When Jesus is in the House (Dr. Johnny Hunt)

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the family of First Baptist Church Indian training welcomes [Music] join with senior pastor dr. Mike whitson as represent decision for life welcome to First Baptist Church Indian Trail thank you very much I have said it before and now I'm sure I'll say it again I'm not sure that I have the capacity to contribute how much I've received I've been so greatly blessed thank you choir what's still left up there and orchestra the music was fabulous I love Ernie Haase and signature sounds and Ernie and I've been friends a long time we've had a lot of great meetings together and God has used him so many times it would stock over the years and I think we're getting ready to do some Jubilees together with my family so we'll look forward to that and then I want to say a special word to miss Ginny that sang she took me right to the gates of heaven and let me check out my mom I mean it's amazing how music can transport you and and it really did deeply ministered in my life so I've just been greatly blessed and we're not trying to see who can outdo who but even at dinner tonight on a personal level I was talking about how long Mike and I have been friends and I love him and Kathy Jerry Falwell used to say I served with him twelve years before he died it's one of his board members in he would always say remember if when you die you have five forever friends you die wealthy and so there's nothing like friends especially those that you'll know forever so I'm so grateful for that and I feel like when I come here is sort of a family reunion hi mom preaching here in North Carolina tonight then back in Georgia Tamar and then where am I going South Carolina Arkansas and then back on Sunday morning and night in North Carolina I'm starting a a three-year tour this coming Sunday night all across the United States on a Hoosier one tour and I'm starting in Fayetteville and I didn't choose Fayetteville North Conner but it's right next to where I was born in Lumberton North Carolina so I've really been rallying the Lumbee Indians just in case there's an uprising over there and so on and they're coming they've contacted me they're coming in large numbers and so I'll start there and literally just crisscross America for at least the next three years and and even in those three years I still miss 22 states so anyway they're trying to get there but I'm leading a campaign and just say it to you briefly a called Hoosier one the Evangelical Church is a lowest time that it's been in over 70 years in winning people to faith in Christ in baptism you'd have to go back 70 years to find the baptismal numbers that Southern Baptists reported last year so I've committed the last quarter of my life in two areas evangelism and I've been training pastors for 25 years so I've continued to train by vocational pastors church planners and just pastors in general did you know that if just one in every 10 people that attend our churches and you may not know this but on any given Sunday morning the average attendance in Southern Baptist churches is five million two hundred and twenty two thousand and some change so to give you my my passion if 10 percent of the Sunday morning attendance in Southern Baptist life led one person to Christ only 10 percent over the next 12 months we would not only double baptisms from last year we'd have the single greatest year in the history of our denomination and I want to say something to you that candidly you'll do a lot of great things I love to preach I love great music but there's nothing and I'm gonna show you the message nothing Trump's leading another person to Jesus not nothing's more important the greatest miracle God ever performed it's the salvation of a soul he died to save us he was buried to save us he rose from the dead to save us and so even in this room tonight as I had trouble and I do a lot of different events if I could just challenge you and what we were asking in the numbers I was showing Joshua and Christy I love them to death and gene I love you and Gina honest I feel like Gina and Josh and Christy are my oldest children I just I love them to death and I think about if you just said got over the next 12 months lay some soul upon my heart and love that soul through me and then really intentionally went after if you'd have been at church Sunday before last cos I was preaching in Kansas yesterday but if you'd been at church a Sunday a week ago you would have seen on the front row grace grace is Janice one she's 45 years old she's Chinese she's Buddhist but we've been sharing the gospel with her taking her out to me Oh Sharon the gospel with her American husband and he's just kind of pushed back and when I gave the invitation I watched Janet put her arm around her and plead with her to come to Jesus and by the way ain't nothing wrong with that and just said I'll go with you and then my one is Percy and I've already presented the gospel of Percy and I shared the gospel Sunday afternoon would Robert from Las Vegas that came to our church and then I took him to lunch but I want to be faithful and I'll be honest I've had the privilege of pastoring a really large church and we've seen a lot of thousands and in no exaggeration thousands of people baptized into our fellowship but that's not really how I measure the ministry God's given me I want to personally individually introduce people to faith in Jesus Christ so anyway thanks for letting me say that Mark chapter 2 if you have your Bibles and encourage you to do something it's take a moment to introduce this message but I want to speak on this subject what happens when Jesus is in the house and if you got a pencil pen lipstick or mascara I want to encourage you to make a few notes and I'm going to show you and honestly I I'm a bible expositor and I'm gonna walk you through not what I think happens what the Bible says happens when Jesus is in the house you know I was thinking the other day we are one of the great periods of ministry and our fellowship is one Sunday we had 1300 and the next Sunday we had 2700 we grew we doubled in one one week at our fellowship and then just the steady growth over all of the years and then last year was the highest attendance average attendance in the history to church 32 years in I remember 33rd year now but but I really want to win people to Christ so what happens when Jesus is in the house listen let's stand in honor of the reading of the word mark chapter 1 you'll know the story I was in this city twelve weeks ago it's one of my favorite places to visit in Israel verse 1 the Bible says then again Jesus entered Capernaum after some days and it was heard that he was in the house and the King James says it was noised abroad that Jesus was in the house and the Bible says immediately many gathered so that there was no longer room to receive them not even near the door and Jesus listened what Jesus did at church he preached the word to them Jesus preachers preach the word somebody says I'm just trying to connect with the people no they don't need to connect with you they need to connect with him it's not like the carnal people that say I'd never go to a large church because the preacher can't know us just for the record sake God didn't call me to preach that you could know me I'm the preach so you can know him and if I introduced you to him you'll think more of me then they came to him bringing a paralytic who was carried by for me and by the way everybody brings their friends when Jesus is in the house and when they could not come near him because of the crowd they uncovered the roof where he was so when they had broken through he let down the bed on which two-pair lake was lying when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven you now look at verse number 6 some of the scribes were sitting there reason to heart and I want you to get us in your mind history teaches that when a scribe or a Pharisee or sad you see would attend a public worship they were always given the front row the seat of honor so welcome but really that the Pharisees were sitting on the front so they were right out front center and Jesus is two speaker for today and so they lowered this man through the roof and the first words spoken from Jesus his son your sins are forgiven and some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts why does this man speak blasphemies like this who can forgive sins but God only those with Robby Zacharias the other day so I'm not trying to blow smoke we're just really close personal friends and we were talking about conversion he said you know where people get confused they believe that getting saved as an intellectual decision and it's not it's moral and I'm going to show you that into text somebody called me the other day and said did you ever see the Minori on the ark they really believe from outerspace factual that they've seen something in Mount Ararat that would resemble the size of the ark under the ice this has you up seeing that nook in there they said think of how many people would believe if we could find the ark you don't get saved because you find the ark for by grace are you saved through faith but immediately when Jesus perceived in the spirit they reasoned thus within themselves by the way that's a gift I'm glad I don't have I'm glad I don't know what you're thinking while I'm preaching but Jesus knew and so what do you do he would address and by the way while I'm preaching he knows what you're thinking and that's why somebody says you've read my mail and I didn't read your mail God knows your name and he speaks the Bible says why are you so reason these things in your hearts and listen to this question which is easier to save the paralytic your sins are forgiven you or to say arise take up your bed and walk but that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he says to the paralytic I say to you arise take up your bed and go to your house and immediately he arose took up his bed and went out in the presence of them all so that they were all amazed and glorified God saying here's my favorite part we never saw anything like this again the King James says it this way we never saw it on this fashion when Jesus is in the house people will leave saying never did we see it like this father speak into our hearts for Jesus sake amen you may be seated according to Matthew chapter 9 in verse one Capernaum was referred to as Jesus's own city you know the story he was born in Bethlehem raised in Nazareth and when he started his ministry after being baptized at the Jordan he set up his headquarters in the city of Capernaum Capernaum is located on the northwest side of the Sea of Galilee happens to also be the hometown of Peter and Andrew it was the city that was known much of the activity of the Lord Jesus from first-hand experience if you want to talk about a town of opportunity Capernaum was it however according to the Bible this city for the most part remained very unresponsive to the message of Jesus Christ we live in the Bible Belt believe it or not we're becoming more and more unresponsive last year the leading state in winning people to Jesus and baptizing was Florida that is not the Bible Belt but we're unresponsive we've heard it so many times there was such rejection that Matthew records Jesus's words a personal review to Capernaum in the neighboring towns let me just give you the gist of it Matthew 11 verse 20 through 24 jesus said if what I've done here had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah they would have repented here's what he said listen this language i've exalted you to heaven but I'm gonna cast you down to hell I've walked through every one of those villages that Jesus referred to you're all together there around Capernaum so the text calls us me to beg the question when Jesus works in our midst do we still question his power and authority to do mighty things so the question why happens when Jesus is in the house number one the word is preached the Bible teaches that Jesus opened the Bible and preach to them when Jesus is in the house there's a drawing power the Bible says it was noise that he was in the house but Jesus was back he'd been there in the past and his return drew a crowd the greatest thing that can happen in any church is forward to get out Jesus Christ is in the house we hear all the things about what makes Church great today hardly ever do you say you ought to come Jesus is there there's a drawing power about Jesus he said it himself in John 12:32 he said if if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all people to myself this small Palestinian town this small Palestinian home usually a one-room structure with a flat roof many scholars believe it could have been Jesus's home Moore believed that it was the home of Simon Peter when Jesus in the house the word is preached and there's drawing power but there's also dynamic preaching he preached the word to them the word preached that's used here is a little word lolei oh it means in a conversation tone simple down-to-earth easy to understand language he was feeding them the Word of God jealous I did an interview today and I said my favorite verse in the Bible is proverbs chapter 20 verse 7 the righteous man walks in his integrity and his children are blessed after him noth-nothing blesses me more than to see all of my children and my grandchildren serving the Lord all of us are serving the Lord all have served the Lord by the grace of God the whole time I was out with a family the other day and I said let's go to dinner and they said we can't I'm not being ugly I just thought I would say this we got to go home because we have to put our baby according to what we're reading to bed at 7:30 how did you in miss Janet do it I said oh we go out after church with the people and just the fellowship and share Jesus and my kids would fall asleep and we push them up under the table and they didn't turn out weird maybe instead of reading dr. Spock you might order read the Bible and you might even check with some people that have raised the godly generation and find out what you did it's like the family that won't bring their child a church for six months because they afraid they'll get sick in the nursery and they go to the doctor's office go figure we're all the sick children are so my favorite New Testament verse listen to this it's mark 12 37 and the common man heard him gladly you know what's wrong in America we got some people that think they're not common every person I've ever met it helps me to be a vibrant witness because I don't care what they have where they work what they know they're common they may have done better in some areas but they're just common people and the common man heard Jesus gladly when Jesus preached four things happened number one he drew a crowd in bond well you don't have to embellish Jesus he's already altogether lovely just presenting for who he is allow him to be himself number two when Jesus preached it in just draw a crowd he drew people of confidence people came listen to me they came to church with a spirit of expectancy you know what's happened in the American church our expense jurors have expired in the average person doesn't get on their knees before they come to church to pray for the minister to say God using anointing with the Holy Spirit save people change lives set people free when Jesus is there people of confidence it drew a people with needs will come to a church if word gets out that Jesus is there but it also drew criticism any time Jesus is doing something it will be criticized the Bible says he preached that's the laya speaks of how he presented but it says he preached a word most of you know it's just one of those words like a got pay for love we know the word for word and it's the word logos you can even get a something for you computer logos but the word he uses here is Logan it was used of the message of salvation so listen to this when Jesus preached that day in Capernaum he preached the gospel Jesus preached the gospel he preached the good news in my early days in particular people you say Woodstock's a good place to go get saved but after there you need to go somewhere else cuz all he does is preaches the gospel probably the greatest passage in your Bible on the gospel is first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 so when Jesus was in the house the Bible teaches the word is preached number 2 faith was persistent what a passage of determination it's so great in showing their love for the sick man and their faith in the power of Jesus to heal that they would not take no for an answer how did you get grace to church the other day because Southern Baptists no longer bring people to church and just for the record say 85% of the people that will ever get saved will come to church on the arm of a friend 85 I'm a Christian today because NW Pridgen a Lumbee Indian would not give up on inviting Janet 9 to church this is good just to remind you the night I got saved at longleaf God saved the churches next pastor now let that settle in I got saved three years God called me to preach I went to gardner-webb College southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary straight back to longleaf the night he saved me he was saving the churches next pastor I in teaching evangelism I teach that you need to know the truth about actualities and possibilities see actually this is who a person is I've got a little granddaughter she'll always say she's special nice you say actually Papa and I think that's such a big word for a cerebral palsy granddaughter can you imagine let's just go back for a minute I'm 20 years old and I'm managing JC Bullard pool hall on Carolina Beach Road in Wilmington North Carolina I'm a high school dropout I'll fight at the drop of a hat so and so was you not very big no but I'm wound tight and the bottom line is I was a scrapper and I didn't have to win but but I didn't mind fighting and and I I'm ashamed of this I was a thief I been arrested for fighting have been arrested for drunk driving I know what it's like to go without driver's license if you'd have gone to the pool room you to find me with a bottle of beer in one hand a cigarette in the other and taking God's name in vain on my lips and trying to hustle someone under money Charles Haddon Spurgeon said when he got converted he lost 80% of his vocabulary and I understand that now in actuality I wonder how many people didn't witness to me because they probably thought he is not interested I doubt anybody ever walked by and saw me and said that boy would make a fine preacher CC actualities keep you from possibilities what Jesus when he saw Simon he said he didn't even say DS he said you are Simon but you shall be called Cephas Simon is wavering one Cephas is a massive rock Jesus sees us not an axe reality for who we are Jesus sees who we can become can't you imagine I mean I think this is humorous could you imagine me there cussing and swearing and and somebody say you know what one day that boy will be the president of the Southern Baptist Convention you will never go to your neighbor's house as long as you only see him in actuality but they were persistent they were they were committed to going to any lengths to bring their friend with his problems to Jesus and asked Jesus to deal with them I wrote down six things I'm just gonna read and listen to say I wrote this what faith says this was determination number one faith says there are always many who will never reach Jesus unless someone takes them a text grace the other night I said hey grace I'm preaching tomorrow morning at Woodstock I sure would love for you to come and join Jedi Knight if you will come grace Jan and I will save you a seat on the front row we want you to sit with us and then after the service we'd like to take you to Tuscany's for lunch I mean we didn't beat around the bush I would like for you to come sometime no no we want you to come we want you to sit with us and we want you to go to lunch with us and we'll treat you to lunch a friend called me and said she I believe she's as close as we've ever seen her and coming to Christ number two listen to this statement if there were more bringing believers there would be more saved sinners and and by the way it would add a different dynamic to a worship service if you were sitting beside somebody on their way to hell you would be broken and pleading oh god use brother Mike Oh God save this person this morning nobody would be leaving during the invitation why stay for the invitation when you don't give a royal flip of whether somebody's changed forever I like to do that it would stop cuz nobody will leave that Sunday so next week you know what I did it Woodstock apologized to him recently I said I'm sorry I've I've been here all these years I've confused Joe when I give the invitation it's to come down here so this morning forgive me but I've accommodated you I put my counselors out in the foyer nobody left that Sunday I want you to think with me for a moment I'll tell you on brother Mike really preach the service Sunday I'll tell you this it would have been a it would have been hard stay with me it would have been hard for a lost person to stay in receipt no it wouldn't why would you say that Pastor Johnny you didn't move you know him he lives in your heart and you don't obey what right do we have to criticize a pagan who doesn't know God for not responding when those of us do who do know him don't respond where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty it's just a question it's just a question because things have changed in the culture of the church so a question when's the last time the Holy Spirit spoke to you through the music or the message and you publicly respondent cannot can I give a testimony a few weeks ago I was preaching but I'd made my mind up before I got there I got me a card and I filled it out and rededicated my life and asked him to read the card at the end of the service number three they had faith to believe Jesus would meet us need you do anything to get them there just believe you beat me meet and and I know you can go and share with them but I'm just telling you there's something I can't explain it I I surveyed our church recently and asked him some good questions like I asked them with thousands on a Sunday morning if you came to Jesus Christ in a Billy Graham crusade or watching dr. Graham on television stand to your feet and in the first to the stand came to Jesus in Rhodesia Lance and Penny Davis and then served in South Africa missionaries as the next thirty years they're my prayer partners they prayed me over here they're praying for me now they pray for me every day then I said if if somebody came by your house with faith or evangelism explosion and I do all those I'm a personal witness I know what the Bible says do the work of an evangelist but I said if that's how you came to Christ and maybe thirty stood and then I said if you got saved because somebody encouraged you to go to church and you heard the gospel stand and 90 percent of the 6,000 people stood to their feet number four they put feet to their prayers number five they did not permit the difficult circumstances to discourage them number six they work together and dared to do something different so they dug up the compacted thatched roof and lowered demand through the exposed beams to the floor below it may be the greatest Bible story that inspired three words that I put on the marquee the first month I was pastor at Woodstock these words whatever it takes whatever it takes has built a hundred million dollar campus whatever it takes caused us to go to for services with the windows raised at night in people in the vestibule to be able to hear we rented 19 off-campus sites for Bible study that cost us thousands of dollars to use I work a week whatever it takes I would have loved to been the kid you imagine being in church and when you're preaching something falls on your face and you knock it off in then it begins to fall in a greater capacity and then you look up in somebody's lowering somebody through the ceiling I bet those Pharisees really had a time number-three quickly when Jesus is in the house forgiveness is present hey let me do something I know you already know this but let me just say see if I can say it a little different to draw sin forgiveness it's the greatest miracle that Jesus ever performed why would you say that pastor Johnny - follow me number one it meets the greatest need number two it costs the greatest price number three it brings the greatest blessing in number four it has the most lasting results now the Pharisees are sitting on the front row they lowered the person into the presence of Jesus and Jesus looks at them and says this now listen carefully to this this is where it is more moral than intellectual son your sins are forgiven you now I could say that I could walk out there and look at one of you right now and say your sins forgiven you you know what somebody say well he can say that but you can't prove that you can't see that and by the way when a pagan get saved when I went a Hellion I Hale you get saved and they go to their workplace and they tell the people they work with I got saved they don't respond why they don't have to in the back of their mind they do have this thought we'll see because if you got saved you're gonna be different so here's the best way I never said no change no Christ so when somebody says yeah I got saved I just never really changed I'm sorry you may have got wet you may have walked a now you may have said something you did not get saved any man in Christ is a new creation old things are passed away all things Jesus changes your won't twos I love just write a little stuff and I wrote this statement son sins are forgiven you the first word put this man in the family of God the second word put him in the fellowship of God forgiveness what a blessed word for a sinned hardened soul the debt discharged guilt gone conscience cleanse past pardon record removed it's not fits in my mind it's not in my notes if I can't get it out of my mind I'm gonna say a word about it's sort of like a reunion every year you know Gina come gotta get my picture made with you tonight Gina thank you 15 when I met you and I was pastor it lovely you love this story Ernie and her mother started attending longleaf and I've always been one to go to homes or go knock on doors and share the gospel and so she was dating a poolroom former pool room buddy of mine that started coming to our church so to ask me if I would marry him and so I was in the process I'm gonna marrying them so I wanted to present the gospel so Jan and I went to see Gina's mother by the way they called her pretty bad she's beautiful right gene beautiful I did something I've never done before or after and I got several stories like this things that I felt led to do that I've never done before never before I presented the gospel and I an overwhelming sense Mike you've done it given an invitation and the holy ghost wouldn't let you close you just you felt it was not yours to close he was at work and you needed to wait I presented the gospel and she rejected but I didn't feel it was a genuine rejection Janet said him beside me here's what I did I really believe God wants to save you tonight but uh last thing I'll ever do is force you I can't force you and just for the record if I could I would because right after I forced you you'd hug me kiss me hallelujah brother all right but I can't so let me tell what I did I've never done this before my life I'll never forget it as long as I live I said I'm Pat I'm gonna pray but I'm gonna extend my hand and before I finish praying if you change your mind you want to get saved before we leave take my hand and I begin to pray and while I was praying she put her hand in mine and a letter to Christ gonna say what why do you think that's so significant because a few days later she was going up her stairs and I don't know if the family knows but she lost her balance somehow I don't know whether she fainted or just lost her balance but she fail and the doctor told me that there was no break in her fall and the back of her head hit the steps and she never gained consciousness consciousness again and I did her funeral I have a plaque it is a it's an old plaque now who's over 35 years but I've got a plaque that she gave me about when Jesus carried me when only so two sets of footprints in the sand that's where I got that from forgiveness her debt was discharged her guilt was gone her conscience was clear the pass was pardoned and the record was removed some of us would tell it all the song tonight was sung for that family the song about midnight cry because she's looking forward to seeing her mama again you know I'm a pastor I've been a pastor for 43 years somebody asked me they say what's it gonna be like to not be a pastor and I said I've got a question is pastoring recalling I'll be a pastor shall I draw my last breath but I've often said to families if you're not saved this person was get a good look before we call out close to casket because you'll never see him again right after I got saved there was a man that had been witnessing to me from Wilmington North Carolina and he was about 50 I was 20 so here he was 30-some years older than me but we became best friends so he asked me said when I die I've put it in the will I would like for you to do my funeral if you can get back if you're traveling do my funeral and I said I promise you I'll do it so sure enough at 95 the family called me but he called me before he died and he said I have a special request never I've had this request names how Langley I said what's that how he said I want you to leave the casket open until you finish your sermon so he told me but he didn't tell anybody else but the family read the will and they called me and said pastor daddy's made an unusual request that you may be uncomfortable with and I said no I know what it is and they said did he tell you why he wants to casket open I said he did he said he more to hear me one more time [Laughter] so God is my witness Sunset Park Baptist Church when I finished preaching I leaned over where I could see him in the casket I said what do you think it is scared the out of the people ha ha ha they thought he's gonna raise them it's a good job pastor number 4 doubt is on the prowl when Jesus is in the house doubt is on the prowl son thy sins are forgiven thee why does he speak blasphemies no one can forgive sin but God only or stay with me intellectually I'm gonna show you what that means and then theologically it's a biblical doctrine the Jews intrical connected sin and suffering they argued that if a man was suffering he must have sinned look at your Bible carefully job chapter 4 verse 7 LFS remember now who ever perished being innocent where were the upright ever caught off the rabbis had a saying and I quote there is no sick man healed of his sickness until all his sins have been forgiven him so what they were saying is oh yeah you can say your sins are forgiven you but I'm telling you the man is laying on that pallet as a paralytic because of his sin and by the way who can forgive sin but God only therefore if the man can get up and walk intellectually to the Jew it would mean that his sin had been forgiven therefore Jesus would be God right and when he said which is easier well I think it's easier to say your sins are forgiven but if you say take up your pallet and walk so when Jesus asked that then he looked over at him and said take up your pallet and walk I just think it happened like this they'd never moved get up the jolting he rolls up his pallet puts it up under his arm and I'll just be honest huh I'm Native American I'm about is dark and I'm about 38 percent african-american I'm a half-breed Spaniards married Cherokees but the Spaniards in the 1500s it had relationship with their slaves in Africa and all this has been verified in my life they say that it a white man can't preach till he gets mad black man can't preach that he gets happy and that's Indians we can just preach Hoffman's and so what I think happened is when he stood up I don't think he just said thank you I think he I bleed when he walked told me knocked at the door and mom probably said sue that is and dad might have said I thought it was my boy but couldn't be him I can I can see him at the door and the boys walk in that's what happens when Jesus is in the house there was a transfer and by the way the word that is used there speaks really of an inward transformation it carries the tune of metamorphosis Jesus changed this man this man was saved deity number five was proven two things I'm through in three minutes maybe God the fact that he is deity and by the way Mike and I are move on her up in age but I see some young men riding I bet they're some college students seminary students young preachers on say something dear the greatest doctrine that will come under attack in the next generation is the exclusivity of Jesus Christ that Jesus is God he's got alone it's not just a song he has no rivals he's the only true God and he's the only one that can forgive sin and the only one that can open heaven for you who can forgive sins but God only one scholar put it this way Jesus he the Lord a lunatic he's either God or impostor he's either God or blasphemer but then Jesus said this but that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins I am have been blessed that God's let me preach with so many of my heroes this is interesting I've never have not even told my wife this but Bill staffers family called me and he's getting near the end and they've asked me to do his funeral I did Freddy gages funeral but what a great joy I was part of Adrian Rogers retirement celebration I was a preacher for manly Beasley's funeral I mean what these people were my my heroes and I loved the quote um I've been quoting um Warren weirds be more than usual because he just went to be with the Lord but listen to this and I'll give a couple of statements and story into it if our sins are to be forgiven let this settle in on who's your one your mother your father your children your sibling and by the way I hate to say this but it somebody's got to say it when the lady says to me hey pray my son get back in church he's a Christian but he just doesn't come to church anymore I said well tell me about your son well he got saved at Vacation Bible School in his six but he hadn't been in church in 21 years let me tell you what's wrong with the church I wrote 12 messages on this you have not learned to distinguish the difference between the decision and a disciple let me tell you the difference a disciple has the seat of God in them which is reproductive and you reproduce his disposition his nature you can't keep it in you I mean it's just gonna come out but a decision is just a decision and and there's some of you holding on that you've got a son that got saved and that been to church since Moby Dick was a tadpole I'm telling you and as a result you've quit witnessing to him you've turned to just praying saying he's just back slidden if our sins are to be forgiven it must be while we're still on earth both character and destiny are fixed at death the Bible offers no hope of redemption beyond the grave and so on to quote John Phillips and just give you the last statement the rich man and Lazarus Jesus made this statement said thee the rich man died and in hell he lifted up his eyes he instantly the moment he died a lost person the moment they die they go to hell the Bible says that the poor beggar died and the angels came and carried him to a place of honor Abraham's bosom immediately immediately and then Jesus said it is there's a great gulf fixed so here's John Phillips quote there's a path that runs from Earth to heaven I've got it in my phone now Roger West died Rogers a good friend of mine real good friend called me the other day and he said Johnny you're not gonna believe this and get a chance to drop by and see me I got had numbness in my leg tingling wouldn't go away and I just went to the doctor that I'm healthy I'm working on the largest real estate deal of my life I have a stage four inoperative brain cancer and he died in three and a half weeks his funeral beat this coming Saturday but let me tell you the good news there's a path that leads from Earth to heaven I really believe it all my heart right now while I'm preaching to you and we haven't done this memorial service yet Roger is the Bible says there's a path that runs from Earth to hell you you could die after this service and if you're not saved you could be in hell before I get to the airport but there is no path that runs from Hell to heaven the Mormons believe there is and the Catholics believe there is they call it purgatory purgatory is a myth the endless masses said for dead men's souls are full a vain hope I was just in India preaching they believe in reincarnation when there was a traffic jam it's because the cows were industry and the cows are their ancestors and if they live a good life they'll go in karma to another good life and then if they can live another life and before too long they can get to the better and the best sort of like Joel Osteen best life now and just for the record sake it's not the best life now it's the best life there and last of all God was praised immediately the Bible says in verse 12 they were amazed Allah said fear from South Georgia that means you were flabbergasted they glorified God and said we never saw it on this fashion I wrote two closing statements here they are healing would allow this man to walk home forgiveness would allow him to walk into heaven the leading female cancer doctor in the state of Georgia died at forty five she went in for a mammogram and they missed the spot and she's the leading female cancer surgeon in Atlanta her husband Ted Fabian is a plastic surgeon his business is in Buckhead he has two other partners that work for him Sisk his company when they diagnosed her with the cancer all of the surgeon friends came rena said we're gonna guarantee you 15 more years further diagnosis ten years five years we buried her in six months Ted couldn't go back to work he'd lost the love of his life but he was agnostic bests borderline atheist so he didn't want to hear anything about God but a lady worked for him and all he could tell me and here's what he did he came to my office and he brought his phone he said Mr Hunt we've never met it's about 50 years old he said would you allow me to read what I've written that I need to say to you without you interrupting me I said go ahead would never met sharp God answer Ted begin to tell the story he said this lady there was something about her a presence about her she was different than anybody else in my office and one day she came to me and handed me a card and said would you do me a favor and here's how I responded I didn't know what she was gonna ask but because she had been such an encourage the answer was gonna be yes whatever you ask me how did she said he would you watch this Sunday and it was a card about mine web cast Sunday morning and she said watch it at 11 o'clock he has a home in Hilton Head so he was there so he said I sent that on the couch and thought Here I am I'm gonna watch a Baptist preacher just for her said his dog was sitting beside him so he sat on the couch just to him and he said mister I won't you know I was on the broadcast 15 minutes before you came on he said by the way the first song that girl was not very good just written straight he said but I'll tell you I really liked that second girl she was good and I said well thank you doctor he said it got up and when you stood up it crawler said pastor Johnny hunt and I said in my mind I'm closing with this story I said in my mind watching he'll beg for money and guess I'll guarantee I will guarantee it every - I'll guarantee you I will we're one of the greatest giving churches per capita in the nation begging pays off and so on so I did I made my appeal for money and then he said they sang another song and he said then you got up and time you stood with your Bible and he said I can't believe this I'd been bearish my friends than ideas but you asked your congregation to stand for the reading of the word and I stood he said when I stood I still remember the dog got up like we were going somewhere and he was detailed and then he said this he's a mr. hunt the longer you preached the less I could hear your voice but I was becoming ever more aware of another presence as his words plastic surgeon and he said and then you said this you said whether you're in this room or you're watching me and I'm that I'm able to be heard in 60% of the world's population every Sunday for a satellite TV would Michael you said I'm the gospel preacher from Michael Youcef ministry around the world I miss number-one preacher in Egypt they think an Egyptian I said I don't know where you are but this morning God may be calling your name and he said I really felt Jesus and that morning I said I'm gonna pray with you and if you would like to repent and place your faith in Christ make this prayer your prayer and pray with me and he said I was stood up and I've never had anybody in my life to tell me this he said he placed his hand on the screen and he prayed and he said I've been a different man ever since and so I'm sitting there and since will you baptize me here's what you need to know about me baptizing I told briefly his story Christi after the baptism and he dried off and came back women lined up down the hole Wow and said your wife removed my breast cancer I'm alive today because your wife did my cancer dr. Fabian just stood there and went and then he said can I see in your office after the service no listen to this story he said you remember I told you mr. outside criticized you for asking for money because Jay said did you know now when I watch you online I listen to what you need money for it sounds like you and your wife are heavily involved in Cuba and I love the char trying to make a difference in sex trafficking and I love all the ministries y'all do so this is my first gift since I became a Christian and he gave me hundreds by the way what does that say about who criticises the offering he was lost he criticized it when he got saved he gave a hundred grand he came to see me last Thursday he's enrolled at Liberty University he just did his first mission trip and he said I believe God's calling me Ted Fabian look it up go online look up leading searching God wants to save people and that's what happens when Jesus is in the house Father in the name of Jesus what a service you have moved me to every emotion with music we've had happy moments we've had reflective moments we've had glorious moments and I really believe you're here and I ask if there's someone here that's never been saved God changed their life tonight for the glory of God and I pray that you would deeply burden every person here that everyone would begin to reflect on who's my 1 is it a relative a friend a neighbor a work associate or classmate God have mercy that we would face Christ one day empty-handed god help us in Jesus name to win others thank you for watching decision for life our location Life Group and program information available online at FPC itor we hope you will take the opportunity to join us in person thank you from the family of First Baptist Church Indian Trail you
Channel: First Baptist Church Indian Trail
Views: 7,234
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Mike Whitson, First Baptist Church Indian Trail, North Carolina First Baptist Church, Worship Service 2018, Baptist Church Service 2018, FBCIT worship music, First Baptist Indian Trail music, Indian Trail Christmas Musical, You are Great worship, How Great Thou Art worship, Amazing Grace worship, Our God worship, In Christ Alone worship, Holy Holy Holy worship, Everlasting Doors worship
Id: MwoR2suqKmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 11sec (3551 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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