The N.W.A Beef - What Happened?

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Dr Dre yeah that was you remember that group the world class wrecking crew yeah that wore lipstick stick lace biker shorts and you know Ruffles eyeliner oh yeah yeah if you look back like to his old albums before where he did songs like the Cabbage Patch to fly he's bionic Dr Dre Dre Dre Dre uh and you look back at him in his doctor suit you could tell where he originally came from see if you look back at me you could when my beginning I did the boys and the hood so I was cruising down the street in my 6'4 so it's 93 now and Dre is all of a sudden cruising down the street in his 6'4 now so I figured he like a 93 wannabe because back then he did all this Cabbage Patch stuff and dancing and wor the lipstick the doctor outfits with the stethoscope and did all this uh techno music he would never really from the streets Ice Cube w't pump it up I got all suckers 100 miles in running like to give a shout out to the deal s y'all can't complain we can do NW every Young album if it's on death bro without easy called NW nwe you know without easy if you want to watch the uncut and unsensored version of the breakup of NWA what happened check out my patreon the link will be in the description memberships for the bronze tier start off at $5 a month which gives you access to videos early uncut and uncensored videos and a shout out in every video the silver tier is $10 a month which gives you all those benefits of the bronze tier plus you get exclusive patreon only videos coming soon and you get to personally request me the next video you want to see on the Channel I want to give a shout out to all my patrons wavy Prince 100 lafair jod bird sherid sford hakee alijan G Phantom PJ Rollins and Adam miles I love all y'all thanks for the support and enjoy the video in the late 1980s a Street gangster in Compton by the name of Eric wght was hustling throughout the city Eric wanted to make a legit living to leave the gang life behind him after his cousin was shot and killed so we decided to pursue music around this time hip-hop was on the rise with the likes of Run DMC LL Cool J and the Beasty Boys being at the top of the game during this time a guy named Jerry heler was managing acts in the LA hip-hop scene he managed a Rap Trio called CIA which consisted of rappers KD sir Jinx and Ice Cube heler also managed an electoral group called worldclass wreck and crew which consisted of Shakespeare Dr Rock clientel DJ Alonzo Williams Mona Lisa DJ yella and of course Dr Dre in in 1985 the world class wck and crew dropped their debut studio album world class followed up by their second studio album in 1986 called wrapped in Romance during this time Eric would eventually meet with Jerry heler to form his record label ruthless Records who introduced him to Dr Dre and Arabian Prince after that they would recruit Ice Cube to ghost Right lyrics in 1987 e would also sign MC Ren and DJ yella to ruthless records as they were gearing up to drop their first album Eric wanted to do something that hip hop has never seen before Eric wants to take his ganga background and put it on a record which was the birth of Ganga rap because nobody was rapping about the things that go on in the streets during a recording session in early 1987 the group HBO rejected a song that ice coup had wrote for them called boys in the hood so as they were all in the studio they all encouraged Eric to actually rap the song himself now Eric had no intentions on being a rapper at all he was just the found founder of the record company that night Eric recorded the track boys in the hood adopting the rap name Easy E and on March 3rd 1987 the track was officially released after that EAS Ice Cube Dr Dre DJ yell MC Ren and Arabian Prince would get together to form the group known as NWA later that year on November 6th 1987 NWA dropped their compilation album called NWA and the posi which would eventually go on to be certified gold NWA followed up with their official debut studio album Straight Out of Compton on August 8th 1988 and this is where the controversy began the song the Police stored a lot of attention from news outlets and even the FBI who even gave them a warning and this is where the world's most dangerous group moniker was born this album went on to be over three times platinum and is regarded as one of the most impactful albums to date during this time e was clearly the star of NWA as they were being a booked looked for shows as Easy E and NWA so they knew e had to capitalize and drop a solo album so that's exactly what he did and on November 23rd 1988 Easy E dropped his debut studio album Easy Does It which will go on to be certified gold on February 15th 1989 Just 4 months after its release that June of 1989 the album went on to be certified platinum which goes to show how big NWA and E were becoming after this is where tensions would begin Rising within the group later that year In December 1989 Ice Cube left the group over royalty disputes after he wrote a majority of the songs on Straight Out of Compton he felt he wasn't getting his fair share of profits especially after only receiving $32,000 for riding most of easy E's debut album Ice Cube would go on to sue Jerry heler and the lawsuit was settled out of court was your only problem really deep with easy or was it other was it other people was it were you good with Ren Jerry hel was even easy you know I felt j i felt EAS didn't know the business enough you know this is how I felt because I remember him coming into it he came in you know kind of wide eyed what do we do you know I'm ready to do this you know uh so I felt like he didn't he wasn't Savvy enough to pull this without Jerry hel's you know uh coaxing and and and you know showing him how to to to make it happen the way Jerry wanted to it to happen so I was I was just mad at that dude cuz he wouldn't give me my contract you know I just wanted yo let me see it let me let me take it to my people you know the normal stuff you do when you get a contract and he was like uh I don't know you know I can't give it to you you can sign it but I can't give it to you so that was shady and um so I had a problem with him you're good with the m i was good with everybody little mad at e because I felt e wasn't taking the right side you know I felt e he was kind of doing enough to to to keep me in the group you know it was kind of like yo this is how it is yo you can live with it or you can get out the group like Arabian Prince you know who was the sixth member on the damn I'm cover you see you miss Arabian don't RAV Prince myor he was my say who your favorite Raven Prince yeah yeah so you know no more Panic zones for you guys anyway you know he had left and and basically he was like yo you know you can go out and be flop like Arabian Prince you know that was his exact quotes you know and I was like damn that ain't going to happen bro you know so then that's kind of when that went sour but me and ren was tight me and yella me and Dre uh but but then the months and months away from the group you know I guess they well they had to still keep working and then they were like well he's gone Cuba is gone we got to keep this ship going oh I expected them to keep going you know I just didn't expect them to discs because it was no beef like that it was just basically business I wonder if it's cuz time goes on and people keep asking you about Cube people are in your ear and then all of a sudden it becomes nastier but on your but then you were ready to handle it on your own I mean if you listen to America's Most Wanted it's no dissing it's no I don't diss in wa don't mention in wa e it's no dissing and that record was the next record to come out after Straight Out of Compton and then they had to discs with 100 miles and running M I came back with jacket for beats with a little discs at the end and then it just started to escalate there we go here we go after that ice cube called Dre because he wanted him to work on his solo album but e and Jerry heler actually vetoed it so Ice Cube recorded his debut solo album in New York with Public Enemies production team on April 7th 1990 Ice Cube was at the celebrity theater in Anaheim California where he was involved in a fight with the rap group Above the Law who were assigned to ruthless records a month later on May 16th 1990 Ice Cube dropped his debut studio album America's Most Wanted which released under priority records and was insanely successful going gold just 2 weeks after its release but Cube didn't mention his former NWA members at all on This Album just a couple months later on August 14th 1990 NWA dropped their EP 100 Mil and running and on the track real nword Dr Dre MC Ren and EAS e take ablim shots at Ice Cube [Music] only Cube got wind of this so on December 18th 1990 Ice Cube dropped an EP called kill at will hey yo Ice Cube man since you went solo what's up with the rest of the the new album and what we going to call it tell them the name what we call it tell them the name they're going to Ice Cube dead yeah around here now you're h a South make up your goddamn mind him n b i TC h m o b this evening's news report Ice Cube has been reported to have his stomach pumped for 5 O of cube would also start dissing NWA during interviews so NWA clapped back on May 28th 1991 when they dropped their second studio album nword for life and on a couple of the tracks They diss Ice Cube it started off on the track always into something the next track was a skit called message to ba which was a whole skit dedicated to dissing Ice Cube hello I was at the celebrity and I was wonder why that pun Ice Cube was crying after he got his beat by at Ice Cube got wind of this and he had enough of NWA dissing him throughout their projects so on October 29th 1991 Ice Cube dropped his second studio album death certificate and the last track on this album is a song called no Vaseline which is a diss track towards the entire NWA including Jerry heler where Cube aired all of his feelings towards his former group to make one of the greatest diss tracks hip hop has ever seen after this is when NWA would completely fall apart in late 1991 Dr Dre became dissatisfied with his deal at ruthless records which led to Dre and the doc leaving NWA and ruthless records feeling that e was being dishonest about their contracts Dr Dre's bodyguard named Suge Knight approached Dre with the idea of forming a label away from Jerry heler and e e sugite was able to procure contracts from E so the doc Dre shight and Dick griffy began the process of starting a record label the original name was future shock but the DLC suggested that the name to be def row as a play on Def Jam but rights to the name were already owned so this is where they would adopt the name Death Row Records at this point all members of NWA were now solo artists as NWA was no longer together but this is where a rivalry began between Dr Dre and e e because eily actually retained a portion of Dr Dre's publishing rights and wouldn't release Dre and the doc as he wouldn't sign their releases sug Knight allegedly pulled up to the studio with gang members with lead pipes and baseball bats to make easy released Dre and the DLC from their ruthless records contracts and allegedly jumped Easy E for not signing the contracts now this is all alleged and there is no confirmation that this even happened Suge even threaten easy allegedly saying in quotes we know where your mother lives insinuating that they were going to do something to e e's mom and Suge also told EAS allegedly that hepped Jerry heler and was holding a prisoner in a van so as you could tell things were getting really heated between death row and ruthless should tried to destroy my record company with the help of others Dre so right now we've getting everything back together and we F to come out you know fully loaded easy was smart he took the formal route with legal action following a lawsuit Andre Suge and the doc accusing them of using Forts and threats to break recording contracts with ruthless death R's parent label inos scope saw Jimmy iven pleading with easy for some type of out of court settlement so they wouldn't have negative press surrounding Dr Dre's solo album release a settlement was released that said easy would pocket 10% of Dr Dre's production Revenue 15% of his solo record revenue and as compensation and Instant Cash payout I came in the office and he and E were talking and uh I said what's going on here and E he said you know this guy sh Knight I said yeah he says well I'm going to kill him he said this guy's going to be a problem and I think I should kill him Jerry would then talk Easy E out of killing sugite but he would later say that he regrets talking him out of doing it around this time Dre discovered an artist by the name of Calvin Brodus the world would get to know this rapper as Snoop Dog on April 99th 1992 Dr Dre made his solo debut when he dropped the track deep cover which was for the soundtrack for the film this is where the world would be introduced to Dr Dre's new Protege Snoop Dog on November 17th 1992 Ice Cube dropped his third studio album The Predator and on the title track the Predator Cube takes shots at Jerry [Music] heler later that year on December 15th 1992 Dr Dre dropped his debut studio album The Chronic which will go on to be multiplatinum and very successful on this album the second track was called with Dre Day featuring jeel RBX and of course Snoop Dog this was a diss track towards Easy E and shots were also thrown at Ice Cube in response to his no Vaseline diss track the music video for this song features an Easy E look alike called sleazy e and a parody of Jerry [Music] heler on the track ain't sh on his ver Dr Dre once again dissed Easy E when he brought up when e sued [Music] him that same day e dropped his EP called 5150 home for the sick which was intended to promote his next album temporary insanity which was scheduled for a May 1993 release but after hearing Dre and Snoop dissing him he actually scrapped the entire album and began working on a dis album towards Dr Dre and Snoop Dog in 1993 EAS would find two brothers in Compton rapping by the name of gangster Drea and BG knockout and he decided to take them under his wing they would then record a diss track on Dr Dre and Snoop doll called real G throughout the year they would promote the song on several interviews while dissing Dre and Snoop calling them Studio gangsters um what about your your group look like everybody from your group uh NWA has now become single artist themselves and pretty big uh are you still friends with uh your group uh couple of them Ice Cube MC Ren and yella okay what about the other one who you're talking about all right okay the guy that was Dr Dre yeah that was you remember that group the world class wrecking crew yeah that wore lipstick stick lace biker shorts and you know Ruffles eyeliner oh yeah yeah if you go look back like to his old albums before where he did songs like the Cabbage Patch to fly he's bionic Dr Dre Dre Dre Dre uh and you look back at him in his doctor suit you could tell where he originally came from see if you look back at me you could when my beginning I did the boys in the hood so I was cruising down the street in my 6'4 so it's 93 now and Dre is all of a sudden cruising down the street in his 6'4 now so I figured he like a 93 wannabe because back then he did all this Cabbage Patch stuff and dancing and water lipstick and the doctor outfits with the stethoscope and did all this uh techno music he would never really from the streets and I figured like what he talking about he said he's got a song called G thing I figured g g stuff come from the concrete and that's the streets which he was never from the streets only reason why people affiliate him with the streets is through me so it's like where we from Compton and Long Beach they don't get along with each other see like people in Compton really don't you know um claim Dre as being from Compton and they don't claim Snoop from being from Long Beach so it's like it's a whole little gimmick he got it's not real at least you put the word Compton on the map the city of Compton on the map yeah okay now did you ever at one time you had uh Dr on your label at one time or or was he with you he was in NWA and he was a producer okay for ruthless records all right so Snoop Dogg was never with you or no he was never with me okay I know that you very short on on those two those two names you have very little to say I talk about them all day I mean you know I make money from Dre and Snoop so it don't matter it's all good have you and Dre have ran into each other on one-on-one D Dre stays right around the corner for me boy when he sees me he Ducks his head cuz he's scared to face me you know why why cuz he's screwed up you know why why would he want to dump what reason would he have to dump on you he have to what what reason would he have to to to to to dump you to talk about you D me you um somebody put him up to that see Dre now works for somebody that used to work for him and how he claims that death row is his it's somebody else it's a bodyguard that used to work for Dre M Dre now works for him so he all screwed up oh okay so other words it's like leave leave easy album and come over here and then it was like a little threatening and little everything got kind of serious where it got so serious with Dre owed these people so much money that he burned his house down he ended up getting shot cuz he owed money and he got nothing but problems you see all the other problems he having now on the road they cancel his tour and what about was this some something about one if his boys Ste in a van or doing a a driveby is that true they stole a van supped be uh in Milwaukee MH when they was on the road I guess they jacked the van drivers for the van and then uh Snoop was involved in a drive by shooting is that true yeah it's true me out on pale right now but hey good luck brother what is that going to do to our um to to the fans that love you and that look up not you know that love the rap music how do you think they take um things like that as far as their their their heroes or their Idols doing Drive buys um how the people out here take it but people out there know how he really was he was a dancer now he trying to live a fantasy of stuff that he rap about and uh I know they think he's perpetrating really are trying to be hard or trying to live up to everything that they talking about basically but out here I don't know a new single it's called real Compton City G's it's all about I let I'll let them explain you know it's all about real from compt and putting all them that's claiming they from Compton out the picture cuz they really ain't from C you know what I'm saying just setting the record straight basically it's talking about uh Dre for holling that he is a you know real compy City G from World Class W and everything we talking about Studio gangsters Studio gangsters that's what we basically talking about Busters and know he got the whole world food like he's some hardcore gangster from the streets and ain't never stomped on no compon concrete that's right go pick the EP up and check the back of the EP out y'all check it out see how my man was looking a few years ago check him out with the Wrecking Crew lipstick and Lace but anyway that's basically what we talking about Studio gangsters I let my man knockout tell you about Studio gangsters Studio gangster is Dr Dre Snoop Doggy Dog DH uh corrupt uh that bit rage you know what I'm saying them Studio gang that's a perfect example of a studio gangster this is a real G right here BG knockout St out of confence you know what I'm saying studio gers is who ain't really did nothing but representing turs that they never did nothing saying that D Record talking about how they been to jail in dead time and this and that they never been to jail Drake did time you did time what kind of time we did time with the Wrecking Crew That's right see see he didn't know nothing about no Street doing Street Music until he hooked up with me anyway you know he used to do all that techno stuff to fly Bic turn off the lights on August 26th 1993 e gangster draa and BG knockout dropped the anticip iated diss track real G's and in the music video they actually hired the same Easy E look likee that was in the Dre Day video and chased him around throughout the video on this track EAS exposes Dre for not being a real Gangster and also says that he got paid from Dre's disr towards [Music] him a couple months later in October 1993 e e dropped his EP it's on which was dedicated to Dr Dre the cover of the EP is easy pouring a 40 for Dre signifying his death on the inside cover is a fake newspaper article which has an old picture of Dr Dre from when he was a part of the world class wrecking crew and on top it says that Dre died the day the EP dropped yeah I'm living square but I'm a Gangster like Dre no not the doctor physician or the MD Trac as an OG doctors a phony hey Mr prankster pranker St backs mascara that same month the music video for Dr Dre song Let Me Ride dropped in which Ice Cube actually made a cameo appearance so it appeared that Dre and Cube were on good terms the next month on November 23rd 1993 Snoop Dog dropped his debut studio album doggy style and on two of the tracks he takes shots at Easy E first on the skit W where he refers to him as easy dick hey don't forget about my homeboy easy dick in the jack off and the next disc being on the skit called house party he found low riding all of a sudden I me he never did this stuff in his life never uh now he's a hardcore G from the streets which from NWA he never sound tried to be so hard all of a sudden he did so many murders and you know looting and on his album he's talking about he's looting a place that couldn't even be been touch when the Looting was going on but he say they looted this place that's how much you know he know about the streets really okay so he's not from Compton then not original throughout the year of 1994 EAS spent this time recording his next album which was set to release in 1995 called straight off the streets of Compton 1 and 2 as it was set to be a double album later in 1994 Dr dran Ice Cube would link up to drop the track Natural Born Killers for the soundtrack of the film murder was the case which was actually supposed to be for Dre and Cub's collab album album called helta skela but the idea was scrapped all together during this time it's speculated that NWA was planning a reunion for 1995 after that NWA was set to reunite but on February 24th 1995 e was admitted to Cedar SII Medical Center in Los Angeles with a violent cough on March 16th e would send a final message to his fans saying now I'm in the biggest fight of my life and it ain't easy but I want to say much love to those who have been down with me and thanks for all your support just remember it's your real time and your real life rapper easy has died in Los Angeles after a battle with e whose real name was Eric White was a member of the group NWA which helped popularize harsh inner city rap music Wright only learned he had a after being hospitalized last month because of some breathing problems Wright was 31 on March 26 1995 e tragically passed away from AIDS induced pneumonia just one month after his diagnosis on April 7th 1995 he was buried at rolls Hills Memorial Park in Witter California he was buried in a gold casket and was dressed in a flannel shirt jeans and his Compton hat at the 1995 Source Awards Dr Dre and Ice Cube won video of the year for their song Natural Born Killers and when Dre went to accept his award during his speech he showed love to Easy E peace to everybody from the death row camp also got to say peace to the family and children of E 10 months later on January 30th 1996 e e's pimus album straight off the streets of mother Compton released easy had a track with his former NWA member MC Ren as Ren decided to do the song after EAS died but e also had songs where he dissed Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg it starts off on the track old school where draa BG knockout and easy send shots at Dr and Snoop [Music] like the track what would you do is a full-blown death row diss track where e disses Dr Dre Snoop Dogg sug Knight Daz and corrupt the hook of the song is a spin-off of the dog pound song what would you do as they threaten to come to Snoop Dog's House at the End of the track easy has a terrifying skit of him actually pulling up to Snoop Dog's House and shooting it [Music] up a couple years later on June 30th 1998 MC Ren dropped his third studio album ruthless for life and on this album is a track called coming after you with Ice Cube on November 16th 1999 Dr Dre dropped his second studio album 2001 and on the track what's the difference he pays tribute to e e saying that he misses him a couple years later on March 26th 201 to the 7-year anniversary of e e's death his pimus EP impact of a legend released and on a couple of the tracks he sent shots at Dre and [Music] Snoop the track switches easy does a play on Dr Dre and Snoop Dog's hit song Nothing But a G thing after that nothing really happened for a while but fast forward to February 1st 2011 Dr Dre dropped his single I need a doctor with Eminem and Skyler gray on his verse Dre reminisces on NWA friends some of them I put on but they just left they said they was riding to the death but where they now now that I need them fast forward four years later in 2015 the movie Straight Out of Compton came out and was a massive success upon the movie releasing we actually saw NW have a reunion performance at bet experience this would be followed with another reunion per performance at Coachella 2016 the next year in 2016 NWA would be inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and they got together to give their acceptance speeches at the induction ceremony NWA is arguably the greatest rap group of all time the impact they had on hip hop will live on forever even though they had their differences they managed to reunite in the end of it all before the ending of this video I want to give an rip to The Godfather of gangsta rap Eric Wright otherwise known as Easy E you change rap music as we know it forever and your legacy will never die
Channel: JohnAnthonyHD
Views: 385,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nwa, nwa live, nwa movie, nwa songs, nwa records, nwa lil durk, nwa straight outta compton, nwa the police, lucky daye nwa, nwa documentary, nwa official video, lucky daye lil durk nwa, straight outta compton nwa, straight outta compton - nwa, lucky daye nwa official video, she swallowed it, alwayz into somethin', lil durk who want smoke, n.w.a., straight, outta, compton, (2006, digital, remaster), express, yourself, [freedom, version], hip hop, gagnsta rap
Id: wF5bxButt-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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