I Played 300 Days Of Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

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conquering an impressive Castle check getting married to sind yep being surrounded by enemies Unfortunately today the legacy of enri continues into its 21st day of survival will his small King to make it or will it fully collapse find out now as I play 300 days of mountain Blade 2 Banner Lord if you haven't seen the 100 or 200 Day videos check them out before the this one link down below after barely escaping the huge sturgi and armies that I almost got consumed by I headed back home in need of a break managing my castle seemed relaxing compared to the constant war that we had been involved in I ended up rearranging the different priorities that were ongoing in my castle the first thing that we were focusing on was constructing the training grounds it was already pretty much complete but what it did was increase the experience of our Garrison troops making them the best that they could be when fighting off Invaders right outside of my castle two Bandit groups were roaming around causing chaos I needed to keep my land Crime Free so I started hunting one of the groups down and they led me into another group of Bandits I took both groups out with ease we won't be seeing you guys again after dealing with the looters I made my way over to the sturgi and lands to see what they were doing it looked like a pretty large army of 337 units were heading towards one of my Villages I wanted to avoid getting involved with an army that big unless I had to so I started chasing around one of the small Bandit groups that I had seen roaming around my Village earlier I quickly had taken it out and then started moving towards the sturgi and homelands as it looked like that large army had disappeared it seemed like there were quite a few small sturgi and armies that weren't fully built up so I started chasing them around as I wanted to conduct my own little offensive on the sturgians I found it quite funny that as a kingdom who's been around for less than 50 days we were taking on the sturgians a kingdom that's been around for ages I was able to corner and capture Fred Card of the Brotherhood he made the mistake of not going over a bridge and rode right directly into the mountains that he couldn't cross he was my first captive that I successfully hunted down and CT captured from the sturgeon Kingdom I then was able to chase one of his family members coric back into my land things weren't looking good for the clan of the Brotherhood of course we engaged in battle and I took yet another prisoner of the sturgeon Kingdom I tried talking to our new prisoners to see if they would be willing to make peace between our Realms Unfortunately they didn't have the authority to do that I didn't actually plan on making peace with sturgia but I wanted to see what they wanted if I did need to make peace with them luckily enough I had another sturgeon captive in my party his name was Vier he claimed that the stur giian council demanded 71,000 Dinars in order to make peace well that really stinks for him I decided to head back towards the sterian lands to continue messing with them that was when I came across some banion sieging one of the sterian castles it made sense to help out the enemy of my enemy as we both were going to benefit from this battle I also would get a bunch of free stuff from it so might as well it didn't make sense to get hands- on with this battle as we outnumbered the enemies by a significant amount so I just sent my troops in and they got the job done well that was easy I was gaining so much experience from all of these bigger battles so I started to level my skills as I needed to become even more powerful to take on bigger armies I was honestly becoming a little bit too cocky I tried baiting one of the smaller sturgi and parties to try and attack me that was when all of them tried to prance on me at the last second I had just barely made it into the batanian castle if I was a second later I definitely would have died there and then once the sturing armies were scared Away by the banion I was able to catch some stragglers I had now taken a new captive named chamir and I also took a bunch of his troops as prisoners along with all of his loot at this rate we were going to have the whole sturgeon empire under captivity before we even knew it after messing around with the sturgians I then headed back to my homeland of course I came across some more pesky Bandits who were trying to mess with my Villages it appeared that they weren't the only ones a rather large sturgi and party was raing nevians so I swept in to help I felt rather confident about this battle as I charged the enemy troops my only concern was what was going to happen after this some of my Scouts had reported that there was an army of over 700 sturgi and troops marching towards my castle so this battle was only a distraction it now became my main priority to help out this Village as quick as possible and Retreat as many people as I could into my castle that's exactly what my Army had achieved we all started to rush the enemies after I weakened their Horsemen and some of their archers and took out all of the enemy units before they could have have a chance to retreat run real quick if you're enjoying the video go ahead and subscribe for more content my party was able to make it inside of the castle before the enemy troops had started to Siege it things were still not looking good for us though my citizens and troops scrambled to make as many Siege defenses that they could before the battle was going to commence luckily enough we constructed all four of the anti- siege equipment that we could I then noticed a flaw in the enemy Siege tactics they had left their Siege equipment undefended for a very short period of time that's when I took a Detachment of my Horsemen and we started to try and attack The Siege equipment as well as take out any troops that were straggling things were going incredibly well and we had taken out a significant amount of enemy troops unfortunately not all of their Siege devices were destroyed but I told my troops to retreat as the enemies were fully regrouping right when my troops had made it back into the castle the enemies decided that it was time to attack I'm sure they didn't want a repeat of what just happened and they knew if they kept just sitting there it was bound to happen again I strategically placed all my archers and Swordsmen and the battle began I had found myself on the right side of my castle unfortunately I was blocked off by a lot of my troops but I didn't want to move them out of formation so I had to slowly try and get past them that was when it happened my horse had slipped off the wall and we both had fallen to the ground fortunately it wasn't a huge fall but we both did take a lot of damage I dismounted my horse when I got to the staircase to give him a break and then started climbing the castle stairs my goal was to make it up into one of the Castle Towers and start utilizing the bombs that I had utilized in previous sieges once I made my way into position I handled the catapult one of my friendly troops had loaded it with ammunition and I shot that ammo directly in to the heart of the enemy troops I took out over 22 enemies with that single shot people still sing about that shot until this day this catapult was honestly life-saving in The Siege as I kept pelting the enemies with a whole bunch of different ammunition once the enemy troops had started scaling the walls I started throwing bombs off of them this not only took out a decent amount of enemies but it also took some pressure off of my troops who were defending the walls after what seemed like an eternity the enemies finally started to retreat we were victorious after winning the defense of Nan's Castle I started to upgrade some of my troops there were still 245 enemies who were waiting outside of our Castle but they were all injured it seemed like a good time to make peace as the main Stan Army was pretty much defeated there is no way that they were going to be able to come back from this and I could now finally live peacefully with my wife in my new Castle I started to negotiate peace with Asen of the sturgeon Kingdom I told him that I would release all of the sturgi and Lords and Ladies that I had captured as well as paid them 50,000 dins just so they would go away he had accepted the offer and the war was now over that's right get out of here right when the sturg and troops had left I had checked my Villages and made my way over to the city of car bth it was currently run by the banion once there I started to upgrade my companion's armor with all of the loot that I had gotten I then started to sell everything from the battles that I had collected it totaled up to 45,000 Dinars I sold my items and headed to the next batanian city I knew that I needed a new source of income as I wasn't going to be fighting large battles and selling all of the loot from them anymore at least not until I declared war again so I had one of my companions start a new Caravan and start trading I then made my way over to my Villages as I wanted to see how things were going in them it appeared that most of the elders weren't really satisfied with their relationship so I was planning on paying special attention to what they needed from now on as well as setting up a new party with noan being the leader of it to take out any Bandits that try and attack those those Villages this would surely make them like me more right I also assigned svin to be the new governor of the castle of nans she provided a lot of unique benefits that none of my other companions could so this was definitely the best move jeez sven's got this unlock look at all those bonuses since we no longer had to worry about Invasion every 5 minutes I felt it appropriate to spend time with Sven quite a few days had gone by as we wanted to to expand the vorti family name it was actually pretty nice being able to finally relax and not worry about war taking time off in the castle was definitely the best choice that I could have made after quite a few days of trying for an air I headed to some of the nearby batanian castles I planned on buying some more workshops as I needed to produce more income as my Army was pretty large and we weren't able to pay for all of it right now I ended up buying a brewery and one of the nearby banian cities right after that expensive purchase I had also joined the tournament as I wanted to get some of that money back so I put a whole bunch of money into the tournament and started fighting away the first round actually didn't go as planned I was getting destroyed by the enemies as I was being triple teamed so I was doing my best to get as many hits off as I could things were not looking good so I honestly had to start running from the three green enemies my goal became to lure the green and yellow enemies together so that way they would forget about me as I was only one and I didn't have a good chance at winning the tournament by myself this ended up working out very well the yellow enemies and green enemies were now colliding I was able to take out two of the green enemies and then there was only one green and one yellow enemy left which ended up just being one green enemy I easily took them out and ended up winning the round the tournament continued as usual and I won I then bought another wood workshop and headed out to find more Workshop opportunities as well as more tournaments it felt pretty refreshing to start doing so many tournaments in a row because I used to do them all of the time but had to stop because of War I had honestly forgot how fun they are and how much money you can really make by doing a whole bunch of them it started to become a routine again I would head over to the next nearest city check if there was a tournament going on and if there was I would particip ipate in it if there wasn't I would just head over to even the next city and look for another tournament my travels had brought me to the Western Empire lands there weren't too many tournaments going on around here though so I just scouted out the taverns for good companions why does it seem that all of the possible companions in the Western Empire are very cruel kind of weird after quite a while of searching I found someone named thair the Falcon he had all good trades so I brought him into my party after bringing him in as a companion I sent him out to run a caravan I needed the money and he seemed like he'd be a very good fit that is why I brought him in as a companion after all in preparations for my next tournament I decided to check the leaderboard I had noticed that Kell dog had the same amount of wins as I did this was incredibly frustrating as I wanted to be on top it was at this moment that my tournament career became a whole lot more serious all right let's get to work and just like that I was first again on the leaderboard feels good to be on top while I was traveling back to my castle I had got information that it was var's birthday I had sent him on a trip to the Realms Court to improve his charm skill he had also won a horse race while I was gone improving his riding skill of course on the journey back to my castle I took out some Bandits along the way right before I made it back into to my castle I noticed that an elderman in Denon one of the villages that I own needed help he needed a whole bunch of tools to be transported to the Village so I went out to go find them some tools and brought them back to the Village further improving our relationship as it needed to be after things wrapped up with the village I headed back to my castle so I could spend some more time with svin and hopefully try for a new air time started to Fly by Night after night had gone on in the snap of a finger I was also able to manage all of the different things that I couldn't while I was out adventuring in other words I was able to tell my companions what skills they should level up after spending enough time at the Castle I headed out to continue my tournament journey I wasn't even taking breaks in between tournaments I was just going doing them and then doing the next one at the next city I honestly did didn't really care about the Dinars anymore I was after the reputation so in other words I wanted more Renown if I got enough Renown I could increase my clan level and be able to form my own kingdom in addition to all of the tournaments I started killing any Bandit group that I came across this also provided very good Renown the construction in my castle on upgraded training Fields had finished so I headed back and started construction on a new workshop this would increase the construction rate that I could build things at I then took out some more Bandits traveled back to vandia and got a quest to escort a caravan of course I kept my word and actually escorted the Caravan this would get me money Renown and I would also be able to take out some Bandits on the way after dealing with a party of 40 Bandits and successfully arriving at our first city the Caravan started to head to the second one that's when we got ambushed by another 40 Bandits we made light work of them and arrived at the next city this whole caravanning thing was taking quite a while and I was getting a little bit impatient but I had committed to this challenge so I made sure that I stepped up to it and finished it after taking out an absurd number of Bandits and visiting three more castles I had finally finished the quest to escort the Caravan when the quest was complete I got 8,000 Dinars and my relationship increased with the lady who gave me the quest 8,000 is quite a lot so I started to look for someone else who was willing to give me a similar Quest I wanted to get that good amount of money once again I ended up not getting the same exact Quest but I got one that I thought was a little bit more interesting I had to go to the different Villages that this Lord owned and collecting taxes from each Village it seemed like at every single Village though there was some kind of scenario that I had to to deal with at the very first Village that I visited it seemed like a mutiny broke out so I had to send some of my troops in to collect the revenues but I ended up losing a few of them dang I didn't realize how hard it is to be a tax collector I ended up bringing all of my taxes that I collected from the nearby Villages back to car bth I was able to keep my cut of them and the Lord that I did that for seemed very happy who would have thought a tournament was going on at carth as well things honestly are going pretty smoothly you see I just had to say something because in the next round I was fighting off two different enemies at the same time I was able to kill one of them and then I was fighting off a 1 V one unfortunately this enemy was able to get the best of me and took me out I'm pretty sure that was the very first time that I had ever lost a tournament this was incredibly embarrassing and I had to redeem myself so I entered the very next town and join the tournament that was going on I was fighting my heart out because I wasn't going to let myself lose another tournament I had made it to the very last round and was fighting another 1V one this time I had won the tournament I honestly don't know what happened in the last one but I lost it and I had never lost one before so something must have been off after redeeming myself at the tournament I headed back to my castle there I upgraded my different skills and assigned different perks I then took a couple days at the castle to spend time with sind after that I came across a batanian lord he asked me if I'd be willing to do some Revenue farming for him just like I had done previously so I said yes and got to work it was honestly really fun being a tax collector and dealing with all the different scenarios that the villages threw at me the only downside of it is it seemed like a lot of The Villages started to get a negative image of who I was as a person I delivered the revenue to the Lord's castle and then I got my cut of it I promised myself that I wouldn't do too many more of these quests as it seemed like it had affected my popularity I then won a tournament leveled up some of my perks and I had a weird encounter with this stranger this random guy had asked me if I wanted to buy a bunch of velvet from him that might have been stolen so I said yes as I thought that there wouldn't be any harm to this unfortunately someone came up to me right away and accused me of buying stolen goods I mean I guess he wasn't wrong so I talked to him and he said that he would give me a little bit less than what I paid for for the goods and return it to the rightful owner that was the right thing to do so that's exactly what I did I then continued doing tournaments started another Caravan escort Quest and bumped in to someone who really hated you see it was kind of odd because I didn't even remember who he was yet he for some reason hated me so I just kind of let him be and continued my escort Mission once it was finished I came across a bandit Hideout so of course I went and got prepared for nighttime so I could set up an ambush on it night fell and I had brought some of my best Soldiers with me it was pretty cool because we were all matching you could tell that I was in charge because I had these really cool shoulder pads all the other troops just looked very similar and had the same load out of weapons we began storming that enemy camp the bandits were super unprepared for us and honestly had no idea we were coming it was pretty cool to see my troops just rushing in and taking out all of the enemies who got in our way we also looked pretty cool while doing it we started to approach the Bandit leader we had killed all of his minions so it was now time for him to come out he wanted to fight a duel with with me and I accepted it the only reason why I did that is because I wanted to take him down myself and I didn't want any of my troops to steal my kill it was pretty embarrassing for him because I immediately had just blocked his attack hit him with my shield and then stabbed him with my Spear and he instantly went down I felt pretty good helping all of the villages nearby so I headed to another one and got a quest to take out even more looters this time I would have to hunt down seven different parts parties this seemed like quite a lot considering I didn't even see a single enemy party near this Village after looking around for over 3 days I didn't come across a single Bandit party so much time was being wasted so I got this good idea of sneaking into a forest area near a bandit Hideout and scaring all of the enemy Bandits towards the village this way when I took out that party it would count as one of the parties that I needed to take out this this technique worked I was able to scare two different Bandit groups into the range and take them out unfortunately I now had to do this five more times this was such a waste of time I just hope that the reward is good after doing this for what seemed like 20 times I was able to finally get to my last party that I needed to take out we had done it all of the Bandit parties had been eliminated now it was only time to collect my reward and of course I got the small sum of 1,800 din this was incredibly frustrating because I had just wasted so many days trying to kill all those Bandits when in reality I could have been doing so many other things getting even more money when I had arrived back in my lands I started selecting perks for my companions as well as myself I also had noticed that there was a Siege going on nearby so I decided to go check it out it looked like the the Western Empire and the banians were at War H this could be a good opportunity to sneak in and possibly even grab another Castle to not look too suspicious I headed over to a batanian town and did another tournament I was honestly thinking that this could be a great time to sneak in and take the castle of pendrak while I was trying to plot things out I had noticed a Western Empire Army march by it wasn't doing anything interesting so I just started heading back to my castle that's where I started to spend more time with Sven and I started to plan out what I could possibly do to get another Castle in My Kingdom
Channel: Vortide
Views: 125,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and Blade, Bannerlord, Mount and Blade 2, RPG, Action, Strategy, PVE, Knights, Banners, Dragon Banner, sword, Taleworld, Nobles, Kings, Queens, Battles, Medieval, Medieval game, Vlandia, Calradia, Kingdom, Fantasy, 100 days, 100, days, 1 day, 200 days, Inric, Heraldry, Family Name, 300 days, 300
Id: k0cRORlhHUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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