Spice Girls & Kylie Minogue - The Jonathan Ross Show (10/11/2018)

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Lucky to be sitting with those beauties!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Dark_Vengence 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

chat show

Woah, Graham Nor—oh, Jonathan Ross

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KyleG 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was awesome and I laughed it thru, plus, SPICE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!

Have other players been on talk shows? especially the good UK ones.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/onairmastering 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the Jonathan Mostow let's take a look at who's in my green room tonight I think you have a rough idea who it is but let me just show you in a way all of my guests our night were amazing but you may be aware that we have well a bit of an exclusive a world each fruit in fact a certain goal bandar joining us tonight so in honor of them we've given all the other guests similar nicknames so first up when he was on the show before Michael Douglas said this man was too handsome to be a comedian of course since then he's watched his DVD and been proved right it's the brilliant Scouts spiced John Bishop is the Princess of Pop who's had an incredible five number one albums seven number-one singles it's fair dinkum Sheila spice Kylie as well as chatting on the south Kylie will be performing for us at the end of the program with the brilliantly talented singer it's sexy spice jacks a valetti [Music] also on the show a man who is not just the number one male tennis player in the world right now he's one of the greatest players of all time and of course the nickname sporty spice has already taken so in honor of his home there none would have called him Serbian spice it's no vague dump of it finally the world's most successful girl band in history are back ladies and gentlemen slice up your life all over again it's the Spice Girl so let's get my first guess out their first single chop the charts in 37 countries and from then on spice mania took over the world now they're back I'm delight to say this is their first TV appearance together to get us in the mood not that we need this but let's just remember some of their biggest hits love it [Applause] [Music] spice cow Wow well as you can tell we're all excited everyone's excited but well done on keeping that secret because I mean this is the response to yes so to keep especially with Mel B we have she can't really keep well I never kept the secret I just kept on the same we're definitely gonna get back together we just kept telling my name that it wasn't gonna happen when you're exchanging there must have been emails there must have been text I know you have a whatsapp group together dear I mean what do you do do you speak in code or you just hope like it's funny cuz Melanie's in one end is you know the seating arrangements and I'm on the other and in my house we did have a code for spice girls because I was so paranoid because I'm a good girl and I do is I'm change you are yeah and that's why I kept the secret so my little girl said mummy why do you call it cucumber like okay so any time I spoke about surprise girls it was cool cucumber cucumber and then at the other end health inspection Melanie just went on international TV and said we were doing it hold your finger meant to say that the staff does that then is that infuriating in some way I mean you know what Mellie's like after use it but I mean is it like you know minutes like is that like oh you know after all this time can she change it a little bit brilliant thing about US law is like a couple of nights ago we were in my kitchen we all came together and we just had a really big group hug a little bit with tears stream just great it's been a long time coming we've wanted to have this to happen you know I have to say Melanie nemah from the beginning from 2012 we're trying to make this happen you know for different reasons everybody's in you know different places in their life and finally the stars are lined way around to mouth house which weren't yet I'm ready and we're like great let's do it let's address the elephant in the room and that's probably the first time Victoria has been referred to as an elephant but she's not with the bandits so it's a four-piece now and you asked her to come back with you and she passed no what did she say why did she not want to do it do you know what it's actually quite funny I saw Victoria recently and you know obviously we've all been in contact she's still very much part of the Spice Girls she really supports us and we really support her but she did raise the point that she was never actually us no but she's Bishop I spoke to her announcement and she just said look you know that you know I've she said it for years that she just doesn't want to do it anymore but having said that I think you should still have offered her the opportunity [Applause] she was busy with her fashion you know and that she's moved on to the huge thing of yeah you know what the good you know we the philosophy of the US law is that you know we're a band on and off the stage and we care about each other we support each other and we support her you know and she's been a huge part of our life and we care about us so it's all good and I think didn't you say that she didn't enjoy the performance part as much as much she didn't really want to be back on stage I mean you don't want to make somebody do something they don't want to do yeah we realized that you know back a while bag that yes she didn't enjoy that so much yeah my ask the question then please don't take this the wrong way but are you not worried because I think we all know that she had the best voice in the band so you know worried about hitting those songs and we'll be fine they'll be I would ask you about the Halloween costume you wore last week that everyone saw this is the photograph and that's you as Victoria with a very convincing David and it says no I am NOT going to talk now please please please do it for the spice fan so you know really nice idea to trying to encourage her to change her mind I have a northern sense of humor it's right - kimchi yeah and I really enjoyed being Victoria for the night okay I gotta ask you a question is your not your toy but you're not being at a new album Wow organic process do you mean if it's something happened and it we felt like it we think you know first things first we just gonna get out there singing the hits yeah people want to hear that and if something else happened and great yeah let me just run a couple of the press reports have come out obviously one of the stories was that the reason we chose not doing it is you'd fallen out with that but you've addressed that I think that's clearly not okay another story that people are saying is you're only doing this for the cash they're saying that some of you need cash more than others perhaps and that's the story and you're gonna make a lotta [ __ ] I mean obviously that's a reason to be doing I guess you know you you want to deserve to be paid for it but that isn't the primary reason from the beginning of our journey 20 how many years ago we've always put what we believe and love first you know when you earn money and this is a privilege that's a byproduct of what you do she only mean when if the fans like what you do but we're doing it wholeheartedly we can honestly say through chavo because we really is a bit of fun also for the fans that we've been asked so now but this new design it will help with my lawyers bills yeah now Emma wasn't in the band to begin with you were like the last person to join mind you came together was she always that I mean did you know the minute you saw were you looking around did you think okay we need a blonde remember the main scene but driving around looking for a blonde there was somebody in the Fab Four Emma okay okay okay the Reginald was she's pretending that she remembers but she doesn't value in the original line I yeah yeah and Joey yes but not Emma almost a year okay was Victorian original lineup yeah think about this you know in the Beatles this was his name stuck Pete best no Sutcliffe was a serial killer [Applause] it's always one isn't that oh you're thinking of Stewart sucked me anyway so there was one that didn't make it okay she yes so because there was two that didn't make it yeah we had the singing coach right Pepe I believe oh yeah she was my singing at college yeah and she came she would she would she would coach us and she goes I've got this really nice girl that you wanted me and anyway she we met you at the station and we just sort of fell in love with her and she's like you know so Pepe I mean you old Pepe we wore blond [ __ ] we're just happy you're watching my now we want to say thank you so much for bringing Emma to I think she's one a little bit of the kitchen all right listen many years ago I was hosting comic relief one year and you came on and oh you are about as bigger stars in the world as one can get so it's a big big deal for Carnival if you came on you helped a lot and I know you're doing something else for coming but even though you you've got a t-shirt yeah well everybody knows that you know Spice Girls we like to stand for the Equality for everybody and we found out that there's a lot of female charities out there that don't receive the same funding or lack of funding you know compared to others and so there there is a fund called powered art and comic relief supports that funds yeah it's managed by comic relief and of course we have been involved with con relief so many years when you first when we going this is about supporting women giving them a voice it's dealing with women and their issues or some of these issues that they're going to a horrendous like we recently found out that three women every single week take their own lives because they've suffered from domestic violence which is just terrible to think so we're helping and we want everybody else to help and by the t-shirt we came up with this campaign I want to be a Spice Girl and again supports [Applause] okay so here's a let me give you the tour dates out here June 2019 it's just UK and it's not just UK no milk shake and a head look I just have a private one with mail are you being held in the band against your will just if you've had the choice to do some more dates after the UK dates [Applause] Joey silently furious now it's like one step at a time you've got families and we just you know we want to do it for the fans yeah we're gonna do Britain because that's where you know it's our friend started where it's that way yeah Britain means the world to us you know we care about our fans who want to celebrate sure yeah yeah then maybe you live in America stories that way you come home you're living their life so so you'll be working close to home and it will be what later and towards the end of mixture I might be going to Japan the you off to United I referred mention when you had a lovely tour poster we've got an incredible support can I ask you a question I'm definitely to come see the tour what what is the night should come when Victorian state Sunderland yeah should confirm that though she might scroll out I'm always hopeful I love the Spice Girls like they're my girls and I would love nothing better than all five of us to be together so I always put it out there really strong it's gonna be really strong another thing I wear now this is that you that Mel C demanded the rest of you have vocal training this oh I read that as well I don't believe that dear oh yes you know what the thing is it's so funny isn't it it isn't truth I've demanded that you know we do all have our strengths and qualities yes and that when it comes to the vocals I'm a little bit louder than others so Jerry's got the loudest voice blending do you did it before you know [Applause] okay okay guys you know ganache you just do a tiny bit in a car when we like start first starting out we had this song we're gonna make it happen now I remember so did you make this up this ever really [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] that's when we were just like first starting out you know we've actually got case of you singing that this is before anything you'll be releases from 1994 yeah and you are your old baby spices [Music] the village of beginning laughing less tonight thank you so much ladies and gentlemen I'll be talking to this one Bishop I'm another know that Djokovic see after the break [Music] [Applause] the Spice Girls are still why here to join them is one of the nation's favorite and punished comedians I'm a huge fan I'm sure you are too it's the one and only mr. John Bishop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gone great having here back on the show thank you so much for coming if you had to choose one and all over the years you were presumably where you were no no I don't mean that I mean you were Spice Girls fan back in the day I guess of course everyone wants who's your favorite Spice Girl posh I mean they're just about to go back and talk venues you've just finished a tour also playing huge venues but not exclusively you played some smaller places this time as well didn't you yeah what I did is I it's different for a comedian because like as a balun particularly when you're playing songs that you know on the hits you can rehearse in a in a rehearsal space but as a comedian you don't know it's xlvii left your mouth so you need the audience you need you need to do all these little games you know practice on anyone like a homo no if I imagine saying to my wife listen I've got this great joke about new stuff you do about your family I'm amazed at you because you've been talking on talk about your wife going through the menopause [Applause] when we're dealing with an issue which is the sensitive to people as going through them and their change to the menopause how do you approach that knowing it's gonna be okay at home or does it know what you think okay this is true so therefore I'm going to I'm gonna make your work well the way I the way I approach it is in fact the way I approach anything is I don't write I don't spend time writing jokes I just live me life is no goals days and then just talk about it obviously obviously if the pace that you love most in the world is going through something that you don't understand one way of pulling it into context is trying to find human in it it's open about it that's underway and the way that I do it as I say so the young fellows in the room who were just starting out in relationships you know love the person that you're with and if you wit them long enough things will change and the winner when you're lying in bed and you're gonna wake up now you gonna think the house is on fire because and then you're gonna turn around and the peers that you love most of the world is just gonna be lying there glowing like the ready backup with a woman often inexplicable and you can turn it off it's like being in bed and all its to any man in this room the young fellas come here with the old the old version of the new Spice Girls with boots or fearless care say do you think they've got a woman with a hot body you have no know what you're saying and whether it's a musical thing comedy or if it's an expression of something that's genuine I think people yeah it's not mean it's not nasty you're not doing it you're not laughing at someone you're sharing the thing you've gone through together well I was asking because John's got a DVD and you know you can see you can tell for this one of the funniest men in the country especially like winging it live is the DVD now I didn't think DVDs sold anymore I want just streamed comedy well well it's it's it's interesting because because and that's why you bring a DVD out now because people do stream comedy so watch it themselves but a DVDs a gift it's the thing that you get Shawn for Christmas I buy every one DVD so there you go how many people do we need David to get that I want to get him to that physical you don't just give me more cold and saying download exactly what the DVD but we did we were bringing it out and the distributor said okay it's still a good size with DVDs so I I did this thing where I thought well I'll find out for myself so I went I went to a show went to HMV in this guy's justice so we have a clip of this I think we have John's never looked better by the way I've gotta say the look we should stick with this is John so this is a severe in Oxford Street to see whether people were interested in your DVD give it a go give it a go give it at all comedian Jim Carrey no John Bishop like English comedy this guy is good John this you see let's no wouldn't know the pounds okay 50 feet 25 feet what if we put it into three Smarties might you know I think it's a huge old issue I'm here no I saw you there pleading those chills that's really cold [Music] [Applause] one of the nice things about John you have a preconception reason which you shouldn't have of course PCM you think oh you know could he's just like a kind of white Larry that is going right and and he probably is there's probably elements of that in you I'm sure but it's also a very lovely father to three boys and you won an lbgtq world as an ally for speaking out we love and respect and admiration for your son the one whose guy didn't know what was the what sort of species you may be there how did that come about by the way it was hilarious cuz I was hosting the show yeah well mo is there and and and in all honesty we went as a family or Father's and there was no yeah you know you've been nominated with knows gonna win and and I never I never said to the family I'm thinking of saying that this cuz well you we've got a public profile your whole family shares the consequences of everything that you didn't say and and there's some respects I perhaps should have said is everyone okay with this but when I got up there I just looked at the roomful of people who would in a safe place and a positive environment and I suppose it was it was an opportunity to say I kind of know a little bit more than you think I know and I've kind of explained it's a little bit more than you think and this idea of being a celebrity ally which is a lovely title because I it was granted to me before anyone knew or you know in public knew that me someone is gay and and I'm gonna guess on it's just like having a son it's just having you know of the top ten things that I even think about and being gays not even on this just another son and I wanted to I wanted to reach out because I've learned more since I've talked more openly with me so on to the kids who were 10 and 11 in the playground he was standing on the wrong we don't know where they belong to what group that they belong into and straight up to something or or feel isolated and today appearance you think I don't know me son doesn't want to play football he doesn't fit in to say it's okay you know just lifting through the are and allow them to feel safe and then and then those little digs and the little knocks and the little abuse that they subtly get that we don't know about perhaps won't penetrate as deep mr. John Bishop I'll be chatting to Kylie Minogue we'll see off of the bike [Music] welcome back to the show my next guest is Australian but I think we've claimed her as her own she's one of the biggest solo stars in the world let's have a look at some of her massive hits to get us in the Kylie mood Kylie Minogue Lucas [Music] [Applause] Riley you lovely to have you back here thank you so much let me ask you you have a favorite Spice Girls song there's so many I didn't like the first one that started playing because the locomotion yeah I do like that oh I'm old school [Music] I mean you've experimented with so many people as well did the sixties by sound of me singing coach peppy hasn't been well [Applause] so you postponed some shows last month I think you were me and you had a throat infection so that's cleared up well I mean it's just awful I mean I'm sure you've had that kind of experience where you have to cancel you Hamlet speaking voice no although although on this last saw I did go vegan and that made a massive difference does it makes a difference stops bugging you yeah that's a nice tank I really didn't think yeah it's the daddy makes you Flemmi say you're okay though yes yes so we've got to reschedule those couple of shows for early December so it all kind of works out but the day of making that decision it's uh I mean I know the world's not ending but it does feel yeah like a really rotten day well you've got all your Kylie fans and it's a big night for them the new album is out now and this is I was talking the Spice Girls earlier who seemed reluctant to do new material apart from lb who can't wait new album is Kylie's gold it was a number one congratulations the name of the album and the songs of golden that refers to you just turn the 50s that way ah well it wasn't meant to be about fifty although it did I do turn 50 this year so it kind of is about congratulate thank you yeah I just last the last album Oh released I was asked so much about how do you feel about being your age in the industry ladies I'm sure you get asked I understood the question I understood the interest but I just didn't know the answer I didn't know how to answer it well I don't know how it feels so just I wished the only annoying things you keep asking me about it and so I just had this one line that I really by hook up or crook I wanted to get it on the album which was we're not young we're not old we're golden you can't make yourself younger you can't make yourself older so just so my answer to them was well I can only be who I can be at any given point and embrace that yes I mean and then we called the oven golden but that was and I just happened to fall in my fifties all worked out I'm ganache I'm not gonna delve too much but you're in a new relationship I believe yeah you've got a new partner yeah knew it no it's good that's good right I'll tell you later Joe I'll tell you all about it later no it's fabulous yeah just when you think that that you know will it will it ever happen it came in surprised me that's so lovely you never married the person that we all wanted you to marry Jason yes we kind of did you did well yeah but not in you know well you did come sing with me well that was an amazing night only thought it was my part there's someone yes the radio to concept part and Kylie's performing on stage and then Jason Donovan and that wasn't that wasn't set up it was not planned at all he just happened to text me the day before saying hi and I oh hey I've got a gig tomorrow in Hyde Park if you want to come down he responded saying in a big week I'm if I do or just be me on my bicycle coming in I said okay no just let me know no problem so he lets me know the next day I'm coming in I'm sure you all know Jason is as casual as can be yeah so it's actually you know genuine lovely moment I'm gonna shout you in case you didn't see it this is Carly on stage and it's just all put together on the day and it didn't happen but it really I think it gave everyone such a wonderful night [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean I don't know but Kylie's not letting me to take charge of that Mike it's that come back here do you know why because it was live to radio live streamed everywhere I know he wasn't prepared and he'd had trouble smoking outfit we all need Pippins become gold knees out now and the excitement is you should perform an overtly in the show musics too sad without you with the fabulous Jax Avila the fabulous Kylie Minogue Kylie will be performing right here in the studio [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the spiced over here Jumba sub n Kylie Minogue Veronica final destiny evening out here he is as we speak the world's number one male tennis player he's won 14 grand slams in a glittering career it is the fabulous Novak Djokovic [Applause] please Novak it's great to have you here thank you so much for coming on the show it's great to be here thank you nobody now because he's taking part of the ATP tennis world finals he's one of the Oh two here in London it starts tomorrow it goes through to next Sunday your first matches Monday against John Isner I believe yes confidence yes it's been it's been a great season especially the last five months and you know I grew a lot of confidence in winning a lot of matches in last 3-4 months so hopefully I can ever a nice season finale you won your fourth Wimbledon championship this year which is amazing for time one of the four Grand Slams in the world which one of the great senses the Australian Open the French Open is the the American of the USA and of course limited which which one is your favorite to player which one is your favorite to win because you won all of them of course it's not just because I'm in England right now but it's it's Wimbledon it's always has been Wimbledon I used to construct the Wimbledon trophy out of this you know improvised materials whatever I found at home you know I was always dreaming to win that tournament now you girls don't know this but me know if I actually played tennis together Wow [Laughter] [Applause] who is the best player out of these two [Applause] diverse styles Empire I was playing and the umpire well we actually played together that we played afterwards the you know yeah this show I think everyone okay he's been amazing the best thing I had about these shows in the corridor I was walking down the corridor and as you know Jax Everest he's gonna come on and stay with Colleen just brilliant and as I was walking I ate one of the runners behind me go I've just been asked by Jack if no buckle sign his balls was there do some chain and somebody was giving me some stuff about mental mental toughness and I've read the reports of sports psychologists ed saying that tennis is the hardest boss cuz it's the one sport which someone keeps telling you on every point whether you're doing well or doing badly so the the mental abilities to be losing and then everyone yet beat yeah yet B gives no [ __ ] what I get to do even harder when you get to those final points where you know if I can let them win this and win the next one and keep my my opponent about then I've won the trophy I mean that I imagine it must be pretty tough when you get into those final points to try and treat them like every other point I mean tennis is as many other sports are you know representing this this kind of challenges in life that we all you know whether we're athletes or not we're we're kind of faced with so so I think being individual being by yourself on the court but you know never feeling really alone I think is the key as well because you can always turn around and you can see there are people there and sometimes your doggies there as well yes I heard you like you like my dog but you weren't allowed to bring Pierre in the country v yes I mean this is now that we PR sweet sweet fella p.m. but you like having around you you've taken to Matt cheese as well I yeah I used to take him used to take him more you know with my wife OBC now we have to another dog Wow another toy poodle but we are the ones named the other one's name is Tesla yeah and Tesla yes okay and and then we and then we became parents so we have two children and so it becomes a little bit of a too much of a hassle to travel everywhere we do you prefer the dogs or the children if you're married well there's an I in it I love you darling yes right here just don't make any jokes about the menopause because you almost got crucified I'm gonna tip over now that winning at Wimbledon just earlier this year and it's an amazing thing you do at the end I was at Wimbledon when you lost to Andy Maui okay I'll tell you why because I'm a prick [Applause] why aren't you wearing a wedding ring this is now back really wonder to see an amazing moment and I love that just a genuine reaction he has after service v final and he's gonna eat a little bit of the court in celebration I don't think I've ever seen anyone eat some of the cold before was that just it we just to remember the moment you know I since I always dreamed of winning Wimbledon I I wanted to make it special when I get to that moment yeah and and it was never if it was always when because I visualize it so strong I knew it's gonna it's gonna be the dream is gonna be realized so I I thought well I might do something special I didn't well it's Wimbledon you can't just like jump scream that all around or whatever so I thought well I might as well just have have a little bit over the grass yeah it became a little bit oh it's tradition and yeah you don't have too much of the Goss because that will affect the price let's look at that you know you're in a nebula and you've earned this of course you're one of the very few tennis players who've held all four Grand Slam titles that's an amazing but also you have won a total of 14 Grand Slam titles that's amazing I believe the only two people ahead of you yes and one of them is Intel Roger Federer is in town he has unbelievable 20 grand slams and Rafa and the dad has 17 now presumably I mean of those figures importantly do you focus there and think okay I want to try and beat Rogers record yes really a strong believer in visualization you're just just imagining something that I did to get the group together have you ever had an out-of-body experience while meditating you've ever thought yourself drift away yeah and your buddy wow what happened they came back this more somebody did you could you see your body from outside was it one of those yeah yep yes yeah that's called getting drunk Mel come on no but it's I think it's a it's it's training I mean it's it's just I've had actually I had once this kind of experience on the court there was the longest tennis match that I ever I was ever part of I was playing against a doll in the finals of Australian Open in 2012 we played five hours 53 minutes we I think we ended up at around 2 a.m. yeah I remember it was it was grueling match and after the fourth hour getting into the fifth set actually we both like we were running on very low reserves and it's just one instant I started to to feel like there is some kind of a higher other force that is you know starting to help me to finish the match I don't know it's it's hard to explain that with words so it's a was quite a unique experience Wow and you went on to win of course yes I know you didn't tell rat for your secret afterwards ah not really yeah I don't know what you know I know what happened but I don't know how it happened yeah yeah favourite what spice garlic okay well right now is myself Novak I am filled you came on the show I've been a fan of yours for the longest time yeah and I'm sure we have many tennis fans but to see someone playing your level and the level of focus you bring to it is just amazing you're an incredible player it's an honor to have you here and I know we've all enjoyed spent them know they you know I love tennis I don't know if Kylie you play a little bit of tennis okay sit down when I was eight yes we know Mel enjoy your play with you I don't know ever do you ever play my heart I've played 40 do you like to see the Spice Girls and Kylie and John try and take on Novak at tennis there [Applause] [Music] to knock up we know back so we're gonna wear webbing which means I'm gonna knock them all over no that's going to try and keep them all in if we don't go out we can do this team remember visualize okay you already know that I'm Kylie's the umpire by the way okay target you go foot now you serve join us evil yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] No to sit back down let me actually Novak which of us showed the most promise out there do you think Kylie Kylie while Kylie's getting ready perform I just need to thank all my guests tonight know that Djokovic that is but now performing musics too sad without you with the boolean Jack's have what it is Carly [Applause] [Music] [Music] when you [Music] gave everyone [Music] surely [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] music [Music] over there feeling [Music] you feel like home [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the sound [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Drigo MB
Views: 224,243
Rating: 4.8783121 out of 5
Id: Yy_bGV2515w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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