Artistic Swimming - Full Team Event from Rio 2016 | Throwback Thursday
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Channel: Olympics
Views: 3,650,372
Rating: 4.8565011 out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Games, Olympic Channel, Olympic Medal, Olympics, IOC, Sport, artistic swimming, künstlerisches Schwimmen, художественное плавание, السباحة الفنية, natación artística, nuoto artistico, natação artística, 藝術游泳, 예술적 수영, السباحة الايقاعية, 花样游泳, Natation, synchronisée, Synchronschwimmen, Nuoto sincronizzato, シンクロナイズドスイミング, 싱크로나이즈드 스위밍, Nado, Sincronizado, Синхронное плавание, Natación, Synchronized, PLtbt, Throwback Thursday, TBT, Throwback, History, full replay, rio 2016, summer, Synchro
Id: dRGQDubSAqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 3sec (4443 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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Russia is at the 34:25 mark