Surat Al Kahf,, 80-81- Recap & Deeper Look

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[Music] um foreign um this is on you know another stop in my series of sort of random stops that i'm making across new york and new jersey before i head back to texas just a little bit of context for this lecture so you know you're not entirely lost in what i'm doing i'm engaged in conducting a series of lectures on trying to understand al-qahaf in better depth and i've been doing that i left the surah the study of that surah a few years ago i got up to is maybe 67 68 something like that and then i got involved with working some other surahs and now i've come back to this thank you so much i never drink during a lecture have you ever seen me director in the election it's never happened i can't do it if i drank i forget everything i was gonna say completely okay but anyway so like i just forgot everything i was saying where am i anyway so uh i'm i'm working on uh i was working on some other sodas for a few years and then alhamdulillah finally had the chance to come back to work on florida and in my work on this surah um i actually only came to new york for a short meeting met with a friend and one thing led to another i ended up getting a quote by 96th street giving some gurus there and i just kept hopping from masjid to masjid and before i left it would be i would feel incomplete if i didn't make a stop at the place where i learned quran for to begin with the muslim center of new york so i'm really glad to be here again it's it feels home every time alhamdulillah so i'm going to talk to you about ios number 80 and 81 of sultan kahf today these ayaat are in towards the end of the story of musa and al so in that journey towards the end of that journey where you know urdu speakers south asians we call them right the correct pronunciation in most of us right so i'll pronounce it is now explaining himself and he gets to the second incident that he's explaining so there were three stops that they made they you know they stopped at a ship that he damaged they when they reached the shore they found a child according to the narration in hadith they found a child that was playing with other children and he just they went up to him and he met him and then other killed him and violently killed him and it shocked musa and he questioned him and then basically by that point it was the they reached the end point and he said excuse to leave me now but if i ask you another time fine you if you allow me to continue even though you have enough reason to leave me already right so that's basically what musa told him because he couldn't bear what he saw and then third time it was actually something much more mild they stopped at a town where they tried to get some food and nobody would show them any hospitality and they both actually ran into an old wall that was very large in the middle of town that looked like it was about to tip over i didn't do that okay so it looked like it was about to tip over and so had a salam on his own rebuilt the wall and that was a side little detail that musa alayhi islam did not help in the building of the wall right is don't even discuss why that was because musa was so scared that if i do something without him telling me it might constitute the third strike and i might get he might say this is it i can't be with you anymore because you did an action without my permission so he didn't even get involved in the building of the wall but by the end they were leaving they haven't eaten anything they remember they got there hungry because they were looking for food to begin with and now they've done enough labor to reconstruct an entire massive wall in in town and or he's done it and then he's heading back and he just made a comment he didn't ask her question he made a comment and the comment was and you wanted you could have taken some compensation for that work that you did and that constituted the third even though it wasn't said as a question it constituted the third question so uh this is the parting between you and myself right and we've i've discussed these ports i'm going super fast now because i've spent hours on each of these phrases already that's part of the series already but where are we now then told him i'm going to inform you in great detail um from his point of view great detail from our point of our point of view not great detail at all because the first incident is one ayah he explained it in one sentence the second one to ayaat third one one long ayah it's not some pages of explanation you know like when you go to court and somebody has to explain why they killed somebody or why they were they damaged are they gonna say one sentence and say thank you your honor i'm done with my explanation they're not they're gonna they're gonna have to explain write up an entire transcript and give every full detail yet is giving one sentence two sentences for each of these these incidents what i mentioned already in the last lecture a couple of things about the second incident which was the killing of a child is that this is the one that's the hardest one to understand because you see the the ship that was being damaged he himself explained that there was a king who had issued a verdict to seize all the ships that are still functioning because he was going to commandeer them if you don't know the word commandeer it's the seas with authority so that he could you know absorb them into his navy he was going on some expedition he needed more naval power so it didn't matter if it's the fisherman or it's some old man or whoever it doesn't matter just grab every ship and actually the word used was vasbah right and rasp is actually used i described when you when you grab an animal from the hair and you rip the hair out you don't shave the hair you don't soften the skin you don't prepare it like you know like waxing or something like no no you just violently tear the hair off that's actually called rust and so the king didn't care who he was taking it from and how he was taking it and who would get hurt in the process it might even imply that if the king caught this ship he would have actually turned them into slaves to work on their own ship as slaves at his service so this part this this rationale this is why i damaged the ship essentially is actually partly understandable even without the why because you know it could be that khadir alayhi salaam knows that the king has issued this he's doing this but this is not news of the unseen it's just news of a different distant place some people know some people don't know right so it's not like only allah has this knowledge because the king has issued a verdict so other people can know so it's possible that islam has heard or is no it knows that the navy is heading this way and it's not some way that has come to him which might even help us understand the words i intended to do the damage to the ship he didn't attribute this one to allah he attributed to himself that i intended to damage the ship that's because the king was going to come and take their vessel but the the thing that i want to recap really quickly now is imagine if you're one of those people that poor people that work on this ship you barely have enough to make for yourself and you're working as fishermen or you know diving for pearls or whatever you scour for at the bottom of the sea this is your job it's a it's a threatening job and you're not making enough because if you were making enough you wouldn't be called to begin with now the only way they have of putting food on the table for themselves for their old parents for their children for their spouse for their younger brother and sister the only risk they had was the ship where they could make a little bit of money or get some food that's gone too that's gone also so they're completely not only did they almost die but they're now in despair they're completely desperate but minutes later or hours later the navy naval vessels show up and they're inspecting their ship and they say this one's no good let's keep going and these guys who are so terrified and so depressed that their ship has been damaged are like man that ship getting damaged was the best thing that ever happened oh my god can you imagine if it was okay can you imagine if it was in good shape in other words what i'm trying to get at is from their point of view from the fisherman's point of view this they could see the benefit of something bad that happened soon after they could see it so they don't look back and say i can't believe our ship got damaged even now i get traumatized from that memory they don't they're like man subhanallah how allah plans imagine if the ship wasn't damaged wasn't that an amazing thing and they're actually looking back at that incident not as a bad thing but as a good thing and the only reason they see it as a good thing is because they saw for themselves what would have happened if it wasn't damaged they saw it right they saw the naval vessels come in and and leave there leave their ship alone but this is very different from the second incident which we're on now in the second incident a child has been murdered a child has been murdered and i want you to just the quran we sometimes read the quran read the see read these things and we pass by like allah complains about people who read the quran and don't ponder and says those who when they come across the ayat of the rabb they don't stumble over them deaf and blind they don't even think about it and keep going stop and ponder for a second imagine yourself on that beach imagine yourself a hundred feet two hundred three hundred feet away and you see in a distance two men you don't know they're musa you just see two men and you see some kids playing at the beach and you see this man come and he violently attacks a child and kills him in front of your eyes are you is there any possible way you would imagine this is a good thing no there's no way you can process this as a good thing and then on top of that musa obviously says this is an evil you can't even justify how do you know there's no logical explanation for the kind of evil you did because he used the word the word comes from something unheard of unfamiliar irrational something that cannot be explained nobody can ever come up with some justification where this is okay this is never okay this is never okay and i'll repeat something from the previous doubts the fact that musa alayhi salaam could not have subber right we misunderstand this part of what allah is saying as oh he didn't have enough sabar actually this is a praise of musa among you try to change it with your hand if you can't at least speak out against it if you can't at least hate it inside of your heart musa alayhi islam can't change it with his hand because he knows that man is acting as a messenger of allah he's been sanctioned by allah himself so the very least he can do is what this is wrong you can't do this and he's doing exactly what the torah has taught him he's actually living by the book of allah when you see something wrong you should stand against it and you know even the ayah that we read in the quran that if you kill one person it's like you killed all of humanity you've heard this before right that's actually it's actually confirming what was already revealed to musa so musa salaam doesn't see one murder as one murder he sees this as a murder of what all of humanity so it's it's not something small to him add to that that musa islam has seen the murder of children before because he lived in egypt under firaoun and he was one of the children who was supposed to be murdered in fact right so there's there are things from his own life that are now coming back and acting as a trigger in what is happening in front of him but what i what i left off yesterday i couldn't finish my dots in new jersey so i'm gonna i'm gonna take you through a little bit of it and then continue where i left off and where i left off was this just like i asked you to look at the fishermen look at things from the fisherman's point of view now try to think of things this is going to be hard think of things from those parents point of view those parents who just had their child murdered those fishermen a few hours later they said thank god the ship was damaged that was great alhamdulillah it got beat up you know so we almost drowned so what look at what what's allah saved us from but those parents who get the news that my child has been brutally murdered by some stranger and i had there's no rhyme or reason there's no logic he wasn't he wasn't robbed he wasn't asked for anything there was apparently completely insensible irrational inexplicable act right and you can't even live with it easily because you know and many people allah test with the loss of a child yeah may allah not test you or and myself with that with that test but sometimes people lose their children to a disease sometimes sometimes people lose their children to a car accident right sometimes people lose their children because they and they drowned or something like that right accident or disease or sickness and things that were out of our hand right but you know the kind of death of a child that would be impossible to cope with is when a child is murdered when a child because if a child died of sickness at the end of the day you can say this was the qatar of allah whatever allah willed this was out of our hands this was in allah's hands et cetera et cetera right but when a child is murdered then there's somebody else's hand that you saw somebody else did this and the thought of why did allah let this person get away with it why did he why didn't he stop them and it's much more difficult to even you know eventually even cope with what happened much much harder and so allah hasn't just given us in the story a a scenario where some trial happens he's actually mentioned probably the most difficult trial in the life of a human being the murder of their own child for no explicable reason it's not even they were living in a war zone or they were it's understand you know or they were in some high risk place it's none of those things and all of a sudden out of nowhere this child has been murdered this is very important because in his explanation now we get to the explanation as for the boy both of his parents were believers both of his parents were believers this is not helping this is even making it worse so they were believers this is what they deserve if they're believers this is the gift of their iman no somehow everything other will say is going to help us understand what's going on this is and i before i go on i have to give you and myself a disclaimer this is really important to understand this is some of the hardest part of the quran by the way to understand the wisdom of allah azzawajal the the curtain that is lifted in these ayaat is not lifted elsewhere so this is a unique place in the quran and it's so difficult to understand even musa i'm in a hard time understanding you get that so it's not an easy place but there are some disclaimers that are necessary let me tell you let me just step go back to the ship for a moment the ship got damaged why did it get damaged so they could keep making their income yes but did all the ships get damaged no didn't the king seize many other ships he did and they were they may have been too right and all of those allah was allowing to happen and then allah will give the rationale here that this these parents were believers and this child i'll explain how bad he was gonna be later but he was going to grow up let me make it simple english he was going to grow up to be a bad man he was going to be an evil person right and he was going to make his parents life miserable that's i'm really watering it down but just essentially he was going to grow up to be an evil person right but there are plenty of people who grow up to be evil people whose parents are good you don't know that you you i mean we don't know that salaam sun grew up to be pretty bad that's even in the quran if this is the logic it should apply over there too right if this is the rationale why are ya yakub alaihissalam's sons getting away with kidnapping yusuf alayhis if they were going to grow up to be do such a bad thing then there should have been some hublin intervention there too right there should be a list of worthy kids but that's not how the world works is it that's not how the world works and if this is how the world worked then every time there would be a killing we would say this must have been a good thing right but we don't say that even the quran doesn't say that why would the quran be okay with killing when the same quran tells us you kill one person it's the same as what killing all of humanity killing all of humanity if this was eventually a good thing why even if musa alaihi salaam killed someone by accident and that happened why is he making israel allah could tell him this is good for you this person was going to do a lot more other crime you did the world a favor you saved him from his parents that's not what allah says that's not what he says why am i telling you this because even though allah has put this ayah in the quran what happens sometimes is we develop a myopic view we look at one ayah and we say now i understand the wisdom of allah no you don't you understand one case one case and in one in some people's story getting their ship damaged was the best thing for them and in other people's story getting their ship caught by the king was the best thing for them and for some people the the the the death somebody's death was a favor and for some other people it might still be a heavy trial and something else allah does the same exact thing for completely different reasons you cannot say every time allah does something oh this must be just like you know somebody if we develop this kind of evil thinking and i call it evil thinking somebody's child dies by the way haven't you read through maybe your kid was going to grow up to be a serial killer so allah did you a favor i mean i'm here at the janazah you should have sabbath let me help you with your sabbath a little bit you know your name might apply to you you should be grateful that you were you you were raising baby hitler so allah did you a favor you know so this kind of thinking is extremely problematic extremely problematic and the way we can help ourselves not fall into this kind of thinking even from the quran itself is is pretty easy i keep referring to this over and over again because i think it's one of the most fundamental parts of understanding the story when boarded the ship he they started this journey musa alayhi salaam and he had a conversation this is in bukhari this is in some other hadith narrations too they had a conversation and in this conversation told him your knowledge and my knowledge is nothing more than this bird they saw a bird that pecked its beak into the sea twice he said my knowledge and your knowledge is just a drop from the sea like this bird is pecking from the sea okay now this is really important because this is the only actual lecture musa is getting everything else is just be quiet this is the only dars he's getting from this this teacher of his and what's that lesson everything musa alaihissalam knows about the taurat about the previous prophets about the hikmah of allah about about right and wrong about morality about spirituality all of it amounts to how much a drop from the ocean and this is from the side of revelation from the side of revelation and on the other side is the reality of things why did something happen why did that car accident happen why did corona virus spread all over the world why is there a delta variant why is there this why is there that why did this person die this person was so young and they died why is this person so old and they got sick and they didn't die why did this you know why why today why not tomorrow those whys the answer to them is in he's been given a drop of that a drop now the the analogy of the drop is really important what did he say about the ship he said that when the ship the ship was damaged because the king was going to seize the the boat but was there one mesquite on the border many there were many masakeen and each one of them have their own family each one of them have their own there's an effect of the ship being damaged on their families themselves their parents their surroundings there's con there's ripple effects they're domino effects of a single act yes but the only thing knows is one part of the reason which reason that the king was coming to get the ship but all the there's the reasons are much more but the only one he was like if you can think of it is that the rest of the file is classified and only this much has been given to him the drop and the rest of it that is connected to that drop the rest of that sea he even he doesn't know so now he comes to the second part and he says both the parents were what believers okay so now the iman must be really important to allah in this particular case these two parents their faith is really important to allah so what does allah say about them he said i'll focus on the parts i didn't talk about before and if you are interested i would really urge you to go through this from the last on this ayah also because there are details i won't be talking about today arab so it's saying we were concerned that he was going to snatch them up grab them overwhelm them with turian and kofaran this is where i'm going to spend a little extra time on today what was what was so bad about this kid what was he going to do the word is and in arabic before islam for hundreds of years thousands of years they would say when hunting dogs are catching a rabbit or some some animal when they catch up to it they jump they pounce and they land on top of the animal and the animal is much smaller and weaker so it gets pinned on the ground and it's under the claws of the predator that's about to take it out or snap its neck or like the lion that catches up to a deer and pounces on it and it falls and now the deer can't move because the the lion is too strong its claws its legs are too strong its weight is too overbearing that act of the predator overrunning its prey and crushing it under itself that's actually called it's used in the quran in different places for example the verb is used in other places in the quran too but this is the image that comes from this verb this is the word that's usually used in the uh in the mujarrad form but here for those of you that are a little bit familiar with arabic is the ifal pattern it's not what that means is not only did he pounce on them he used something to pounce on them so you could say for example the lion grabbed the prey with its claws so that additional with its claws that extra detail that would be in the ifall pattern that wouldn't be in the mujarra so here what you find is he would grab them but there's a width after that there's any which is what so think of it this way i want you to stick to that imagery that i'm giving you a lion grabbing its prey using what its claws so now imagine this son was going to victimize his parents sink his claws into his parents using two kinds of claws and those two claws are called turian and that's what he was going to do and before we discuss the riyadh what was the result of that the parents were going to be victims helpless crushed can't get out of the situation wishing that the the way you know like the animal wishes that the lion wasn't there there will come a point that these parents are going to wish that the son was never born you know sometimes parents have these dark thoughts my life would have been a lot better sometimes i wish he was you know and some parents don't even say they just say it to their child i just say it straight really nice of you by the way right but it could be that someone's under so much abuse so much you know overwhelming oppression that they might even wish that that relative that is causing them that would somehow just can they just die i won't i won't i'm making dual or not making dua i'm not sure what i'm doing but the thought does occur to me if they could just if just one bus just one q72 or some you know just one time because you know i mean corona have everyone then they're still yeah they don't they don't even wear a mask and still yeah yeah you know but they a dark thought will come to them and how do we know it will come to them because the image we use because allah could have described this he will oppress them but the imagery used is very comprehensive this is the entire is called in the quran right it's an image that's being drawn of the predatorial animal and the animal that hasn't been killed yet but wish somehow that something would take this predator off of me so i can breathe these parents were going to feel so crushed that they can't breathe because of the oppression of their child they were going to be overcome it was going to bring them to annihilation this was the worst thing that's ever happened in their existence this is what they were going to feel but what are these claws and the pain of these claws that was going to make them feel that that was going to be so let's talk about that i'll summarize what our mufasa students have discussed here people like allah and imam razi it means when you go beyond the limit so if you stop at a red light you're within the hudud when you cut the red light you did this is why water you know beach towns for example uh they have sometimes they have retaining walls right or on long island for example we have a lot of sandy beach right and that's actually meant to preserve in case the waves get too far right and so you have some level of protection against the waters but sometimes the water crosses the limit it goes past a tsunami wave comes a flood comes a hurricane comes something like that right when that comes how does the quran describe that meaning the water went over its limits the water went beyond the shores it came into mainland right a flood got caused a tsunami got caused that's so what we're learning about the sun who was going to grow up he was going to cross limits now allah didn't describe which limits he was going to cross now you as a parent you can imagine there are limits of respect there are limits within which you should use certain words there are limits to your hands there are limits to your feet there are limits to your actions there are physical limits there are emotional limits there are verbal limits there are religious limits right and those limits aren't necessarily because the muslim is being used they're not limited to the parents like he was going to be verbally abusive to the parents he was going to emotionally abuse them he was going to insult them and humiliate them maybe he was even going to beat them keep them hostage in their own home steal all their money maybe he was going to do all of those things but you know what duryan also means that he wasn't just going to do that to them maybe he was actually going to go out and be a criminal also he's going to rob the neighbor also kill the uncle also murder others also and the parents whenever even if a child isn't abusive to parents i've met parents whose children are addicted to some kind of narcotic or parents whose children have been incarcerated because they got jailed because they were in a gang or got caught robbing somebody or whatever and those parents are heartbroken the kid didn't rob the parents but the parents are still crushed with the humiliation with the with the sadness with the terror of what their son has done and how can you hate what your child did and love your child at the same time it's these opposing emotions inside of a human being that are ripping them apart from the inside it's a miserable existence it's a really difficult existence allah describing an emotional hell that these parents were going through not only because he was going to abuse them but his other crimes were also going to feel like claws sinking into their soul then kufran on top of that and kufur has two dimensions gopher actually means disbelief it also means ingratitude in other words not only was he criminal in his behavior he didn't even it wasn't even enough that he was wronging humanity he decided to start becoming blasphemous disrespectful to his messengers or the messenger of that time disrespectful to allah i don't need god what god i don't believe in any of this stuff you guys believe in these stories so he would you know like quran describes in other places that believing parents will be told by a rebellious child what do you keep telling me about this business and old stories of prophets and nations destroyed these are old legends get over it these fairy tales used to work when i was six years old i'm an adult now just drop this stuff parents are saying parents are saying you know like it's hard to even translate but believe what's wrong with you believe and he's just like stories more stories mom really please i had enough of these okay so that would be the that would be the the hell that they would go through knowing that their child is embracing kufr embracing shaytan not only his actions but inside of his heart and his beliefs is one thing you know i've i've even met guys that that i met one of the most amazing people i've ever met in my life i actually talked to him on the phone i won't tell you his name because he'll get upset if i tell you his name but he worked for the uh i wouldn't even tell you which cartel but he worked for a cartel right and he was actually yeah what's a cartel yeah it's a it's a very well organized much more organized than the masjid um organization and they they do dawah too of their own kind yeah and so so he worked for a cartel and he was actually um you know he made his way pretty high up among the ranks right and he eventually got arrested and he ended up in jail and in jail he found islam and not only did he find islam he started learning and now they start learning he started teaching others in jail six guys that he told me about six guys non-muslims memorized surat yasin with him in jail and they learned the meanings of each ayah word for word he told me he listened to my yasin lectures and let's pause it every minute and then explained it to them in his language and they memorized the surah with dave and then when they got out they went and recited the surah to their families and all their families are muslim now so he's an incredible human being i love him to death i know you're embarrassed by hearing this but i don't care i still love you okay so the point is people like that right you know at one point even when he was doing bad things he would tell me something in my heart told me this is bad this isn't right i had to silence that part of me but it was there it was there even in the depths of darkness allah says when the person is at the depths of darkness they take out their hand in the middle of the bottom of the bottom of the ocean it's almost as if they can almost not see their hand almost no possibility for even them to see their own hand if you can't see your own hand it represents i don't even realize the evil that i'm doing but actually even in the depths of darkness somebody can see this is wrong something in their conscience is still alive this child that was going to grow up actually was able to murder his conscience okay so he was going to crush them with because what part of you maintains the conscience it's your iman some inkling of iman is inside but what did allah say so there's no iman left no iman left inside of him now there's the other side of this which is really interesting because there's a duality in these words a master can go in any direction for grammar students i know geek out sometimes you know in mathematics you have a dot and you can draw an infinite number of lines going through that dot right when in in grammar sometimes in sentence structure when you see a muslim as opposed to a fair you can pass a file through it a mushroom through it and the fire you could become them of rule in the rule could become the fight you can draw multiple lines through it what does that mean in simple english let me tell you now it actually means that he was going to crush his parents to the point where they still loved him so much that they would help him commit crimes they would cover for him he'd murder somebody and bury them in the backyard the cops would show up where's your son i haven't seen him for two years he's hiding in the basement they would lie for him they would commit crimes or assist because out of their love they don't want to see him caught by the authorities they love him too much so they're keeping his secrets for him and eventually their hearts are becoming hard they feel bad they you know they cover for him than they do is the father because they have iman right then they do cover for him and they do a stephan but eventually when you keep supporting someone in sin your own heart starts getting darker and darker so they get accustomed to disobeying allah eventually leading them to kuffar they would end up in kufa and allah loved these parents that they shouldn't suffer in the sense of their dunya at the hands of their child and allah loved for these parents that they should not be put in a test he knows they cannot bear what's the what's the most unbearable test the kind of test where you will lose your iman the test in which you lose your iman there are tests what does that mean people ask me all the time like well somebody died of cancer allah tested them with cancer but they couldn't bear it but allah the test is there not about what you can because people get tortured to death yes or no right he got burdened with something he couldn't bear how do we understand that ayah the ayah is not talking about what you cannot physically bear or emotionally bear it's talking about what you cannot bear to the point where you will lose your faith with allah so that's one powerful way of understanding that ayah and that's a failure everything else my heart can fail my liver can fail my respiratory system can fail but if my iman fails that's the biggest failure all those other failures might even still mean success this failure there's nothing left there's absolutely nothing left and so allah azzawajal here is giving us a picture of how he saved two people from their own most beloved child but i want you to understand the contradiction the the beauty and the terror of this contradiction it's terrifying actually and what's that what's that contradiction on the one hand allah is doing them a favor because allah knows that a time will come where they will wish this child never existed they will wish this they will they will see the the evil of it until the point where they will even lose their iman and he knows this already so he planned this for them somebody might ask them why did he give them a child to begin with if he was this bad why was he even born right the answer to that did khadir have did you know answer that question no because how much is the father given and drop the drop that he will explain to us answers some questions does it answer all the questions no and the point of this entire exercise is actually even islam cannot possibly have answers to all the questions to all the questions a lot of times people have questions the ones that you can't even ask and they have them for their local all imam that's you you'll have these questions people come why did allah do this why did my mother have to die can you explain that to me what does the quran say about why my mom died and you say you have to trust allah everybody's time come yeah i know i get that i read that too but why though why though can you can you like give me a logic like what do you think the imam or the sheikh or the scholar they have like a let me open up my vague secrets book that isn't available to everybody oh this is why because she hates you no that's not why we don't have those some answers we're not supposed to have some answers and you know what's even cooler and powerful actually is musa alaihissalam was told then by hadad that the knowledge that he has then the knowledge that is not appropriate for him how there is not not supposed to know about torah is not supposed to know about what is not supposed to know about he's not supposed to know that and the knowledge that he has who's not supposed to have that knowledge i'm not supposed to have it because imagine if hadid has knowledge that killing is haram isn't he getting contradictory instructions kill and don't kill don't don't kill and you have murdered all of humanity and knowledge is being told to kill also no there are two different worlds of revelation the the the the revelation of hatika reality was something else there's two different realities that are operating so they're not supposed to combine this is why al bahrain was so important i talked about this before because they met with who sees me right and what this what does allah say about two c's he he says two seas that clash against each other but they had they have a barrier between them they can't cross these two waters can never mix the instructions from allah to musa and the instructions from allah are two completely different oceans they're drops from two different oceans they cannot mix they don't they don't they're not supposed to be together they cannot be together so here in these ayat now we get to this part musa these parents have now been saved from this horrifying tragedy and again i tell you that doesn't mean that every parent will be saved from this trial why are some parents being saved from a trial and other parents are not saved from his trial they are not being saved from this trial why is rasool and by the way when a child dies i told you when a child dies does it mean now we have the reason why a child died no we can't go and say you know you should be thanking allah you should you can't do that because this is an isolated case scenario in individual case scenarios so we cannot generalize from it but what we are learning from this is allah has a unique story planned for each of us and the same thing happening to you could be the best thing and the same thing happening to you somebody else could be the worst thing allah doesn't have to see he doesn't have the same reasons for doing the same thing he doesn't have the same reasons you cannot simplify the the hikmah of allah and just say i know why he did this better or the other right we cannot we can never understand that actually and this is why you read is so important he does repeatedly whatever he intends and what he intends can only be known by him and we can only know drops from his intention when he lets us know but allah did this other favor to these parents it's really beautiful not only did he take this child away which basically being think of it this way being saved from hell is a favor enough being safe from hell is a favor enough but actually this child because he was taken before he could become before he could be answerable to allah right he's not old enough yet he's this child and muslim when an innocent soul dies where does it go it goes to jannah perhaps because of the iman of his parents and to them that they don't even have to see their beloved child suffer in the akhirah that they are the this child is actually already awaiting them in jannah you see so there's a there's a grander plan of allah at work that and by the way their entire lives these parents until the day they die they will not know why allah did it they will never know even if you went and told them by the way uh you guys weren't told this but musa was told why your child died i can tell you it was gonna be really bad this was gonna you think that would comfort them no it can't comfort them you could just say why don't you just tell them maybe they'll be at ease they cannot be at ease because human beings aren't wired that way we're not meant to know they can only find that comfort when they go meet with allah and until then they have to learn to trust him they have to learn to trust allah and that's their iman being preserved but additional to this not only that allah remove this ailment from them so whatever trouble they're having whatever trauma they have the crying the mother had for years and years at the thought of her child being violently murdered the the experience that she had allah is telling us that that negative experience in her life that profoundly sad experience in her life is nothing compared to what she would have experienced and this allah knew she can bear but that she can't that she can't and so now what does allah do so we intended to replace for both of them someone better than him somebody better now what you and i know one child can never be the replacement of another child just because you have a child another baby the one one passed away and you have another one you say oh my god like changing batteries doesn't work like that the sadness of one child would not disappear and actually sometimes what happens is a parent has two sons one son is really both whatever he is and the other son is really respectful kind to parents works hard supports the parents financially he does all this stuff right and the the rebellious child is gone doesn't call doesn't write doesn't nothing he does he doesn't i don't i hate you guys you guys don't understand me uh you know i don't want anything to do with you i'm an american and he just goes away and the other child is still serving the parents and the mom is every day oh my god my my little mom he hates you i'm the one massaging your feet and the son who's there serving the mother starts getting a little bit what am i not a good enough substitute like he's the one who humiliated you insulted you abused you and you keep missing him and i'm just here to do the groceries you know what's what's my value you know you know why because in a human mind one could be a substitute for the other but can that be the case no even when our kids are no good to us we still have something in our hearts for them and it doesn't mean that a good child will be a good substitute for a bad one but so then how is allah saying that he was a replacement allah replaced him actually changed him with something that was better for their iman not for their not a replacement for their emotions like oh my god my child but at least i have a new one i should be happy now no more memories of that boy this is way cuter no that's not what's being said the pain of that child remains the loss the memory of that child remains but then the the damage that came with that child has been replaced with someone now what's the description which means better than him when it comes to purity while all children are pure this must be implying that even as this child gets older he won't become corrupt he will remain what pure he will remain and that's the word and then he says and he will be this is strange language actually because actually actually everybody here knows about rahma rahmat or urdu speaking people right mercy loving care that's what rahma means so rohm is actually one of the masada for it which means you know he would be closer when it comes to loving and caring i'm literally translating closer when it comes to loving a king so this new son of theirs or actually most people say this was a daughter by the way i bet you didn't know that most of argue that this was a daughter and it was really cool that traditionally the the great scholars of the quran saw this these two qualities a child being purer and more caring and loving and a better blessing for the parents they didn't see that as a son they saw it as a as a daughter and they gave pages and pages of explanations of why they think it's a daughter actually right that's true thanks yes also more humble they're also more humble so but in any in any case allah that's just an opinion we don't know we don't know absolutely if it's a boy or a girl regardless what i want to share with you here is the language departs from the norm and and the study of arabic or specifically in the quran is every time you you expect to hear something and you hear something else instead so here the expectation is more loving and caring more when it comes to loving and care love and care but allah says closer when it comes to loving and care and this builds on the image that was already presented remember the image i gave you of the the animal that's being pounced on if a parent has a child that they never receive any mercy from respect from love from care from connection from they don't get anything from that child then they imagine in their mind a day when their son would actually come and hug the the son would actually come in the father and kiss the father's forehead and massage his feet and you know apologize to him he has this he fantasizes about a good child but it's so it's so far-fetched and allah azzawajal used the word to describe this thing that would have been so far away from them a child that shows love care connection allah brought that what closer to them so this impossibility became possible for them and that's captured inside the word because karevan in arabic actually is used for highly likely or closer to possibility as opposed to impossible okay so they say uh for example in arabic expressions more impossible than the falcon in the sky what does that mean it's it's easier for you to do this than to jump up and grab the falcon in the sky so what you're asking to do is super impossible even more impossible than joe so that's it became a reality for them it's not no longer impossible conversely suggesting that with the other child even some one day of love and care would have been impossible that would have been a thing it would have been an impossible thing for them they could have never experienced it so allah brought that closer to them now let's talk about this allah is describing now the ideal child right because this child is catered by allah to be a blessing for believing parents so you and i are sons and daughters right so as we read this ayah we shouldn't just think about what happened in the story we should think about how allah and his design decree that these parents should have a great son or daughter and this is the quran's description of a great son or daughter what is it in other words you living a good life you and i staying away from sin you and i attempting to remain pure in our life is actually a a blessing for our parents like you are not just being merciful to yourself you are showing an act of kindness to your parents if you are trying to live a good life as a believer staying away from sin as a believer and on the other hand if you are indulged in sin and cannot get out of sin and continue to to indulge in more lying more cheating more whatever else then not only are you hurting yourself you should know always that you are also becoming a a torturer for who for your parents whether they realize it or not the other is that he's closer when it comes to showing loving care this is a little bit nuanced and i'll conclude today's darts with this you see the quran tells us in surat yasin i know our south asians we love sultasin right it's like we don't know any other quran we might know so i'll tell you something about suryasin fulfillment a miraculous sign for humanity is that we allow them to put their children onto ships that get loaded up i want you to imagine this image i know it's off topic but it's on topic just trust me a sign from allah is that people get to take their children back in the day thousands of years ago they get to take their young men your young sons and daughters and load them onto what ships now imagine this scene a large vessel a large ship about to take off from the docks and the parents are saying farewell to who their young son who's on this ship where is he headed he's headed to a new continent isn't he he's added to a completely new land isn't he so is he going to see his parents next weekend next month next year he's gone for a long time maybe they'll get a letter back from him right maybe he'll come back after establishing himself in this new tejada maybe a round trip from by sea back in the day can you imagine a round trip by c might be a year two years five years ten years maybe he'll never get to come back and are both parent and child aware of this reality they're both aware of this reality actually the quran didn't say that these people that put their children on ships those children should be ashamed of themselves because they got on a ship how did they leave their parents in pakistan and go and get on a ship or a plane and go get an education actually allah says this is an ayah for humanity that allah created a world in which the next generation has economic opportunities for which you you might have to board on a ship and go distance distances away from who your appearance i'm not saying this allah is saying this but you know what many of us are raised in a society of self-guilt so we say yes i'm doing my phd it's on full scholarship i'm doing it at harvard i'm doing it at nyu but my parents and my parents sent me here but i feel guilty i should go back go read some surah yaseen first allah azzawajal open this door and guess what your parents are happy they miss you yes obviously they're your parents and you miss them yes but this is an ayah of allah that allah opened an opportunity what i wanted to say here is being close emotionally being close in your ah being close in your care for your parents doesn't necessarily mean you are literally with them all the time that isn't possible for everybody it's simply not possible for everybody there are some people who couldn't find any work in bangladesh couldn't find any work in pakistan couldn't find any work in afghanistan couldn't find find any work in nepal wherever else and they got a job finally in australia or that somebody got a job in scotland and somebody got a job in america somewhere else and now they're guys riding a taxi sending money back home and he's sitting here crying that you know allah says you should serve your parents and i'm violating an eye of the quran no bro you're not you're fulfilling an ayah of the quran you're earning you took an opportunity allah gave you to serve your parents how would you serve your parents they'd be starving and you'd be pressing their feet you have to be realistic quran is realistic so here even he says which actually means he was going to be closer when it comes to love and care but the loving care we get from our children is not a constant it's actually not a constant because eventually they they get older and they have their own families to take care of they have their own responsibilities to take care of so they cannot be constantly caring for their parents but they will do whatever they do will actually be full of that's what they should be a reality should be the case right so parents a lot of times children can become abusive to parents and other times unfortunately parents can become abusive to children they're making a a daughter feel guilty because she got married and she lives in a different city and you see they're they're like lecturing her about her bus this is how you say salaam to your daughter right and your your your your son's working hard providing for his family providing you taking care of you like you just gotta you gotta just drop why unnecessary if they if they're showing there should be an appreciation right and so actually means from both sides that there was a loving care and we should reinstall loving care of words between parents and children that's what's that's something that should happen so allah replaced these parents with a legacy of a good child and and took that child out of the equation it's a very difficult ayah to really to internalize why allah azzawajal did that the only rationale he's given us is he was looking out for those two parents right he was just looking out for those two parents and i don't want any of you to have nightmares ya allah i think i'm a good parent does that mean you're going to take my child away i don't want you to have these nightmares because that's it's not a formula that's being given here that for every parent that's good there's a good likelihood allah will save you from your child that's not what's being said here so please don't misconstrue it for what it's not saying may allah azzawajal give us trust in his plan and allah bless us with good children help us realize that the most difficult things we are going through so long as we have iman because that's the beauty the secret of this ayah so long as we have iman then the most difficult things we are going through are actually saving us for some from something much more difficult that we could never have known about we could never have known about and whatever we're going through it's because allah is looking out for us it's so hard to imagine a parent who's crying traumatized that their child was murdered and at the same exact time allah is saying i did this for them the human mind cannot understand that this was done for them but allah's wisdom is much bigger than the human mind so all a believer can do is trust that my thinking my feelings my heart isn't big enough to understand allah for me the the rahmah of allah is too big and my heart is too small so it cannot contain it so i just have to learn to accept that allah's plan is still full of love and care and so as i leave this this talk i remind you of where we started when allah introduced us the easy part to remember is he knew things nobody else knew okay so he knew the kid was going to grow up to be a bad kid nobody knows the future that can only be with him fine but before allah mentioned that he knew things about the future he mentioned something else first he said allah granted him a special love and care that can only come from him in other words everything he's doing as horrible as it looks is still an act of loving care directly descending from allah directly descending from allah and this is the humility that a believer has to internalize it's easy to talk about may allah azzawajal not test our iman with trials we can we cannot bear this is why we ask right so we make this dua to allah and i pray allah azzawajal blesses all of us and our families and and save us from trials and whatever trials we're going through and allah did not make that that an excuse for us to not have our have our iman strong in him
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 95,869
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Id: 7BSWpa-ts48
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Length: 61min 57sec (3717 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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