Birria on the Grill | Birria de Res

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hey everybody i'm chef tom with and this is beeria on the grill first and foremost let's not make fun of how i say beautia i can't do it it's just not gonna happen right i'm sorry now if you haven't heard about video maybe you haven't been watching cooking videos on the internet in the past year or two because it has taken off like wildfire it's spreading everywhere which is probably funny to our friends down in mexico who have been eating it for centuries this is a dish from jalisco mexico contains goat meat typically that's been stewed in some liquid with lots of spices and chilis see they they put all these flavors in there to cover up the funky taste and smell of the goat meat way back in the day well it's just kind of stuck it created this incredible flavor that's become such a sensation in that region and now around the world now for us here in kansas in the middle of america cow is our meat this is what we have access to so today that's what we're going to be cooking so technically this is a birya de rez of the cow so we've got a selection of cuts here these are beef short ribs great fat content we've got some beef shin right here which has got that bone and the marrow in it and then some extra marrow bones just because this marrow and this bone is what's really gonna make the broth or the consomme have great mouth feel but before we get into all that let's go fire up the grill today we'll be cooking over lump charcoal in the kamado joe classic three so let's go ahead and get that charcoal lit we want to get a pretty good base going here we're gonna need this to be pretty hot to get a good sear to start off and then we'll close it down for the brazing process a little bit all right we're going to start by just getting our beef seasoned up here we hit this with just a little bit of oil for binder and we're gonna keep this really simple here there's so much seasoning in the broth that we're gonna use that for now all we're gonna do on the surface is a little bit of salt and pepper we're going to hit it with some of that telecherry fresh cracked black pepper so that's it for the beef now just slide it off to the side we're going to prep up the ingredients for the rest of the stew now we're using a variety of chilies today we've got some guajillo cassia ancho and even a couple of chipotle this is just a combination that i like but before we can get these kind of soaking and softening up i want to get rid of the stems and some of these seeds now the process is pretty much the same for each of these chilies going to take just a little bit of time so we'll we'll just go ahead and work through the rest of them all right we've got all those stem seeds some of the pith out of there we're going to move on to the rest of the ingredients so this is sort of our fresh aromatic base for the stew or the braise that we're building today we've got white onions some garlic and ginger i'm going to do the knife work on all of these real quick so now that we've kind of got that fresh flavor base knocked out we're going to put together a little sachet of our heartier dried herbs and spices that we want to include so that's going to start here with some bay leaves got some juniper berries this is stuff i don't want to fish out of the stew later since we're going to put it in a sachet some cloves there and just a little bit of cinnamon we're just going to fold all that up make sure it can't escape we'll tie it up with some twine that's it well we're back at the grill and we're ready to get started i've got this set up so that we can first toast off some chilies so we're set up with the cast iron griddle here we're going to get our dried chilies right here on the griddle we just want to start to kind of toast these and soften them up this isn't going to take long we're only going to do this until they kind of get a little bit aromatic we may see some of them puffing up as well yeah when you start to see them curl like this one is is doing right here that means it's got enough toast on it we're going to flip it over and hit the other side those guajillos have pretty thin skins pasillas as well the anchors are a little bit thicker but you can see that these are already starting to become a little bit more pliable and that's what we're going for we're gonna wake up all that chili aroma and then rehydrate it in our broth let's take these off and make room for another round so now that those chilies are toasted we're going to slide our dutch oven in we're going to make sure it's nice and hot before we start searing off the beef so we've been running the grill just wide open it's like 500 550 degrees in here we're going to get just a little bit of oil in our hot dutch oven and then we're going to start searing off the beef and this isn't to cook the beef this is just to get a nice sear on the surface because that adds a ton of flavor add some texture and it starts to flavor our broth or consummate that we're going to be making in the bottom by adding a fond to the pan that we can scrape off and include here in a little bit make sure you're not overcrowding your dutch oven for this portion or you won't be able to get a good sear all right so we're getting a great sear on this so i'm going to turn this around we want to get that sear on all sides of the beef all right so we've got great color now on our beef short ribs we're going to take those off we're going to get our shin on here again we're not cooking these right now they're going to be cooked later we're just getting a sear so you can throw them right back on that pan where they were we're just working in rounds here to make sure we get some good browning on these nice browning there one last flip and we'll be done with the searing all right well we're all done with the sear now before we get to this next step i want to get a little bit more charcoal down here in the kamado we're just going to take this grate out and pour some in slide our dutch oven buck back on here and we can get started with building the stew so first thing we're going to put down is our white onion and we're just going to cook this down in this rendered fat until it's softened up a bit so now the onions are looking translucent getting a little bit of color we're going to throw in our garlic which has just been crushed and that'll break down during the braise and we'll also add some minced ginger give that just a minute kind of waking up those aromas next we're going to add some tomatoes just got a 29 ounce can of peeled tomatoes break those up just a little bit and we want to add some seasoning so i've got a quarter cup of smoked paprika a couple tablespoons of mexican oregano also going to do a quarter cup of the cattleman's mexicano it's a great flavor base all right so now we've got the tomatoes kind of broken up we're going to add our dried chilies as well as two quarts of beef stock that i've been keeping warm we're going to allow these chilies to rehydrate in this base that we've started this should take about 15 or maybe 20 minutes i'm going to throw that sachet spices and herbs in there as well start steeping and we'll put a lid on it and now for the rest of the cook we're going to choked in the air just a little bit and try to stabilize this right around 350. well it's been about 15 minutes now let's take a look at these chilies yeah so those are fully softened up now so what we can do i'm going to take those out just fishing out the chilies if you get some other stuff with it too no big deal i mean don't put the sachet in the blender that would be a bad idea but we want to get those chilies out and into the blender so we can mix up a chili paste also want to ladle in just a little bit of liquid to help this blend down a little easier a few ladles will do i'm gonna make pretty easy work of this with the vitamix just crank it up and it'll break it down pretty fine if you're using like a food processor or a blender that doesn't work quite as well you may want to strain this afterwards but we're going to get it pretty smooth here in the vitamix all right added a little extra water just to help it along but there it is that's our chili paste gosh it smells incredible let's get it back into the dutch oven i'm not going to waste any of this we'll rinse this out with some water because we are going to top this off with water as well a little warm water in there rinse it out man so much flavor in there already and we don't even have the meat in yet but that's coming next so we're going to just nestle these seared bits of beef in here also got these marrow bones we're adding those extra just because of that texture it adds to the consummate in the end get this thing fully loaded up we're gonna top it off with some water and cover it back up all right let's close it up now over the next couple of hours all that beef's gonna start to break down into that broth that we've created and eventually we're going to get to the point where we can just pull that meat out of there and kind of shred it apart for our birya tacos well it's been nearly three hours now and our beef is just tender as can be so it's time to pull it off the grill all right so over the last few hours i've added another quart of water just to keep that water level high but as you can see some of these bones have just completely fallen off and then the meat that's on top of them is just ready to shred apart almost like jelly so now we're going to pull the beef out of the stew and get it chopped up so at this point they're just slipping right off the bone which is great the bones we can discard now the meat we're going to chop up for our tacos consummate tends to be the word that you hear associated with beeria though a lot of us especially like in the culinary world it's associated with a very clear soup a french soup so obviously not that this time around but essentially we're just talking about the broth and that broth and it's really thickened up and largely in part because all of that marrow is gone from those marrow bones in fact our broth is so thick right now that i'm going to go ahead and add some water to it and throw it back on the grill to make sure it's warm pulled our sachet out with the beef we can discard of that too so just gonna thin this out with some water now so much flavor in here i'm gonna throw this back on the grill just to make sure it stays warm so some of this beef is tender enough to just shred by hand some of it we'll go ahead and give it a chop but even that doesn't take much effort all right there it is you know i gotta get a taste it's fantastic this melts in your mouth oh it's got a great little spice from all those chilies get the hint of tomato but tomato is not what you notice i mean it's the overall flavor profile of the chilies with those herbs and spices i mean i know originally they put all that stuff in there to really cover up the funkiness of the goat meat but in here it just really accentuates what already tastes great all right we're gonna prep some tacos here this is probably not a traditional technique but we're gonna do it anyway a little corn tortilla just on here with some duck fat on the griddle then we're gonna do some dipped in the fat from the consummate and then we can kind of layer these up go watch out for some flames here there we go so we're essentially just kind of softening these up getting a little bit of color on them and then we'll just kind of combine them together and that'll be one taco all right so let's build some of these tacos let's start with some of the beautia then for toppings we're just going to keep it simple classic a little white onion a little cilantro i'm going to hit this with just a little bit of a queso fresco any crumbly cheese would do cotija would be beautiful and not to pick my favorite one this one this is the one so now this part's up to you i'm going to add a little consomme i'm going to add a little bit of lime juice you can either dunk it or you can go for the consomme over the top which is what i'm going to do ladle that goodness right over the top all right dang that's crazy good i mean it's the juiciest taco you've ever had there's no getting around that especially with it drenched in consummate i'm wearing it aren't i i don't care beauty and taco let's have a bowl of consomme so we're just gonna fill up our little cup with the consummate i'm gonna leave a little bit of room to add some of the meat some of that chopped up beauty same toppings as before onion cilantro queso fresco another little squeeze of lime now it's feeling like the holidays this is a winter warmer right here oh man feels good for the soul it's so warm those warming spices in there that all spice the clove a little bit of cinnamon it's not overpowering but you know it's there the chili's in the beef are where it's at though and this is just such a fantastic way to eat it it's really hot it's really delicious i'm gonna finish it out i'll see you guys later well thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments or there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to the sauce all things barbecue where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 62,502
Rating: 4.9696393 out of 5
Keywords: atbbq, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, kamado, kamado joe, ceramic grill, ceramic, grill, charcoal, charcoal grill, birria, de res, beef, shin, ribs, rib, beef rib, beef ribs, beef shin, braise, braising, soup, broth, consome, taco, tacos, quesataco, the sauce, chef tom
Id: IqI2D0IvH7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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