The Inner Battle Swimming Star Ian Thorpe Fights | Legends Live On

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Thorpie's the most well-known swimmer in Australia. Everyone knows Ian Thorpe and what he achieved. Well, he was just one of the greatest sporting sensations in Australian history. He had this aura, you know, around him. I think the full suit really kind of added to that aura. People forget that he was in the spotlight, the media spotlight, from the age of 13 or 14. For someone who has experienced the kind of euphoria that you have with winning Olympic gold, to realise that you can go equally low is a horrible thing. Ian Thorpe. To listen to what he cared about, that's what's more inspiring for other people. I think Ian made that so evident in his fight for equality. (LEGENDS LIVE ON IAN THORPE) You want to be that confident person that's out there, that's kind of, you know, faultless, that's flawless. The performance is great, and let's just give you that snapshot of, and leave it at that, which is not really where athletes are. We're far from being, you know, these perfect human specimens. We have all of the same frailties, if not more, than the rest of society have, and they're probably amplified because of what we do. I only started swimming because I got bored being dragged along to swimming carnivals that my sister was at. So I decided I'd start doing a couple of lessons a week. When I first swam, I used to swim with my head out of the water, because the chlorine used to hurt my nose, and then I found out that I was allergic to chlorine. So although, like, everyone's like, "Oh you're a natural in the pool," it's, like, well, not really. And the funny thing about that is, they asked my mum at the time, "Look, if you think your son's going to be a champion swimmer, "you can have his adenoids in his nose removed, "and he won't have as many sinus problems." I still have my adenoids, so she didn't think much of me, I guess, at that age, but that was at the very start but I did become quite good quite quickly. He generally makes me laugh, he makes me smile, he makes me cry, he makes me feel... He just, he just moves you. He's just got this lovely, natural, unaffected, almost childlike way about him. People forget that he was in the spotlight, the media spotlight, from the age of 13 or 14. Just continually having a camera shoved in your face, really, you have to learn how to speak, I think. It's one of those things that you have when you're a young person, you always believe that you can do anything. And there's a big advantage to having that, and the longer that you can hold on to it, especially as a young person in sport, the more successful you're going to be. Ian Thorpe of Australia. The youngest Australian male international since John Konrads. When I turned 15, I became world champion. I had a very successful Commonwealth Games after this, and then the following year, I broke four world records in four days. World record Sunday, world record Monday, will it be a world record on Tuesday? He comes down to touch! Yes! Oh, yes! He's done it! He has done it again! He didn't just break the records, he improved his own records, and he didn't improve them by a little bit, he improved them by a significant step. You couldn't talk him out of a race, because he had planned his race, he knew exactly how he was going to swim, and he wouldn't be deterred from that at all. And that's what made him great. He was focused in on what he wanted to do, he had his blinkers on, and he wanted to achieve. And he wanted to go to the Olympic Games. It meant that I went into the Sydney Olympics as, you know, almost this kind of, almost unbackable favourite. And without me having ever experienced Olympics, not knowing if I'd be overwhelmed by the occasion, I was quite nervous going into the Olympics. A level of nerves that I hadn't had before. (OLYMPIC GAMES SYDNEY 2000) The heat swim, I'd qualified fastest into the final, but for the time that I swum, it hadn't been as comfortable as what I thought it should have been. So the first plant of doubt comes into your mind, where you're starting to question, there might be something that's gone wrong. I walked out in front of, I think it was 17,000 people. I was really nervous, I was actually quite anxious about the race. Until they announced my name. Ian Thorpe. And it was louder than I'd ever heard anywhere. I had that stupid moment where, you know, when you get in trouble when you're at school, and you don't know what else to do but kind of smile or laugh, like, you just don't know what to do? It was - it was that moment. But what it did, it had just flipped, from being so worried about what was going to happen to actually being back into control. (SYDNEY 2000 MEN'S 400M FREESTYLE FINAL) I remember swimming next to him in the final in Sydney. It literally felt like I was swimming in a washing machine for the full three minutes, because he just took off, and I had a bad race and it was - it was painful. A very fierce competitor. I'd decided, "I'm going to lead "this race from the start to the finish, "I have another race that comes up straight after it, "so it gives me more options to kind of conserve energy "for the next race that I have." The next race is the 4 by 100 freestyle relay. Same night. For Australia. (SYDNEY 2000 MEN'S 4X400M FREESTYLE FINAL) After the first swim, which was by Michael Klim, he broke the world record for 100 freestyle. I can remember he jumped out of the pool, and he said to me, "What time did I do?" I said, "Oh, it was the world record." He said, "Yeah, but what time?" And I was like, "No, no, no, it was faster "than anyone else ever did." "I don't know exactly what time it was, "but it was the world record." So we then had our next swimmer come in, which was Chris Fylder, and then Ashley Callus, and the guys had asked me, "What do you need?" And I said, "A lead." And we led that race the whole way. And I think now I should have been more specific in saying I wanted, you know, more of a significant lead! I dove in just ahead. By the time I came up out of the water, I was already behind. And those cheers changed to "Oh." Like, and you could feel the mood just drop. And so then I turned at the 50 metres, and for the first time, I hadn't lost any ground. Which, at that stage, was a bit of a win. I was really aware of where he was, but I knew I'd be able to come home stronger. And so as I'd kind of gradually caught up, the mood had changed back around again, and people had started screaming again. And I realised at 25 metres to go, it's going to be really close. I knew that he would be hurting more than me, I'd felt like that so many times in training, that I'd replicated that kind of level of pain. And I'd been able to get through it. And do that again, and let's repeat that and push it even further. And we won that race as well. First night at the Olympics. American swimmer Gary Hob Junior said he was going to smash our team like a guitar. And I think the "smashing them like guitars" line goes down in history, and I think most people in Australia know that one. It was the first time ever in history an American team had been beaten in that race. You know, it goes down in Australia as one of our favourite Olympic moments. It's like the city grew up for the Olympics. It was kind of the rowdy teenager before it, and then kind of was comfortable with its place in the world. I don't think Sydney tries to be like a European city or an American city. It is uniquely Australian, and what that means is that it's a melting pot for the world. I feel so proud to have been an Olympian, but to have been an Australian Olympian, I think, is even more special. More special. (SYDNEY 2000 WOMEN'S 400M FINAL) I knew how significant that moment was for Catherine. I also knew how much pressure she was under. She wanted to deliver that performance for the nation, not just for Aboriginal people, for everyone. It was a solidifying moment for our society. I was very aware of Ian Thorpe. Well, he was just one of the greatest sporting sensations in Australian history. He had this aura, you know, around him, I think the swimsuit really kind of added to that aura. Yeah, we both looked like little superheroes, wearing these suits! And, um, it's, we had fun. What we expect from our athletes isn't just the gold medal performances now. We want good role models, people that you can look up to. A lot had changed for me from Sydney to Athens. I was fortunate that I even got to swim in the race that I was swimming in, I was disqualified at our Olympic trials. (AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS SYDNEY 2004, (MEN'S 400M FREESTYLE HEATS) So I reacted, on the blocks, to a noise that I heard in the crowd, and so I false started. It's kind of an instant disqualification. He was under so much pressure, his internal trigger went off a little bit too soon. He was our best swimmer over that distance, and he had to be reinstated. We needed him in that event. The young man that stood down out of that 400 metres to let Ian in, and that was a beautiful story. One of my good mates actually gave up his position for me to swim. He could've probably have won a medal. So, going into that race once again, it... I felt, not only that it was assumed that I'd win, I didn't have a choice. I had to win. (OLYMPIC GAMES ATHENS 2004) In lane five, the world record holder, and reigning Olympic champion, Ian Thorpe. Every time I stand behind the blocks, I know that I've done everything I possibly could to prepare for this event. I've prepared in a way that I'm better than any of my competitors, even on their best day. In this race, I knew that I hadn't. And so it was the first time I'd really doubted whether or not I could deliver the result. Take your mark. (ATHENS 2004 MEN'S 400M FREESTYLE FINAL) I usually know where I'm at and how I can perform before I race, so I was in doubt. He was very famous for his kicking. When he started to kick, man, there was no-one who could stand it. No-one. And so once that...that race was over, I felt relived, I really did. There was going to be even more pressure on him. The added pressure of knowing that Craig had given up that spot for him to race that event. I'm getting tears, like, thinking about the race. And as a sportsperson as well, you know the pressure that you can sometimes carry, and I have no idea he managed that. It was too much. Going into it, the expectation, you know, the weight of a nation, really, you know, rather than feeling as though it pushed me on, that was the first time it felt like it weighed me down. You know, it wasn't a great performance for me. It was probably the worst 400 I've swum. But it was just good enough to beat my best competitor. That's all it was. Ladies and gentlemen, the final of the men's 200-metre freestyle. The race of the century, I think, is what it was billed as. We had, I think it was five Olympic champions, in that race. I guess the main part of that race was between myself, Peter Van Den Hoogenbarn and Michael Phelps. Peter Van Den Hoogenbarn won this race at the Sydney Olympics in front of me, and Michael Phelps was having, you know, having, you know, an incredible Olympic Games. There are eight finalists who come out, step on the blocks, and believe me, none of them come to lose. (ATHENS 2004 MEN'S 200M FREESTYLE FINAL) Take your mark. It also was an indication of where world swimming had gone to, that we had a European champion who could win, and so Europe was cheering. In America, they thought that the American champion was going to win this race. In Australia, in Asia, it was kind of behind me. Swimming had become more of a global sport, and people were more interested in the swimming than they ever had been before. It was an exciting race to be a part of. Two of my fiercest competitors raced. I felt that the race itself was mine to lose. Finishing part, it's the hardest part of the race, because you should be trying to make your stroke longer when in reality, it's getting shorter. So that you don't lose the momentum going into the finish. And it takes a lot of physical strength and mental strength to be able to do that. It was kind of a race for athletes. When all of the athletes actually stopped their swim down, "Actually we'll go out and "watch along the pool deck to see what happens," that's really cool. Being able to do the performance in front of your peers, as well. Representing Australia, Ian Thorpe. After Athens, I was looking forward to my next Olympic Games, but what had happened in the years since Sydney Olympics to Athens was the context of swimming had changed completely for me. It wasn't about what I could do in training and what I then did in competition. It was kind of being, you know, on all of the posters for the competition, having to do, you know, press conferences, doing things with sponsors, being invited along to, you know, promote the sport itself. And then at each competition it meant that, you know, there was extra things that were expected of you. Even the media attention I had, you know, had completely changed. Where it was something that had become quite intrusive for me. I realised, "Do you know what? "I'm not loving what I'm doing any more." It was no longer about just training and competing. It had become all of these other things, and what it means to other people, and I felt as though my career wasn't my own. I felt I was doing it for other people. Sometimes I think you forget why you do the sport in the first place. You lose that, the love and the joy, and it becomes more of a... you have to tick the boxes, and you have to keep other people happy. And so I decided that I'd stop swimming. I'm someone that has struggled with depression throughout my career and, you know, during that time was the darkest. I mean, I had been suicidal in 2006. It was the worst time in my life, and for someone who has experienced, kind of, the highest highs in the world through sport and, you know, the kind of euphoria that you have with winning Olympic gold, to realise that you can go equally low is a horrible thing. I've been through a dark space myself, and it's something that you don't know who to talk to, and you need somebody to talk to that you can trust. The more well-known you become, the more lonely you become, because, you know, it's very hard for other people to understand the pressures and the people that you can trust become very few. Certain things that Ian spoke to me about, I had been there myself, I'd been through it. Ah, he knew he could trust me, and I think I was the shoulder that he could lean on, or cry on. It was difficult to try and fill a void that swimming had left behind. Your sport is your family, and being around those people, it's really nice to have that camaraderie, and I think that's what a lot of people miss when they leave sport, you know, retiring, or through injury. It's a really sudden loss of what feels like your family. I actually like self-deprecating humour, and I think it's kind of, I think it's a healthy thing because it means that you can have, take an outside perspective and look into your life and actually, if you can have a laugh about it, you're less likely to be caught up in it. It says Thorpe Do Pool Cleaning. My name's Ian Thorpe, CEO and founder of Thorpedo Pool Cleaning. I loved doing the Optus ad. It was as though I'd started a pool cleaning service, Thorpedo Pool Cleaning, that shows how a slightly over-passionate person like myself could become about pool cleaning. Ration. Kidney. Off centre figure-eight with a sidestep. It gave me an opportunity to show the funny side that I have, because most of the times when I do things, I'm actually quite, I have to be quite serious. I mean you'd never, you know, kind of crack many jokes at a press conference. Like, it could be taken the wrong way. So you don't get a chance to do that. So I'm glad people have been able to see that side of me, as well. Water's a living thing. You just need to know how to listen to it. There are many special things about Ian, but he, he has a very special place in his heart for the indigenous community of Australia, which is really, which, of course, makes me very happy. I started my own charity in 2000, you know, just after the 2000 Olympics and we ended up working in what really is the only kind of true health emergency that we have in Australia, and this is indigenous people's health. It's quite staggering, I mean, some of the communities that we worked in, they had diseases, multiple clusters of diseases, that had been eradicated out from our cities for decades. It was an area that I'm really pleased that I've been able to have this experience and to be able to work alongside people who have an incredible culture, right on my doorstep here in Australia. There's still a lot of work that's being done in remote communities. You know, that's a huge legacy for him, that he's been able to do that, and I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that have been touched by him. Any of the issues around human rights, they all fall into the same basket. But the one that I guess I care about the most at the moment is about marriage equality. For me, it was more difficult to come out to my friends, my very closest friends, and I guess more so to my family. I kind of said to them, "Look, I have decided that I'm going to go public, "I'm going to announce during the Parkinson interview "that I'm gay." Life here as a gay man in Sydney, it's great. We have most of the rights that, you know, my straight brothers and sisters may have in this country. But when I travel, and I've been to some of the places where, you know, being gay is actually a crime, that is still punishable by death in some countries, and then I hear about, you know, the young gay person who could have been me, who was thrown off a building. To have Ian out there with everything he was able to accomplish, and to listen to what he cared about. That's what so inspiring for other people, because whatever someone is passionate about, you should know. They should be so vocal about it, they should be fighting so hard for it, that you know that's something they care about so much. And I think Ian made that so evident in his fight for equality, that that was at the core of who he was. If you want to be a true champion in sport, you have to also be prepared to pass that on to the next generation. And so my champion, my Olympic champion, my hero when I was a kid, was Aleksandr Popov. Well, for me, it just gives maybe a little bit of a pleasure to know that a young swimmer, with a good perspective, who learned a little bit from me, managed to make his way all the way through to the very top of the Olympic podium. (ATHENS 2004 MEN'S 100M FREESTYLE FINAL) So in the semifinal, I beat him to go through to the final, and I kind of felt really bad about it. I saw him after and he was completely fine about it, and then later, when I was training in Switzerland, I actually got to train with Aleksandr's son, who's also a good swimmer. And so I've actually enjoyed helping him out. Seeing Ian, and being with him in the water, as I said, it's a great, great experience. Not a lot of swimmers do have a chance to have this opportunity, but he had. That's what I think elite sport's about, and what being a true champion is. Not just about what you do, but maintaining a legacy of what people have done before you, so that you can inspire a new group of young people to become the future champions. Ian had a big influence in swimming, in Australia, in particular on the younger generation. So, Thorpie. Thorpie's the most well-known swimmer in Australia, that's for sure. Everyone knows Ian Thorpe and what he achieved. (RIO 2016 MEN'S 100M FREESTYLE FINAL) Probably the first person I watched race in 2004 at Athens, and I thought, "Swimming is a cool sport," and that's when I decided to join in, from watching Ian Thorpe. He wrote me a letter describing what the Olympics was like and trying to give me some tips. Which, I took a lot of what he said in and, yeah, I definitely feel like he helped me to get to where I am. When you're competing, you're kind of just the caretaker of your sport, and you have to respect those who came before you that inspired you to be able to do the things that you did, and also recognise that there's going to be a time where you pass that on. You pass it on to people that are going to inspire future generations. I think now he's sort of finding his feet again and really starting to, you know, have the opportunity to do the things that he loves and do it on his own terms. He will go a long way with whatever he chooses to do because he's that type of passionate person, and he's got a beautiful heart and passion within his body that he wants to share and give to other people. Ian is someone who fights to be the best version of himself and fights for what he believes in, and that's the epitome of inspiration and role model. And that's what I think so many young athletes and young people should strive for. And to have such an incredible example of that, I think is really beautiful, and I truly thank Ian for everything that he's done. I like to enjoy and do the things in my life with, you know, real purpose and with integrity and with authenticity. And it means that, you know, what I'm working towards is, eventually I'll be able to sit back and look at a life that, you know, I've been able to achieve all the things that I wanted and I've had a great time along the way. (IAN THORPE WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MALE SWIMMER (AT SYDNEY 2000 WITH 5 OLYMPIC MEDALS) (KNOWN AS "THORPEDO", IAN THORPE BROKE 22 WORLD RECORDS (DURING HIS SWIMMING CAREER) (RECOGNISED AS AN ACTIVE HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGNER, (HE CONTINUES TO ACT FOR MINORITIES (AND UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN)
Channel: Olympics
Views: 771,558
Rating: 4.8223453 out of 5
Keywords: Ian Thorpe, Legends Live On, five-time Olympic Champion, Australian, legend, greatest swimmers ever, Sydney Olympics, 2000, depression, overcome, overcame, history, legacy, Legends, legendary, iconic, icon, hero, Olympics, Olympic, Olympic Games, bronze, silver, gold, yt:cc=on, PLLLO, السباحة, 游泳, Natation, Schwimmen, Nuoto, 競泳, 수영, Natação, Плавание, Natación, swimming, inspiration, mental health
Id: cYh62Zye15k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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