Frank plays The Isle of Cats: Solo mode

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hi everyone I'm Frank from the city of games and today I'm going to be doing a solo run through of the ID of cats now the stolid version is different to the multiplayer version so if you're looking for that please check out the other video and also if you're interested in the lighter simpler version of the game there's like four new gamers and children please check out the family version video as well so the solo mode if you're in the right place all you need to know is this is a prototype so what's the game mechanics our final some of the components are not let's get started as you can see I've set up the game and once we've got the normal kind of board over here we also have the solo version over here now what's going on besh dark can be evil ruler who is overtaking the land he's destroying everything he finds his armies are running out of resources so he's found this ancient island the I love cats where he's going to chop down the trees dig out the mines and gather everything he can we we're just civilians of squad end and we can't stop that but what we can do is we can take our boats and we can sail there and we can rescue as many of the local cats as we can before he arrives he's gonna be there in five days because this game is played over five rounds so once he gets there we're gonna want to retreat and see who's their best now if that's not enough in this todo version my sister has snuck aboard our boat and she's trying to claim credit for everything we do so not only are we trying to rescue cats and get away before beshe turns up but we've also got to sabotage her plans and try and do better because you can't let your sister beat you right so let's get started what we're gonna do is the first thing is we're gonna fill the fields either side of the island that means we're gonna go to the back and in the solo version we're gonna take two cats per player we're playing against our sister which means we're gonna take four cats and we're gonna put them in a line next to the island the reason we put them in the line is so that we can remember what order they came out and we can refer to them so this would be cat 1 this would be cat or K 5 K and so on and we're taking them randomly you can see that there are five different colors we've only got four of them here I think the blue the yellow purple and the green that's also a red color now how is our sister gonna play she's not gonna do too much she's gonna take part in one face and the rest of the game we're just gonna play normally but she's gonna score points at the end of the game based on these lesson cards you see she's gonna get five points for every lonely cat that's on our boat because she's claiming credit for what we've done a lonely cat as a cat is not touching another cat of the same color so for every lonely cat five points to our sister she's gonna get ten points if we have less than nine treasures so we're gonna want to get as many common treasures and hopefully rare treasures if we find them in the bag and place them on our boat she's gonna get five points for each unique color cat not touching the edge of our boat so again the edge of our boat there are five colors if we don't have any cats touching the edge of our boat she's gonna get twenty five points but every color we have missing is five more points for our sister she's gonna get one point per cat touching the edge of our boat so that means we don't want to have too many cats on the edge of our boat but we're gonna want some and finally she's gonna get three points per lesson card we have so normally lesson cards are just going to score as points but now if we don't complete them or even if we do complete them they're gonna be giving you her points making them perhaps a bit less valuable in certain situations now I should point out we're playing on the hard difficulty if you play the easy mode you're just gonna take free of the normal server cards then if you want to play on medium hard or very hard you're gonna take additional advanced server card so in the medium you would have had just these four and then in the Hardys five and in the very heart you would add a sixth card so you can really kind of adjust the difficulty of the game as you get better I recommend your first play you definitely start on easy or medium because there's a lot to think about when you're playing on these harder difficulties so that's our sister but not only if she can score these lessons she's also gonna have these color cards so we're gonna see that purple is the first color there's one each color and each day all around we're gonna turn over the next color to see what she's scoring so she's got purple as her primary color this means she's gonna get five points but every purple cat on our boat at the end of the game the next card it turns over whatever color that will be will be four points per color three two and one for the last color so as you can see as we progress food arounds we're gonna see what colors are gonna be worth more and less to us so she set up the cats are out we start the first round we're on day five and we're gonna go fishing so as normal we gonna get our twenty fish she doesn't need fish so that's fine we're then gonna go on to the expiration while in the multiplayer this is a seven card draft in the Solar version what we do is we are going to take five cards from the top of the deck so we can see we've got two treasure cards we've got two baskets and we've got a rescue tube caps so what are we going to take I think we I mean we want to aim for getting at least nine treasures so taking a rare treasure or two common treasures seems like a good shout to start with we can take free of these um we probably want to take another basket so a choice here really is a full basket with free speed which means we can rescue a cat and hopefully be higher up in turn order or we can get half a basket which isn't much use to us now but we might pair it up and it is cheaper I think at this point I'm going to take the full basket just because I want to make sure that we can definitely take at least one more cat and then rescue two cats in a row can be really useful but we don't necessarily want it now and one of the tricks is we want those nine treasures and I don't know if we're gonna get more treasure cards we probably will but it's a bit of a gamble I think taking rescue two cats in a row is gonna be useful for later on because once we take cards now we don't necessarily have to play them I'm gonna take the other two cards that we've not chosen and discard them and then we're gonna do that again so we're gonna take five more cards and we're gonna have a look at them and we're gonna see what we want and now we've got some lesson cards and we've also got some boots we've got free speed off our first basket and I think we want to get stuff it's gonna give us points so I'm kind of thinking about the fact that we don't want to touch the edge of our bow and this one here is a tea points if both of our bedrooms are empty now the bedrooms are these two rooms on the outside here so that's going to help us not have to put cats in them and to make them worth points so I think that I'm probably going to take the 18 points for having two empty bedrooms nine points if you have exactly five green cats also seems like something we can imagine and manage like at the moment we need Purple's worth points we don't know how much Green's gonna be worth to us it's there but it feels like a worthwhile goal to work towards again and keeping in mind that each of these are worth three points for our sister so if we mess them up we're just giving her points finally we've got 1 point per lomi cat now we've worked out that and she gets 5 points below kneecaps who we definitely don't want points per lonely cat I don't think we want the speed so that's gonna leave us with the game to fish to each rare treasure on up boats right now that's not going to be worth anything but again later on that could be really useful so this gives us 6 cards and then we're just gonna take one more of the deck which is going to give us our 7th this makes up our hand and we move on to the do we want to keep them or not each one has a cost so this cost 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 so in total it's gonna cost us 5 7 9 11 13 14 of our 20 fish now I don't know if we want to do that it's challenging at this point like having you know these cars to have their later is gonna give us a slower start but it's gonna give us something that we can work our way towards having two goals early on is really useful the treasure in the basket I'm not sure about the half basket and the speed like in the moment we don't have another half we're spending a lot so I think I'm probably gonna ditch that one um but I think we're gonna keep these six cards so this is gonna cost us again five seven nine eleven thirteen fish so I'm gonna give away um 15 fish I'm going to get two fish back and then we are gonna move on to the read lesson phase all of these cards obviously they're kind of in my hand but for the sake of the video I'm just gonna leave them down on the table as much as possible we've read lessons we're simply gonna put them by the side of our boat I'll try and keep them in a way that you can see them but if we get too many we may have to adjust so we're going to get 18 points if both of our bedrooms are empty at the end of the game and nine points if we have exactly five green cats so with that done we're going to move on to the rescue phase now we've got seven fish and these ones over here these cats cost free fish to rescue these ones cost five so we could take two of these if we wanted to we've got enough fish for that like we're not gonna be able to gain two fish for our treasures I mean we don't have any I don't think we're in a rush to rescue two cats in a row because again right now we don't really have goals we just want to kind of get started so I'm going to put these to the side for the moment and I'm also going to take our treasure card and put that to the side because treasure comes later so I think we're gonna play this rescue card and a long side of our normal basket the pen that barks get means we've got one one-time-use basket and one permanent basket and now with that decision made one of the new things in the solo mode is now our sister is also going to rescue cats so we're going to turn over the first card on this deck and we will see that our sister has a two basket with five speed that means in turn order we've only got free speed she's gonna be first she stays on top of the truck we're gonna be second that's not ideal but again we're not in a rush right now then we see that it's got two baskets that means she's gonna play two cards this would be the first card and then she's gonna have a second card which we just put on the table face down we don't look at it at this point so then we're gonna say who goes first that's her setup she is first so she's gonna resolve the first card you see this as cat seven so at the start of the game we put the cats in order this is the seventh cat this means she's taking this cat and this cat is now being removed from the game it also has a picture of a common treasure and it is a two by one which means she's taking one of the small two by one common treasures and let's also remove from the game so she's slowly gonna be taking pieces away and she's gonna be reducing our limited supply of common treasures meaning we don't necessarily want to wait too long to take them and she's gonna be reducing our options so now it's to us and we've got a basket so you can only claim one at a time back and forth between us and her until everyone's past as per the normal game so what are we gonna take we kind of want to spend three fetch so we're kind of ignoring these ones over here we want to ignore our bedroom so our bedrooms have got a green and a yellow treasure map so we probably want to ignore those colors for the time being and because we want to ignore these two rooms I recommend we start over here this is a really good place because we could take this one here there's gonna cost us free and we could place it onto this treasure map straight away allowing us to take your treasure because if you place a cap of the same color on to a treasure map that allows you to take one common treasure and because we haven't got any specific goals right now we're kind of just wanting to make sure that we fill up as much space as possible so I'm gonna put a treasure here it also helps not have too many cuts at the edge of our boat whilst giving us some more space so every tile what the first one I should say could get anywhere on your boat every tile after that has to be touching a previously placed tile so again just the normal rules so we're gonna discard the Bastet card that we've used and we're gonna spend free fish which is gonna bring us down to four it's now back to our sister we now turn over the next card at this point we're gonna ignore the stuff at the bottom you only resolve that for the first card on each day and then we're gonna do the top so she's taking cat four so one two three four each time the numbers reset so one is always at the left and the highest one on the right is whatever the total number there is is so is is that's a great terminology there hopefully I can improve my English so one two three four she's gonna take this one this one's gone from us she's also got a rare one there are no rare treasures yet they come out of the bag if we find them but if there were she would have taken one from us right now which is a rebel pain but luckily there aren't any so it's back to us our permanent basket we've got one purple cap we'd like to continue joining purple cats but we don't have any I can see up here is a blue treasure map so once we're looking to keep our rooms empty and we want green cats ideally we would take this one but we can't afford it we've only got four and it's costing five so I think we're gonna go over here and we're really not overly kind of sure what we want I think like this one could be really useful because in is a six square cap what is the five square cap so it's more optimal for us to take this but we do have to touch this previous piece and I don't think there's any good way to kind of get into this gap and what I don't want to do is kind of start leaving one square gaps for us to fill later because that means we've got to use one square common treasures and that's not so optimal so I think I'm going to take this blue cap here this allows me to kind of extend out get closer to this blue treasure and the treasure map and also it's going to cover a couple of racks which are negative points at the end of the game so I think that that probably works well that's gonna use our permanent basket it's gonna cost me three more fish that's me done we go to our sister she hasn't got any more cards to play it's back to us we've used all of our baskets were out of fish so we're also done these two cards she played can now just be discarded we don't need those anymore and we move on to the next phase this is rare finds where we can play our treasure and oceaxe cards our sister doesn't have any of these cards she takes them during the last phase so we can now choose whether or not we want to take a rare treasure or two common treasures there are no rare treasures so I'm kind of into mines because we've already worked out that she's slowly diminishing how many of the common treasures we've got but right now I want to continue this purple cat family down here so I don't really want to block this off I could try and fill some of this gap with common treasures but I feel like that's just gonna restrict her so I'm going to keep that card back for the time being you can always keep cards in your hand you don't have to play them with the exception of lesson cards that you always have to play if you keep them so that takes us to the end of the round so any cats which we've not rescued sadly get left behind on the island but hopefully they're gonna find another way off we're then gonna move that his boat along he's one step closer which means we're now onto the second round and we're gonna replenish our basket what I'll do now is just quickly go over scouring for people who aren't familiar with the game but we're gonna play through four more rounds so how does scoring work at the end of the game we are personally going to lose one point for every rack that we've got visible on our boat we're also gonna lose five points for every room on our boat that we haven't filled there are seven in total there's one here which is a bedroom there's the dining room there's another bedroom there is the captain's room there's the main kind of storage walkway area then there's a storage room and in the captain's private storage room we've already filled this room so we've already got one down your CDs are divided by walls they're also slightly different colors and if you can see closely enough on the corner of each square there are different icons so if you start putting pieces you'll still be able to see icons which allow you just simply to count up how many unique icons are visible at the end of the game and then you'll know how many empty rooms you have we're also going to score points through our cat families so every connected group of cats are the same color that has at least three or more so if you've got three purple cats touching that is gonna give us eight points if we have ten purple cats touching it's gonna give us 40 points for every family of connected color so it's kind of set collection we're gonna be getting points we're also going to gain free points for every rare treasure that we find and then we're gonna score points through our lessons and having just gone food of that I just realized the first cup we took was purple and our sister gets five points for every purple cat so that was a terrible decision already it was really good with less space but oh my goodness this is not gonna go well the joys of doing it live on camera so we move on to the next round the second day and we're gonna take out more cats so we're gonna place them down here one two three this time around we did get a rare treasure and then we are going to take one more cat out of the bag because the cat is out of the bag there we go I've done it I've said it we don't have to say it again we're then going to take four more cats one two three four okay so a lot of green this time around and let me just line those up so you can see them nicely on the camera there we go I think the audience shot and finally we're going to turn over the next color for our sister which is blue that's lucky for us because we thought stick with a blue cat so now we know that Purple's are worth five Blues a work force so we kind of want to avoid purples and blues so we're doing it well so far okay um maybe we need to change our strategy I mean we did need to get one of each color the edge anyway because we're gonna lose five points for every color that's not touching the edge so that purple kind of was we'd lose five points here we gained five points here so it's not too bad it did get us the treasure and if they would the room this one is stocky as having the loss of five points with losing four points but it's still a gain of one maybe we don't want to build those into families maybe we want to focus on our five greens maybe we want to focus on maybe getting some Reds over here I don't know we need to work that out we're gonna get our twenty fish as you can see the solo mode in some ways is a little bit more kind of thinkI than the multiplayer game because you've got these extra things to think about and it's why we kind of saved a medium just play with three of them or so the easy play with three of them and if you find that too hard you can play with just two but it really gives you a kind of good depth of thinking so exploration we are going to take five cards again I'm just used to placing them facedown but I could put them face up ooh okay so we've got an ocean so the oceaxe are basically wild cats we can take any of these six cats but when you place them they need to have a friend so we'll have to choose what kind of they're gonna be the point we place them on our boat so that's a really good card but it does cost five we're gonna get seven points if you have exactly three permanent baskets now I'm kind of like I don't know I don't think that that's something we want to aim for in this version right now because we've only got one we didn't get second one early on so perhaps that's not great one point per lesson card in front of us now it's really interesting because our sister is getting three points per lesson card so if we take that that's gonna reduce the value of that by one per card so I feel like that's kind of a must that's a really useful card for us to get in itself it's gonna be free points and hopefully by the end of the game it's going to continue to add points and if we fail these cards then of course it's going to reduce that penalty and place your next cat or treasure anywhere on your boat now we just said we kind of want to get red cats over here so that also could be really useful for coming over to this side because normally they have to be touching but that does allow you to jump and then discard two treasures to gain a permanent bar oh okay so I mean I just said we haven't gained any other permanent baskets but that would give us our second one so then the gamble pays off are we gonna get a bird permanent basket by the end of the game to get those seven points if we're not we're gonna lose the points for this card over here so I don't think that we want to take that I don't think we want to gamble I don't think we want a permanent I really want to get the.oh shots because I'd love to take them and it'd be great to show you how they work I'm thinking of the viewer and not a success if I lose it's because I'm just trying to show you the game so those two cards are gonna get discarded these three cards we are potentially gonna keep we're then gonna draw five more cards so one two three or by lots of baskets coming out so this one is a free card there's half a basket this one costs one which is a broken basket so I definitely think that we're gonna do that because we can combine two broken baskets into one full basket and it's nice and cheap and we are quite low on fish we use 19 of our 20 last round we can take one more card to fish per oceaxe now we are gonna get a no Shack so if we've got a second one it would be a game but right now I feel like that's not the path we're going down and then we've got two of these which are one basket one boots for the same cost so I think we're gonna do that discard these two cards and then we're gonna take our 7th card which is two points per visible wrap on your boat oh that's really interesting so we need to decide which of these cards you want to keep I think we're definitely keeping the 1 point per lesson card oh I'm tempted just take them all I mean I want to place the red cap over here this red cap would be perfect in this space I won the Oh shops I want the baskets and we did take these which are cheap and two points per visible rat is interesting because and let me pick these up and show you we've already said that we want to leave our two bedrooms empty and our bedrooms do have rats and by default they're going to be minus two points now having that card is gonna push them up which means that they're gonna be plus one point effectively so that's going to give us extra points to leave in those rooms and every point is really important however I don't know because by leaving the dreams empty we're probably gonna want to try and fill as many of our other rooms and we do lose points as we complete them but we're definitely gonna get it I mean we'd have to be gonna get plus one for each Lea so that's definitely gonna be two points we're definitely gonna get one point for this which is gonna make this three points that does make it minus three so it's effectively gonna be a zero point card to start with but if we do leave one R at the end of the game it's gonna be a gain so I think we'll keep that as well let's have a look so we go spend two three eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fish oh I don't want to spend 13 fish so we're not gonna keep this card we're gonna get rid of that one we're gonna spend 11 fish instead which is gonna leave us with 10 now I knew one point per lesson card card is going to come down here so now we're going to suck any points for each of these lesson cards at the end of the game and we can add these cards to our hand so you can remember that we've got two points per rare treasure we can rescue two cats in a row and we can take a treasure we don't oh my goodness that's not knock the board we can we can take the treasure card put it aside we're not gonna play that yet the oceaxe card we can take and we can put to the side we're not gonna play that yet we are now going to consider with not we've got rare treasures so we're definitely not going to play that so the question is we've got ten fish and we want to put a red cap over here which means we want to place our next cat or treasure on our boat anywhere so we can come over here we only can afford free of these and if our sister goes first she's gonna take one potentially then we might take one and she might take one and us and we're only gonna have two which means we're not gonna afford this so in theory I should only play two baskets however I could take a gamble that she's not going to do that and do two cats in a row I mean we've only got to speed loose so it seems too risky I think Oh as much as I want to do that I think that rescuing two cats in a row is too risky because we're not gonna get free of these we're not gonna be first with two speed she's definitely gonna be faster than that I'm sure but we will play this to place our red cat over here so I'm gonna put these ones into my hand for now we're gonna play to rescue cards to have one basket on one speed we're also gonna place our next counter treasure anywhere on our boat I'm hoping that she is not gonna have to speed otherwise I'm gonna be disappointed that's our decision made we flip one speed no we could have done it oh that's so frustrating we would have done it like this is the thing you know it's trying to simulate that experience of not knowing what that player's gonna do and we definitely would have got our free cats oh that was frustrating but that's how it goes so she's got one speed and two baskets we take another card the Aussie cause we're tied on speed the turn order remains the same so she's still gonna be first she's gonna take cat four one two three four this one's gonna go away but she's also gonna take cat free which is this one so actually that works oh yes sometimes she takes two cats similar to us taking two cats with a to rescue so even if we had been first and taken two she would have taken some of the others potentially oh my goodness it worked out in the end I'm happy we can rejoice so she didn't take our red cat Eva so I'm spending this two cards I'm also going to spend that place your next one anywhere I'm gonna spend free fish and take two sorry five fish take to change and I'm going to take this red cat I'm gonna put it over here on to that treasure map and I am now gonna take a treasure hmm I haven't considered this far ahead again we kind of want to avoid having cats touching the edge of our boat so I think just putting this treasure here it's gonna be really good cuz it allows us to extend our red cat it helps to fill that edge and to fill that room without us losing points so that's us dumb is over to our sister she's gonna be playing her next card again we ignore the basket she's taking cat 5 and 4 so 1 2 3 4 5 this one goes away 1 2 3 4 this one goes away I'm sure at this point people are saying what would happen if you only had 4 cats and it says cat 5 in that instance you always just take the last one on the end so if she was take more cats now there's more probability she's gonna take this one but again we still don't know so that's her done is back to us we can take one more cat is we could take Anika actually we really could I mean we need to start working towards our 5 green cats so we could take this one just to get as one because we're two rounds in two fifths of the way and we haven't got any of the mia so that seems like a good idea but this one's cheaper but we don't really need yellow but we do need yellow uh-huh I think I'm gonna take this one because this is gonna cost 5 it's gonna get us that one green cat and it's gonna allow us to start our green family I'm gonna put this one over here because now we've got a green on the edge so that helps with this car we've got a red on the edge we've got a blue we've got a purple which means we only need a yellow on the edge when we've completely reduced the points of that five points per week at least we need to have these all in families otherwise she's gonna be scoring points ah and obviously nine treasures we've got two treasures so far so we're not doing great but I'm gonna flip over my basket that is the end of my baskets our sister has done as well so these cards are gonna go away we're gonna move on to rare finds so at this point maybe we do want to start considering using this we could take the rare treasure and this rare treasure could be really useful to us it could fit nicely down here in this gap it's free points for having it and it does give us another treasure we do need to have nine but oh I don't know because we've also kind of come to the conclusion that we need to have another purple cap or do we I mean every purple cat I had is giving her five points so if she gets five points per lomi cap then having another purple cat is gonna reduce that five points but it's also gonna give her another five points so maybe with a purple cap we're just leaving it a one that seems optimal right now umm really one less say perhaps with a blue one we do want to get more so I think putting this treasure over here is gonna be good the only real question in my head is should we be taking two common treasures because we definitely want to get nine treasures and this is only free which again we're not really doing that well so Oh shucks I think that we definitely want to take an oceaxe and I think that what we want to do is we probably want to start building up our green family so what I'm looking for is a cat that fits into that gap perfectly oh my goodness is as if I planned it so now our oh shucks needs to have a friend so we're gonna give him a little green friend over here that's gonna sit next to him so he's now part of this green family and he is gonna be happy and rejoice for and we've got two of our five green cats the Oh shucks card is gone so that is the end of the second round we are gonna move two of these because they have not been rescued we're gonna reset our basket we're gonna move veg one step closer we're gonna return over the third card and we do not want this to be green it's red we don't mind too much about red so it's gonna be three points per red cat at the end of the game we're not putting too heavily into red I mean we kind of were but we can still adjust we've still got time we're not even halfway yet so twenty fish here they come back to us this time we've got 22 fish so we did gain plus one from that round it's feeling somewhat good we're gonna do our exploration so we're gonna take our five cards and it's gonna become harder and harder these face up on the table and show you them so half a basket and one speed taking common treasures taking a rare or common treasures I really feel that we want to push that nine treasures now to make sure that we've got that seven points if you're first in turn order at the end of the game ten points at the middle row of your boat is full oh and the moment I feel like we're so far behind like spending extra fish on getting speed it's really gonna be worthwhile necessarily for that turn order so I'm less inclined to take that card now ten point to the middle row it's interesting because this is the middle row here we've not really filled much of it but because we're avoiding the bedrooms and also avoiding the edges I feel like that's something we could potentially do so I'm quite keen to take that excuse me so I think that I'm gonna take the common treasures and fill the middle row and get rid of the other one so that's gonna be the first three cards that we're going to take we're also gonna take the next five cards so let's have a look we're gonna take these and oh baskets baskets baskets we've got one basket we've got our permanent bar so I think more baskets is useful but again we want to kind of be cheap but we also kind of want to be fast so maybe in this instance I'm actually gonna take the two full baskets because we may not use them both now but it's gonna stop us having to buy more baskets next round and it's gonna allow us to spend more on rescuing cats in that final round now I don't really think four points per family of four more cats no we're not really inclined to go for lots of different colors at the moment because we're losing points so we're probably gonna get four green caps so that would be four points plus one for our one pearlessence that's five points minus three so it's gonna be two points by default but I don't know if are we gonna get another family of four which would give us another four points to bring up to six I don't feel confident with that so I'm gonna ditch the card and with these ones I think we're just gonna take the free card for half a basket for the hope that we managed to get another one and then we're gonna flip over and get our seventh card which is a half basket so that's worked out well in this instance I really want to just hate them all I have no desires I want to build up basket it's not going to be good for us fish wise but I do want to make sure that we've got enough baskets and this will bring us up to one two three four baskets plus our permanent which means next round we can start kind of spending more on other things should they turn up so we can spend two five six seven eight nine 10 11 fish this time round oh that is not too bad I am kind of still thinking like you know what is our optimum strategy here so we're gonna put these down here I know you can't see the whole card but it just gives you an idea of kind of what's in our hand we're gonna take our lesson card hopefully that one is still just about in view I'll move them up slightly and of course we're gonna put out new cats because it's a new day and we've gone to a new part of the fields so we are now looking for new cats to rescue oh my goodness okay so here are green cats we definitely want to get some more green cats we want to get some red cats we really want to start with our yellow cats but we're not getting many of them I think I mean there's been a few that we've not rescued but I really feel like we want to get some more yellow cats because they're not going to be worth the points but the Reds are too bad I mean it's three points per cat but if we manage to get a family of kind of four or five then it's gonna pay off for us in the long run so oh okay so how many are we gonna play we've got eleven we've got to choose our baskets I think that I mean we've got our two fish per rare treasure card and we've only got one rare treasure so at the moment that's not a game because it cost us two so we're gonna keep that for later we're gonna stick with the eleven fish which means we could aim to try and get free of these and take that gamble and if it doesn't pay off we could do this which would bring us up to thirteen fish and if we did free three and six so after nine sorry three three and five so we can't afford them right eleven three three and five that's 11 Live Maps fantastic so I think we are gonna play some baskets so we're gonna play this basket here we're gonna play this basket here we're also going to go for the speed this time so we're going for four speed we've got three baskets two temporary and one permanent our sister's going to turn over her card she's got two speed we are victorious we beat some her this morning she had a lion and we have managed to make it to the island first we are picking first she is only again gonna be taking two cats so we're putting our second card these numbers do vary it's just complete coincidence we've managed to get to each time so maybe luck is in our favor we are now going to choose what cat we want to take first and we do want some green cats to help fill this we also want some red cats there are a lot of green cats as one yellow there's one red I kind of want the yellow I kind of want the red the greens are good but we don't necessarily need a specific one so I think for the time being the best plan is to take one of the Reds just so that we kind of a guaranteed to have it so I'm going to take that which is gonna cost us a basket it's also gonna cost us free fish so I'm gonna take our two change and I'm gonna place it on my boat now it doesn't really fit too well I don't want a benefit in this room I mean we could put it there we're just gonna leave us with a gap we could try and put it maybe here but that's leavers with a gap we could put it here and hope that we get something good to go into that gap meridian but perhaps it's gonna work it also brings us up out of the way so Green can continue and red can come up here so maybe that's going to work out for us I'm not convinced we know that our sister's going to take at 7 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 she's taking the yellow cap see we could have plan for that I didn't think about it we knew what she was taking I wanted the yellow because if you're first at the start of the day you can see her plans you know what she's gonna do and I just didn't plan for it oh that's frustrating I should have taken the yellow cat that was a mistake she's also gonna take a chef's number too so this oceaxe has now been taken away and it is no longer for us to rescue um back to us we're gonna play another basket at this point in the yellow caps are gone so we're really focusing on greens and perhaps perhaps this green cap here does actually work well for us I think that this is going to go into this gap that works perfectly Wow I hadn't actually planned for that but that worked really well it leaves us with this we've now got our free green cats which is really really good and I'm feeling confident that is great news it's back to our sister she is taking cat too she is taking this green cat away from us she's also taking one of the corner common treasures that is not brilliant news for us so it's back to us through our last basket I think I'm gonna take this green cat over here it's gonna cost us five we do have five but it does fit perfectly into this space so now we've got one two three four green cats we only want one more green cat to get these points we're keeping this bedroom in this bedroom empty so this is working really well so far but it's kind of also we do want to fill that middle row and I feel like maybe taking this purple one here it could have been quite good for us but it wouldn't have been many points so maybe it wasn't maybe that we did well so it's the end of that part these cars are gonna go away be cats we did not rescue I'm also gonna go away and we're also gonna play any treasure cards or oceaxe cards so we've got two of them that we can play I don't know there's no rare treasures but we these are selling to run out I mean there's only three of these ones left and we do want to be fitting up as much space as possible so maybe we want to start pushing down this middle row but also we don't want caps on the edge so maybe what I'm thinking is we'll play this one hit no we can't pay the extra pitch so this is too small treasures which is the one square the one by two and pay a fish to take two of the bigger ones we don't have any fish so we can only pay this one once I would like very treacherous because they're gonna gain as more fish for this card oh my goodness Ike oh that's difficult because we could take the common treasures bill this part of our boat here which would be really useful that gets us closer to our nine one two three Bert five six seven eight which would get us really close but the rare treasure would help us gain more fish and we've gone for this getting fish for a rare treasure so I feel like I'm gonna hold this one back because I really hope we get another rare treasure and I also feel like I'm gonna hold this back because we don't have the fish so whilst I kind of want to play those they're not quite ticking the Box just yet okay so we go on to Round four dashes horns we can hear the drums in the distance he's getting closer and we are starting to panic we can see the green caps have come up next so they're going to be worth two points each but we're committed we need to get our green cats we need to get five five is gonna be fifteen points plus the nine points over here is gonna be 24 points this means two points per green so she's gonna get ten points so it's still plus 14 for us we're getting plus one for the lesson so it's plus fifteen we're getting a minus free for each of these so it's kind of like a gain of about nine points I think some people like that so it's certainly worth it but it's challenging we're gonna take our twenty fish because we are playing on the hard mode I should repeat at the start of the game we chose the easy mode we increased it to medium we increased it to hard we could have pushed it to very hard bill I'm not crazy live on camera I never go very hard I mean my goodness so we've got our twenty fish our cats are coming out for the fourth time we are hoping that we're gonna some treasures but I am Not sure this point is not being so well so far so we've got these let me just make sure that they are fitting in the view we've got one two three four we've got five and we're gonna take three more tiles out of the bag we've got one rare treasure there we go we've got a rare treasure I mean at this point whether or not is the shape we want is kind of irrelevant we just want to make sure we've got that rare treasure and honestly that would fit really nicely along the middle of our boat so now we've just got a hope that our sister isn't gonna take it from us otherwise we're gonna be so devastated we're just really made you never know if you're gonna get first chance to take those or not so we're gonna take our five cards we have got Oh sharks treasure basket interesting interesting interesting so Leo chats card great more common treasures that two treasures from this one rare would be free to from this would be five six seven eight that would definitely bring us up to where we kind of need to be for that nine treasures and we're in round four so I don't want to gamble that we're gonna get more rare treasure cards I'm the only ER or more treasure cards at all you only ever treasure we can guess by putting a blue one here which would be worth it for the nine treasures but we would lose the four points with a blue cat ah so gain one fish for each unique color count on our boat we've got four different kind of cats on our boat so we kind of that would be a cloth to fish gain so that also would be good remember earlier when I said about taking extra baskets to save them for later that means right now how long we've got these fantastic cards we can ditch that facet card because that's not important to us ten points if you have exactly five rats on your boat oh my goodness if we are taking the other rack card earlier that would have been really good so here's what I'm thinking we've got the one in this bedroom and the one in this bedroom that's - so then it's gonna be free more rats which is minus three points to gain plus seven points we know where the lesson cards that we get negative two so it'd be a plus five point game but I kind of want to cover these drafts I'm feeling somewhat positive about covering all the rats so I think that I'm gonna get rid of that one and go for these because it's a surplus to fish and we do want to start taking as many of these cats as possible we still need our yellow cat because we're gonna lose five points for each color cat on the edge of the boat it's not touching something and we want it to be in a family because we know the yellows are the best cats are up there only one point for our sister and they're gonna be more points for us so we kind of want to get three yellow cats to around there's two yellow cats is that gonna happen I don't know these are gonna be the free cats that we saw free cards so that we select this round we're then going to take five more there is more oceaxe cards coming out more basket cards coming out oh okay so these like the upper o tract is really good but we can spend five on it and five on that which is ten so it's half of our fish and what I love them but we could use them to be yellows and that would give us our three years it like I'm always inclined to take the HX cards but I just don't feel like we can afford to fix right now we haven't got enough we also don't want to discard any treasure cards so I feel like I'm going to discard a treasure I'm also gonna discard the oceaxe cards and I'm gonna go with these so this is gonna give us some cheap baskets that maybe we're just gonna scrap because we don't need them and a card that allows us to draw more cards for free just to give us some more choices and then the seventh card we're gonna get is another basket so currently we've got two baskets here maybe we want one more I think we're gonna ditch the half basket for sure I definitely don't want map right now I want the treasure I want the fish per unique color one leaf Oh checks thirteen Acosta's nine we can take the draw two cards because that's gonna be free nine this is gonna give us more cars to choose from so you know what I think I'm gonna ditch all of the baskets we've saved up baskets early on we've still got enough for this round and so we're gonna go for this so this is gonna cost us nine fish and that's gonna give me one change I'm then gonna use my draw two cards card straight away so that's giving us more baskets so we can choose whether or not we want to keep these but we do have to pay for them um I don't know maybe taking one more just so we have it for next round it's gonna be useful I feel like it's always difficult because you want to make sure that you've got enough baskets that round but we also have to be careful about fish I mean if we play all of these cats now these cards now we again have eleven which allow us to take one and two so I think that's it I think they're gone I don't think we're taking them this round we're only going to keep these three cards I forget what we just took a card to give us more fish so actually change a plan let's keep this one it's gonna cost us two we're gonna take free back you know you're playing solo you can change your mind as long as you've not gone too far down the path the path of craziness where I live so we are going to put these down here and we've got loads of cards we took no lesson cards this term so now we're choosing baskets currently we've got one two three four nine fish we're gonna be able to play this one which will give us plus four fish for a unique color cats and if we take the yellow it'd be plus five so that five would put us onto nine fourteen so that means I feel confident taking free cats I'm gonna play two basket cards that's gonna be these ones over here and that is gonna give us three baskets and to speed I don't think we're gonna be winning any races this time around but we are gonna have that chance so sister flips oh so she's only got two speed as well so we are staying first on a turn order Oh Oh No so she's taking free baskets which isn't great but she's also taking rare too which means she's taking that rare treasure it can become so hard to get rare treasures in the solo game because they're rare it's real painful path to go down so I feel at this point maybe we give up on the rare treasures maybe we are just gonna kind of count our losses and we're gonna trade that in and see where we kind of go but we'll work about in a minute it's us first we're using one of our baskets so we want to get one more green cap this green cap fits perfectly over here which would be nice more red cats would be good to make as a family but we do really really really want to our yellow cats and I feel like this yellow cat what it is gonna cost me five fish going down here would be perfect so I'm going to spend the five fish I'm gonna take this yellow cat that's gonna help us fit in this gap so now we've got our five points of each color cat touching the edge so that's sorted we want to make sure that we are not using so just discarding the basket buying that cat we want to make sure that we're not leaving them lonely because these free cats are all lonely currently which means that she's gonna get 15 points of these so we want to make sure that we still give them a friend to have at least one like don't need to have free they just need to be laced next to one other cat the same color um that's us done she's taking cat two so this red cat here is going oh it's so unfair so it's back to us now we've got a choice I mean do we want to take this of a yellow cat and I think we do I think we want to start building up by yellow cats like we don't want to risk not having enough yellows so we're gonna take that one it's gonna cost us free so now we've got a challenge I mean this could fit really nicely here and cover that rat or it could come here but if we're putting it here then it is touching the edge and she's getting one point with every cat touching the edge so I feel like we don't want it to touch the edge I mean right now we don't really need to feel the outside of a boat but we do want to fill this room we do want to fill this room if we could fill this room it would be fantastic but I just don't know if that's an option either way this is gonna help us fill some space so that's looking good to me our sister is coming back she is gonna take cat six one two three four five six there is no number six so she's taking the last one from the line and she's also taking rare five so we were never gonna get that rare treasure oh my goodness that was a shame but at least we've managed to get one maybe we'll help in the last round we'll see it's back to us we've got one basket but one fish now we're gonna play this game one fishery each unique on account on your boat we just got our yellow so we've got five different colors so if we play that we are gonna get five fish to bring us up to six so we don't need to worry about getting more fish or rare treasures because we've got enough to buy any cat that we want and it's up to us so are we gonna take the red cat bring this up to a family are we gonna take the green cat which is gonna guarantee as the five now we do have an oceaxe which we can choose to make any color we wish so I feel like right now just keeping it out and taking the red is gonna be useful but we could take the blue putting the blue one here is gonna give us a common treasure and it's gonna stop this being a lonely cat so it's gonna be oh my goodness is a gain of one so she's gonna get four but we're gonna not lose five so I think that that's probably going to be worth it and whilst it's not ideal we can use that take one little treasure to put into that gap so that's not super optimal but I feel like that's a good plan for us because it's helping to feel more of our boat it's not costing us too much and it stops me forgetting that I need these not to be lonely and also it gives us another treasure two on one two three four treasures right now so that nine is feeling more likely it comes back to our sister she's gonna turn so but she's taking cat three away from us she's really mean she's hiding all of these cats and she's taking another corner piece common treasure which is really bringing these down to only two now we're done she's also done so we're now gonna discard these cards and we're gonna start playing are rare trek our treasures and our oceaxe so we actually got four of these now and the question is like we're not gonna get these rare treasures or are we do we want to keep these and continue hoping I mean I don't feel like we're gonna get to so I think it's safe to say let's play one of these and take 2 common treasures so we could easily take this one here which is going to help us fill this gap it's gonna cover that edge to make sure that we're not getting too many cats at the edge and then perhaps Oh it's difficult because they kind of feel that maybe we want to take a corner piece and put it here because that covers this other edge but then there's only one corner piece left and our sister might take it and have really useful we might need them later on but oh I feel I feel like that's a good idea I mean there's taken up one let's um oh this is where it's getting difficult because now we really need to think I mean we could take an oceaxe and if we take an OSHA where are we gonna put it we could put one of these here and that again maybe that's gonna work well that's filling that gap quite nicely and it could be a green cap for us a one two three four five greens but then you see this is the challenge I feel like that would be a good idea but we definitely want at least one green red cap one green cap and one blue car to make these or score and if we do that now we're gambling on what color cats are gonna come out next round the only risk we've got is whether or not she takes them from us but I feel right now keeping that Oh Shep so the last round is the safest bet so again do we want to take more treasures our purple cat what we're gonna lose five points for it being lonely if we put another purple cat she is gonna gain five points so it does balance out so I think we're gonna pay the one fish on this one and we're just gonna try and fill as much of this as possible remember we do want to fill the middle row of our boat so I think oh we could take a corner piece and put it in here but then that's gonna be the last corner piece so I think what we really want to do is just put another treasure in here like this to start pushing across that middle it's gonna be really hard for us to fit in that middle space and then maybe another treasure here because we do want to make sure that we filled this room as well so the last one I think we're going to keep one more maybe we'll get a red edge in the last round maybe this card will end up paying off for us but it's feeling quite good we won a green cat a red card blue cat we've got one two three four five six seven eight treasures so I feel confident about the nine treasures we haven't got too many cats touching the edge we've got quite a lot of treasure on the edge which is good and avoiding those bedrooms has worked out well and all of our lesson cards are looking positive right now so apart from the middle row that's gonna be the challenge for the last round we are moving on to the last round and that means that we are going to discard the cats that we have not rescued hopefully they will find a way home we're going to turn the permanent basket back over - we can see his ships in the distance this is the last day what we're gonna have that chance to rescue these cats and yellow is the last cat as you would expect to come out so we are moving on to the final round and that put some more caps out because we have gone off to the fields so far we are hoping that we are going to be able to get some cats we want to read there is a read we want a yellow as well oh my goodness we need four cats maybe yellow we need a blue we need a red and we need a green oh my goodness I don't know if we're gonna be able to afford this here come the treasures we found a goldmine of the cards this would have been so beautiful for us so we hope oh my goodness now it's tragic I mean with what the likelihood is we're definitely gonna get one now but oh my goodness say that oh it's just how sometimes you find treasures sometimes you Dave and unfortunately we found it right at the end in that last round oh but maybe we'll get it maybe we'll get it I mean this one here would fit nicely in this gap I won that treasure so badly but we will see what happens we're gonna get our five cards one two three yes okay so we're not gonna take oh oh okay so we need four cats in two beautiful four we've got one basket one-pound bottom which means we need two more we need a red a green a blue any other we've got the Oh shots which means we need one more now if we take this one we're guaranteed to get another color of our choice but it's gonna be expensive if we take these we're gonna get the speed which means we're more likely to take what we want and I don't know I mean I think we definitely want the treasures because like that's gonna be so useful for us we're definitely gonna get rare treasures I don't know we want speed so we can choose the ones we want but we want the oceaxe to colors oh I mean some of them are so good for us I think that we're gonna take the basket I think that the fish cost on it's gonna be too high I think we're gonna take the basket so that's gonna be the free cards we take and then we're gonna take our my goodness it's lots of tough decision right now but there's another okay it looks like we're getting all of them and then more baskets so maybe we will take that this time and then maybe we're gonna take hmm okay so this is gonna cost us let's take the free half basket and then the two one-half basket and free speed to again help us try and get that speed I really want to push to be first at the end of the game now I really want to get those first decisions and here's our last card so let's have a quick look at what we are going to keep we have got three half baskets so there's no point in keeping one of them I think we'll ditch this one here and then get rid of that we've got to seven ten twelve fourteen fish we take all of these and what I've just realized is this gives us two fish per rare treasure but the rare treasure don't happen until after we've rescued cats so even if we've got these rare treasures now this is not actually gonna give us fish it's just that's it's that's a shame okay so what are we gonna do are we gonna keep them or I mean we want to rescue two cats we've got 22 fish we're gonna gain two for this we've got 24 fish we spend 4 7 12 14 that is going to leave us with 10 fish which is it going to allow us to rescue two but then there's no point in taking all of the baskets if we're only going to rescue two because like we don't have the fish for them so I think we're gonna get rid of this one because this cost us free get rid of that one which means we'll have an additional three fish to hopefully use with this basket which means if we're done mass right we should be able to play free cats here and get two Oh shots of 5 cats some treasures let's see if we can fill that boat so 7 9 11 fish that is us done we are now moving on to what are we gonna play we're gonna put these treasures back into our hand we're gonna put the Ozarks back into our hand we are going to play our game to fish for any rare treasures we have because this is the point to play so we're going to gain two additional fish we're then gonna play our basket cards so we're gonna play the permanent basket we're gonna play these two basket cards here that may one whole basket and we're gonna play this one here that gives us our free basket we've got for speed our sister has yes again last day we are victorious we're running out leaving her behind we're gonna have the first decision and she's only playing one card so we know she's taking cat one two three four and cat five so these two cats she's potentially gonna take we need a green cat but maybe we use the Oh shots for the green I mean what's gonna be good here for us we want a blue cat we want a green cap we want a yellow cat we want a red cat we want all the colors I'm feeling like this cat could be good for us because it could fill up into this space that could be really useful it gets as the yellow and this blue one here could be really nice for us as well so actually I feel like I'm gonna let her go for that I'm gonna play rescue two cats in a row and I'm going to take this Lancers rescue two cats so that means we're gonna use two baskets and we are then gonna spend some fish I think that oh is this how's this one looking over here I mean this one's looking pretty good over here so I think actually I'm gonna change my plan and take that one it's gonna cost us free I'm then gonna take one more it's still feel like I want a blue one and this blue one over here is looking good as well so that's really helping us feel that space so that's gone really well and we've won a common treasure here I'm quite confident we're gonna get there what we are gonna be able to get that we still want to feel that middle row we've got our yellows and blues we want a red and a green our sister's gonna go she's gonna take cat one she's also gonna take cat five so these um reset so I'm second one now we recap two five two one two three four five so those two have gone from us and now she is done we've still got one more basket we've still got I don't know if I paid to fish for that last one so let's assume that I did and I'm pretty sure that I didn't pay the fish for that last card I took so let's we still have enough to do whatever we want with our last basket so what do we want do we want the green or the red I mean the red one fits quite nicely into this space here so I think we're gonna pay the read we're gonna get our to fish change we're gonna turn over our basket we're dumb my sister's done we're now moving on to the oceaxe and our treasures so the lucky thing is is because we've kept these treasure cards at the end and we did manage to get some of these our sisters really helped us be able to you know fill the space as we want so the first thing I'm thinking is this cat here is feeling perfectly into this space so that's one two three four five green cut so I'm going to take the green cat that's giving us our five green cats I'm also wondering is there another good cat that's gonna fill some of this space over here look at the free oceaxe that we've got none of them are looking fantastic for that kind of shape but what I could do is potentially take this one here which is gonna leave us with a whole bunch of gaps that I don't think we can fit in so we probably don't want to take that one how is this one looking for us this one is not looking great either because we're not going to be able to fill the space I really want to take a rare treasure I think that that is where we want this that it's gonna give us well it's up to us what do we want to do with it we could make it um red which is going to give her frequents and it's gonna bring this up from a eight point to an 11 point which is plus free for us we can make it blue which is going to give her four points and it's going to give us three points or we could make a yellow which is gonna give her one point and us so I think yeah it seems like a logical choice we're gonna make it to a yellow cat and then we've got our final pieces here so we've got six treasures and to be honest I think I'm gonna take a rare treasure which I can space into this gap so if I do that we're gonna have one two three four little gaps we only have we have four common treasures so but then that leaves that one oh I don't know if we can't afford to take that piece because what we need to do is fill as many of these spaces so let's see are two common treasures so if we put one of these in here that's gonna be one common treasure and another one over here is going to be two common treasures so that's two common treasures gone we also want to put one over here and we also want to put one over here so that's going to be to more common treasures gone and now maybe just maybe rather than taking those rare treasures we're gonna do this and we're gonna do this and you know what we have managed to fill the entire boat apart from the two bedrooms which is actually a miracle I really hope that I've done this right because that is a big undertaking we are at the end of the round batches here and we are running for it all the cats we have not saved are gonna scamper they have gone it is up to us now to move on to the final scoring so in the final version the game that is a score pad but for this I'm just using a pad of paper because it's much easier for me to just quickly do these so minus 1 for every wrap and our boat we've got two rats that means we're getting minus 2 points - 5 each room we've not filled there are two rooms that we have not filled that means we're getting minus 10 3 points for every rare treasure we've got 1 rare treasure so that's gonna be three points blue cat families we've got three blue cats that's gonna score as eight points green cat families we've got five green caps that's gonna score as 15 points purples we've got one advisors in the family so we're gonna score no points for that Reds one two three that is going to be eight points for us and yellows we've got one two three four that is going to score us eleven points then we move on to our lessons eighteen points if both of our bedrooms are empty which they are we're then going to get nine points for having exactly five green cats which I've counted so many times I hope I've got that right one point per lesson card so one two three four lesson cars there's gonna be four points so that did work out being a plus one point game ten points of our middle Reds for which we have achieved so that is asking to be done so we have game 14 23 31 41 52 sixty seventy five eighty three eighty six seventy six seventy four points for us so now we move on to our sister she's gonna gain five points per lonely cat we have one lonely cat that's gonna give her five she's gonna get ten points we've got less than nine treasures we went masked treasure in this game so we've definitely got over nine we've got one two three four five six seven eight at least fourteen so that's gonna invalidate that five points for each unique color not touching the edge we've got purple we've got blue we've got yellow we've got green we've got red so again she's getting no points for that one point per catching the edge of our boat so we've got a red one we've got a green one says one two and then we've got three four five six cats touching the edge of our boat so that's really good we've really used those treasures optimally to stop that from happening and then three points per lesson card that's gonna give her twelve points so purple she's gonna get five points for every purple cat that we've got which is one she's gonna get four points for each blue cap which is gonna be twelve she's gonna get three points per red cap which is gonna be nine and she's gonna get two points per green which is gonna be ten and finally one point per yellow which is gonna be four points so she is gained 18 23 27 36 41 51 63 points so on the hard difficulty we scored 74 our sister scored 63 and we are victorious now of course I design this game I've played this a few times so the hard difficulty for me maybe I'm used to that now and the very hard is where I'm at but hopefully this is giving you a great overview of how to so new version of this game works if you've got any questions please ask below in the comments I'll try overtime to do different difficulties to show you how it works but that is the solo mode of the eyelid caps thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all soon
Channel: The City of Games
Views: 6,951
Rating: 4.954802 out of 5
Keywords: board games, boardgames, fantasy, roleplaying, tabletop, table top, playthrough, runthrough, cats, the isle of cats, boardgamegeek
Id: ZQ8KXxkzVeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 4sec (3904 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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