The Influencer MURDERED by a Parasite Family... | Abby Choi

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Abby Choi was a Hong Kong socialite and model with an explosively luxurious lifestyle and with hundreds of thousands of followers and more than 100 million dollars in the bank she had already been featured on the front pages of Vogue and laficial but on February 21st 2023 only four weeks before posting this video the young model suddenly disappeared hundreds of officers were assigned to the case in a desperate bid to find her this even including Hong Kong's Elite task force the Flying Tigers however sadly their efforts would come to an abrupt and shocking Discovery only three days later and with fraud corruption and serious allegations across the board the culprits behind this crime are now being described as a real-life parasite family good morning good afternoon or good evening folks my name is Adrian and welcome or welcome back to another video by Coffee House crime today we're looking at the unfolding case of Abby Choi since Abby's death last month this has been my most requested case to date and to be honest there is a very good reason for it this has become Hong Kong's most notorious case since 2013 and the details behind this one are quite frankly unbelievable small disclaimer by the way but the details in this one are changing every single day as they unfold and while I do vet all of the information are put into my stories the details are subject to change and as always just let you know that I post True Crime and strange cases here weekly so if that does sound like a kind of thing please consider subscribing to the channel anyway with that said please grab yourself a coffee pull up a seat and get ready for the Deep dive this is the case of Abby Choi foreign [Music] city of Hong Kong folks and I do mean back because we've been here once or twice before Hong Kong is characterized by its abundance of skyscrapers and of course the Kowloon Peninsula the city is a beautiful Urban paradise and has one of the most thriving economies in the world and naturally with an economy so healthy and strong much of it is focused on the financial Tech and service Industries Hong Kong is also the 10th largest trading entity in the world and due to its ongoing challenge with space it is no surprise that it Imports over 90 percent of its foods with a population of 7.5 million residents within 400 square miles it is extremely easy to feel both small and overwhelmed here the streets of Hong Kong have the capability of making anyone feel claustrophobic and one of the only ways to feel a sense of space in the city is by renting a junk boat now that doesn't mean you have to get cozy with bags full of trash and last night's dinner the word comes from the Javanese Zhong and the Chinese man and junk boats are now an international symbol of Hong Kong and with bright red sails and a dark wooden structure I can absolutely see why quite frankly these things are beautiful anyway it's here amongst the very elite of Hong Kong that we find internationally renowned model and socialite Abby Choi born on July the 11th 1994 Abby Choi tinfung was born into a very wealthy family she was the youngest of four daughters and alongside her father and mother Chiang Yin far the family of six never experienced any real physical hardship owning multiple construction businesses throughout Hong Kong and China Abby and her family lived a luxurious life within fragrant Harbor her mother is said to own many properties and multi-million dollar assets which means that whatever their hearts desired they easily could have due to Chinese privacy laws and their own personal volition not much is actually known about her family or her history however moving into her own adult life Abby decided to step into a very highly public Spotlight rolling back to the month of June 2012 Abby and her influential Journey on Instagram at the very young age of 20 and with huge amounts of money at her disposal her first picture online showed off her lady Dior handbag which by the way is worth 5100 pounds or sixty one hundred dollars she slowly worked her way into including her own face which included images of her sitting in the presidential Suites of the Ritz Carlton by now whether for money or personality or perhaps even both she had started to grow quite a large audience being young pretty and seemingly gentle her following started to grow even faster once she started receiving invites to exclusive parties and as you can likely imagine this is where her influencer career began to take off this included lucrative parties with Dior and many other luxury designer Brands and of course these events were in between lavish holidays to places such as Bali and fashion weekends in Paris and alongside her family's Financial strength she was able to attend increasingly expensive events and eventually mingle with various celebrities but behind all of this and in the background Abby found love at the very young age of 18. she married a man named Alex Kwong Kong Chi while she was still a teenager and went on to have two children with him and although their marriage would eventually end in divorce just three years later she would ultimately marry again it is crucial to highlight here that after breaking up Abby maintained a very strong relationship with Alex and his entire family and this included regular meetups with plenty of gifts in fact just after breaking up she purchased a luxurious apartment in kadori Hills for Alex's entire family which by the way is one of Hong Kong's most expensive suburbs now this apartment is an integral part of the story but in 2016 Abby purchased it and Alex's father's name kwankao for 67 million Hong Kong dollars which by the way is the equivalent of 8.5 million US dollars or 7 million pounds taking a closer look at the apartment the 1800 square foot four bedroom home was a feature of absolute luxury it included a balcony marble floors and walls an impressive Courtyard and many other striking details again this is one of the most expensive and exclusive areas to live in Hong Kong not only that but as a matter of trust and care she purchased the property in kwankao's name now there are several reasons for this financially speaking it saved almost 1 million US dollars in stamp Duty fees she purchased it as an investment and although she had recently made the decision to divorce Alex it meant that both he and her two children now had a safe and luxurious place to live but being under cow's name both he and his wife would eventually move in there too meaning that the expensive kadori Hill apartment was now home to three generations of the Quang family all while excluding Abby herself so technically speaking kwankao was merely a trustee of the apartment and since Abby could prove that she purchased the property herself it meant that if she needed to she could dispute the ownership I can imagine that much like many scenarios in life Abby was in a very difficult position because although she purchased the entire property by herself she was getting no benefit from it I mean granted it did keep her children safe but her ex-husband and his entire family were essentially part of her past now and it must have felt quite awkward to keep all of them on board it's a situation that would get worse over time too and although it sounds like a good idea to begin with how long would you have to pay for all of them out of her own pocket would one year be enough maybe three or ten so this is what I need to tell you about Anthony 31 years old at the time he was Alex's older brother which also meant that he was Abby's ex-brother-in-law and much like the rest of the family Abby took way too much accountability in looking after him too years before when the marriage between Abby and Alex were still going well Anthony was unemployed and struggling to get by feeling sorry for her brother-in-law she hired Anthony to be her personal show fur these Arrangements allowed a good bond to form between them and not long later he often referred to Abby as his sister his Instagram accounts where he named himself the Monk and preached to always be calm includes many photos of the two together she also fronted multiple small businesses for him this included a pancake stall in the city which he ran whenever he wasn't needed as her driver it is alleged that between these two roles he made a very tidy sum of money anyway moving forward and after the divorce Abby eventually found a new Love and in the year 2016 she and a new partner named Chris Tam hosted an opulent legal ceremony for friends and family to enjoy a wealthy businessman living in Hong Kong Chris also came from a family with a fortune his father is the founder of a well-known and highly reputable restaurant chain known as tamjay yunan Mexican Abby and Chris went on to have two children together and despite Abby having two of her own children before Chris all four kids were known to enjoy each other's company moving forward the family of four some times six spent many weekends together in their multi-million dollar home they also went on recurring holidays to Disneyland and took frequent trips in their personal Yachts all right for some hey now Abby's Family Life didn't stop or slow her ongoing success with her influential connections and capital she eventually expanded her career from Amir trendsetter into corporate and mainstream media and thanks to her attractive physique and sense of style this would eventually result in her featuring on many well-known front page covers including Harper's Bazaar laficial and Vogue however behind closed doors and as the year 2023 approached things were not going well between Abby and the Kwong family the kwongs had essentially been living rent free in her apartment for just over six years now and Abby she was getting restless at the situation although she was initially fine with the arrangements she was beginning to realize through her older age that she was being taken advantage of and in all honesty didn't owe them anything you see at the time of buying the apartment Abby was young naive and very impressionable and it's reported that Alex's father may have persuaded her to buy it for them and now Abby wanted the apartment back and unfortunately that wasn't the only bad news circulating around the family are known to her at the time but the kwongs were getting very low on cash we'll begin with the head of the family Alex's father but several years prior kwankao used to be respected police Sergeant for the Hong Kong Police Department he was apparently good at his job and garnered a very good reputation however all of this fell apart in the Year 2005 when he was accused of assaulting a woman instead of fighting these allegations he resigned insteads and in return Hong Kong PD turned a blind eye to his former accusations never following up with any form of punishment or reprimand but Cal was not the only one displaying questionable behavior in the family it turns out that Alex was up to no good too and his actions had left him on the run for several years it was in the year 2015 that he launched an underground investment scam which involved goals and after winning the trust of four wealthy businessmen they all invested 5 million Hong Kong dollars into his scheme but rather than try and earn a profit for all of them Anthony ran away with their money instead in fact are known to everyone else at the time but he had also robbed various people and places this included the theft of 39 necklaces 32 bracelets 13 golden bars 102 gold grains six pendants and ten tails of Golds to add to all of this Alex's brother Anthony was also in an eye-watering amount of debts and despite being given a second and then third chance with Abby by being her chauffeur and Mr Pancake Man his ridiculous spending habits dwarfed any of the earnings he made you can actually see through his Instagram that he was determined to put a facade of luxury in front of others but behind this wealthy front was a man in very crippling doubts and in the year 2019 he was eventually sued by his local bank so let's complete the circle here and although Alex's mother is the least of four evils she too was having Financial issues as just three years prior she had been declared bankrupt by the court recent years had created a very very stark contrast between Abby and a former-in-law family and of course she was guilt-tripped for this the family watched on as they witnessed her grown maturity fame fortune and success and all in the meanwhile they were stagnating and losing Capital Abby was beginning to become internationally recognized and her own personal wealth had surpassed over 100 million Hong Kong dollars the equivalent of 12 million dollars or 10 million pounds anger and jealousy often manifest themselves in rather convoluted ways and although it's obvious from an external point of view that she was not to blame for their misgivings and quite frankly awful group on finances they still resented a rule the same Abby felt that disparity and furthermore felt it was finally time to stop with all the freebies and handouts more specifically that eight million dollar apartment as you can likely guess that conversation went terribly and Cal even threatened to kill Abby if she kicked them out Abby was very upset with the situation and sought legal counsel immediately however even in that moment the young woman clearly Had a Heart of Gold because apparently despite their threats she even began to look for a new home for the family and Incredibly even had plans to buy it for them too okay sure it may have been a step down from 8 million dollars but being pretty blunt here could they really have expected anything as good however before her plans could develop any further Abby Choi would suddenly disappear it was on Tuesday the 21st of February 2023 that Abby suddenly vanished she had left in the early afternoon to pick up her daughter from school but when the final Bell for home finally arrived her mother was nowhere to be found both phone calls and text messages elicited no response which raised concern amongst her daughter's teachers and friends as a result of her job and lifestyle Abby was obsessed with her phone and to miss all notifications and incoming calls was strangely out of character for her to make things worse all activity through her social media profiles had abruptly stopped too and so just two hours later she was reported as missing and the authorities were very quick to get to work sadly you know how it goes the rich socialite types of this world often get special expedited treatment and so it is probably no surprise that more than 150 officers were put onto the case anyway it didn't take long for investigators to get their first clue on the afternoon that she disappeared a surveillance camera from her apartment complex captured her wearing a white-sleeved top white pants white slippers and a purple handbag the time of this footage indicated that she was likely trying to pick her daughter up from school and furthermore the car to pick her up looked very similar to local residents that being the seven-seater car previously used by Abby and her chauffeur Anthony interviewing her ex-brother-in-law and his entire family yielded no positive results as sadly the entire family claimed they hadn't seen her since the day before her disappearance with no luck the authorities resorted to checking out the vehicle's GPS records and what they found was very concerning it turns out the vehicle had been driven to typo district and lungmate suen which was a 20-mile drive out of Hong Kong with this rather suspicious information dozens of officers were immediately deployed to the area to investigate they conducted door-to-door interviews right across the village poured over surveillance footage from local houses and collected a dash camera for from all local parks Vehicles by Friday afternoon which was 72 hours after Abby had disappeared and only 24 hours since typo Village had become an area of Interest detectives honed in on a ground floor flat of a three-story house and sadly nothing could have prepared them for the horror they would find inside excluding a well-equipped kitchen the entire home was unfurnished tarp covered the windows floors and walls and although I won't go into the exact details what I will say is that inside the refrigerator were two human legs the kitchen also contained a meat slicer an electric saw a Cleaver a chopper a meat Mensa face Shields and even rain coats they also found two large super pots that were boiling away on the stove and it transpired that inside these pots was a human skull and several rib bones the authorities were distraught by The Haunting scene and as soon as the news got out both speculation and outrage poured across the country and eventually the globe following extensive analysis of all surveillance cameras in the area various members of the Quang family were seen behaving rather suspiciously this would soon prompt a search of the surrounding area for the rest of Abby's remains which was carried out by over 100 members of the Hong Kong police this included the use of expert divers Tracer dogs data analysts and even drones but sadly their search felt yield any more of her dismembered remains with parts of Abby's body still missing investigators confirmed they were interested in a large area of land Hill but sadly this search too turned out to be fruitless to this day or at least at the time of posting this video Abby's torso is still yet to be found and the authorities are yet to disclose any more information relating to the crime scene in case you're wondering yes it does seem like the quangs are responsible for her death and even more shockingly it seems the entire her family were in on it of course excluding her own children and so the big question now is what precisely happens to Abby Choi on the day that she disappeared this is the story that we know so far but scaling back to Tuesday afternoon Abby arranged fans need to pick her up from kadori hills so the two could then pick her daughter up from Harrow international school knowing this typical Arrangement Anthony and the rest of the Quang family planned to use this time frame to their advantage and abduct her in plain sight unaware to her at the time but Quan coward made arrangements for her death weeks before her abduction he rented out the village house in lung made swen at the price of 10 000 Hong Kong dollars or thirteen hundred dollars or Eleven Hundred pounds with the sole intention of destroying all evidence of her murder after being abducted Anthony allegedly drove her to the entrance of lion Rock Tunnel where Alex Kong was waiting to board the vehicle after getting in they continued Northeast to lungmate Swan where they met their father at the property Abby Choi was reported missing later that evening but when police officers contacted the quangs for any information the two brothers and father allegedly gave misleading statements suspicion arose when their stories did not match to one another and of course three days later authorities raided the property following the Savage Discovery authorities immediately got to work on locating the suspects Anthony Cowell Alex and Lee Alex's brother and both of his parents were apprehended on the same evening of February 25th however the authorities were unable to locate Alex himself as the devastating news broke around the town and Beyond Alex became the city's Most Wanted Man and everyone was on the lookout for him and seriously not a single soul wasn't talking about this story as the city-wide Manhunt raged on authorities raised the stakes by offering a 200 million Hong Kong dollar rewards to anyone who could help catch Abby's killer this case became so high profile that members of the city's most elite special forces also known as The Flying Tigers were deployed and seriously these guys are 100 badass thankfully Alex was eventually seized the very next day by officers at the tong Chung development Pier at the time he was attempting to flee the country by sneaking on Border Yachts found on him was over 500 000 Hong Kong dollars and a further 4 million Hong Kong dollars worth of luxury watches and jewelry the man was planning to escape as a stowaway after bribing a yacht sailor with 100 000 Hong Kong dollars however thankfully he would find himself in a jail cell instead so I guess the big question now is what will happen next and you know that is a very good question since the arrests the police have now formally charged cow Alex and Anthony with murder Abby's mother-in-law Lee was charged with perverting the course of justice and cow's mistress has also since been arrested on suspicion of aiding Alex to flee the country two further individuals have since been charged on the same premises which included the sailor who was going to help Alex flee and one of Alex's friends according to the laws of Hong Kong a conviction for murder carries a mandatory life sentence you know prior to 1993 the death penalty was the sole legal punishment for murder but in has been fully abolished with this case happening so recently it is not yet known when the quang's family's trial may be Hong Kong's legal system is generally quicker than the Western worlds but it's very likely we'll have to wait until 2024. by the way due to the nature of this case many have been referring to the Quang family as a real-life version of the movie parasites parasite was a movie released in 2019 and received a lot of praise for its well-written story it follows a poor family that schemes their way into a wealthy family's home infiltrating their house by posing as unrelated highly qualified individuals I won't ruin the movie but it's got an 8.5 star rating on IMBD for a reason if the case of Abby Choi interests you then I do recommend it you'll probably like it tributes have since poured in from Abby's family colleagues and many friends including her most recent husband Chris Tam speaking through a friend Chris described his late's wife as a kind-hearted individual who always wanted to help others and always supported and loved him he speaks about how grateful he is to have met her and feels hopelessly lost now that she's been so cruelly taken from the world friends describes her as loving and kind protective and motherly yet successful and strong all at the same time and honestly personal thoughts this story absolutely sucks now Abby may have been born into Fortune but she was exceptionally good at mixing fashion with her own personal style and of course these two things led her to become one of the world's most recognizable fashion icons but despite her fame fortune and success she was still adamantly there for those that she loved and cared about she went beyond the Call of Duty to look out for her ex-in-law family and even after being threatened with her own life she still planned to buy an entire home for them the parasitic Huang fan only are rotten to the call with frauds corruption assault and now murder under their belts they saw dollar signs behind a caring young woman who gave too much and tragically their greed overrode any sense of care for another human's life as a result Abby will never see her children grow up never see or enjoy her successful career and never know what she could have become and sadly the world won't either her most recent husband Chris has since vowed to look after all four children which by the way includes them adopting the children of the father who murdered his wife honestly I have huge respects for the man the amount of pain he must be going through is simply unimaginable yet still regardless he answered the call of duty for those four children in other news Abby's actual mother has since filed a court injunction to forbid Quan cow from selling the luxury apartment in kadori Hills but let's be honest here with the evidence stacked so high against him and the rest of his rotten family I don't think they're going to be needing it anyway and that just about wraps up our case today folks I don't think there's much more I can share of course there'll be more information coming out in the future but at least at the time of this video being recorded that is pretty much all we know as always I will give you any updates I find on this case either in a pinned comment Down Below on my social media or eventually in an update video but anyway what are your thoughts on this case to me this one is absolutely wild I can see why they're being called the parasite family and honestly I'm not surprised why this has got so much attention let me know what you think in the comment section down below and of course if you have any other case recommendations please feel free to drop me an email anyway folks that just about does it so as always I'll see you again very soon for another video Until That moment arrives though remember to look after yourself look after each other and of course stay safe thank you and goodbye [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Coffeehouse Crime
Views: 1,193,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffeehouse crime, true crime, coffee house crime, crime, abby, choi, abbie, choy, hong kong, influencer, instagram model, model
Id: Br4xXiGQopg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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