The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year (2022) FULL EPISODE | Big Fat Quiz

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to the big F quiz of 2022 the quiz that's so big and fat it's been described as Brave real and beautiful and what a year it's been we've had a war in Europe a cost of living crisis and the death of a queen and those were the highlights sadly the cost of living crisis has affected everyone which is why we could only afford these guests let's meet them first up it looks like someone called Geek Squad twice these two turn the ladies off and then turn them back on again it's Steve M Rich we're on a two for one you only need to call once next up she's a rose next to a thorn or as he'd say a wo next to a thorn it's was and wo Jonathan Ross and Rose Mat B lastly one's a comedian whose material is all killer the other's a comedian whose face is all filler it looks like we booked mid 80s Joan Rivers and Lord Fara from Shrek but no it's Captain Ryan and Ma Adam right mid 80s J R that was that was a good look Lord farad fuming about have we got team L team L are important well we realized that we'd been booked you know to obviously fulfill some quotas and our name our name reflects that something for the mums oh something for the mums is fantastic I love it love it Rose Jonathan what have you gone for name wise we thought about velvet surprise velvet surprise velvet surprise on ITV 2 at 9: this Sunday am Catherine what have you got name wise we thought we'd go with a name that sort of reflected where we've both from so we went with uh obviously going with uh Katherine's Canadian roots and my yorshire roots we've gone with Maple gravy absolutely love genuinely sounds like it might be quite nice you try it wouldn't you but one of the big social media trends this year was the crying lens on Snapchat which you hardly needed in 2022 but it made it look as if you were crying so just let's just get Richard on on the camera let's see if this will work so there he is we can sort of if you smile could you smile Richard for a smile I am smiling it's pretty good all right let's let's see Steve Merchant here wow now you SE like sex face it's very very good isn't it it's so good actually the technology just shows how you feel on the inside you need this Jimmy because your face can no longer show emotion is that oh Rose you look so beautiful I look like I'm accepting an award oh that's bad wow that's that's just all it's done there is Jonathan before makeup okay let let's let's take a look at mais that's horrible no why is why do it make your I look like Mr Potato let's see if it will recognize Catherine as a human face oh nice this looks like every Adele video really does it Jimmy come on we oh yeah yeah no come on yeah let's let's see I'm me I wow you look like Shrek when Shrek went human right I'm not going to do the whole show crying speak for yourself right let's get on with the show our first round is all about the year's big headlines richy soon eventually became prime minister Rishi warned there may be tough times ahead and a return to austerity Thatcher must be looking up at him and smiling hundreds of thousands of people join the queue to pay their respects to the queen David Beckham queued for hours evidence of his sincere and deep-seated sense of publicity and pathological desire for a Knighthood in 2022 Vladimir Putin set out to wreck the British economy but Liz trust said hold my beer all right okay this is the headlines questions first question of the big fat quiz 2022 here you go in June the queen celebrated her Platinum Jubilee marking 70 years on the throne but what was the nickname social media users gave to the event that went viral so what did social media fans sort of nickname the Platinum Jubilee yes not that photo does make it look like he's considering pushing her off something doesn't it he's really giving her the side eye go on all right it wouldn't be the big fat quiz without an appearance from the children of Mitchell Brook primary school performing one of their unconventional school plays take a look extra extra Read All About It Rebecca Rebecca snap snap you are very sneaky that's not true yes it is let's find out let me see your messages I forgot my password your wife been very naughty we're not friends anymore where's the evidence in DAV Jones's Locker who's that stay still I'm painting your picture I've decided you lose what Bo you win yeah why are you fighting town I haven't asked a question yet we know what the question is yeah you know the question and the answer yes you can read Jimmy like an open book okay um that was of course the wag of the Christie trial but my question is during the trial don't escalate the question during it changed the question Jimmy I have not changed the question the question wasn't going to be what's going on there that's what that's what the question was when we wrote Our answer well I think I think you went off too early again Jonathan okay so the question is that was of course the wag Christi trial of the century during the trial Rebecca aardi said arguing with Ken Rooney was like arguing with what um suddenly we've got you engaged oh you've never taken any interest in this quiz before I loved this we missed it already was not arguing with what was it I don't know derogatory I don't know what it was why don't we say dumb [ __ ] just to spice it up again to get the whole fight out put Dum [ __ ] and I think we should have that for the rest of the quiz and that's feminism question number three in April former MP Neil Parish resigned after he was caught looking at ponography in Parliament what did he claim he was actually searching for when he stumbled upon the x-rated site um dum dum [ __ ] does work for that yeah are you sure that I'm I'm fairly certain if it seems crazy that's the correct answer yeah I know but it's like if he was cuz he was watching pornography wasn't he he was watching the pornography yes which is such a weird thing to do in public isn't it why are you feeling sort of sexy in the houses of Parliament exactly it's not it's like it's it's the it's the uh what they call it the mother of democracy it's not like the dirty stepmother of democracy question number four Channel 5 bucks the trend when broadcasters fill their schedules with blanket coverage of the Queen's funeral all I want to know is what did Channel 5 show instead so what did Channel 5 show instead of the Queen's funeral I love the way you acted like you knew and then you just went no oh no so close no cuz I know it was a thing it was a thing yeah yeah it was a unexpected yes what they're watching on channel five oh yeah and finally for this round it's over to channel 4 news anchor Krishan Guru Murphy hi Jimmy now I'm no strangers reporting from outside Parliament and often hear professional protester Steve Bray putting his speakers to very effective use but can your teams tell me what song Hugh Grant asked Mr bray to play to sum up his feelings when Boris Johnson resigned back in July yes we know this one do you I don't know that song you do right let's get ready for some answers I asked you what nickname was given to the Platinum Jubilee did you all get this you all got this right yeah what did you get Jonathan the platy Dube the platty jubes plat Dube not to be confused with a platty puss now this is going to sound like I'm making an offc color joke but I knew a girl who had a platti pus right she did she is this a li no she worked for the Natural History Museum and she had stuffed platypus at home she sorry a stuffed platypus well it wasn't had to be stuff did she call it a platypus py no but what they actually pypus that's that's what I just said pyus no you're saying pting py puss platypus just let it roll into the next but she told me she had platypus think the most remarkable thing about this story is not how you mispronounce platti pus but the fact that I knew a woman had a stuffed one okay everyone got platty tubes what great attribute to the passing of Majesty than the previous two minutes we tried to write lovely jubly but we didn't lovely yeah I got it wrong and then I wrote plat dour toour very ni jupes mais Catherine you got this right we gotes okay great second one you saw the children of Mitchell Brook Primary School acting out the waga Christie trial I asked you what Rebecca vardy said it was like arguing with Kleen Rooney what did you get Richards stepen let's start with you we wrote A V verdict cuz we were trying to be a bit apparently that happens in football I don't know honestly didn't get the reference yeah no I just heard about it on when I was flipping to the channels but that makes sense cuz V like v d yeah v b oh yeah out it's nothing have not L do you want the other answers a dissident State you think you think that perhaps Rebecca vardy said arguing with Ken is like arguing with a dissident state or every a and sorin film all right so that's no for all kinds of reasons did you get this Ros we did first of all we're excited and you you you made us feel bad you took us down yeah you brought us down man because we excited we thought the answer would be wagger for Christy trial cuz that's what you were showing us and then you cruy changed the question Midway didn't change it I hav't answer it yet but then we did get it because what she said was it's like arguing with a pigeon oh that's it exactly right argue with Cen is like arguing with a pigeon you can tell it that you're right and it is wrong but it's still going to [ __ ] in your head yes did you get this well no we thought maybe brick wall like arguing with a brick wall but we knew it was less sensical it was pigeons but we went with toddler in the end we went with toddler because you can tell it that you're right and it's wrong but it's still going to [ __ ] in your hair my favorite bit was the C drawer in did you ever see those they do the drawings and somebody drew jery vard and they gave him the most lovely eyelashes honestly I'm getting married next year that's the photo I'm going to bring to the makeup artist like did you watch any of this well wasn't there something to do with Peter Andre's chip wasn't there there was yes what was it that his penis was like I think she described it as being like a small chipal or is just small given small chipata it it was while she was saying I really I respect people's privacy and they said what about this article where you sold a story on Peter Andre saying genitals were like a small chip didn't he didn't he not making this up didn't he reply by saying that's not true he didn't he say that my my penis is the size of a remote control he was like he was watching the news and he thought it's not like a chop L I need something to compare it with if you were going to do that you would keep it in the sausage family wouldn't you you wouldn't go from a chipata to a m you'd go saval perhaps sure I had a white savall once okay let him tell a story no it's not really a story I just had a white Sav it was surprisingly tasty what do you mean a white oh cuz us it was white Sav they're normally a red color like a brownish red a kind of brick color this is why you're a church show host and not a guest a good story all right next one open your book of theatrical anecdotes with that just hide it in the middle okay I asked you what uh MP Neil Parish claimed he was searching for when he was caught watching porn in Parliament did you get this yes yes okay what what did you put Catherine Maisy I figured out what happened because it was a big misunderstanding he was watching pornography and he said he was looking for farm equipment but he had misspelled tractors and you think he spelled it tractors tractors tractors you know your sex workers that you can always keep tabs on what did you get this yes yeah we put tractors as well and I believe though even though there is obviously I mean I don't think it's true but there is I believe pornography involving uh uh equipment of that nature do you want to do you want to take a look see the problem Jimmy the problem is I'm from the West country and tractors are our porn down there yeah I mean my God look at that look at those two bad boys I've never seen the whole movie but I've seen lots of trailers stop it come on he's stood up he's standing up you got the answer right Ste K the tractors tractors Rose and Jonathan got tractors Maisy Katherine we got tractors yeah okay I asked you what channel 5 chose to broadcast instead of the Queen's funeral what did you think we put top 100 funerals hosted by Jimmy Carr yeah Rose Jonathan what did you get well Rose was convinced you knew this well I was convinced and then I got I lost confidence and so my remedy to that was to make it the sequel oh of the film which inspired even less confidence in Jonathan so minions minions I said I yeah you know I me well let's go minions too uh because that's probably more likely but I think it I think it's I think it is a children's film you're close uh what did you go for the wizard of our uh sure it was the Emoji Movie oh it sounds inappropriate but it's got the sad face emoji in it so sorry is is that the [ __ ] Emoji yeah is that in the show is the [ __ ] Emoji is in oh is that in the movie yeah I think I think Richard iy does the voice that's one of the few things I don't do the voice oh my God he's doing it now this is my voice would you do the [ __ ] Emoji if it was offer to you for a large sum of money I mean even a median sum of money okay uh Krishna gury asked you what song hug Grant requested after Boris Johnson's resignation did you get this yes bath out of hell would have been it would have been good not right but good what did what did you go for Katherine M yeah we we didn't know at all I didn't even know there was a bloke outside Parliament who did this thing we yeah we just went leave right now will oh would have been an exellent Choice uh Rose Jonathan we [Laughter] will I'm sorry I so you're right I so heard let let me just show you this is Member of Parliament Chris Phillip hilarious trying to plow on with his interview whilst this song plays and obviously we need to make make the correct choice but we should do it in a reasonably quick time in terms of Boris staying on the convention is that the outgoing prime minister um does carry on that's what happened when Teresa may left office is what happened when David Cameron left office you got the point than he did the serious answer and then not very funny answer as is the tradition okay points points no points let's check in on the scores at the end of that first round so Maisy Katherine you've got two points uh Richard stepen you've got two points way ahead Jonathan Rose you've got four points okay time for a break now so why not eat some chocolates you don't want just cuz they're there it's that time of year see you and F welcome back to the big pack quiz of the Year this next round is all about sport the Commonwealth Games took place in in Birmingham it was basically a big sports day for countries we used to oppress at the Winter Olympics in Beijing finish skier Remy Lind hom suffered a frozen penis in the men's 50 kilm cross country but on the plus side he went on to win Bronze in the women's slalom of course the hardest thing about the 50 kmet cross country event is Remy Lind homm's penis FIFA decided to hold the World Cup in Qatar presumably because they felt footb footb culture wasn't hobophobic and misogynistic enough all right sports questions everyone you ready for this first up why did chess Grandmaster Hans Neeman declare he would play chess naked this year suddenly I'm interested in chess what no oh in a chest game yeah yeah no if your response to what Catherine said was no you've got it right yeah put it down but I can't believe that for a second yeah that should have been our team name I've written that okay for the next question it's over to Welsh Triple Threat Luke Evans oh hey Jimmy on my new album a song for you I cover Everybody Hurts but what must have really hurt fighters in the Milton keing Brazilian jiu-jitsu open this year was facing a blue belt competitor named Edward Hardy he won both fights and claimed gold but can your teams tell me what was so surprising about his entry you know this so what was surpr surprising about the Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter in the Milton Kings open called Edward Hardy oh I know it I know it yes really yes stop yes no right stop you stop stop you stop no do try try it okay what do you mean try it I mean just you know you know I don't believe you but yeah okay that's right minions too all right question number three on sport the World Cup got off to a shaky start when alcohol was banned inside stadiums 2 days before the tournament started what I want to know is what did sponsor Budweiser who'd spent 63 million on sponsorship what did they tweet after the rule was announced oh You' been at the World Cup in Qatar ARA was banned inside the stadiums two days before the tournament started what did sponsor budweis a tweet after the rule was announced okay during The Wimbledon final Nick Kos had a spectator removed from Center Court for disruptive behavior what did he he accused the fan of doing and allege was the cause of the disturbance so what did Nick Kiros accuse a fan of at The Wimbledon final and alleged was the cause of the disturbance okay final question on sport Cristiano Ronaldo was booted from Manchester United in November but not before debuting his new gold celebration in tribute to his favorite pastime what was it so Cristiano Ronaldo was booted from Manchester United this November but not before he debuted his new goal celebration in tribute to his favorite Pas what was it he mes whatever he likes to do yeah what does he like to do uh could you show us give us a clue could I show you I feel that would give it away okay all right you ready for answers yes okay here we go I asked you why chess Grandmaster Hans Neeman declared he'd play chess naked what have you got Maisy mey couldn't believe this I can't ask this can't be CH has gone rock and roll and I think that it was kicked off by that Netflix chess lady show the Queen's Gambit the Queen's Gambit exactly yeah but I don't remember this episode no so unless I've dreamed it I told Maisie that the chess guy cheated by having vibrating anal beads to tell them when to do the move I think the first half of that sentence is correct this is going to shock you looking at me but I'm a big chess fan play a lot of online chess and this was a big story in the chess Community the an yes of course it's true how deep can you play how deep can I play how deep can you play well I grew up in brist it was the only way to get out the gangs Jonathan you but does this mean that now you know where you you get like drugs tests in the Olympics if you're at a chess tournament you have to drop your trousers and open your cheeks God but the weird thing is you could be fully naked and still have anal beads up there fine so it doesn't really prove anything but we we don't know if this is true though this was an accusation that was made did he actually get his kit off or just threat he he threaten he's now suing because he's saying you've ruined my reputation take a look at this so he gets interviewed this I would I would argue is a man that needs to get to the gents at very high speed because an anal bead needs to be retrieved take a look Hans yesterday was a terrible uh day for you and today you start out with a masterpiece how would you summarize it CH speaks for itself is it something special do you know what Jimmy in the chess Community that's how we roll do you know what I mean it's just a mic drop all right Hollywood hunk Luke Evans wanted to know what was so surprising about Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter Edward Hardy at the Milton Kings open what do you all think well I didn't know but Maisy smashed it I think oh well it might be wrong so do but if it's right I smashed it and it it was Tom Hardy the actor I thought it was Tom Hardy as well oh oh you're right yeah you're all right it just is very very surprising yeah didn't come Ed Hardley didn't he come something else like Ed Ed elbow or something no no it's it's uh Ed Edward Hardy he went under his that's his birth name and the referee said afterwards he said a lot of people think oh Tom Hardy he's just a superstar no you get him on the mat and he'll smash you wow who have thought Tom Hardy was legitimately hard he very strong he came around my house one day and he carried me upstairs oh God that's a dream he carried me upstairs any memory of what happened next this is that when you ate the white [Applause] savall all right I asked you what World Cup sponsor Budweiser tweeted after alcohol was banned from stadiums what did they put we've written that this is awkward is that do you mean just your team or but also the is that what B boys something like that this is awkward Rose we thought it was didn't we something like that oh that was awkward or something yeah totally ORS or awkward man Orcs L okay what did you we didn't know so I just put it's water anyway LOL well you you guys they tweeted well this is awkward and then the next day they deleted it pretty quick and then the next day they said new day new tweet winning country gets the buds wow all right I asked you what tennis star Nick Kos accused a spectator of during The Wimbledon final what your P steing his anal beats we've put something she he said something like she's drunk 500 beers or something some kind of drunk lady it drunk lady very drunk drunk lady okay so so drunk I think he said 700 beers that's exactly right I think you get a point for 500 it's near enough but very drunk lady five beers of course she she said she had two drinks and she sued him and he had to pay £20,000 to her favorite charity wow wow so because apparently she wasn't that she was like a big supporter like he was being a bit crazy what what did you get Maisy Katherine well it's the classic story white wine white women don't mix all of us who've been on stage at Christmas know that oh okay Ronaldo okay so I asked you uh what his new goal celebration was amazing you watch a lot of football surely you got this I don't watch this prick um doesn't like she likes the lionesses only love the lionesses can't believe this is the sports round we didn't get one question on the Euros yeah Jimmy Best Day Of Me life that but yeah let's talk talk about this [ __ ] um what what's his he used to do this thing where he went zoo and now it's some based on a hobby so fishing fishing like this and then he does the fishing he goes fishing re in yeah yeah he gets another player to all right I that's incorrect Richard Steven what have you got no disrespect to the north but I wondered if um gang namam style had only just got to Manchester he was he was doing that yeah yeah that's right okay Rose looks like you got this I didn't know this but Rose was confident I can't say I Endor this so otherwise until we find out she's correct but you seem to well I'm I think it's taking a nappy like mim's taking a little nap that that is the right answer yes come [Music] on there he is there he is doing it apparently his favorite hobby is taking a nap it says here it takes five 90minut naps a day but that's a day so where I'm standing that isn't that many naps how many naps I had about eight today how long I had one 5 minutes ago was [ __ ] webit I nap all the time I had a nap the other day and I woke up and my dog was asleep on my head and then rather unfortunately he didn't he didn't sort of jump off he sort of slithered off and I was half awake and I was s didn't know what was going on then his penis was in my mouth and then he went off and I didn't really mind but here's the kicker this what I was upset about about 2 hours later I found a black hair stuck no time now for a special bonus question and to ask ask it one of the Undisputed Heroes of 2022 please give it up for lioness Millie brigh hello [Applause] good I think I think I think it's fair to say everyone's excited but no one more so than amazing you're a hero you're amazing oh gone weird sorry this is like Liz trust me the king you've probably gone a little bit speechless yeah I was there on the final it was the best day of my life and like when it got down to the last few seconds and we knew that you'd got it I was like I'm just going to go mad here I'm going to go absolutely mental and then they they blew the whistle and I just I just cried I've never cried so much ever it was amazing you're wow you're brilliant come over and tell her why don't you come come her I don't think I'm allowed of inter 10 ft is that your actual medal yeah wow can can I have a look come on that's amazing ni so yeah you too look at it put it on are you shaking a little bit look at that I know I'm pry sure should be me that's shaking not you it's not it not oh my God was it amazing that there yeah it was incred UN best day of my life best day of my life except for this help me out Jimmy I can't keep making conversation I think I think um I think probably give the medal back yeah okay now you've got a question for us yes I do uh please so the Lioness has made history this year when we won the Euros oh did you yeah explains that yeah okay got anyway and we parted through the night to celebrate but what I want to know is what did BBC Radio 1 do the day after the final on the hour every hour join the breakfast show to honor the win yes yes yes oh this is great this is G let's I think we've got some steals of you celebrating that's that's you celebrating that how did you go to bed at all did you go straight through um no I don't think I went to sleep for about good two days wow I mean it's really something isn't it it was so good yeah amazing okay so I'm confident you've got this I'd be interested to know Steven Richard did you get it they they Radio One played sweet [ __ ] Caroline on the hour and I'm sorry if that's offensive to people who love the song but I can't stand that Bloody song after this S no I was pleased that it was you know that you won and everything and great You' already seen it yeah that but that song's everywhere I honestly thought we were going to have to hear it at the bloody Queen's funeral Rose Jonathan you you got this but tell me through the art there's NE Diamond what's going oh is it a younger me okay uh Maisy you you've um play Sweet carolan yeah are they right you're correct yeah Point all around excellent everyone's a win tuning to Heart they do that anyway and they say radio one's lost its Edge so let's check in on the scores amazing Catherine you've got six uh Richard Steph you've got seven in the lead Rose and Jonathan with 10 yes good okay time for a quick break but give it up one more time for L Millie bright everyone see you in five welcome back to the big p of the Year our next round is all about film and television in June Charles and Camila appeared in a special episode of East End I know it sounds like a weird Cameo for the king but he's a love rat whose ex-wife died in mysterious circumstances classic East Enders we should stick the drums on the end of that shouldn't we really Piers Morgan launched Piers Morgan uncensored on talk TV and it's true he could say literally whatever he wanted because no one was watching here's Morgan's first interview was with Donald Trump I'm not sure why he'd want to be in the same room as one of the most hated men in the world but Donald did it anyway yeah okay let's remind ourselves what we were watching this year [Applause] [Music] shabira as it was know it's not the same as it was it was little punk as it was what hell is [Music] this okay time for some questions take a look at this bizarre and weirdly Earnest clip of wolver Hampton and remember that wolver Hampton born Liam Payne being interviewed on the red carpet at the Oscars whilst she tries to decide on an accent I want you to tell me what news story is he giving his opinion on take a look at this um I believe whatever he felt that he did did he had the right to do I also felt there were three losers in one fight it's a very sad thing but there was a powerful moment for me to sit and watch one of the world's best emoter in the ever we've seen speak from the heart and I would rather take the beauty out of the situation then take the pain um but I had to leave my chair I'll be honest with you it it it cut me really deep wol the Hampton everyone what is happening there you have an idea yeah this summer love Island gave us a Gates Scandal involving contestants Tasha and Andrew that were so big it was labeled by viewers as the best thing they've ever seen on TV can you tell me the name of that gate y yep y i he'll know this one who who who's this who's this ah now these two that's Tasha and Andrew and where do they work they they work on the love Island as um uh their their sort of uh scenery and he thinks he can bring back double breasted jackets does he you're not a fan of that outfit Richard it's a tough thing to bring back in a post naaval world that's not the last time I'm going to have to say it this evening sorry I'm so sorry I'm lost here what was the question again there there was a scandal on love Island it involves a type of infidelity I would say some would argue a of infidelity oh it was infidelity yeah okay next up it's over to pop icons the sugar bits oh W hi Jimmy 2022 has been a great year for us we made our comeback as did Top Gun star Tom Cruz yes he propelled himself back onto our screens as pilot Maverick after 36 years but can your teams tell us the call signs for three of the pilots from the new film you get a point per pilot original lineup sugar babes as I love sugar babes what's that song they did and I know what you did once again what's that song and you did that thing once what two men if you've had uh if you got a relative that's been affected by whatever the [ __ ] Jonathan's called probably a number you can call but's that if I know it sorry what's happening what's that feel about that's the one can you bring I got it I knew it down that's the answer oh come on the anal beads of K July saw Boris Johnson's final prime minister's questions can you tell me what iconic movie quote he signed off with oh um yes yeah I think theak matter you're on fire all right take a look at this clip all I want to know is where are these fine young men off to they look like Mormons where are they off to oh God I know you're not take me seriously it's like a trend I want to write my music okay they're trying to welcome people to the Church of the Latter Day savior or something me here's some answers for you all right first up you saw Liam Payne give his take on a major news story from this year what did you all think it was when um Will Smith decked uh Chris Rock were you team Chris Rock was that team Chris Rock I didn't I didn't really feel like I had a dog in the fight to be honest I saw it live it was like watching JFK get shot they're making a Netflix film about that they actually yeah and it's starring those two gentleman over there yeah who on Earth do you play I play the Oscar statuette I asked you the name of the gates Scandal which enveloped love Island what do you think let's let's go to Richard and St you what this was at all well the problem is that whenever I flip through the channels and I see love Island I just think why is there never a tsunami when you need one you know so I each each new Season's like a ghost you know I know people who've seen one but I've never seen it myself so I I just I don't so we guessed we wondered if there was someone some kind of Scandal involving a person in the pool pissing in the pool kissing in the pool and it was called Water Gate okay all right good guess uh Rose Jonathan did you know yes we know because we watch it and it's one of the greatest TV shows in the history of Television tit gate let's take a look so uh Coco obviously you know k bed or whatever um I didn't really think there was much more to it but yeah uh basically she's told the guys that I like sucked her tits or whatever what like Li TI or whatever they know they're being filmed right or whatever and here's the other thing look at that apology he didn't he said he was saying no I didn't think my but then apparently she's been telling people so he tried to his hand was forced okay all right so you got that you got that you did not get that okay the sugar babes asked you to name three of the pilot call signs from Top Gun Maverick uh what did you all get well we knew rooster yeah Rooster's one then we didn't remember the rest we guessed Ace and Sanchez oh we got some we got rooster we got Fanboy I think Fanboy yeah Fanboy one yeah Iceman Iceman was in it Iceman's in there you got three so Rose Jonathan roer we got roer Bob Bob was one right Bob is one yes and then tamagi what was the girl tamagi is one you could have had rooster hangman Phoenix payback Fanboy Iceman coyote or Bob got to love him okay I asked you what iconic movie quote Boris Johnson signed off his last prime minister's questions back in July Richard Stephen we've got Luke I'm your father and then we've also put host Lista okay so what what do you think it is I think we know it breakes what's thems the breaks from what film I think it's from Pinocchio there's no way no this is [ __ ] okay Maisy Catherine no this is a thing you see he said so much mad [ __ ] in that speech we didn't know what was in being weird what you think he said well at one point he went like Cincinatti I am returning to my plow so I thought maybe that must be from a film cuz nobody says that I I can tell you uh Richard Steven uh you got it right it was hasta Lista baby from Terminator too take a look I want to thank everybody here and H vista baby thank you I'm I'm genuinely I'm fine with that as long as he doesn't say I'll be back great okay I asked you where these teenage boys were heading off to I've written to to watch the rise of grw uh Rose Jonathan did you know right answer minions film I I it's correct yeah the rise of grw you Katherine Maisie yeah yes so I have a teenager and I know about the social media uh Trends and for some reason all the kids were going to the cinema to see the latest minions film in formal Weare this is the they of to see the minions rise of grew the gentle minions Tik Tok Trend started after a teenage boy in Australia filmed himself and his friends going to screening of the film wearing suits basically the first film came out when they were kids it got delayed because of covid and whatnot and then when it finally came out there were young men so they all dressed up and made it a big occasion it's adorable it's very nice well but the reason I know about it is because there was a lot of Cinemas that were trying to Bar them from doing it because they were being disruptive in certain Cinemas and I I'm sure you'll share with this with me but I don't like anyone disrupting my cinema experience I don't like any laughter any eating makes me Furious that people enjoy themselves in the cinema yeah um well you've done a great job at stopping that thank you I appreciate do you know I have actually because I remember I went to see I remember I went to see the film Django Unchained oh yeah and I was I surprised I went to see it because I hadn't seen Jango chain and I remember there was there were two young teenagers in front of me talking and I ta yeah and through the way through I they were chatting the whole way through and I tapped on the shoulder I said excuse me are you going to are you going to watch the film or are you going to [ __ ] off and yeah yeah you heard me that's right yeah and um they turned around it was fun because I don't think they'd ever been told off by a guy off the Telly before a double tap oh oh it's that golide wanker off the office and um they stayed and watched the film They carried on talking yeah all right now it's time for a special bonus round it's my favorite say what you see all I want to know is what film or TV headline are these images representing what headline is it okay don't whisper too loud no stage Whispers that's way too loud hearing a set to stun all you have to do is say what you see we got this look the first bit is this this oh yeah oh well yes well done yeah y wait oh yeah okay Rose did you get this yes we got it Pub lick vote Matt Hancock thirdd in Jungle fine out yes well that's it's correct Rose I would say it also looks like you may be having a stroke py puss I hate that he's in a family light entertainment show I just can't I can't wrap my head around it [ __ ] [ __ ] the all right all right points all around okay let's see how you're all doing after that okay so I can tell you uh Catherine there's no nice way to say this but at this point you've got 11 points is that good no it's not good no Richard St you got 14 in the lead still Jonathan Rose with 16 it's time now for another break see you in welcome back to the big fat quiz our next round is all about music in May Abba began their concert residency in London the avatars of the band are so realistic they even shag each other backstage marry divorce and then hook up with the other ones you have to know a lot about Abba for that um the real members of Abba made their first public appearance together in 14 years at the premere or did they it's hard to tell in Spain Shakira has been accused of tax evasion to get the truth you know who they should cross-examine her hips I tell you know you've got tax problems when I'm making jokes about [Applause] it okay music questions first up all I want to know is why was this the song of the summer is that all you're giving us it's all you need come on all you need baby you all know that [Music] song okay why was that the song of the summer and number one back in June okay former Health secretary theres coffee was interrupted by an alarm on her phone during an interview all I want to know is what unexpected but appropriate song was her alarm set to don't sing it though they guess one okay if You' forgotten this you will kick yourself um do I'll do your answer don't do my no no no I'll say I'll write your answer and I'll write my answer can we do that yeah sure okay Min m and don't take his okay next up it's over to pop Superstar Ellie golden oh oh hi Jimmy as a singer It's always important to give your audience a real treat when performing but can you tell me what US Superstar lizo did for the first time in 200 years while twerking on stage in Washington in September why I would okay so what did lizo do for the first time in 200 years whilst twerking on stage in September so I'm not like outing lizo as a vampire she's not 200 years old but she did something that hadn't been done for 200 years she did it well to working oh she did all right she did well done yep yep yep all right question number four in the music round which unlikely musical genius entered the charts this year with the rap okay I'm going to spit a couple of bars here my money don't jiggle jiggle it folds I like to see you wiggle wiggle for sure I know this you want to and finally for the music round at Eurovision Norway's sub wolfer brought classic europop and theatrics wearing wolf masks to conceal their identities their track was memorable for its quirky lyrics can you fill in the blanks okay so and before that what eats my what give that what a what and before that what eats my what give that what to what yeah done all right okay all right so answers on music all right I wanted to know why Kate Bush is running up that hill was the song of the summer did you all get this yes yeah yeah stranger things ruined it yeah Str things they ruined it you didn't like it yeah I don't want to hear I don't want to see another [ __ ] influencer make a smoothie to running up that hill do you know what I mean like I am so annoying you spoiled something spoiled something beautiful okay I I will accept uh Richard St stranger things everyone got this well let's treat ourselves to a little look yeah come on bro sing [Music] along they're Moody aren't they teenagers want loads of attention I'm going to levitate is that the actual scene yeah yeah but then they used it again and again and again and again cuz it was a magic music to lure her back from vna's doile in the oh spoiler you've already ruined love Island for me okay so you all got that so I wanted to know what musical alarm former Health secretary theres coffee had on her phone when she was live on air did you all remember this yeah we thought it was [Music] St d r e Detroit by the sugar babes we think Dr Dre okay Jonathan what have you got we were split uh Rose's answer was staying alive by the BS my answer was wide ass platypus and you've gone for Richard Ste still Dr still Dr yeah well let's have a listen it's your question about your your uh residences oh are you right over there you've got a phone are you okay I've just realized my alarm is going off on my phone oh my goodness what is the alarm for you're get a bit of Dr Dre it's just an 8:00 alarm sorry it is Dr Dre is it that's fantastic well Dr coffee with Dr Dre as the health secretary it just gets better and better doesn't it Jesus yeah that's the correct response to that Ellie Golding wanted to know what lizo did whilst twerking on stage for the first time in 200 years what have you got well we've put played an old flute yeah and I've put presidential or Smithson it was some kind of important well I think we went one B cuz we said played the crystal flute cuz I believe the flute was made of crystal and had belonged to a former president but we don't know the name so if you got the name you've got them all no we put played a special White House flute you all got this so she played US President James Madison's 200y old flute take a [Music] [Applause] look I love the idea they make Madison's flu so he say it's a Washington crowd I asked you which unlikely Rap Genius enter the charts with my money don't jiggle jiggle it folds I like to see you wiggle wiggle for sure that was Louis theu in an interview referencing a very old rap collaboration that he'd done okay Jonathan Rose did you get it Rose got it straight away Lou theou y yeah the should we treat ourselves to a look let's treat ourselves to look have a look my money don't jiggle jiggle it falls I like to see you wiggle wiggle for sure it makes me want to dribble dribble you know riding in my feat you really have to see it 6t two in a compact no slack but luckily the seats go back I got a knck to relax in my mind sipping some red red wi oh it's a [Applause] b and finally asked you to fill in the blanks of Norway's Eurovision entry what did your think wolf and banana is all over is that vaguely something at some point did they say that yeah two of them okay and before that dog eats my mouth give that tit yeah oh my God no way we got the same we got before that wasi eats my dog's penis give that TI or whatever we don't know answer went but we wrote and before that uh husband eats my white saboy you all have the same idea you all want to know what the lyrics are okay okay well let's find out all the way from Norway it's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] subur [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was tough ending Darth Punk but I'm pleased your that's an excellent Eurovision T I mean so so damn catchy so in case you missed it it was and before that wolf eats my grandma give that wolf a banana of course it was it's maybe the best ever your rision H one more time please it's a very TI moves there H um let's see what that's done to the scores so still in last place Catherine amaz with 15 Richard Sten you've got 18 just one ahead Rose and Jonathan okay one more time subw warer see you in five welcome back to the big fat quiz of 2022 our next round is all about science and technology Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion it doesn't matter where you stand on musk's new Twitter there's one thing we can all agree on Elon Musk looks like a giant frog with a sweaty hangover there was a heat wave in the UK in July a phenomenon Sun meteorologists are calling summer temp tempatures went over 40° setting a new British record for the amount of people moaning on about the weather there was a Spate of nft thefts this year if you don't know what nfts are think of them as a kind of scam and the people buying them as sort of [ __ ] idiots all right Science and Technology questions you ready here you go here's the first one first up it's over to Hollywood royalty Kate Hudson play close to attention what the hell hi Jimmy birdie J my char in the new Glass Onion knows a lot about intriguing mystery but it was this mystery of the universe that had people going wild when NASA released pictures from their James web telescope so can your teams tell me what was so special about this photo and had people and fans going wild on Twitter so NASA released amazing photos from the James web telescope this year Kate wants to know what was so special about that one okay take a look at this fanb built statue that was unveiled earlier this year it's 30 foot long and sees their Idol's face attached to a goat's body riding a rocket all I want to know is who is that meant to be who made this atrocity so it's a fan built statue what a strange thing this person's face on a goat on a goat riding a rocket a rocket that cost $600,000 wow what a strange Catherine ma writes anything down anything down anything something please okay that's very stressful your tone done yes okay next up it's over to start of stage and screen uh Leon Williams hey Jimmy everybody was talking about Bella Hadid in September after she took Paris Fashion Week by storm with a futuristic synthetic polymer outfit at The Cutting Edge of scientific fashion but can your teams tell me what was so unusual about it okay so leton wants to know what was unusual about Bella hadid's futuristic outfit at Paris Fashion Week prop a cool this okay yeah you do that do it okay this is British engineer Josh in February he reportedly made over a million dollars and became a household name from the sale of something he created for his girlfriend can I play him in the film version can you play him in the film version yes you can so this is British engineer Josh he made over a million dollars became a household name from the sale of something he created just for his girlfriend what was it ah I don't know do you know must be must be okay for the last question in this round I've got a treat for you bring in the fish and chips oh I bought everyone fish and chips we got a fish and chip related question are these recently enough purchased for us to eat them yes yeah yeah these are these are fresh how you doing I love really is real fish and chips yeah real fish and chips oh size of that half a shark like all right all right you've each got a portion of fish and chips all I want to know is why was this British tea time staple creating online hysteria earlier this year which had people camping overnight in Coventry to secure a portion what so there was there was online hysteria about fishing chips caused people to camp overnight in Coventry to secure abortion what was going on what was the craze how did sausages make their way into fish and CH don't show that to Jonathan we'll get an anecdote yum okay all right let's let's go to an okay so Kate Hudson wanted to know what was special about this photo that had space fans going wild on Twitter what do you think this might be Maisy Katherine we think that it's the first actual official photo of mercury because Mercury is the second hottest planet and difficult to photograph the first official photo of mercury a you're so close the first photo of mercury you so close the first unofficial photo so close Jonathan Jonathan what have you got I thought this was they found a planet along with which had like they saw methane on the surface and other things and they thought it might have the qualities necessary to sustain life ah again very very close what have you got Richard and steo mate yeah that is a Chito that's a Chito sausage no no no no it okay so been it's actually a picture of cheso posted as a joke by French phys Klein that mate is off the hookt mate is mental he tweeted this afterwards he said according to contemporary cosmology No Object belonging to Spanish secut exists anywhere but on Earth in view of some comments I feel compelled to clarify that this tweet showing an alleged snapshot of Proxima centuri was a form of amusement it's really [ __ ] nailed the punch line there it that's disgusting why is that disgusting because I don't know who to trust anymore and they could be lying about space how do we know that the pictures they're taking are [ __ ] real there's no way there was a sausage in space you know about it how come they've never been to the Bottom of the Sea but they can go to space you've heard of submarines yeah I in scuba dive in in Disney World one oh my God here we go it was only about that deep there was Tom Hardy there fishing when I was when I was SCU diving I got scared cuz a fish touched my leg and I jumped up and ran out okay that's what's so exciting about a Jonathan Ross anecdote you don't know it might be going absolutely nowhere or maybe he sucked off a dog okay I asked you who was the subject of a 600,000 Monument commission by super fans what did you put we put Stalin and then we put um William Shatner it does look like styling when you I put is it half Chaz and half Dave but cut down the middle okay what have you gone for Jonathan Rose I was in an episode of Chaz and Dave's Christmas tell me everything tell me Jimmy shut up so sorry stand down I was it was a TV special though film called Chaz and Dave's Christmas knees up I've got a day's work as a student and I had to pretend to slow dance to a song by Dave Barry unfortunately for me the person I had to slow dance with in a slightly sexy way was my sister we wondered if the goat was relevant yes because people always say goat like greatest of all time so we thought who's the goat lonel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo if I squint that looks more to me like Messi than Ronaldo oh that's a goat's body yeah so let's take a look oh come on El you're joking it's Elon Musk is it yeah that's Elon Musk that's that's very flattering of Elon did this go into space no no that's respect me Jonathan Rose what you went with we didn't know we thought rocket ship starm Man David Boe that's a good logic a good logic yeah it was some crypto millionaires uh that invested here here they are that's me and my chess crew all right Leon Williams asked what was so un usual about B hadid's futuristic outfit at the Caris Fashion Week what did you all put this was cool this it was sprayed on her B Rose yes we knew this didn't we y you got sprayed on it was sprayed on she looked great okay um Richard Steven did you get it we got sprayed on wiped off can we not use the word we there stepen take a look is she know naked do stop yeah she she came on naked naked she look pants on it's extraordinary isn't it that is amazing it's about a 7 minute video but then it's it's pretty good yeah it's amazing but you can pull on a dress quicker than that it's very much the effect they were looking I mean I've seen similar things online where people have been sprayed but I never knew they were trying to make her a dress okay I asked you what this man created for his girlfriend that made him a household name who do you think that is W's got I think it's word is he the man who invented W I think you're right his name is Josh wle he created wle oh is that why it's w sorry M your answer was cat okay we said Wordle but I don't play myself I was saying to the to the chess crew um Wordle Wordle is for nerds Richard's right there that's not going to fly you still wling I never wled what he just walked straight away you really like that one cheers all right so this is the the New York Times in February uh bought it for a seven figure s yeah nice very nice story okay I asked you why fish and chips created online hysteria earlier this year what did you'll put um fling a fish Trend the flinger fish Trend are so close definitely not Rose I didn't put this I think you did Rose put this you put it you put it you put it Rose what did you what just tell the class tell the class what you put I didn't put I didn't put minions okay all right and you went well you said that there was cues outside of cantry fish shop so we put 10p off I'm so sorry C if you're watching um it was it was of course the Bingley Mega chippy Tik Tock craze what what's the bingly mega chippy Tik Tock craze uh it's it involves this [Music] song chi chi Billy Mega chiy Billy Mega chippy would you like something that's it yeah that is it the hasht bingly mega chippy has three quarters of a billion views what what you do you go to Bingley Mega chippy and get some chips that's it I used to rent above there what sorry I I live above I feel it's been such a bad year to me well you can do [Applause] singing [Applause] every I wish you could zoom in and see his face pressed against the window it's now time for a special bonus round I'm going to show you three film characters from this year's biggest movies which have all been subtly improved all you need to do is tell me what the film is here's the first one oh yeah what we doing nameing the fil name the film what was that one MH uh could be there's the first one here's the second one take a look series you look cool like this I do look nice like that yeah I'm more you look like Liam pay there struggling against adversity and your natural accent yes okay here's the third one oh God what a night that was I don't remember I think Richard took this photo yeah I used to drone okay first one first one do you all get this yes have a look Maisie Catherine your first answer this you thought was from well I think there's a series on Netflix called Wednesday and you kind of look like one of The Adams Family people I didn't get it Richard Stephen this is you waiting for your hair [Music] transplant it was the Batman the Batman the Batman Jonathan Rose of course we the Batman okay the first one was of course me as the penguin in the Batman okay next one is okay there's there's me I think I look good like this that's not you Jimmy but I think I look good yeah but that's not your body that's why you look good I've seen you uh semi undressed and you do look like that white sausage I've been banging on about amazing Catherine what have you gone for this oh what have we gone for Outlander oh then the 1981 Sean connory classic we just don't know I'll be honest I've still got Bley Mega chippy in me head it's really hard to think when your brain is just going B did you get this Jonathan yes I think we did we said the Northman or Northman Richard Sten the Norman I I've never heard of that it's pretty let's a look here he is oh he's grumpy isn't he final one me and Steve but who who's in uh Maisy don't worry darling this one we knew the Harry Styles one yeah we got the same okay yeah don't worry darling y let's have a look Florence Pew she is just killing out in every red coling she so good not as pretty as Steve thank you my friend yeah all right so let's have a look and see what that's done to the scores uh Katherine amazy you have 17 points yes is that more than we had before yeah it's more than you had before but it's you're still doing badly uh Rose Jonathan uh Richard Steven you guys are on 24 points each oh yeah as Leonardo DiCaprio says to every girlfriend on her 25th birthday it's time for a break see in five welcome back to the big pack quiz this next round is all about the people who made headlines this year gwynth paltro posed nude for her 50th birthday when my girlfriends saw the photo she said I hope I look that good when I'm 50 I said you don't look that good now what you don't [ __ ] know um Peter K's live tour ticket sold out in minutes many fans complained that after waiting online for hours when they finally got to the front of the queue Phil and Holly were already there all right okay so here we go people questions what encounter between two people this year was described as an odd online illusion one of the great mysteries of our time and by Body Language expert Judy James as a display of utter Mastery of self-control wow so it's two people this year described as being an odd online illusion one of the greatest mysteries of our time and a body language expert Judy James said a display of utter Mastery of self-control it is film related and involves being incredibly rude oh yeah yeah here we go question number two in October Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg made an announcement to an audience at a meta connect event he walked down stage claiming I know you've all been waiting for this what was it what were those people waiting for you know I think I do how can they be waiting for that cuz I think that they don't have them all right Kim Kardashian made headlines throughout the year what extreme thing did she say she would do every day if it meant staying younger before I'd finished asking the question yeah Katherine Ryan's in there would you do it youim is not doing it would you do it I'll never tell straightforward this one can you tell me who this is oh yeah yeah yeah you got it oh yeah you do it CHS every oh that's all right final one the esteemed actor Charles Dance is reading an extract from a celebrities autobiography released this year but who's the mystery author over to you Charles chapter nine the Strictly Come Dancing lot used to come in right at the end of The Big Brother series so before I worked on that show I used to drive my buggy up to their set and drive across the the Dance Floor I'd sing the strictly thing tuneo then drive off when they were filming the first series of the crown there we used to abuse all that lot as well because we thought that they thought they were something special too CLA Foy Matt Smith John litho all of them lovely people I'm sure they built all these big sets all over the shop everywhere you looked another whopping great palace would have popped up they took away our bit where we used to play rounders in the summer and put bucking and Palace there you was my general attitude so I hated them and then I started watching it and [ __ ] loved it I used to break into Buckingham Palace and Downing Street all the time on my last day of Big Brother I snuck over and wrote I Was Here on the tunnel that led into Buckingham Palace have that you [ __ ] coming in here and taking over our studio space I got very territorial okay Charles Dan is reading from a celebrity autobiography or having a breakdown Jimmy why was he holding a book but not reading it yeah see these cards same thing ain't it you get the questions from vibrations from anal be yeah um uh okay uh all right ready for answers all right I asked you what encounter between two people this year was described as one of the great mysteries of our time what did what did you all put when you said online and then great Mysteries remember they used reverse aging to make those actors look very young in the Irishman 2019 the Irishman came out so uh okay let's see if you're right well that was a mysterious question yeah it was very difficult I don't think anybody would have you got it right we thought it might be the encounter between Harry Styles and Chris Pine we think at the uh can film festival premiere of D darling which we du spit gate yes no yes no it was the Venice Festival [ __ ] you that's exactly right that is exactly the right answer good answer did you did you get there got Styles and pine let's let's uh take a look at the candid and scandalous moment to see if we can uncover the truth take a look here there there's The Spits happened he looks down at the spit it's Chris Pine's reaction now look at that little smile on Harry's face he definitely knows he's done something he did something Chris Bayan is reacting like oh dear how do I Chris Pine's people said afterwards they said uh they said it's a ridiculous story a complete fabrication and the result of an odd online illusion that is clearly deceiving and allows foolish speculation do you think we could set the internet a light if I pretend to spit on you slow motion I think we're already setting the internet light okay I asked you what Mark Zuckerberg announced at The Meta connect event this year with a claim I know you've been waiting for this Jonathan you love technology must surely I didn't put this answer I don't understand how this answer makes sense I thought it might be because he they were launching like virtual real they were buying Oculus and folding that into the metaverse I thought maybe it' be a brand name but Rose put legs you the Czech genius was introducing legs to the metaverse yeah like legs virtual legs yeah Catherine uh Maisy you've got we felt like there was a lot of hype about the new metaverse logo and they were unveiling that let's go to Geek Squad see if they got it well we hedged our bets cuz we put uh avatars with legs but I'm sure at some point as well he also announced that he was he'd taken up jiujitsu and he was a white belt in Jiu-Jitsu which I think you get just by buying the outfit cuz I know this cuz I did um I did Judo for a while when I I saw you down there yeah no I did I did I'm not making this S I did Judo when I was a teenager and I'm swear I heard the Sensei saying to the other kids just knock his glasses off and so I gave up martial arts turned to chess anyway so it's one of those we think okay so Rose it turns out is legs leg correct I knew it that point as well so that's that's what the avatars look like now here's what they look like before this guy's a billionaire remember I don't really understand what this is I've never been on the metaverse but I I remember a thing called Second Life from about 15 years ago and it seems to be that but even [ __ ] all right um I asked you what Kim Kardashian claimed she would do every day to stay young what did you think eat [ __ ] no I asked you what Kim Kardashian no she said she' eat poo what did you put for this we put eat poop as well I think she said she would eat it if someone told her to keep her young looking she would eat it every day okay and Richard Steven feal Massa Massa I mean very nicely put I think as well this is absolutely right yes she told the New York Times that she would consider eating [ __ ] every single day if it made her look younger would you what if it made me look younger yeah if it made me look like her yeah 100% I asked you to name uh the famous face pretty easy I think what did you all get this yes hi club that is an amazing costume well let's take a look at the costume in full effect this is what she for Halloween I mean she wins Halloween every single year here's a clip of her hey honey how are you I'm great how are you just hanging around or laying around you know just laying around just worming around you know finally esteemed actor Charles Dance read an extract from a celebrity autobiography this year who do you think wrote it well we we toss up between Prince Harry and uh Ryland Clark uh Rose Jonathan you've gone with we went with Riley and Clark as well we think that makes sense uh three for three well let's take a look that was of course an extract from Ryland Clark's autobiography 10 not Rel iMed all right this is the part of the show while I introduce a Myer guest all you need to do is tell me who they are how they made the news however you can only ask them yes or no questions please welcome our Myster guest a there he is hello how are very nice to see you oh now you can ask questions uh but you you're on a strict time limit so how did he make the news this year did you go viral I did go viral yes I did go viral yes yes just a yes yes you didal were you dancing no was it to do with a hobby of yours or a Pursuit that you do anyway that's tricky one that it's not tricky is it yes yeah yeah we'll say yes what do you mean you'll say yes it is yes I'll say yes sorry have a look at the card do you remember who you are yeah is it a dangerous hobby no I think you're right it isn't dangerous but I think people might perceive that it's dangerous oh okay is it something you planned or it just happened accidentally oh that's a good one question the yes or no yes no question so is it was it planned yes okay but it was unexpected can I are you happy with your legal representative very do you do it as a job as well yes I do oh it's your job okay was this thing was this the biggest time of this thing does this thing go bigger on that occasion than any other time uh bigger than any other time I think you know what this is okay write down some answers does it involve heights yeah you high up yes it couldn't be a clear yes it's really fuing yes okay that's it you've all got to write something down Richard's got a question do you believe in the indestructibility of the human soul yes or no yes or no thank you I think I know the answer know the answer okay well let's have a look let see have you all got something yeah Richard he wrote The Banana line in that song the Eurovision song he came up with it you such a big song we had two guests on yeah he heot okay exactly it's a fine guess um what what have you got mais Catherine um absin nude no rose Jonathan we thought were were you the person who was commentating when the Jets were trying to land during the storm I think it was Unice and they and you do this anyway you're a jet Enthusiast and it went crazy cuz everyone was loving your commentary can I say yes now yeah tell them who you are spot on thank you very much for being Who You Are what you do so my name is Jerry and in February this year uh my channel went viral because we were filming the uh aircraft trying to land in storm munice at London he road which was pretty nice should we should we let's take a look let's treat ourselves to some of these excellent Clips funny popping it down on the left side whoa no way the swing there BOS oh oh no we didn't like that see I am high up look yeah I think people would think that's dangerous even though it's not okay all right well let's let's take a look and see what's going on with the scores okay so uh Maisy Catherine uh tried really hard are we into the 20s yet you've got 20 yeah Richard Steven youve got 29 Rose Jonathan going to the final round you've got 30 we'll be back in 2 minutes thanks one more time for Jerry everyone see you Jerry thank you so much for coming on that was really fun welcome back to the final part of the big fat quiz this round is all about the water cooler moments that define the year in August a new craze called quiet quitting became popular it meant doing the bare minimum required of your job and nothing more the most famous quiet quitter of course was Liz Truss the Elizabeth line finally opened so now you can leave Central London and in just 50 minutes regret going to Maiden head the project went over budget by about4 billion but that's okay who needs 10 new hospitals when you can get directly from slow to Romford all right final set of questions all right first up we've got a question from Norwegian pop sensation secre yes hi Jimmy 2022 has been a busy year for me as I've been off on tour but fellow musician Rod Stewart has been even busier he played the Platinum Jubilee announced his retirement and also got into trouble with his local Council in harlo what did he do he was singing [ __ ] sweet Carol my bad Peter string fellow said that when he met Rod Stewart is the first person he'd ever seen who backcombed his hair and it changed his life that's a true story question number two billionaire prime minister rishy sunak was caught trying to sound normal whilst discussing his favorite thing to order at McDonald's what was wrong with his order what was wrong with rishy Sunex McDonald's order earlier this year next up over to Jamie Oliver hi Jimmy after a long career as a chef I'd like to think that I can make most combinations of food work but this year what did a French gateau mashed potato and a tin of tomato soup all have in common okay so this year what do French gateau mashed potato and a tended tomato soup all have in common very good okay in October what did the Pope warn priests and nuns against doing because it allows the devil inside now that's a double breasted jacket you can get behind isn't it yeah you can sell a lot of ice cream in that I had an ice cream stolen from me the old soda Shar a a dog stole an ice cream off me when I was little it's the speed with which he go he hears a word and a story ice cream ice creaming it's like a search engine the final question okay in this round and finally in February this year a board security guard got in trouble after altering an Anna laor Kaya painting three figures during his first day on the job under your desk you all have a copy of the painting all I want you to do is replicate on the artwork how it was aled oh I don't know this one cine so first day as a security guard and he decided I could improve this I just want you to see how he improved it if you're playing along at home just do a little picture no to get it down to the think to and balls right we're all thinking it they're dra we can all wait for that we'll have to wait well that's absolutely worth waiting for okay some answers sigd wanted to know what Rod Stewart did that got him in trouble with a local Council in harow what did you all put fixed potholes fixed potholes yes he holes he repaired pot holes in the world and then uh Katherine Maisy yeah fix filled pot holes in oh well you're absolutely right let's take a look at him in action here he is oh come on where I live cu no one can to do it my salt of the earth Rod Stewart there the uh apparently his Ferrari couldn't get through that's why he did it I asked you what was wrong with rishy sunx favorite McDonald's order did you all get this yes yes okay what did you put Richard it was no longer on the menu what did you think he ordered Stephen oh he ordered some like a wrap or something is that right or something something like that breakfast rap yeah yeah okay Rose Jonathan ask for discontinued item we were going to put breakfast wrap as well and mais Catherine yeah haven't been on the the breakfast WP okay Jamie Oliver wanted to know what French gate mashed potato and a ttin of tomato soup all have in common they all made headlines this year they were all thrown on work saara oh yes of the that is exactly the right answer yeah so did you get the Maisy Katherine yeah and then you've gone Rose Jonathan space food which means because of climate they threw it on paintings to you wrote down you wrote down space food you thought maybe the answer might have been space food so if you want to know the soup went over a vof the mashed potato went over a Monet and the cake went on the Mona Lisa I wanted to know what the pope warned priests and nuns against doing as it allows the devil inside was he looking up tractors it was looking up tra porn the Pope the pope basically said uh nuns and Priests shouldn't be be looking at porn you thought they wouldn't have to be told that if You' become a nun or a priest he said it weakens the soul and the devil enters from there in which case it could help you win a chess and finally asked you to replicate how the painting three figures was altered by a board security guard we think he drew a picture of Richard and I a and then and then you Jimmy as well yeah mean spirited nilp um Rose Jonathan well waai for the traditional bit minimalist with this so what what have you drawn just small small tiny little eyes okay let's have a look at what the guy did so this is what he did that's it before and that's what he did wow so you get the point there definitely but but but I would say a better answer than just getting it right is this we've got minimalist as well so this is the dog it's a big old doong on the dog it that's got to bring back memories isn't it it's a puppy right so it all comes down to this the big question and in honor of Top Gun the highest grossing film of the year please [Applause] welcome wow it's strictly johannna everybody it's Johannes AKA Bravo foxtrot just very nice to have you here I believe you have a question for us yes I do in three parts right in three parts now this is it the first one I want to know who was the most Googled person in the UK this year Google person Five Points if you get it right most Googled person Googled person then I one the best selling album of 2022 best selling album of 2022 five points for each and lastly I want to know the word of the Year according to the Miriam Webster dictionary great word of the Year biggest selling album most Googled person five points for each everything could change okay are you comfortable up there because it looks like you know what actually I'm fine you're fine yeah let's see if it's safe hope care what do you mean safe oh no I'll be fine oh okay it's not F I mean the worst I could happen is you'd fall down oh did you mean you yeah oh Christ no I didn't think of that okay so most Googled person this year what have you what have you all gone with Maisy Katherine we fought the Queen the Queen the most Googled person what did you put Rose Jonathan I thought it might be that Roman person that Boris Johnson mentioned catus or citus or something he said and now like catus I must return to my plow them's the breaks you're just going over wrong answers from before Richard Stephen what did you think we put styles styles okay so clearly the queen is the right answer Five Points to you this is this is what was the biggest selling album of the Year Tor come on got Swift Richard okay so the queen was the most Googled person Taylor Swift had the biggest selling album of the year and the word of the year now unless there's been a late change Richard and Steven what do you think it was [ __ ] tooth Rose Jonathan what did you think the the word of the year was we put Goblin mode mais did you get this well we didn't know what the young people said we were thinking triggered Gaslight we didn't know like a cool world you were thinking what triggers Gaslight what was the answer guess ler why did we put when Steve I'm so sorry babe so ma Katherine you got 34 so you've come comfortably last but a lot closer than I thought you would pretty good rose Jonathan you were ahead all the way through they remained ahead yeah they did remain they made there because you got 38 they got 39 so they've won the big fat of the year you won and there you go perfect that's it a big thank you to our brilliant panel our special guest and thank you for watching see you all in 20123 good night can we get you out of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Big Fat Quiz Channel
Views: 392,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big fat quiz of the year, big fat quiz, jonathan ross, david mitchell, richard ayoade, noel fielding, sean lock, panel show, channel 4, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, richard ayoade compilation, richard ayoade mash up, richard ayoade snake, richard ayoade best bits, richard ayoade noel fielding, richard ayoade graham norton, cats countdown best bits, richard ayoade russell howard, richard ayoade interview, big fat quiz 2022, stephen merchant game show
Id: _FHgcizsWeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 9sec (5469 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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