Isle of Cats | Solo Playthrough | With Mike

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[Music] hey everyone this is mike with the one-stop co-op shop doing a playthrough of the solo mode in isle of cats no disclaimer needed for this one this is a copy i purchased myself but it was voted on by our patreon supporters as the bonus game they wanted to see for this month and this is a poly amino game a shape placing game one that i've been enjoying a lot with my family playing the competitive modes both the family and regular mode but i hadn't played solo much until recently so i'm happy to show this off i'm gonna quickly walk through the basics of setting up the game and how to play but you can use the time stamps to skip past any of that and if you like what we do here at the one stop co-op shop lots of ways to support us and get involved just check the video info you can join our discord support us on patreon so to kind of give an overview of the game here we have the most important component which is your ship board and you're going to be putting down these cat tiles as well as treasure tokens trying to cover up spaces and you can see a few details for scoring in the corner here but a key thing to remember is that at first you're making up loss points because every one of these little rats that's visible on your board is worth minus one point and every one of these rooms you'll see they kind of have these uh icons to distinguish them each of those that is not completely filled is minus five points so really you're in a huge deficit when the game first begins now up here we've got the island board main thing it's going to do is track the number of rounds you only play five rounds in this game and we're going to be putting cats tiles to the left and right and we're basically going to be competing with the ai to grab those and fill our ship we've also got our oshak's cats basically wilds in a row up here we need to have them from left to right because the ai will interact with where they're located in that line we've got some common treasures we might gain later and finally here we have the bane of our existence the very tough solo ai and there's a bunch of stuff going on here first of all you have the five colors corresponding to the five types of cats you'll place on your boat and you flip one up at the beginning of the game and one more each round this is telling you how many points your sister which is your opponent in the game is going to score for each color so green is the worst cat for me to include on my ship and i'll slowly find out which cats are not as bad as the game goes along additionally my sister has some lesson cards these are kind of like end game scoring you always have three basic solo lessons and then you can up the difficulty with one or more advanced solo lessons so i'm kind of above easy mode here with just one and these solo lessons are in many ways going to shape my strategy because they're points that my sister is scoring so basically negative points for me so every rat that i leave uncovered is now gonna be basically minus six points instead of minus one i need to have a bunch of treasures i wanna have my cats touching treasures and i don't wanna have my cats be alone which means they're not next to any cats of the same color finally we have this solo basket deck we'll get into that when we get to our first rescue cats phase in round one and the last major elements of the game before we jump into play i always start with a permanent basket i can use this to capture one cat per round and then i've got this huge deck of discovery cards i'm going to explore and get seven cards from them each round which will give me other ways to catch more cats ways to score more victory points whole bunch of stuff coming from here and by the way i do have to pick a color for rescuing order i'll pick a red for myself my favorite color and blue for my sister the opponent so now i'll walk through the basics of play as i go through my first round first i'm going to add cats to the island four on the left and four on the right and i've got this giant bag i'm drawing from there are also treasures in here so if any of those come out they're going to go under the island in the order from left to right that i drew them with any matching treasures being stacked on top of one another and here we go all finished up i didn't draw any rare treasures this time and kind of like the oceaks at the top it's important to know what order these cats were drawn in they're basically numbered one through eight because all of the ai's rescue cards are going to refer to their placement within this order next in the game i go fishing getting 20 fish total in addition to any fish i save from a previous round i'm going to spend these fish both to keep discovery cards i gain in a moment and also to pay for the cats i want to capture and speaking of discovery cards i'm going to go into the explore phase i'm going to get seven cards total but how it works is i draw five and then i pick three of them i want to keep some of them like this one are going to be rescue cards they'll show either a complete basket they can capture a cat all by itself or a damaged basket like this one which means i need two of these to catch a cat they'll also sometimes have a number of boots which will help me go before the ai in terms of grabbing my cats in this case all the rest of these are lessons which again are going to be end game scoring some of them are just going to say lesson in the bottom left-hand corner which means i get all the points for them while others will say public lesson in a multiplayer game everyone would get to score these separately but in the solo game they score half as many points as normal because there's no one to compete with you for them so let's see keeping three of these i definitely want a way to catch more cats and then let's see 15.5 three or more cats of each color i already know that green the first one that the ai flipped up is going to be terribly damaging to me so i don't want that because i don't want three cats that are green on my ship and to explain that further for every cat of the first color revealed i have in my boat i get minus five points minus four for each cat of this color minus three minus two minus one so if i got three green cats it would be minus fifteen points completely wiping out the bonus of the card this one wants exactly five red i don't know how dangerous that is yet pick a color and gain points for cats of that color touching the edge of your boat i don't know which colors are good yet and this one rewards me for not covering up treasure map points and to explain that you'll see there's five little treasure maps on the board and if you put a cat of the indicated color on them you get to place a treasure for free and in one way that's bad because we saw the two of the solo lessons the ai scoring for want me to have a bunch of treasures to avoid their points but on the other hand i lose five points for every room i don't completely fill so the fact that this gives me five points for not covering these treasure maps would kind of take away that entire penalty so i'm gonna consider that one at least but i'm gonna throw away the red one i don't know if red will be good so these might not be great i'm not paying for them yet though i'm just getting my options okay now i've got some more rescue cards here you see a complete basket but it's more expensive we'll get to the cost in a second oh this one is free that's a zero cost definitely gonna keep that this is an oshak's card it's super expensive but it gets me one of those wild cats to take up a ton of space i think i want that one point per lesson card in front of me i tend to get a lot of those this seems too expensive uh i already have two lessons that i might play so sure i'll keep that and get rid of both of these and then to complete my set of seven i just draw the top card of the deck oh and this is a good one for the treasure goals i have i can either take a rare treasure of my choice or any two common treasures and just place them so awesome so now that i have these seven cards i have to decide which ones i want to pay for the rest will get discarded anyway remember i have 20 fish but i'm also gonna have to pay for the cats i want to capture so let's say i definitely want that for two that one's free so might as well take it that gets up to three so i can capture another cat i kind of like the oshak that would be eight and i like this one that has me not covering up treasure maps that would be nine now between my permanent basket and my two partial baskets i can only capture two catfish around and that'll cost between six and ten fish so i spent nine i could get these other two as well go up to thirteen and still theoretically have enough fish to catch two cats so sure let's just buy everything so that's thirteen fish i'm left with seven and the next phase is the reading lessons phase i have to put out all my blue cards i don't have the choice to wait to play them but they never hurt me if i don't finish them so it's not a big deal whereas my osha and treasure card i can play later on in the round during the rare finds phase but i don't have to i can hold on to them until the time seems right and these rescue cards i'll get to in just a moment with the rescue cats phase and that's where i decide what i'm going to put out and any cards i say i'm going to use if i end up not using them like i can't pay for the cats or don't want to get any more cats i lose them anyway but in this case i am going to say i'm using both of these they will combine to let me capture one cat and this always lets me capture a second cat so i can potentially capture two cats this round and i have a speed of one from my one boot let's look at the ai's rescue card to explain what all that means so as i mentioned the ai has a solo basket deck and they're going to turn over one card after i've picked how many i want to try to rescue oof this is a rough one the basket number shows how many cats they're going to pick up basically how many cards they'll flip and this is their speed so they're going to go before me with four speed to my one and they're going to resolve four cards the first of those four is the card just flipped and then i lay out in a line enough cards to finish it so that's four cards total and as a note of what the player order will be i can put her at the top of the mountain and me below to show that she's gonna go first this round and resolving these cat cards is really simple you just look at what they say to take here cat number one and oshak's number five so i go down the line oshex number five three four five so this guy's removed from the game and the numbers immediately adjust so now this is one two three four five it's not like the five space still exists and similarly number one they're going to take this red cat and now this is number one going on up to number seven if they ever need to take a number that doesn't exist because it's higher so like if they now wanted oshak's number six they instead will default to the next higher one so they would grab number five instead of number six all right now it's my turn the cats to the left of the island cost three fish each hence this little icon the cats to the right costs five and one of the main ways to score a bunch of points is to build families of cats where you have a lot of cats of the same color like all purple or all green that are adjacent to one another forming a continuous line although don't forget we don't know which color cats are going to hurt us yet except for green so if i went like all in this round for a ton of purple cats for example and that was the next card shown oh that would suck but i am gonna pay three and use my permanent basket for the round to grab this purple cat and that's because they're the perfect shape to cover up this little room it's at the back of the ship and it's only four spaces but remember it's minus five points for every room i don't cover and that one doesn't have a treasure map anyway and i also dodge this map which is going to again offset the penalty for not covering up this little like wheat room here but i do want to cover up the rats definitely because of the huge negative from the ai getting a lot of points for him let's see what my sister is after next cat number six and rare treasure number three well there are clearly no treasures yet so they'll just take cat number six which is that the last one yes that's the last one in the line and on my turn i'm going to use my two partial baskets the last ones i have left i can't afford a cat to the right so i'm not going to go for the green cat since that's minus five points i'll go for this orange cat and a very important rule is once you place your first cat or treasure everything else has to build orthogonally off of it so i couldn't go diagonally but i could for example go here that seems pretty good covering up those two rats there yeah i think i like that and that leaves space for me to put another purple cat in here another orange cat in here because just a reminder the ai scoring for every cat i leave by themselves nobody else of their color next to them and also for rats so i gotta take care of those things and that cost me three fish leaving just one remaining for next round now i'm done i have no baskets left but the ai's still going to go so we're taking cat 7 and osha ii but since there is no cat they'll just take the rightmost and there's another osha gun and their last card is cat 6 and rare 5. no rare that'll take the rightmost cat and by the way a quick note the ai does not care at all about these symbols except for the first card flips you ignore the baskets and the boots on the other cards all right next we go under the rare finds phase where i could use my oshex cards and or my treasure cards the question is do i want to yet the oshacs i don't want to use yet because they're going to act as a wild and become an extra cat of the color i choose to help me build bigger families but i don't know which cats i want a lot of yet because i haven't seen enough the ai's information so i can hang on to this for next round and treasure is the same thing the ai is going to score if i have cats not touching treasures so i like might want to have one like right there but i want to build some more cats out yet before i get to that so i can hang on to these for later and finally to close this round out and also this more detailed rules explanation we'll kind of go through things more quickly from now on all the cats remaining in the fields go away removed from the game and we're going to advance to round four do it all over again and see if i can exceed the points my sister earns so first the biggest reveal of each round are purple or orange gonna hurt me a bunch okay blue great so so far i've not put down either of the worst colors if i can avoid those for the rest of the game that's beautiful and decent luck for me there's only one green and one blue in the offer so i'm somewhat safe to get things and an orange and a purple i can get to be friends with the cats i already have but bad luck still no rare treasures and those get me points and also will help me avoid two of the ai's goals so kind of a bummer i didn't draw any of those okay now i get 20 more fish and they go to join the one fish i had left over and i'm gonna go through that whole process of getting seven discovery cards again draw five keep three draw five keep three draw one extra let's see i have another oh shacks but five fish that seems pretty expensive i definitely don't want something it's just boots let me get rid of that and then let's see gain one fish for each lesson in front of me it costs two food but it would already get me three so it's already paying for itself so maybe i'll get rid of one of the partial baskets keep the oshak's in case i can actually afford it there we go ooh workshop discard any two played lesson cards to gain a permanent basket oh you know what silly me i never actually picked which color my workshop would be so i guess i'd better keep that just so i can fix that rules mistake more treasure is definitely going to keep that now let's see if i'm about to get another permanent basket every round i guess i can probably make do with the partial basket that is cheaper here and my seventh card is another full basket all right so i'm definitely gonna get both of these for four fish again i can play this to gain some extra fish and then discard some of the lessons to get in the basket i can pick the order because these are anytime purple cards definitely gonna pay a fifth for more treasures that's pretty key here then if i go for the ocex that will be 10 and i think just the two partial baskets for two instead of the full one for three so that'll be 12 leaving me with a nine fish overall all right i am before i do anything else i'm going to use this to gain three fish and then use this to trash two of these i'm just going to keep the treasure map one and gain a second permanent basket so assuming i can afford them i can now get three cats this turn if i want to plus i should probably get my two oshas before the ai takes too many more of them so i'm gonna play both of these let's see what the ai is rescuing two boots and rescuing three baskets worth and those two boots are a bummer because that ties what i had for my two cards but when it's a tie the turn order remains the same so the ai will still be first so they're going for cat 2 and rare treasure 2. i don't care about the rare treasure oh and actually that worked out really well because i don't want that green cat anyway you can keep them instead i'll use my first permanent basket to pay 3 for this purple guy and he slots in quite nicely there my purple cat is no longer alone and i've got a nice space to put a treasure in like right there and make none of them give the ai points for my cat's not touching treasures although actually i might want to do it like that that messes up the treasure plan but it'll make it easier for me to get this rat because look if i go like that to get these guys that have to like kind of perfectly thread that needle but maybe i can do it i'll stick with that for now and see how things go okay her second basket switch cats two and five and then take cat one so switch is just like it sounds like oh even more purple and then cat one blue the other color i didn't want that's great oh man okay and yes i'm gonna use my other permanent basket to grab this guy for three because look how nicely this works i can slot him right in there take care of the rats not cover up the map and now that same treasure is going to place will take care of all four of these guys and i've got a three cat family now hopefully purple won't be the next cat revealed being minus three each hopefully they'll be the minus two or the minus one we'll see all right sis what you got cat number four and rare one i'll just grab it it's a red one from over there let's see i've got six fish left should i grab another purple well the thing is going from a family of three worth eight points to a family of four worth 11 points will gain me three points so even if purples are worth minus three points each it wouldn't uh technically hurt me score wise to get another one i do want to get a friend orange cat though for this guy but yeah for now i think i'll use my two partial baskets and the five of my six fish to grab our friend here and yeah we need to take out all of those rats and slot right in there and that's getting me towards this room which does not have a map so i do want to fill that entire room that's really the last one there's only two rooms that don't have maps in the game and then if i can just cover up rats and keep building my families it might do pretty well i know i've got these two oshak's cards and i think at this point i can kind of say that purple is going to be my go-to so let's go and grab both of these guys now and try to build that family up and here this little combo seems to work pretty well i took out both of those rats did not cover the map and i got another rat oh no i didn't actually but i'm ready to get rats down here so i'm still okay with that and by the way when you put down oh shacks you mark them with the color you are choosing so these guys are purple and there's really no hurry to use these ones to get treasures because the ai hasn't taken away any of them yet so i think i'm okay just kind of holding off there but i will be using those to try to fill in the gaps and put treasures between my cats because remember every single cat that doesn't have a treasure next to them will be worth three points of the ai all right going into round three all right do me a favor don't be purple yes so that's great at worst purple would be worth minus two points each which means my family will definitely be worth a lot of positive points for me all right let's see what we got unfortunately a ton of blues but red is fine that's the other color i haven't seen yet so i've got two reds and a purple i might want to go for an orange because i still want to get a family member for that other cat and i did get two rare treasures but you saw the ai tends to grab them pretty aggressively they're worth three points each by themselves and will additionally help me deal with those treasure goals that the ai has i had one fish left over so again i'm going up to 21 with the 20 new ones and let's check out our discovery cards okay yes i'm always gonna take treasure ones nine points if you have exactly five purple cats on your boat unfortunately i already have like seven or eight so no let's see these are all pretty expensive i don't want a half a basket for two so i'll take this whole one i mean i guess i'll just take those three i'm sure i won't buy all of them though 12 points if there are no empty spaces at the edge of your boat the edge are all these spaces here and we can see at a glance that two of my treasure maps that i've avoided are head spaces so no thank you but this is one i love just to get you more possibilities draw three cards i'll definitely keep that and free baskets i'll never say no to and i guess i'll go for the cheap other basket and throw away this whole one and my bonus card is another half basket jeez it's a pretty cheap offering the only things i know i want are the draw three cards in the treasure one that's two and of course i'll keep the free basket and let's get another half basket to complete that plus a whole basket so that's only five fish i'm going to have a bunch left but that's good because i'm going to draw extra cards remember which i might need to pay for as well and just a reminder the ai is going to get 10 points if i have fewer than 9 treasures and let's see if i use this one to get two common treasures i've got six ready to go right here and since i've got a surplus of fish right now i've got 16. let's go ahead and draw the three cards now see what i get so this works the same as the regular phase i have to pay for them or not i'll definitely get the half basket for zero four points per family of four or more cats on your boat well i've got one so that's gonna be four points that might be the only one i get so sure i'll pay two fish for that and not pay for this so not bad still 14 fish left and i could potentially get four more cats this round so i could spend all of that but realistically how many of these guys do i want i could definitely go for both reds and another purple and that orange to fulfill my family so that would be max four but i'm just gonna get uh three baskets worth because i don't expect all those guys to hang out so i'll keep all my partial baskets and just put up this one whole basket plus my two permanent ones that means i've only got one boot i'm sure my sister will be faster oh my gosh yes but she's just doing one basket she's just taking cats six and one and then she's done and man she's just ever so accommodating those are both ones i did not want her favorite colors get out of here so now i'm free to do whatever i want for my three cats let's get rid of the ones i know i'm not grabbing i'll definitely pay five for this purple cat as one of the three because at this point my purple family is big enough that every extra cat is worth five points and yeah it fits in pretty nicely here i can put a little single treasure right there and make none of those cats that'll be negative for me i'll spend another five fish leave me with four to get i think i want this orange one because remember the ai's gonna get five points if this orange cat is by himself and let's see could i put it right there would that work for any treasures no i can do it right there because i think the red cat's gonna fit nicely with that and speaking of for my third basket i'm gonna pay three fish with one left to get this guy and then he can take out those rats for me all three of them without covering the map nice maybe i should grab a rare treasure while i can yeah i might grab both of those for sure i think but do i want to get six treasures instead of the one rare treasure i think i do two common treasures will better help me avoid the ai's less than nine treasure ten point card here so we're sliding into round two near the end of the game it'd be beautiful if this card were red ah okay purples are gonna be minus two each cutting into my lead a little bit and then reds are very safe only minus one each and let's see we only got one red but several purples and another one of these rare treasures kind of protecting me from the ai getting them too quickly man i have a lot of cards left over from last time let's kind of put these together for now so i definitely won't need too many more baskets because i'm going to run out of cats i want in room for them i'm once again a 21 fish let's see pick a color gain one fish for each cat of the chosen color on your boat oh my gosh gotta keep that because i have so many purple ones discard any two treasures to gain a basket no sir especially near the end of the game move to three cats to different fields ten points if i have exactly 15 cats in my boat how close am i to that see three six nine ten so i have to get exactly five cats i mean i want two or three cats from this offer so yeah i think i can make that work ten points is a lot to gain and that means i definitely don't need more baskets so yeah let's get the move cat's a different fields thing just in case i need it let's see again fish for rare treasure no take any ocex i don't know if i can fit him but i might want that ooh three points per oh shaq on my boat okay i'm definitely doing both of those then that's a great little combo and then draw two cards or a public lesson remember these are worth half points pick a color all players get five points if they have three or more cats of the chosen color on their boat and public lessons do round up so if i just pick purple that'll be worth three points automatically so yes i'll get rid of both of these although the drawing two cards might have been nice and my final bonus card seven points if i have at least five fish with me planning to only get five more cats that shouldn't be too hard that's awesome i don't feel like i don't actually care about that card i want that i want the oshak's one i want to getting the oshacs i want the fish one i want that one and i want that one for a ton more fish so that's seven nine eleven twelve fourteen wow but then i can immediately play this and get one for every purple cat which with the oceans will give me seven more fish nice and of course for the public lesson i'm picking purple as my jam and oh my gosh i just gotta fit everything at this point so the oshacs will be one of my five new cats so if i get two this round and two next round i am golden which means i don't really need any of these but i don't know let me go ahead and put up a basket to get a third cat in case i want to for some reason and i have one boot oh and she has zero so i'll actually go first and she's only taking one set cat five and four oh what a jerk of course the two purples i want are five and four so even if i take one of them she'll take the other one yeah there's no way for me to take one and kind of prevent that you know i think of these two i'd rather have this one so i'll spend three fish there and stretch off towards a rat ville here although enough i'll actually get that rat because the map is in the way and then she's taking the new five and four goodbye and i could take two more cats but now i don't know if i care but actually you know i think it's probably worth it to get this red cat to put him on a map i know it's gonna hurt me but i kind of want the treasures more right so look i can put him here that way that guy won't be alone i don't want that i will cover up the map but then i'll be right next to those rats and i get to put a treasure immediately i'll do the one i was planning a while back that's going to take care of a ton of those cats over there but i'm definitely not going to use my last basket so get out of here and i am going to use my oh shacks to grab one of the last two and i think i'll put him right here again it will cover up a purple map but it will get me a treasure and that seems maybe more important but let's see i could still try to fill this room so i could get a small treasure like that one i'll need it anyway although actually some of my cards make it cheaper to get small traders let me go for the big one like that so i've got two treasures and my cards will give me six more so i just need to get one more worst case i guess i could cover up a map although that seems like a desperate scandal but hey here we go into round one last round of the game and we flip it but no big surprise oh my gosh it's red and looking at our final cats we've got three reds and a purple and i'm thinking i actually want to go for two of the three reds for my final two cats that will get me another family of four for an extra bonus from that lesson but first i'm getting 20 fish with the six i already have man i have a lot but i do have to make sure i end with at least five so looking at my cards so you pick a color all players get one point per cat chosen that's great i could pick purple again it's only half points because it's a public lesson but still worth a bunch when your next race your cat you can rescue two instead no thanks two more treasures yes seven points if you have three permanent baskets i can't count on getting another one oh four boots so that'll help me make sure i go before the ai to get one of those reds so i'll keep these three nine points for exactly five treasures i'll have way more than that more treasure yes ten points for having five visible rats that's terrible uh draw two cards yes and even more treasures okay i don't know if i'll be able to fit all of these and finally a basket i don't want but hey i can use the uh boots at least let's see i definitely want all the treasures i want the boots i want the point one so it's one two four six seven that's free that'd be nine and i have 26 that would still leave me with 17 more i only got to get two cats uh so sure that seems fine to just keep all of them now let's go and draw my two bonus cards right off the bat seven points if you have one or more of each color cat touching the edge of your boat no gain two fish for each other on your boat oh my gosh i mean okay clearly i have more than enough fish for anything i need to do so sure no worries all right so i will play both of these i don't need the extra basket but that is five boots to get to those red cats first and then it's got like a billion treasure cards and i'll pick purple for my bonus color so i've got five boots and my sister has three and they're gonna take a regular treasure and then they'll do two baskets worth their first one will be cat two which is going to grab one of the reds but i can pick which one they get and make sure i get the two that i can fit most easily so i definitely want this one first that'll cost me three fish now the fish matter at this point for me and he'll slide in nicely there now i can use that two treasures to fill those out if i want to and i'll have that room filled the ai is going to take this one and one of those treasures just cutting down how many i can use with my cards and then for my second one i'll spend three more fish get this cat and i'll be done and there's no way i'm gonna fill all these rooms but i guess you can at least get to that rat right there then the ai is going to oh take away a single treasure but the cat six part doesn't matter so now we get to the very complicated final phase of the game where mike tries to place as many freaking treasures as he can to be next to his cats and fill some rooms so let's see i've already got two treasures i need seven more at least which means with these i can get six regular treasures and i can get three rare treasures if i can fit them all and that'll give me the maximum points possible so let's try to fit my rare treasures first maybe fill some rooms so this one will go pretty well there and be next to uh three cats this one will fit nicely there and that means i only have to do those three spots for that room and then sure this one should cover a bunch of cats just in case i don't get them some other way and now i can place six more treasures and if i pay one fish for each of these they can be any of the common treasures instead of just the small ones so i'll just say i did that because again i had way too many fish so i can play six treasures as i please so let's first see how many i need to fill some rooms that would be one could be two three four five six but then i'm leaving a lot of cats not touched by treasures right well actually is it a lot actually i guess it's just these two oshak so yeah i'm gonna go ahead and do it anyway so there we go that is it so now we get to the fun of scoring all of this we'll do the ai first because i do not think it's gonna be pretty for them number of cats so greens are worth five but i didn't have any blues worth four but i didn't have any of those but orange i had two of that six points purple i had nine of so that's 18 24 total and then four reds so that's 28. then five points per lonely cat nobody's lonely everyone has a friend yay five points per visible rat get out of here i ate them all 10 points if you have less than nine treasures no way and finally three points per cat not touching any treasure which i believe is only these two oceans right yeah they are definitely up so the six points there man this is a tiny score for the eye this is going to be a route i think 34 points total for them now for me my only families that score need to be three plus so red will be 11 points and purple is nine so that's 35 points beautiful i get three points per rare treasure that's nine my lessons good lord okay five points per treasure map not covered i have three not covered so that's fifteen four per family of four more that'll be eight for my purple and red family seven points for at least five fish of course i did three points per ocex that's one two three nine ten points for exactly 15 cats yes so that is 49 for my basic lessons that's already more than the ai score for my public lessons which are have rounded up five points for three more cats of purple the color i chose that'll be three points and then one point per purple cat i had nine so that'll be five rounded up so that's eight points for those next minus one per rat but i got them all and then where i will lose a lot of points minus five per room uncovered so that's one for the moons uh two for the central ones so that's a ten and then three for the wheat so that's actually minus fifteen not too bad so final score even with the minus fifteen is ninety seven ouch maybe i should have gone for a couple more advanced cards for the ai but there you go that was the solo play of isle of cats hope you enjoyed it and thanks again to our patreon supporters for suggesting this one for a playthrough good gaming everybody and i'll see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 2,712
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, isle of cats, playthrough, solo
Id: 6HLbx1765lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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