The Japanese Internet Slang Quiz!

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*Nyan* What You're just Smiling at me like *TRIES to imitate Aki* Hey, how's it goin' everyone? This is the ANIME MAN and ... Look who's here Hi So you've been here for a month, right? And I realized I haven't done a video with you Yeah And, if you, ya know? Base that on a YouTubers standard that's like.. Well, I mean we've all been so busy with our Channels, That's not an excuse. That's why I'm gonna' fix that today. Okay. So I was supposed to originally do this video with my buddies, or Our buddies, Rachel and Jun And we went to go hang out with them a few weeks ago, Yeah it was really really fun but, We didn't have time to do it so I thought I'd do it with you, because today, I'm gonna' be Quizzing you on .... I'm sure you familiar With Internet Slang, right? I mean your Job Is on the internet, after all- "as is mine" (ಥ_ಥ) But what if I quizzed you on Japanese Internet Slang Then I'd probably be kind of "eh~" . I only know maybe one or two WELCOME TO THE Japanese Internet Slang Quiz, YAAAAY! So I've devised 15 questions. Don't worry, they are multiple choice and not only are they multiple choice but it's only three choices, so you have a 1/33 chance. A One in Three chance of getting the correct answer. Have I mentioned that you have a very bad guessing rate. Then this should be Interesting (° ͜ʖ °) If you get More than Half of them wrong, so if you get 6/15 or less, then you have to eat ... This This is Blue Tentacles ( クロウマ ! ) It's a punishment because, Ⓐ I bought this like a Year ago and, Ⓑ It's from Village/Vanguard which You have no idea what the hell- the scary- And Number ③ the scariest thing is, there's a sticker for 'use by' date. But there's no 'use by' date. The 'use by' date is BLANK? Also there's like a Zombie-like Bear on the cover of it and it really... Just kind of an unhappy squid. I don't know man. This looks Good. You sure this is okay? I don't know I mean, I'm Sure you won't die from it but I don't know if it'll taste good because, This Is from Village Vanguard after all and for those of you who know Village Vanguard Uhh, You don't know what the Fuck you're getting until you actually get it. But, think of it this way, All you need to do is get at least seven correct and You won't have to eat this in fact if you get more than- if you get seven or more Correct than I have to eat this Sounds good. So there's stakes for both of us, I'm not just gonna' get away Scot-Free. I feel like he has the upper hand here, Because he knows more than I do Yeah. By more you mean, I made these questions. All Right. You guys can play along too and I'm going to be, keeping track of the score and I won't tell you how Many you got right or wrong until the end. All right First one is Abon (あぼーん) Abon? A (あ) Bo (ぼ) *draws line in air* (ー) N (ん) あぼーん?あぼーん. Is it Ⓐ, A picture of a skeleton (or similar Images)? Ⓑ, The leftover images of a deleted post? Or ©, A derogatory word meaning "Indigenous Australian"? Is That last one like, because of Aborigine Yeah, it could be. (On Screen: [I'm not Racist I Swear]) Mind you these are all real Is it Common at least? Yeaah, some of them are, some of them-. No this one? This one uh.... I'd Say yeah you see it a lot in like 2-Chan. 2-Chan? What's on 2-Chan? (On Screen: [Still So Pure ^]) It's where 4-Chan ... Originated so Worse than 4-Chan, well since you said that maybe, what was the second one? Ⓑ, The leftover messages of a deleted post. I'll go with that one because that seems like it's more .... synonymous to something that's, sort of like 4-Chan Okay, let's go a Question 2 u-p (うp) うp? Yeah U (う) and a lowercase P. Is it Ⓐ, The sound representing vomiting from a disgusting Image Like *Joey imitates Hurling* Ⓑ, Misspelling of the word "OP" (Overpowered), or ©, A shortened version of the word "Upload"? Maybe the first one 'cuz that's like so, specific but then- then again like I don't know the Onomatopoeia in Japan for like uhh, Gero (ゲロ), well is it just Gero. No Gero is the actual word- like the actual word- Gero means "Vomit" But I don't know the onomatopoeia for Gero. I mean There's a lot. Okay so I'll go with that One okay? So you say うp is Ⓐ, The sound representing vomiting from a disgusting Image. Yeah, it sounds like it could be that. Okay, Question Three Gomiresu (ゴミレス) With Gomi as in like "trash"? Yeah and Resu. Is it Ⓐ, A useless post Ⓑ, A clean post? As in Gomi (Garbage) Less, or ©, Or ©, A Spanish Soccer Player? I feel like that last one is just so out There that it might be it and Gomi-less, Like that also sounds like, hmm I don't know like 'cuz it, sounds like- like it's A clean Post but that third one. I don't even know anything that could derive from it but it's just so out There, I don't know why you'd pick that. Maybe it's the third one. The Spanish Soccer Player. Yeah okay I'll go with Spanish Soccer 'cuz it's just too specific. okay, Spanish Soccer Player. Allright, Question Four Tiun-Tiun (ティウン ティウン). Tiun-Tiun? Is it Ⓐ, A sound that represents Excitement? Ⓑ, The Sound that Mario makes when he enters a pipe? Or ©, The Sound that Mega-Man makes when he dies? I'm Just Telling you Guys, I spent like a Full day thinking (up?) of these Multiple Choice Questions (On Screen: [Yes, I Have No Life]) Well it does Sound like Mario going Down a pipe like *Joey goes down a pipe 😂* But that's Three. And then Mega-Man is like *Mega-Man Death Sounds (Dat Vibrato tho😂)* I'll go with the first one then. A sound that represents Excitement? Yeah. Okay, Question 5 [jii-key-bii-arr] (gkbr) GKBR? Wait I feel like I've heard this one or I've seen this one before. Yeah, Is it Ⓐ, I'm excited? Ⓑ, I'm Scared? Or ©, "Great Karate, Bro. Rad! Uhhhhhhhhhhh- What are you thinkin' Sista'. Maybe i'm Scared I'm scared? That's literally, just a 50/50 chance 'cause I have Nothing to go on it. Okay Question six [ai-wai-ech] (IYH) three Letters IYH. Is it Ⓐ, IiYahooo! Ⓑ, IiYaHahaa! Or ©, I yearn Hentai (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). well I don't think japan Would Say like Say Yearn. We are A very Globalized Culture☃. I don't know when it Comes to like when it Comes to Internet slang Though it's so specific to the language Like There's so Many that only Makes sense in That Language so I don't think it May be the last One Now this one again, I'm Just Guessing IiYaHahaa. I guess are you thinking, Ⓑ, IiYaHahaa? Yeah. Alright Question Seven and I think This might be a Bonus Round for you [double-yuu] (W). Oh Yeah! Is it Ⓐ, Warai (笑) as in Laugh. Ⓑ, Warui (悪い)as in Bad or ©, Wakatta (解った) as in I understand? That's Laughing. You'll See that a lot, you don't even need to be specific and I Swear if I get that Wrong .... I'll be so pissed. I've Seen it everywhere ! Alright Question Eight [jii-jii-arr] (ggr). Is it Ⓐ, Great? Ⓑ, Go get rekt? Or ©, Google it? Maybe Google it. Google it? Yeah We have [jey-jii-ai] (JGI) which Is Just Google it so do you think ggr Is the equivalent in Japanese or do you think They? Also use ggr. Or am I just Saying this to throw you off. (◔ ⌣ ◔) I'll keep just what I said. So you think ggr is ©, Google it. Okay Question Nine [nishin] (妊娠) Yeah, which means pregnant. Is it Ⓐ, A Nintendo fan? Ⓑ, A fat woman? or ©, "My Life Is Over" I think it might be A nintendo fan Nintendo fan? Yeah. Okay, you're going to say Nintendo Fan? Yeah. Alright Question Ten [niji] (虹) Niji? Which means Rainbow. Is it Ⓐ, When something is Aesthetic Ⓑ, When an Argument is starting to get Interesting? Or ©, The Second Dimension? An argument starting to get interesting. Okay. Why do you say that? That's the only one I'd ever use in a post. Yeah, so you'd say, when you see an argument getting interesting you just type in rainbow. Yeah. Yeah? Yeah Okay. I feel like in the last one I should have said the last answer too. you can Change Them if You want you want to change so we're Going back to Question Nine A Nintendo fan Be A fat woman or C my life is over [for] nietzsche Yeah I'll put my life Is over okay? Question 11 in [Dk]. I feel like I've Seen, the sun - is it a how do you feel B Well I don't know [or] C need your danger kick uh Hey hey how, do you feel yeah, okay? Why, do you Say that um I Don't know I'm not [sure] How Knowledgeable Japanese are With English Internet Slang and the other to Sound very Close to Already Existing English Internet Slang I've Never Heard of an A cramp and mean You're danger king, oh, no, no, no You're Right Question - oh Shit Like [Makino] Gonna Sue Vinegar, no no that's Is it A Smacking your Lips at someone like Be a shortened Version of the word Sue up which Means to call or C go on I'll go with the [disk] That's Just it yeah Because I i think I've Seen that Maybe in Some Manga but I could be Wrong, okay? Of Course Another Thing roll was there, oh ha, oh, ha is it a good Morning B. Good night or C. [oh]? Maybe it's the last One and Maybe it's typed that Way Because of the Japanese yeah [People] [yeah] Because of the Keyboards? Because it's Just Gonna leave it as an h because you need to put Another one To Start you need to at least put like A Violent halt but then they Could Just put [Ball] Now Although [it's] like that yeah Bumpin yet, oh? Question 14 Triangle Just The Symbol for Triangle is it A He flesh she is so smart B. He plus she is so cool We'll See he she is so lame I don't know like I don't even Know If I'Ve Seen This one I will Seen it and uh this, One's Pretty [Specifically] to Janet so just go Say The First One Keith, was She's so smart yeah okay and the Final Question? I'm Just Relaxing my tongue Because this, One's [Uh] [a] little difficult [to] Say Quad Said Daughter Fuji, was equal to P? Hmm why, was Their Daughter Fuji Fuji Quality it's A? Internally Screaming Be mind Explosion Or See Nothing I just Match my Keyboard made it out I don't know Cuz Although some Valid I Don't know Anyone That Would type that whole Thing up Did you i'm Gonna Vote you smashed [I] just smashed the Keyboard Made it up yeah I know because okay and we're done Yeah I feel like I lost Really, Bad, well Let's go [Through] the answers Together [Alright] sorry I Born first Question you said it, was [C] the Left of the messages of the deleted Post yeah that Is Correct yes Because a Born and is [m]. Is like a phone, hmm so it's like the leftovers of A dead Person Oh the Leftover Messages of a [please] post so you got the first Question correct Okay so that's one Point to you yeah alright Question two is you said A the sound Representing vomiting from A disgusting Image You got, that Question Incorrect, oh you, answer C a Shortened Version of the word Upload, oh okay, Maybe type UP4 Up Mm-Hmm it Becomes P Question Three Pull me desolate you said [C] a spanish Soccer Player I Don't know I just Wanted [so] specific that one Is Incorrect, ah yeah third a a useless Post okay See that Was my like last one Because this Is In Japanese Slang Means Response so chlamydia is a garbage Response In other words I use was posed I would have thought it was the Second one Yeah go me [Death] so I [just] made that Off Alright Question for to you thank you you, said a a sound that represents Excitement that Is Incorrect [the] answer is C the Sound that mega man Makes when he dies so in The [original] games When And that means when A post fails to be Funny, it's the equivalent to writing fail, [oh]? Okay, Because it's like mega man died When he Tried to do something so it's like Oh you, died when you posted yeah, We went by there weren't enough [to]? Well it's kind of Like [Doodoo] and then the rest Is just kind of Just fades away [Yeah] I mean like I'll Show you Footage of Megaman Dying for Those of you who are too young [to] know To be fair I Didn't know What Half of These men until I before I started Researching them So just Saying. I don't go on to jam you know I don't even Know unfortunate Going over surgeon or Fortune the next one Gkb are you Said B I'm Scared that Is Correct Yay - [right] you're right Gk. Bi Short for Guru Buddha Which is again Short for Gaku Guru Buddha, Buddha Which is the Onomatopoeia for someone Shaking Because they're Scared [at] the next one I yh you, Said B yeah, haha, and that Is Incorrect but it's, also Technically correct Well no one Because this is a trick Question okay because [if] Both A and B are correct yahoo and yeah Haha is the Same so do I get Three you get Three Points [Allah] it's Definitely not I you and [Hentai] I [just] Made that up I don't even Know if the Jump in You see you Next one is W you said a [one] a which means what Yeah that's correct yeah so you are Four correct I think like Maybe Everyone See I think Everyone That's Probably the Most Common one Like That Everyone Sees it it's like Wall yeah you know you see it everywhere Yeah so like I was Thinking to put in the Grass but I've Explained It and Like a Convention before but Essentially There's Another Type of Slang in Japanese which is [claw] which means grass that Came from when you put a lot of thought We used Together it Looks like A bit of grass Yeah? And so when Something is like Really Really Funny in other Words when There's A lot of Double Use it's like? But They're Just Showing [at] the grass, Feel like that's something like so Japanese up there Because I don't see like Those kinds of the Way that they Inspire Certain Things [on] [English] Language I, also Recently Found out that the next Level up of that is dice Organ Which means giant Field of Grass? All Right the next one is Gigi are you Said See Google it and that is correct I guess i your [5tg] [Are] Short for good it okay Which means Google it the next one is me She Pregnant [You] Said See my life is over that Is Incorrect ah the answer was Actually A nintendo Fan yeah I'll put my life Is over okay you change Finishing Is Short for Nintendo [Jinjo] so nintendo is Nintendo and Shinza Which Means iron Fan and Their Shortened that's an inch in but then when you change The Hiragana for Ninja Needs or Kanji it becomes Pregnant [A] Lot City Farad i mean I was so Stuck between the two because like the first one Seemed Like Something that Would be Specific like Yeah okay but the last One Seemed like it Would [Just] it Makes sense and Opposed like when you went when your girlfriend Is [Pregnant]? [your] wife is oh yeah we both Stereotyping yeah, no I made that up? Next one is me G. Rainbow you said Be When an Argument Is start to get Interesting that Is Incorrect ah the answer is C the Second Dimension Because me me G Is short for [me] G game next one Is NdK you, said a how, do you Feel and that Is Correct, oh okay right it's Short for near don't like Emoji which means how, do you feel okay the next one is you said A Smacking your Lips and Someone that Is Interested [I'm] Back like a millionaire See that Is incorrect the, answer is C go on Because in Ascii Art like you know, What Ascii art Is right mm-Hmm like like Emojis Okay, like when you put in Like a bunch of Symbols Together and it Makes like A face or something yeah yeah that's Called Ascii Art in Ascii Art A suit Looks like a hand so if Someone Just [right] [Scoop] that's The equivalent of someone Going Hmm as in go on it Makes more sense if You put A face next to it but I guess People want to [chang] got so Tired of Making A face Every Time to put the hand With that they Just like fuck it Let's put A hand next one is, [oh], ha you said See, oh and that Is Ingram ah The answer is A good Morning Because the Shine Because the hello hi Oh that other Thing I totally Made that Up in fact good night which is B has its Own One Which is [oh]? [oh], why, yes, oh yes, We need, oh? Yeah a, little Trivia for you [the] next one Is the Triangle You Said hey I don't need She's so smart yeah. I don't know that Is Incorrect There's no Oil to know and I know the answer [is] B he She's so cool this is Probably my Favorite Japanese Playing Triangle in Japanese Is Kentucky how You use this Particular Slang is you put the Name of someone Followed by This Triangle it's a really clever play On Words? Right so say if You put A key right If I think you're Really cool I would write A key and then the Triangle and if You write that all Together it's Ox on [Cup] gear like cut gear as In Cucuy so much sun up again Instead of [aki] Sun Cup Game it's a little bit difficult to understand but if you know Japanese it's Really Fucking clever and I love it and the Final [Question] Quite A [few] G Before You go to Beat I don't even Know united See Nothing I just made it all yeah and the answer Is Incorrect ah the answer is a internally Screaming this is Actually Really cool if You Guys Look at your Keyboards Right Now like from Left to right go [to] top row, second Row Top Row Second Row Top Row Second Row One of The Spill out Clarke blue pit Below Through - G - G cool [-] See, that's How it Came About that [Is] a legitimate Japanese language I looked it Up. [I] wasn't too [Short] Either but Then I looked at I'm like wow So how Many did You get right six Jersey Alice, We got six I don't [have] you if you got one More Question correct then I would have to eat this so you are Really Freaking Close, Oh you Didn't Change your answer to the nintendo Question yeah and I would have had to even This the akiza loser yeah All Right Time Enjoy your blue Tentacles I have no idea that's what, We hope to find it Says Open in English? L not know oh Zombie why Thought we'd we sure yeah it Says it, well looks like Gloomy bear but blue I Also won't get Sick Yeah Just [Just] have One and See what it tastes like I'm Gonna you get [Two] because I think These are Supposed to, be like Sweet ah You Can Smell it my god Really I can Smell it from like That's Pretty Strong I don't even Know if I'm supposed to easy, oh that Is very blue Jesus Come That is A blue Screen so pretty it is Really Pretty but it's Probably like the most unnatural blue you can Ever Have all this is unnatural Joe [Haeckel] type of blue I really like, well then you Should Probably try, some There okay, okay [I] know that's not the Reaction Everyone Wanted but Yeah I mean I you Danny i mean I genuinely had No idea what this is going to taste like, oh yeah Hmm nice Among Blue you It still doesn't taste great Though [I] followed my the Probably Wasn't A good idea I don't know why i'm The one I had to eat It and Swallow it even Though I've Technically one yes Well There you go Guys Hopefully you Guys Want something new About Japanese Internet Slang Word how did You Guys do? On this quiz Let Us know What your Score was Without Cheating of [Course] in The Comments Below? Well I've Had fun With that and I learned something that's Good [and] You Guys Can Learn Actually A lot more cool things if you, don't want to just stay With Learning Stupid Internet Slang Words that you Can only Really? On [you] clinical [Olga] and suchan which I don't know why you would be on Those sites to Begin With now why not try out? Lingual Lift to Those Sponsor that's right it's Sponsored Here's the Sponsor Link right Here my good friends at lingual Lift Thank you for Knocking the Camera, I was Showing the Way Legally for Those of you? Who don't know is a language Learning Program online language Learning Program Where you Can learn A language Pretty Nicely and Pretty Concisely like I've Had a look at a lot of online language Learning Programs in the Past and Lingual Lift is genuinely One of the Best Ones Especially Their Japanese Course so a lot of you Guys Have Already tried out Lingual lifts and I've Gotten A Lot of Messages from You Guys Saying How Much lingual Lift has Helped and Lucky for you guys if you use my specialized Link in The Description Below then you Can try out A free Trial of the Lingual Lift Program you Can not only Choose Japanese but There are Also a [ton] of other languages to choose from but of Course Since you guys are a bunch of Weeds i'm sure you're More Interested In Learning Japanese Especially after Learning A Bunch Of [-] Chan Language that you shouldn't Use in Real life so again go Check out the link to the lingual [it] free Trial In The Description Below and Good luck on Learning your Japanese I hope you Don't get Stuck on Couch and and Just when you go dog, oh? Is that the Squid pokey Anyways Guys Thanks for Watching Please like Favorite if you, Enjoyed subscribe for wearing A? Banner Let's See you Guys next Video Whatever I may Keep with you and me Tell me Thanks for Blocking my mouth ?????????????
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 754,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, internet, slang, quiz, 2chan, 4chan
Id: ScQbogJ0W0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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