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[Music] me [Music] me Jamie how me you me makin me you [Music] stay don't you I got my mind stay don't you don't let it break don't let it break you don't let it break don't let it break don't let it break [Music] baby I don't know who he took it to tonight keep me on my no James I don't know what we talking to the night when he took her to somebody [Music] they're anything [Music] [Music] tonight's all about the man tonight that firmness in the mountain tonight the battlefield is in the matter tonight yeah I'm gonna take your territory in your mind [Music] I'm doing everything that I promised you I'm going to [Music] we'll be talking to when he talking to somebody he prophesied to somebody I'm doing everything I said I would do [Music] [Applause] I want you to look at your shotgun stance you want but I keep saying I'm doing what I do [Music] somebody's shaking tonight somebody shake in the night but the word and the law under you somebody shake you wanker [Music] somebody oughta give him a praise tonight I said somebody ought to give him a brave tonight this is the best time to praise him when you're not sure if you should I don't know movie talking about remember go on your way I know I gotta work tonight I know I gotta work tonight thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus don't know the power of what's in the atmosphere tonight [Music] there's a power in this atmosphere tonight if your what you need to do what you need to give you what your name thank you Jesus Lord I know I know you gave me this word tonight I know you gave me this word tonight Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] each [Music] don't let it do keep [Music] he trying to take the victory from you but he can do it [Music] if you just keep your mind stayed on him [Applause] [Music] he trying to take the victory from you but he can't do it all you gotta do is keep the old man stay down here I thought I feel the Holy Ghost summer share review shouting here [Music] you gotta be seated in this presence describes just Lord yes Lord make you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] paralyzation in the mind is what takes place it is the last stage before the victory and feeling a feeling like you're not gonna make it as a last stage before the victory that's why I know you at the door of your victory you enter know of your victory somebody put our hands together for Jesus tonight [Music] get your Bibles if you would take some bottom out take some bottom out Brian thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I'm telling you God gave me a word tonight thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] triggers thank you so much yours are so glad to see you triggers we talked about something last night that I want to bring to our attention tonight God was speaking to me about this word all day and I can fully understand why yesterday you said that triggers our people and words and opinions and situations and environments environments all which provoke an intense and excessive excessive emotional reaction within us people do that words do that opinions do that situations do that and environments do that it provokes in us an emotional excessive intensive reaction out of us so on our way to the process to the prophecy we will encounter and be interrupted by one of the five people words opinions situations and environments good lord have mercy so how do i how do i safeguard myself from people from words from opinions from situations from environments how can i stabilize my homeostasis my balance how can I bring myself to stability to the point that I'm no longer affected by people by words by opinions by situations and by my environment is that possible as possible to have that kind of control in order to maintain my balance communication within the body is decision somebody say communication within the body is essential I didn't say communication outside of the body because that which is being disturbed it's from within my inner man is being messed with so now I have to now that I've dealt last night with people I've had to turn into myself and I got to figure out how I'm gonna stabilize myself somebody self preaching already because now I have to go with it my body doctor neighbor said this ain't got nothing to do with you because see there comes a time in your life where watch this well you're able to what is it a good work for what I'm getting ready to say you you're able to analyze all that is coming towards you from whom it's coming from and you give it weight according to the weight that it carries when you learn to do that you've cut the people how most say that again when you learn to analyze someone to come from where that coming from and who are you to bring that to me what weight do you carry when you get through with that opinion how was that shift of my life and what power do you have to shift it and that is always determined by the power that they have to shift their own lives I just said something right there most people that have an opinion about your life is confused about their own [Music] [Applause] lord I wish I have somebody say something right there most people that have not come watch this most people that have an opinion about your life is confused about their own how do I know that because they don't want to pay attention to their own life they want to ignore their own life they don't like their life oh Jesus have mercy interested in their life they're interested in your life because now you're dealing with well it was well that's the binder with what am i dealing with what what part because the mind is of a two-fold entities the twofold entity there is there was there was a spiritual mind and there was a natural mind I think we all know that but what we don't realize is that which mind was created first had God not created the spiritual mind before he created the natural my then watch this then we would never ever be raised above the level of the animalistic mindset I don't think the difference between us and animals is that we have the potential to have a mind like God which means whenever the devil tried to mess with your mind you have the power it quite Jesus in other words I can get up out of here anytime I feel like it and not the words I can be sitting right next to you and the power of God can elevate me to a level where you can find me oh that's what we're talking about tonight we're talking about going to our rightful place we're talking about being rich power and your supernatural God is so awesome that he created the brain to be neuroplastic never plastic which means it can be remoted and it can regrow somebody don't want to hear that which means I'm not stuck in the state that I'm in because I have a neuro plastic brain come on somebody y'all ain't here that's the reason why you can become whatever you want to become because you have a new role plastic point that's what I know your life is over and I don't care what your life oh no wait wait wait I knew I knew worry watch this watch this watch this this thing is this thing is up so so so the possibility of the true nature of the way God made the break y'all this thing is crazy me more he said in the scripture if I cannot find somebody to do battle for me y'all remember this for mentoring with me I will whistle for the bees and the Flies but I will never be left without a weapon that thing makes sense to me today I will I will I will I will whistle for the bees and the Flies but I will never be left without a weapon so when he started talking about the bees I said ok then I found something to be extraordinary it said that unlike any of animal in the kingdom of animals the bees have the kind of brain that is most related to the human being what you means when a bee has been given a new assignment oh yeah sixty seconds ago I was switched so you can sing if you want you but the Bible talks about Hope deferred up I'm not gonna push my walk back me Oh brain my whole brain my whole brain head head limitations [Applause] [Music] I need you to fix me oh no that was in question [Applause] consider let me read this so so so so this is what Romans much better this is what Romans 12 and to say watch this watch this y'all this this this thing gone bless you so good they say so here's what I want you to do reading from the message by my god helping you take your everyday ordinary life you're sleeping you're eating going to work and walking around life and place it before God as an offering embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking [Applause] don't become so will adjust in your life to college [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody this is what you got okay opinions don't be don't be trying to do too much and go too fast cuz you you you you have had some pipe dream I'm not here culture talking to you opinions talking to that's my many of you have missed them the wickedness and God because you're listening to people who I'm not here than your mind is limitations and death [Applause] the natural man is limitations and death which means the end result of everything you try to do in the natural is that thing is going down it has a life span attached to it is anybody listen to what God is saying anything that you try to do in the natural without the supernatural because you are the church and the church was birthed out of the supernatural and the church you must continue to operate in the supernatural the church can't turn corporate I'm sorry now the church can't turn intellectual the church can't just be about bible scriptures with no spirit behind it I'm not giving up y'all in saying that because the Bible says kill it let's pick a confuse you if you don't get a revelation from God this thing will confuse you wait i'ma break something down a justified for something major dr. banner you didn't think that Oh God God drops supernatural belief systems and people based on their capacity to hold the vision I can't get nobody say nothing right here because if you believe it if you believe it I don't care dogs and cats don't believe it if you believe it I don't care don't nobody believe it if you believe it I don't care who doesn't sale did it but you ain't gonna fail because God drops belief systems in us according to capacity and if God got you believing you [Applause] somebody what I'm believe in God was my capacity you a said that like you'd mean that tell him what I'm believing God phone is my capacity to believe him for that wait a minute and then tell them said the reason why I'm not gonna stop believing it because believe it is free and it don't cost me nothing to believe me oh god I just said something like that I just said I'm right there hahahaha ain't nobody in charge from people even know what the devil [Applause] y'all taking me to Thanks so so give me the ability in my brain at will at will watch this to get a new one why is that why is that because every single day every single day after twelve o'clock midnight between the hours of really for 3:00 and 6:00 in the morning some you know they said the body go into a coma right y'all heard that about him okay the body is not going into a coma the body is going into recreation so during those hours your whole entire body is getting all brand-new sales [Music] San and disco preach to you worried about every single day between 4 & 6 your whole entire body gets all brand new sales and those sales have been classified by medical scientists has been positive sales which means by the time you can messed up by people you woke up positive something happen to you in your environment I'm not hearing y'all somebody better come on here and give my god itself it's the people around you that keep messing up your brand new cause every day you'll wake up with brand new cells every day you wake up with the ability to me create a brand new brain with the brand new cells you just get hooked up to crazy me I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can't get nobody talk to me you woke up this morning what every cell in your body brand new and look at how you messed it I can get nobody to sing that song gee did you hear what I said they are positive they are far enough positive energizing thoughts because his mercy isn't new every morning and he said you messed up yesterday but every single morning I will give you a chance to be brand new y'all ain't saying nothing up in here see listen listen see when you living in the culture system you don't know that you knew so you actin like well you know I'm going through something no that was yesterday I met him in Yahoo am I talking to it's not got better the day well they don't look better but it is better but you got brand new cells that's helping you to make it better there's something else you do that's being far off in your body brand-new i'ma help you right now you got time to catch your noodleness and get it back okay yeah they laid over here maybe maybe y'all just caught what I say you've got time to denounce the works of the devil impact that thing that they said no I'm going back to this morning oh you ain't hearing me you ain't hearing me I'm going back to the mercies of God I'm going back he made it new I'm shaken up everything the devil tried to do to me everything he tried to make me there's no limitations and God God can do anything he can lay somebody down for a whole brand-new thought about you know who you serve Happy New Year you better know what you saying happy new year happy new day every single death in me is daily not you I'm going somewhere with this I got Lord the illustration that God gave me watch this so we say him without even thinking instead fix your attention on God you'll be you will be changed from the inside out readily recognize what he wants from you and quickly respond to that did you read it never what he told you to ask somebody what they think about it did you read it that what they say well you know so-and-so try a dad and neighbors go ahead that same kind of business and they fail but they not me [Applause] and that here y'all talk to me I'm the hangout talk to me I'm standing in a vision that the devil said would never happen I'm stepping in the visit because the Bible says do not consult man I'm not giving up you can't suck the Lord because the supernatural is in the hands of God and when I started by God to produce that thing he what provide for you I'm gonna do it giving up what didn't get your ago somebody what am I shall but I may wanna watch this I may want to or smoothie from the bookstore a refreshing smoothie I'm not calling you you don't work the book stop you don't know nothing about the machines in there I'm not hearing you but then when I want what I need that's what you because when you respond to it I'm helping some of your religious people right now unlike unlike the culture around you unlike the person that sitting next to you look at all dried up I'm not hearing y'all unlike the culture around you always dragging you down to its level of immaturity God brings the best out of you develops well informed us maturity in you I'm not giving y'all so I can't make you understand why I'm crazy enough to shout and believe God because what God is responding to is the Joran me let me say it like this I'm mature enough to be dumb enough to believe that if shout he gonna respond [Applause] wait wait I got it I got it I got it I got to work with this adapt to them so so I feel the miraculous right now I [Applause] feel the band reversal I really do like like something something is being turned [Applause] [Music] I feel like whatever door was shut God just opened another one but you can still get it somebody better put into I feel that I feel that for real I filled that for real I feel that for real that's healed that for real I feel that for real I feel that for real I feel that for real whatever door was shut car this open up another door God and found somebody else let alone shut down another cut side up if you in the service and might have you watching forgiving it the Lord and find you another door he didn't found you another way he does have somebody else and oh yes Lord Eason is gonna be bigger he's gonna be greater in the Lord you think it wasn't but it was [Applause] [Music] people say hey somebody else it's a keeper cause that wasn't your blessing turn around in Timnath Edwin your blessing Chuck that was an invitation but they don't know what you're looking for so he disguised himself but God blockage [Applause] I just heard the law said don't be hurt don't be hurt don't be hurt don't be hurt he's have a choice cuz it was an instant it was an achievement Mahina open up your mouth [Applause] [Music] [Music] and the script doesn't say and which one do you think you gonna get he said shoot shoot I'm not use I have set before you wait wait wait wait so so the kind of man is death listen listen if this thing bless me so good today that's all but the spiritual man is life spiritual how do I have what is what is what is the spiritual when I when I think spiritual when I put a fake spiritual spiritual man no no no no when you think spiritual you have an emotional man that can be changed with something else that is spiritual when Lucifer was thrown out of heaven he didn't go from spiritual to natural he went to another spiritual so when you have a spiritual man and that spiritual man is the emotionalism of spiritual then another spirit can come and change that [Music] see that's what keeps happening to us in the in the in the in the atmosphere the church we keep we keep coming to an emotional spiritual until we get out sad and another spirit attacks us and then we go to another spirit we're so spiritual until the deception of the devil is never to bring us to the natural is to just shift you to another spirit [Music] and how does he switch me he switches me to another spirit because he knows that there is a part of spirituality that is sensual so he places me in my walk and my belief system in God in sexuality of my spirituality and other words I got to feel it in order to believe it let's just dismiss dismiss for John y'all sad to look at me like an order for me to have faith in my spirituality I have to feel the sensuality of my spirituality y'all I'm going somewhere with this can I can I have five minutes can I have five minutes so so the feel good it's my indicator that he is on my side well that's not what he said he said when you are weak then am on your side I don't think yeah I don't think I understand I don't think I'm what I have a shortage that's what he told my son I don't need him on my side to make me feel better so hang me put me the pies don't so so my brain y'all please get this tonight please don't turn off my brain responds to the student my mind by sending these neuro logical signals throughout my body stay with me stay with me please stay with me stay with me which means my thoughts and my emotions are transformed into a physical logical spiritual effect which means my thoughts and my emotions turns physical emotions turn me physical emotions catchers out my spiritual and it comes to me physical you don't hear me emotions tell me I got to do something about it emotions bring me out of the Spirit of God and it turns me into a physiological effect which me without God emotion bring my bring my backpacks bring did you bring me bring me one enough for them to cheers hurry up hurry up hurry up Sam I agree with you give me a potent give me a folding chair okay sit that right there right okay so so spiritual I'm 2019 we plan no hit games 2019 this was a rubber meet the road this where all the dumbest stops spiritual so so when I am in my emotions I turn physical so Cheyenne say but I want you to I want you to shout shines and and every time some I shut your name I want you to run to where they are I want you to walk I want you to run okay so anytime you get ready don't I'm not gonna say her name just any time you so physical so physical is the result of emotional emotional my motion so physical physical physical emotional you don't even know what these people want they just send in for you and you can't you run it all over the place okay I'm talking I'll have to hold it goes the whole ego stuff cause half of the people that send for you with foolishness you don't even know that the devil is working something else behind that and he's running you all over the place in your emotions does it mean does it mean it doesn't mean spiritual is a state it's an existence it's a beam it's my Prasanna how do I get this persona because he says this the words that I speak they are spiritual can i paraphrases and this is your life so I'm not calming you can be emotional but you can't help but to be emotional because you don't have a word for me you don't reach Obama in you to transform you into something spiritual I'm not giving y'all talk back to me in other words you have not had an experience with this world it's not your makeup it didn't design you your arms and your legs and your feet in the way you talk in the way you want and the way you respond to things is not the result of the spiritual Word of God you a mixture of Center and that's why some days you're stable and some days you are a young man I'm not him and y'all talk back to me because you haven't permitted the word to complete the work of transformation is not easy spiritual you can't locate me spiritual when you think I should react you don't know where I am Oh y'all may say spiritual cuz when you think I should be depressed I still got my hands up I'm so so brain so the brain functions like this is the frontal system and so and so information hit this place first if it's the front of you you're here you're shocked you're shocked when you spiritual they don't even throw your head shucks so our people be looking at you like you so because because this part of my brain had been fortified it has been fortified with the word so it doesn't react to anything that's less than that I don't know how to come down here because it's not my makeup y'all think saying nothing I'm us Ellicott I don't know how to come down here because that's not my makeup like right now I don't know how to speak Spanish I'm not Spanish I'd listen I couldn't do it if I try it's the same thing when the Word of God is taking full control over the brain I don't know how to come down here I'm not getting job it's not my makeup I'm not familiar with that area I don't function down there and then it goes from the from the frontal system to the limbic system and this is wrong with your emotions is and this is where you cry and this is where you where you feel bad and you just feel depressed and all of that know that okay so so my so my frontal has been attacked and my limbic system got me crying and so day two pairs back and my frontal system still got me attacked in my limbic system still got me emotional and then by the third day my function sensor got me attacked my limbic system is starting not to cry as much but not unfound me some company that I can talk about what I just went through so then it keeps me in the limbic system because then the company gonna tell you how bad it is and what you should've did and I would have got her towed and I would have just slapped her face on so you're still here and now you got company to help keep you here I'm not hearing nobody talk to me right now now you got people to agree with the fact that you've been done wrong I'm not hearing y'all talk back to me so you stay here you live here you live from here to here this is what spiritual people do emotionally singular spiritual people they live I'm here to hear and another emotion come in the house of God they crime they give a release in me and then they will not before God that's not a real deliverance it's a sensual spirituality it's a feel-good it's drugs it's not the victory god help me Jesus tonight holy goes up in here who is gonna happen tonight oh and we keep coming to church and getting high and that's why we cannot get to destiny because we cannot get from here to here get out of it okay because when I have the word in my and I got the prophecy in the back of my cortex you can't run me anyway no you don't hear what I'm saying to you who am I talking to who am I talking to you got the Word of God it doesn't because I'm [Applause] balanced the word in my spirit and the prophecy on my back I can't get nobody to talk to me so so there's gonna be some days but I don't I don't feel the joy and there's some days I don't need you because that's not the basis of what I'm Carrie [Applause] my sensuality is permissible because of my humanism but that's not what God relies on to help me operate in faith he had me to rely on the weight that I'm carrying since the anus yeah you go you go running now you go with no now you go become and everything that everybody wants you to be then after a while you stop good luck walking in their belief system about you cuz you ain't got nothing on your back and you ain't got nothing in your spirit I'm not hearing y'all talk to me who who is not helping right now bullies can't help in right you watching by Facebook who is God helping right now who is God you have miss coming into the prophecy that God has for you because you've got people running you around but government is saying tonight you got to go back and get your notebooks out you got to dig up every prophecy that God gave you because the prophecy is your stability the prophecy is your spirituality not what you feel because some days you can feel my quick but you can't why because you don't have the power to take that thing off your back you don't have the power to take the word you're been chosen to carry the prophecy [Applause] [Music] sorry community [Music] she's not calling her name I can't jump up and run because what I'm caring is too heavy [Music] now what I've been given the ability it's true nice is your position to consult what the privacy before to see if whatever you talking about you got anything to do it was in my backpack I gotta check with my back to see about that folks is she talking about that ain't in my back and then I got a consult with work as it must be and I got to see if what you say and wound up with the word and if it don't line up with the world and it has nothing to do with when I'm caring my back then as much as I want to respond back hand [Applause] well know what they say about you you suga I can't [Music] well I just think you oughta just answer them I can I think you ought to get on Facebook oh you ought to give your piece I can [Music] [Music] [Applause] marylee used to say america thousand [Music] don't sing for me in 2019 [Music] I guess wish I had somebody inhibit just go to brace and God ripen don't sit for me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because I'm the word and physiologically and the spiritual experiences transforms into mental and emotional state so what the enemy is trying to do is get you to permanency he's not trying to he's not trying to make you act up he's trying to get you to a state of being where failure becomes your person [Music] disappointment and distractions become your person I was going to tell you of an angle that you get that to come he's trying to get you to a state over in another spirit [Music] because when you've been called to be spiritual you have to be careful that you're not switch [Applause] was I talking to the knight who did he talk to them cuz she trying to switch you wait give you to think before you react go back I can't let me think wait and give you time to think about what you want to say think about what you [Music] wait [Music] gives you the power to navigate to victory cuz if I keep my emotions up I can get direction for it [Music] mess with something no baby nobody mess with school I'm going after that school wait wait and you're fun and you're bad make you stop and think wait menu consider ourselves wait makes you say when making they having a bad day wait makes you a [Music] without it you live a life of regrets [Music] with the activation of your prophecy and the Word of God daily in your spirit it's bringing you to a site of regrets I regret how I acted I regret what I said I regret how I responded I regret that I gave up that day regret that I gave up that [Music] wait and work to stay [Music] [Applause] but things of the spirit he's not talkin about someone doing sensual goosebumps that I said them I feel you can't cross that and mm he said to be spiritually minded it should be worded and spiritual review into a state [Music] now having done all to stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] and when you do when you let the devil trick you that's what you do when you refuse to consult with the world that's what is it just return to be normal average human to a spirit of sensuality that we call Christianity [Music] [Applause] I don't want to be sexual I want to be a believer and I don't have nothing to believe if I don't read it [Music] hey coming by hearing hearing back [Music] it just feels like have you survived like that because I knew what [Music] sometimes at night well rule really mine were laying out before and then got atmosphere [Music] so somebody said to me [Music] they said you act like you got a secret I said why do you see which is about six years ago yeah you don't know how to stuff that people aren't they're saying about you but you just act like you like in a mile away the sudden you gotta see I said I do I said I'm choosing to believe what he said and what he promised me is what he did on the cross he's going to make an open shower banana you don't hear me you don't hear me you don't hear me you don't give me some of y'all wanna fight your own battle but God said I'm about to make an open shoe of the devil who am I talking to Who am I talking to y'all better open up your mouth and say something good the Bible says that infidelity parachute the Bible said my god very much alone you feel really [Music] No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mommy applies get this one [Music] revelation [Music] I'm gonna say the game get win so the devil kicks in [Music] was he talking to I can't even tell you what stuff just started happening [Music] my second [Music] I gotta go I gotta go this world was too heavy to learn I got it I got it [Music] - err to be absent from the man is to be present with the Lord you take that as a jet scripture but he said to me to be absent from all of this sensuality is to be present with [Music] [Music] Oh something so heavy I just feel something so heavy in here right now [Music] I feel such a deliberate like a revelation has hit the earth somebody come and get down a prick after it you out there Facebook I could sense it I can sense it I can sense what's going on on Facebook right now a revelation a revelation a revelation a revelation when it's sent to you you're not waiting enough I'm a bolshaya oh my god taking you back Wow my god yeah yeah [Music] you're not spiritual your century [Music] this is why we can't do mind the things of the Spirit because we have [Music] [Music] in a different kind of way you know how about mine thinks because you heard me speak you don't have the mind of the Spirit of God cuz you ain't heard him speak you have to eat him to become [Music] [Applause] [Music] then I can do mind of phasers because the words that I speak they are [Music] everyday and without the word I'm singing nice dangerous [Music] is in heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall be understand Trebek teach what happened it stabilizes me it whatever stands many planes and the mind of man but only that which is of the purpose of the more interesting I am standing power when I am [Applause] [Music] all over this building 1:19 you see that he's talking about somebody give me some boobs I love this you endless loading and garnish speaking I'm telling young everybody that would obey Him come down give yourself up out of my hand to give the 119 you see come down our Lord this building all the way there still come quickly there's often a you do it you're going to see the hand of God moving your life that's it that's it that's it I'm said we want my faith in that my side now I know what faith is [Music] hey this is word or somebody will champion you watching my Facebook hit that contact us but all over this building get a seat in your hand and come and get this on below right now dr. Biden I don't have one nightly but I'm given the biggest seat I can because I've got to connect to this word I got to be identified you watching my Facebook you got to be identified he's not causing you to watch a show he's calling you to connect and be a participant of what he is saying hit that contact us button it so that see many of you that are watching right now God said sewing the one my team see I'm being identified in 2019 when what God is doing in this building [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the divine revelations that God is speaking in his house he's doing something that's different and new because he's bringing us into a fullness of the understanding of who he is because no longer will we miss God being sensual and not understanding the power of what we have in prophecy and in description I don't know about you but God is processing you to the prophecy this AB 2019 you're not going to miss it 2019 you will be hoodwinked by the devil 2019 you won't be deceived but you're going to have to understand this tonight that God is walking you to the process through your prophecy and obedience is going to be the key to everything that God does for you I was done Tuesday and Wednesday but obedience ain't Thursday and Friday he's talking to somebody that's watching now and you can sit there and you can say you know what I enjoyed the service but that isn't not what God has called you to do he didn't have you to tune in to enjoy a service he had you to tune in because God is changing your life he's converting you for real define me Russell has taken place for real and he's calling you tonight to connect with this word and hit that conductors button and so that 1:19 see it's me connecting but the fact that this is the year that I'm gonna come into the fullness of what God said look opponent I'm not gonna my way into it I want to walk in it intentionally because I'm going to know exactly what I'm doing because I'm being led by the Spirit of God get that contact us button and obey God do it now do it now you may say that the man if I don't have 119 God said give the biggest seat you can but I see is what identifies with what's coming up out of the ground when you see all of this is because an orange seed was planted when you see one of the minutes it's because a watermelon seed was planted when you see what physique will feel it's because the see was granted be obedient to what God is saying and watch and see don't you see results this year like you have never seen before somebody give God a praise in this place all over the building come and give your seed all over the building come down and give your seats down prophecy till you go it down in God my bonus
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 17,048
Rating: 4.8473282 out of 5
Id: -LZEiURbu_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 29sec (5909 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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