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and we bless your name jesus and we bless your name god we give your name the praise today we honor you lord for keeping the breath in our body that we will use to serve your holy name we glorify your god for giving us the strength that we will use to bless your holy name we thank you god for another day for another day to be showered with your glory we give your name praise for another day for another hour that you have decided to suck with us that you have decided to commune with us that you have decided to show your face to us and allow it to rest upon us and give us eternal peace and so god we glorify you we glorify you as being the only one and true and living god there is no other god beside you there is no other god beside you there is no other god beside you there is no other god beside you and that's why we worship you we worship you because you're the king of kings and the lord of lords and the rule of every nation and you cause our heart to beat towards you god and so we glorify you for a heart that knows how to speak toward you we praise you god for years ears that are being trained to hear from another dimension we praise you god because our hearing in the season is intentional we give your name glory because of it being intentional we are receiving directives prophetic directives that are oh my god that is changing our lives that is changing our lives that is changing us and causing us to be branches that are coming out of the stem and the root out of zion and god we praise you for it we praise you god for knowing that we are embarking upon the tree of life god we praise you because as our flesh man is dying daily our spiritual man is being activated towards your will and towards your purpose and so god we praise you we praise you for being purpose driven from within we praise you god that it's not a saying to us but it's a statue to us we praise you god that is not just something that we quote but it's something that we strive to become and god we glorify you that you've taken us the clay like the woman of god said the other day and you're making us another vessel and you're making us another vessel and we god we appreciate the fact that you're using you're using what has been marred in your hands and you making us another vessel and god we praise you for it we praise you for it we praise you god because we're becoming new from the top of our head to the soul of our feet we're becoming new creatures in christ god we're the new creature we're the new creature we're the new creature oh god there's other creatures in the land but we're the new creature we're the new creature in christ we're the new creation in christ we are the ones god that you have allowed us not to mess up our demonstration and our manifestation we are the ones that the world is growing up and waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god those that would yield to you and so father we come to you in the mighty name of jesus and we bow down not just our bodies no we don't just bow our bodies lord we don't just bow our bodies but we tilt our minds over in your will god we tilt our heart let it fall in your hands as we bow over let our thoughts fall in your hands as we bow over let the eyes that sit in the sockets of our head be dismissed lord let them fall out in your presence foreign you help us to gird it up we don't know what we're doing we don't know how to do it we don't know how to do this thing called saved called holy god we don't know how to do this thing called broken so father lead us and guide us down to the potter's wheel again and make us over and make us over and make us over and make us over and god this dispensation it speaks of chips to come it speaks of the chip of the 666 but we're asking you today to put another chip in us put a chip in our mind pre-program it for your will pre-program it for all of your ways and we shall far we shall like abraham hessel said like our legs will become prayer lord strengthen our feet up that our feet would be an intercession god strengthen our loins god straighten our arms god and our hands that they may do bad o lord prepare them for the staff god hold up prepare them for the miraculous thing that prepare us god prepare us god for the natural thing that would hit our hands and we present our hands and we present our hand we lift up clean and holy hands wash them in the blood wash them in the blood wash them in the blood god give us blood washed hands on fire with the holy fire that comes from the altar of the lord the fire that would stop playing the fire that would drove up disease the fire that would stop the devil in his tracks the fire we would chase him back to the gate not by saying anything but the manifestation give us a soul that would say yes hold up father we've been saying that for the longest father in the name of jesus we've been saying that for a long time we've been saying shows saying yes but i'm asking you today god to give us a soul that would say yes hold on give us a yes lord soul allah somebody watching god the old man is trying to show up killing god kill him on the arising god kill them as they come up lord hello messiah kill it now in the name of jesus murder the thing that's going to murder our miracles in a soul that will tell you no harm kill that thing in us god oh kill the thing that wrestles with your will kill the thing that wrestles with your purpose kill the thing that is trying to abort our timing and our appointed time in you kill that one god khan because the hour is late and we can't afford to miss you anymore we can't go around this mountain anymore the time has come hola mahaya the timing is now god killed the thing that keep wrestling with you kill the thing that keep knocking your hand off of us hold on head up kill the thing that keeps dodging you every time you get ready to touch us and god we don't want the touch of the goosebumps anymore we want the touch that will refine yourself we want the refiner's touch us we want to touch god that would drive our never rebellion foreign you about to rebuke the makeshift spirit you about to sustain us in your glory hold on you about to make us a walking torch you're about to anchor us in you you about to anchor our souls in you allah drop the ankle in our bellies today hold on make your wheel guard up make your wheel guard up a yoke that will father god in the name of jesus father god in the name of jesus break the entertainment spirit of father god in the name of jesus break the spirit that's got great talent but do not possess the fire but do not possess the anointing lest we forget god oh god let your staff your ride and your staff stand up in us lest we forget some people are forgetting the purpose for which they were born they end another man's purpose they in another purpose that is producing nothing but bring them on into the wealthy place bring them on into the wealthy place bring them on into their wealthy place god they want you to bless them with money and they want you to bless them with cause but god reminds us that when we seek first the kingdom of heaven all of these things will be added unto us change the sikh today ha ha ha intentional clarity somebody in here begin to worship god oh my god somebody watching giving praise right now somebody that's watching giving praise right now out of the hole yeah i'm going to do what you prayed said the lord my god my god i'm going to do what you prayed hold on my soul hello somebody give him a shout in here somebody give him worship right there where you are in your car in your home give them worship somebody give him worship somebody giving praise up he's bringing the victory over in your house now oh now here it comes here it comes here it comes up here it comes up here it comes up the victory in you the victory in you the victory in you huh and we give your name praise god and we give your name glory and we give you all the honor that's due your mighty name we give you all the glory and all the honor that's through your mighty name oh my son my god we lift your name up let the heavenly host join us today ah god opened up a portal today aya moshe open up a portal today and let us see over in heaven and let heaven see us i am let there not be a distance today oh yeah daniel let us have a connection with heaven let us have a connection with the creation that you made that lives in the third dimension let us collect today oh son of a heart said can we be your guest today hallelujah can we be your guest today hallelujah can i be your guest today i don't know about nobody else but i'm ready to be your guest today can i be your guest jesus can i worship with the angels today oh messiah can i worship with the heavenly host today can i god permit me today god hold on yes lord i hear you heaven and earth is connecting the lord m father god in the name of jesus when i was on the plane father when i was on the plane father the other day trying to trying to connect with the internet trying to connect with the other dimension father the message came up across the airways and it said please be patient while we're sending your message down father i receive that in the name of jesus i receive that in the name of jesus and i will be patient for they that wait upon the lord he shall renew this strength that he still mount up with the wings of an ego you shall run and not be weary out you shall walk and not fake i will wait up cause the message is coming down i will wake up because a message is coming down i will wait up for the divine transfer i will wake up for the divine transformation that will transform me over to be able to see and heal the new transformation and the new transfer from heaven has oh yes foreign is jesus and amen and a man and a man amen i hear heaven saying amen i can hear it i can hear it amen i can hear it i can hear heaven saying amen oh amen amen yes lord i received that jesus the lord just spoke and said amen it's when the asking meets the answer huh yeah when the asking meets the answer is amen when the asking meets the answer and you're asking that they have met the answer my god jeremiah 29 and 11. for i know the plans and thoughts that i have for you says the lord that part right there is starting to mean everything to me says the lord not says paul not says peter but says the lord plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope i'm going to keep reading that scripture over and over again until we get it down in the cores of our spirit thank you jesus thank you jesus i am being instructed and provoked by god to stay on something that struck me and i could not sleep last night because i kept hearing it in my spirit i kept hearing it in my spirit i hear you past the show the show said what you rushing for somebody got you on a time clock yes thank you jesus we were talking about the staff of the lord yes yes and the familiar scripture that we all know from psalms 23 says though i walk one of the verses in that passage for the sake of where i need to go today i'm going to just quote that one part ye though i walk through the valley of the shadows of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me i had an experience a few days ago that i'm going to testify about in a minute so it provoked me to continue to pursue the thought of the staff how are we going to be helped when i was a little girl my mother made me learn that scripture so it's not an unfamiliar scripture to me but why don't i still know it god i thank you jesus why have we read something a thousand times but yet we don't possess the knowing of the spirit of god so he kept bringing that word up staff staff so as i began to search it out ran across a few definitions staff i thought this one though it said it didn't apply it does apply all the employees of a business all of the employees of a business staff to support the hand the arm and through them through them through the hand and the arm the whole body it takes on the part it immediately supports so therefore the hand of god the armor of the lord when we start talking about a staff laying on the ground it's it's it's it's it's just a stick it's insignificant unless there is another meaning to it unless there is something that can be that can be laid down but yet doesn't lose its power so then we have to ask ourselves then is the staff magic what is it somebody said well what is magic magic is the mystical workings of the spirit realm without the word of god it is a spirit that can work but it works in iniquity and it is driven by another power and even that power cannot overcome god my god so whatever i'm doing without the power of god without the work the power which is the word of god then i am not spiritual watch this i am i am mystical and i am mystical because now i am tapping and touching wizardry so i am a christian looking witch i am a christian looking having the form of godliness but denying the power of god there i listen i possess a power but it's not the power of god so i put on the clothes of a christian why i operate in witchcraft so it says here that the rod the rod meaning authority and protection the rod in the hebrew sabet means walking writing listen at this y'all fighting ruling and punishment so the rod is it walks it right it fights it rules and it operates an instrument of punishment the staff in the hebrew is the mission of something to lean on and trust and support you good lord have mercy so then so then when he says that rod and thy staff comforts me we got to look at we got to look at this a different way because we're looking for the fuzzy comfort we're looking for that but here it is proverbs 13 and 24 said he who withholds the world of discipline hates his son but he who loves him disciplines and trains him diligently and appropriately with wisdom and love which means that when it's a lot and a staff that text the lord revealed to me this morning at about 3 30. he said we're not talking about two different things we're not talking about this notebook and the computer we're not talking about two different things we're talking about two different entities of god two different workings of god that sits in the same frame so the word is what corrects me the rod is what challenges me come on somebody the staff is what sustains me so the what says somebody said well i'm going to a dark place i'm going through a sunless place i'm in a deep hole and watch this somebody said well i just want the lord to come and love on me but when he says though you walk through the valley of the shadow shadows of darkness shadows of death it looks like it's about to die my rod i gotta come on in there and correct you while you're in the dark place i gotta come on in there and discipline you while you're in the dark place and then my staff my rock and my staff will comfort you the comfort is in knowing that i am a son because he corrects me because he disciplines me because he does not spare me anybody listening in here the rod the rod psalms 2 and 9 thou shall break the nations and pieces with the rod of iron watch this ship revelations 19 and 15 out of the mouth of him that set up on the white horse one a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations but he shall rule them with a rod of iron with a rod of iron with discipline i will rule them with discipline and then he said jehovah shall smite the wicked with the rod of his mouth now when he says that jehovah shall smite the wicked with the rod of his mouth then now now we we have to we have to mentally and intellectually move away from the staff being a stick because there is no stick in the mouth of god jesus that means there must be something else to this it is be something else that god is trying to work with here listen so then so then he says here the the the staff and then then then staff then staff starts to staff start to extend itself stop staff starts to take on take on a divine meaning because then it moves away from just being moses stick so now we understand we understand the staff that he had because the staff that he had was a comfort and a ruling and authority and a discipline yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah jesus thank you father we thank you for that right now we thank you for that right now jesus we thank you for that right now so then he says he said i want you to keep going on this staff are y'all with me are you with me watch this watch this it says staff seen as the world the tree this is what this is what this is what one one definition said a staff is seen as the world tree as an axis connecting god and man as an axis connecting god and man which they desire to be in constant communication with god that's what we're desiring to be in constant communication with god watch this people wait axis well what is that axis because that's about i don't want to get lost right there they're seen as the world tree as an axis connecting god and man what is an axis rabina an axis is a principle structure about which something turns or is arranged it is the central longitudinal support on which organs or parts are arranged it is the stem and the root it is the central line of anybody which means now the axis is the is the one thing that runs down the middle of something horizontally that all of the parts are held together and arranged and they and watch this and they're able to move around this but not move away from it if they move away from it they have disconnected themselves from the axis it is the axis that causes what is connected to it to be rearranged are you getting that so then so then if the tree cut out of if the staff is the axis that connects god to man then there's got to be something that god have sent from heaven it has to come from heaven it's got to be something that god has sent to heaven as a divine connection it has to be something that's tall enough to reach heaven and sit in the earth realm and allow all things to circle around it until it's rearranged god i love you jesus god i love you jesus god i love you jesus it says here are you going with me are you going with me it says here how how does this how does this this staff work it works watch this by living a symbolic life through transformation the staff is an archetype an archetype an archetype which means it is a spiritual guide it is the original pattern from which all things of the same kind are copied it is the model of the firstborn jesus have mercy lord jesus i'm about to get up and run about so so in other words the only thing that i can compare to being an axis the only thing that i can compare to to being a model and a likeness and a spiritual formation something that is symbolic of a living symbol of transformation something that has the power to reach heaven plunge into the earth go through a transformation and be a like symbol of its original form nobody but jesus y'all better come over here and say nobody but jesus somebody said nobody but jesus so then so so then here we have then that the first mention of staff was in 1638 as and the definition in 1638 was a sense of support then jonathan swift came in 1704 and said it's y'all not ready y'all not ready because i wasn't ready for this one i wasn't ready for this one jonathan swift in 1704 came and said that that that staff then was bred he said bread dear brothers is the staff of life and then and then by the time the 18th century came according to matthew henry it said the staff was considered the staff of life was identified definitely as bread i don't think we heard that it was identified definitely as bread who jesus oh jesus the staff was identified then as the staff of life it was identified as the staff of life and watch this and watch this you gotta hear this you gotta hear this it was identified as a staff of life and then it was classified that that bread was the only thing considered in the whole wide world as being the sustaining of life bread not cookies not candy not vegetables they said if you give a man some bread he can keep living so now bread is transferred from from staff to bread god i love you then we go and jesus keep telling these people in in in psalm 6 6 and 16 33 he said i'm the bread of life y'all and then they keep on talking they keep on talking and they didn't he said come back again he said listen in 6 35 he said i said i'm the bread of life okay okay okay then by that time you know the jews were saying wait could this be the carpenter's son or he don't look like he don't look like no and see that that that go to show you that going to show you that go to show you when it's time to make that miracle when it's time for the ingredients of the miracle you got to be careful how you minimize how you minimize the word because now you're diminishing the authority of jesus christ which means this now which means this which means in the bread in the staff of life in the bread which is jesus christ he contains the power to rebuke your enemy and bless you at the same time but if you don't see him as the brand of life then he is no longer the staff of life which means you got to fight your own battles which means you got to thin for yourself who am i talking to he said if you believe me and you trust me and you rely on me and you depend on me i will fight your battles up i will provide for you i will heal your body all of myself oh my god though you walk through the shadow of what you think is dying i think my vision is trying to die if you see me as the staff of life i know how to rebuke death and speak life at the same time lord have mercy i said at the same time father god i thank you father god i thank you father god i thank you i'm not going to rebuke what the enemy is doing and then make you wait at the same time at the same time i call him out i'll call you up thank you better give god a praise right there somebody better give god a shout right there my god my god i don't know if y'all getting this i don't know if y'all getting this but i'm getting it i'm getting it god i believe you i believe you i believe you i'm going to show you something i'm going to show you something i'm the head out of the hosh glory to your mighty name jesus people of god who am i preaching to today besides myself good lord have mercy ah oh yes lord what's wrong jesus what's wrong what's wrong ah what's wrong because when they believe half of my word when they believe half of my word then you got some people that's stuck in the rod and all they can do is discipline people and and rebuke people and cut people no no no you and half of it and then you got the other people that watches that all you preachers grace and the goodness of god and how good god is and that's why we're messing up and retarding the body of christ and it's starting to look like a freak instead of us looking peculiar because we're trying to split the rod and the staff you got to bring it together because the word of god is the word of god and you can't take nothing from it and you can't separate it and that's why the bible said just study to show yourself approval rightly rightly rightly dividing them dividing the word of god which means breaking it down from natural to super natural oh my sia who am i preaching to today god i love you jesus y'all watch this i'm finna show you i'm finna show you i'm going to show you first kings 17 8 through 24. watch this i'm going to show you something i'm going to show you something lord jesus that made me just god i love you jesus y'all i feel the holy ghost right now i feel the holy ghost right now see i got yes lord he said he said he said go over here to this before you go to that he see see and matthew stay right there y'all cause i'm coming back to the and that's why and oh my god i love you jesus and that's the reason why when we look in the text and we look in the scripture in the book of mark we see matthew 14 we see that that this jesus this this this this staff we see this staff this staff right here we see him we see him take two fish and and and and five loaves of bread and we see him feed 5 000 people and then and then we see there was twelve baskets left over and then and then we turn around and see the same step of life again it could come along and and he feed four thousand and and so and so he asked them he said well what we got and they said they they they said we got we got seven loaves of bread and a few fish and so then he multiplies that so what was the difference and why was he going around multiply multiplying bread why was every time somebody was hungry he kept saying look look look look look look i got to multiply this i got to feed these people because these people in 2020 is hungry and these people got a long journey to go down they done came from a long journey and they still got to go to a long journey and if i don't feed them bread they gonna faint along the way good lord have mercy jesus help us today he said 20 20 people is hungry they're hungry they're hungry they're starting to look cross-eyed they starting to say you don't go to hell from sin they starting to say there is no hell these people are delirious because they are hungry they are quoting a scripture that's not in their belly that they don't have a relationship with and that proves that starvation because as oxygen to leave your brain and you start hallucinating and seeing what is not there that's why you gotta eat this word my god comes up you gotta eat it in the morning eat it in the noonday eat it in the midnight hour you gotta meditate which means you gotta cut it up through it and hold it in your mouth and let it roll over hosanna myself until the bread of life becomes living breathe living breath breathe thank you jesus you all hearing this yes did you all hearing this is y'all hearing this there was a reason that was a reason there was a reason glory to your mighty name jesus god i praise you right now i praise you for the living bread i praise you for the bread of life i praise you for the true staff i praise you for the wrong understand hello thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus and he says and it says here the the first 5 000 the first five thousand that he said listen at this somebody said location location somebody say that location okay so the first five thousand that he fed uh he did that near her bethsaida close to the sea of galilee which was the home of the early apostles so this first 5 000 feeding was the jewish people my god my god my god my god my god but he said i can't just let jewish people eat the bread because this ain't no natural bread because watch this when the seven loaves when the two fish and the five lords when the five lords was worn out and there was no more five laws then i had to just break off me and just keep putting it in the basket i just had to keep breaking off of myself and putting it in the basket because you know what it's gonna always be some of me left over my god my god i just have to keep on breaking off me and breaking off me and breaking off me and breaking off me he said i cannot let it be just enough because what i'm saying is that if too many people call on me i'll only have just enough but i'm more than enough my god my god my god and so and so and so and so i fed them and so i fed them and he said and then i moved on over here and i had to go to the oh god to the gatherings i had to go uh near near decapolis the location of the ministry of jesus this is where he cast the devil out and the enemy dwinding the swine and committed suicide and he said watch this watch this watch this y'all watch this i want you to hear this i want you to hear this the goddamns what does gatoring mean the gallerings are those people who came from pilgrimage or came from a fight good lord have mercy he said these were the gentiles i got to go over here and feed the gentiles because i just fed the jews and i'm about to make them one in me and one can come in loaded with bread and the other one come in starving i'm not hearing y'all and he said here that watch this that a gallery what is the spirit of the god of rings the spirit of the god of rings up is the people that move rapidly and without control and headlong without discipline i gotta go get these people i'm not hearing y'all i'm not hearing nobody right now i feel like jumping up and giving god praise and i know i can't right now and he said the cure the cure for the genital god the cure for the genitals the cure for the gentiles is to slow down and eat ah the cure is that you got to change your diet you got to shut your phone off you got to get away from some people hold on you got to come into the world i'm the messiah oh you got to meditate on a day and night oh let me give you let me give you something right here lord jesus father i thank you y'all i just feel like we're running god have mercy yeah i'm going to show you i'm going to show you because somebody said i'm looking for a miracle somebody said dr bottom i'm looking for a miracle yeah i'm starting next tuesday but i had to i had to put this thing right here in you because this is going to be important to the prayer kid this right here is going to be is going to be vital uh because every prophet in the bible people that are under prophetic anointing is who come under the mantle every prophet in the bible wore this this is what is what elijah tossed to elisha he didn't throw him a rag he threw him until he called out the messiah because that was the cloak of the prophet in other words and when he threw it to him it spoke you don't hear me but lord have mercy when he threw it to him and started talking when he threw it to him it told him to leave your family and follow this man for more than 25 years because you about to get a double anointing are y'all hearing god right now and so he says here so so he says juanita i want to give you i want to give you uh i want to give you a sample i want to give you an example of how how to to understand the ingredients of the miraculous the ingredients of the miraculous somebody said i'm still i'm still waiting on what god want to do for me dr barnum well well let me just see if you've got the right ingredients it said then the word of the lord came to him saying he he he came to to watch this he came to to oh my god came to elijah and he said arise and go to zero fat y'all know the story which belongs to zion and he said and stay there and behold i commanded a widow there to provide for you so he set out and went his arabic and when he came to the gate of the city behold the widow was there gathering sticks for firewood he called out to her and said please bring me a little water in a jar so that i may drink and she was she was going to get it that's good i don't know you right the lord spoke to you and told you i was going to feed you he didn't talk to me my god i don't know you but but here i am i don't know you and i'm i'm going to get you someone and i don't even know you i'm i'm moving because you told me to y'all not gonna hear this you're not gonna hear this you're not gonna hear this because you all see you listen here you sitting there telling me where the lord they spoke to me he might not he might not he might send the prophet to speak to you she didn't know god like that good lord have mercy and that's why god would send somebody to speak into your life because you don't know god like that my god the bible said the bible said he called out to her hey that means she wasn't near him some people don't live near the world some people don't live near god and sometimes he got a call out to you hey over there on facebook hey so he called out to her and said please bring me a little water in a jar no no no no no no y'all here we go so so that i so that i may drink that's right lord what you gonna do for me give me some water so i can drink lord when you gonna bring me out give me some listen take note from the woman at the well just give me some water and you will never thirst again listen you ain't gonna ask me for nothing because you don't even know what you need right now you need something and you don't even know what you need the most first if you just give me some water so the presence of the lord can fill your house then i'll start doing for you what you don't even know you need and so he said and so he said please bring me he said and and she was going to get it she was on her way to get it right and then he called out again wait a minute please bring me a piece of bread y'all in your hand please bring me a piece of bread in your hand but she said as the lord your god live listen at that y'all as the lord your god i don't know it as the lord your god lives i have no bread only a handful of flour lord have mercy i only have a hand full of flour in a bowl and a little and a little oil in a jar see i'm gathering a few sticks so that i may go in and bake it for me and my son see what the prophet was trying to say to her you got the flower which is which is meal which which is the ingredients of bread you got the flour in your hand and you got the oil the which is the spirit you gather in six you are you gathering stitch which tells me that that that that prophetically you are connecting with the vine he said i am the vine and you are the branches you gathering sticks and now you're going to bake it and put it in the fire that sounds like the bread of life to me good lord have mercy you don't even know what you got god i praise you jesus are y'all hearing this this woman had the ingredients of the bread of life because jesus had been tried in the fire she had the ingredients of the bread of life because she had the oil of the spirit she had the ingredients but yet she was talking about dying she had all of the ingredients and was talking about dying how in the world do you have the bracket in your house are you talking about dying oh my god my god my god my god an elijah said to her do not fear go and do as you have said just make me a little bread from it first and bring it out to me and afterward you may make one for yourself and your son for well listen for this is what the lord god of israel says the say so of god got on her ingredients but he didn't just turn it into bread huh how do i know because what listen you don't eat for days off of one cake oh my god the man had just prophesied that it wasn't gonna rain so watch this god didn't need to depend on the elements to make your miracle work he prophesying to somebody right now he don't need the banker he don't need the lawyer he don't need the doctor to make your miracle work what he needs from you is to obey the voice of a prophet i'm not hearing y'all somebody better say something you got the ingredients i didn't gave you the word today and the word is filled with the oil and the fire of god is dropping right now oh my god i think it's time for you to claim a miracle i think it's time for you to claim your breakthrough i think it's time for you to tell the devil that he's the liar that he is because i got the ingredients i got i got it i got it i got the ingredients for a miracle i got the ingredients for multiplication i got the ingredients and he said the bowl of flour shall not be exhausted nor shall the jar of oil be empty until the day that the lord sends rain again on the face of the earth she went and did as elijah said who she went and did as elijah said the golden israel said my god some of y'all did as god gave me to do it i can't explain it to you i can tell you why he got me praying over portugal and in handkerchiefs and oil but all i can tell you is it's an ingredient of ancient ingredients uh hold up messiah next week is gonna bless you uh ah i'm not finished with this uh-huh i gotta finish part two tomorrow morning una marcia it says she went and did as elijah said honey come on and play my music because i'm about to jump off the stage i need something to tell me it's the time to calm down and she said he and her household ate for many days the bowl of flour was not exhausting nor did the jar of oil become empty in accordance in accordance in alignment aligning up with the word of the lord which he spoke through elijah are you hearing god today is somebody hearing god because i feel like running is somebody hearing god because i feel like screaming it's somebody hearing god because i want to jump up out of this chair good lord have mercy so what are you saying to me dr biden what are you saying to me okay i'm going to give you a perfect example this is what i'm saying to you that the minute you start worshiping the minute you start worshiping god maybe you produce an oil the minute you start praising god you produce and reign that ain't even there you become the knower of our time you able to prophesy something that's coming that can't nobody see it but you by god you're able to build something that other people think is impossible good lord have mercy jesus i kill you today no no no no no no because the bread and the staff the correction that is in the step it corrects the believer and say how dare you lean on the arm of the flesh how dare you trust and chariots and you trust in horses i've called you to trust in the name of the lord i call you to trust in my word i've called you to trust in the lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding but lean on the step and in all of your ways acknowledge me and i'll tell you where it is i'll lead you to where to get it hold on spend time with me and you in no time hold on ah how many times did you gonna walk in the store and need what you need and they tell you i just showed that last one to this person i just got rid of the last one just five minutes ago oh god it's lining you up with this timing hold up are you hearing this are you hearing this oh oh my god he said for many days she ate for many days she ate for many days for many days her and her son and the prophet ate are you hearing me are i'm about to drop longevity miracles i'm about to drop the miracles that's going to be filled with longevity longevity meaning the lord said you will be known as a longevity which means the blessing is going to sit on you in such a way and the prophetic blessing is going to sit on you in such a way and the miraculous is going to sit on you in such a way that you will be known it will classify you oh my heart oh my god you will wear the cloak of the miraculous so long that they will classify you as the miracle lady as the miracle man said the spirit of the lord if you take these ingredients that i've given you and you come to an understanding set the spirit of the living god up and you come to an understanding of the power and the transitional power of my word if you would come to an understanding and know that i am the staffer and i am perfecting those things up which concerns you i am perfecting those things up i am rebuking the devourer for your sake i am calling out a halt for your sake up i am waving a flag on the face of the enemy saying not here not now not never said the spirit of the living god for this day said the lord i've given you my ingredients up for this day said the lord if you are watching and you are listening with your inner ear and 24 hours up you shall be a recipient of what i am speaking today say the spirit of the living god for i speak to you today i speak to you clearly up i come face to face with you today and i speak to you clearly and i say to you that this mantle that is swapping up it will not be an event but it will become your lifestyle it will not be a happening now but it would be an extension of who i have called you to be up for miracles shall come out of you what oh and when you open up your mouth up you will speak up and you would splurge get for the bread set the spirit of the living god fill your temple with the bread of life fill your temple with the bread of life fill your temple with the bread of life and this day throughout eternity you will walk as moses did what a staff hope i should say the spirit of the living god he will walk with his staff you too would lay down your staff and suck up the spirit of deception and the spirit of the snake and every lie that come against you for moses staff turned the water the blood but the mother of ashaya but the staff the staff that was in the mouth of the prophet called salt in a bowl to purify water i will cause the staff in you to begin to purify your house you don't have to talk no more said the lord you don't have to complain no more the lord said be quiet be quiet use your staff use the staff he said go to what you want go and stand in front of the building and use your staff go take your bible and begin to prophesy to what you know god is saying hello and the lord said and i will do it he said i would do it i would do it like proverbs 6 and 63. i would prick him i will cricket i will cause everything to speed up i give the lord said he's pulled speed shot everything that you've been praying for he's put a speech out on it today no more delays of the spirit of the living god thus said the lord not me thus saith the lord not me god gave me this prayer kit testimonies i hid in my inbox last night about a little boy that went through a surgery and they didn't think he was gonna make it and they had to go in the c3 and the c5 in his spine and the person whose son it was they wasn't even a believer of this but somebody that's watching letrella that's watching she sent her one of her prayer shawls that she got from here and the girl thanked her for it and went in and astounded the doctors what was supposed to be worse and even death he came out just wearing a neck brace i'm here to tell you this is not the doing of juanita bynum when i tell you to go to the phone and order prayer kits for people that you know listen let me help you with something let me help you with this whether you obey or not somebody is people are calling here in order 27 at a time last night another lady ordered 10 at a time because we're called to be a demonstration and a manifestation and not only watch this how did this lady get her miracle because she did it for the prophet first she did it for somebody else first and i know god is talking to you and if you never picked up the phone if you haven't obeyed god as a prophet of god i know what's coming why do you think i'm in here why do you think i'm sitting here diligently because he told me in november i want you to shut down for a year because something is coming and i'm gonna need you to stay on the wall i'm gonna need you to stay on your face and i saw dead bodies laying everywhere and i went to my pastors and i told them something is coming and it's massive and i see a lot of people dying well but it would be the prophetic voices of god it would be the people that god has called under this garment that is going to be able to change the course of time that is going to be able to stop the devil in its tracks imma tell you something it would not be just your vote that would change the white house it would be the voice of the prophet when it was time for a change i want you to hear this when it was time for a change in israel god didn't tell the people to vote he spoke to the prophet and he told the prophet it is time for the order to change we got too many people now that i'm not hearing the voice of god you're hearing cnn you're hearing fox news you hearing whatever news outlet is saying they're telling you how bad it is but our job is to get in the air i don't care what's going on in your house god is saying get in the air you too low if you feel it if you are being crushed under the power of the enemy in your house you too low you too low pick up the phone now operators are standing by it's time for you to obey god the woman didn't understand it but she obeyed god she had never seen him before but she obeyed god she said according to the word of your god and i'm here to tell you the miracles that i'm seeing the testimonies that are coming in we're getting ready to do a program tonight on nothing but testimonies it is going to blow your mind 914-810-709-0 i'm going to sit here god gave me he gave me to preach on daystar and he gave me that word that apostle aida paul preached about securing the hand of god about doing something that makes god's hand come over here and sit on you and remain there you're watching right now and you say i don't know where i should well what has changed for you you in trouble right now it's time for you to invest in the word of god and obey him operators are standing by if the line is busy keep dialing keep dialing some of you need to secure the hand of god with what i see in the spirit that is coming we better secure the hand of god the civil war that the enemy is trying to stir up we better secure the hand of god because he showed it to me he showed me people walking down the street and just shooting in people's houses you better secure the hand of god by coming under coming under what the lord has called you to i don't know about nobody else but i have out of a hostile but if you're watching he's calling you to this prayer kit you don't know what you got starting next tuesday i'm going to be ministering and giving you what is in this prayer kit you don't know what you're housing you're housing a weapon you're housing a weapon and that's why the testimonies have been when i opened up the box the glory of god filled my house when i opened it up in my car the presence of the lord filled my house when i put the oil on i was instantly healed you don't know what you got we're trying to use physical means for something that belongs to the supernatural 914-8107 and if you're sitting there the lord began to deal with me about doing something drastic he said if you want to secure my hand i need a drastic move this woman right here it may not have been a lot to you but that was drastic because that was all she had that was all she had it was a drastic move some of you the lord has been dealing with you about sowing and you keep talking five dollars to god and you keep giving two dollars to god he said it's time to sow the kind of seed that's gonna secure his hand and you're wondering why you can't succeed you're wondering why this thing won't break the prophet could have gone to this woman and he could have just prophesied over her like what we've been getting in this hour but he compelled her to do something she had to release something in order for god to activate it are you hearing me and you sitting there the cash app is right there on the screen no i'm not going to back up for no devil no i'm not going to keep my mouth shut no i need to blind them don't need your money you need to show something that's going to secure the hand of god i will not back up i'm not called to explain to man what god has told me to do the bible says when you hear a word from god you do not consult with people but you stay focused on what god said jvmin11 you need to cash out 33 133 1033 i'm talking to somebody today you need to secure the hand of god i can feel it you need a breakthrough the bible said when solomon sold his 1 000 birth offerings oh my god the lord himself spoke to him and said now tell me what you want me to do we're sitting there wanting god to do it all but we don't want to release a contact that's what this prayer kid is it's a contact from the presence of god in this place coming into your house this sits here like this all the time in the presence of god with the worship music on this is not a place of carnality i was coming up here last night she said i want to test your mic and i had regular clothes on and i stood back there she said well when you gonna sit down i said i'm kind of nervous she said why i said because this is sacred this is sacred i don't feel like sitting here with regular clothes on because i don't play with this i get through studying the word of god i bring the notes up here and put the pressure all over them or put a prayer cloth over them and say god let it come alive for your people this is not a game when god is telling me to tell you to pick up the phone and get this prayer kit and order them for every last one of your children honor them for your grandchildren order them for your nieces and nephews and i'm here to tell you as a witness i did it for every last one of my family members 140 some people i did it i sold that scene and one of my nieces you heard me call her name out i called her name out and she said when that press y'all came to my house the spirit of grief just lifted off of me she said it seemed like everything i was going through just lifted she posted a picture and i said you look like a new woman she said until neither i feel like i'm new i don't know what happened she said it's something to that and we're not talking about nobody that's living for the lord right now my other niece sent us a video she said when that when that pressure came in my house when antonina called my name out she said i i said i'm gonna go back and listen to the message because my mama told me she called my name out she said i was trying to lay in the bed and listen she said then i began to weep until i had to go in the bathroom and she sent us a video where she moved stuff out of the way in her closet and built an altar before god would have pressed all that let me tell you something i know what i'm talking about you talking about praying for your relatives send the connection to send it to them send it what the set the lord told me to do send them the box that is the sacred thing and the say so of god get it to them i'm going to be teaching this starting next tuesday morning but i'm not finished with this message i will be right back here in the morning i gotta finish this because when that box is spoken and it's explained along with this word right here the devil is in trouble i said the devil is in trouble because what he want us to do he want us to stay in emotion he don't want us to get spiritual intelligence when we get spiritual intelligence and we understand that we got a staff the next time you pick up this shot you're gonna be a weapon against the enemy because you're gonna know what you're doing my god i feel the presence of the lord i feel the presence of the lord my god and father we thank you we thank you for the people that are watching we thank you god because you got a divine call going on we thank you god we thank you lord because you have us around the staff and you turn in the axis god and you're causing me lord to go in your direction to go in your direction you told me to come and sit down you told me to look into that camera and teach your word line up online and god i'm doing it your way i'm doing what you told me to do and father there are some needs out there that only you can meet there are people out there that only you can reach father they're going to the club they pole dancers goddamn hostile they drug dealers they don't crack family members on alcohol can't stop drinking this is a job for you jesus this is a job for your staff this is a job for your rod they're in the valley of the shadow of death this is a job for the rod and the staff and we ask you to do it now we ask you to prick their hearts we ask that you not allow them to see money and call them to pick up the phone to grab a lifeline that's in a box for their relatives father we call them not to be selfish but to become selfless because they can get money back again because like this woman when they obey you for themselves as well as for other people though it'd be no rain though they taught recession though they said the world is running out of money father we would eat and we were moving well and this would be our season to come into our wealthy place like this woman and we will have it lord jesus and we won't need to depend on the elements of this world but we are the children of the miraculous we are the children of the breed of old shia we're the children of the breed and we thank you for it now we thank you for it now we thank you for it now in jesus mighty name in jesus name oh my god hillary scandal mildred victoria stewart audrey murray oh my god he's calling you to the miraculous faith beason angela white denise jenkins niecy chiza monique graham he's calling you to the miraculous people of god my god the number is there on the screen pick up the phone and call if the night is busy you keep calling you keep calling you keep calling 8914-8107 when god bring that person up in your spirit pick up the phone and call their name is on it if you drop the name in your spirit he's calling you to be an intercessor he's calling you to be an intercessor hear him on behalf of somebody else my god my god my god my god my god i feel it paulette starks diana tyree chanel durham laquita everson janice thomas regina duncan lenora smith laquita friarson oh my god gwen overton my god i'm praying for you hold up johnson see lakisha uh blakely julia or el dorado replaying for you my god my god roger mole i believe that's your name marjorie mckenzie lucille white angela maconja god bless you god i'm praying for you i'm praying for you you're the children of the bread all of these people that i'm naming the lord you're saying eat the bread rita taylor marnita madden eat the bread marty banks charlotte belle tanya mead eat the bread your miracle is in the diet vanessa key sharon burgess abraham akwu tasha hill cheryl jackson eat the bread eat the bread oh the ingredients eat it eat it with the presents turn on your worship tape after this listen to this message again eat the bread hold on sean boyeta april murphy grace mercy julia sims call oh my god my god my god my god norah mcgill kalis nachimbi natural rose shannon richards uh prosperity more we are praying for you i'm praying for you let lord let the presence that is in this building like the presence that is in this room that the presence that is in this room that is filled their homes right now in the mighty name of jesus let it fill their homes right now in the mighty name of jesus melissa maribel portia johnson nora akimamu tasha hill the french chambers god let your glory fill their house let the angelic presence let the presence come navia crowder tisdale incorporated doris joyner marianna luna caroline abranca father when they eat the bread when they eat the bread and we bless your name jesus and we bless your name god we give your name the praise today we honor you lord for keeping the breath in our body that we will use to serve your holy name we glorify your god for giving us the strength that we will use to bless your holy name we thank you god for another day for another day to be showered with your glory we give your name praise for another day for another hour that you have decided to suck with us that you have decided to commune with us that you have decided to show your face to us and allow it to rest upon us and give us eternal peace and so god we glorify you we glorify you as being the only one and true and living god there is no other god beside you there is no other god beside you there is no other god beside you there is no other god beside you and that's why we worship you we worship you because you're the king of kings and the lord of lords and the rule of every nation and you cause our heart to beat towards you god and so we glorify you for our heart that knows how to speak toward you we praise you god for years ears that are being trained to hear from another dimension we praise you god because our hearing in the season is intentional we give your name glory because of it being intentional we are receiving directives prophetic directives that are oh my god that is changing our lives that is changing our lives that is changing us and causing us to be branches that are coming out of the stem and the root out of zion and god we praise you for it we praise you god for knowing that we are embarking upon the tree of life god we praise you because as our flesh man is dying daily our spiritual man is being activated towards your will and towards your purpose and so god we praise you we praise you for being purpose driven from within we praise you god that it's not a saying to us but it's a statue to us we praise you god that is not just something that we quote but it's something that we strive to become and god we glorify you that you've taken us the clay like the woman of god said the other day and you're making us another vessel and you're making us another vessel and we god we appreciate the fact that you're using you're using what has been marred in your hands and you making us another vessel and god we praise you for it we praise you for it we praise you god because we're becoming new from the top of our head to the soul of our feet we're becoming new creatures in christ god we're the new creature we're the new creature we're the new creature oh god there's other creatures in the land but we're the new creature we're the new creature in christ we're the new creation in christ we are the ones god that you have allowed us not to miss our demonstration and our manifestation we are the ones that the world has grown enough and waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god those that would yield to you and so father we come to you in the mighty name of jesus and we bow down not just our bodies no we don't disbow our bodies lord we don't just bow our bodies but we tilt our minds over in your will god we tilt our heart let it fall in your hands as we bow over let our thoughts fall in your hands as we bow over let the eyes that sit in the sockets of our head be dismissed lord let them fall out in oh you help us to gird it up we don't know what we're doing we don't know how to do it we don't know how to do this thing called saved called holy god we don't know how to do this thing called broken so father lead us and guide us down to the potter's wheel again and make us over and make us over and make us over and make us over and god this dispensation it speaks of chips to come it speaks of the chip of the 666 but we're asking you today to put another chip in us put a chip in our mind pre-program it for your will pre-program it for like abraham hessel said like our legs will become prayer lord strengthen our feet up that our feet will be an intercession god strengthen our loins god straighten our arms god and our hands that they may do bad o lord prepare them for god prepare us god for the natural thing that would hit our hands and it would turn supernatural allah and come and set our hands on fire who cut out of our heart set our hands on fire with the holy fire that comes from the altar of the lord the fire that would stop plagues the fire that would dwell up disease we will chase him back to the gate not by saying anything but just at the manifestation and the demonstration of our hands so father we've been saying that for the longest father in the name of jesus we've been saying that for a long time we've been saying shows saying yes but i'm asking you today god to give us a soul that would say yes hold on give us a yes lord soul allah somebody watching god the old man is trying to show up killing god kill him on the arising god kill him as he come up lord hello messiah kill it now in the name of jesus murder the thing that's going to murder our miracle hold up let a death take place today hold on a messiah in a soul that would tell you no holla my cousin kill that thing in us god oh kill the thing that wrestles with your will kill the thing that wrestles with your purpose kill the thing that is trying to abort our timing and our appointed time in you kill that one god khan because the hour is late and we can't afford to miss you anymore we can't go around this mountain anymore the time has come hola the timing is now god killed the thing that keep wrestling with you killed the thing that keep knocking your hand off of us hold on head up kill the thing that keeps dodging you every time you get ready to touch us and god we don't want the touch of the goosebumps anymore elaborate about to sustain us today you are about to rebuke the makeshift spirit you are about to sustain us in your glory hold on on my side you about to make us a walking torture number father god in the name of jesus father god in the name of jesus break the entertainment spirit up father god in the name of jesus break the spirit that's got great talent up but do not possess the fire but do not possess the anointing of lest we forget god oh god let your staff stand up in us lest we forget let your staff your rod and your staff stand up in us lest we forget ah unless we forget the purpose for which we were born god some people are forgetting the purpose for which they were born they end another man's purpose they in another purpose that is producing nothing but bring them on into the wealthy place bring them on into the wealthy place bring them on into their wealthy place god they want you to bless them with money and they want you to bless them with cause but god reminds us that when we seek first the kingdom of heaven all of these things will be added unto us change the sikh today switch it god switch the seat today switch the seat today oh my god somebody watching giving praise right now oh i'm going to do what you prayed said the lord my god my god i'm going to do what you prayed hold on i'm going to do what you just prayed my son you know somebody give him praise he's bringing the victory over in your house now oh now but here it comes here it comes here it comes up here it comes up here it comes up the victory in you the victory in you the victory in you ah and we give your name praise god and we give your name glory and we give you all the honor that's due your mighty name we give you all the glory and all the honor that's due your mighty name oh my let the heavenly host join us today ah god opened up a portal today aya moshe open up a portal today and let us see over in heaven and let heaven see us let there not be a distance today oh yeah connect us today like you did daniel let us have a connection with heaven let us have a connection with the creation that you made that lives in the third dimension let us connect today oh shalom can we be your guest today hallelujah can we be your guest today hallelujah can i be your guest today i don't know about nobody else but i'm ready to be your guest today can i be your guest jesus oh you're my can i oh yes lord i hear you heaven and earth is connecting the lord saying i am so young and because the end is not heaven and earth is connected hold under my heart when i was on the plane father when i was on the plane father the other day trying to trying to connect with the internet trying to connect with the other dimension father the message came up across the airways and it said please be patient while we're sending your message down father i receive that in the name of jesus i receive that in the name of jesus and i will be patient for they that wait upon the lord he shall renew this strength he shall mount up with the wings of an ego you shall run and not be weary you shall walk and not fake i will wake up cause the message is coming down i will wake up because a message is coming down i will wait up for the divine transfer i will wake up for the divine transformation that will transform me over to be able to see and heal the new transformation and the new transfer from heaven has ah yes oh foreign and we give you a name to praise god foreign amen and amen and amen and amen and amen and amen i hear heaven saying amen i hear heaven saying amen i can hear it i can hear it amen i can hear it i can hear heaven saying amen oh amen amen yes lord i received that jesus the lord just spoke and said amen it's when the asking meets the answer when the asking meets the answer and you're asking the day have met the answer my god jeremiah 29 and 11. for i know the plans and thoughts that i have for you says the lord that part right there is starting to mean everything to me says the lord not says paul not says peter but says the lord plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope i'm going to keep reading that scripture over and over again until we get it down in the cores of our spirit thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i am being instructed and provoked by god to stay on something that struck me and i could not sleep last night because i kept hearing it in my spirit i kept hearing it in my spirit i hear you past the show pastor joe said what you rushing for somebody got you on a time clock thank you jesus we were talking about the staff of the lord yes and the familiar scripture that we all know from psalms 23 says yea though i walk one of the verses in that passage for the sake of where i need to go today i'm going to just quote that one part yet though i walk through the valley of the shadows of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me that rod and thy staff shall comfort me i had an experience a few days ago that i'm going to testify about in a minute so it provoked me to continue to pursue the thought of the staff how are we going to be helped when i was a little girl my mother made me learn that scripture so it's not an unfamiliar scripture to me but why don't i still know it god i thank you jesus why have we read something a thousand times but yet we don't possess the knowing of the spirit of god so he kept bringing that word up staff staff so as i began to search it out ran across a few definitions staff i thought this one though it said it didn't apply it does apply all the employees of a business all of the employees of a business staff to support the hand the arm and through them through them through the hand and the arm the whole body it takes on the part it immediately supports so therefore the hand of god the arm of the lord when we start talking about a staff laying on the ground it's it's it's it's just a stick it's insignificant unless there is another meaning to it unless there is something that can be that can be laid down but yet doesn't lose its power so then we have to ask ourselves then is the staff magic what is it somebody said well what is magic magic is the mystical workings of the spirit realm without the word of god it is a spirit that can work but it works in iniquity and it is driven by another power and even that power cannot overcome god my god so whatever i'm doing without the power of god without the work the power which is the word of god then i am not spiritual watch this i am i am mystical and i am mystical because now i am tapping and touching wizardry so i am a christian looking witch i am a christian looking having the form of godliness but denying the power of god there i listen i possess a power but it's not the power of god so i put on the clothes of a christian why i operate in witchcraft so it says here that the rod the rod meaning authority and protection the rod in the hebrew sabet means walking writing listen at this y'all fighting ruling and punishment so the rod is it walks it writes it fights it rules and it operates as an instrument of punishment the staff in the hebrew is the missionary something to lean on and trust and support you good lord have mercy so then so then when he says thy rod and thy staff comforts me we got to look at we got to look at this a different way because we're looking for the fuzzy comfort we're looking for that but here it is proverbs 13 and 24 said he who withholds the rod of discipline hates his son but he who loves him disciplines and trains him diligently and appropriately with wisdom and love which means that when it that text the lord revealed to me this morning at about 3 30. he said we're not talking about two different things we're not talking about this notebook and the computer we're not talking about two different things we're talking about two different entities of god two different workings of god that sits in the same frame so the word is what corrects me the word is what challenges me come on somebody the staff is what sustains me so the what's this somebody said well i'm going to a dark place i'm going through a sunless place i'm in a deep hole and watch this somebody said well i just want the lord to come and love on me but when he says though you walk through the valley of the shadow shadows of darkness shadows of death it looks like it's about to die my rod i gotta come on in there and correct you while you're in the dark place i gotta come on in there and discipline you while you're in the dark place and then my staff my rock and my stat will comfort you the comfort is in knowing that i am a son because he corrects me because he disciplines me because he does not spare me anybody listening in here the rod the rod psalms 2 9 thou shall break for nations and pieces with the rod of iron watch this ship revelations 19 and 15 out of the mouth of him that set up on the white horse one a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations but he shall rule them with a rod of iron with a rod of iron with discipline i will rule them with discipline and then he said jehovah shall smite the wicked with the rod of his mouth now when he says that jehovah shall smite the wicked with the rod of his mouth then now now we we have to we have to mentally and intellectually move away from the staff being a stick because there is no stick in the mouth of god jesus that means there must be something else to this it must be something else that god is trying to work with here listen so then so then he says here the the staff and then then then staff then staff starts to staff start to extend itself stop staff starts to take on take on a divine meaning because then it moves away from just being moses stick so now we understand we understand the staff that he had because the staff that he had was a comfort and a ruling an authority and a discipline yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah jesus thank you father we thank you for that right now we thank you for that right now jesus we thank you for that right now so then he says he said i want you to keep going on this staff are y'all with me are you with me watch this watch this it says stab seen as the world tree this is what this is what this is what one one definition said a staff is seen as the world tree as an axis connecting god and man as an axis connecting god and man which they desire to be in constant communication with god that's what we're desiring to be in constant communication with god watch this people wait i access well what is that axis because that's about i don't want to get lost right there they're seen as the world tree as an axis connecting god and man what is an axis robina an axis is a principle structure about which something turns or is arranged it is the central longitudinal support on which organs or parts are arranged it is the stem and the root it is the central line of anybody which means now the axis is the is the one thing that runs down the middle of something horizontally that all of the parts are held together and arranged and they and watch this and they're able to move around this but not move away from it if they move away from it they have disconnected themselves from the axis it is the axis that causes what is connected to it to be rearranged my god are you getting that so then so then if the tree cut out if the staff is the axis that connects god to man then there's got to be something that god have sent from heaven it has to come from heaven it's got to be something that god has sent to heaven as a divine connection it has to be something that's tall enough to reach heaven and sit in the earth realm and allow all things to circle around it until it's rearranged god i love you jesus god i love you jesus god i love you jesus it says here are you going with me are you going with me it says here how how does this how does this this staff work it works watch this by living a symbolic life through transformation the staff is an archetype an archetype an archetype which means it is a spiritual guide it is the original pattern from which all things of the same kind are copied it is the model of the firstborn god jesus have mercy lord jesus i'm about to get up and run about so so in other words the only thing that i can compare to being an axis the only thing that i can compare to to being a model and a likeness and a spiritual formation something that is symbolic of a living symbol of transformation something that has the power to reach heaven plunge into the earth go through a transformation and be a light symbol of its original form nobody but jesus y'all better come over here and say nobody but jesus somebody said nobody but jesus so then so so then here we have then that the first mention of staff was in 1638 as and the definition in 1638 was a sense of support then jonathan swift came in 1704 and said it's y'all not ready y'all not ready cause i wasn't ready for this i wasn't ready for this one jonathan swift in 1704 came and said that that that staff then was bread he said bread dear brothers is the staff of life and then and then by the time the 18th century came according to matthew henry and said the staff was considered the staff of life was identified definitely as bread i don't think we heard that it was identified definitely as bread who jesus oh jesus the staff was identified then as the staff of life it was identified as the staff of life and watch this and watch this you got to hear this you got to hear this it was identified as a staff of life and then it was classified that that bread was the only thing considered in the whole wide world as being the sustaining of life bread not cookies not candy not vegetables they said if you give a man some bread he can keep living so now bread is transferred from from staff to bread god i love you then we go and jesus keep telling these people in in in psalms 6 6 and six six and thirty three he said i'm the bread of life y'all and then they keep on talking they keep on talking and they he said come back again he said listen in 6 35 he said i said i'm the bread of life okay okay okay really then by that time you know the jews were saying wait could this be the carpenter's son or he don't look like he don't look like no and see that that that go to show you that go to show you that go to show you when it's time to make that miracle when it's time for the ingredients of the miracle you got to be careful how you minimize how you minimize the word because now you're diminishing the authority of jesus christ which means this now which means this which means up in the bread in the staff of life in the bread which is jesus christ he contains the power to rebuke your enemy and bless you at the same time but if you don't see him as the bread of life then he is no longer the staff of life which means you gotta fight your own battles which means you gotta thin for yourself who am i talking to he said if you believe me and you trust me and you rely on me and you depend on me i will fight your battles up i will provide for you i would heal your body all of myself oh my god though you walk through the shadow of what you think is dying i think my vision is trying to die if you see me as the staff of life i know how to rebuke death and speak life at the same time lord have mercy i said at the same time father god i thank you father god i thank you father god i thank you i'm not gonna rebuke what the enemy is doing and then make you wait at the same time at the same time i call him out i'll call you up thank you somebody better give god a praise right there somebody better give god a shout right there my god my god i don't know if y'all getting this i don't know if y'all getting this but i'm getting it i'm getting it god i believe you i believe you i believe you i'm going to show you something i'm going to show you something glory to your mighty name jesus whoo people of god who am i preaching to today besides myself good lord have mercy uh oh yes lord what's wrong jesus what's wrong what's wrong ah what's wrong because when they believe half of my word when they believe half of my word then you got some people that's stuck in the rod and all they can do is discipline people and and rebuke people and cut people no no no you and half of it and then you got the other people that that watches that all you preachers grace and the goodness of god and how good god is and that's why we're messing up and retarding the body of christ and it's starting to look like a freak instead of us looking peculiar because we're trying to split the rod and the staff you got to bring it together because the word of god is the word of god and you can't take nothing from it and you can't separate it and that's what the bible says to study to show yourself approval rightly rightly rightly dividing them dividing the word of god which means breaking it down from natural to super natural obasaya who am i preaching to today god i love you jesus y'all watch this i'm finna show you i'm finna show you i'm gonna show you first kings 17 8 through 24. watch this i'm going to show you something i'm going to show you some lord jesus that made me just god i love you jesus y'all i feel the holy ghost right now i feel the holy ghost right now see i got yes lord he said he said he said go over here to this before you go today he see and matthew stay right there y'all cause i'm coming back to the and that's why in in oh my god i love you jesus and that's the reason why when we look in the text and we look in the scripture in the book of mark we see matthew 14 we see that that that this jesus this this this this this staff we see this staff this staff right here we see him we see him take two fish and and and five loaves of bread and we see him feed 5 000 people and then and then we see there was 12 baskets left over and then and then we turn around and see the same step of life again it could come along and and he feed both out and and and so and so he asked them he said well well what we got and they said they said we got we got seven loaves of bread and a few fish and so then he multiplies that so what was the difference and why was he going around multiply multiplying bread well i was every time somebody was hungry he kept saying look look look look look look i got to multiply this i got to feed these people because these people in the in 2020 is hungry and and these people got a long journey to go down they came from a long journey and they still got to go to a long journey and if i don't feed them bread they gonna faint along the way good lord have mercy jesus help us today he said 20 20 people is hungry they're hungry they're hungry they're starting to look cross-eyed they starting to say you don't go to hell from sin they starting to say there is no hell these people are delirious because they are hungry they are quoting a scripture that's not in their belly that they don't have a relationship with and that prove that starvation because there's oxygen to leave your brain and you start hallucinating and seeing what is not there that's why you gotta eat this word but god comes up you gotta eat it in the morning eat it in the noonday eat it in the midnight hour you got a meditation which means you gotta cuddle it up through it and hold it in your mouth and let it roll over hosanna myself until the bread of life becomes is y'all hearing this did y'all hear this there was a reason there was a reason there was a reason glory to your mighty name jesus god i praise you right now i praise you for the living bread i praise you for the bread of life i praise you for the true staff i praise you for the wrong understanding thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus and he says and it says here the the the first five thousand the first five thousand that he fed listen at this somebody said location location somebody say that location okay so the first five thousand that he fed uh he did that near her bethsaida close to the sea of galilee which was the home of the early apostles so this first five thousand feeding was the jewish people my god my god my god my god my god but he said i can't just let jewish people eat the bread because this ain't no natural bread because watch this when the seven lows when the two fish and the five lows when the five lows was worn out and there was no more five laws then i had to just break off me and just keep putting it in the basket i just had to keep breaking off for myself and putting it in the basket because you know what it's gonna always be some of me left over my god my god i just have to keep on breaking off me and breaking off me and breaking off me and breaking off me he said i cannot let it be just enough because what i'm saying is that if too many people call on me i'll only have just enough but i'm more than enough my god my god my god and so and so and so and so i fed them and so i fed them and he said and then i moved on over here and i had to go to the god to the gatherings i had to go uh near near decapolis the location of the ministry of jesus this is where he cast the devil out and the enemy gwen in the swine and committed suicide and he said watch this watch this watch this y'all watch this i want you to hear this i want you to hear this the god of wings what does god ring me with the goddarings are those people who came from pilgrimage or came from a fight good lord have mercy he said these were the gentiles i got to go over here and feed the gentiles because i just fed the jews and i'm about to make them one in me and one can come in loaded with bread and the other one come in starving i'm not hearing y'all and he said here that watch this that a gallery what is the spirit of the god of rings the spirit of the god rings up is the people that move rapidly and without control up and headlong without discipline i gotta go get these people i'm not hearing y'all i'm not hearing nobody right now i feel like jumping up and giving god praise and i know i can't right now and he said the cure the cure for the jedi god the cure for the gentleman the cure for the gentiles is to slow down and eat ah the cure is that you gotta change your diet you gotta shut your phone off you gotta get away from some people hold on you gotta come into the world i'm the messiah oh you got to meditate on a day and night oh let me give you let me give you something right here lord jesus father i thank you y'all i just feel like we're running god have mercy yeah i'm going to show you i'm going to show you because somebody said i'm looking for a miracle somebody said that the bottom i'm looking for a miracle yeah i'm starting next tuesday but i had to i had to put this thing right here in you because this is going to be important to the prayer kid this right here is going to be is going to be vital because every prophet in the bible people that are under prophetic anointing is who come under the mantle every prophet in the bible wore this this is what is what elijah tossed to elisha he didn't throw him a rag he threw him until he called the messiah because that was the cloak of the prophet in other words and when he threw it to him it spoke you don't hear me but lord have mercy when he threw it to him and started talking when he threw it to him it told him to leave your family and follow this man for more than 25 years because you about to get a double anointing are y'all hearing god right now and so he says here so so he says well i need i want to give you i want to give you i want to give you a sample i want to give you an example of how how to to understand the ingredients of the miraculous the ingredients of the miraculous somebody said i'm still i'm still waiting on what god want to do for me dr bynum well well let me just see if you've got the right ingredients he said then the word of the lord came to him saying he he he came to to watch this he came to to oh my god came to elijah and he said arise and go to zero fat y'all know the story which belongs to zion and he said and stay there and behold i commanded a widow there to provide for you so he set out and went to his arafat and when he came to the gate of the city behold the water was there gathering sticks for firewood he called out to her and said please bring me a little water in a jar so that i may drink and she was she was going to get it the lord spoke to you and told you i was going to feed you he didn't talk to me my god i don't know you but but here i am i don't know you and i'm i'm going to get you some water and i don't even know you i'm i'm i'm moving because you told me to y'all not gonna hear this you're not gonna hear this you're not gonna hear this because you all see you can listen here you sitting there telling me where the lord they spoke to me he might not he might not he might send the prophet to speak to you she didn't know god like that good lord have mercy and that's why god will send somebody to speak into your life because you don't know god like that my god the bible said the bible said he called out to her hey that means she wasn't near him some people don't live near the world some people don't live near god and sometimes he got a call out to you hey over there on facebook hey i need some water oh shut up and he said why so so he called out to her and said please bring me a little water in a jar no no no no no no no y'all here we go so so that i so that i may drink that's right lord what you gonna do for me get me some water so i can drink lord when you gonna bring me out give me some listen take note from the woman at the well just give me some water and you will never thirst again listen you ain't gonna ask me for nothing cause you don't even know what you need right now you need something and you don't even know what you need the most first if you just give me some water so the presence of the lord can fill your house then i'll start doing for you what you she was on her way to get it right and then he called out again wait a minute please bring me a piece of bread y'all in your head please bring me a piece of bread in your hand but she said as the lord your god lit listen at that y'all as the lord your god i don't know it as the lord your god lives i have no bread only a handful of flowers lord have mercy i only have a hand full of flour in a bowl and a little and a little oil in a jar see i'm gathering a few sticks so that i may go in and bake it for me and my son see what the prophet was trying to say to her you got the flower which is which is meal which which is the ingredients of bread you got the flour in your hand and you got the oil the which is the spirit you gather in six you are you gathering sticks which tells me that that that prophetically you are connecting with the vine he said i am the vine and you are the branches you gathering sticks and now you're going to bake it and put it in the fire that sounds like the bread of life to me good lord have mercy you don't even know what you got god i praise you jesus are y'all hearing this this woman had the ingredients of the bread of life because jesus had been tried in the fire she had the ingredients of the bread of life because she had the oil of the spirit she had the ingredients but yet she was talking about dying she had all of the ingredients and was how in the world do you have the bracket in your house are you talking about dying oh my god my god my god my god and elijah said to her do not fear go and do as you have said just make me a little bread from it first and bring it out to me and afterward you may make one for yourself and your son for listen for this is what the lord god of israel says that say so of god got all her ingredients and turned it into breathe but he didn't just turn it into bread huh how do i know because what listen you don't eat for days off of one cake oh my god the man had just prophesied that it wasn't gonna rain so watch this god didn't need to depend on the elements to make your miracle work he prophesying to somebody right now he don't need the banker he don't need the lawyer he don't need the doctor to make your miracle work what he needs from you is to obey the voice of a prophet i'm not hearing y'all somebody better say something you got the ingredients i didn't gave you the word today and the word is filled with the oil and the fire of god is dropping right now oh my god i think it's time for you to claim a miracle i think it's time for you to claim your breakthrough i think it's time for you to tell the devil that he's the liar that he is because i got the ingredients i got it i got it i got the ingredients for a miracle i got the ingredients for multiplication rhubarb hosaia and he said the bowl of flour shall not be exhausted nor shall the jar of oil be emptier until the day that the lord sends rain again on the face of the earth she went and did as elijah said who she went and did as elijah said the israel said my god some of y'all did as god gave me to do it i can't explain it to you i can tell you why he got me praying over prancers and in handkerchiefs and oil but all i can tell you is it's an ingredient of ancient ingredients oh hold up messiah next week is gonna bless you uh ah i'm not finished with this uh i gotta finish part two tomorrow morning una macia it says she went and did as elijah said honey come on and play my music because i'm about to jump off the stage i need something to tell me it's the time to calm down and she said he and her household ate for many days the bowl of flour was not exhausted nor did the jar of oil become empty in accordance in accordance in alignment aligning up with the word of the lord which he spoke through elijah are you hearing god today is somebody hearing god because i feel like running is somebody hearing god because i feel like screaming is somebody hearing god because i want to jump up out of this chair good lord have mercy so what are you saying to me dr biden what are you saying to me okay i'm going to give you a perfect example this is what i'm saying to you that the minute you start worshiping the minute you start worshiping god baby you producing oil the minute you start praising god you producing rain that ain't even there you become the knower of our time you able to prophesy something that's coming that can't nobody see it but you my god you're able to build something that other people think is impossible good lord have mercy jesus i feel you today no no no no no no because the bread and the staff the correction that is in the staff it corrects the believer and say how dare you lean on the arm of the flesh how dare you trust in chariots and you trust in horses i've called you to trust in the name of the lord i call you to trust in my word i've called you to trust in the lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding but lean on the step and in all of your ways acknowledge me and i'll tell you where it is i'll lead you to where to get it hold on spend time with me and you in no time how many times does you gonna walk in the store and need what you need and they tell you i just soldered the last one to this person i just got rid of the last one just five minutes ago oh god it's lining you up with this timing hold up are you hearing this are you hearing this oh oh my god he said for many days she ate for many days she ate for many days for many days her and her son and the prophet ate are you hearing me are you hearing me for many days i just heard the lord say i'm about to drop longevity miracles i'm about to drop the miracles that's going to be filled with longevity oh no messiah longevity meaning the lord said you will be known as a longevity which means the blessing is going to sit on you in such a way and the prophetic blessing is going to sit on you in such a way and the miraculous is going to sit on you in such a way that you would be known it would classify you oh my heart oh my god you were wearing the cloak of the miraculous so long that they would classify you as the miracle lady as the miracle man said the spirit of the lord if you take these ingredients that i've given you and you come to an understanding set the spirit of the living god up and you come to an understanding of the power and the transitional power of my word if you would come to an understanding and know that i am the staffer and i am perfecting those things up which concerns you i am perfecting those things i am rebuking the devour for your sake i am calling out a halt for your sake up i am waving a flag in the face of the enemy saying not here not now not never said the spirit of the living god for this day said the lord i've given you my ingredients up for this day said the lord if you are watching and you are listening with your inner ear and 24 hours up you shall be a recipient of what i am speaking today said the spirit of the living god for i speak to you today i speak to you clearly i come face to face with you today and i speak to you clearly and i say to you that this mental that is wrapping up it will not be an event but it will become your lifestyle it will not be a happening now but it would be an extension of who i have called you to be up for miracles shall come out of you you will walk in places and i will transform your death and the staff will stand up in you up like never before and get full of bread up get for the bread get for the bread that's the spirit of the living god fill your temple with the bread of life fill your temple with the bread of life fill your temple with the bread of life and this day throughout eternity you will walk as moses did what a staff hope i should say the you will partner red sea you too will lay down your staff and suck up the spirit of deception and the spirit of the snake in every lie that's come against you for your staff will have sucking power of the enemy you two will change the waters like the prophet with the lord moses staff turned the water the blood but the mother vasaya but the staff the staff that was in the mouth of the prophet caused salt in a bowl to purify water i will cause the staff in you to begin to purify your house you don't have to talk almost said the lord you don't have to complain no more the lord said be quiet be quiet he said go to what you want go and stand in front of the building and use your staff go take your bible and begin to prophesy to what you know god is saying allah moshe and the lord said and i will do it he said i would do it i would do it like proverbs 6 and 63. i him i would cricket i would cause everything to speed up like him the lord said he's pulling speed shot everything that you've been praying for he's put a speech out on it today no more delays of the spirit of the living god thus said the lord not me thus saith the lord not me god gave me this prayer kit testimonies i hid in my inbox last night about a little boy that went through a surgery and they didn't think he was gonna make it and they had to go in the c3 and the c5 in his spine and the person whose son it was they wasn't even a believer of this but somebody that's watching the trello that's watching she sent her one of her prayer shawls that she got from here and the girl thanked her for it and went in and astounded the doctors what was supposed to be worse than even death he came out just wearing a neck brace i'm here to tell you this is not the doing of juanita buying them when i tell you to go to the phone and order prayer kits for people that you know listen let me help you with something let me help you with this whether you obey or not somebody is people are calling here and ordering 27 at a time last night another lady ordered 10 at a time because we're called to be a demonstration and a manifestation and not only watch this how did this lady get her miracle because she did it for the prophet first she did it for somebody else first and i know god is talking to you and if you never picked up the phone if you haven't obeyed god as a prophet of god i know what's coming why do you think i'm in here why do you think i'm sitting here diligently because he told me in november i want you to shut down for a year because something is coming and i'm gonna need you to stay on the wall i'm gonna need you to stay on your face and i saw dead bodies laying everywhere and i went to my pastors and i told them something is coming and it's massive and i see a lot of people dying well i'ma tell you something it ain't over yet it ain't over yet but it will be the prophetic voices of god it would be the people that god has called under this garment that is going to be able to change the course of time that is going to be able to stop the devil in its tracks i'm going to tell you something it would not be just your vote that would change the white house it would be the voice of the prophet when it was time for a change i want you to hear this when it was time for a change in israel god didn't tell the people to vote he spoke to the prophet and he told the prophet it is time for the order to change we got too many people now that i'm not hearing the voice of god you're hearing cnn you're hearing fox news you're hearing whatever news outlet is saying they're telling you how bad it is but our job is to get in the air i don't care what's going on in your house god is saying get in the air you too low if you feel it if you are being crushed under the power of the enemy in your house you too low you too low pick up the phone now operators are standing by it's time for you to obey god the woman didn't understand it but she obeyed god she had never seen him before but she obeyed god she said according to the word of your god and i'm here to tell you the miracles that i'm seeing the testimonies that are coming in we're getting ready to do a program tonight on nothing but testimonies it is going to blow your mind 914-810-709-0 i'm going to sit here god gave me he gave me the preach on daystar and he gave me that word that apostle aida paul preached about securing the hand of god about doing something that makes god's hand come over here and sit on you and remain there you're watching right now and you said i don't know where i should well what has changed for you you're in trouble right now your children are in trouble it's time for you to invest in the word of god and obey him operators are standing by if the line is busy keep dialing keep dialing some of you need to secure the hand of god with what i see in the spirit that is coming up we better secure the hand of god the civil war that the enemy is trying to stir up we better secure the hand of god because he showed it to me he showed me people walking down the street and just shooting in people's houses you better secure the hand of god by coming under coming under what the lord has called you to i don't know about nobody else but i have all of a hoshi but if you're watching he's calling you to this prayer kit you don't know what you got starting next tuesday i'm going to be ministering and giving you what is in this prayer kit you don't know what you're housing you're housing a weapon you're housing a weapon and that's why the testimonies have been when i opened up the box the glory of god filled my house when i opened it up in my car the presence of the lord filled my house when i put the oil on i was instantly healed you don't know what you got we're trying to use physical means for something that belongs to the supernatural 914-810-7090 and if you're sitting there the lord began to deal with me about doing something drastic he said if you want to secure my hand i need a drastic move this woman right here it may not have been a lot to you but that was drastic because that was all she had that was all she had it was a drastic move some of you the lord has been dealing with you about showing and you keep talking five dollars to god and you keep giving two dollars to god he said it's time to sow the kind of seed that's going to secure his hand and you're wondering why you can't succeed you're wondering why this thing won't break the prophet could have gone to this woman and he could have just prophesied over her like what we've been getting in this hour but he compelled her to do something she had to release something in order for god to activate it are you hearing me and you sitting there the cash app is right there on the screen no i'm not going to back up for no devil no i'm not going to keep my mouth shut no i need to blind them don't need your money you need to show something that's going to secure the hand of god i will not back up i'm not called to explain to man what god has told me to do the bible says when you hear a word from god you do not consult with people but you stay focused on what god said jvmin11 you need to cash out 33 133 1033 i'm talking to somebody today you need to secure the hand of god i can feel it you need a breakthrough the bible said when solomon sold his 1 000 offerings oh my god the lord himself spoke to him and said now tell me what you want me to do we're sitting there wanting god to do it all but we don't want to release a contact that's what this prayer kid is it's a contact from the presence of god in this place coming into your house this sits here like this all the time in the presence of god with the worship music on this is not a place of carnality i was coming up here last night she said i want to test your mic and i had regular clothes on and i stood back there she said well when you gonna sit down i said i'm kind of nervous she said why i said because this is sacred this is sacred i don't feel right sitting here with regular clothes on because i don't play with this i get through studying the word of god i'd bring the notes up here and put the pressure all over them or put a prayer cloth over them and say god let it come alive for your people this is not a game when god is telling me to tell you to pick up the phone and get this prayer kit and order them for every last one of your children order them for your grandchildren order them for your nieces and nephews and i'm here to tell you as a witness i did it every last one of my family members 140 some people i did it i sold that scene and one of my nieces you heard me call her name out i called her name out and she said when that press y'all came to my house the spirit of grief just lifted off of me she said it seemed like everything i was going through just lifted she posted a picture and i said you look like a new woman she said until i feel like i'm new i don't know what happened she said it's something to that and we're not talking about nobody that's living for the lord right now my other niece sent us a video she said when that when that pressure came in my house when i need to call my name out she said i said i'ma go back and listen to the message because my mama told me she called my name out she said i was trying to lay in the bed and listen she said i began to weep till i had to go in the bathroom and she sent us a video where she moved stuff out of the way in her closet and built an altar before god would have crashed all day let me tell you something i know what i'm talking about you talking about praying for your relatives send the connection to them send it to them send it what the said the lord told me to do send them the box that is the sacred thing and the say so of god get it to them i'm going to be teaching this starting next tuesday morning but i'm not finished with this message i will be right back here in the morning i gotta finish this because when that box is spoken and it's explained along with this word right here the devil is in trouble i said the devil is in trouble because what he want us to do he want us to stay an emotion he don't want us to get spiritual intelligence when we get spiritual intelligence and we understand that we got a staff the next time you pick up this shaw you're gonna be a weapon against the enemy because you're gonna know what you're doing my god i feel the presence of the lord i feel the presence of the lord my god and father we thank you we thank you for the people that are watching we thank you god because you got a divine call going on we thank you god we thank you lord because you have us around the staff and you turn in the axis god and you're causing me lord to go in your direction to go in your direction you told me to come and sit down you told me to look into that camera and teach your word line up online and god i'm doing it your way i'm doing what you told me to do and father there are some needs out there that only you can meet there are people out there that only you can reach father they're going to the club they pole dancers got up a hoshi they drug dealers they don't crack family members on alcohol can't stop drinking this is a job for you jesus this is a job for your staff this is a job for your rod they're in the valley of the shadow of death this is a job for the rod and the staff and we ask you to do it now we ask you to prick their hearts we ask that you not allow them to see money and call them to pick up the phone to grab a lifeline that's in a box for their relatives father we call them not to be selfish but to become selfless because they can get money back again because like this woman when they obey you for themselves as well as for other people there would be no rain though they talk recession though they said the world is running out of money father we would eat and we were moving well and this would be our season to come into our wealthy place like this woman and we will have it lord jesus and we won't need to depend on the elements of this world but we are the children of the miraculous we are the children of the breed of old shia we're the children of the breed and we thank you for it now we thank you for it now we thank you for it now in jesus mighty name in jesus oh my god he's calling you to the miraculous faith beason angela white denise jenkins niecy chiza monique graham he's calling you to the miraculous people of god my god the number is there on the screen pick up the phone and call if an eye is busy you keep calling you keep calling you keep calling eight nine one four eight one zero seven zero nine zero nine one four eight one zero seven zero nine o when god bring that person up in your spirit pick up the phone and call their name is on it if you drop the name in your spirit he's calling you to be an intercessor he's calling you to be an intercessor hear him on behalf of somebody else my god my god my god my god my god i feel it paulette starks diana tyree chanel durham laquita everson janice thomas regina duncan lenora smith laquita freyrson oh my god gwen overton my god i'm praying for you hold up johnson see lakeisha uh blakely julia or el dorado we praying for you my god my god roger mole i believe that's your name marjorie mckenzie lecee of white angela makonja tiffany melanie jefferson i'm praying for you hold on glory to your mighty name let the miraculous flow let them become children of the bird pat grisby god bless you god bless you pat oh my god kimberly gamble god i'm praying for you i'm praying for you you're the children of the bread all of these people that i'm naming the lord you're saying eat the bread rita taylor marnita madden eat the bread marty banks vanessa key sharon burgess abraham akaru tasha hill cheryl jackson eat the bread eat the bread oh the ingredients eat it eat it with the presents turn on your worship tape after this listen to this message again eat the bread hold on sean april murphy grace mercy julia sims oh my god my god my god my god nora mcgill kalis rose shannon richards uh prosperity more we are praying for you i'm praying for you let lord let the presence that is in this building like the presence that is in this room that the presence that is in this room let it fill their homes right now in the mighty name of jesus let it fill their homes right now in the mighty name of jesus melissa maribel portia johnson nora tasha hill le france chambers god let your glory fill their house let the angelic presence let the presence come neville crowder tisdale incorporated doris joyner marianna luna carolina brenca lyle harder let your presence fear father when they eat the bread when they eat the breed father when they eat the bread mix it with the oil mix it with the fire cause a miracle to take place but i speak it in the name of jesus i speak for 24 hours in 24 hours activation activation is going to begin for those that eat my god my god a 24-hour bread diet somebody said well you know i want to go on the fast he's saying i'm going to do in 24 hours what would have taken you 40 days if you eat for 24 hours every time you think about it go grab your bible every time you think about it pick up your phone and go to the scripture he said if you eat and eat and eat and eat i'm going to activate something in you and you're going to wear this as a garment see it today as i stand proxy for elijah and you stand proxy for elisha and today in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus all that god is doing in me and in this place i call it to be activated in your home i call the supernatural activation of the mantle for miracles the mantle for miracles to rest room and abide in your life from this time and even forever i just heard him say you can get money back but you can't get this do it for the kingdom's sake do it for somebody that needs it but whatever you do don't forget to do it for you my you go with god you go with god you will never be lost in the mighty name of jesus my god
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 17,794
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Id: vjuxGry9pzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 41sec (10961 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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