Pastor Johnny Hunt | Stand Alone Message

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well thank you so much for uh the music that was wonderful amen i mean that was uh really really good i i don't know why i listen to christian music all the time but i'd miss that father's house and i like that so i'll download that and i'll have it hey what a joy it is to be with you i just mentioned just fyi uh woodstock was 150 years old when i got there so i'm not the founding pastor but uh they had never planted a church and just fyi and you probably already know this this is the very first church i ever planted and ever led a church to plant and so we're uh proud of you youngins all right so that would be like one of our uh daughter churches and so we are grateful and then all i can say about what steve has said about us the feelings are mutual uh i'm grateful i feel that if god did use us to make an investment in them that they've given a great return on it and so i love the energy of this church now if i get to preaching and you kind of lay back after singing like that i'll probably leave ticked off all right so anyway but i thank you and i really love the engaging worship glad my wife and my daughter and my granddaughter and grandson-in-law and their best friend and my son-in-law are all here with me too and then some friends from woodstock that i love with all my heart so just grateful if you have your bible i invite you to turn to psalm 103 if somebody's with you has a bible i hope you'll look on with them if you haven't done this i hope you will download the bible app so that you'll never be unarmed because i want to teach you some things this morning and i really do believe when you're able to view it and i even pray at times make notes it'll really help you i love the psalms for 10 years with very few exceptions every morning i begin my day by reading a chapter i disarm so that means every 150 days i make my way through the psalms i read this morning psalm 144 i'm winding down and i just i enjoy reading them why uh it was israel's hymn book it talked of god's dealings with israel it told the end of the story it told of their adversity but how god ultimately worked in their life there's no chronological order you may say what do you mean by that psalm 51 actually comes before psalm 32. here's something else maybe you'll find interesting if you'll read the psalms some of them are introduced this way to the chief musician oftentimes it will list the name like asap so what is that all about it means that after they had written the words music had been placed to the lyrics they would give it to the ministry of music and say sing this in temple worship this is interesting did you know psalm 51 is one that was to be sung in temple worship that talks about david's sin so i have a curious mind as studying god's word so here's the question i ask i wonder if david was in attendance the day they sung about his sin now i've been in church before and heard a song and it just resonated with my heart and i just felt like boy that's for me god spoke there a lot of times when i go to a church to preach i'll be honest i'm not sure what i'm going to preach i've not landed on anything and henry black could be i don't know that i got it well but here's what he taught he taught that you ought to just find out what god's up to and join him so i've gone into church before and i keep hearing a word and a song keep hearing a word from the pastor and i begin to think i believe god's leading in this direction and i may not always get it right but i try to i told my wife a moment ago y'all know when to shout for instance a moment ago when he said chains are falling y'all went crazy you know why because you were thinking about some particular chain gonna get a witness yeah it's uh there and so we're thinking about what god has done in our life let me give you another for instance i love to attempt to help people to love their bible more uh psalms chapter three listen to this it's a morning devotion what do you mean by that pastor johnny well listen to it in verse number two of psalms 3 and there's been psalms written there's there's choir arrangements that have been written on psalm chapter 3. here's what he says they say of me there is no help in god man that's a big statement even god can't help this person all right then you turn around and he says this he and by the way you can't say this if you hadn't put scripture to memory uh thy word have i hidden my heart treasured in my heart that i may not sin against god he said but lord you are my shield and my protector you are the one who lifts my head shame often times will have your head down jesus cleanses us of our shame and lifts our head and then it says this and i laid down and slept the very next verse says this i be surrounded by ten thousand i shall not be afraid question i ask is this what under heaven happened between laying down and getting up have you ever gone to bed feeling overwhelmed god not sure i'ma work this out and you just breathe the prayer and surrender your life to god and get up the next morning and the spirit of god and the word of god has taken care of your issue that night that's one of the great principles of this text so what we want to do is dive in on psalm chapter 103 but i want you to understand what's going on so listen to the first two verses bless the lord o my soul and all that's within me and here's what he's saying i need to bless the lord with every fiber of my being then the next verse says this bless the lord o my soul here it is and forget not his benefits well question what benefits sometimes someone says to me uh you make a lot of being saved you're always talking about how it's important to make sure your sin is forgiven or you're a christ follower disciple of jesus what's the big deal so stay with me i'm going to show you in these next few minutes the big deal it's called the benefits there are some benefits to having your sins forgiven there's a benefit of knowing christ and it leads you to worship him what do we know about this psalm we know that it's a self-transcending psalm what does that mean pastor johnny it means it's it's as though the the author david in this case rises above himself and has a talk with his own soul don't ask a question you ever talk to yourself well bless you they more they were one-third the attendants and more people at the early service talk to themselves but y'all are doing better i talk to myself all the time i get up and study the word of god spend time with the lord in prayer and go for a long walk most mornings and when i'm out there i talk something like this lord i just got to be honest i don't know what i was thinking yesterday in the name of jesus i don't know why i said that i know what it's done in the past when i said that to janet so i don't know why but i ask you to forgive me help her to be willing to forgive me all right so you just have a talk with yourself now what is he talking to himself about i'm telling you in jesus name this is a word from god what is he talking to himself about the theme is he's grown sluggish in worship what happened to cause him we don't know and i'm glad we don't know because we can speculate let me tell you something i don't know about you but i didn't see this pandemic coming uh by the way i sure didn't order it and when it came i was like you i thought in two weeks it would be history now we're over seven months and like it or not stay with me it has done a number on the church it really has it's done a number on the church and there's there's no telling how many people watching by line writing online and i'm glad you are but a lot of a lot of you are fearful of even going back to church now i'm just going to make a statement not here to grind and acts but i want to say this if i did not believe that the church was essential i would quit attending i'd walk away from god's if i did not believe that as a minister of the gospel of jesus christ that i was not essential i want you to know i'd surrender my ordination i thank god for every nurse i thank god for every doctor i thank god for every police officer on the front line but i know of nobody that dispenses hope nobody that can talk to you about getting ready for the next life than the church of the lord jesus christ so for what it's worth on the authority of almighty god the church is essential i feel better i wanted to get that out there somewhere and so he really begins with adoration and he says i want to bless the lord which the word bless is the exact same word in the hebrew is the word praise i want to praise the lord i want to praise him with all of my soul like y'all did in worship a moment ago when we're singing i mean y'all were into it hands were raised people were clapping amen some were whooping and uh whatever that is and it was just good and so we praise it but listen what he did the psalmist right after says i want to praise him for his benefits he lays down his sacred pen and he raises his hand toward god and he counts off on each finger and he lists five things that ought to cause his sluggish soul to once again be fully embraced in god-like worship so with that in mind let's just dive in and see what they are the first on this hand is what i call foundation because what i'm gonna read in verse number three is foundational to have fellowship with god now ladies and gentlemen we're all god's creation but we are not all god's children you become a child of god by repentance faith in christ receiving god's forgiveness being indwelt by the spirit of god and given the glorious gift of eternal life and until then i'm his creation but i become a child by turning to christ and receiving him it's my lord and savior so look what he says in verse number three now don't forget as we walk through the sermon his soul is sluggish he's grown weary stay with me the circumstances are so overwhelming that it's robbing him of his real relationship with god i like to read every morning i read a great deal but i read recently and the greatest posters out there the world leading pollsters said 51 of the people that used to come to church before the pandemic and it's just church there's 350 000 churches across america 51 have said we're not going back well you may say how do you feel about that i didn't plan to talk about this but let's talk about it for a minute the bible says before king jesus returns there will be a great fallen away he did not tell me what would uh uh be the impetus for that to happen but uh if there's a great fall away matter of fact here's what i'd say to somebody that plans not to come back if you can stay away you ought to stay away matter of fact i'd say this there's preachers quitting they're so depressed during this time here's what i'd say to a preacher if you can quit you ought to quit but i've just found that i'm kind of weird like jeremiah the times i've thought about quitting i got a fire shut up in my bones and i couldn't quit if i wanted to and i'm gonna tell you if god lives in your heart and he said i'll never leave you and never forsake you if you can walk well anyway just so the foundation the bible says who forgives here it is here it is who forgives all your iniquity the word the word forgives is used in scripture only of god's forgiveness of sinners you say is that significant yeah did you know you can't get saved until you acknowledge you're a sinner i've witnessed before and i'd say well you know you need to realize first of all all have sin come short of glory of god do you rise you're a sinner had a person said him more time well i'm not that bad well well you may not feel you're that bad but you're a sinner and you're in need of a savior and so that's why steve preaches so hard to help people see their loss because people aren't willing to get found they realize they're lost people don't realize they need forgiveness until they realize that they're a sinner some of you may know this but i pastored the governor of the state of georgia for eight years sonny perdue and mayor been great friends to us and we're grateful for them serves on the cabinet with the president of the united states today um near the end of his tenure we had a lady in our church and um she had a really uh rough past and how many of you are grateful that you could get past your past and uh she used to run now you older ones like me have to help the young ones understand this but listen to this she uh used to run a go-go club that's where women would not much clothes stood in the windows and danced the music was loud and they were kind of known as houses of prostitution she ran that she was extremely rough she fought a lot she liked six four big lady she heard a lot of men and women she had had several abortions and my wife reminded me a moment ago she had been arrested for armed robbery which made her a felon so i'd never had this happen before in my life she came to me and said would you help me i said how can i help you she was a member at woodstock and by the way she'd been out living for jesus for 30 years so she had a testimony to stand the test of time she said do you think you could represent me to governor sonny perdue and get me a pardon now y'all heard of that you've heard where people with the governor before he goes out or the president can offer pardons and so the the governor said johnny let's try but we're so late into my term i'm not sure i can pull it off before my last day in office well he was not able to pull it off it was too late but i learned something guess what the number one principle of receiving a pardon is you cannot be pardoned by the state of georgia unless you acknowledge your guilt and i just need to tell you until you acknowledge your guilt before god you cannot be forgiven you can't receive a pardon calvary cannot make a difference in your life until i admit i'm guilty and then when you acknowledge you're guilty you can be forgiven the bible says he forgives us of our iniquity why do you use that word there's three words the psalmist uses he uses sin transgression iniquity sin means i've missed the mark transgression means i've overstepped god's law iniquity speaks of who i am it means that i have this ingrained perversity it means i'm twisted in my mind and in my heart and by the way only god can straighten that out that's why when somebody brings a person like me i was raised by a single mom dad checked out when i was seven i quit school at 16 managed a pool hall hustled pool no purpose no direction in life so when somebody took me to church i found my are you listening my twisted mind and heart sort of uh going back and forth with what i heard i i didn't understand it and it's not until god takes the gospel of god the spirit of god and begins to speak into your heart that the lights come on god raises the blinds and you're able to see the glorious gospel in the face of jesus christ and god changes your life let me go a step father forgiveness is a powerful word in both the old testament and new testament it has the idea to take away and put somewhere else what do you mean forgiveness to take away and to put somewhere else well i'm not going to preach this far into this text but listen to verse number 10. god has not dealt with us according to our sins well wait a minute if god's not dealt with us according to our sins question who did god deal with for my sins that's the gospel he dealt with jesus it means the punishment and i'll show it to you in this verse that i deserve god gave it to his son listen to the latter part of verse 10. nor has god punished us according to our iniquity he punished jesus the bible says in 1st john chapter 2 verse 1 we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous what does that mean it means that i could never stand before god in my own merit but that jesus christ is an acting attorney a lawyer that stands up and speaks on my behalf i will never have to answer for myself jesus paid it all all to him but the next verse says this who is the big word propitiation for my sins but not for my sins only but for the sins of the whole world pastor johnny what does propitiation mean all right listen this is intriguing it's the exact same hebrew word for the word mercy seat it is where we derive our word atonement where christ paid for our sin debt so what does it mean he's our propitiation it means that when jesus was was dying for us he did not abort the wrath of god so we could be saved he absorbed the wrath of god so he could be saved so i want you to know that when jesus was on the cross he took my sin he bore everything i've done so if it was drunkenness jesus let the sin of drunkenness knell him to the cross and here's what the bible says in colossians 2 14 he has taken my sin and he's nailed it to the cross taking it out of the way and so i'm so now now what's going on in this text he's kind of sluggish in worship he's he's kind of sluggish pandemic's done a number on him but he gets to thinking about what god's done for him i don't think he's sitting anymore i believe he's standing up and then i think he's starting to do a little bit of the jig i mean he's thinking about what god has done for him and it raises him up so i'm telling you let me ask you a question have you ever gone to church when you didn't feel like it if you ever gone to church you didn't feel like when you left you were bold enough to tell the preacher i decided to come to last moment i really weren't into it today i've had a lot of struggles and i was thinking more inward but i came and come god knew exactly what i needed god met me right where i am and by the way let me tell you why you ought to come to church we don't feel like it christianity is not a fair weather religion it's not if the sun's shining god is there i want to tell you let the storms come he's a storm transformer jesus can change it all when we look to him and so he paid the price i um i love to quote people i knew that i preached with i studied their commentaries and then when you know what they died before i did uh warren wierdsby died this year there i'm just going to make a statement it's not a preacher in the southern baptist convention there's 47 000 churches every preacher and every one of those churches i'll guarantee you has some if not all of warren where you got any warren weird book son all right warren wierspe's books somebody said to me one time said what why did you fall in love with his books well when i got saved i was 20 years old when i was 23 janet and i started serving our first church i'd only been saved didn't have a bible until night i got saved so three years in i'm the pastor god pushed me in the deep end i got me some warren weirs be called b series there they just give good little sermons see i was now needing to preach sunday morning sunday night and wednesday night how'd you come up with all those sermons warren weirsby somebody said to me johnny hunt that's plagiarism no i totally disagree it weren't plagiarism brother it was survival if you were gonna survive and you had to preach every week you better find somebody to help you and just for the record sake next time you say a preacher preach somebody else's sermon as plagiarism did you write every song you sang this i just thought i'd throw it out there this morning for what it's worth i've always wanted to say that no we sing other people that's not plagiarism you didn't write that song and you're singing it and i've preached to many if i just started throwing in for warren wish me john phillips was another one well one of mine he was mentored by the person that taught me preaching his name was stephen alfred who's known the prince of preachers raised on in africa on the mission field uh john phillips said you know john we've been forgiven but even though we've been forgiven how many of you know that the devil is the accuser of the brethren he accuses us the bible says he accuses us before the father night and day now here's what johnny hunt believes john 8 44 jesus said that every lie there is came from the devil he is the originator of every life if you told a lion thought it was your life weren't your lives his lie he just got hold of you but johnny believes that there's a time he tells the truth he tells the truth when he brings an accusation against a child of god why does he tell the truth he don't have to lie we give him all the stuff he needs that was a good statement if you missed that you missed a good statement well john phillips was asked that so so satan accuses me before the father and i'm guilty of what he said how does the father respond he says he just raises his nail scarred hands and it speaks at all i've been forgiven there's another word not just foundation restoration look at verse number three it says who heals all your diseases what do you mean pastor johnny um much of our physical and emotional illness is psychogenic due to moral failure and the only relief is god's forgiveness which results in healing what do you mean all right luke chapter 6 verse 17 favorite place one of my favorite places to go when i'm in israel is capernaum why capernaum is where jesus held his headquarters there's so much evidence of his presence there the bible says that he went about capernaum and he healed them of their diseases he said that he even healed those that were tormented with unclean spirits the bible says a whole multitude sought to touch him for power went out from him and he healed them all you know even though when you get saved jesus christ delivers you from the grip of sin a lot of us still struggle with the guilt of sin even though you've been forgiven you find yourself mentioning it to him again two or three years later why why do we do that because he did do you believe he forgave you i really do i just still struggle with the guilt at woodstock on super bowl sunday weekend we're coming up on year number 29 in february lord willing we do a thematic men's conference so this year it's called the lone wolf the lone wolf god never called any of us to be alone that's why the devil's doing a number on the church he's got people at home alone and you know that's why the word of god says in in hebrews 10 verse 23-25 to forsake not the assembling of yourself together jesus knew we needed one another and he said we excite we excite one another to love and good works and this y'all excite me i wouldn't be preaching near as hard if y'all didn't sing so hard so it excites me from what what i heard and and so uh i did one called prison break john maybe you remember 20 foot chain-link fence across the top barbed wire guess what else we got we actually rented some of those big prison lights big old white lights shining it through the congregation but i asked them to put a door in the front of the gate here's how i illustrated when you got saved god opened the prison door and you walked out free he he set you free from the grip of sin but look at me look at me you got to watch to see this but we came out dragging the ball and chain even though he set us free of the grip we're still struggling with the guilt of our past and and yet the bible says in hebrews 10 that god has taken the blood of jesus to cleanse our conscience so because the bible says our conscience condemns us but god this is good but god is greater than our conscience and so see heals you diseases of guilt and fear and doubt and depression and anger and lust and hate and jealousy and greed list goes on and on but now let me move to a third my final well not no not my final my favorite i got confused favorite redemption look what he says in verse 4 who redeems your life from destruction let me translate that being rescued it refers to the consequences of god's healing now don't miss this it's one of the most important statements of my sermon he redeems your life from going to waste you ever heard somebody say this i'll be honest with you i don't know where i'd be today if i hadn't got saved when i got saved so let's just play a little mind game you can't know exactly but let me just ask you this where where would where would you be now if it were not for jesus i'll tell you where i believe i'd been i was arrested for drunk driving i was arrested for stealing and i was arrested for fighting somebody says you're not that big no but i'm wound tight all right but the bottom line is and so three times before i was 20 years old i'd been to jail all right um my wife will tell you two or three nights a week red flock saloon pool room gambling charles spurgeon said when he got saved he lost 80 percent of his vocabulary that's how i was out of filthy mouth and and boy i was just going down the wrong road but i got rescued he he saved me from my life going to waste so i wrote it this way god didn't just save me from my sin god saved me from myself see some of you come and say hey how about praying for my boy he's on the wrong path here's what you're saying there's a way that seems right to man but the end is destruction here's what you're saying the road that he's on he's going to self-destruct but then aren't you glad god steps in and intervenes and rescues you the first sermon in this weird did you know i've got a copy of every sermon i've ever preached in my life i was not even a pastor yet they invited me to preach on baptist men's day and i still have memorized only the title and what the sermon was about the title of my first summer ever wrote was this the lord wants to do for you what he did for the israelites that was my sermon title it was from deuteronomy chapter six what was the theme god brought you out that god may bring you in see some of you have experienced calvary he's brought you out but you've not experienced a resurrection he wants to bring you in it's not just what god oh this is good it's not just what god saved me from it's what god saved me too i mean god has a future and a purpose for you and it's not to harm you and so i've got to press and find that so he's he brought me out well i'll give you two other words i'm gonna do them in the five minutes that i've got left here it is the word compassion the bible says he crowns you with loving tenderness and tender mercy so let me just tell you what that means a loving kindness is mercy it means god crowned me not with what i deserved if god had given me what i deserved i would be a crispy critter what does he mean he crowns us we're a child of the king we're royal what else does it mean he said one day when he returns and can i just remind you this morning look at me he's coming back he's coming back and it may be a lot sooner than we think but he's coming back and when he comes back he says we're going to reign and rule with him but but that's there's more to it than that the beatitudes you know what the beatitudes is thematic you know what the theme of the beatitudes is reigning in life with christ see he says this now that you've been saved and forgiven and i've saved your life from going to waste listen to this promise he said sin shall no longer have dominion over you well if sin doesn't have dominion who has dominion king jesus well if king jesus has to me i can reign in life with him because he lives his life through me i've got a king living inside of me he's done so much for me but then this last point and by the way i want you to learn from this last point but it's for steve flock car so vicky i want you to hear i don't i never do this i've been preaching 43 years i've never directed a thought and said preacher this morning when i was going through the text god put you on my heart and so i want to speak a word over steve from this passage so listen to verse and and by the way this verse some of you are taking notes it has a twist to it and without being able to translate what it means it's it's hard to understand so listen to it and i'm done i'm not done i'm just going to quit who satisfies your mouth with good things so that the purposeful clause your youth is renewed like an eagle pastor johnny what can you tell us about this text david is an old man the older you get the more you reflect he's reflecting on his life and as he's grown older he's not as strong as he used to be but god gave him a promise now how do you translate the word mouth are you with me mouth it translates old age or duration of years how did this happen i started preaching when i was 23 i'm 68 how did i get here good night my wife and i are celebrating 50 years of marriage november 21st how could we have been married 50 years i mean look at her she's only like 40 i mean this is ridiculous how god has worked this out so translate it since mouth translates old age of direction here here's what he's saying this is good no matter how old we become god can satisfy the needs of our lives and the spiritual desires of our heart go a step further one theologian said this is a beautiful picture of happy old people yeah why is that so important have you ever met some old people that weren't happy i do the largest senior adult conference in the united states so look at me i'll go outside after i preach in order to sign steve flockhart's and while i'm out there signing them they'll say to me uh sing your adult man or woman pray for me brother hunt um my grandchildren hadn't been to see me in three years and then i keep signing and listening and then they get real negative i mean just the conversation goes downhill so i i entertain myself with thoughts but i don't tell anybody what i'm faulting or i'd be in trouble that's why i'm writing here's what i think if i was your grandson i wouldn't come see either you are one negative dude i mean it's just it's so and i'll just be honest i don't want to be like that i really don't i don't i don't want to grow i rather god take me to heaven now than me grow old and dumpy so this morning my daughter called and said i'm coming to hear you preach daddy i thought yes and then my granddaughter aren't you preaching luck i want to come hear you preach so my granddaughter sent me and then my granddaughter my 16 year old granddaughter called me this week and said papa i've been missing you i need some good time with you when can i have time with you and she was out of school on wednesday and i weren't traveling that day so i said we'll we'll spend the day together and she kind of threw this caveat in you mean like go shopping and that really does help like i used to tell my wife i used to say if you notice the children and grandchildren love to go out to eat with us and she just smiled so what are you smiling and she said they love you to pay but anyway it's uh part of it i'm i'm willing to bear that cross all right but but i want to be a happy old person but now here's the close of the sermon what's going on in this text what is the theme eagles that's the thing but what is it teaching us about eagles eagles molt those of you in any phone you want to search you don't search it now but just type in the word m-o-l-t or molting m-o-l-t-i-n-g so what are they doing when eagles are young they build their nest on the highest mountain peaks there was a bad storm in atlanta last saturday night not last night but saturday a week ago there were tornado warnings let me tell you what eagles do fly into the storm fix their wings where the winds take them above the storm and they soar above the storms but when they get old they don't where do you find an eagle that is molting you find them in the valley anything else normally near water what are they doing they're losing their wings getting older david's feeling like he's losing some of his wings and then the lord says i'm going to satisfy you in your old age with some good things so that your your youth is going to be renewed i mean i've got as much energy as i've ever had i feel i can do anything i've ever done it just takes three times as long to recover but i can do it i walk three to five miles practically every morning of my life very few exceptions i mean i preach honestly the other day i've been preaching six and seven times every weekend i mean just i mean god has just given me strength so what is he saying he says i'm gonna give you a new lease on life so as i get older it don't mean that i slow down i know more about the bible now and i've ever known in my life i really do believe i'm a better preacher than i was when i was 30 or 40 years old i've learned so much more i'm somewhat seasoned miss janet's taught me so much and so the bottom line i'm going to press in and so steve i believe the word for your life is this um you're still gonna soar my man you've got some years and this is a great church man i preach a lot across the country a lot i was just at first baptist church dallas for heaven's sake but i mean you're hard-pressed to find a congregation that's so engaged in the word so in love with worship and what i mean and my grandsons hear it and my grandson came in too got the whole crime if we keep talking i just had the whole hunt tribe to slip in and so so it's a word for stephen for vicky that god's done a great work now some of you have taken as your favorite verse psalm 40 31 so now listen to it in the context of molting but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they will mount up with wings like eagles they will run and not be weary they will walk and not faint so by now what's happening with the psalmist worship is no longer sluggish brother he's engaged he's looking for some center to tell the benefits that can only come through a personal relationship with almighty god and that that'll happen if you're going out to eat today you are to be hard-pressed and not be able to speak a good word for jesus to whoever waits on you it'd be hard to catch your neighbor in the yard and not tell them about great worship at your church and invite them to come god is doing something so i close with this question have you ever experienced god's benefits why am i saying this pastor johnny would you tell us what you think in your years of studying of the worst consequent of hell i sure will a conscious remembrance jesus christ gave the story in luke 16 of a person going to hear and here's what he said through abraham a man's in hell and he's he's calling out for help and he says this son remember though in thy lifetime i don't think anything could be worse in hell than to be able to remember the opportunities not now later not yet not for me and i believe all all through eternity that go through father in the name of jesus have your will and way in each of our lives god i pray that you would save the lost in this service i pray that those that are walking into guilty distance they've grown cold in their heart i pray in jesus name that you would bring them out of their sluggishness to once again be fully engaged in authentic worship speak for christ's sake it's about eyes closed in the quietness of this moment in this very very holy moment here today you say i am a christian i know that jesus lives inside of me i know heaven's my home when i die but i've gotten kind of sluggish i've kind of forgotten some things that we heard this morning and today maybe you need to reconnect your heart back to god i would encourage you to do that today many of you here today you say you know i don't have a personal relationship with jesus i don't know 100 sure that if i died i'd go to heaven i don't know that my sins have truly ever been forgiven i don't know that jesus actually lives inside of me sir ma'am young person if that's you if you don't know 100 sure right now that christ lives in you that heaven's your home i'm getting ready to pray a prayer right now and i'm going to pray it out loud and online and in this building i'm going to encourage you to pray it with me a lady at nine o'clock raised her hand so high and so excited about she had received christ she met me outside at the tent and said hey i prayed that prayer and we got to talk and so i want to encourage you if you don't know christ as your personal lord and savior god is crazy madly head over heels in love with you so much so that he sent his son to die for you he suffered he bled he died he rose from the dead and now he wants to step out of heaven and step into your life and forgive you and change you but that decision is yours god is speaking you know it your heart is being pulled and tugged right now and today's your day today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart open your heart so as i pray this prayer out loud you can pray it in your heart and but you got to mean it this is you giving your life to jesus it's a really big deal so pray this prayer with me just say these words say lord jesus oh god i do know that i've sinned against you and i am so very sorry today i'm willing to turn away from my sin and yes god i believe that jesus died for me and rose from the dead and the best way i know how right now i'm surrendering i'm giving up i'm asking you to come into my life to save me to forgive me to change me thank you jesus for hearing my prayer we are so excited that today you decided to join us online we hope today that you were encouraged and blessed by the word of god and encourage today to walk with god in a deeper more intimate way for some of you you just prayed that prayer with us you just invited jesus christ to come into your heart and if you prayed that prayer and you meant it do you realize that jesus just saved you your sins just got forgiven and that is the greatest thing in all the world matter of fact the bible says that all of heaven throws a party because you just said yes to jesus christ and so we want to encourage you to read the bible to pray to find you a church home that you may be involved in or even on this online campus we've got going on here or i want to encourage you if you just prayed that prayer to let us know about that matter of fact you can text your response to 470-509-5 i would encourage you that right now don't wait you don't have to think about it if you just prayed that prayer text that response to us and let us know and then we will get back with you and help you grow in your relationship with jesus christ again thanks for watching us online
Channel: New Season Church
Views: 669
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: Nh3NDC9qDes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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