The Isle of Cats - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is Monique and I'm Naveen and today we are going to be doing a playthrough of the Isle of cats it's a game designed by Frank West and published by the city of games we are playing a two-player playthrough today so please join us in this game we are rescuers who are going to this island we're going to be trying to save some cats from the evil vish dark n and so we are just gonna be doing a playthrough and review in this video if you're interested in learning how to play we've made a little tutorial video and you can kind of click this link up above and before we get started we would like to kindly request that you turn on your click on subtitles just in case we make any rules mistakes throughout the game and without further ado we're going to get started so if you can please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up for our game we have our player maths we've got the island our cats are all ready and we have our starting initial turn order placement which is going to change in that third phase or so so setup is all done and we also have our starting fish 25th 25th so I believe we have already skipped to the second yes we're gonna explore so seven cards for you seven for me so just to if you're a little bit lost we are in the first round but we are now in the second phase jumping straight to the second phase which is exploring right we're gonna go straight into drafting for reference I have the player board that has put a stackable headshot looks like a hemorrhage I never had shark and a bird bird and we're playing on the regular side yeah this is a more competitive regular side the other side is a family side and now we also have our hand of seven cards to start this drafting phase because it's a little bit difficult to kind of see what we're drafting yeah we are going to fast forward yes course so that you don't have to get through it so are you ready I'm ready it's that [Music] like that last yeah we are done drafting we now have a total hand of seven cards and we are going to decide how many of them we would like to keep for purchase so I'm going to get rid of four cards I'm getting rid of two oh wow you're buying a lot I'm buying Alaska so I'm paying a total of nine I have to pay a total of five two three four five money bank over here okay yes and we are done exploring yep so now we're reading lessons lessons singing lessons chords I'm not learn okay so now we're gonna go into rescue cats okay and so with rescue cats we are going to determine how many cards would want to play okay and then whenever you decide to put the facedown board in front of you and flip okay so I have so here is boots to temporary baskets and for boots okay I have two boots total so this order is gonna be so buddy at the top of the mountain will be the first player so Monique will be first she gets to choose and then I will go after her so I have a total of three baskets to work within I believe Monique does as well yes one permanent one one and that she has one permanent two broken baskets what are these tattered baskets something like a partial best partial baskets that makes a one basket and then one complete basket it's a three total three total so let's go I'm gonna start by buying this one this cat cost me three fish yep it cost three fish because on the three side here that's why and I'm going to place this cat somewhere some ways I just put it across this smack-dab across that well I guess I should cover some rats yeah I'm gonna do that there we go okay so that's her first turn I'm gonna go ahead and take I'm gonna take this five cat this big boxy cat mm-hmm that's gonna cost me five so yeah there goes six bring one back for change and I'll put that one right there so what I'm doing is with this green cat it's gonna start off here and it's actually gonna cover up the green scroll back off the BET so I get to take cat you take one of these tiles here not the special ones not what are these called these are the other not the rare treasures but these common treasures here so I get to choose any one of those and I think I think this three is gonna sit nice and neat right in here and I'll go with that the envy yep so all right there's one basket so I gotta flip over my basket we show that we I get two cats you better save it okay I'm gonna buy this one of course I'm gonna continue that thank you very much so here's my three fish okay you guys try to keep the linear to go right good cat lineage um so we're gonna do something like that okay and I must discard this basket to show that that it's the basket that I used I don't know how to partial baskets made a completely safe full one in there okay so I'll buy this one now this is gonna cost me three and I have to figure out how to place it but I know it matches I think this sounds pretty good right there not bad that whole room is covered that bad yeah that's five points easy so there goes one is out and now I do have the right to buy another one do I want to I should probably buy another one but why wait another what what cuz I have one more basket oh you did your tattered basket I'm gonna grab this third mmm cat for five fish that's everything that's all my fish so I covered this scroll and I will now just like the boat so I'm gonna take this one out for you thank you your basket okay I'm gonna get this there you go great very good okay uh am I gonna be stingy and take this one or take one of those ones well purple and blue is leftover blues all the way here are Purple's here so I should probably work and gravitate towards purple know what lesson that you bought was a $5 yeah well the first one I was actually five then I went about three so I should probably work towards purple I want to like stretch my weight so these tiles are not your traditional polyomino tiles they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes here so yeah this is what's me yeah tough but this this is working towards purple here so I'm gonna I'm gonna go with that go with that I must pay though before I do that nice there we go all right okay that's it we have rescued a wine passing I have no more cards so we can just go boom boom we're done rescuing cats we're gonna go into our rare finds now if you have any rare finds or Oh sheiks cards I have no cards no okay I'm not playing any do you do I have something here but I'm not gonna play it Wow mysterious mmm-hmm well that's it so we and all these fields these cats run away oh yeah there's out here why don't you do this because I'm gonna give everyone 20 so we always start the round with getting 20 fish yes I'll make sure I get you 20 so - oh I'm sorry for we're on that side that's one two three four and then four more on this side yeah two three four Wow we've got some gold cats yes so I get thank you so we did our setup we are in the next round second round that is getting a temperature 19 and 20 so the important thing here is it you don't draw back up to 20 you get 20 so if your leftover fish you have more fish more okay so we are 1/5 of the way through yeah there's a lot of boat to cover up here so doing he yeah so yeah straight to the Explorer face all right you choose guys you get the job yes okay all right so we're getting our bearings and then again we are going to fast forward this part are you ready I am ready are you steady no [Music] all right so we are done drafting and we are going to decide how many of these to keep and purchase I am keeping six of them why are you in six cars dropping this by by card and I'm going to spend nine four of them okay oh my basket hard time keeping track of the basket thing yep okay so now we are going into the lessons yep if you have any lessons you must declare that I do that I have one as well I'm putting it horizontal okay I'll put mine horizontal all my lessons will be horizontal and then all my my cards right here which I should take I will do the same so lessons that have been read we are going to rescue cats now mm-hmm so go ahead and set aside your cards to play yeah ready ready yep reveal two cards - cards as well six boots okay okay so turn order and it remains the same the type is that working so three baskets two baskets actually these are two chatter letter T totter yes oh okay all right so um thank you rescue cards have been played we're going to rescue cats now starting with me so before I start rescuing cats I'm actually gonna play one of my anytime cards okay that says I can rescue two cats Wow so it says when you next rescue a cat you may rescue two cats instead so I've played that and now I'm going to rescue this one and probably this or this one that's nice probably this one yeah I'm going to see these two so that's six fish okay I'm gonna go ahead and place them so six fish in two baskets right so I'll take care of your two baskets thank you yeah you can you be the basket let's go giver is a basket weaver and i'm going to place this here and because I covered the purple parchment with my purple tile I'm going to take a common why not just like that this gets affected as well well you've started with the purple game so I gotta okay so I'm gonna put this one here that's gonna cost me three here goes that and a basket basket we're so useful then yep okay I'm gonna buy my last fish I'm sorry my last cat head we're gonna bribe my last cat feed went to feed feed with five fish we're really using your money to for six I mean I'm only has five can I make this work I don't like that this just fits so nicely right there so we're gonna do that okay yeah that did fit pretty nicely okay thanks so I do have one more basket so I'm gonna buy this sheepy green since I need green I'll take that and this Oh perfect I'm thinking maybe I should have taken that one it was been cheaper too yeah okay so yeah that's that so this flips and then I am going to play my smugglers tip take one tile from the bag at random and immediately place it on your boat what okay that's such a great car you do well I don't know what this is this could be a totally different color that I'm like oh now I got to deal with that color Leah's red no it is gold I gotta go okay good okay so let's just slip it right on in here I think gosh actually I don't like that well mm-hm yeah I have to work gold out this way anyway so that that okay you're doing gold I am working going because gold is that way okay okay so we are done with that part right there so I'm passing are you I am done yeah well all my baskets are used up oh yeah oh yeah I use this basket yes I didn't wander the best okay so now we go into the bear finds phase do you have any oceans and treasure cards that you would like to play you know I'm gonna hold on I have will also hold on mysteriously that's it yeah it'll round so we're going to move on to the third round we're gonna clear off these cats and if you would like to hand us both 20 fish thank you I am going to set out some new let's write to deep let's go deep diving that's what happens when you deep dive you find shredder thank you so that's oh why treasure oh I better stop deep diving so that's to go so let's just do some arranging so we have two blue a green and a gold cat we have four these are all over rare treasures that are available here so and we have one of well would be clear but red right there little rainbow reflection and I have I think this is seven they should have been dealt seven Explorer cards acquired and we are going to go into our docking bays it's gonna kind of get our bearings here are you ready I'm getting there yeah is that [Music] okay we're done drafting we are going to now pay for our cards I'm gonna keep the feds get rid of two I'm keeping for intimate of three okay that's gonna cost me ten fish he also six nine thank you now we have our cards here okay so any lessons for you I don't have any left I have a lesson that's all right and then now we are on to rescuing cats yep I'm ready when you are say I'm ready lips I got two boots you got three boots boots but only one three baskets you got okay okay Joe Mordor stays the same same yeah I'm starting with me I'm going to buy before we start rescuing cats I'm gonna play in any time card okay so this any time cards so they can draw two cards okay but I have to pay the usual cost for any cards that I keep I was having some regret about a couple of cards today ditched so wanted to see ah I want to buy one of them okay how much it's 2-2 I'll get your change to fish thank you alright so now I'm going to buy or I'm going to bribe a cat so lure I'm going to lurk at let's start with this one really I mean I lure a golden cash is up gold wow this one's pretty okay so I'll just get rid of your basket here I have this cool cat are you taking that one for sure right there yeah okay anything how much did that cost three fish hey you took my basket I did take your bet okay grand okay I'm gonna spend five fish and snag this purple one that you probably get your eye on and we're just gonna tuck it right over here and because I'm gonna cover up purple I get to take a little common so one of these which one you know this is seeming like this is gonna be a problem here so I'll take this and just yeah just tuck it right in there nice okay done yeah okay your basket and your fish not the basket there we go okay and then I'm going to buy this cat four five fish flip over my basket and when a place is right there so this I'm covering up my yellow yeah very good contract so I get nice oh my gosh that's terrible I just feel one of them nervous okay okay so I have two more baskets to go I'm gonna go ahead and buy the screen you know one here for three and we're gonna take it perfectly good fun actually I'm adding your passing okay well that was my second cat so this this one's gotta go I have one more cat to bribe or to feed mm-hmm I think I got to keep this green family tight so we're gonna go three four five and green cat where shall you be placed Oh green cat this is an awkward shape it's just a big tea I don't even know why I'm overthinking this that's kind of works but that's kind of a mess okay let's just do it this way got it yeah this is gonna be a problem okay okay that is okay and are you done yeah unfortunately passing that I wish I had more baskets yeah I only had two okay so we're done rescuing cats now we're going to establish our rare finds do you have any verifying I do yeah I also do I can see your first okay I'm going to take it's a taking English so I am gonna take this one plop it right there and I'm going to turn it red so this is my red oh nice cat very good I just card it okay so I have a take any rare treasure or two common treasures so I think I'm gonna take let's see if it's ready treasure this rare treasure is looking pretty nice but this squared you know I like the square but we can't have over hanging and this looks pretty good right there I'll just I'll push that one right in there I don't know what's gonna come out yeah I think I'll have to do this right here yeah okay perfect so I'm done I'm not gonna play any more cards okay I'm gonna play another one okay so I have another one of these take any rare treasure whichever one of these three or two common treasures and I see a perfect time to use these two common treasures so I'm gonna go you know what actually these don't need to be filled out they can be left like this there's no symbol on them no it is it's part of the symbol this room oh is that right yeah okay thank you up and I'll drop this one in here yeah all the spots in your boat must be filled or else you get okay everything is part of okay so it's there and then this one's gonna fit nicely right in there looks good that's great alright so that ends this route we are going into our fourth round our penultimate and so I'm gonna take these cats off the back and then you're gonna 20 bucks 20 fish 20 fish so let's see what we have here one two three four here's your 20 we have one two three four Wow tried to make that as random as possible that was we've got some greens some gold a little blue in red there you go yes we have our fish and then our cards how are you feeling we were in the second to last round and I have maybe half my boat filled yeah like where I'm going yeah how many are your red family there 1 2 3 4 5 ok 1 2 3 4 5 ok pretty start drafting yes are you ready that's the question ready get set go [Music] all right we are done drafting and we have now decided which cards we are going to buy I'm going to buy all but one I'm only buying three yeah I have to spend one two three four five here's my five fish that's just going to eat and I'm also going to play this any time card that allows me to draw two cards it's like earlier so draw two cards free that's pretty nice and I have will have to pay for the cards if I want to eat them any good they're good but they're hard I'm gonna keep one of them for another two fish there you go I have one fish change one fish - thank you so much all right so we are in the lessons phase did you have any lessons to declare yes I do hey listen I also have a lesson probably not gonna get mad yeah a queen of buying lessons and not fulfilling by the way fish at the end of the game is nothing left over fish is nothing right yep okay so let's uh all right ready rescue cats this is our second to last round second to last round you know okay I'm ready ready ready Freddie ready nothing oh nothing yeah there was no baskets oh they didn't come around I have you have them but six boots and two partial baths oh nice one baskets it's not yeah it's not there's a lot of boots like five baskets ready for there's a lot of just naked boots out there with no baskets on them this round yeah strange that's a shame okay alright so then this turn order stays the same it's not been moved in a while yeah and we are going to start rescuing cats let me just see if I have any mmm thank only buy two cats oh yeah yeah that's true I'm so sorry okay I'm gonna buy I'm gonna bribe this one okay so this is three fish three got a red one and here's my basket yes I'm gonna put right there it's alright I will take I'll spend more money went out three big one take this green gay that looks like this'll fit just nicely there's no one in my basket bye bye basket yeah that's it oh you I'm gonna buy one of these cats for my last one so can I have a fish back classified fish and thank you I think I mean that looks like it's in shape two three four five six this is one it's the same so let's do that it feels like reasonable all right cool are you that's it no more baskets yeah that was a very short cat rescue I feel like we're failing these cats like we've come to this island then right now we're not saving as we should so we're gonna go into the rare finds mm-hm-hm phase and I am going to participate this time okay I'm going to play this card allows me to take any rare treasure or to common yes I'm gonna go with a rare treasure okay I'm gonna go up this one and plop it right now it's not a good spot for you okay your dream all right I'm gonna go ahead and play the same type of card take any two small treasures or pay one fish to take any two common treasures I basically these two one of these two for free or any two from all four fish and so I think I am gonna do that I will pay a fish to take this guy right here and these are finite everything that you see here is finite once there they're done they're done what's up with that there that's one and then I could take another one let's go ahead and just cover these rats later see that's an angrily these are at this to do okay all right I'm gonna play another one of these and I'm gonna take a rare treasure I might as well oh sorry because I fear what we will find the next round if I put this here I can oh but I see okay I'm gonna put that right there don't fully seal off the cats but at least yes sir okay your turn so Naveen is gonna configure his oceaxe cat situation here cuz it looks like you're gonna play yeah yeah I want to the brain is currently figuring out which are these five combinations yeah so this will represents I'll make it a purple one purple yes all right where's the the oceans cat card oh you played it here's the oceans cat card thank you I'm sorry I wasn't this guy it's gonna be is it the same thing nope oh my gosh that's it I found it good perfect and then back to me yeah I'm gonna play another King any two wanted to take two small treasures I did I ordered that I ordered them from for one round I can see so I'm gonna take one of these Oh for a second there I thought it was too big and one right there nice yes that's good alright I'm done I'm not gonna be any more No alright I'm gonna also not play anymore okay and well I have five extra fish here so we are going to set up for the final round vetch is about to arrive on our island and this is our last push to go see some cats hopefully we have a better basket situation when you right there can I give you this okay four one two three four all right here you go this is our last course there's gonna be a lot of empty space alright so we have our fish we are gearing up ready to go exploring and we are going to draft final draft all right this one do it I love cats traffic okay so last roundup acting ready yes it's set go [Music] all right so we have now finished the drafting phase and we're going to make our purchases yes I'm gonna keep these five described these two okay I'm gonna keep these six and discard this 11 6 9 10 11 12 3 6 9 12 look I'm just gonna play this it's in any time card right now I gained one fish for each lesson card in front of me I have three lesson cards in front of me so I get three fish okay I'm also going to play this any time card that says I can discard any one played the sim card to gain four fish yeah so I'm gonna discard this one cuz it's totally not happening okay Jaeger thank you what else can we do here yeah I guess I might even moving on to lesson Georgia I have no lesson so let's rescue some cat okay pretty much play all your rescue fries right there's no reason why you should withhold these yeah any longer play them all so I have I have six boots okay I have a 1215 boots oh my gosh and three baskets okay I have six minutes and five baskets five baskets five baskets oh that's the turn order stays the same I'm also gonna play this any time cards would give me a fourth basket nice yeah five baskets I have four yeah that's not good huh you have any other cards yet nope well I do have this let me see what this is actually okay so I go first yeah I'm gonna buy you this one okay so for this is three fish there you go three fish and I'm gonna place right there mm-hm very good thank you think okay and then which basket oh yeah the perma basket ok I will buy so this actually technically gets me a permit basket so just for a visual oh yes that card did its card that anytime card six I think I should buy this green one to get me a bigger one here and it's just an awkward shape mm-hm it's such an awkward shape I guess I can do this perfect okay okay yep so one basket want to buy this one okay for another three I'm surprised you didn't do that with this armor what it's the same shape as this one oh yeah it was the last purple ones I felt like I had to take it I don't know I don't know these polyomino things are difficult for me so I flipped over the that and I'm just like that well I'm not fulfilling any um I'm not coming up any Brad's there that's better no that's okay okay it's a good time to have a lot of readout on the board for you it is a good time gosh that's something I can stop um let's see okay I'm gonna take this blue one here ah and make sure that fits it does so that's gonna cover up this blue scroll okay so it's gonna cost me five let me go ahead and just pay that okay here's two back and now with that I can take I should probably take a single and discover this one right over here okay that mm-hmm okay I'm gonna buy this okay you dun-dun-dun day I was about to reach for that but I just realized there's no reason to withhold money now right mm-hmm unless you have a lesson card that changes things so I might as well pay five no sorry and go for something that'll work Wow that's Oh like covers everything except for that rat Wow and if I do that it won't touch yeah we're gonna go with this I'll just do that okay okay okay so I have three more baskets I use this basket so knowing that I have three more baskets I am going to okay I'm gonna take this one it's gonna cost me five bucks okay oh that peeping rat yeah he's just gonna be there good that's it yeah in there any basket for my final purchase I'm gonna take that yeah how do we okay I know all you visual people out there I'm like no don't flip it that way what are you thinking I want I want to be able to cover at least two of these rats but it's looking like it's not in the cards right I don't think that it's gonna fit that way so we'll just do any empty rooms are gonna have me yeah probably three three yeah it's pretty good yeah I'm gonna do that it's one rat but oh well all right that's it okay so when you have two my baskets two more baskets but only one to buy so right here I'm gonna spend these to get one change and this guy is gonna come on over here and touch this yellow scroll which allows me to take the last single chip to cover up the moon room the moon room has been covered oh good job thank you thank goodness I don't have any holes or else I would not have been happy with that but I do have a hole you do oh this cat was hiding it from me oh my gosh that hole is gonna be worth minus five well actually no because this room is already not filled it's a part of that room it's a toucan huh it's a little birdie okay you so we're done yeah that's it we're done rescuing can use this card moving on to the rare finds okay so starting with me I think great yep it's gonna be you oh yeah I didn't use this cat either this part either anyway any time card that I just waiting okay so I am going to use this one to get a rare treasure let's take any ready treasure or take any two common treasures oh I took the last one of that little nice I know at least this is that room gonna be covered I can't believe that that's what you did finish off the room that's good I have no cards so go ahead oh yeah and then this allows me to take any two small treasures or piaf if I'm someone at last fish I'm going to pay my last fish to take any two common treasure that isn't efficiency don't know what it is although that was unplanned so alright so I'm gonna take to come in let's do this one and get some rest yeah I think that's pretty much the purpose now and I have two rats there oh I should've kept that I really should have kept that lesson that says like if you have no rats showing oh yeah that was on there I saw like that was a little bit too that's hard to predict it was early yeah too much of a risk I didn't take it but no Darvey rats so yeah there was a card that when we were drafting one of the rounds that said if you cover all your rats if you get making at some point Oh 18 something like that I don't yeah I'm done cool that's it so that's it that is the end of the game - moved forward Besh has arrived and so now I'll left behind can we although we we saved all the list the last cat's in the final round it's like the Titanic okay so let's get this gory yeah pet yeah great thank you so we Penn acquired we are now going to leave is this going good so thanks so we have we're gonna go with em mo mo and navs alright so we're going to score according to everything on the score sheet and so that's so first we're gonna start with all of the different colored families so if you would like to count up blue families only I have zero I have no blue families oh you don't have any booth oh yeah that's true so nobly families green families one two three four five six seven seven is 25 points for that so 25 points for your green families I don't have it oh oh no I don't have any I didn't buy any beam cannon Orange families I have none orange is so I have three so I one family of three cats at eight points that's pretty good and none for you at purple for four it's worth 11 points 11 points okay I have this three cat families that's worth eight points red families not you got a man I have one big one so it's this it's one two three four five six seven eight nine is it my ex cat it's 35 points I have zero for red hopefully that'll offset some of my room stuff rare treasures it's three points per treasure so yeah yeah once three points I have one wait one two three four nine point seven nine points I know you're letting everything go let's just say we don't have any public questions just say zero those do you have any lessons I do you hosed me on one of them when you take that last cat nine points if you have exactly five purple cats on my board I want oh so when you took that purple cat and you had other options I was like very few purple came out at the end there yeah yeah so none there 7 points to 5 at least 5 fish I do okay and one point per lesson card in front of me 1 2 3 so 10 billion lessons ok I think I only have one lesson card after I ditched the other one for money at 7 points if I played all these boots I actually bought some of those boots earlier in the game and I was like I'm gonna save this for the last round so it's just 7 points though hmm rats I'm zero rats I have four rats so negative so minus 4 and then rooms it looks like I have one which is the main 1/2 which is this wheat room 3 which is a I took one of the bedrooms on the side and then 4 yeah I'm also for a birdie here the birdie here the wheat and the general room that is almost impossible to cover so we're minus 20 each each hmm alright so we have our scores I'm we're going to total them so one second ok so we have our final score I scored 25 and Monique scored 47 47 so almost let me know I will say that the first time we played this game I did terribly so maybe I learned from my mistakes maybe I got lucky but I don't we cool done we've rescued cats some of them okay so we just finished our two-player play through the isle of cats a frank west game and it was good what you think it's really fun yeah it's like it's like patchwork meets barren part obviously yeah bunny Kingdom that's kind of how I feel the mechanic Seven Wonders kind of with it with the drafting well that's the way I feel the bunny kingdom part of yeah yeah this is kind of a mix mash of a lot of games that we know you know it has a really cute theme so that's story there's a little bit of a story element I mean it's not obviously it's like this is a silly it's a silly game it's a fun game it's there's strategy to it but it's not to be taken seriously right already pretty light it's light its family weight it's it's fun in that way and so it does have that like kinda piece it on theme sure I mean uh polyominoes could've been a hot dogs he could have been good on Turtles well he ever knows on a map but it's it's really endearing that they made it about cats and the artwork is really really cute so we played it a two-player we played it at three player also yeah and how did you feel about the difference I think I liked it better at three player because it did better no it's I think I liked in drafting games where I can pass to one person then pass to the other and then these cards they're gonna go and I may not see them you know right because the problem in a two-player I mean two player drafting is always like a difficult kind of thing to tackle I feel like in board game design so in a two-player drafting game especially the way that this is done by the time you pass it once you've seen the whole hand of cards right at the round right so yeah you know yeah in that second to last round that fourth round that we played when I saw that there was no baskets anywhere oh yeah that's kind of that's kind of what happened that's why I only had one basket is there was just no basket said right I knew from pretty early on oh I'm not gonna be able to take any cats this round so you potentially may want to save baskets yeah yeah yeah cuz you can got so confident that these baskets are coming around and less cards are in circulation in a two-player game yeah and in a three-player game there's only 21 cards in circulation so more combination there are also a lot less options for the cats on the islands to buy from and so that matters if you're like going for a specific color so like I was making two red yeah the variant a lot of red came out yeah I haven't won the two-player game you're a lot more limited in that selection so for example in our game there were a lot of red that came out in that last round which was great for me but pretty much hurt him yeah in a three-player game or four player game you know you have several turns you have a people to kind of depend on to hate draft those red tiles from me right but in two player game he knows that he can all he can do is debt one out and then I it's just back to you it's back to me yeah and and in in a more multiplayer game because there's different color cuts pretty much from the get-go here it was naveen's playing the green cats monique's playing for the red cats and it has to be the Devin I always have to be there our lesson cards that be more do you for it yeah I think I had a lesson car that kind of led me that direction but in a multiplayer game more likely than not other people are will be competing for similar colors right right I mean the thing that's nice about it is it's not like if you have six of one color you get X amount of points if you have seven it goes exponentially higher the but it's I think it's nice that the point scoring doesn't do that it's pretty much every cat after four starting with a fifth cut right additional cat is worth five points so it's not a bad idea to start moving to a different color right because it goes yeah it goes by three by four then five yeah it is a super reward you it wasn't like super rewarding for having nine cats I could have done that with another color and still had the same amount of points right yeah but overall the mechanisms I do like in the game yeah and overall it to player is fine like we played it out too and I had a great time yeah it's just I feel it maybe three is the sweet spot yeah I think three is the sweet spot replayability wise yeah there's a lot of it there's a lot of it yes ships that we have there all asymmetric so my rats are located other places is she the same yeah my configurations are different the colors yeah the colors of the parchment and suffer are different the tiles will always come out differently the combinations of these rare treasures will come out differently you never close in the draft the whole deck of cards yeah there's a huge that kind of company shouldn't of card that they come out are gonna kind of go and the modules and yeah so modules the game comes with several lesson modules and it's like ABC and then like gee okay and each module it consists of eight lesson cards and you can mix and match them so as long as you play with three lesson cards of each as they want some end games going the lesson yes indeed so that also affects your the type of game that you're playing there what about just mechanics how do you like this game I do I do like the game I I I like the fact that it's a mash-up of a bunch of games that have played before it's a good mashup yeah it's very good elements feast frodan I uh you know you've got a bunch of negatives on your board and you got to kind of cover them out also yes it's a mash-up of mechanics but I feel like the game it stands on its own like it does have its own feel like the way that you're putting them on your ship and how those ships are different rooms like it does still have its a little feel I really like that you have to pay for your cards so it's kind of like terraforming Mars or like other games in that sense where it's not just you know you have these these cards that you're drafting and I just happen to have a hand of really rare cards a rare finds and now I just get to have them because I just always had additional cards it's it's that yes you do but you have to pay for them and the rarer the card or the more valuable the more expensive and you know you want to have these fish tune or to buy these cats but yeah balancing the only real negative in games like this I feel is the the luck aspect like obviously there's gonna be some luck in the way that these tiles came out I scored really well with the red cat family because there were a ton of red at the end there so some of the colors just worked out for me I was able to draft a very very applicable card to pay for it so there is definitely some look yeah yeah especially when you get the initial drafting like oh these two cards yeah no defense against that there's no defense against that exactly especially if you have your full twenty fish right so you couldn't you know um but overall how'd you like yeah I like it fun yeah me too I really really enjoy this game I think the mechanics are really sound highly recommend all ages really good family game really easy to play so thank you guys so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed the playthrough and if you like this content and like to see more of it please consider subscribing thank you I [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 13,465
Rating: 4.9883041 out of 5
Keywords: the isle of cats playthrough, isle of cats playthrough, isle of cats review, the isle of cats board game, the isle of cats, isle of cats, isle of cats playthru, monique and naveen, the isle of cats review, board game review, board game playthrough
Id: DlxhOx70p-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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