How to REPLACE THE NOZZLE in a Creality SPRITE EXTRUDER, such as on Ender 3 S1, Pro, and PLUS

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hello fellow creality Ender 3 S1 S1 Pro and S1 plus owners I'm sitting here next to an S1 and today we're going to talk about something simple but often confusing to new owners and that is we are going to change the nozzle of course you could also use this opportunity to upgrade the nozzle to a different size or material to get started I want you to find yourself a tool similar to this or even a cheap adjustable wrench on top of that I want you to find yourself a little wrench that came with your machine that fits a standard nozzle or a six millimeter socket of course you will also need a nozzle in front of me I have a pack of standard creality brass nozzles to get the ball rolling we're going to want to bring the hot end up higher so we can have easier access underneath where the nozzle is to do that just choose move axis Z and raise it up a whole bunch now that your nozzle is nice and high let's just have a look over here behind the cooling fan this is where we will be doing most of our work the first thing we're going to do is simply reach up and pull this rubber boot off yeah you heard me it's just a cheapo rubber boot just peel it off it might be stuck so be careful it wouldn't be a bad idea to replace it if you have a new one you will notice the machine is on that is because we are going to do this with the nozzle warm simply use your firmware and choose the option that heats the hot end on mine it says preheat pla this is where you may find I do things a little differently because I'm not interested in accidentally shorting out my printer or electrocuting myself once the hot end is heated I am going to turn the printer off I'm going to fit my tool of choice over the nozzle and then I'm going to lock the heat Block in place with the wrench and I'm going to gently loosen the nozzle you will feel the nozzle break once that happens you are free to remove the nozzle it should come out easily if you continue getting movement in your heat block keep the wrench on it and if the heat block should move out of place a little bit when you did it just use the wrench and straighten it back out it's no big deal it's not the end of the world take your new nozzle and gently start it into the heat block if you've allowed excessive time for your heat block to cool you might want to warm it back up again lock up the block and tighten the nozzle take that silicone Boot and just pop it up over the hot end making sure the sides clip into place up here and up here and that's it you've replaced the nozzle on your ender3 S1 and there it is you have replaced your creality Ender 3s1 S1 Pro or S1 plus nozzle there's some weird information floating around the internet leading people to believe you have to take apart the whole thing to do that as I've just shown you you do not and it's a super easy job that you should feel comfortable doing whenever you're troubleshooting a mysterious print quality issue or you've had a really significant clog I would go ahead and make changing the nozzle part of your troubleshooting methods you're on the 3D rundown YouTube channel I'm Greg Adventure your instructor on 3D and changing the nozzle on your ender3 S1 printer was today's adventure foreign [Music]
Channel: 3D Rundown
Views: 31,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printer, 3d printing, creality, ender 3 s1 nozzle, ender 3 s1 nozzle change, ender 3 s1 nozzle cleaning, ender 3 s1 nozzle upgrade, ender 3 s1 nozzle size, ender 3 s1 nozzle type, ender 3 s1 nozzle replacement, ender 3 s1 nozzle stuck, ender 3 s1 pro, 3d printer nozzle, ender 3 s1, nozzle, nozzles, sprite extruder, creality ender 3 s1, sprite extruder pro, change sprite nozzle, ender 3 s1 plus, 3d rundown, ender 3 s1 problems, sprite extruder pro upgrade
Id: pHDsV2oH5Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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