Michael Phelps' Record Breaking Eight Gold Medals in Beijing | The Olympics on the Record

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It was the big talking point on the eve of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Could Michael Phelps match the achievements of his compatriot, the great American swimmer Mark Spitz? At Munich 1972, Spitz dominated in the pool, winning an unprecedented seven gold medals. But 36 years later, Phelps was planning an assault of his own. Emulating Spitz would require Phelps to compete 17 races in nine days, swimming against the best in the world. Ian Thorpe, the Australian who won three gold medals at Sydney 2000, thought Phelps couldn't do it. Thorpe was Phelps's boyhood hero. He had his poster on his bedroom wall. Phelps didn't like being told what he could and could not achieve, and used Thorpe's words as a motivational tool... ..because so far in Phelps's young life, normal rules did not apply. Just look at some of the numbers. Phelps made his Olympic debut at 15 years old, finishing fifth in the 200m butterfly in Sydney. He was the youngest male swimmer to represent his country at the Olympics for 68 years. Seven months later, still aged 15, Phelps set a new world record in the 200m butterfly, the youngest male ever to set a swimming world record. He grew to 6'4" with a wingspan of 6'7", bigger than a fully-grown golden eagle, and size 14 shoes. He had only one coach, Bob Bowman, who said Phelps didn't miss a training session for six years. Not one single day. A typical training session included two and a half hours of uninterrupted swimming. Phelps would typically cover 10,000m. To keep going, Phelps ate at least 8,000 calories a day. At 19, Phelps dominated the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. He won two team gold medals. He won four individual gold medals. It was like Spitz in 1972, almost. Over the next four years, Phelps won a further 13 world titles, setting another nine world records. Michael Phelps - no name had frightened other swimmers this much since Jaws. But could he match Mark the Shark? As Phelps lined up for his first final in Beijing, the world's media was there to watch. Maybe this great quest would end at the first hurdle. The medley tests a swimmer's ability in breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and freestyle. Phelps set down a marker in that opening race, winning by a distance and securing gold in a new world record time. The quest might have ended with the relay event, but the Americans overturned the favourites in dramatic style. It was a huge step towards Phelps's target. Phelps was defending his 200m freestyle title from Athens. He also secured an easy win in the 200m butterfly. A tired Phelps had only 50 minutes before his next race, another relay. Phelps elected to go first, giving himself no excuse not to empty the tank. It would prove a smart strategy, securing gold medal number five. The individual medley showed Phelps at his very best. It was maybe the least surprising win of the entire Games - Phelps hadn't lost in this event for eight years. Gold medal number six. And number seven? Not if Milorad Cavic had anything to do with it. The 100m butterfly was the Serb's event, his speciality. It would prove to be one of the great races in Olympic history. Cavic led at the turn, with Phelps back in seventh place. Cavic still looking strong as they come off the final turn. Crocker in lane six is close to him and Phelps is making up ground. He was seventh on the turn but he's coming up really fast on Cavic. Can Cavic hold him off? Here comes Phelps. Cavic and Phelps are almost neck and neck now, Phelps still making up ground, neck and neck. Who is going to touch first? Was it Cavic? It was Phelps! And Phelps gets the gold medal. In the end, Phelps won by the smallest margin possible - one 1/100th of a second. Phelps had climbed the mountain. He had matched Spitz, he had won seven gold medals in a single Olympic Games. And he wasn't even finished yet. He swam the third leg of the 100m relay. Gold medal for the USA, an eighth gold medal for Phelps. Perhaps the greatest performance in the history of the Olympic Games. And here's another number - Phelps received a massive bonus from his sponsors for his achievement. He used it to start a new foundation, helping young swimmers.
Channel: Olympics
Views: 2,915,238
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Keywords: Michael Phelps, Beijing, Summer Games Beijing, Beijing 2008, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, eight medals, Team USa, United States of America, USA, US, American, swimmer, swimming, swim, pool, most medals, in one Olympics, Olympics On the Record, on the record, record, record breaking, Olympics, Olympic, Olympic Games, bronze, silver, gold, yt:cc=on, PLOOTR, السباحة, 游泳, Natation, Schwimmen, Nuoto, 競泳, 수영, Natação, Плавание, Natación, On the record, Olympics on the record
Id: e-ldwePuoW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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