I used Intel ARC for 1 month, I am NERVOUS about Battlemage...

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how's it going everyone so today I want to talk about this video card this is the Intel Arc a750 this is the 8 gab model um I did have the ark a770 16 gig I've used those a few times in customer machines they have been pretty good but I've never had a long-term experience with them or even anything past a couple of weeks so this is the first time that I've tested this I've used it in my personal rig for about 1 month now and it's been a pretty interesting roller coaster to say the least so if you guys want to hear about that stick around so right off the bat there's a few things I want to say and I hope it's not something that gets people red up and angry but using this graphics card has made me a little bit nervous about battle mage and I say that with like the best intentions because battle mage is something I am looking forward to I feel like it's going to be a really good option once it comes out it's not going to be bleeding edge of course but it will be pretty fast and should be pretty decent and Intel has been banging out drivers for this card and doing the best that they can um a lot of people were really pissed off about Starfield the whole Starfield does not work at all on launch and then they did fix it and it's still kind of a mess on our cards if I'm being completely honest I did try to jump into it and play it and even one of the nights where I wanted to play it on the PC instead of the steam deck I just said screw it and through an Nvidia card in there and uh to be honest it was one of those moments where I was like yeah this is where this card is at its worst but there are some really great things about this video card that a lot of people would probably just Overlook if they were looking at Raw Benchmark data for an example the av1 encoder is by far one of the best things once you've used it it's pretty hard to go back to be honest especially with file compression and the size of the files being a lot smaller anyone doing recording or streaming should definitely look at something like this if this is their price range the other thing was using it in professional apps Da Vinci resolve for an example I was able to use this video card with zero problems it was like a seamless transition between this and the 4090 don't get me wrong the 4090 was of course faster but as I got used to it and kind of like felt out the timeline scrolling and all the little things that would normally like really frustrate me it just didn't happen on this card I actually pretty much enjoyed using it this entire time and that's actually one of the other reasons why I'm pulling this out is because my cousin does uh professional video editing his rig is a little bit on the older side so I decided that I was going to give this to him as a gift so that he can kind of try it out and see what he thinks about it and eventually he'll come on and we'll have a little conversation and maybe I'll post a video on that but um yeah so using it in D Vinci is awesome the export time is really good but I know a lot of you guys probably just want to hear how it games and to be honest it was really decent at gaming but there were some major caveats and some crazy crashes and strange screen behavior that came with this video card the first thing I'll say is that its multiscreen support seems to be a little bit lackluster if you plug it in a normal Windows 10 or 11 computer it will know exactly what your previous setup was just like any other GPU but if you were to just plug it in right out of the gate and hook up all your screens you're going to get no picture at all you have to choose one primary screen and for some reason the display port on mine um only one of them would output a display until the drivers were installed which was like kind of strange to be honest and then the other problem that I experienced which I also saw on techs City's Channel when I was watching his uh little review he did of 9 months later he Ed here and it works absolutely fine I've tested another HDMI cable so it's actually I believe the port or the driver set I can't figure it out because display port from the Intel R card Works absolutely fine with the 4K OLED it's just the HDMI port that constantly cuts out and it doesn't matter if it's 60 HZ or 120 HZ just seems to constantly cut out with the 4K OLED uh the TV that I have up here is a Sony 4K Bravia and occasionally it would just randomly disconnect and a few times it actually locked up my entire computer I don't know what that is if it's just a driver issue and and they're having issues with like all the different types of screens they need to optimize for there's a lot of work they're trying to squeeze into this GPU in a very short period of time so I kind of just dealt with it occasionally I wouldn't even turn on my top screen which is the TV and I would just use the monitors and I had zero problems with that it was only when I was using two display ports and one HDMI so let's get into the games since that's what most people probably want to hear about I had a pretty mixed experience with the games and this is also why I was a little bit concerned with battle mage this card has been out for quite a while now and it's had a lot of updates and Intel has done a really good job at actually fixing like older games like Assassin's Creed uh Counter Strike and even games like Skyrim now run a lot better than they did when the card first came out but games like Starfield are a good example of wow how is this not functioning better it should be around like a 1080 at least or or maybe even higher and uh there are just some instances like the last of us as well also crashed quite a few times before I could get it stable um there were just strange Behavior I saw a lot of screen tearing which was unusual cuz I haven't seen screen tearing on my own monitors in quite a long time so that was kind of distracting it took a while to get things set up but for the most part every game eventually was able to run although I did have some crashes and some I even had a few hard resets that I had to do um I was able to figure it out eventually it was just a lot of like teething to get to that point and I feel like nowadays people are very very like short-tempered with that kind of stuff and if I was to put this in a customer's machine and he comes back or she comes back and says you know like this game's crashing all the time there's something wrong with my computer I would have a hard time explaining you know like this is a new test dummy you know like you're being a you're being a beta tester right now on this because this card can't perform as well as the 6600 XT in this specific game but it's faster you know so like it's just confusing from a new customer standpoint so I feel like even when battle mage comes out it's going to be one of those situations where the true Enthusiast of Hardware is going to buy it like just because they want an Intel video card but I don't know if they're going to be ready like we're already this far long and this card feels still like it's in beta like it still feels like like a semi-broken game like this is cyber Punk it looks good it feels good in the hands and uh I I do love the fact that there's like a new competitor in the market and I really want to recommend it and like that's why I'm going to bring it to my cousin we're going to do a you know he's going to have it for Da Vinci resolve and I know it's going to work seamlessly I used it every single day for a month there was no problems with d Vinci but when it came to the games the games were kind of a gamble one of my all-time favorite games I play all the time is this game called track Mania many of you probably have heard of it and I went to boot that game up and sure enough it just does not start whatsoever it crashes over and over again and unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it I suggest if you do buy one of these cards to check out Reddit on the Intel Arc subreddit and there's a whole section of games that do and don't run and people have like review tested them um there's driver versions so maybe if you're on a newer driver you'll get a little bit more lucky with it so yeah that's my suggestion with that before you run out and buy it just check what you play to make sure it'll run if you're interested in one of these cards there were a few other strange things that I ran into during the last month one of them was simply using YouTube um I would open up YouTube and be just watching a video and occasionally I would see all of my screens act like a new screen was being plugged in if you've ever seen it before if you've ever plugged in a new screen to your GPU Windows 11 specifically will kind of jump in and out as if like you're hooking up another screen so that did that a few times I would say like every once in a while it would just do it and then I had a uh a person comment on one of my videos saying that it also happened with crunchy roll so I purposely downloaded crunchy roll to see if it would do it and sure enough it also did the same thing where it would act like a screen was being hooked up for the first time and it was a little distracting it's almost like hard to recreate I tried to recreate it for this video and I it didn't happen so it's who knows maybe it'll happen to you maybe it won't it might just be my system and that guy's system it's one of those odd circumstances I don't know let's talk about one last thing before I end this video and this is like a really important thing if you're going to buy an AR card I really don't suggest using an older system I'm actually currently testing right now on that 4790k back there and the results are very strange I've tried many things to get uh footage of Gamay playing stuff and sometimes games will work sometimes they'll crash and you're really just like not supposed to be putting that card with old systems I'm doing it out of Science and trying to see if I can get any life out of it so maybe I could recommend it to somebody that wanted to use it with like a old system but I really don't think it's worth it that being said if you had say like an older 8700k with a motherboard that never got that bios update to use rebar as you can see here in this video you can actually get some decent performance even with rebar off I would suggest obviously if you have it to turn it on it's just way better to get that extra 10 15 even sometimes up to 50% performance gains depending on the game but um I'll link a video to I'll link this Channel's video down below uh he does a really good job showing it I can't actually show it on my system back here as it just keeps crashing and every time I try to run OBS I'll run into some like weird issue so can I suggest this card yes I can it actually is a really amazing card especially if you're doing professional work um if you're a gamer I would probably stay away from it just a little bit longer unless you're one of those people who loves to like Tinker with Hardware you've been doing this stuff for a long time like it's great for those people who want to just buy into something different and uh I do suggest it for that like if you really want to play around it's it's fun actually like learning this this is like a whole new thing to me it's almost a new world and I enjoy it I think it's really good if you have the time to play with it but if you're a person who just wants to put a video game on and just that's it I would definitely wait and see how the drivers pan out it does make me nervous for battle mage I mean battle mage looks really good on paper from all the leaks and things that we have information wise but at the end of the day if you're just one of those people who you just want a game and you don't want the headaches I would say just wait and see what happens with it anyways guys that's going to do it for this video I hope you enjoyed it drop a like if you like the video and subscribe if you want to and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Techwando
Views: 26,882
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Keywords: arc, INTEL, amd, gn, Gamers nexus, jaystwocents, zachstechturf, nvidia, gpu, vex, rtx, graphically challenged, classical technology, linus tech tips, tech yes city, graphics card, GPU, 4060, 4060ti, 4070, 4080, 4090, 3080, 3070, 3060, 3090ti, a770, a750, benchmark, benchmarking, asus, rog, ally, steamdeck, pcmr, gaming pc, test, Daniel Owen, Moore's Law Is Dead, hardware unboxed, paul's hardware, austin evans, randomgaminginHD, i7, 14900k, 13900k, 14700k, 14600k, info, GGF events, tech source, 7700xt, games, UFD, HOTNEWS
Id: ZEoKCIvfnkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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