I got SCHOOLED on Birria Tacos by a Master, ft. @La Capital

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Thanks Dalstrong for sponsoring this video.   Today I'm going to show you how I got schooled  by a true taco master, as by the end of this   video you're going to see how wonderful these birria tacos actually are. To say that they were   amazing is a complete understatement, but most  importantly you will have the secret recipe.   Because this is the story of how I got schooled  by a true Mexican master. So let's do it! Amigo   Oh my God, what do you have cooking over here? -This is  a short rib birria, we're gonna have some tacos tonight.   It's gonna be delicious. -Are you ready  Emilio? -Oh yeah actually that's the main reason   why I came all the way here. That's what good  friends is all about. And of course, there's   no good tacos without an incredible sauce and for  today Oscar made two of them. Now I did not get to   see how he actually made it, but since we've been  friends for such a long time he gave me the full   recipe. And as you can see this green salsa looks  amazing. The wonderful thing about it is that he   let me try them by themselves and here's what  I thought of it. Oh that's so good super, super   tasty. Now the red salsa on the other hand man  that one was something else he did give me a   warning before and he said it was quite spicy and  I should have listened. Oh tasty, oh spicy, oh spicy! He was not kidding boy! One of the most important  things he was explaining to me was this   it is the fat that was removed from the consomé, it gives the birria taco its unique color and taste.  And like a true Mexican he said that the tortilla  must be made with corn. Now the cheese is using a   special Mexican cheese so it could be replaced  with mozzarella cheese. The next step is to go   ahead and place the short rib right on top. Also  you don't want your heat to be too high as once   the meat has been placed on top you want to fold  them like a quesadilla. Because now it's time to   throw in the real magic we're talking about that  fat he just showed us, that is where all of the   flavor is gonna come from but most importantly  also the color. And man let me tell you something   I only wish you could smell this, because once the  taco was ready. -I wanna try that so bad right now.   -It was time to serve up the consomé. I mean  take a look at this, it is heaven on earth. Just   give me a big cup of this and I'll be happy. As now  the only thing left to do is to eat it. To do that   the first thing you want to do is to dip it and  I mean as I took my first bite, oh man that right   there is one of the top bites of my life. It was so  good I couldn't help myself but eat four of them.   -I know how you feel believe me I was there  watching a couple of weeks ago. I feel your pain.   -He's not joking when he says that because now it's time for me to show you how it's made. Everything   starts off with this, the marinade, it is where 90%  of the flavor comes from. Now he mentioned that I   must use a pestle and mortar you don't want to use  your food processor for this. As you can see I'm   crushing a bunch of garlic. Once I was done this is  what it looks like. Now you want to throw in some   ginger paste pound it a little bit more and this  is what you're left with. As the next thing to do   is to put a little bit of oil on the pan and cook  up some white onions, stir them around until you   get a little bit of color as the next ingredient is this, tomatoes. You want one that is a little bit   ripe then go ahead and throw that into the mix, let  it cook for about three minutes, because the next   things are all of the chilies and we actually have  a very good amount. The wonderful thing about all   of these chilies is that you can find them online.  For the chili you want to warm up the flavors.    To do that just get a pan with a little bit of oil  and fry them up. You want to slightly toast them   but not burn. After about a minute of cooking them  throw them in with the tomatoes, followed by the   ginger and paste garlic mix we just made. Then add  a good amount of oregano, followed by cumin, black   pepper, apple cider vinegar and half a stick of  cinnamon. Mix everything well and combine those   ingredients, and most importantly start rehydrating  the chilies. Of course don't forget to add a good   amount of salt. Cook it under medium-high heat  for about 5 minutes. Once the time is up throw   everything into the blender and blend it on high,  because once you have done so you should be left   with this. Here's where all of that flavor from the  birria is gonna come from. That is how to make the   birria marinade which is perfect to go along with  our short ribs. Talking about that these are the   ones I'm gonna be using for today's cook. As you  can see they have a good amount of meat on them   but they are also not lacking any amount of fat.  Talking about that it was so much that I decided   to remove a little bit. As the next thing to do was  to cut them in strips, this part is quite important.   If you don't do this you won't render the fat that  well. Because once I was done take a look, that is   a good amount of short rib right there. So I went  ahead went outside and turned on my gas stove. You   are going to be needing a big pot for this. As you  can see I also poured all of the marinade right on   top followed by a good amount of water, as now the  only thing left is to bring everything to a boil.   Because once you have done so you want to cover  it up and let it cook for three hours or until   it's completely tender. That was perfect because  it allows me time to go ahead and show you how   to make the green sauce. The first thing to do is  to get a pan and coat it with olive oil, throw in   a bunch of tomatillos and toast them up. You want  to cook them until they have a nice charred just   like this that usually takes about 5 minutes.Then  do the same thing with garlic and serrano pepper.   All we're trying to do is to char them up a little  bit. The creaminess of the sauce comes from this.   You guessed it avocado. Because once you have all  of the ingredients ready to go just like this   all there's left to do is to blend it up. But of  course do not forget to add a good amount of salt   and freshly ground black pepper. Set your blender  to high and let it do its thing as once everything   is combined together you should be left with an  incredible salsa. This is absolutely delicious and   now you know how easy it is to make. Pairing them  up with those short ribs is going to be incredible.   Talking about that by this time they were ready. As  I remove the lid and I pick one up take a look now.   That is what I'm talking about they are as tender  as it gets. If I'm not careful they're just going   gonna completely fall apart on me, but now the next  step is to separate the meat from the broth. As you   can see this is exactly what we were looking  for, that authentic red color that birria comes   from. You want to make sure you strain this thing  really good, as you can see I'm using two strainers.   That way my consomé will be really clean. Now the  short ribs looks like this. Right now at this stage   they do not look that appetizing, but what you  can't tell is that the flavor is incredible. Now   we must remove the bones and any additional fat  that did not render. Then like a true taco master   chop everything up. It is extremely important to  chop as much as possible that way whenever you're   taking a bite everything will be completely  shredded. As you can see once I was done   this is what i was left with. Now one of the things  I learned from Oscar is that next day taco meat   tastes better, so he advised me to put this on the  refrigerator overnight. The consomé on the other   hand this is what I had left. That is perfection my  friends, and just like the short rib we must let it   rest. Remember we are seeking for that wonderful  fat so that we can fry up the tacos in the end.   And in order to extract that all you have to do is  let it rest on your refrigerator overnight. As that   was happening it was perfect because it allowed me  time to make the spicy sauce and this one is even   easier, and here's how. Start off with a good amount  of olive oil and tomatillos, just like before you   want a nice char on them. If you have one of these  torches available go ahead and use it as all we're   trying to do is to create some blisters on these  tomatillos and fire will definitely speed up the   process. Once you have done so throw in some onions,  followed by garlic and a good amount of hot spicy   chili. Then you want to throw everything right  into the blender followed by the tomatillos we   just made, a good amount of cilantro and of  course salt and freshly ground black pepper.   Blend everything on high because in the end you  should be left with this. Now this one I must say   proceed with caution because this one is spicy.  But at the same time it has a wonderful flavor   but you've been warned. Now the very next day this  is what my consomé looks like. It is now solid.  And you can clearly see that the fat is right on  the top, that is exactly what we're looking for.   Check out how easy it is to extract it, remember  we need this to fry up the tacos in the end so   doing it the next day is definitely the way to go.  As you can see in the end I was left with a good   amount. Now that will make a good amount of tacos.  Talking about that you can also check out the meat   I am gonna be warming this up just like he did  so hopefully it's gonna concentrate the flavor   even more. I also highly recommend using cilantro  and onions into the tacos because now that we have   everything ready the only thing left to do is to  go ahead and cook them. So now I say it is enough   talking and it is time for me to show you how  to make the best tacos of my life. So let's do it! [epic music] Those birria tacos look incredible and before  we try them I want to thank today's sponsor Dalstrong.  I've been using their knives even before I  started youtube that is how much I love them. And   when they reached out to me to sponsor today's  video it made me so happy because it's one of   those brands I can stand behind a hundred percent, it has never let me down. The coolest thing is that   the knives are not only amazing tools but they  are also badass looking. I mean take a look at   this everybody .If you don't think this is cool  you're not cool I'm telling you right now. I can   honestly say I have almost every single knife  they have because the variety is huge take a   look at my background. Look at this slicer right  here I just love this thing I use for almost   everything. Now this one right here makes me look  like Thor. Do you agree? Yes it's a hatchet but I   still look like Thor. That's right, that's right.  So if you want to get yourself some cool knives   like I did check the link on the description down  below right now. Get yourself some incredible knives and I guarantee you're going to put them to good  use. And most importantly they're going to get the   job done and you're not going to be disappointed.  So once again check them out on the link on the   description because now it's time for us to try  this birria tacos. All right everybody here we   have our beautiful birria tacos. I got Maumau in the house, I got Leo. Angel is here too, he just   wouldn't fit on the table all right. -We take too  much space. -So here's the deal this is the consomé   so you guys go ahead and grab one. We're gonna try  it go ahead Leo. We're gonna, you're supposed to dip   it in there, in there and then try it together. And  then I got two sauces that I really want you guys   to try. This one is not that spicy but this one  here this one kicks a punch. -Okay. -So kicks a punch? -Yeah yeah that's how bad that sauce is it kicks a punch everybody. Takes some taekwondo lessons that's right. -It's about   to get real messy up in here. -All right exactly Leo  no you got a dip it like you mean it. Yes! And   do straight up juice right, straight up eat  it. All right enough everybody cheers. -Cheers. -Oh yeah man. -Oh man. -Listen, listen to me, this is  amazing everybody. You've never seen me spoke   quietly I'm always like wohooo. No, no, no, no, no, this one amazing. What do you think Leo? I want to know. -I can't   get over how like such a combination of flavor and  texture like you first get that hard outer shell,   you get the soft cheese, the gooey cheese inside  you get this nice delicious I don't even know what   kind of meat this is, this is so good. -Short rib. -Short rib oh my God this is beautiful, this is absolutely beautiful.  -Maumau what do you think? Maumau is already almost done with the taco everybody.   Tell me Maumau what do you think? -This one all I can  say is deserves the respect that we're giving it by being  so quiet. -Yeah exactly. -Because like Leo said you  have the crunchiness of the shell and then you   have the softness of the short rib the full flavor  of the steak and then the the extra fat from the   consomé sauce I like it. -I just got to say something  Guga I'm so glad I waited for this because this is absolutely delicious -You been waiting all day Leo? Waiting all day for this, and never trying a birria. -There you go.   The first time is a home run. -The one  thing I feel sad for you Leo is that it's going to be a while until  you can have one this good again. -Yeah   -Trust me I'm trying to savor every single bite for  that exact reason. -That was delicious we have to   finish that one, let's go ahead and try with the  sauces because I want to know you guys opinion.   All right go for it Leo. -It looks like uh it looks  really interesting it looks kind of like avocado   base. -Yeah it looks like a guacamole is what I was  going to say. -Kind of yeah. Cheers everybody. -Cheers. -Wow -You know what I really like about  it? Is that it gives a little fresh clean   yeah your palate. -Yeah it's like the  guacamole kind of washes a little bit of the   richness of the short rib -In the consomé -In   the consomé and it's it's just perfect. -Amazing   Leo I want to know your opinion. -Absolutely  agree with Maumau but I wanted to add that like   I think that the fact that it's a cold sauce  with this hot dish it's so nice it like adds   another element of that texture it's also you get  everything like I said earlier and that hot and   cold. It's wow it's so good. -Super refreshing right?  -Super refreshing, exactly. -Okay that one creamy   a little bit of acidity, fantastic. This one is  straight up death all right. -You got, you got. -Thank you Leo. Oh Leo is going for it too ok. I'm the big chicken now. Oh my God. -Go big. -Cheers everybody. -Uh that's nice. -It's spicy but flavorful.  -I was about to say it's building now   its building, it is one of those  spices that it creeps up on you,   But still absolutely delicious. -I'll be honest with  you if you try the sauce by itself it's more spicy   but when you combine it with the tacos yeah not  that bad. -Not that bad. -Yeah it thought, uh it's kicking   in a little bit. -Yeah I told you it sneaks up. -It's a creeper but  it's it's more tasty than it is hot. -Yes. -When you   try it with the sauce. -Very flavorful sauce. I think this is  the very first video that we finished all the food,   you know I mean. There's only one left. Anyway guys  these are the results I hope you guys enjoyed this   video, if you did enjoy it make sure you give it  a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure   to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are  interested in anything I use everything is always   in the description down below. Thank you so much  for watching and we'll see you in the next one.   Make sure you guys check out Oscar's channel right  on the description down below I'm going to put it.  He's an awesome guy and if you love Mexican food  everything is there. Oscar thank you my brother.   -Thank you Oscar. -See you guys on the next one  take care bye-bye. -So Maumau, now that Guga's not here I'm   really hungry. -We're fighting man. -With these dirty  hands. -Oh god no you win this is so nasty.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 3,192,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birria taco, la capital, birria recipe, how to make birria taco, best taco, authentic food, sous tacos, consume, street tacos, oscar meza
Id: KMccZ03fSAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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