Japanese Swearing 101

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hey guys it's utah so there was something i was fascinated with when i started learning english and that was swear words it was really interesting because we don't quite have words that have the same effects in japanese but does that mean every word in japanese is nice and polite of course not so let's learn some bad words in japanese for educational purposes of course number one which literally means [ __ ] just like the english word [ __ ] you can use it when something unpleasant happens when you lose a video game you can say so when somebody makes fun of you but you can't think of a good comeback you can say or in a common situation where you're playing hide and seek with your cute classmate you may or may not have a crush on and you think you hide very well except that she finds you after three seconds you can say and you can also combine so with other nouns to make compound words such as or you can also use it as an intensifier like very so let's see very hot very serious as you can see so is a very versatile word it's just like the word [ __ ] that you can abso [ __ ] lutely use [ __ ] everywhere to [ __ ] with those [ __ ] to annoy the [ __ ] out of them to stop their [ __ ] like you don't give a [ __ ] but if you want to use so smoothly like a pro you need to know how to speak japanese and if you want to learn japanese with me i will teach you the kind of japanese the real-life japanese people today actually speak which isn't always super polite so click the link in the description and subscribe but compared to the english word [ __ ] so is much less intense you can totally say it on tv and kids can say it in front of their parents we do have some words that you can't say on tv but these words are mostly discriminatory words and not necessarily just some bad words number two which can be translated as dammit this is originally a buddhist word that means creatures other than human it's considered a bad thing because reincarnating into these things are apparently bad anyway you can say chick show pretty much the same way as damn it when something bad happens and again you can say it on tv this word is not as flexible as xo as you pretty much only use it as an interjection number three baka which of course means stupid i think you already know this bird and it's a pretty common word to insult somebody the easiest way of using it is just adding baka to any sentence koch koibaka come over here stupid and of course there's this famous line from evangelion and you can use baka as a regular adjective stupid question bakana commento stupid comment but the intensity of baka changes drastically depending on your tone you can also use it in an affectionate way so baka isn't necessarily that strong depending on the context but definitely not as strong as some insults in english and that leads to number four insults even though we don't have a lot of bad interjections that are in news currently we do have a lot of insults bold person gigi old man baba old woman and actually you can't say some of these words on tv i hope i can say them on youtube and i noticed that there are so many sexual insults in english whereas in japanese they're more like physical appearances and age having said that sexual insults do exist in japanese for example we have promiscuous woman unpleasant woman sex worker so we do have these words but the thing is we don't use them very often in real life but you're more likely to see or hear these words in fiction or especially in translations of foreign films so if you use them in real life they might come across as more comical than insulting number five te me japanese has many second person pronouns and some of them are pretty insulting and tame is one of them you can say something like te me nanistender what the hell are you doing another second person pronoun you might have heard is kisama which many anime characters say but i don't think many people say it in real life but te me i've heard real life japanese people say it but the thing is we don't use any second person pronouns usually in daily conversation so using anything can come across as abrupt or abrasive for example anata is supposed to be a polite second person pronoun but since we don't use it very often which doesn't mean never because some people use it sometimes it may sound kind of aggressive if you say no need to stay in this car what are you doing it doesn't necessarily sound aggressive but if you add another what are you doing it may sound a bit more aggressive or accusatory even though it's considered polite because it has this in it so in japanese making these subtle changes can make you sound very different context matters a lot we also have another second person pronoun oh my oh my can be super rude if you use it with strangers it's like picking a fight but between close friends it can be a pretty normal way of addressing each other so again context matters number six [ __ ] so there's no japanese equivalent to [ __ ] and we don't have words that have the same intensity so what do we do well some japanese people actually say [ __ ] i wouldn't say it's super common but i've heard my coworker say it he would say something like mo fakudesio when something bad happened at work and i would find it pretty amusing did you notice that this sentence has this in it this can make a sentence polite which means in japanese you can actually swear politely you can say [ __ ] this and you can use even more polite expressions like gozaimasu and say fakede gozaimasu this is so much fun and do you remember the word [ __ ] you can also use it politely your company's products are [ __ ] onsha is a polite way of referring to the other person's company so this is the polite way of insulting other companies products and do you remember you can combine so with other words so you can say sofa de gozaimasu so in japanese you can swear very politely and i think that's [ __ ] fantastic but if you want to skillfully swear in japanese you need to learn japanese and if you want to learn japanese with me i will teach you the kind of japanese the real life japanese people today actually speak which can be different from the kind of japanese that textbooks and apps teach you because they can be unnatural and outdated so click the link and subscribe to my email group japanese with utah alright see you guys soon ciao you
Channel: That Japanese Man Yuta
Views: 134,134
Rating: 4.9894547 out of 5
Id: KIPsf-_Amzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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