe i mean just off the top that's just it's not mine it's god's and i started giving they told me at woodstock one time they said in the young adult department they're talking about you and it's really kind of critical nobody over there even understands your level of commitment want a level of commitment it's called obedience i i just chose to obey and by the way we say it's jesus said it's more blessed to give than receive and that's that's acts 20 24 but there's only one thing wrong with that passage anytime jesus is quoted you can trace it you can't trace it how do theologians and biblical historians deal with a passage in the bible that it's not traceable here it is it is such a regular statement it needed no trace it meant that he said it all the time it means everywhere jesus just said but it's more blessed to give and receive more blessed to give than receive so we we started giving so when i got off the college problem god immediately god immediately called me to pastor a church i had one suit you can only change it up so many ways all right i had a bible two read books by warren weirsby's book room for my study and one commentary it's all my library had it was a matthew henry commentary my mind is so full my heart is so full a man comes to my house one day and he says my wife and i've been talking there in their late 70s his name's otis his wife's name's viola prefers to go by the nickname punk punk in otis scrubs they said you're one of the most fired up young preachers we've ever met and i just it's a testimony a long you know what they said about me when i was in school they said johnny hunt you're ignorance on fire i was brand new i just got saved but i was i was so fired up i really was and then you know what they they introduced me at southwestern baptist electrical seminary a few years later and they said we heard that you were actually they acknowledged publicly that you were ignorant was on fire the president ken hippo started crying and said this i'd rather be ignorance on fire than intellect on ice that's a good quote so otis said um pastor johnny uh i have two sons and i said otis i didn't know you had any children he said they're both in heaven they both died before they were two with kidney disease and vinnie said we want to tell you a story biola and i used to kneel beside the bassinets and their beds and we would pray god let one if not both of my youngans be preachers he said now here we are in our late 70s our dream was never realized we wanted to parent a preacher he said that is that is incredible he said oh no no that's where you come in i said i come in he said yeah we're here to officially with your blessings adopt you and your family i said adopt me what do you mean adopt me pastor johnny we want to buy all your clothes and your wives and your children we want to give you spending money and we want to pay for your education so see me every two weeks before you leave church i'll have something for you i'm sitting there look at my wife and somebody said how did you respond hello daddy uh somebody called me this morning god god is my witness i got a call this morning of a young preacher i've mentored for 25 years he was he was saved in a crusade that i hosted i baptized him licensed ordained his daddy died at two o'clock this morning he said my daddy was not a believer he said i witnessed to him he said i went the other day and stayed from 10 to six and this guy's a real soul and he said he just would not repent and he died 2 15 this morning he said brother johnny you wrote a sermon one time see if you remember it people die the way they live let me tell you why i wrote that sermon they called me one day after i went off to seminary i'd left that college church and they said otis is dying he's in a coma and it'll be a couple days the doctors say won't you do his funeral i said well i'll be i'll be there in seven or eight hours as soon as i can get there they said i don't know don't don't come now he won't even know that you're here and we need you to come back and do the funeral in two or three days now you know the answer don't you he doesn't know that i'm there but y'all listening but i know that i'm there what do you do in those type journeys seven hours you pray all the way oh god in the name of jesus would you mercifully wake him up just one time let me sit at the bottom of the bed and thank him for paying for my education buying me nice clothes giving me spending money they had him all hooked up he was in a coma stood at the bottom of the bed in my deep voice and i said otis otis and again god is my witness otis woke up he was in a a daze um he was taking a moment to get clear and then in a few moments with all of the hookups there was a smile and then i'd never be able to tell you what i told him but in so many words i just said i love you i'll forever love you nobody's ever done for me what you did i just how do you thank a man like that and then he got agitated look at me in that hospital bed he kept reaching otis was trying to find his wallet because people die the way they live he had lived being generous and giving i said to him before he died i said otis you did so much for me listen i wrote this in my leadership book he said i never missed anything i gave away any any person here you've made bad investments you've wasted uh you've spent but i call you i call you into accountability in the name of jesus christ of nazareth you will never give anything for the kingdom of god and miss it never miss anything your way another man walked in my office not long ago a real generous brother named david carroll and he gave a substantial gift to the church's ministry and when i thanked him here's what he said i want to give while my hands are warm i was in haiti i was in haiti i saw a haitian lady bless 10 american women all the women were crying i thought there's a story here and my wife was one of them they were all in tears and she had presented every one of those american women with a gift and i wrote this statement god gave it to me i wrote it this minute you don't have to be rich to be generous you have to be generous to be generous he had possessions that he needed to give quickly he had places he needed to go verses five through nine so look at me for just a moment if the lord permits i want to live the rest of my life the kingdom life i want jesus to be enthroned on the heart of my life i want the rest of my life to count so i have possessions i am going to give i have places i need to go and by the way somebody says you know um brother roy i'm going to give an offering but don't look at me going brother i'm not one of those to go you know i appreciate your gift that ain't your call unless you're in charge of your life instead of him when jesus is lord you say yes lord to your will and ways just before covet i was teaching pastors in hanoi the year before ho chi minh city malaysia thailand china kenya i mean who would have ever dreamed god are y'all still listening god takes somebody out of a project takes a high school dropout takes somebody so unlike to succeed fills them with the spirit of god and if they surrender their life only god knows the right god has in mind for you when you say you're not gonna do something you may be resisting god's best for your life here's what you ought to do jesus i put my yes on the table wherever you want me to go whatever you want me to do i was i told you i looked at it last night then read this this morning all of it i get stuff like this from ministries and i put it at my table there's a place where i meet with jesus for my devotions every morning i'll lay it there and i'll pray god what do you want janet and i to do what what would you have us to do and here's what my mind does roy and i had great discussion this morning over coffee god has allowed me to be generous but it's been a battle because the flesh is greedy so i want you know i just want to go on record saying till i get to heaven i'm going to have to fight that greedy seed that's still in me called the flesh the flesh can be crucified and put it in its place but it will never be eradicated until you get to the other side so what i'll do i get one and and i think here's here's what i say shoot you know i bet 100 people got this there's a need you know jan and i could just give a portion of that need but let me tell you where you'll get in trouble you get in trouble lord everything i own is yours i'm a steward not owner in the name of jesus show janet now what you'd have us to do with this need and then he speaks and says why don't you just won't you take care of all of it i need to pray some more one guy said he took out a track at that time to make sure he was still saved he heard god talk to him but what god tell you to do and then the joy the joy of just being obedient if god leads you to do it so verses five through seven there was opportunities he said in verse seven i'm gonna take advantage of these opportunities that the lord wills and then in verses 8 and 9 there's open doors he said and you don't know where that'll be i noticed i read in the back of your letter this morning pastor it said we don't know what's going to open for 2021 some things may open and here's here's the bottom line if the lord permits so what i'm saying is god my my yes is on the table and if the lord permits it it's an open door but now listen to this he said even though the door is open in verse 9 he says for a great and effective doors open us there are many adversaries there are doors god has woefully opened and doors satan has woefully opposed so if you think i better not go to this cause there's opposition no i also was in turkey and i went to five major cities i was ministering only to iranians i tried to get into iran and they they refused my visa so the bottom line is i found out the largest iranian church in the world is in veninsley turkey 750 so i went there and i ministered them and then we met somebody oh gosh my time here it is let me give it to you i'm sitting eating and the lady that's sitting beside me has been committed to me because she's a translator so she says mr hunt would you tell me what gave you a heart for the persian people and somewhere in our conversation i said the lord led our church at woodstock to underwrite the translation from english to persia persian the book of theology written by danny aiken at southeastern seminary lady says hold on just a moment you're underwriting your church that project she started crying i said man what in the world is it she said i'm the translator so i've got her picture in my phone and i thought oh my god what's this what's the chance and she's a refugee that means she had to flee for her life from iran and her husband had not got out yet so i've stayed in touch with her we correspond emails we found out that you never know when you're a refugee i read this the other day 99 of the refugees will never be re-established again so i said tell me what's going on she said i've got a chance to go to canada i said i work heavily in canada most of my deep relationships are in montreal she said let me tell you why i don't want to go to montreal so why she said i speak three languages but i don't speak french but i know english pray god open to english speaking canada for me and i said where else are you thinking she said toronto i said i've got a great contact i called got a contact got a chur guy in my church he's a retired colonel he knows how we can get in with the government how we can get somebody transferred and i don't know why i'm telling you this god put it on my wife and my heart to say let's pay all the fees to get this family her and her husband now she has a baby so they can live in toronto and then janet you'll be able to meet her for the first time and it's in due process right now it takes sometimes year to two years there there's possessions there's possessions we need to give there's places we need to go quickly number three there's people we need to grow people i'm glad somebody said i'm going to invest in johnny hunt i'm going to grow johnny hun a truck driver truck driver and he did it by his example in verses 10 and 11 there's a mentee his name is timothy in verse 12 there's a mentor apollos in verse 15 rape tinder's ministry servants stephanos fortunatus and achaicas and the bible says in verse 15. listen this they've devoted themselves to ministry let me translate that the word devoted means they were addicted to ministry we're talking about celebrate recovery and you're dealing with life addictions we have the same ministry i wrote a book on demolishing strongholds number one requested book i've ever written in my life 31 books that's the number one selling book i've ever written wrote another book unspoken what men won't talk about and why those are the books they use at woodstock and celebrate recovery it reminds them that if you don't demolish your strongholds your strongholds will demolish you the puritans put it this way if you don't kill the sin in you the sin in you will kill you and so it's got to be mortified did you know the bible teaches in psalms chapter 18 and verse 2 this is good i'm glad i came so i could hear me say this listen to this it says the lord is to be your stronghold somebody says man pray for me i've got a stronghold an addiction to pornography or to lust to affairs to alcohol to drugs what you can do is change addictions and let jesus become your stronghold and then he he goes on and he talks about ministry leaders aquila and priscilla oh gosh there's aquiline facilla everywhere paul went they went before him they were rich bought a big house and they would they would house the church in their house people i led people to jesus in wilmington listen to this in wilmington and they when i moved to georgia they sold their homes and came here's what they said about them at the church that i left they're a bunch of haunteds they're worshiping johnny no they're not reading their bible what do you think they said about aquila and priscilla where's the quill and basil i thought they were living in ephesus no to mo they moved somewhere else they moved to rome right or wrong because paul's in prison there so everywhere paul went they they preceded him thank god for ministry partners and give five imperatives and i'm through in two minutes a miracle i've got three minutes i'm watching the clock he says watch stand fast in the faith be brave be strong all that you do let it be done with love now let me wrap it up i want to live the kingdom life y'all if if the lord permits i've got some possessions i'd like to give i've got places i'd like to go i've got people i'd like to grow here's the crown i have a person i want to glorify verses 20 through 24. he talks about loving the lord jesus and then he makes a strong statement he says if anyone does not love the lord jesus christ let him be accursed and then he he he summons it with the second return of jesus oh lord come so he uses two words there that you you see these words used the word anathema means devoted to destruction it means that their ultimate is they will be doomed and here's what you need to know the bible says he that believeth not on the son of god is condemned already see that's how i led my daddy to the lord i used to think i need to get to daddy before it's too late because daddy will be condemned no you're that's theologically wrong they're condemned already the word condemned means to cut loose it means they're cut loose from any relationship with god and they're drifting into a christless eternity and the only hope is they be rescued with the gospel amen and so he said let them be anathema if they don't love the lord jesus christ and then when he says oh lord come he uses the word maranatha to encourage us that jesus is coming hey let me just let me just remind us of this did you know jesus is coming again amen i don't know when but i'm telling you he's coming 70 of the preachers in america said during this pandemic that we believe that it's one of the birth pains to usher in the return of jesus 70 of the professors at dallas theological seminary believe that we're in the end times how long i don't know but i do know this he's coming again and so if the lord permits if the lord permits i want to glorify god amen you know i'm leaving i got a plane to catch here just a little a little bit i am so i'm i'm i'm gone so you may just say he's in and out i'm glad that dude's gone but but i want to say this to you came out of poverty 2018 i asked god lord before i leave woodstock 33 years i left december 2019. so i just left there in december 33 years so god there's one thing i'd like to do i'd like to return if you'll let me my entire income for that year so christian calls us through first baptist church woodstock you may say why would you even share that you have no idea how god may bless if will ever surrenders to the point and say god i'll say how are you going to do this but i'm going to surrender you to allow you to do it and then we want to be generous to christian causes so my wife and i constantly meet to say janet god's blessed us we've been faithful but we realize that some has accumulated and we need to give a portion of that honey where would you like for it to go and then we make commitments and again god is my witness i'm telling you i'm not about to stand here do anything other than i just want to encourage you and challenge you some of you have been blessed blessed by god and you're saving something for a rainy day be careful with that rainy day mentality because it teaches a lost world that jesus christ is a fair-weather savior christianity is not a fair weather religion it will stand the test of times it'll take you through health storms it'll take you through financial storms and so here's a good word to close on augustine put it this way i think he said it better than anyone that's ever given a quote on giving and he said it in the 300s god has been good to me he's given me more than i deserve and more than i need but he's shown me others that need it heavenly father thank you that paul showed us the kingdom life with possessions to give places to go people to grow and a person the lord jesus christ to glorify as i read this morning in our missions magazine only one life will soon be passed only what's done for christ will last god help us to do now what we'll be glad we did then help us to agree with martin luther there's only two days this day and that day help us this day to do what we'll be glad we did that day help us to be motivated with the judgment seat of christ where we would give an account of what we did with what you entrusted to us help us to be faithful in giving a good return on what you've deposited in us i would ask in jesus name that you would give this church the largest missions offering today and next sunday they've ever received may the the tent pegs be stretched out and may you broaden the borders of the ministry and give them a ministry upon which the sun would never set heads bowed eyes closed if you'd say pastor johnny i have not yet settled the fact that i know that if i drew my last breath now that i'd go to heaven can you say not only can i tell you i've been saved pastor johnny jesus christ changed my life if not i want to encourage you the single greatest decision you could make today is to surrender your life to jesus christ as lord so right where you sit here's the good news did you know you could be saved where you sit right where you sit so if you would want to surrender your life to jesus today would you say this to him and mean it lord jesus just tell him lord jesus i need you i know i can't save myself come into my life forgive me of my sins and save me thank you for dying for me i'm sorry for my sins help me to live for you and lord help me to never be ashamed you
Channel: Grace Fellowship Church
Views: 316
Rating: 4.1999998 out of 5
Keywords: JOHNNY HUNT, THE KINGDOM LIFE, grace fellowship church, warren ohio, Roy Mack
Id: W9fIb-4Yr34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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