Michael Phelps 🇺🇸 - All EIGHT Gold Medal Races at Beijing 2008! | Athlete Highlights
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Channel: Olympics
Views: 8,087,819
Rating: 4.8677521 out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Games, Olympic Channel, Olympic Medal, Olympics, IOC, Sport, Champion, michael phelps, michael phelps bejing 2008, michael phelps swimming, michael phelps world record, michael phelps gold, michael phelps gold medal races bejing, السباحة, 游泳, Natation, Schwimmen, Nuoto, 競泳, 수영, Natação, Плавание, Natación, swimming, michael phelps beijing 2008 all events, phelps races, michael phelps 2008, michael phelps 2008 butterfly, michael phelps 2008 freestyle, Athlete Highlights, usa swimming
Id: 3o7I0FxFNeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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