The Horrors of the Ice Casket Serial Killer | The Case of Apichai Ongwisit

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with a murderous father and a mother on the Run apachai enquizit was a troubled and neglected Child Left to his own devices that torment would never leave him and as he Grew Older he would follow in his Father's Footsteps to become a violent killer due to his father's previous actions the unisite residents already had somewhat of reputation as the House of Horrors but neighbors had no idea that these rumors were in fact shadowed by reality and as it turns out decades later dark and terrible stories were still happening behind closed doors today we're diving into the so-called bunay House of Horrors we're inspecting the strange Man known as APO enquizit and we're looking at at least one of his many victims but first we must learn some horrendous truths welcome or welcome back to Coffee House crime folks my name is Adrien and today we're looking at the dark case of apachai aniset also known as the ice casket killer if there ever was a place haunted by murders then this definitely is one of them with multiple deaths spanning several decades it is no wonder why people see this place as the House of Horrors before we begin and just to let you know that coffee house crime is all about True Crime strange and chilling stories and the best way to support me is by subscribing to the channel so if you like Darkly fascinating stories or simply want to see coffee rain from the sky please hit subscribe now and also if you like to drink coffee while watching these videos then please check out classified coffee it's my very own blend and now with that said please grab yourself a coffee pull up a seat and get ready for the Deep dive this is the case of apachai anget so folks and welcome to another story from Thailand well known as a Tropical Paradise this country often finds US focusing on its many vibrant Islands surrounded by white sandy beaches and very clear blue Seas but in today's case we'll be visiting the rainforest covered mainland of the country instead for this one we're venturing to the outskirts of the country's capital city Bangkok rather unsurprisingly the area surrounding it also happens to be the most populous part of Thailand with the whopping 23% of the population inside of its boundaries this makes for a bustling Metropolitan city of more than 14 million people with hectic and busy roads often filled with mopeds and Tuck tucks and towering buildings interesting in fact but did you know that Bangkok is one of the most visited cities in the world often filled to the brim with tourists eager to try out its delicious treat food browse the busy markets and of course experience the vibrant night life saying that while visiting this Metropolitan Powerhouse it is quite wise to keep your wits about you as in the west the city is well known as a place where tourists are often taken advantage of various scams overcharging and duel pricing are unfortunately somewhat common place here with more than 10% of tourists claiming they' experienced at least one of these scams so as with most things if something seems too good to be true or isn't what you expected then it's probably good to go with your instincts despite bangkok's reputation as an urban jungle there are a few inner districts which hold plenty of vegetation and in the district of ban a sizable plot of land with a large house complete with the tropical garden could be found and this is where we find 41-year-old apachai anguis apachai inherited this property from his father more than a couple decades ago his father chalum chis it was the owner and founder of the now defunct uisite Market in Bangkok which by the way is now defunct for a very good reason dark details assigned will get to that in just a moment otherwise as previously hinted markets are a very big deal in Bangkok and having been there a couple of times myself let me tell you that you can find pretty much anything and everything here it's a place filled with treasure excitement and chaos and so it's no surprise that the giset family had become rather wealthy through their business apachai had grown up on the banet property alongside his mother father and younger sister and unlike others residing in this city he never had to worry about money throughout his young childhood however the small family would only exist comfortably for a short while and at a very young age abachi would sadly lose his entire family on that note though don't be too quick to extend sympathies his father was arrested in 1983 on suspicion of murdering a 12-year-old girl to which eventually he would ultimately be found guilty now I could make a story on that case alone but the short version is that allegedly aachi's father lost his temper when the young girl broke one of his prized possessions which only happened to be a large custombuilt fish tank attempting to cover up his crime would be in vain but this didn't stop him from trying and it would be through very Grizzly efforts too as Chum chai dismembered her body in the process his wife who of course was also aachi's mother played a large part in trying to cover up the murder too I mean with two children and a wealthy husband she wanted to retain that lavish lifestyle once the news broke out she was deemed complicit in the crime but by the time officers had the chance to catch up with her she'd already fledged the country with aachi's sister and following this terrible Whirlwind of a story it left the young four-year-old apachai all alone in the big city of Bangkok as as a result he was raised by distant relatives who seemed neither loving nor attentive apachai was essentially left to his own devices and was often seen wandering the streets alone moving forward we don't actually know much about aachi's upbringing but what we do know is that his father didn't last long in prison in fact before he was even sentenced he was both shot and killed with his father now dead and both his mother and sister gone abai was left to inherit the entire family property and as soon as he became a legal adult this is where he had lived for the the rest of his life though due to his father's horrible crime the property had gained a local reputation of being known as the House of Horrors ironically little did they know that this reputation would somewhat eventually manifest into reality now as you may know Thailand is well known for its entertainment industry and yes I can hear your sourcy monologue talking because I am in fact referring to its adult entertainment sector in fact Thailand has one of the highest sex tourism rates in the world world and although by law things like prostitution are illegal it is widely accepted that these things still take place behind closed do and with it bringing in substantial tourism and money to the country authorities do tend to turn a blind eye there are massage parlor saers and hourly hotels where you can get more salacious Services sometimes these women are simply mere hostesses to which men pay them for their conversation light entertainment and to keep their drinks flowing sadly though though there is an even darker side to this industry and of course I'm talking about the world of drugs apachai was well aware of this in fact his main source of active income was the distribution of various drugs he specialized in various pills most notably that being methamphetamine although this is a life-threatening way to make money it actually suited apachai perfectly he was very accustomed to the dark underbelly of Bangkok and had many connections interesting side notes but his special formula was actually to mix caffeine into the methamphetamine now this is starting to sound like the ultimate Coffee House crime alongside his so-called business appai also relied on the industry for his physical needs too you see due to his possessive and abusive nature he always scared off potential partners he wanted someone to belong to him but not to stay loyal himself and he practiced this double standard in rather abusive ways in fact in December of 2018 he ordered a woman to follow him home at gunpoint but thankfully she was able to flee before it was too late but apachai was able to escape the law in Thailand money talks and he was able to bribe the victim with half a million Bart which is equivalent to $114,000 or £1,000 of course this was a high price for the drug dealer lucky for apachai he eventually ended up convincing her to accept a settlement fee five times lower ending up at the sum of 100,000 Bart the equivalent of £2,000 or $2,700 moving forward his close running with the law would not stop him from his frequent visits to host air Spas he was in regular contact with plenty of women to suit his needs and one of those he favored was 22-year-old Warren Thorn CH chat who happens to be a very important person to our case today affectionately known as kek Warren Thorne grew up in a rural part of Thailand and was raised by her loving grandmother from a very young age by the year 2019 she had moved to Bangkok to work as a hostess bar with the money going towards looking after her children since she had broken up with her former husband the family didn't have much income and this job was the difference between a roof over their heads and homelessness sadly this isn't an uncommon occurrence in many countries around the world so when the wealthy Apachi aniset expressed a liking to Kik she was more than happy to take him on as her client the pair spent hours in host clubs both drinking and getting to know each other and eventually they began to spend time together at his residence she would often stay the night too which does suggest that the relationship had progressed into the bedroom and furthermore it did look like abachi was able to form a one-sided relationship with her whether she enjoyed his company or not we will never actually know but either way the situation worked well for both of them however not long into their arrangement she would find out the hard way that inheriting his father's money was not his only source of income apachai did not only deal math he was also a user himself which unfortunately would eventually influence Kik to try it out with him this Arrangement would go on for a few months together and over time apachai became more and more possessive of her and to make sure that she wasn't seeing any other man he would often make her stay at his place most nights although Kik still worked at Host spars she emitted any form of other favorable service which of course would make her other clients rather frustrated but in July of 2019 she would confess to apachai that someone had assaulted her now although she did file a report to the authorities she didn't know or recognize the man and so unfortunately it looked like he'd gotten away scottf free that would be until the next month of August 2019 when all of a sudden she stopped responding to all police correspondents in fact she stopped responding to everybody including her family and so with much worry and fear after a few days of Silence they reported her as missing but unfortunately with working in the adult industry the police seems to be rather sluggish in taking her case seriously sadly this industry comes with many cases of assault and homicide and with it intentionally being kept in the shadows it can be quite hard to convict someone of a crime detectives kept the case open but very little progress was made in trying to locate kek I mean without knowing that apachai was connected to her disappearance where could they even start that would be until January of 2020 when all of us sudden an unexpected Source would blow the case wide open shining the spotlight on a very horrific Discovery in the early month of 2020 Bangkok police were called to an abandoned industrial Zone following a tip they had learned that an Infamous local drug dealer named chalam chabua was working in the area now in Thailand drug rated offenses can come with a very severe punishment in fact dealing with so-called category one drugs can even hold the death penalty chalom chion was a well-known miscreant renouned for his under the table jobs Petty run into the law and significant involvement in the drug industry so after successfully locating and arresting him you can likely guess that he was willing to say or do anything he could in order to reduce his sentence and of course this would include bribery you see Calo Mion claimed that he used to be a security guard at the Ang residence and this intrigued officers greatly they had long wanted to incriminate apachai for his involvement in the drug industry and Not only was chelmon willing to provide this evidence but apparently he had something much much bigger to reveal too in short he told the authorities that he could offer up crucial evidence in an ongoing murder case in exchange for a week or sentence and this was an offer that officers could simply not refuse rumor had it that if they were to visit aachi's property and dig in a specific spot they would find the remains of a young woman cello Mion claimed that he knew she was there because he was the one to help bury her body on Apachi orders he further told the officers that he personally believed there may be more victims underground and so on January the 9th 20120 police made their way over to Ban's House of Horrors following the concerning information apachai was detained as soon as officers stormed the property catching him naked as they began to search the residence forensics began to dig near the large pond as instructed by chalow mchan and sadly this is where they came across a chilling yet strange Discovery a large metal box was uncovered and after dismantling the casket they discovered the remains of a young woman she was wrapped in clothes a bed sheet and a black plastic bag with a large tattoo spread across her back she was identified as 22-year-old waren Thorn Chia chat following this discovery authorities now had reasonable grounds to formally arrest apachai for the murder of cookie but despite this evidence laid before him he viciously denied his involvement the horror would not end there however because following chalum Chan's testimony authorities were now worried there may be more victims underneath as a result a thorough search of his property was conducted with the large pond being their main area of Interest hor inally over the next few days police and volunteer divers discovered more Dark Secrets around the pond a total of 298 human bones were recovered from its murky Waters all of which seemed to belong to young women they would also recover various heavy objects including Gates dumbbells and cement blocks all of which could be used to sink these women to their watery graves in addition to all of this detectives found another metal casket in the water and after opening it up they found the decaying body of a woman with such horrific details this case understandably became Talk of the Town in fact the entire city of Bangkok was stunned as the news spread some believed that apachai filled the pond with carnivorous fish named alligator gar to help dispose of the bodies I mean I had no idea what alligator gar were until I looked them up and let me tell you they look like something straight out of a horror movie quite frankly I don't know what would be worse seeing apture is the last thing on earth before you die or one of those things although the authorities claimed that no conest fish were found in the pond it doesn't negate the horrors discovered within its murky depths and although they may never be able to identify the blackened and washed out human bones through forensic analysis they were able to confirm that some of those bones belonged to a 17-year-old girl and another one slightly younger the one victim that could be named was Warren Thon chat and through witness testimonies physical evidence and and aachi's own partial confessions we can piece together an accurate story of what precisely happened to Kik in August of 2019 despite apachai denying that he murdered her he did eventually admit that she was accidentally killed it turns out that after growing scared that she might run off with other men he held her captive for several days this allegedly broke into a heated argument between the two and after standing up for herself Kik declared that she wanted to end the relationship and rekindle her relation ship with her previous husband menacingly though apachai was not going to let that happen I have no idea why he had one of these things but with the fear of being abandoned he grabbed her by the arm and forced her into a metal casket which was found in his bedroom locking her inside he or she remained for the entire night but what apachai supposedly failed to realize is that the metal casket was at tight as a result Kik tragically died of Suffocation and by the time apachai released her the following morning she was already dead apachai story didn't seem to free him of any guilt and if anything just seemed to be as own way of shrugging off that guilt of killing someone but upon further investigation and a statement from chaloon it became very apparent that apachai story was not truthful Warren Thorn's autopsy concluded that she had suffered several broken rips which resulted in a collapsed chest cavity which was very different from aachi's story chalow Mion had also claimed that those injuries were from an iron Rod which a CH used against her before tying her wrists and ankles and putting her in the casket according to Chalo Mion he himself had no idea that she was locked inside the casket until the next day when he was offered money to help dispose of the casket and her body and needing that extra cash he regrettably decided to accept the job apachai hoped that nothing would ever come to light after all many women in Thailand's adult industry go missing every single day but now as we all know his luck had finally run out and he wouldn't face prosecution on just murder charges alone as the authorities were sure to extensively search his home for drugs so do you remember the caffeinated methamphetamine he was Distributing well more than 1,000 Jaba pills were confiscated from his property and with these pills containing methamphetamine and caffeine those pills are sure to [ __ ] you up no surprise but Yaba translates to Crazy medicine and Thai it's classed as a category one drug in Thailand meaning that the punishment for producing such a drug could mean the death penalty however since he was only found to possess Yaba pills and there was no evidence of producing them on his property he was less likely to face lethal injection and more likely to face Life Behind Bars throughout court procedings apachai changed his story multiple times one moment he claimed that kakik died from Suffocation and the next it was apparently drug overdose and when her DNA was found on the dumbbell apachai claimed it had fallen on her during the argument one thing is for certain though it is confirmed that Kik suffered blunt force trauma before she passed away which is something that Apachi denies the local media would eventually dub Apachi as the metal casket killer and upon more thorough investigations detectives would realize that several people around apachai disappeared during his time at large this included friends girlfriends and even prostitutes sadly though with a DNA condition so poor any analysis conducted on it could not determine if those people were in fact the ones he' buried which is kind of terrifying if you think about it because we don't actually know how many people apachai murdered I mean he's almost certainly a serial killer but it can't be confirmed as a result he could only be charged with one murder despite the overwhelming evidence that he had likely killed countless others having said that with apachai Behind Bars and his charges so severe it was almost certain that he was to spend the rest of his life Behind Bars so although his other victims couldn't be identified this likely wouldn't have affected his time incarcerated either way the real pain here rests with those families out there who still have a missing relative those families who will never receive the closure they deserve but the one family who could seek closure from this case was K's family distraught by the news they actually demanded compensation for their grief a demand that was fortunately granted as a matter of compensation for their grief and to help cover funeral costs K's mother and brother both received a collective 2.9 Million Bart which is equal to $80,000 or 65,000 one year after the chilling Discovery apachai aniset finally stood trial on charges of murder drug possession and sexual assault with the aid of a firearm multiple Witnesses testified against him with his own family refusing to come forward in his defense one of his ex-girlfriends also took to the stand she told the court about his controlling nature his abusive Tendencies and his physically violent temperament and the woman he assaulted and then bribed in 2019 now felt safe to testify against him further reducing his chance for sympathy from the judge with the overwhelming amount of evidence stacked against him no Witnesses or testimonials in his favor and the very real Prospect of receiving the death penalty apachai aniset pleaded guilty to the murder of Warren Thorn chai chat despite his guilty plea though he denied any other charges but thankfully in January 2021 the judge would overturn this and find him guilty of all charges against him as a result he was given 25 years for drug possession 11 years for assault and a life sentence for murder only narrowly missing the death penalty now I don't really believe in the saying as I've seen plenty of people come out better or worse than their parents but some say the Apple never Falls far from the tree well in this story it really applies because apachai really did fall follow after his murderous father and they both believed they' get away with it both were foolishly overconfident about themselves too but thankfully weren't actually that smart at least now kik's family have received both compensation and closure for their loss but in sad reality neither of these two things come even close to the pain that they have suffered as for the community surrounding Bank many believe that the aniset residence which has now seen countless murders is absolutely haunted and apachai may as well join theist of ghosts in the property because with him now forever Behind Bars he is essentially good as dead anyway folks that covers our story today thank you so much for being here for another video today by Coffee House crime so what are your thoughts on this case to begin with do you think apachai is in fact a serial killer do you think he's capable of being one and with all those disappearances happening around him do you think he is responsible whatever your thoughts are please leave them down below I honestly appreciate comments and I do try and get through all of them a big thank you to to everyone who's bought classified coffeee by the way if you are interested in grabbing a bag then please check the link down below furthermore if you want to get early access to my videos additional content q&as or simply more casual videos from me please check out my patreon and on top of that if you want to see more about me or Nero and our lives and please check out my social media and yeah I think that's the end of the video folks thank you so much for watching today and as always I'll see you again very soon for another video Until That moment arrives though remember to look after yourself look after each other and of course stay safe thank you and goodbye
Channel: Coffeehouse Crime
Views: 958,110
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Keywords: coffeehouse crime, true crime, coffee house crime, crime
Id: W1EvS78BO2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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