Manor Lords Combat - 600+ Man Massive Battle!

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we are in good shape let's go and claim this guy's going to contest and we're going to go kick his butt here he goes oh wow oh wow he is not messing around this time holy crap how many archers is that three archers four archers the other thing we could do is hire mercenaries oh we can't oh no I think he took them all they've got two sets of retinue I don't know if they're like fully decked out retinue or they're just the regular ones they don't look fully decked out like our guys so maybe we're going to take a lot of losses here but this is this is a really cool way to send it off so let's get everybody lined up here the battlefield is down here so how many do they have total they have 14 we have seven we have half of what they have therez a lot of these are mercenaries right yep light mercenary mercenary mercenary all of them are except for the retinue and the brig okay well let's see can we get an advantage with the terrain actually you do get a bonus for being on the hill so this hill looks decent but not that great yes we got to slow it down let's try and figure out a game plan here so it's unfortunately sloping toward down towards us we don't really have a spot where we can hold a hill unless we come over here is this part of the battlefield it is so this is going to probably be our Saving Grace maybe or maybe it'll be irrelevant I don't know but we're going to go for it anyways let's take that Hill oh what happened oh they're skirmishing okay so they're sending the archers forward first [Music] we're going to set these guys to missile alert so they can dodge some arrows maybe get up the hill you guys are just being idiots they're getting shot at yeah they're getting shot at unnecessarily we definitely have the advantage in melee the problem is we may not even get to melee distance we're not going to tire out our retinue that's not going to make sense all right we're shooting arrows at him oh this looks cool yeah this looks pretty cool now it looks like they're F focusing their archers on our archers so what if we continue to back up I wonder I wonder if they will actually back up into our melee yeah that's that's a huge amount of arrows let's back up one more [Applause] time right they're retreating their archers so we survived the Archer Onslaught we only lost two archers now we just got to deal with this massive melee all right we need to get everybody off the Archer thing [Music] bance so what I'm going to do let's scoot these guys out a little further wide little wider infantry let's get these guys in single file as well all right here we here we go first [Music] clutch second Clash all right they're really loading up their numbers on this side so either we need to hold what I'm going to do is put these guys on defense stand your ground so defense is doubled hopefully they'll survive long enough that we can swing this side over after we completely crush them on this side let's move these guys off move them off their line and get them [Music] attacking something here yeah they're getting teamed up on 3v one on this side is not ideal all right let's get our archers a little closer Maybe I don't know what else they can really do here everybody's engaged so we just need to yeah we lost one here oh man this is actually pretty intense these guys are fighting these guys okay yeah everybody's engaged it looks like we really need to clean up one of these sides as soon as we can and then start swinging over here these guys are going to take heavy losses 22 they lost two already two losses here guys are doing pretty well actually but oh 15 man they got crushed these are I know that's our that's our initial group too those are the ogs oh man doesn't look like they're taking a ton of losses either now they sent their archers around I don't know what they're planning on [Music] [Applause] doing I don't know if they're trying to get into melee range oh these guys are brushed actually [Music] 14 we're taking heavy losses I can't tell who's winning my guess is it's not us but man this is a good battle I'm surprised these spear militia are doing so well they're really holding on the unfortunately the retinue are getting sliced up but it's kind of a tough one for them because they like they're outnumbered but they do have a lot of U they've got a lot of equipment so oh these guys aren't even engaged anymore what am I doing oh that was a big mistake I I thought they were still engaged big mistake let's clean this guy up very quickly and then we need to go reinforce there's only 10 left [Applause] there everybody's still engaged these guys are just barely hanging on come on get out of here so we can move how are these guys doing they're getting they're getting sliced up by the a ARS in the back that's actually really bad all right here we go one a couple more broke so they're losing troops it's only six left come on man break break break break they're fighting to the last [Applause] oh they're that's it they're out they're out get over here quick quick all right reinforcements are coming there's only four left but we're coming boys we are coming hang [Applause] on all right looks like another one of theirs fled these guys are going to get crushed I think our we're going to lose this flank though yeah these guys are getting very badly beat by The Archers there's not much we could do about it though we have to just we have to commit and clear out one side at a time and then hopefully clean up the archers all at once maybe oh these archers destroyed these guys holy crap yep they they wiped one Archer group out by themselves it looks like wow I think we might have it actually we might they only have archers left no they don't they have two retinue that's that's going to be tough crap oh we're going to get really good shots right here though look at this oh man Point Blank almost all right are they engaged they are not engaged so these guys are free to go we need to get over there and save our reue the stop these retinue from [Music] advancing we definitely have the quality Advantage I think well well maybe not definitely but I think we do Let's uh let's actually get in there and engage with these guys the only saving grace here is we have one retinue that's completely untouched 24 there's still 24 out of 24 it's it's time to this is like Do or Die oh they're they're they're broken oh they broke they just broke holy crap and these archers are just obliterating these guys yeah they outnumbered us now they have way less okay there's another one that broke I think we got it I think we got it the tough part is catching these guys how are we going to catch them Let's uh let's take the hill and rest these These retinue are super super slow cuz they're heavy so we need to we need to go chill for a second and I think what we'll do is let's actually put them on uh missile alert that should help when they're when they're dueling your ORD yeah these archers are getting they're getting shot up pretty bad now did we leave the battlefield area no we're still in it even right here so let's let's take the forest uh they're targeting The Archers now that's pretty bad what if we have these guys Sprint can they catch them we need to get our archers out of here let's get our archers back we'll Retreat them oh come on catch them boys catch them catch them they don't have a whole lot of stamina but oh they have enough to close the gap oh they broke all right can you do the 32 and then we're going to send these guys in Sprint take out the 36 can they catch hell yeah they can get out of my Forest they may break as well so they should be good they're engaged we've got only two left here these archers we're going to have just harass they they've only got 10 people left so there's not much they can do uh that's another one broken B we're going to conserve our stamina here oh they broke yep they broke all right they need to hurry up and engage [Music] them all right Sprint boys [Applause] Sprint that's it they've got two sets of archers left and that's GG oh wow what a freaking battle look at this man there's bodies everywhere this is actually a lot bigger scale than I thought it was going to be on keep up with them please ah they're going to get exhausted crap yeah they're exhausted they can't can't really keep up [Music] well these guys caught him they're not going back anymore it's okay at the very least we'll keep them out of the um the Battle Zone I think once we push them out that's it they they lose yeah it's pretty annoying this whole Retreat BS but like I said if you can't hold your ground you're going to lose the the battle by default I think all right they caught him finally they caught them as well oh crap we're losing people here so they're actually fighting all right use up the last bit of stamina you got to close the gap if you can we need to catch them he oh we might lose this what the hell man we made all the other ones flee like almost instantly now these guys are these guys are failing yes they're going to shoot as soon as we turn her back yep he are these guys actually engaged finally we so we still have the 24 there yeah these guys are going to get they just got killed crap [Music] man you're fighting hard man all right let's go back take the center we need to get our stamina back we got to fight a 2V1 now dude how the hell did they survive that though that's wild we we've routed like what four or five archers in a row by killing one or two and then these two just decide to get Brave all of a sudden actually can we redo our retinue maybe we can can redo them so which one are killed completely IO can we redeploy these guys we sure can all right let's get them out I did not know that so you can you can redeploy mid battle I'm going to send them down just as I precautionary that basically used up almost all of our cash but anyways we'll have reinforcements coming if we just have if we have to we'll just hold out as long as we can let's pull everybody back yeah they're destroying our archers unfortunately how far out RB we're pretty far I want to engage because we're just going to get picked a piece to Pieces right now if we don't but my Lord we also don't have stamina to catch these guys I don't think it's fine let's try it cuz they're going to destroy our archers these this group of two I guess I mean it's only two but it's better than better than not having them I guess right use all your stamina close that Gap balanced there we go we caught him oh man that could be huge that could be huge we got three archers left they're oh they're fleeing but they did lose quite a few people come on catch them [Music] again I'm not really sure what to do if they keep running like this guess we could switch targets switch to this one we don't have stamina to run we're just going to have to walk at them and then our archers from the back will get little pot shots these guys are still coming but man they're going to be they're going to be far back forward oh we broke him nice there's one down okay we can probably finish these guys then it seemed like the charge is what did it in so if we can get close enough to charge all right we caught him broke him nice that's it that's it we got it so we got restoring the piece we booted them up [Music] completely
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 546,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Strat Plays, Strat, Guide
Id: 5yvYR1jUCok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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