The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 694 | Get Out The Dog Park

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the thoughts views and opinions expressed by this podcast whose bullet is hosts are for entertainment purposes only I repeat it is not serious it is not real no one is exposing revealing indicting or telling you anything about themselves also we do not encourage you to try this at home we are trained professionals who do not have your best interest at heart or our own enjoy the show can I can I talk yes yes you you can talk you shouldn't be the first voice to people yo yo it's youre buddy it's your but up in his feet all right now that's Hate by the way hey yo I just want wait that's hate that's that's nasty that's support hate tooo that ain't even support well that's ha hate that's just the support is you can talk on the podcast that's crazy every time I try to give y little broadcasting je y'all say I'm hating manipulative hate that's on page one of the broadcasting [ __ ] pet that you wrote you wrote the pamphlet I didn't write that's going on the internet write at all I learned that I think Ebro taught me that cuz I used to try to have missinfo somebody start the talk break instead of me and it's like dog it's your show we need the people need to hear your voice first they said that I didn't make this up y'all just not used to instruction so but you were reminded when people were remind that's been in the space for a m song is find friends friendship right right friendship condescending oh [ __ ] that that is hate where do the instructions come from huh where the instructions come from Ebro you just said it no it's not it don't come from E I guess it's radio Ed Big E bro what up shout out to E bro work with E bro so we would the instructor Jo bro Jo bro it's too early for my told you what time cuz I'm on is leave me alone leave me alone hey yo this morning I W I walked in and is was listening to church music wait wait wait wait wait sad and he color coordinated his coffee gup with the shirt yes he did yes he did yo you are stupid son he what I did yes that is definitely what you did it's mad coffee cups over you can't even see the coffee cup it's two coffee cups over no it's mad you that guy yeah he is that guy is that what 48 is like matching The Coffee Cup that's what I do and that ain't even the real Stanley you got that boleg [ __ ] this better than Stanley's no name on there [ __ ] you trying to turn it around what is it we hating today all right nasty hate that was nasty are you okay is though for what you listening to church music do you lose any doors I no cuz I know when [ __ ] go bad [ __ ] start going to God what's wrong when it's convenient this guy's nuts not nuts when I walked in you was on the phone giving your whole government to somebody sound like you was in a bind it did sound like I was in the hallway I was like damn my man's in quite the pickle how you got to make that weekly payment you know oh so the church music was motivation to call them I'm listening to that was the ti in offering the church I'm listening to a sleeper this [ __ ] going say yo you you all right but just sleep with church music it wasn't church music wait till you play later wait till you play it later and what you got to pay every week I didn't get that it's all right bro why would you ask all right man cuz I don't know what you have to pay every that's cool oh that's you you better get it going you lucky them [ __ ] answer but they don't even answer the phone over there yo you know how quick quick 30 seconds you know how mad I was when like I spent all my 20s evading the police not paying my child support right and then they kept catching me cool so then I then I had to like be responsible and say all right we got to get this mailed in or some [ __ ] whatever that was then that was trash I had to physically go to 595 Newark Avenue with my little money order slip fill out the thing go to the desk [ __ ] [ __ ] all the criminals in there knew me yeah [ __ ] up until Co up until you had to do that here N I used still have to go to New York to pay that physically go to New York you got Park you got pay TOS you got to do all that up until Co you couldn't make no over the phone payments or none of that I got that letter in the mail last month you started tap dancing May 20 what my son birthday what wrong May something yo it's over party time I thought the day would never come it's over over oh yeah you just I could be a dick and cut off now go ahead live rich live live it out to may may coming oh my M coming anyway yeah let me take it off what's up what's up what's up what's up everybody look like they in a good mood yes in a good mood that wasn't your for first sneaker choice to match the Ensemble that you got going on but he had some light blue definely he ain't been sneaker shopping so he had to just [ __ ] it now the bottom the bottom of the sneakers matching the pants a little bit it's just off the bottom of the sneaker I see what you did there oh he did the old head [ __ ] where you intentionally off the heel with the pants and he put some young [ __ ] Pockets like on his thighs when you had that done yeah you put in that pocket why do you have a pocket on both you got pocket on your ankles why do you have pockets on your ankles anine you can't even touch your an why you that's some old [ __ ] you have fethers on your pants they were on the pants and I liked them so I purchased them now now what say you the the pockets are on the pants I liked them I bought them what are you putting in there I don't know nothing just some extra sauce in case you need doing with your zippers the other day pause that's a pause first and foremost this [ __ ] got a double 07 attire on N he got two zippers two butt take that [ __ ] off I know you going through some [ __ ] and you worried about your safety but don't come in with no vest and all that [ __ ] under your jacket [ __ ] what is that what do you mean stand up what type of sweater they got two zippers bro was that a sweater jacket a sweater jacket yo yo Reddit outfit uh Lady it's rainy out here I ain't want to give him too much so yeah I mean still Jill up top Jill in case you looking for it some little lightweight Jill what Jill Sanders Sanders not no Sanders just she has OCD cuz it's it's bothering her it's really bothering leave it up leave it up leave it put pressure on her one up one down trying to get you six trying to jump in there your ass out of try to sneak home in his ankle oh [ __ ] take me with you let me take you she want to take me home oh [ __ ] I'm glad all yall a good move man Y what was that joke you cracked earlier about her dress it's nice you said something the material and she was like Christ y this you even hear how did you even hear that hustled the [ __ ] son special bro what was what did you call the material burlap it's a hot fire I'm joking no don't call it burlap and they try to say it was hot got tight I don't even know what that is burlap burlap sack like a potato sack potato sack for real don't do that she look good that's that's a beautiful thing fam we we tease each other up here the only [ __ ] to bring it to the public air when she got offended I had to don't say that publicly when she got offended I had to Google it I said this [ __ ] foul I had to today she trash like Superhead was about to put that [ __ ] on today she dressed like just in case one of these [ __ ] got something to say let me remind reminder Remind you look good today man you look you look you do thank you thank you I appreciate that yo something wrong with you no that was I had to Google it I saw I stood over there quiet I said oh this n called the potato sack all man let see if I got some inspiration I put the skirt on and I was like I know somebody's going to say some stupid [ __ ] n look like felt like go right through that [ __ ] right my [ __ ] yo my [ __ ] right [ __ ] yo you say it look like Fel I'm so glad I've been outside so I know all your moves my [ __ ] shut up that is not a [ __ ] y m got the old don't TR take my my move calling calling the baddies a [ __ ] decate big head that up Middle School let me stop with Mel say we FLIR big was Middle School me [ __ ] [ __ ] you talking about M was hating that last time all right uh let me see I'm in such a good mood I'm ready to spread love positivity and hate yeah and and hate on your friends High vibrations get some hate off am I ha hate I don't think I'mma trying not hate today every day is a hater day let's be clear [ __ ] it we are what we are I thought it was Saturday when I'm work I was like God damn [ __ ] got to work just [ __ ] up waking up up and having to go to work like y'all never just gets tired of the simulation of this yeah y like after Sunday you don't ever get mad that oh Monday Tuesday Wednesday can't off here we go repeat R cycle repeat oh same thing I did last week when I was going to B don't know why I'm going to the cleaners o I'm going shopping I'm going strip club oh bye H I'm going to the strip club by h I'm tired of the simulation I'm ready for something so wait why don't you shake [ __ ] up that's what I'm trying to do different [ __ ] that's what I'm try because relationship in position to do like whatever you want you know right girlfriend you in a position to do like whatever you want you know that right exactly I'm not not yet no I'm not no you're not no I'm not okay that's the problem why why you the problem that he's not cuz he knows are you saying it mentally or no he knows okay so so think about this right somebody that's up up mhm a lot of people have the option on yo I don't feel like working today he don't have that option yet I didn't mean that when I said that that's what you're talking about right yeah not for where I'm trying to go yeah I just me I'm in that weird medium it's the limbo space what I meant was like you said strip club you don't have to go to strip club you could we got days off in between pods you could go to the Opera go to mum you could take a trip and be like yo I'm out for a couple days I'll be back it's hard where where our days are it's hard it is it is it's real I tried it I thought about it's hard cuz you would have to leave out first thing Wednesday morning but then you still got to be back Thursday night got you got even on the days even that listening to that to me right this second just sounds repetitive that's hard we been on trips oh this is beautiful oh this is nice the air all the people the hobby I had I was too great at it so now no one will play What do you Monopoly and Spades okay what do you feel like doing you B learn learn learn something new well my rotator cuff says I should not anymore got to go some physical therapy something I used to be the guy now now I go bowling I'm the guy during Fifth Fifth frame second game all right y'all all right other [ __ ] be like n tiebreaker third game what's up nah I can't I can't I'm going figure it out though yeah no I ain't got it stretching and warming up and [ __ ] pause I start call but or physical therapy yo dumb [ __ ] I can't do dumb [ __ ] like I just can't put my arm straight up on on the wall just from inactivity can you grab your ankle Paws no so you can't use a pocket heyo make make sure you make sure you figure it out because your friends are worried about you make sure you figure this [ __ ] out before you come here in limbo and put that limbo [ __ ] on us old man get your [ __ ] together go on Google figure it out do something you inspirational you inspiration us like I said learn something new bro yeah [ __ ] go paint or something [ __ ] Bob Ross pass away crochet or something make a fitted a crochet fitt is crazy fitt though not a skullet not a SK f [Applause] for you ice and is flip and ma ma what episode is this 694 oh man feels good to be here today feels good to be here today welcome to episode 694 of the Joe Button podcast I'm your humble gracious grateful highly favorite host Joe Button here with a few really amazing people to my right almost needs no introduction another [ __ ] Vib [ __ ] is wrong with y'all shout out to The Melodies out there hoody ho who Big M Ford is in the building yes yes yes she is my guy flip big Queens is in the building salute salute flippers what up all right shout out to flip Set uh is is here big Library himself big liary um Mr doors the doors he might have lost some but he just got one the church music Mr doors freeze is here Icee free I see you on the feets I see him on the feets you got a deal you're looking good what you talking about deal yo fam you got some rebok I ain't seen in 20 years out here brand new bot them brand new yeah true you got a deal Parks is here as well big parks is in the building pleasure to be here pleasure to be here engineer the year every year y know the Vibes Po's here Cory's here Ericson is here the people that are here with us remote and most importantly you guys are here thank you for being here today we got a real amazing show lined up for y'all uh we feeling good feel get right to it get right to it wherever y'all want to start not the Oscars not the Golden Globes not not none of that [ __ ] it's done not the musicals uh what else the Broadway plays lasers the art shows all that goofy [ __ ] that the old [ __ ] be doing come on let's start with something a little cooler than that where do y'all want to go the smoke I mean that's what I got woken up with today yeah smoke for you no oh no well whatever any um no um Nikki and Meg Nikki and Meg that's you know Nikki and M what capes we pulling out today Queens we have the ass flip all right are we here to be fair and objective or are we going to C for the person we're closest to in the beef um tell me I'm an honest ping this year I'm going to be fair and objective I'm not close to nobody I don't know no I'm going to cap for the person that I'm close to hey I respect the honesty mhm yes Joe yeah Joe I am going to try to do both okay I want to try to be fair and objective like I'mma give Meg a little more cuz she did tting that [ __ ] she did oh she just Y no she just you freeze she just I I didn't catch Listen I've been scraping my head all morning trying to figure out who been dancing R Kelly recently and then it hit me like a bag of bricks well my girl told me oh yeah yeah see that was that was us uh me might be a patron huh dog nobody is Dan star Kelly but us but y'all wait what huh about that everybody was trying to figure it out everybody was trying to figure it out all right don't quote me but I think that she's dissing us I think she dissing us you fly son you just do somebody be he just threw up why you be doing that l h wait what wait what you say yo you a what he's h of shaking no you know how girl like this you talking about my little s s who's little sass yeah I got a lot of [ __ ] doing that I believe you I believe you not you you only got 60 on your jacket no not 60 okay I doubled my number to get to 350 and your numberers tripled that triple that is your numberers triple that y you know how many phone calls I got over there about a thousand what about what we don't want to know the phone we want to know what the conversation was like work started calling huh don't forget about me put the cup down [ __ ] n was talking now yeah you yeah you at work what was the conversation like at home my girl started laughing like yo what's your think said you had sex with a th girls you had sex with th000 girls that you said got a [ __ ] I'mma kill you it's only 998 oh bottles of beer in the wall wow what was the conversation like in the car what car your car I a had no convers back to Meg back to so Meg the stallion outside of me thinking that she's dissing me maybe it's my narcissism uh let's see here let's see what we got okay okay little little disar at the top hey let me me St what do y'all think about starting records like that I love it uh if you about to bring that heat yeah I'm with it you get away with it you can get away with it if it's fire mhm if it come off fire n you took all that [ __ ] what you think that's why I [ __ ] your [ __ ] you fat [ __ ] go I'm from my that was a little longer than like the I [ __ ] your [ __ ] quick get to it that's different yeah n come on that's why I [ __ ] your [ __ ] you fat [ __ ] and the beat dropping is a little different from this this like a full this like a mixtape style bro if you going to bring that fire that's okay we come from that era though we do we don't have time question this is a lot at the top of record J did more than this on Checkmate and we loved it Checkmate a disc record this is a disc record she's trying to sell a record I'm selling the disc record controversy sales in this generation she could have left at it [ __ ] that no First Reactions first reaction a good start so she's running good now moving oh she came out the gates full Sprint and contrary to the uh uh retort that we'll get to later she be on beat mhm she be on beat she does I don't know where that was [ __ ] like a rodeo she did good that was that was crazy that was a punch right there that was crazy I I I Googled Megan Law I was I have to Google I didn't have to True Crime you had to Google Megan not you I mean I'm happy that you had to Google it though I have to Google Now y' can't shame me for looking looking up information but once I looked it up I remember well tell the listeners yeah uh Megan's Law is a law that um grab your phone I want to read it I want to read it verbatim got he got it's a lot it's a law Tru look look it's a law that forces sex offenders to report wherever they live they have to report with their address so that everybody in the community knows that they're there but why is it called Megan's Law Megan because the little girl it's it's named after a kid that was VI a victim there you go I don't like that part what that's segue that's see and that's what I'm saying right and maybe I'm just in uh record making mode but that's your course that is a course sort of she could have did something else with that yeah but you you fine with that I'm fine with it she perectly fine with that because of the purpose of this record yeah this ain't I this come here to shoot at you [ __ ] this is this is shots this ain't for all of that yeah I'm trying to sell it okay cool but that's because everything if you was going to use that for that you should have shot at somebody and said a name for that part for it to be AC acceptable by me hey yo [ __ ] you [ __ ] suck my dick you know who you are your man then like oh it the segue was I didn't like the segue I just yeah now is this you with the cape on speaking or is this no let me take my Cape off I'm just saying I would prefer her at in on the bridge or towards the chorus whatever that was to say a name to to to prepare me for the second verse to make me want to continue to listen your last record that I loved I seem to be the only one that loved it uh when we spoke about it didn't really do the greatest it wasn't received the best it kind of came and went fast it did it did your next record which you you get us hype with this I'm coming at somebody all the talking in the beginning and now you don't even put a hook on the record this all feels like warmup to me still I think the third one is going to be a Bop she got to have a Bop I think this is intentionally this is not a box correct but it's going it's going it is going come on what do we think about women beef should we stay out of it should we unpack it should we try to figure out at the bottom this is rap [ __ ] now man sorry now this is our business at this point once they do this all of that Instagram subbing and all that I can stay out but when y'all get in the booth and start especially doing it like this yeah we talking so does mag rap rap better than Nikki hell no no no you're not they're not far off to me I'm they're not today today slow down [ __ ] today today they're not far off to me I say what I said par I say what I said Mickey has more balls Mickey Nikki has she does a lot of double and triple atras like it's different when it comes to Nicki and they different styles all right but I'm saying so it it she can't rap like Nikki she can't rap like Nikki a lot of these dudes Can't Rap like Nikki bro not that there's a gender on who's the better artist but yeah that's a fact why are they beefing I don't that know that's getting in women's Business yeah we don't about that we don't care about that didn't they do a Reger together I don't remember they did they did okay somebody look it up so I'm not sounding stupid here got you they did cuz that's when I was clowning on Meg for just trying to do a record with anybody that was lit one of the only things I heard is it has to do with Meg and her friendship with cardi like and I think that that's too so basic of a like a reason that I question it I love that but that's the only thing that I've ever heard I love that you friends with my op [ __ ] you too [ __ ] yeah that's that's it [ __ ] both of y'all and I like bad guy Nikki no I I don't think I can all right maybe I'm maybe I'm [ __ ] misremembering here I like bad guy Nikki I like Nicki Minaj dissing everybody and or dissing whoever she dissing and not hiding it when I interviewed her I tried to get to the bottom of some of them disses on the album but she did Superstar thing which is I ain't giving these [ __ ] light I ain't naming none of them and she ain't naming nobody here really but I mean oh no hot hot girl summer yeah what are y'all talking kill y [ __ ] anyway yeah and and they kind of stopped being it looked phony when they was pictured together doing that whole promo [ __ ] and then they was never seen together again and Nikki started dissing shorty not too long I think what it was now now I'm remembering I think it was they did the song together and then right after W came came out yeah so she felt way that you would do a song I did a song with you and now you're with my op the only thing I don't like about that is more so for the the newer artists like they damn near be having to choose today yeah Pi choose like damn if this one calls me for the feature or or want to jump on my record then it's going to alienate over here but wasn't it like that hasn't it always been like that regardless of gender like either you're on this side or you're that side I think so yeah I think so but you either down with boogie down Productions or you you juice crew yeah some of this [ __ ] is kind of unfair CU it could be label it could be label [ __ ] too like what if she didn't really have too much say so and who got put on whose record like who Meg as a young artist oh signed to a label what if she said no you got to do the record with Nikki and so she did it I'm sure that's how it happened but if I'm but if I'm why I care about that Nikki already has been alluding to her beefing with labels and not artist true like she keeps saying labels are playing behind the scenes they pulling little tricks they making calls y'all can't stop me I still did 225 like that's been her whole thing she's been on I don't think that Nikki three albums now I don't think that Nikki should punch down but I do like it I like it is this punching down today I was just about to say is that punching down today today I don't think that Magus stallion is in the same breath as Nicki Minaj so yeah in terms of in terms of nothing I don't think it's punching down it's not okay well you ask me terms of relevance yeah you want to start adding these little water cooler words you said in terms of anything in terms of anything startom anything I disagree not punching down I feel like man all know I feel like the position that Nikki's in you know not just her anybody in that position you know that that rarified air you're always going to have to defend your position you know what I'm saying and so especially when somebody younger comes up and there's a lot of Buzz around them I think that that's what's in this day and age I think that that's what's always going to happen wait hold up I want to reply to that I think that that is total cap I don't think that that's the position that Nikki was forced no not for not maybe force is the wrong word but he could have embraced the lotto coming up all of these young and she does embrace a lot of women but I'm talking about Lotto specifically because Lotto said Nikki is my favorite rapper or whatever she said and Nikki said [ __ ] you [ __ ] or whatever she said like she start dissing dissing her so I don't think that you had to defend your ground and your territory no we were just talk we're just talking about like in this day and age if I sell 225,000 records which Nikki just did I'm not talking to women who's having a hard time even putting an album out I'm not talking to women that's having a hard time care about more than record cell well Nikki care about rap so she keep firing at cardi saying hey I ain't worried about you [ __ ] cuz you don't write your own raps M and now with Meg is you got sh the foot shut up you ho you hopping around the other thing is with with with Nikki you hip hop it's like we almost we almost watched her you added that he stepping on us look he hater I'm not hating hater why would you say that yeah hat that sh was funny look he trying to talk right over go ahead I no no speak go ahead hiop get it gohe I listen the only thing I don't like with the situation pertaining to Nikki is that she went she experienced this with Kim I was literally saying that he stepped on my [ __ ] but that's she turned into Kim yeah she experienced it with Kim and I remember that she was you know rallying as far as bringing it together and helping the young women come up or the younger artist and then now it's the same thing she's doing she's following the trend and that's the only thing I don't like we remember being in the studio with her and she was passionate about it and coming up so to see her turn into into that she is I don't know if it comes with the game I don't know if that's just some type of dark cloud over women rappers that get in that position but that's the only part I don't like I think it's hip hop um it's we do it specifically with women well we do it with men too but more so with women where you have to pck this one against the next one that's that's hot so what happened when when Kim was hot or when Kim was the only one on the mountain insert Nikki it became a Nikki versus Kim even if it didn't even if they didn't want it to be that like the fans made it that made it that they they did they did everybody everybody pitted them against it was never Nikki versus Kim no cuz Kim had damn near retired by the time Nikki got fam Nikki's first three or four songs on her album is dissing Kim she shot at Kim left and right her very first album yeah very first album Kim wasn't really rapping it was Kim versus foxy it I'm I'm a with in our culture we try to people against each other it was Kim versus foxy I don't necessarily think that we purposely P Kim versus Nikki because Kim was retired it was she was still the when Nikki came she was she was retired she wasn't retired she was put your lighters up was out when Niki when Nikki was out was put your bro the problem was when Nikki came out they was like yo we got a new one in here we got a new one Kim didn't have no competition even even if she was not as active there was still nobody that stepped in that that void yet now insert Nikki it was oh we got somebody that immediately start comparing you to Kim why and that's why I was it's a reason for that why y why for some of the things that Nikki was doing too there you go a lot of the things that Nikki was doing the albumy the pictures the dresses and Kim never embraced her so she shot at her well why would Kim Embrace girl who is biting all of my [ __ ] and not giving me just saying we saw it happen where you shot at the person that was right there before you that did not embrace you on your rise Now history is repeating itself because now you are up here insert cardi who you do not Embrace and that's where and again the fans the culture immediately puts Kim versus I mean excuse me Nikki versus cardi together now it's happening again anytime there's a woman that rises you immediately start pitting her against the next one at top the difference is is cardi embraced a lot of these girls so cardi embraced the Megs cardi Embraces the uh gorillas cardi excuse me cardi has embraced these acts what what if that was a marketing trick though what if that was a trick to show that let me embrace them to make it look like she's but do the outcome any different even if it was a marketing tactic is the outcome any different and the public won't know if it's no different it's taking a different route whereas like a a a a Drake starts doing records with all of these younger [ __ ] and everything it's just a different route that before [ __ ] wasn't doing okay and it's working for them do y'all do y'all want y'all hip-hop without these types of firing at people and beefs no I they could exist you have to have you have to have comp hip-hop is built on competition I'll tell yall a secret that I'm just speculating about when I when I did speak to Nikki don't quote me and try to add her saying I said this they will this definitely happening but when I spoke to Nikki this was around the time people was firing at me a little bit I did get the feeling from her that she got a list of people that she wants to fire on like that but she don't because ladylike and I'm a woman in Hip Hop and they'll look at me a certain way and but I think she been wanting to fired a few people for a while I think everybody at the top got that list all of them have a list that you had that list where is I you would fire at anybody but there were a certain few that I was waiting on if he even look at me wrong it's up to him yeah that's a fact I think everybody at the top has that list where yeah cool y'all can say whatever but if one two three or four say something I'm on they ass and I absolutely think Nikki has that list I also think that she would do herself a favor by getting away from all the courtship I would I wouldn't have used that it's over that ain't funny it's over you did it you put the away he's sitting up somewhere in group Chats on Instagram with fans like I wouldn't keep talking about that she going bu that sh for at least one more album cycle why not she shouldn't though I think that's ugly as I think it just put your focus somewhere else not just that if if if this if this situation was as traumatizing as you made it out to be in the media you would want that to be the last thing on your mind you would want to get away who don't want to hear from what people are going through as artists particularly as rappers I want to hear what's going on in your life since last and what you want to hear about don't have nothing to do with my mental health she got on the stage and said that her mental health has been [ __ ] up ever since this episode happened she felt like killing herself etc etc etc so me I'm going to get the [ __ ] as far away from that as I can well what if rapping about it is cathartic for her what if rapping about it is cath you can't you can't tell somebody got my Justice and now you can't tell somebody how like work through their process Jo was going through all types of [ __ ] we wanted to hear that in his waps and his fans wanted to hear that in talk about the fandom I'm talking about Joe and Joe says to this day yo the place that I was back then I don't want to relive that so I don't want to go back there maybe right now getting it out is how you get that and maybe right now at this stage of her life she's [ __ ] pissed which which she clearly says in the beginning she's just [ __ ] angry and that's this is her way of dealing with it you just can't control what somebody's process is some days they're like [ __ ] up over some days they're angry Co and in that don't pick and choose then when you can weaponize that I don't think she she can't she can't pick and choose her picture goes up online and everybody and underneath free Tory free Tory she can't escape it this is something that is going to be an indelible mark on her career forever disappeared for it happened four years ago what you in the grand scheme of [ __ ] time it just happened it's her experience it's still fresh let me ask you a question though man about her keep talking about on the songs Do you think the free Tor is going to go anywhere you're just you're just call whether she talks about it or not it's never going to go anywhere I promise you it's [ __ ] true he has too many fans for it to go anywhere it doesn't matter I'm just saying when you say stuff like that they're going to come more and defend them Yo you're calling attention to yourself dog she could just post a picture saying hi and they're going to say she's not but she's not and she's not she's doing more than posting a picture and saying hi but prior to this we're right here dog yeah yo listen she did that this is what I'm saying Wasing even got to run around with this got it this is a l even if y'all are right this is a luxury you get when you did your job I don't believe her to be doing the greatest job at doing her musically J you ain't had one in a while and you ain't had one by yourself in even longer you don't have time for this I could have done that my whole career I wasn't playing trying to get a number one or top 10 or billboard record I'm on here trying to save my [ __ ] life she needs a record at some point so at what point do you stop talking about the [ __ ] that you've been talking about that hasn't gotten you the record it hasn't gotten you the record talk about that [ __ ] on your mixtape or some other [ __ ] but at some point oh we think we think she got a record think she has aord I would be shocked if there's no record record what was the name of the last the last single she just released Cobra okay I like that song this sound like the fast version of that and Cobra so there's there's a [ __ ] tr here yeah so I don't know like that last song I think we all agreed we all really liked it like last lik so the fact that it be didn't become like a monster hit maybe that says something about just like the take the temperature out there in response to just anything she does that don't but maybe but it's still your job oh I don't care why the record didn't become a hit and the fans are fickle so I don't think they look into it that much I think if she puts out a Bop it's going to be well received true I'm not thinking of fans I'm thinking of all of the people that are invested in her I Ain think the fans fans want to hear this [ __ ] all day long dis diss people for the next 5 years but at some point we need another one I'm just saying she ain't shot no disc record off like this could be just let me just get my [ __ ] off real quick and then back to business what do y'all think about her saying that [ __ ] be talking all this [ __ ] about chicks with bbls but they walking around with the same scars that's hilarious that was good that was a good one that was a good one that was a good one that was good I like that she said a little bit more that was a good one all right that's got a good one she got uh I'm glad said all these all these little rap [ __ ] so fraud Xanax be their hard as bars it's hard [ __ ] listen that was hard that was hard too that was hard that was hard um cos cosplay gangsters fake ass accents I saved this picture right here I saved this picture ericon I'm going to send this picture to you to put it on the screen but I had this for at least four days in my phone before this record came out this is Kanye West Paparazzi got him getting in his car with his pants down a little bit so I saw this picture and I thought something that was Blasphemous and I wanted to bring it in here to y'all okay I never had this thought before okay said Kanye got a fatty did Kanye get a BBL hey dog didn't he talk about getting surgery I think the Kanye West got a BBL I think this is BBL I'mma say you know you zoom had a scar no this is the picture I didn't Zoom this in it's just the picture how can you tell you got a BBL do y'all look at Kanye West any differently if he got a BBL that's my question uh yes and no yes and no yes and no it's weird well he's he's he's crazy respectfully so it wouldn't Kanye is Kanye it's a verb now all right verb adjective adverb he look like fli oh [ __ ] is that's [ __ ] up he said got a BBL too yo these [ __ ] is getting bbls that's the weird [ __ ] I mean it's happening they're getting men men are getting surgery it's a lot more popular a couple rappers out there surgery and BBL there's a couple rappers out there that yeah got the bbls so look if you're getting a BBL what are you getting a BBL for oh oh so your pants can fit nicer I guess see now you say that it make me think about the the Amber comments well I'm mind my business what amber comments whatever she said a while ago butt stuff I don't know what she said what did she say but stuff if she already said it it's okay you can tell us what you said she said you know oh you mad that I'm not around to playing your booty anymore oh but y need to get come on ice what whoa what are you talking about you got your whole ass shaved [ __ ] you know how you want this [ __ ] to look yo nobody plays in my ass you want this [ __ ] to look I mean but if that was the think something that you were into want you want to present a certain way right did you know that you could get your [ __ ] bleached you know since you're just in that region and I don't well I know cuz Kanye told us he been in the he he's been in the another region now you see what I'm saying he's in a Never Never Land that [ __ ] losing his mind bro a man can't talk to me a certain way if he got a BBL my thing goes backl why you getting it yo girls get a BBL for a reason what's that reason so that they could look more appealing aesthetically to Men We like ass maybe he likes girls that like ass some girls like ass yeah they do they'll compliment it I don't know they just chasing the [ __ ] up the street cuz he got a fat ass yo jeans [ __ ] a pull hey yo caros hey yo [ __ ] a make a U-turn and Chase a girl up the street cuz she got a fat ass that's a fact that's sound CRA I don't know no girl that's going in the ice cream aisle cuz the [ __ ] walked by I don't know about that I'm going to play uh the Nicki response and then we can move on listen let me tell you this yeah you the let me think what you want about that mag record cool we like the beef [ __ ] we feel like she's got a banger on the way and I do like that record I like that record she say don't confuse what I'm saying I like this record the me [ __ ] however when you are dealing with crap mhip you're dealing with somebody that was around for all of that Wayne backto back like somebody that went to school for this is going to say back to page one of the pamphlet don't start no record with 20 seconds of talking put a hook there and get and get to work and make sure the beat doing what it's doing you know I think that she's gonna have a long day if this this record comes I just thought about yo cuz um when she was going back and forth with Remy she did no frauds mhm she got her shots off but she also had features on there it's clear that Meg is shooting at a gentleman on this record as well what if they would they be wrong what G up dog pile yeah would they be wrong no no me Mega's tall some sometimes you got to get on your dog we got to jump on I I'm not mad at that I'm not mad at that and and and I don't want to hear nothing from nobody he's P I don't want to hear that sucker [ __ ] bro how you that is sucker [ __ ] that's not sucker [ __ ] that's not Su [ __ ] that sucker [ __ ] she's shooting at both of them they can both I wouldn't care if she was shooting at the whole entire Young Money that is some sucker [ __ ] if they jump on the record and start jumping I disagree I couldn't disagree more couldn't disagree more I could see if he if she just shot at one and and I went and we all jumped to that [ __ ] but you shooting at me too yeah and and you and this nigga's Petty when that Nicki record Dro and the DJs hit the cross fader and the whole club is singing you on your good foot with your one good foot having asso they going to light her up in these first four bars and Nikki is in the booth practicing Cadence as we speak and if you can't just fill in the blanks to what she in there saying oh my god oh this going to be great I mean Nikki absolutely has the cap and it's likely to smoke her boots and her response record mhm and me don't drop fast enough to me for that type of warfare she ain't going to hop right back on her ass cuz at some point she going to get into whatever the Banger we think is coming you got to get in the album mode and I got I put my album out already if I'm Nikki i t go I'm good she got a tour coming but right I got time to light you up I think is coming at basically when I light your ass up it's going to make [ __ ] go buy my album even more like yo I got time I got time that's if I got an album out and now for the next 10 weeks I can just do [ __ ] to bring the attention back to my album and I got a big fish man it's a B I got a big fish to cook oh my God that I'm better than I'm into the girl beef I'm into hey I'm not staying out of it when you blogs clip it up cuz every time we talk about y'all clip some [ __ ] up and in the comment women's business you [ __ ] right and I ain't leaving women's this is rap this is rap business sorry blogs women feel like when they walk in they take presiden even and they rapping that's what I like they rapping well until they see each other right let's hope it stay they they rapping oh listen part of rap beef is knowing who got the gangsters behind him too let's leave let's leave in rap please no we should leave R but at some point somebody might not like what you saying and might be backed by some people H whatever I hear what you're saying we know that but we don't want put let that I'm just saying I'm just saying us us getting in [ __ ] shut up I don't come from this [ __ ] hip-hop y'all talking about I come from sug Knight pulling up to the source Awards [ __ ] we just [ __ ] I come from [ __ ] hot I come from everybody yeah act like it yeah but I don't like you with women [ __ ] I don't like the results [ __ ] so wait [Music] wait with [ __ ] women don't do it we seen what happened inowe know I remember I remember I do want to highlight it I love when that [ __ ] comes in the news that's my favorite moment went to the [ __ ] me Gallow somebody threw a pizza at her somebody threw a shoe at her from across and D what are you talking I love that [ __ ] [ __ ] cardi went to the strip club [ __ ] was working thought they were safe what [ __ ] B I love that [ __ ] stop trying to get me the [ __ ] I'm not with this [ __ ] with women no we know you will come from that I like it with women better than [ __ ] [ __ ] shoot somebody real quick D but [ __ ] behind them [ __ ] that's yeah cool but we don't want nobody get shot on the girl you are you saying that I said I'm with the girl beef I don't want nobody get shot I'm with Nikki saying pulling all hair sters from cardian you can't work with AR get out of here that's women ask you a question [ __ ] women beef say [ __ ] you [ __ ] wear all you [ __ ] tried to hire my stus after you seen my last let me ask you question more stus for you what if what if the radio interview was still what I'm being silly right now but I'm dead ass what if the radio interview was still live [ __ ] and we talking like this what what if the radio interviews when they interview a [ __ ] still live and [ __ ] just pull up that's where we come from when the [ __ ] was live and [ __ ] is 30 minutes away from when you about to get that [ __ ] was CRA [ __ ] got shot in their ass [ __ ] [ __ ] get shot in front the Hot [ __ ] on Hudson [ __ ] we come from that so scared [ __ ] meting [ __ ] in the par like up the block from H yo what you said I used to be so scared to go I was like who's going to be there I know I was like who's going to be there I'm not with this [ __ ] [ __ ] going on in hip-hop I'm not if I diss you at some point I'mma see you at the club I'mma see you at the award show I'm going see you somewhere and I want to look you in the face [ __ ] Club on me web 500 [ __ ] with [ __ ] game in there with 700 [ __ ] chatting them [ __ ] is you talking can get live in here f is this [ __ ] [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] are talking about your op is on that side of the club you on this side of the club what you going to tell you talking about what are you huh you escaped from that you got away free chill I escaped everybody had real [ __ ] around and when everybody got real [ __ ] around it happens in a real [ __ ] way don't nobody got respect each other what happen if only one of y'all got real [ __ ] around huh what happened if only one of y'all got real [ __ ] shot in ass yeah you get shot in ass [ __ ] and go to tuby and become a superstar stop son that's my man don't do that but he got shot in his ass he did that wait he shot himself in ass yes oh yeah that wasn't that one you talking about the other one yeah yeah he did that yeah I'm hot now moving on I don't know who this I want beef in my hip-hop me too you blogs make sure you clip this up me I love beef and Hip Hop and all y'all [ __ ] I see N I was I was a youngest get on your good foot seeing too much [ __ ] get slapped in the face punched in the head shot at I don't want to see this no more [ __ ] I seen it I see [ __ ] waiting outside the studio you recording I seen that [ __ ] was there like this I don't want to see it no more [ __ ] I'm saying I like this [ __ ] with there two [ __ ] that can rap and they rapping if it's a one off cool y'all can do your thing y'all can go all summer with this [ __ ] cuz we would just if that's the case we were just making fun of of not making fun but we didn't really talk about it of Nicki husband waiting outside for offset [ __ ] wasn't we I didn't think that was cool I wasn't making fun of it that ain't funny to me I was I think was cool we we know how the [ __ ] could turn I didn't think it was cool what do you mean you oh man we can't talk we can't talk yes we know how it could turn and part of it turning that way is my husband outside by the dumpster by the garbage at 3:00 in the morning saying come outside the internet said yo that's some real corny move this [ __ ] look stupid what the [ __ ] is going on you shouldn't do that and they may be right but in what they trying to do when it starts turning that's the type of [ __ ] that starts happening true so why so why would you want that to happen he just want it cuz he L you want n my Dumpsters phone in the morning yeah yeah this the room you in [ __ ] zooming into the room I salute sitting there with this popcorn see see it's different today Bel dunan 94 I was trapped if you never been trapped on a dead end block and had to gun or muscle your way up out of there then shut the [ __ ] up and mind your business with your little internet Shenanigans sometimes [ __ ] [ __ ] happen when somebody's upset no he's right no he's right been to he's right about that fing over her foot this is dro the low culture [ __ ] this [ __ ] different today you [ __ ] is crazy it's young [ __ ] with 100 round clips on them I don't I don't like it but it's a lot of [ __ ] getting hit today when when [ __ ] pull up it ain't just you cuz we M had to switch we not condoning violence a [ __ ] had a switch on a 50 cow the other day and I Shan [ __ ] shooting a gun and he can't control it he like this [ __ ] you talk talk y proving my point that's the guy you should be kind to but if you dissing you shouldn't guy with the switch on the 50 that can't aim here's the part you missing two of them on each side yeah both of them got them [ __ ] now what who don't like yo then we come in here outand then we come here outand yeah y'all get on me for listening to this type of music all the time and them [ __ ] do a good one this [ __ ] can stay rap faking Jack you faking the Jack man the 9s Jersey City ocean rest in peace [ __ ] I come from that [ __ ] just walking up the way they shoot somebody got di rest in peace and but yeah [ __ ] all you [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm tired of this [ __ ] py I'm TI I'm talking about [ __ ] hip hop I'm tired of [ __ ] hip hop hey if the Hip Hop ain't [ __ ] today if you walk in the dog park is a you might get bit [ __ ] it's a reason why [ __ ] out here yelling yo hip hop is most dangerous if you allergic to dogs get out the dog park hey if you in there with your little czy and the big when the big dogs come the mases the Great Danes Rottweilers get your little poodle and get your [ __ ] ass out the dog park pick up your little snacks you throw the sleep yeah oh little T is a bone oh Rex come on Rex [ __ ] it's big dogs around now sh the [ __ ] up keep playing can I take a break all right I got a little excited I got a little excited some some people still still have that passion for rat beef and competitiveness I'm not with none of the oh [ __ ] my you want me to rap I go back to being poor think you be the richest PO he he want me to go back to rap so I can be poor again never [ __ ] never no [ __ ] your doors [ __ ] are you scared scared of what scared to go back and R to be poor again that [ __ ] is petrifying that sh is a nightmare how you equate rap with por this [ __ ] oh you SC only me rap not rap no no talking about when you rap there's 7% of rappers that did it right and figured it out no I'm saying today you wouldn't be a rapper shut up exactly you're just doing that to make yourself just I don't know I got to look within I got to look deep in there you got to get some psycho got you always trying to analiz me you be trying to get to know me better I got to look deep into it why you think I'm afraid you have to be afraid to R you are afraid to rap you are what would be the you made mad excuses you retired you double you talk for a living right so we get up here and we'll diss the [ __ ] out of somebody if they put out some mid you might put out some mid and now you're going to be the subject of everybody else's critique you might put out some [ __ ] do you believe that you don't I no I think you're an Exquisite rapper I'm saying even if I win the studio and came up with a mid you think I would put it out or you think I would let 9 million people hear this first until I get that feeling it's a special feeling you get when something ain't M so the number is 9on get is our views that's that's the number 9 million what happened got it 9 million goad yo and I wouldn't be scared they already said everything bad that you can say about Joe Button rapping that's not true they've said everything bad about me that's not true you don't really get rap critiques [ __ ] be like no he nice he's just a weirdo no they criti him yeah I got he only rap about depressing [ __ ] they don't say he don't do it in a good way I don't give a [ __ ] what they say they just call me a failure yeah and that's an indictment the biggest rapper in the world again yeah the biggest rapper in the world call me a failure and it hurt my feelings he a say You Can't Rap he won't say that I bet bet this video of him praising you about being a great rapper take that while you making your little drink next billion I kick that [ __ ] little hooka drink out your [ __ ] hand say I can't all right it's time for my favorite part of the show prize now we got a few winners here even though Cory ain't picked that money up yet did he reallyy Cory a picked that money up all right prize p is the biggest largest daily fantasy sports app in all of the land there's only a few games left so this is a lick for how many more weeks we got this week then we got a little by we with the Super Bowl stuff and then we got the Super Bowl what we play NBA basball I'm killing them every night [ __ ] I don't know what you talk I mean I mean for football I mean for football it's only a few weeks left and they started doing they uh they doing demon they doing demon on Basketball picks they put demons in goblins in basketball I'm running from it though so this is really easy really simple to play some of us have won some of us have lost uh all you have to do is select two or more players look at their projected statline and pick more or less and don't forget to go to jbp and use the code jbp for first deposit match of up to $100 they will match your money up to $100 so my jbp prize picks of the week my genius or not so genius picks of the week I am going Justin Tucker kicker for more than 1.5 field goals okay let's go one I am going Travis Kelce I thought this was a gimme tight end for the Chiefs for more than 62.5 yards they got good linebackers over there we'll see the Chiefs don't stand a chance if Travis Kelce does not get more than 62.5 yards oh I don't care what rashed rice is doing rash I don't care what he put with his rice R yeah I don't know what he doing with his right and my man Jared G not a game manager I have him for less than 27.5 yards only because Detroit loves to run the ball and Gibbs is not playing with nobody so yeah okay those are my picks don't forget to use the code jbp again really simple really easy and exciting game to play and if you pick the demon time uh the demon time joints which the stats are a little harder to achieve but you went up to 100 100 times your money so good luck to you gentlemen out there and ladies playing and use code jbp that's that on that that is that on and I'm still rooting for the [ __ ] ball let's go Detroit Baltimore I want to see [ __ ] uh now back to rat beefs back to rat beef uh we are off of Nikki versus Meg we have a new entry in the girly rap beef we have lotto versus Ice spice okay I heard a ice spice song that said that you're not the [ __ ] you're not a fart and I laughed a lot to myself I did not pick up on any subliminal disses wait well that's what I'm here for Parks okay you're not the [ __ ] you're you're a fart you're I think it was you're not even a fart I like ice spice I know I like ice I like iceice but wait who she supposed to be going against Lot said somebody on the floor She all on the floor tell her get up she she better pick all that up and leave leave her alone leave lot alone absolutely very much son very much your mic your and leave leave all leave L don't play the lottery I mean don't even don't even wear no lotos nothing they don't even know that's a sneaker we old yo out of here yo joe stop she all on the floor [ __ ] get her we're on the podcast somebody somebody ask take bro lot lyrically goes why you telling me I love lot friend of the show she came up here I [ __ ] with lot me too well ice B shouldn't [ __ ] with lot that's what I'm saying yeah there you go you should leave that one you know some things you just leave it alone you got get a little icier I just went on my whole rent about loving the girl beef so I can't now turn around and say I don't like it so keep going I told you I like the girl be when they both can rap and they do that one Can't Rap wait you don't think ice spice can rap that's not to the lik a lot ice spice rap better than half to sleep would you play so what what that got to do with anything get up she all in the to her get up I like that that's a very you a bird you would like that and you go to the strip club so I know when that come on in the strip club that little beat be bong and they be bouncing to the beach you be just sitting there like get up it's a very it's a very Bronx way to dis a girl like ice spice has ice spice is like Parks like she just has great quick little oneliner Jabs that are amazing your ass why is that [ __ ] on the floor don't call me ice spice Park spice par spice Park spice oh man Al yeah what you going to do when somebody you only got a jab and they got everything in their repertoire nothing well I don't think ice bit and we don't not spending time with this but I don't think she loses to Lotto strictly on the rap front I think Lotto has bigger budgets more relationships Mariah carry on the remix label support all of the reasons why you shouldn't dis is doing [ __ ] with the dunin donuts commercials with Ben she got a Super Bowl commercial I spice got a Super Bowl commercial com so I mean like we got a spice no I'm just saying y'all said you said you you won't see her losing to nobody with a bigger marketing budget and all that [ __ ] she don't need none of that that's the part she don't need lot can just rap and IND I spice all right she can wap out do you think that L can just rap and end Nicki no no what you talking about no okay just check oh I signning Nikki too right so now we got a little I don't know that we got a little tag team match thought she was signed I thought she was I don't know that but leave lot alone ice spice leave ice spice listen we we love you come back to the Bronx you cool but on the floor tell that stupid [ __ ] to get up I [ __ ] with ice SP though so you 10K is Nikki right no no 10K is lucian's son H okay my bad okay what what was no nothing I I was just I was it was hinging on what park said and then so because lot's song was uh put it on the floor yeah so I spice is saying we get the this oh you didn't get that like why she such ill Lyricist I didn't being sarcas are theying bro I didn't even pee that are you being sarcastic they reaching bro she not this she not this I think that's one of them simple fly lines I like that lie she on the floor her why would they be beefing though they're not beefing why is she on the floor B girls hate on girls the dumbest things why you said you can see why why yeah because ice Bice is down with Nikki mhm and Lotto is not that was what I was kind of he said he don't see why they couldn't be beefing why they beefing I don't know why they beef I didn't even know they had beef [ __ ] you doing commercial you my man's Ops you my Ops you come from that I'm just glad there's a song called Fart In The Market Place personally from a girl that [ __ ] is hard uh what do y'all think about Eminem dissing Ben Zeno now I feel like we back in 03 yeah word I to ask you what year was this was it was it dope uh he rhymed uh animal control with Sandra Bullock's nose what M loves rapping so much yo nobody else is going to rhyme Sandra Bullock's nose with animal control they're not em when it's up I up but when it's down I'm just saying that he holds on to beefs and grudges I say why is it years yeah did something happen this is from 1998 he is still going why Sandra bu no I'm trying I'm trying to find it you don't even have to it's okay we don't I got it that's I wish you wasn't scared of him you just him up but all right I got it oh you trying to provoke me you trying to provoke I wish you I mean you think I was scared at any raer in the world he was about to me send the he was about to he got nice CH got nice no he no he he he was he was right there I wasn't speaking to him at the time he don't oh [ __ ] he put that out and he was and at the very tail end he said all you know let me chill yeah yeah and I respect [Laughter] it I like it I'm not mad at it f not mad it's F I like it no you just told me that part but listening to I'm not mad at this I'm not mad at this I like it I like it I mean aside from the old references which are always a little bit off P putting forever came out what 09 2010 the Zeno beef is maybe maybe punching down his back did it ever go anywhere I was going to say maybe it's not considered punching down in this day and age Eminem has been punching wherever he feels like punching for 20 something years depends punching down act like whereever he want yeah he stretches his arm out he punch everywhere Luffy does has been punching wherever he wants to punch go M break it down y [ __ ] is crazy son that [ __ ] I I think it's you know I think it's cool I think it's dope I like it what do you mean I'm crazy I like it I ain't mad at it I'm with anybody dissing benino yo see look open I am that [ __ ] is is y'all see him coming out the pool like on some bodybuilder [ __ ] with the water glitzing off his about trying to be like a seal or some [ __ ] that's let that [ __ ] work out that's n old niggaas shouldn't do that he do too much [ __ ] that old [ __ ] shouldn't do and I know he tried to bag that transgender I don't care what that [ __ ] said okay come on Joe I know he did why you had to go there it's been there and I do this for a living I've avoided that for Mad years and you want to shoot now because he said that [ __ ] about you that you and then you shot at them like should have played nice now I shoot for the rest of my [ __ ] life [ __ ] Let It Go I don't let it go [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here now me and em on the same side look what you did look what you did Beno and I don't even have no problem with Beno but Benzino do make looking 50 corny he make 50 look bad now for real thank God for is I hate when fat [ __ ] speak on [ __ ] that work out he's stupid that [ __ ] work out in peace man he got the surgery too he got the scars me was talking about oh no he don't yo got a fatty too come on man what wrong with you yo listen I like the beef in and Hip Hop I'm off of it shout out to M sh out to I like the beef and Hip Hop as long as [ __ ] sound good as long as [ __ ] is rapping which that M record didn't sound bad I've heard some M records that sounded bad to me I'm not mad at this I don't think he need to be doing that with the Lions game coming up like why he ain't playing what you talking about like he need to be in the gym watching film they had the camera on him like he was playing it work hey [ __ ] don't pop out a lot you got great whites yo all right what else is going on what else is going on you think you the [ __ ] you not even a fart she all on the floor to her G look at that [ __ ] on the floor she there just Dan get up lot she even doing nothing she can't even twerk look [ __ ] I love girl beef girl beef is over nothing look at her just there existence she Swit she look [Music] good get off the floor [ __ ] I'm dragging it come on all right did did y'all see um Dre and overalls oh oh okay no go ahead we can go there uh did y'all see Dre and overalls at the Rockets game with all of the fans speculating that she may be pregnant from a 21y old jayen green who's the same age as Dre's oldest son did see that I did see that Mel Mel is what was the question you asked earlier I don't remember Big M yes you actually the floor is yours we a going to say go ahead man M it asked earlier is that considered Gro oh my God you are an ear Hustler no I'm just saying we was right here why you been insult to me lately I'm not you called yourself an ear Hustler I'm going let slide because we got a broadcast but is asked a question he all on that chair tell him get down he not even a fart heyo hold on y'all jumping me cuz I I got change I got turn this [ __ ] up differently can we get to the get to it come on Mel do you all think it's grooming Mel yes please don't do that right now okay don't ask us any we H this is why you're hired so we could shut up during topics like this the floor is yours to say anything that you think needs to be said on a platform this large about a matter this large is it okay um it's speculation right now she was wearing overalls everybody's in a tizzy we don't know anything tizy yeah I mean no this is a tizzy okay this is tizzy everyone's talking about it and whatnot um what do you think about all of it [ __ ] everyone's talking about it sh [ __ ] we here this Prime Time lights is on Bright Lights playoff time everyone's talking everyone is it groing we're specul how much what's his contract oh I'm asking he's going to be in a few years he'll be making 300 million okay he he's going to max out he's going to be one of the max guys okay and so in no way shape or form do you guys think that he has any choice in who he dates who he [ __ ] who he has babies with yes we do now what do you think about everything okay well then that's that's really it this is a this is a man making a choice to be with the woman he wants to be with we're not talking about his choices as a 21y old whose brain is not fully developed we're talking about Drea in her 40s having a baby by the young man whose brain is not developed do you have a unique take on this or do you just want to meander cuz if that's the case then I'll act like a woman and start talking this ISE time I'mma come help you [ __ ] talk about look at that [ __ ] yeah come on Mel come on we don't have time for the meand come on give it to us tell the truth for a change speak from your heart for once in your life tell us speak up you don't have to always try to gain woman audience what so what what do you want me to speak from like my opinion I of what I I'm going ask you a question how I want you to speak from if your son was 21 years old and a woman your age was dating your son and got pregnant by your soon to be super wealthy son what would your responsibility now that is a good way to pose a [ __ ] question because literally just leaving it open whatever he posed it I as his mother hell no [ __ ] no why is that why because it looks smells like a duck no no I'm not I'm not trusting the situation I'm not trusting her intentions I'm not okay I'm Absol I'm absolutely going to want to guard my protect my son from him [ __ ] from his from himself got it that's what I'm going to try to do as his mother but am I going to be successful he's a grown ass man he could do whatever he [ __ ] wants and he's going to do whatever he wants I can't control him but I'm not going to like it if I'm his mother so due to the fact that we speak on when men do it we consider it grooming now that's now that is in the RSE and also let's have this talk without her cuz she about to piss me off but I'll also say that I don't like the term grooming being thrown around so often really yeah when when did you say that huh when did you come up with I I'm just I'm saying it now yo let's have this talk without her please gentlemen what the [ __ ] wait am I in the Twilight Zone she said she don't like to use the word grooming go ahead no it's not that I don't like the way that it gets thrown around and applied to just it's like overused the term is overused and when the term gets [ __ ] overused and bastardized it loses its meaning that's what I mean are you are you crazy like are you okay right now I'm fine what the [ __ ] are you talking about he asked me about grooming okay go come on gentlemen what do y'all think about Drea have potentially having a baby by 21 by a [ __ ] the same age as her son to The Gallows for starter we I mean is she a predator we're assuming that she is pregnant we don't know so yeah disp she looks pregnant we've been watching Drea for over want to say we love that [ __ ] is crazy she looks nuts she looks absolutely nuts let's be real I just I there's nothing to say can I can I say something I just don't understand how everybody Go mute when when a situation let say something Mar we was talking about Marcus H and his young wife if you could go back to that and and you said something pertaining to grooming you use that word pertaining to Marcus Houston and his wife so use bastard all this [ __ ] and you said that was grooming and I gave you push back you like no flip that is grooming so now we're we're asking in Reverse of this older woman with a 21 year old man and you're not giving us a response you're not keeping the same energy I was no I was just used I was just specifically talking about the the term grooming and how it does get overused that's what we do it's like a term gets thrown into the public lexicon and then everybody starts to use it and misapply it you know clout was one of those words that people got a hold of and they y please please don't say nothing to her for the remainder of this cuz she's driving me up a [ __ ] wall with this [ __ ] why oh she's asking better talk massagist is one of those words because anytime that somebody um say something that or points out something that is going to hold a woman accountable the first thing they say is he a misogynist the definition of misogynist is somebody that hates women so I could point out some [ __ ] that a woman is doing and not hate women agreed the term misogyny gets thrown around way too often can we get it back to thiso please like thank you what well you are correct grooming is a word that's thrown around we not talking we talking about this specific situation right here where Dre looks nuts 21y old that might have had your poster on his wall his entire High School career very rich he he might have had your your high school poster I mean your poster on his wall in high school he knows who you are he prob is looking like the dandada to his friends and you know that and he's your son's age and you are potentially having a sexual relationship with somebody and as a woman you can't give a real opinion about a 40-year-old woman having a kid that's the with with somebody the same age is they kid okay yes I agree with you it looks [ __ ] crazy if in fact she is because we're speculating specul but if it is a fact it it looks crazy it looks crazy especially the fact that she already has a kid that's like 20 21 years old that looks nuts it does it does and to your other point off mic she's Drea so when I bought up the Leon Leonardo DiCaprio thing your response was cuz you done R it already your response was yo he's Leonardo DiCaprio he's [ __ ] gorgeous he could get whomever he wants and now we going to use the same exact metric and say that Drea is Drea and she's gorgeous and she's stamped she can get a [ __ ] that's not 21 years old so is is is is The Grooming and and I'm sorry flip and we assume Drea to have her own bag true MH so so what's the intention behind dating a 21in a $300 million bag ballon in a bag different types of bag but according to Mel with the Leonardo DiCaprio uh statement is the to me it sound like grooming is is uh what I'm trying to use it sound like if you look good and you fly or you have money then grooming is okay no that's not what I said you didn't say you didn't say that the women think that being a predator is okay when the nigga's in the league no no when the woman is the predator and the man is the pre and when it's a flip situation and when [ __ ] and a man is hunting then it's disgusting then it's disgusting yep yeah they got a list going around I'm not even on that whole list because do what you want like they got Tay up there they got Tay up there with Stefon digs they have Bernice up there with Jaylen Brown Bice is 43 he's 27 like they have they have a list going around but Drea is the one that pops out right she's the first one on the list you [ __ ] you [ __ ] a 21y old and cool if you want to [ __ ] a 21 year old cool but now you got a baby by a 21 year old you are a predator and I said this last year yo is mad of there a lot of women in their 40s I can't believe that you won't speak to this she don't think it's Predator no she pandering cuz she don't want to alienate herself from a woman audience the same way that women do on these platforms and that's the problem with women on these platforms when we need y'all to really kick it about women y'all do this thinking y'all trying to be Kumbaya with women this is nuts that whole circle that is predatory and targeting these young kids in college high school y'all y'all acting like Nike no [ __ ] when I went to the yo this is true story my my nephew was still in college and we went to the Cleveland game right so we had the Cleveland game yo grown woman was coming up him asking him take pictures and I'm like how the [ __ ] they know like fam we remember how it used to be at the the the draft and the Draft parties and all that shitties all star Super Bowl but yeah but now but now that I mean that's cool but now the 40 and ups and how they moving out here crazy they moving calculated they moving with a purpose the same way they've been moving for the last 20 they scouting just like the team just Scout we we as men we as men we like [ __ ] women so we don't see it as a problem but Society because Society is so hard on men when they do it the same energy should be kept when women do it yeah that's it if I was having a baby with a 21y old there would be a lot to be said we hanging we hanging You by Yeah by your draws and my son is 22 that's true yeah like come on get these arrest These Hoes but we only but Joe we only saying that and I love Dre Dre is my girl we only saying that you erased your whole whole facts for this you wiped the Slate clean she you wasn't a ho no I believed in that she just put white out on it I believe in a little white out I believe I whed out some of them [ __ ] off my little jacket get off get off but white out you can I will I will give you I W I will agree with what you just said where as a female media personality or podcaster it is it is it is a little bit more difficult to openly judge other women and their actions it just is because it feels like that there's more of a repercussion for doing so there's a buzz word that they say about men doing that but I can't remember what it is now but there is a buzz worth for that it's just it's kind of unfair it's unfair but you know you but if I'm in my circle of girlfriends we're all looking at that [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy we're just we are and we're and we're judging the [ __ ] out of it we're judging the [ __ ] out of women who seem to look for a certain caliber of man and only that caliber of man because she wants she wants a certain lifestyle and that's it let let me ask you a question in your in your circle of friends would y all just if yall are talking amongst yourselves call that grooming even with please let her answer it's a possibility yeah got you it's a possibility that would that that that it would be that it would be a word that would be brought up and and considered considered so even with the Shar situation even with the share and the young guy right oh yeah the energy wasn't kept but we like I said and I'm going to just wrap this up as men we don't see that yo he came up [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] that old woman and and turn her life turn her life around [ __ ] and give everybody the bread you can get from her that's how we look at it I don't look at it like that no I looked at it like that you know why a lot of people look at it another way societ Society has made things so dark and make you know make things so like you have to be careful that it's not they they're very hypocritical when it comes to men and women and that's unfair and we have to put a stop to it we have to use our platform to put a stop and highlight these predatory behaviors cuz if it was a man there we' be [ __ ] hanging him by his [ __ ] draws 42 Street real quick I'm going to tell you the difference a lot of times like even in a Shar situation with a lot of the dude situation the older person is the one that's up up up that's true I was going to say that usually usually the one the older person is the one who has like the the finances to dictate the the D the you know the dynamic between the two you know what I'm saying so I disagree excuse me I agree with you that is the typical thing my thing is the person that's the more mentally Advanced person is the person that's capable of grooming somebody I agree with that the person that is mentally more mature and mentally more um able to spar come on dog I ain't trying to be funny what happens if I'm single and I get on the phone with a 23 year old girl done and get in my phone bag and now I could pull up with a nice car or now I could take you to a real restaurant like come on it's cheating it's a che c yeah it's manipulative it's cheat Cod so now she's showing him no baby don't buy those bodies he like oh okay yo don't get that I'm going to take you to a real Jeweler yo I'mma show you a real vacation spot not that [ __ ] you see on the gram Dre has been out in the game for 20 years I guess I guess I guess the I guess hold on just let me say this I think that the one when we're going to take this particular circumstance when we look at him and we look at Jaylen yes when we look at Jaylen we look at what he has access to in this particular life like the the amount of people that are around him to cover him you know to occupy his time and and that sort of thing so it's difficult to kind of think to yourself like how much influence can she actually have wait wait no y'all don't do it it's a I'm just I'm just asking I'm just asking question what people he's a he's a kid pardon me I don't he's a man a young man and and I don't know a lot about him but he from Atlanta I think he from the Georgia metropolitan area I think so even in that what people do he have around him to insulate him from a beautiful woman that's been around the world that's experienced mad [ __ ] when he might be coming from humble beginnings himself not just that bro [ __ ] make [ __ ] do all kind of [ __ ] we just seen Gypsy Rose have a [ __ ] kill a [ __ ] for her that is fact so you can have whoever you want to protect you from it when you get that that one with the we seen we seen coach Prime invite Britney rener to the school to say hey talk to my guys yeah come on she denied that that was why she went there but uh that's just an aside she denied that that was what the conversation they had she don't have a say in why Deion Sanders is inviting her she don't her thought process don't matter in that even if he he might have even he might even framed it a different way and had her come near for the specific reason of y'all what is she was at the Kentucky games dog when these [ __ ] was in college and past that it's too many horror stories of athletes losing everything that they ever had because they're not insulated because there are no barriers because there's nobody and as far as socially I don't want to do this thing where we take 20 minutes to explain something to you that is like right obvious right there because you do this op two [ __ ] a lot and not now with this girl I said and this is my home home girl M but enough enough enough you [ __ ] is Predators that's just it that's it there no talk around that's it and we know what you're doing and it looks especially nasty right because Drea has been around the block she done dated all the rich [ __ ] you had your pick of Rich [ __ ] and you chose the the kid well well get Drea the [ __ ] out of here man and I love you Drea but boo [ __ ] if this is true we were just saying this about johnar as far as the guidance around we see with athletes on a almost daily Bas exactly nobody get and I literally just asked the question because I'm not familiar with him so I was so it was a question that I was legit asking but that doesn't excuse the decision that was made by the person who's older in this Dynamic and her and it looks it looks predatory okay ain't no other word for it bro predatory and you're right about the double standard thank you absolutely hey yo is earlier babies be a business board I ish okay you you argue with me about this I could never argue with you about that I stand on that babies are business I said the baby was the end goal you like no it's not they don't want to have it was certain you said do that a lot no you did that was in that conversation I said Zion there are people where the baby is a business I believe that I would never argue I think you get a 20e stiping once you get pregnant from a [ __ ] that's going to max out what bro he's going to be one of them he's a monster he's amazing he's an incredible Talent he's going to be a max player so now you got a $300 million bag we not counting endorsements we not counting commercials we not counting all that other stuff I see all of these young NBA players as being being billionaires God forbid any injuries wasn't he just humping on his teammate yeah [ __ ] did you your dumb Predator ass might be a beard oh might be a [ __ ] beard with your Doo ass don't please please miss Mama the rumor now you talk girl I'm done with you on this topic when we I'm finished with her you TI for real why it's not important got you okay it's not important you had a question disagreed with you I wanted it to tell you you tell you telling the story I let y finish y stepping on my [ __ ] yeah she trying to [ __ ] go ahead [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] keep going what what you saying fam he was telling us a story off camera about your man I'm saying who popped the girl oh y'all stupid yo so my man um sent me a message he sent me a whole actually conversation with a girl a girl that he had mess with in the back in the day and he popped and so the funny part was he was flirting with the girl and he said something about you know linking up and she was like what that bag about to be like and he was like what so he's like yo I'm just entertaining and playing and he asked her what's up I got it what's up and she told him she wanted 300 for him to pop and he asked me what I thought about it $300 yeah like hey what's your Z what's your cash app did he say did he say fire that ain't going to cover the Ubers I ain't even wasting a cash app I'm ATM in Bodega for that I got to get get the money from somewhere dir I paid a499 had that in a couple I might have that in the 300 yo y'all serious I I if I was him I would have got mad I'm like yo I'm tight tight about what he was contemplating it I said I'm tight what is he tight about why what would I be tied about if I popped you before I'm not giving you no money for no sex [ __ ] you popped you might have popped how many years ago $300 ain't no money for sex if she say 300 [ __ ] you ain't even selling it if you say 300 I'mma think that's the starting number and we can negotiate I can get that down to $27 you said I'm looking at a job opping I'm talking about if B it down to $27 I feel like I cannot pay you patch you on the ass like it was a good play and you'll be fine yo so talking about if somebody offer a money [ __ ] negotiate the price everything's negotiable in life what price do you not negotiate somebody else box life is about negotiation [ __ ] you talking so whatever the price is no negotiation you're just going to go with don't so it's an education for me like yo somebody say a thousand you be like yo I got 750 in a bag of weed what are we talking about what they do a bag of chips Honey Buns I got star for you now lers yo you want something so no I bought the question into the Pod to be like yo should he f type of way yo that's one of the that's one of the things that I'm so grateful about like having having done well at work like them girls we youed to have fun with that's like that that price like you work hard to [ __ ] escorts that charge more than $300 it's my man you my man bro like when you [ __ ] the $300 [ __ ] and then you see it's like when you in the chry L the Phantom pull up and then you see the $2500 [ __ ] it's like y'all was telling me about first class exactly once you get the $2,500 [ __ ] you can't go back and it's no I'm not tight that she's charging me I'm tight that my old Works only worth $300 for the box or wait wait wait what have you done with yourself since we or y'all could be looking at it wrong she giving you the discount cuz you the old work exactly the discount is pro bono that's what I'm saying Pro jono there no girl that I ever pop that could come back and hit me for some bread maybe your your man ain't he might Ain put it in might no you just get man go in your little go in your little ankle pocket and pull that money out crazy as a bag of dop if I gave it yo that's Fu right so now she like yo this this got to be worth my time and for 300 you give her wrinkle bills [ __ ] give her a crumble give her a crumble one I give all quarters in there somewhere Scotch tape on it holding it together yeah 300 I might still got some of uh Grandma's rolled up pennies back here somewhere these kids don't know what it's like for Grandma to tell you they have to stuff that Penny roller M oh man hey take this 10,000 pennies and and they got the big water jug [ __ ] yeah hey roll these up Grandma you try to go outside boy after you stuff the pennies throw the pennies in that thing shut your your ass days close the frider two days oh I miss my grand hey I have a I have a question for y'all what's up what's up um I've been thinking about this I asked this on Twitter so if you live with your lady right it's a recycle concert no it's not recycle no actually cuz cuz I want to know you know if you live with your lady and your mother walks in right in the house and your lady does not say hi right what kind of he is my woman listen listen what I'm saying no listen what I'm saying and your lady doesn't say hi are you mad at your mother if your lady doesn't say hi first are you mad at your mother for walking in the house and not saying hi or are you mad at your lady who would you consider wrong both of them why are they so so it's even with you it's a custom customarily the person entering is the to speak I think that you should say hello to my mother my mother walks in if you see my mother say hello that's how I feel you see my moms you say hello to my moms I agree yeah that's how I feel that's my take yeah I just think y'all should speak yeah un but no it don't matter who say what first both y'all ain't going to sit here and see each other and nobody said a word but it happens like that as a matter of etiquette they say as far as proper etiquette whomever is entering the home should speak first that's so if moms is walking in to show these CU y live together she should she should speak the show so Mom should speak first it depend on who walk in it don't matter like what the title is Mom Mom Mom's going to walk in cuz you got a key yeah it's Mom's how do you how do you say hi to the old work when you was your lady H simple just H what's up nothing nothing extra crazy yeah if you do the oh what's up they gonna catch you right but yeah so then your girl asks who's that somebody else to deal with but see my girl will ask me if I pop she'll be like you hit it and she don't know about the thousand and I'll be like yeah what number you think that's my final question and we moving on we never had that conversation you just s my girl ask me if I had sex with a girl she won't ask me yo how many girls you ever had sex with in your life let's ask him next part after she watched this good idea table that uh y'all want to talk about some sex Ricos yes or no flip take it away Vince McMahon man uh brought a whole new meeting to Raw Vince oh Lord way to go he waiting for that one way to go buddy he had that one v m man has now been charged you know uh sexual Federal sex trafficking charges um an ex employee that worked there in 2002 said that Vince McMahon was basically offering her up to different wrestlers and staff in the WWE um I saw the text messages I saw his you know I I'm in the middle with this and um I I want to ask you guys your opinions on it so V man has been chared in the Middle with sex trafficking no no no no meaning like by reading what you mean by that reading the text reading her response set in position to win yeah I got to start keeping my text myself look look at all right you need to set your brother up for be in a position to win no I set him up to steal my good takee now he on the fence the [ __ ] out of here wait what you on the fence with I've been on what you on the fence with I've been on the fence for I haven't said I'm on the fence so what do you how you feel about it I don't know yet it's my first time in the store so how did I get your take [ __ ] well tell me what was said in the messages lot of holes there's a lot of holes was telling her what he wants to see with black [ __ ] he wants to see uh come coming out of her nose and everywhere come all over her body she was replying and um what was her replies all right all right enough of y'all Vince says let's hear the Vince voice following the threesome on May 11 2020 McMahon sent an explicit message to Miss Grant that further detailed his fantasies of seeing her engaged in sexual relations quote I love it I knew he was do that's you Janelle you just can't get enough can you and the future is going to be so bad that you demand to be [ __ ] twice a day and not just with this is blinked out in a three-way why not let others see the beautiful volumptuous body and watch you shake uncontrollably when you come they'll go out of their minds that's grooming then find you more friends and we'll tie you up so you're helpless I'll direct them to have their way any way they want who can make you scream the loudest maybe I'll just line them up and have them squirt in your mouth your [ __ ] all over your tits and ass all at the same time you'll be covered and come and we'll make you eat it all and taste everybody's come the next morning you'll be a little sore but you're still going to want more after all that [ __ ] wait hold up all right that's where that I don't want to bill you I don't want noit like I'm good uh after thre began but I'll just keep reading messages re your last picture you need your panties ripped off and three big black dicks and all three holes at the same time yo why guys love seeing big black dick in action they do and puff yo all right way up your [ __ ] and way up your ass as far as they will go but even farther farther than they'll go and the thickest [ __ ] goes down your throat so it makes you gag and compulse as those big black [ __ ] pound away and feel from the start like you're being assaulted uh like you're being assaulted damn how you going to use proper addiction when you talking nasty but it's made you come nonstop just one continuous constant orgasm and just before you pass out those big black [ __ ] squirt their loads of [ __ ] inside you as you lay on your stomach the [ __ ] is coming out of all of your holes I'll turn you over and jack off all over you he sounded like he needed to go jerk off somewhere then he went to a function and said this I just passed my phone around to a bunch of guys on the tech crew they were screaming OMG she is [ __ ] beautiful look at that ass I'd like to get that I paused to count out loud how many guys there were 12 I then said okay there's 12 of you and she would love to [ __ ] each and every one of you at the same time uh where am I Ed I got lost that's how his man this is freaky I'mma take his headphones off let me see everyone time the guy is cheered but she will only do it if she takes three at a time that brought a huge reaction she wants one deep in her ass one way down in her throat and one in her [ __ ] and you can pound her and keep on pounding until you pop a load she may scream and try to say no although it would be difficult to say anything with a huge [ __ ] down her throat yo that nigga's a writer they laugh I then said I then said listen no lab oh no I then said listen no matter what just pound away until you squirt baby these guys were having a blast with me some of them didn't believe me so I said you were the greatest [ __ ] in the world and no matter how much you get you always want wanted more and then I said she loves [ __ ] baby these texts as we call them were having a time of their lives Ling to my truthful story I then said you would take a 10-minute break between each [ __ ] but then you would get back on your hands and knees with your ass tooted in the air and say okay I'm ready who's next LOL got to throw the LOL on there got to throw the L his usage of L yeah you got I drove them wild baby or I should say you drove them wild I just imagined if this really happened baby how much come you would have coming out of all of your holes and lastly on February 15 2021 McMahon blah blah blah blah blah McMahon exactly baby he's not the only one redacted called me this afternoon begging to eat you and [ __ ] you with his nice and hard [ __ ] yo so which she replied this is her only reply in the messages give me another week baby and I'll be ready I'm feeling more like myself it's not great but it's getting better tell him soon then he said I already told him baby by the way Johnny wants Tuesdays but not this coming one he's busy and the occasional Saturday but maybe I can shift it to Thursday nights Johnny would like all of the above the end all right that was a dramatic by but a shower I need a shower that she needs a shower it sounds like Christ oh you feeling high no no keep going no that was it okay that was it um uh expert panel man what's the question she's she's Char um she's accusing him of sex trafficking and flip you said they went to court or something like that right well they had settled before outside the court with the NDA and he was supposed to pay her 3 million after he paid her a million he went ghost ah [ __ ] up he didn't pay [ __ ] up you got to pay that money Johnny and them got to give you 100 band a piece to send three mil you got to send three Mill yes you can't send one mill talk about I owe you cuz y'all fly no I need my three or I'm bringing the sex Rico out and she know you got it we all know got just chose up the Senate and to drop this right after the Netflix deal I mean I don't know what relation Vince still has TKO already came out and put out a statement saying that TKO was a parent company of WWE and UFC they stated that that's the rock right no it's not the rock say they stated that Vince McMahon does not make any decisions with WWE you know what I mean or anything he doesn't make any decisions he's not he has no uh hand in the operation of w St price drop [ __ ] no sir yeah so here's how I feel real quick and and I look it sounds crazy the guy's got a flare for Dramatics and and yeah I mean knowing watching his work over the years you could tell he's very creative so that was very dramatic but here's the thing she responded that text seemed that she was with it they had a thing going on and I feel like his comfort they were comtable with each other where he can talk to her like that um I feel like it was their thing you know what I mean and everybody's Well everybody's thing I feel like you know she was complicit with it everybody that was involved in like the 12 guys the people that's into this it sound like I just heard at least 15 [ __ ] in that yes about about 4 at least but it sound like this was their type of party uh but you again work rules work rules if if you work together she said that said the Reon she said that the reason why she did it was because she was promised jobs and more money that's why she did it that was her reason that put you on the hook right there gang bang the assistance man see how fly it is when shorty is just honest yo he promised me some [ __ ] I didn't get it so now it's up true but pretty direct yeah but she might have fail the I think that I forget it she ain't $300 that all 3 million yeah work she probably was getting 100 grand we have to [ __ ] cuz you got to think his Circle his Social Circle is probably all [ __ ] that's up up yes except the text not even coun the text they I mean okay but not up up that could be just a nickname I'm calling these [ __ ] the text that's what he said he's like he said we'll call them the text yeah that don't mean it was really text that could be D got it could be a whole bunch of CEO [ __ ] of tech companies this what all y'all girls was going to Dubai and doing for a lot less yeah right and he didn't mention dookie so I mean that's true 3,000 12,000 y getting [ __ ] on and all that we know about that yeah but it just sound like they was in the some real other [ __ ] you remember hold on real quick you remember you remember that wave Joe when all the fly some of the bottle girls I mean not calling no names was going to Dubai you remember that whole wave Rec wave [ __ ] still waving yeah they still still goingo cuz the guys the camels got hands in Dubai oh [ __ ] the take pictures in Dubai see none of the [ __ ] they in Ghana now yo they moved to Ghana and Kenya What we what we heard is I the J what we heard is that the guy the guys over there they they got off they got off on humiliating the girls in America like all the girls we thought was fly that was they thing of humiliating them so that you know but I remember that way I didn't know that [ __ ] still going on I thought you know once the emails came out once we found out the [ __ ] that was doing it I thought it stopped [ __ ] the money ain't Stop Money Ain't stopped and everybody a get it done they they still doing that for real yes so crazy I think if you into this type of [ __ ] then you have to send the money I agree you have you have to send money you got to pay us and not for nothing F shorty is she part of the team she is she part of the team and if she if she operating and you know what I mean that that's the homie then the Homie don't scrun your face up an issue you wouldn't even talk on woman matters get out of here we want what's your opinion I'm not I'm not scrunching my face up not even a little bit she sounds like she is completely complicit down with the [ __ ] [ __ ] and this was very this was very transactional for her that's what it sounds like to me pay me not pay me you got to pay listen so we agreed on3 million you shorted me $2 million that's where the problem come in got to pay I just think that it's bad when you start saying he sex trafficked me if you were down with the TR the part I don't understand I don't get that yes you do bringing the bringing the light to it no no exactly that's the only way you get money yeah you get money was about the money talking over each other you didn't pay me the money you supposed to pay me and now I don't went and got with a a lawyer or something who told me legal terms that could make make it be worth more yes I'm going to attach sex trafficking to it all that mean is that you took we went from this state to this state you could have brought her from New York to New Jersey sex trafficking but now when he pull out the pictures and [ __ ] and and show how complicit she was in the vide tapes you think she going to get the other two I think the Damage Done he going to pay the two I think they're going to have to find a way to to to distinguish sex trafficking like real sex trafficking from voluntary sex traff in some of these days voluntary escorting yes regardless but when you calling a lawyer the lawyer is telling you the lawyer's job is to go if you go from one state to another state with the intention of some sex [ __ ] going on you were sex traffic you were sex traffick I want to tell Lisa Bloom and them that some of these chicks are sex trafficking themselves yes some of them are in the business of sex trafficking themselves that's that's not that's not true cuz I'm looking at the definition of sex trafficking it's when the [ __ ] brings you no it says the action of practice or illegally transporting people from one country or area to another for the purpose of sexual exploitation if shorty got in the car we going from if homeboy got in the car and she drove and met him or they went wherever to get [ __ ] that's not him trafficing her why not it is it is because there's something illegal and there's money invol A to B but but I think that the key word in in the definition he gave is exploitation yo what are y'all talking about yeah this is exploitation says whom says this story that's not true if shorty changes her mind then it's exploitation what are you talking about you have 15 [ __ ] [ __ ] me and I came out my ears I had come coming out my ears in every hole in my body and I got paid for this and I work for you and your Vince McMahon send my two [ __ ] exploitation the act or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work she was exploited she was exploited he benefited I look good to my [ __ ] paid or whatever they did whatever whatever the negotiation was and it flip that you can flip that to be exploitation easy and it ain't really nothing he could say even though it sound like you can flip a lot of sh dog this is sex why you pay so it don't get flipped we don't have to argue to some it ain't us coming up with the [ __ ] it ain't us coming up with the words I think it's all nasty I think that um if it sound like she looking it sound like she is trying to schedule the next sex traffic yeah he giving her yo gave option this all right cool I'm still healing up and reading these texts I ain't going to lie to you so let me ask you but let me say let me say this [ __ ] first re in reading these texts before I got to her text it it didn't feel like and again I'm I'm in the the kinky Community now mhm that's not for everybody a lot of listeners are vanilla but the [ __ ] that's into this type of play this is what was going on my first time in the sex club my first few times in the sex club you see the girl she's in getting [ __ ] everywhere 10 people come everywhere but reading this it didn't you not a you not even you assume somebody's not sending these types of texts if forcible acts are going on and that's my point so now when you start saying it's exploitation if the woman is enjoying it is it exploitation at that point if I came back and said nah [ __ ] that was wrong pay up if you didn't pay it's going to turn into no yeah yeah no see we we we talking about two different things I said she should get paid I think he's corny if they had a $3 million agreement and he shorted her on $2 million he deserved to get his ass hung out to drive I'm saying that it's not exploit by Def if I'm enjoying nigas running a train on me but if you don't pay mutually I didn't enjoy I I I took the train for this reason I took it for this money I didn't get my money so now I don't I didn't enjoy that we saying the same thing we have to dance chick are manipulate if you if you if you have me work 16 hour days and I get paid for the 16 hour days are you exploiting me uh no I don't think so I don't think exploitation always has to have a negative connotation to I've read the definition list listen I'm just going by the definition look if you agree for 16 hour days and he pay you for eight are you giving up ass n your example you always got to go to some [ __ ] if I get some [ __ ] I don't know who you get it from [ __ ] don't talk to me why you here for 16 hours if you a answer the question what the first the first definition of from Webster says to make productive use of of a ass exploitation yeah okay oh see I I a see that the second one is to use meanly stop looking in the hood dictionary be a word [ __ ] went I said if he if yall agreed the 16 hour days but he paid you for eight now you like where the rest of my money at I'm mad now now did he exploit you sty at that point he still didn't exploit you I see your point uh but he's right it is theft of services I think exploitation it's theft by deception it's it's it's yeah St Vince payoff but it's cool EV you supposed to pay that now now you going to pay yeah and you got it and now you about to lose more money through sponsors or through advertisers or [ __ ] not wanting to [ __ ] with you but he might not my Bo you holding it down for us you a't R Fu around yeah you a coming up your man your man yeah he might be up there yo what do y'all think uh Snoop Dogg that ain't no fun is about what yeah mhm like we always want to change the rules up like we know what the [ __ ] this is I know you just got to be careful Joe one of the best songs ever too it's [ __ ] up and when it come on all the girls going to sing it they love dog got an infectious hook PN dog infectious H infectious hook I imagine man trying to say [ __ ] Can't Dance Dar Kelly babe get the [ __ ] out of there I'm off of that one I I a I ain't going to lie I'm off of that one I am hey if you don't want to dance to R Kelly then I understand sit down but let me tell you last night uh Rock te like you ready came on they was dancing we all sung it we all sung it he turned that [ __ ] down damn we all sung it and girl on me I was like I forgot how fire this [ __ ] is I was only playing like the other [ __ ] I can still body's calling that 12 play all up your body's calling one of the best ones I me it seems like Ready's one the best that's on the n a lot of [ __ ] slaps y'all need to cancel some of the [ __ ] with worst slaps is the problem y'all get all the dudes that got the slap slaps stupid yo cuz they were slapping people what are you talking about moving on yeah please Moving On Moving On Moving on uh what else what else uh I want to ask y'all about your food pallet really quickly uh good associate of mine the other day was uh visiting Houston and he asked me if I knew any great restaurants out there that he could eat at and I was confused cuz what made this [ __ ] think that we eat at the same restaurant oh [ __ ] [ __ ] our pallet are not the same but I did want to come and speak to y'all about y'all's real quick where is everybody here standing on caviar it's okay it's overrated I don't eat caviar I don't go crazy over it but it's all right but yall eat it I'll e heavier yeah okay mhm where do yall stand on as cargo never had I'll eat it I don't eat none of that [ __ ] everybody M EA his white boy bag let him get his [ __ ] off more it's similar to uh clams or oysters or something like it's got a similar kind of texture and feel it's usually served with the garlic butter or something like that I'm into it like a snail yeah mhm [ __ ] into it that's what it is yeah yeah snails I would try it I'm good [ __ ] is good if you like clams you're going to like I eat all that [ __ ] chew cheer little Che it's good you like it too yeah okay like steam clim is not that much cheer similar similar texture yeah all right that was the end of my question that's it that's it that's it see I think a lot of that [ __ ] takes on the the the flavor of I never had escargo so I'm good I thought You' been all over the world though I did I don't eat that [ __ ] so you've been all over the world experien American F you want to get burgers and Candy everywhere [ __ ] W I don't I don't really eat burgers but when I go somewhere anybody got a nice piece of chicken on I'm a fish dude so everywhere you go in the world they specialize in certain fish I said last B did you was a fish dude you fought me too vanil thousand fishes I don't get thousand fish the fisherman trust your fish a Sean's kit anyway um N I think sometimes we eat [ __ ] and it takes on the the the taste of whatever sauce like like mushrooms escargo and caviar have very distinct taste teach him please and different caviar taste differently too no she's teaching you right now Prim there it's caviar very Sal he's beef I'm saying Foods I never had as cargo but he said yo he usually eats it with it's usually it's usually it's served with garlic butter drenched in it actually if parks and Mel are educating you then just don't talk dog stop yo cuz you going they G be like yo yeah see this [ __ ] to listen that's not what I discussed but anyway like any food Lobster is overrated when when did when depends on what part of the lobster your record stop Lobster overrated I'm not the biggest lobster fan I like the claws better than theil so snails are fire but the lobster or not I don't like the texture of the tail all that [ __ ] good I prefer snow crab to King Crab similar reason I do I don't like no crab legs what I'm lazy I thought you said if it come out to seea you I will eat it but I don't like the work like the work yeah I'm not once you get nicer it's not once you level up they'll D shell them for you oh okay and you can't say that we was high as hell [ __ ] them crab legs up at uh Whatchamacallit oh yes we was y we were [ __ ] up they was already but they had them open already they when do no work when did turkey bacon come out some [ __ ] new I probably heard about it in the 90s I had it in the '90s for sure they just made that [ __ ] up I had that [ __ ] early 2000s a keing them yeah when the turkeys come out yeah they made that [ __ ] up they made that [ __ ] up like broccoli [ __ ] is we talking about they just came up with some [ __ ] no but chicken sausage never mind who won't eat that either I'm not eating no chicken sausage [ __ ] chicken man chicken sausage is good I love it you eat chicken sausage I prefer not to I have I've never no I don't eat chicken I sent my girl back you can look at me I've I sent my girl back to the store like a real man would [ __ ] [ __ ] you talking about bring me some pig bring real bring either a chicken in here or a sausage don't bring chicken sausage or go back to the store you Ain never send your girl back out to the store when she got the wrong [ __ ] that's fire that's mad fire are you just watching the game still n that's wrong go back anyway pass me the remote too before you leave uh what else what else what else uh so uh the Young Thug the Young Thug phone call with Mariah the scientist was leaked by somebody we don't know who it was leaked by uh Drake and Meek Mill came out and had something to say about it they said it was foul what do y'all think of Drake got a BBL yeah we don't care who got a BBL okay moving on any man got a BBL all right so it's not a BBL it wouldn't change how y'all look at nothing you saying BBL wrong they're not taking the fat and putting it back in the body that's not what a BBL is BBL a Brazilia buttlift a fat transfer what you talking about no they taking the fat and putting it in the ass that's a BBL Brazilian butt lift no BBL is some other knots in there no what are you talking about if you wrong and you don't know yeah I was you better you better not be wrong your cards you better be right I would be wrong about the surgeries I've never had it I never had it you're the BBL Whisperer man you supposed to know this one I'm not the BBL whisper well y'all think I'm the BBL yes I won't argue it because we got a podcast to do but I and I never felt this way before I swear it's the TR I'm not BBL so they they just the men are probably getting a fat taken out of them lipo lipo yeah they're not getting beat out their ass well whatever tell them man teach them they're probably getting it stomach and flanks and [ __ ] like that and then they might get a little bit of like shaping AB sculpting lipo 360 I said ass a niggga get their stomach done and get some go ahead rock out get six okay thank you very much because I'm nice and I should know more about this than flip gluteoplasty denotes the plastic surgery and the lipos suction procedure see when people get a BBL they normally get the bundle so they get a lipos suction too uh and where they putting the fat in their ass in BB bro well in some other places too uh and the lipos suction procedures for the correction of the congenital traumatic and acquired defects and deformities of the the butt o and anatomy of the Glu what is the BBL a Brazilian butt lift right enough yes Okay Brazilian butt lift is a surgery where a doctor transfers fat from your belly hips lower back or thighs to your buttocks the result is more of an hourglass shaped figure with larger butttocks it's not an actual lift because it doesn't try to raise your butttocks instead it increases its volume and in that they doing some [ __ ] to the inside of you and rearing some [ __ ] it's not just they sucking out and put it there okay it's the procedure of how they do it but when you say men are getting BBL you're basically saying that they no matter what they put these [ __ ] going to get ass we we ain't we ain't chicks we ain't got to unpack this your favorite rappers want ass that's stop that's weird stop you can't tell people how to no what he say I just I just said it's weird no I'm tell he saying don't you can't if they want to improve that oh no that's what they want to do if they want ask then all right salute salute to you and Mariah the scientist Jail phone call was released uh I didn't have the same take that uh Drake and meek had even though it is what was their take their take was along the lines of this is a high-profile case their the jail phone call shouldn't be in the streets whoever released this needs to be fired fuing with a man during during a hot trial a th% agree because because if you have access to him and shorty talking then that means you have access to every single other thing on video and audio and it's just sitting somewhere in somebody's office well of course they do cool but now where's the Integrity of the Court where's the Integrity of the the the police department where in you know what I'm saying that's assuming that the uh prosecutor put it out or that no I'm saying who elution side I'm not I'm not saying that just to getting out though getting out I don't view it that way yeah well the thugs people put it out they should had access should get that video what saying okay true but who cares about that everybody somebody yeah somebody broke a rule but we all know that the jail calls are being recorded we know that correct yeah you talking about it being released yeah okay I thought that I thought that that might be helpful to him because it humanizes him it does humanize him and it seemed like his side would want to humanize him I didn't think that the opposing side would want to show him as a loving caring I don't think it was meant to be used as a side thing it just seems like celebrity ISM took over it's possible that's possible oh there's a celebrity and a celebrity doing a thing let's release a private moment between two celebrities let me go sell it to TMZ for some money yeah that's a go I could be wrong but that makes more sense that makes sense yeah makes sense cuz there was nothing particularly informative or salacious or now see that's what on either side see that's what I was going to say what happened had he was talking to her saying something yo go drop this off yo go go speak to do you speak to such such about such and such then you he what I'm saying like that has the potential to be leaked too true so that's a scary game although I think that the powers that be would probably try to squash that because they would want to present that in court without having like an element of surprise you know what I'm saying like yeah it's ugly but it it definitely um shows that he has the ability to be having a conversation with you know his ynan and be a little softer side of seers yeah it's cool I like that the girls took the phone call and have now made like a meme out of it and they hitting all they [ __ ] saying Daddy am I your baby because they want Cubans for Valentine's Day this generation is crazy the timing of this word is crazy could have been a jeweler buying them [ __ ] k k me K bought that footage um gisel on Netflix is fire uh I started it I started it and it's good gzel on Netflix is absolutely fire can't wait to get home and finish that six episode miniseries sop is the believable the woman yeah it's Sophia vagara is playing her yeah they put it some heavy uh makeup very heavy makeup than all episodes out yeah it's a drop thank you high Town's back I don't even is it really yeah first season first season I mean first episode oh [ __ ] I like that show yeah want a fan of that was it I like the show but I got to remember it they did a nice little I watch I watch I watched [ __ ] the first half of it cuz it came out you know midnight um they did a good job season three now right season three final season okay cuz season one was white folk [ __ ] season two was Black Folk [ __ ] and now it's season three season two was Black Folk [ __ ] mhm oh I a see that I only seen the white folks [ __ ] and turn me off that was a good shot how could you you know what nice try buddy I'm not falling for you in M tricks got it I watched the uh American Nightmare I saw I watch that yeah I watched that that [ __ ] had me it was a roller coaster man it was a roll I was for sure like this chick is crazy she making this [ __ ] up man I don't TR spoil it she wasn't crazy that sh happened was fine yeah it was good I was he caught him because he tried to go in and and and the father end up fighting him like he did it to them he did it and when they first told the story in the first episode from the man's perspective and then the second was the lady's perspective we I thought they both was was bugging out no I thought I knew the dude was he he didn't seem like he was lying well I don't know but it's always the dude so at first it's like but then when they said the guy try to do it again he tried to he tried to do it again and the lady called on the phone yeah she was just she just the way she was like romanticizing and poeticizing all the [ __ ] it was like oh she's lying she's making this [ __ ] up you're trash you're not she was really like Vivid about like she was making it sound almost romantic almost romantic yeah it was weird the way she was describing it so I was like oh she's she lied and she's making this whole [ __ ] I don't believe in spoilers that's why I packing like that Joe oh yeah I don't believe in y already spoiled this [ __ ] no not not really still worth watching oh okay still worth watching dog by the time these stories get to Netflix y'all in Mad late and dline in 2020 did it for 5 years and Hulu mad different ways and that like this your story has been out there a lot of people that don't follow those those so when they see it on Netflix this is a brand new story to them I would be one of them cuz I didn't know none of this [ __ ] n i it get it's interesting okay it's interesting anything else uh out that y'all are watching look forward to watching uh True Detective is back mhm oh yeah I want to start uh it's it always starts off that show always starts off like is this going to be like a science fiction thing true is jod Foster this season is jod Foster before it was mersel Ali and before that it was Vince V that was terrible and before that Matthew mccon and Woody harson yeah which was amazing the best season in TV for me m ever that good any you say that a lot that that season is amazing I watched it six times the first one yeah with uh crazy such a good dialog what's the name of it True Detective such good dialogue they got on Androids it's not it's not my wheelhouse it's amazing like it's i' I've watched it just as many times as you have CU it's like a master class yeah they went crazy you about to have like a dock gasm right now you're cool you're cool mama no I mean I'm good I'm still trying to finish Yellow Jackets I don't know why but don't it'll probably get canceled after the season yeah probably CU it was it was beyond like La luster speaking of jackets did y'all did y'all hear about the uh the Walmart the Walmart lady who brought a baby out with no with no clothes and then the Walmart employee video videotaped uh I guess the Walmart employee who videotaped them and put it online she got fired oh [ __ ] but apparently she lost a child before so she was kind of traumatized she that and just jumped right into action they fired her I wanted to ask y'all what y'all where y'all stood on the firing of the baby wasn't dressed at all baby had on a baby had on diapers and and and it was like it about 20° out wow like customers saw the baby shivering in the cart and when when the when the woman uh walked up the Walmart employee walked up to her the lady had took her jacket and wrapped it around the baby the the I guess the mother wrapped her jacket she was like that baby didn't even have the jacket on so they were kind of like chastising her she gave a very ignorant response um it did Fast Forward somebody else put some clothes on the baby like out of Walmart they bought clothes yeah they bought clothes and just threw some clothes on her but then once the video went out the employee herself got fired and it's like struggling so they arrested the lady they took the baby from they took the baby from the lady and allegedly while she was out with this baby she had two young kids alone in the house and they took those kids wow so they they took all the kids wow and the uh the Walmart former Walmart employee uh on GoFundMe has 19k that's been donated she should have been fired I don't understand why she would be fired for I might go to go some you got to fire you got to be fired you got to be fired because you upload social media I see I see even if she didn't upload it they still might have fired her because you can't just walk in and start um doing certain [ __ ] with a customer and stuff it's still a customer still a customer once it's a customer you represent Walmart you're not representing Parks you representing Walmart you know what I'm saying so I I think it's honorable what she did but I understand it from the business perspective that she had to put it on the internet [ __ ] I just saw another story how how how would have gotten it the attention right I think the the attention why was it about the attention we trying to get some clothes on a baby no but also long term like the care of all the children you know like how would we know this mother was a was a unfit mother maybe put it to police I think you could have got that done without could have called the police had the police come here a lot of times police look past these videos and stuff maybe maybe like I said had they could have called to the W that would have made more sense or you could probably call some type of child protective services or some [ __ ] I just saw another video like speaking of that it was two dudes um somebody tried to Rob I believe it was a Starbucks and they beat the robber up going to jail and got fired oh yeah yep defending the company damn and yeah you got to go now dog you you we not saying when the kids is running into the stores now doing the S Smash and grabs the security dudes can't [ __ ] with them if you're not a cop a police officer you can't mess with them true security dudes they run around shaking their hands what up dog as they got my Chanel [ __ ] on my shoulder homie and they running out the store Shing bro they got one with the dudes are shaking the nigga's hand like smacking like yo I'm dead ass you can't touch him and in my opinion I wouldn't I wouldn't I mean the Walmart situation is different but I'm not beating up no poal it's usually company policy that if you're being robbed it's just like give the money and walk away like just let them go don't initiate physical inter physical interaction with them have you noticed the upscale stores don't do nothing but the stores like vims and H [ __ ] they got security breaking glass holding the door fighting you like the upscale [ __ ] they don't do nothing go Gucci right now I'm taking everything you go to vims and try to take a pair of acgs Wana be on your ass [ __ ] hold the door they put the little metal stick to it and try to hit you B crazy um not to go back to music but we didn't cover the sir record we ain't cover something else too yeah Benny drop Benny drop I'm about to play one of the songs I like that that sound like something M would a play that sound like some B man [ __ ] y that don't sound like that you seen a WWE interest you seen it in the movie listen the record is called No Evil I like it but I love sir I've been waiting for sir pause can't wait for the album to drop I like that record I love that yeah ni funky made me think of like Dungeon Family a little bit okay like like something about it that made me think that what's his name n Bar I forgot his real name uh he be doing like that yeah not his real name but um stage name but when he be yelling and screaming I hear it what was the other Bry a group oh work it yeah so it's mom deep shut up ice I do that though did y'all see hit boy's dad uh surprised The Alchemist was white yes that was funny that was funny and while that was super funny but I kind of understood him like we in music so we know Alchemist is white but if I just heard Alchemist beats and never thought of how Alchemist look I would never think Alchemist is white yeah that's one of the hardest white ones he is no he is shout to shout I need an alchemist pack just to listen to while I'm cleaning up that's what I need uh anyway what else what else what else Benny Benny Benny Benny album give me something um I'mma play one of the songs as a sleeper I ain't get through the the whole thing but y'all know I like Benny so like Benny's the best [ __ ] out to me I like it a lot it's all hit boy and out it's half and half uh you could tell he's deliberately trying to do different [ __ ] while staying within his normal sound got to love that and I've seen a lot of Benny fans like this [ __ ] is trash this [ __ ] is trash but I think that they're just not ready for that change up change yeah I I like it when when when those like day I want to call them day one but the Die Hard only want you to do this sound yeah when they don't like it to me that mean you kind of doing yeah yeah so I haven't heard it yet but I will check it out over the weekend I haven't heard it yet either I have it bought it I'll check it I'll check it out over the weekend shout out to Benny friend of the show for sure album and stores uh there's nothing else that I feel I really need to get to here uh uh I do want to shout out uh the pade County Police Department uh and all of the people that work with the p County Police Department the sheriff oh [ __ ] I'm about to delete [ __ ] off my phone the sheriff the pay County uh Sheriff the other day in Clifton in a restaurant was having lunch at 3 4:30 in the afternoon and went to the bathroom and self transitioned wow that's awful he was a sheriff for like 20 years the big boss she and there was a mess on the news so I know I know some people I know some people who work work with them so hold your head I imagine that has to be rough yeah up to his family I imagine that has to be rough yeah prayers prayers to the restaurant workers enough for nothing I mean yeah he had a wife and three kids that's some traumatic [ __ ] too wife and three kids rest in peace oh [ __ ] I know what I wanted to talk to y'all about gay ghosting excuse me what gay ghosting they somebody sent me a story and it warmed my heart now now and I'm a ghaster but I think there's levels to ghosting but I ain't think about hold up man no you said gay or gay I can't believe that I'm about to be one of those people that cries on the internet but for some reason in some strange way that this makes me feel better putting it out there this is my first full day since my boyfriend left me while I was at work all he left was a note I home and all of his stuff was gone the dog was gone damn the dog apartment we didn't argue there was nothing leading up to this um he just left we were supposed to be moving out of state together um that [ __ ] left news flash I lived here my whole life so it was a really big deal for me I quit one of my jobs said good by to all of my students I ended my lease I was helping him work so that we could make money for our move I had a job job interview today for a job removing that I had to cancel I completely blindsided me this was out of nowhere we were just planning our move and planning what things were going to be like and how we were going to grow together um and then I guess he decided he didn't want to do that anymore and he didn't love me or care about me enough to have a conversation y'all don't have a heart to talk to me and to let me know y'all are ruthless bastard this was how he was feeling I brought this up so we had a relationship where we could communicate so I don't understand why I was left like this it's a Saturday po you're still imp but I know that it's not my fault and I think that makes it harder that [ __ ] sound crazy I didn't do anything to deserve this why are you playing this all I did was love him unconditionally the [ __ ] left him turn it off no Let It Play Let It play so this is hard why you touching your chest like to hold myself accountable because I need to show up for myself nigg get left all the time Jo completely blind this was out of nowhere stop it did this I did the same move before home the furniture was gone you did that before no [ __ ] I never dated a girl with Furniture right good come back see somebody stuff was going yeah you yeah on on air yeah stop lying if I crack you with his phone so you feel sad for him you feel sad I feel sad for him I think that's horrible and [ __ ] up and how does he even know the guy's alive and because I'm I'm not a a gay man I never thought about how horrible ghosting is in the gay community what the Gay Part got to do with anything dog gay people are known for their reads so you should be able to communicate through turmoil be able to come home and read your partner hey let me take this okay I think that's [ __ ] up if anybody is misleading that way true we talking about getting an apartment I talk you into quitting your job like we have a plan you and you don't kiss me goodbye you don't hug no nothing you just go to work and never come back or when I leave and come back everything the house is empty the dog is gone yo stop it yo stop it like what do y'all say to that y'all don't have feelings awful y'all saying me and Mel think that's awful what say you guys I'm over here trying to see if you being serious or you C we got feel what was life [ __ ] are you serious right now I keep saying thank you for being a friend don't get mad at me don't stop doing that you really mad I'm not mad I just can't believe do% have done this before I can't believe you what does that have to do with having feelings for it being done to somebody else I'm just saying I put myself in a person doing it like you moved out yes regular morning she went to work when she went to work you I went to work had that U-Haul park right around the corner are she gone it's [ __ ] up of course did you ever talk to her again yeah coule years later of of course it's [ __ ] up we going to have a serious conversation I think it's cowardly to do after you laugh for 40 minutes yeah because I can't I can't believe you how serious are I can't believe you serious about this it took a dog why do you keep saying that cuz you don't come on my [ __ ] like because we've laughed about way worse [ __ ] on this show and when you are the captain of the jokes true so I'm thinking that you sitting here playing this [ __ ] of this dude laughing I me crying is itate with you so for me how many different times I need to say to this me I'm always going listen I'm speak for myself I'm always going to laugh at the person that cut the camera on cry to the internet I'm sorry y the arm work yes this resonates with me yes I think it's [ __ ] up I'm I'm not saying that it's not so on a serious level yes it's cowardly to do that I think that any people leaving a relationship need to sit down and discuss that and I'm saying yo you going about your way I'm going go my way and that's that however when you cut the camera on and say yo you this is about to be the first time I c on camera you a [ __ ] goof you don't do that to no [ __ ] that's sucking your dick yo see look what you turn into look what you turn into this [ __ ] what if he was the no mind look what you turned into [ __ ] I got Detroit and Baltimore damn don't worry about it my man any say suck dick part keep it serious I'm put this in my mental roller you don't have a heart I'm time y'all cut the camera on and start crying you are a goof I'm laughing tell you tell it to somebody else the internet ain't your friend we say this all the time so yeah I'm going to laugh at that especially when you sitting here with the he did this and he took the dog yo let me ask you I'm laugh at that cut him cutting the camera on was going to do what are he ghost is [ __ ] up we all know ghost I said cly but cutting the camera on was going to do what for him get sympathy get sympathy both well you want to Gund me cuz he loost Gund me link is coming I lost my job I quit my job nothing I got no furniture donate to me cuz this man [ __ ] me what [ __ ] that's up to the baddies girl you don't even need that job girl come on over here to San Antonio I got you and then leave her at the airport no after 6 months the Box ain't fam stop acting like you don't know that this happens all the time is I think it's [ __ ] up anytime it happens I'm not disagreeing that's I'm not disag okay cool I think there's a way to Ghost and I don't think this ain't the way to ghost think there's no way to ghost yeah huh I think ghosting is immature please listen everybody everybody don't deserve the conversation I don't care this is [ __ ] up ghosting is fire sometimes hold wait wait wait what's the way the fire way brother impath tell us the fire away to not live with them [ __ ] that's not ghosting [ __ ] yo bro no no you can goost before that but you're empath so you don't care about their feelings if if you don't live with them their feelings are n and void yo let me clarify this impath thing okay impath means I understand where you coming from no I don't that's not what impact mean [ __ ] impa [ __ ] just made his own [ __ ] that is what it mean I telling that it means I can put myself in your shoes and put my shig is crazy I I don't need to look n I think this is [ __ ] up I I agree and I don't think that I think when you live with somebody and play nosies with they [ __ ] dog that is's a better way to do this this is crazy who said it was they dog it was his dog if he took it and it's worse if it wasn't his dog and he took it no it was it was his dog being the dog moved in it was being the dog moved out [ __ ] the [ __ ] that took the dog it was his dog bro yeah I'm taking my dog heard that that he said that no but he not going to take his it was his dog he not taking your dog if it wasn't it's my dog now the dog together I paid for it it's my dogat snat dog now [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] should have came home earlier do your dog the dog Ain like you anyway [ __ ] it's my homeboy sat down at the door [ __ ] or you want to come with me in the dog I said Pho tell boy he came with me that's F he took his the [ __ ] dog but it was his dog F [ __ ] the so [ __ ] his heartbody that [ __ ] happened all the time [ __ ] [ __ ] his feelings have heartbreak to my dog taking so like yeah how you F this video Joe we mean how I found it how you it was on the empath Instagram no it's on empathic algorithm no it's on it's on um please don't say it you better not you better not send it to me you please say it or I double dare you I love this [ __ ] he you better go to the sleep with part of the show oh I can't believe y'all [ __ ] don't have a heart F that stop it Jo [ __ ] that [ __ ] Joe stop it [ __ ] we goost a lot of people a lot of people get goost stop it man stop you're the most sensitive [ __ ] in the world true so when it come to my when it come to my family I am I am the dog was family if if if if if my wife just pick up and leave one day I'll be sad but I'm not going on the internet doing that no way okay I see y'all only attached to the [ __ ] part of this which is oh he went on his on his phone that's how we found out we not talking about that part if you go home and your whole crib is clear and now that little that little leak you got in the pipe is only falling on you it's only you see look look look now you defend a [ __ ] that got ghost look now you defend a [ __ ] C now you def defending def you're defending [ __ ] what's wrong he defending ghting Gay Ghost you defending that now you want to diss me in my [ __ ] leak [ __ ] that's not dead no more you just had to park park please thanks not gay I mean not bad what you call it right dog this is a professional BR that's a Jamaican slang that slang about what please stop repeating it both of you we're not going to repeat it no more thank you we we Parks listen to this part sorry please if you go home Antoine M I can't believe Y and she stole all the [ __ ] we mad [ __ ] I'm trying to find my family she ain't take the heat [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you mean pistol about pistol he talking about a gun you going to force her to come back see I'm not standing with him now it's a joke yo yo get in the car oh [ __ ] my couch my TV why you didn't go get your doors back all right my bad that was low look what you want to Hype that was low yeah do it hype nigg what if I would have been crying yeah you would have looked at me like a I wasn't crying you would have looked at me like a goof [ __ ] shut up you was crying when you took the door oh Bo and ain't shoot nothing I wasn't sure ain't well I hope the guy feels better yeah I hope that cry in video made you you know hope there's no go want me attach to that a good cry internet crying try to demonize homeboy to his stop stop what you just say bro that cute little [ __ ] too man [ __ ] up what's wrong I almost sent that [ __ ] some money what the [ __ ] I'm dead ass I almost paid that nigga's rent why you they let him say this yo what's up with you yo I'm so for real what are y'all talking about look where the trick in this the nigga's homeless what are y'all talking about he's not homeless Niger made a quit job one of his jobs he got interview he said one of them why you ain't still go to the interview said the interviews in the city that they were supposed to move to one of his jobs he said I had to quit one of them which means he still got moving for him with move for yourself now this song is a hit I to know what yeah these [ __ ] are crazy put a hand up in the air for the gay dude that got ghosted man [ __ ] I want to feel anine [Music] he nobody giv a [ __ ] about get out here CH looking stupid get the [ __ ] out of here man hey homeboy if you happen to hear this man I'mma find that nigga's cash app I'mma pay your rent for hey no no please do it and please come back on the next part and say you did it on on subm mansion and I respect you please donate I'm telling you that I'm going to pay homies rent all right cool please do it I'm begging you I want to update the rent ain't going to be that much if the [ __ ] took everything in a matter of seconds and you didn't know nothing to crib a but so damn big anyway I'm paid yeah I got 750 on that I'm paying that nigga's rent I think that's [ __ ] up and we and listen I paid rent for Less I paid rent for Less I think that's [ __ ] up I do not support this type of ghosting that was foul it sounds like a DAT line episode and I'm going to pay homies R and [ __ ] I'm platonically I'm platonically paying your rent I don't want nothing from you don't think you got to I mean what if he got the BBL don't think you got to look out I'm cool and you called him cute already you already called him cute gu you something else boy I'm something else you some Ms my [ __ ] I ain't going to lie y'all [ __ ] yes can we play oh manal oh my ignoran had the time of my life Di iar [ __ ] mad for his man M his his homie cuz you [ __ ] be ignorant as hell this break out in the song and I swear it's the truth this nigga's homeless crying dog is gone and I owe it all to you you [ __ ] are you [ __ ] need help keep going [ __ ] the words are sitting this [ __ ] is stupid you finished the song You Know you know it fit that but you did it a different way you bird the M want to go to a Rockets game shut up oh [ __ ] she do for part of the show I have a guy named what's this [ __ ] name MC macaroni what MCM Rony MC macaroni whatever whatever your name is you ain't get ghosted by gay dude I A oh my God uh let's see what's up jbp gang since the room is full of millionaires and male just a jokey joke joke don't joke on [ __ ] watch your [ __ ] Mr empath why you chose to read that full of millionaire and where's the millionaires one two oh it's Milli think four of and when his father passed rest in peace he got that boss to his uh he mul he multi level yeah he got that boost and he still got the crib too so his net worth shot up so it's Millions you there yeah you there I'm here you're not laughing now huh I'm over here crying Ain fun more it sounds like a complete fool go I wanted to know when you guys learned or experiened the need for etiquette funny enough Mel is probably the best qualified for this question because I assume she's experienced early in life you make a lot of assumptions yeah word my let me see what is he trying to say fiance I think it's fiance my fiance took a trip to Jamaica my fiance took a trip to Jamaica in to celebrate our 30th our 30th this place is 100% proper dining and elegance the table was set every time we ordered room service chairs pulled out ma'am and S the whole nine being young and black we've never experienced that and I told her we should probably take etiquette classes we were the youngest and most melanated by far just curious if your first experience just curious of your first experience with this thanks gang and blessings [ __ ] I ain't got edette I learned to have etiquette when I got punched in the face for the first time how long was that the first time uh I've been bunched a few times I still didn't learn all [ __ ] is [ __ ] oh man um well um at Quincy John's house behind the he told us to take off our shoes no I used to get like eate lessons in you know primary school I don't maybe it's a Canadian thing it is so it's dope though you know things like understanding um salad fork salad fork versus how to fold a napkin exactly how to just basically had to condu no I know my mom's and aunt had to do that [ __ ] it was they called it charm school but same thing yeah I think yeah I feel like it's kind of like a carried over from like West Indian culture I don't know true yeah no had to take my elbows off the table this where we start just freestyling with no facts your Mig know my great aunt told watch your mouth you racist ass [ __ ] where you from the south etiquette classes came from it's from European [ __ ] where you from the south it was how they divvied up the the level of the whites cuz if you was white you was just white but if you learned certain traits of etiquette that's how we could differentiate between the classes seriously my grandma told me that take your elbows to the table fold the napkins and all that [ __ ] don't drink while you eating food all right hey yo Cory where you from where you from [ __ ] what what part of the South you from fome oh my you got not on the show can we stop to question I think that he should go to etiquette classes like if that's what he wants to do I think he should he almost tricked me that was funny [Laughter] Cory oh [ __ ] if I want to learn etiquette I just got with a girl it was more mature than that's that's kind of how I'm not going to school for more etiquette I never went those no those etiquette school make a lot of money though they make a lot of money though you come out different it is yes as you as you go up the ladder he's right they had to walk a certain way like my mom told me all nurs make a lot of money and you come out different no but you come out like especially at a table like seriously I ain't trying to be funny if you if you sitting at a table amongst certain people [ __ ] don't know how to eat you took Shorty to the table Shake table will be shaking when she cut the steak and all that you eat with your she stabbing what you doing yo we should take Ed classes on camera that funny fire yeah but then y'all would have to like come in on another day don't talk to me about about that y'all no don't y'all he mad he still mad about he's still mad about Jerome getting his heart brok so now I am mad about that I might B that [ __ ] R for two months y you being weird stop enough without the head just off the how many how many if he give you the head huh how many months how many mons he I'm just say how many months if he offer it to you though oh now you homeless [ __ ] now I ain't paying nothing you should have did that I can see the [ __ ] now on the blog Joe Buton shut out pay my rent she all the floor her get her he crying again when Joe stop pay the rent uhhuh right back at it he went on his podcast to exploit my story uh let's see what am I looking for here good show today y'all gra Gra good show today can't wait to see what we get in trouble for this episode that's my new favorite thing to look forward to M this one going to happen see what we get cooked about oh yeah I know when it'll happen cuz I know the artists who be [ __ ] telling their publicists to snatch up all the clips and circulate them for the next week in promo yeah yep and we hit a bunch of them today oh yeah and they know how you can clip it right after this and right before that uhhuh yeah yeah make it sound very one-sided yeah yeah hey yo what you think his number at what you think what you think Al number [Music] at how how old was he when he he found God I bet oh God my man the [ __ ] in the 70s that was your bag all of the [ __ ] in the 60s and 7s put up is numbers I'm serious you ask me a question and then you I didn't even get to me why how came that was before AIDS and [ __ ] too yeah it was late Lucy and they had qus they had qus I seen what ecstasy and Molly did to the streets and good acid quays and the weed didn't make you go to sleep yet you just got hot regular high was grass yeah pot real good episode today man keep us in your prayers if you listen to enough of these episodes then you definitely know we need to be there absolutely sign up for patreon sign up for the patreon [ __ ] out here making mve my girl just ask me do you got a guest today i' be lying [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] pulled out the the gold bottle suck ass [ __ ] suck [ __ ] went [ __ ] went through the tunnel and got a big ass a case keep he took the off yo keep keep us in the prayers keep us in your prayers our prayers pray for you I don't give a [ __ ] with pray together keep us in your prayers Lord knows we need to be there until the next time we bid you a do farewell adios Vista arvo and it Go and lastly the baddies are insecure the stagnant women want to travel and the closed-minded women want you to teach them things shout to everybody gearing up headed to Super Bowl yes Z hitting me asking me if I'm going to Super Bowl I ain't get my permission slip sign [ __ ] stop it wait a minute you not going I don't I haven't planned I made PL I know why you're not going I know why I ain't going the carnival yeah he know he got to give up that's him oh [ __ ] that's we know it's cool I just know me so I would go to Vegas and I would be in my room i' be in my room you played this since last year bro stop I know but that's what I when wifey asked for the carnival to go to Carnival [ __ ] you start to re well she wanted me to go to Carnival with her and if you go I'm going I told you I don't necessarily want to go to G Carnival's lit y say Carnival lit son don't don't just dismiss Carnival bro that's what I meant in regards to the earlier talk in the very beginning doing something different that you may not have Carnival with your time that was that's go to Carnival just something different outfits on that's your bag actually shake my nuts with some turquoise paint kind of turquoise paint around my nuts get the wings I can see Joe with the wings would you be on floor would you be on the floor with Nikki if she said Joe come on the floor with me would you would you I don't know I'm just asking cuz I you be on some I'm not opposed to float okay the floats is how they separate who's who and what's what that's a fact so I need to be on the main the float up there the one not down there not one of them the one with the elephants in the front the one that's coming through like baram and Bailey [ __ ] you thinking about Aladdin stupid oh whatever holy [ __ ] Aladdin never end the story one of them [ __ ] yeah I'm coming through with a big white dog [ __ ] with wings the [ __ ] they talk about any got weekend plans no n n now you ain't got no plans you're not going to the Apple Store get rid of that 13s go [ __ ] yourself it works just fine hey don't laugh too loud what what they I got a 14 that's old too then I got true true no I think I'm I'm going to go to a Broadway play I think go to a Houston game which one go to a Rockets game H young [ __ ] ain't going to let you walk around with this old they get you right quick my wife is hosting a galentine's day so I got to find something to entertain myself with oh wait you said what my wife is hosting galentine's day party for her friends what's gallentine it's sort of like friendsgiving but a month early I guess it's the first weekend weekend that everyone was free closest to oh okay Valentine you all right bro what we I'm I am great I'm going to go out and have a great time you be having some [ __ ] at your crew I came here one time it's some really some deep eyes wide shut [ __ ] going on don't try to Vince mcmah me bro try to man my baby is having her fourth birthday party this weekend I am [ __ ] I'm more excited than she is for this [ __ ] it be like it be like I can't wait so I'm I'm on CL is it a Shar party or different party what you mean to share Party Ain't No Other Kids sharing their birthday it's my baby's birthday party that's it mean you know what I mean it's my baby's birthday party that I'm having for my baby okay okay all right oh [ __ ] speaking of Valentine ask me about my family Valentine's I went Tiffany's the other day mhm walked out and tried to call somebody named Tiffany see if they sold you or yeah yeah yeah that might have been my first time in Tiffany's ever it's nice right and that one in uh no no in uh G State oh oh I never walk in there yeah sure H one I got out of there first level right there expensive what what yes holy [ __ ] hell yeah the air in there is expensive everything in there is expensive pearly Victorious is the play I'm going to go see don't I care about that [ __ ] he asked me question godam I'm going to go see there's a screening for the Run DMC movie y she still you girl you didn't want to talk about Dre M up it's we don't care about this musical [ __ ] you talking about you asked for what we're doing this weekend yeah but only if you're lit and you're not so it's cool what's lit what's lit going to the strip club it's easy to see that was that was the 50 c if you look closely M don't back down just trying to figure it out uh blew that deap off if you don't say nothing you know he going get you back where you least expected I'm sure he is you know I'm going get up not now let her get a [ __ ] off right now y'all hold it down man everybody enjoy their weekend positive vibrations affirmations and frequencies to y'all man we love y'all happy birthday Ari couldn't do it without you happy birthday Ari Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Valentine's Rim get in your bag stay in your bag huh I'll be at the [Laughter] bar pass the [ __ ] ball pass the ball godamn pass the [ __ ] ball jbp jbp where would you be without the jbp no Dr [Music] Buton
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 332,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden, joe budden 2024, nicki minaj megan thee stallion, ice spice latto, eminem benzino diss, draya michele jalen green, vince mcmahon allegations, mariah the scientist young thug
Id: n5eZtLTWklQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 33sec (9873 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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