How To Fix A Jam on the Ender 3 S1 Pro (FULL Walkthrough)

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this is my ender 3 s1 pro and this is a failed torture toaster it failed because the printer jammed and today i'm going to show you how to take this sprite hot end apart and unjam it my name is jim and this is the edge of tech so like i said this thing is jammed and we need to fix it i tell you what this is gonna take a little bit i am filming this intro after i've already done the unjamming and i tell you what it was a little more involved than i thought it was going to be so watch the video make sure you put everything back together right and it'll start working in the end i don't want to make this video too long so let's jump right into it radar [Music] so i heated up the hot end to 240 degrees and i am gonna push 10 millimeters of filament through it right now as you can see it is just clicking you can see it here it's not feeding and i can't push the filament in and out myself either i mean i can pull it all the way out but i can't push it in any further so i'm gonna have to pull this thing apart and find that jam so the first thing i did i took my filament out of the top and i cooled the machine down before i'm doing any of this you don't want to do this when it's hot because you definitely will burn yourself now i'm going to pop the cable off the top here and pull that out then we need to take out the four screws that hold the extruder onto the hot end one two three four so we're going to remove these four screws and they're not super tight so it should come out pretty quick when you get the four screws out right there all you have to do is lift and pull and the extruder comes right off now that you got your hot end off the printer uh this is the fun part looking at this we're probably gonna have to pretty much take the whole thing apart just to get in here and get that jam out so to start from what i can see we need to start with the bolts on this backboard we're going to start here here and here and then go from there so what i'm going to do is take off this this and this and we probably should get these two unplugged here because we don't want to break those in the process it looks like there is some hot glue on these two here we'll get those clips out carefully i'm going to get a side cutter actually that one peeled off pretty good sometimes you could just take your fingernail and peel off the glue and that's okay too both of those did pretty dang good and then be very careful and just unplug like that then what you want to do is take off one two three bolts here and we're gonna do that now once you get the two off the two in the top actually hold this black piece on so we'll pull that apart here and then the one here is very long so take that one off and your board should just pull over to the side like that now i turned it kind of upside down and this is our cr touch and there's a bolt right here in the top of the cr touch that we need to take out next so we're just going to [Music] take this bolt out right here and hopefully that should loosen this whole plate out now that i got this bolt out right here you can see it's almost loose but it's still kind of on there so there's got to be one more holding us in and if we turn it around it's right there so i'm going to take this one out next once i got that one out that whole side piece pops off and that's our fan shroud and our cr touch you can see what we're left with this is the hot end here uh the cooler fan this is all the electronics and the side we had to take off now you can disconnect everything to the board if you want to but what i noticed is all i really want to do is get into the extruder here so i'm really hoping that if we take these three bolts out here it'll allow the top of this extruder to like pop off that way we can see what's inside and what's causing the jam so let's try that we're gonna remove one two three bolts right now i'm gonna jump in real quick to say if you were getting value from today's video please hit that like button it really helps spread the video through the community and i really really appreciate it now back to it okay it pays to look at things before you get too far i was going to take this nozzle out i was going to take the nozzle off and take those two screws out but what i realized is that i could actually pull the block out carefully just like that and now your whole hot end block there comes off which is awesome so i'm gonna set that aside and see where we can go with this so we got the block off and this still won't come out it just doesn't want to come off so i'm assuming something else is holding this on and if i flip this aside this looks like our shroud here for the fan so i'm going to take off this screw here next once i have that screw out there i think we got to take off the two fan screws in the top here so we'll grab our allen wrench and we'll take out the two fan screws in the top here as well we'll take off that that removes the fan to the side and it exposes two more screws right there right here and right here i believe these two are holding this thing together i'm going to take out these two here next that were right under that fan and let's see what we can get all right i got the second one out we'll lift that off and that's the mount for our fan and let's see this thing still does not want to come apart oh it's slowly coming apart there we go i got it off let's get this focused and try to get this extruder apart all right i got this off the extruder like we saw and it appears what i need to do is hold down the bottom and just kind of pull it back and forth carefully until hopefully it comes out here just trying to get this top cover off so we can see what is causing our jam there we go so i'll pull that up and we have the gears and the spring and everything right inside of your sprite extruder let's take a quick look at the gears here it is a dual gear drive this is where your filament travels right through here this is the knob to turn everything on the outside and here's your tension spring right here so that's how the filament goes in you pull this down and it allows it to go through your little uh channel right here so you want to make sure those are lined up before we put this back together then through the channel here it comes into here comes into the top there it hits those gears here and pushes down through here and it appears that my filament which is blue you can see it's jammed it's stuck right here somehow and i'm not sure why it got stuck there um but i can tell you that it's definitely stuck at first glance i thought this was a ptfe tube when we pulled this apart but that is super small and i started looking and you can see where the extruder put grooves in the filament as it was pushing it through so i'm gonna pull that out with a pliers and let's see if we can get this thing unjammed all right so i grabbed my little pliers here i'm going to grab a hold and just give this some yanks oh man that is in there good whoa there goes everything but it appears now that i threw everything around it looks like i got it out and that is definitely filament here that should not be jammed in there if i look through the path i can see through it now which is a great sign that's awesome and i'm going to try to put some filament down through to make sure we're good now and i'm going to load it in where you would load your filament and push it through and if i push it through you can see there is a small ptfe lining right here in your extruder i'm assuming that's just so it holds you know the filament path straight so i'm going to push that through there you go you can see filament through both sides that is moving like it should and not jammed now i don't know what happened what caused this jam but it was definitely stuck and we had to take the whole thing apart to get to it just a quick heads up normally if you've seen my videos in the past i would tell you to replace this ptfe tubing this white ptfe tubing with something good like the th 3d tough tube i really like that or capricorn whatever in this case i don't think we need to do that because this is not going down into the hot end and you want this to be a little bit wider of a gap just so your filament actually travels through it in the extruder if you notice it doesn't go any further because this is an all metal hot end so you don't want that too tight of a tolerance or it could be a pain to get your filament loaded into your extruder so i'm going to leave that white piece in there when i have your top piece and you're going to set it back down on here it has to get the gap here has to go between those gears so when you're pushing this down pull back your lever a little bit um [Music] pull back the lever and and make sure that you're pushing it in nice and straight once you get it in nice and straight it'll all push together and then your lever will work so if your ptfe lining pops out just push it back in and you're gonna be good now something to try before we get too far if you want is you could load a piece of filament down through the gears if you want to it's kind of hard to do when it's not on everything because you have to press the lever here to let everything go through but if you do it right it should come through and go through the bottom so everything's good to go here we're going to put this back on the extruder get everything mounted back on just like we took it off do you want to see that just do the reverse steps we did to remove it and let's see how this thing extrudes before i put it back on the printer i just wanted to say that in doing this i learned that i probably could have taken the two screws out under here the two bolts and this back one which is the set screw to hold your all metal uh hot end in there and this would have come out of the printer here then i may have been able to see that filament and pulled it out with the pliers this way and that might have saved me a whole bunch of time but i'm glad i did this because now i know how to take this thing apart and i know how it works so make sure you're plugged back in make sure everything is secure all the screws are put back in and yes somehow i forgot one so i'm gonna have to take this thing apart and figure out where it came from but uh make sure it's all put back together and let's throw it on the printer okay the moment of truth for the extruder we just unjammed i'm gonna take some filament and we're gonna push it right into the top pull that open just so it goes in just like that if you can see i can actually put it all the way through the extruder now before i was not able to do that so i'm going to tell the extruder to extrude 50 millimeters of filament and let's see what happens it's hard to see but it is coming out here with the blue filament and the blue wall behind it's kind of hard to see but it is coming out it is extruding like it should now there we go and it appears our jam is good to go as you can see here the 50 millimeters did come out and it appears that we have unjammed this machine it's time to start testing again so that's it we've successfully unjammed the sprite extruder on the ender 3 s1 pro and we've been able to extrude 50 millimeters of filament from it this is going to be the same thing as if you do the ender 3 s1 non-pro except you'll see a piece of ptfe tubing that goes from the extruder down to that hot end so when you put it back together make sure it's pressed all the way up against your nozzle overall this probably would have taken me roughly 10 minutes if i was not filming so i don't think that's terrible but it's definitely a little more complicated than creodi's past extruders i think we're good to go it's time to get this thing printing but first i'm going to calibrate the e-steps and you can find that in this video right here
Channel: The Edge of Tech
Views: 138,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Jam on the Ender 3 S1 Pro Was Not My Favorite To Fix!, ender 3 s1 pro, ender 3 s1 problems, ender 3 s1 pro price, ender 3 s1 pro amazon, ender 3 s1 pro hotend, ender 3 s1 pro unboxing, creality, creality ender, creality ender 3, creality ender 3 pro, creality ender 3 s1, creality ender 3 pro 3d printer, creality ender 3 s1 pro, ender 3 s1 review, ender 3 s1 upgrades, creality 3d ender 3 s1 pro, ender 3 s1, Sprite Extruder, sprite extruder pro, sprite extruder jam
Id: 0goTwwAVb58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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