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[Music] it's a sad day here at Sam the cooking guy we've just learned that our British friends have been keeping a food item from us no mention of it we're going to write the wrong by making it [Music] today what I'm talking about is something called a battered sausage never knew it existed had to come across that on my own oh no we got plenty of audience over there in the UK you think somebody would take a second to go oh mate you've not had this thing that we love we get the chippies it's a fish and chip shop battered sausage and then I thought okay if we're going to make a battered sausage you got to have chips to go with it it be french fries for you know people in the west so if you got French fries chips you got a battered sausage one of the other things you can get at a chip shop is a little beef and onion pie what the hell we'll make that to dip The Battered sausage in you should have curry sauce so we'll make that too and then I thought what the hell let's go For Broke let's go for what's a what's a four not a trifecta the quadfecta well go for the quadfecta of chip shop food we're going to make mushy peas a cheater version but it's still good you got your chips you got your batter sausage you got your beef and onion pie you got your curry sauce and you got your mushy peas all in one episode all because I'm mad that you guys didn't not everybody because the Brits didn't tell me about this damn battered sausage that I saw and I fell in love with we got a lot of friends over there we got the Brits we got the Scott we got the Irish so all those people watching this episode we did the Irish spice bag you love the hell out of it no mention of The Battered sausage fish and chips no mention of The Battered sausage what's going on over there people chip butty but chip butty we've done it's a French friy Sandwich and white bread it's really good so look if there's anything else you're keeping from us Now's the Time tell us below cuz we want to know in the meantime I got a lot of food to make so let's get going we starting with the pie the beef mints and onion pie we begin with a little oil in our pan and one yellow onion diced and this will soften over the next four or 5 minutes when your onions look beautiful like that make a spot little shot of oil and about a tablespoon of garlic paste let it start to get super fragrant won't take long mix it in a bit glorious it's ground beef time and in we come with one pound of 8020 that means flavor but to help mix it up better I'm going to use this thing that I was gifted and then you just do this cuz the goal is to mince this up really well you don't want like little meatballs you want this all like ground away if that makes sense let it cook get a little brown continue to do that you want it all homogeneous if that's the right word it's probably not next step we're going to add some fresh thyme if you had dried that would be okay I'm going to put about a teaspoon of the fresh thyme in if you only had dried that would equate to about a half a teaspoon use about a half as much of the dried as you would fresh and I'm not sure if this is traditional it probably isn't but it's going to be good flavor so just go with me beautiful and we in we haven't seasoned it yet let's give it a nice pinch of our BFF and if the time wasn't traditional red pepper flakes definitely won't be but they'll add a nice little punch of heat there about half a teaspoon everybody gets mixed beautifully give this about a minute or so all here we go because we're not going to want this wet we're going to help it out with about a tablespoon of flour sprinkled over the top and then mixed in give this a about a minute and a half or 2 minutes and now our liquids 6 oz of beef broth thank C couple tablespoons of Worster sour or as they would say woa sauce and last but not least for color and a little Umami boost dark soy one tbspoon and we mix Perfecto I don't want this bubbling away I want on a very low gentle simmer we're going to let this go for about 20 minutes just to make the flavor so much nicer and then we'll let it cool in the meantime we've got curry sauce to make and some mushy peas get our fries going this is a pot of water that's almost boiling this is really old peas that have been my freezer forever but I was fortunate they had because I think that they'll be fine you just want to soften them I know the proper way to make Mushi peas is you start with another kind of pee and then it's an over we don't have all that time so give these just a couple of minutes until they soften up these guys are perfect nice and soft here's what we do take it off the heat strain it this then we're going to put in a little blender they're going to fall aren't they they're not going to go in nicely there we go all right we add a couple things to this first is a tablespoon of butter or as they might say ba like that we've got a good pinch of our BFF and a little heavy cream like that we can always add more let's seal it up and whz it away all right I haven't done this for a long time contact and off we go all right now I'm pissed off because the thing about mushy peas is you want them mostly mushy but with little bits but the problem here is you can see what's happening maybe I should have used something else let me try again nope that's the color you want but you don't want them you want them a little a little more liquidy than that but not too much back we go well this is not working we're getting pretty close let me see I have a little broth I've got a little stock for my curry sauce let's try that okay I think I got it that is about as gorgeous as you could get all right I'm just going to put these guys off to the side I'll warm them up when we need them but right now it's curry sauce time our curry sauce begins with melting butter a nice little r here soon as these guys are mostly melted we're going to add two things go for it now the first is two tablespoons of flour all right it's great and a tablespoon of curry powder that will look like this and just mix that nicely and after about a minute when the curry and the butter and the flour all nicely mixed we'll start adding some chicken stock I have about a cup and a half here we'll add till we get a nice thickness which clearly is not that but you want to add little by little to ensure it's not lumpy just like that look the proper chip shop curry sauce is a much more complicated Beast this is my quick easy version and I'm always happy with it and I'm telling you right now our battered sausage in this is going to be fabuloso it's pretty good going to add a little bit more cuz it's going to thicken a bit all right two things I like to add one is a little splash of soy light soy and the other about a half a tablespoon of honey maybe that and we mix we take it off the heat we check our thickness think a little bit more it's going to thicken as it sits and we're going to heat it back up again when we want it so that's looking nice maybe a little taste see how we've done Salt and Pepper would have been a good ad I'll now do that M it's great all right this goes off to the side we're almost ready ready for pie these are Yukon Gold potatoes peeled in water because if they were peeled and not in water they'd be turning brown the chip shops in the UK tend to use something called a Maris Piper which is close to a Yukon Gold I can't get them here so I'm going with this I just want to cut these guys up into our perfect little chips so I'll go there and there all right beus I think you get the idea once you've cut a potato get it back into the H2O carry on with the other ones when all your potatoes are done you can put them in a towel like this to dry them off because well I'll just say the first part oil and water dot dot dot and when you got them dry over you go to the fryer and they go to the basket we're going to double fry these this first fry will be at about 335° and down they go we want just a hint of color on this a hint of color color that's all this is probably 3 4 minutes it's looking [Music] nice and there they are just getting a hint of color so shake it off as t- Swift would say put them on a rack you're going to see them again when it's time for their second fry in the meantime we're making beef and onion pies Lads that is store-bought pastry dough fine I'm cheating go ahead make your own short crust I could do it I just don't want to I'm doing too much other stuff this is going to be the bottom and the top of our beef and onion pies so little flour gently open her up okay more here a little flower on our rolling pin and this guy can be considerably thinner sweet as these guys are set we move on to our dishes and here's what I'm using these guys I was looking for those little foil pie tins but you just can't find them so I'm using this and it's going to work but we have to give it a little butter if the pie sticks All Is Lost little butter inside and we wipe all the way around top Edge as well and repeat perfect I think you know what's next our bottom crust goes in now you want to be gentle here fit it beautifully down inside into the corners and the little bit of extra like this and just squeeze it that's okay I mean I could snip that out but I like P do I just don't want this little air pocket that's here so get rid of that repeat with the other two and if you find you've developed a little tear at the bottom like this and get a piece of the extra dough that you trimmed off and make a patch it's that simple it's especially good because it's on the bottom who's going to see that now we fill we come in with this glorious ground beef and the onion I had a taste of that it is so good and Away you go let's make sure everybody gets some first this will make one 8 in large one or three or four of these little guys I like a full pie so be generous yeah I think you're for sure getting four of these now we need our tops next up is one egg beaten it's going to help be glue for us and then just a little bit of egg around this little edge here it'll help the rest of the dough stick we put our Lids on just crimping crimping crimping crimping nicely all the way around look pastry 101 is not my thing I'm okay with these being a little rustic which means not perfect and we're done last thing is a little bit more egg wash on the top is going to make a pretty golden topping crust voila two little holes on the top let the steam come out and we're set on a little baking sheet my oven is at 350° and off they go for 40 to 45 minutes or until gorgeous and there they are those are glorious they're uncooked these are pork garlic sausages they use something called a Cumberland sausage I've read often for these battered sausages well I can't find them here I know I wanted pork I know I want it uncooked and when I saw garlic and pork that was all I needed to hear let's make our batter goes like this this is a half a cup of flour we'll add a good pinch of our BFF a/ teaspoon of baking soda we give this a little mix 1 and 1/2 cups of water and one egg I will beat a bit first just to make it easier for me and we mix till smooth all right that's where I want it now I do this I take a bowl of some flour spread it out my sausages go in here like this because you know if you've watched anything we've done ever in the past oh I don't know few years you notice that to get a batter to stick a little flour helps all the way around and I will put them in the batter right before they go in the fryer so boys let's hit it my oil is at 350 you can see I've transferred the batter to a low-sided bowl to make life easy for myself I'll dust off a little bit of this flour and garlic sausage number one will go in and let's coat let's coat well it's a heavy boy it's a heavy L here folks that's what she said she didn't say that I don't think so we go like this and up we go and the same with number number two wow it's probably going to take four or five minutes you don't want them touching let's just get this guy down loosen them up all right we're good now cook away little guys cook away I'm loving what I'm seeing here loving it and we're there these are looking a little rustic I can't wait so the pies aren't done yet going to put them in a low oven to keep them warm why is that oil so loud I don't know God it's like a jacuzzi has gone crazy I'm going to put him in about a 250 oven to keep them warm when the pies are ready everything comes together and we have one more quick fry in our chips and we're so close let them drain a second wait to see what we put on them you're going to like this well there's our fries I'm sorry there's our chips and of course they're going to get a nice hit of salt and I like salt and vinegar but I don't like when the vinegar makes things mushy so I have malt vinegar powder we're just going to give a little bit to you're going to get to the same place but you're going to stay nice and dry dry and that have that Max would you like that oh my God this paper is going to get messy but that's okay it's chip shop it's chippy day beautiful remember this guy that guy lives there remember one of our little pies look how pretty the question is am I going to be able to get them out nice I'm going to put this kid right here wa do you see when that guy gets cut open wow I know what that's going to look like and then mushy peas C sauce and there you go rard Vu yeah you guys look I'm going to have this rard vu it's French I think for look the Cy sauce my batter split a little bit I'm okay with this I've not made it before okay so first up some mushy peas and if you're looking at them and you think they're weird it's because you're not from that part of the world and they're not weird they're Damn Delicious and the color is one of my favorite Parts second do how delicious they are I know some people with mint in them I'm not a mint guy I'm this guy okay wait sausage sausage time let's cut a piece shall we by the way garlic cook to I don't know 60 two three we hear the crunch it's like a British corn dog but without the stick and without the corn batter stuff the pie please next the pie and last but definitely not least this beautiful little pie a come on Snap look at you you sexy little beef mint and onion pie what' you say sexy little pie you sexy little pie and while the camera is languishing over your beauty I will allow myself another chip with Cy sauce all right one little bite of the pie and I got to end feel like I'm going to be 10,000 lbs by the time this video is finished just one bite oh it's a hand pie it's it is now it's a hot hand pie oh oh it's burning it's burning ready yeah it's burning it's one of the greatest things I've ever eaten I'm telling you it's Rich it's delicious that little red pepper flake is everything I get a tiny bit of that Thyme and that soy just adds that Umami gorgeousness and because it was dark soy it darkened up the color a little bit oh come on today's been too good too good I do want to come over there and actually have all this have somebody make all go do a proper chippy and have all this done but if you can't you can do this recipes below hit the like button if you haven't subscribed to us subscribe to us and um to all our friends over there you guys know what you're [Music] [Music] doing piece of guy
Views: 171,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, sam the cooking guy fish and chips, fish and chips, sam the cooking guy chippie, fish and chips at home, sam the cooking guy at home, sam the cooking guy fish and chips at home, chippie fish and chips, cooking at home
Id: AiirUrNp0TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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