Phelps vs Thorpe vs van den Hoogenband - Men's Freestyle 200m at Athens 2004 | Throwback Thursday
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Channel: Olympics
Views: 1,249,979
Rating: 4.8405094 out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Games, Olympic Channel, Olympic Medal, Olympics, IOC, Sport, Champion, السباحة, 游泳, Natation, Schwimmen, Nuoto, 競泳, 수영, Natação, Плавание, Natación, swimming, Race of the century, PLtbt, Throwback Thursday, TBT, Thrwoback, Throwback, History, athens 2004, athens, Greece, Summer Olympic Games, Summer Games 2004, Athens 2004 Olympic Games, best swimming race, men's 200m freestyle, 200m freestyle, freestyle swimming, Ian Thorpe, Pieter van den Hoogenband, Michael Phelps
Id: 2X0ih5iMJoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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What a disappointment the American kid turned out to be. Bronze is great, however, so props to him for salvaging that.
I wonder whatever happened to him.
Ha. Ian Thorpe has been in ads here in Australia - can't remember what he's selling, but the opening line is him saying "As a kid I was never a natural swimmer" and I'm like, Hm, press X to doubt.
(He follows it up saying "I had an allergy to chlorine" which could well be true but I strongly doubt he has any right to claim "was never a natural swimmer.")
I've seen my sister, I know what "not a natural swimmer" looks like.
Pieter von den Hoogenband is still the best name ever.
Man what an era, those weird super suits.