The Obsessive Ex that got away with Murder...

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in the year 2012 successful businessman Andrew Bush Finally Found Love with a young beautiful woman however as the months passed by he realized that his new lover was becoming controlling manipulative and obsessive What followed was a turbulent breakup with a strange woman who refused to let him go ultimately if Andrew all of this would end in the worst kind of tragedy a tragedy that would barely be repaid in the eyes of the law but who was Micah kukakova why was she unable to let go of Andrew Bush and what happened to her next good morning good afternoon or good evening folks my name is Adrian and welcome or welcome back to Coffee House crime today we're looking at the disturbing case of mica kukakova if you're new to this channel I post True Crime and strange cases here on a weekly basis so if that does sound like a kind of thing please consider subscribing to the channel and now with that said please grab yourself a coffee pull up a seat and get ready for the Deep dive this is the case of Micah Coca-Cola [Music] foreign house crime map welcome to Costa Del Sol folks now many of us have already heard of this popular holiday destination though instead of murder it's better known for its balmy beaches beautifully historic Mediterranean towns and rugged national parks located near the southern edge of Spain you'd be hard done by to find rain in Paradise like this with that said it is very clear to see why this part of the country brings in more than 13 million visitors each year Never Too Hot yet barely ever too cold Costa Del Sol settles at around 15 degrees Celsius or 59 Fahrenheit in the winter and reaches 29 degrees Celsius or 84 Fahrenheit in the summer the area consists of dozens of coastal towns and communities spread along the coastline all of which keep a steady watch of the albaran sea summertime sun and gorgeous blue skies aside modern shopping malls quaint roads sandy beaches and breathtaking Vantage points provide a world of interest in entertainment and when you finished exploring Paradise for the day the world famous Spanish cuisine awaits now everyone tends to think of paella but personally speaking you would likely catch me necking traditional Spanish donuts and margaritas insteads like much of southern Europe Costa Del Sol has been inhabited for many centuries and has been home to the Romans the byzantines the Muslim taifa of Malaga and eventually the Catholics too since the 1950s and Beyond it has turned into one of Spain's most renowned tourist destinations in fact more than 15 billion euros of holiday makers money was spent here in 2014 alone which to be honest is no surprise at all one of those more affluent tourists went by the name of Andrew Bush and interestingly Andrew wasn't your typical visitor he was a multi-millionaire who owned a gorgeous small mansion in the region however before we get to what generated such wealth let's talk about the man himself Andrew Bush was a British citizen born and raised in the United Kingdom born in October 1965 he was 48 years old at the time this story took place in the year 2014. now Andrew was a very successful businessman from what I could find online he remained the director of his business for 13 long years company documentation states that he resigned in April 2014. though you will soon find out that to not technically be the case slightly perplexing side notes but his company was listed as dormant with all net assets equating to one pound which is slightly odd considering all of the money he seems to have so I'm not sure if something Shady was going on here or not anyway in stark contrast to his company's woefull accounts Andrew really did live a life of wealth and success he owned many luxury cars all of which he kept parked in a five-bedroom four-bathroom Mansion located in Paul Merrick and Wales funny nickname but Andrew was known as the king of bling and this was for a very good reason too the businessman was a jeweler having launched Andrew David's Jewelers several years prior what is known today as the company gold Trader he owned various other businesses too this including a pawn broker a beauty salon and a Luxury Car and Limousine hire company Andrew was described by people around him as a good man and a good neighbor now not much is known about him as a person but he was said to be an excellent leader that at times had a quite forceful personality he had confidence and quite distinctly a clear presence in any room in the mid-90s he married Samantha Mason who at the time was a local news presenter the two had a daughter named Ellie though sadly split up a few years after her birth despite this the couple remained couple and Andrew was said to adora's daughter who now aged 19 worked for him part-time Andrew's business mindset helped feed his ostentatious taste for champagne and expensive cars he owned a red convertible Ferrari and a gray Lamborghini and at one stage she had a Bentley too however it was over in Costa Del Sol that he kept the real Ultimate man's toy a top of the range Hummer vehicle not that this was the only thing he had in Spain because to house and protect it was Andrew's Mansion which he named maranticyle The Mansions located only two minutes away from one of Costa del Sol's beautiful beaches sadly Google Maps hasn't traveled down this road since 2011 so you can only see a view of the mansion in the early stages of its renovation however images taken later would prove it to be a very Grand Home Andrew would visit this place roughly four times a year it sported five bedrooms had a large inviting pool and even an egg chair that overlooked the garden sports cars were stored in the driveway way which of course is where he often kept his beloved Hummer truck along with his red convertible Lotus to complement this rather opulent lifestyle Andrew had a rather indulgent taste in women you see he liked them to be around half his age and was seen as quite a player the word misogynist has been thrown around in quite a lot of the old reports though I can't seem to find out why and really this is more of an opinion than a fact in the winter of 2011 Andrew began to grow close to one of his colleagues who he employed in the jewelry store and this colleague is very important to our case today with long hair a height of five foot five and an age barely half his own this blonde bombshell was a serious distraction to him and her name was Micah coca-colva born on May the 25th 1990 she was 24 years old at the time this story takes place she spent most of her life growing up in the small Slovakian town of Nova besocha with no economy or local businesses the town's population has been dwindling in recent decades just over 1 000 residents currently live here and so you can likely imagine how any kid may have viewed this place her classmates remember Micah as a popular and pretty woman she always wanted to be the center of attention and attracted the hopeful hearts of many of her male classmates Micah's parents were Earnest and hard-working folks not much is known about her father but her mother was a manager for a local Building Society moving into her adult years Michael was sick of her hometown and desperately wanted to leave and recognizing that she had a distinct air of physical attraction she wanted to break into modeling over the course of two years and while dating a man named Peter the pair saved what's money and courage they could to move to the farming City of Bristol England they moved with the promise of photo modeling work however when they got there things didn't quite go to plan their modeling careers either made marginal gains or failed which led to both of them becoming broke rather quickly to supplement her income Micah started working part-time jobs in the city where she became a chef a store clerk and eventually a helper in Andrews shop and this is where she would cross paths with Andrew bush entering one of his stores for work her beauty seemed to do the trick because after having an interview with him he hired her to work in Gold Trader Andrew seemed to like Micah for a cute and innocent personality and as for Micah well she thought very highly of him too as he was wise and Wealthy after all as you can likely guess the two eventually fell in love however there was one problem to all of this Peter was still in the picture and what do you think Micah did with him well she dropped his ass like a sack of potatoes and so thus began a passionate luxurious and strange relationship between Micah and Andrew and over the next two and a half years they would have a lot of fun images taken by the two portrayed the lives of a very fortunate couple they took photos in front of expensive cars on lavish holidays and in fancy clothes life seemed to be pretty peachy however behind the scenes their relationship started to break down relatively quickly with mica more than half his age she was a different generation when it came to energy and maturity where she wanted to go out to drinking go to parties and have them more extroverted type of fun Andrew was always tired from the Relentless work he was putting in as you can likely imagine this ultimately created a rift between the two and cracks began to form now in addition to all of this Mica was beginning to become rather ungrateful she wanted to buy very expensive clothes and jewelry however since she was theoretically broke its men should have to use Andrew's money instead Andrew clocked onto this and grew quite frustrated with her spending habits though foolishly she failed to slow down now this is probably the icing on the cake but to add to the list of concerns Michael was growing obsessive with her partner she wanted to know where he was at all times of the day often stepped over boundaries with his friendships and even tried to see him every passing moment of the day Mica was always worried about Andrew with other women and apparently he couldn't even leave the shop to grab a cup of coffee without her following him now I don't know about you but for me going out for coffee is sacred time to me that's Adrian time and let me tell you nobody gets in the way of that there was one time while in Dubai Micah threw into a raging tantrum at Andrew when he told her that she couldn't buy a new handbag she actually ended up throwing the old one in his face and even stamped on his laptop and this is where the real red flag start to roll in but she actually became so jealous of Andrew's daughter that she removed all family photos from his home replacing them with photos of her own face her jealousy and attention seeking went so far that one day after an argument she handcuffed herself to the bed while Andrew was out before calling him and the police Mica claimed that she'd been overpowered during a robbery and one of those things that had been taken was Andrew's passport thus preventing him to go to the Middle East on business as you can likely guess all of the this was too much for Andrew and eventually he broke things off with the young woman Mike had become too unpredictable too greedy and too problematic now sadly Micah did not take the break up very well and instead she became even more obsessed with him and although she eventually moved back to Nova basacha to live with Peter she still kept a close eye on Andrew you heard me right by the way I did say move back in with Peter the man took her back with open arms and Incredibly the two started dating almost immediately in the meanwhile she began to stalk Andrew online while the two were still together she had discreetly installed the app find my friends on his phone this allowing her to watch his location at all times of the day Andrew had absolutely no privacy and even worse he wasn't aware of it at all to sum up the current situation Micah was in disbelief that the relationship had ended she still messaged Andrew Daley begging him to take her back it became quite clear that she believed that both were destined to be together friends warned Andrew not to take her back they claimed that she was crazy some even referring to her as a psycho X for those that know real Jodi Arias Vibes right here thankfully he didn't but that wouldn't stop Micah from posting videos of herself online begging for Andrew to take her back she made several video montages filled with pictures of them with quotes such as lovers communication us as crazy she also implored Andrew to forget everything bad saying days without you don't have meaning and let's be together forever while Celine Dion played in the background Andrew ignored all of these videos besides he had found a new love anyway Maria corotava was even younger than Micah and at the age of 20 she was 29 years younger than he was the relationship between Andrew and Maria seemed to be a lot more stable and the couple even had plans to move to London after she'd finished her degree Maria was a Russian born singer and writer who also owned a small property business however what life was actually like between the two we will unfortunately never really know as only a few months later everything would change forever April 2014. while stalking her ex-boyfriend through social media Micah realized that he and Maria were preparing to go to his mansion in Costa Del Sol the two are not expected to arrive for a few more days and so Mika concocted a plan unknown to Andrew but she had cut copies of the keys to his Mansion before the two broke up and with him unaware of this she would have the element of surprise on her side on April the 2nd 2014 Micah traveled to Dominica airport in Slovakia before boarding a flight to Malaga Costa Del Sol after arriving she took a taxi to Andrew's Mansion let herself in and waited for him to arrive she stayed in her pajamas lounged around the house and slept in his bed for two whole days when finally just after midnight on April the 5th 2014 Andrew and Maria had finally made it home they had spent the evening by the coast after their flights and unknown to Mica at the time but Andrew had even asked Maria to marry him as soon as Andrew returned on the lights to the main entrance his fiancee sensed that something was terribly wrong women's underwear was hanging on a clothesline near the front door a suitcase was found on the floor and several pairs of high heels were sprawled nearby the two heard a shuffle and that is when they saw her peering up at the top of the stairs they saw Micah standing still looking down at them Maria screamed she ran out of the house as fast as possible and into the Hummer truck closing the door behind her she locked the vehicle after a few minutes Andrew calmly walked outside he said that everything was okay but if she could please call the police and ask them to come quickly now unfortunately Maria's phone was dead however with full confidence that Andrew could fix the problem without the authorities she sat tight and waited Maria sat there for several minutes waiting for her partner to return in the dead of the night however that is when she heard three gunshots rang out after a few seconds of Silence two screams followed followed by multiple loud bangs Maria could only imagine it was a suitcase or something of similar weight and shape watching the entrance to the house one lone figure appears it was Micah and after closing and locking the door behind her she started walking directly towards Maria and the Hummer truck as she approached the driver's door Micah gently told Maria to get out of the truck apparently Android said to her that she could use it to get to the airport what was odds is that Micah appeared to be very common collected which made Maria feel very uneasy and after getting into the Hummer truck she drove off into the distance with Micah gone and no sign of Andrew Maria was petrified about what may have just happened she ran to the front door to check on her fiance however it had been shut and locked using an external socket found in the garden she then charged her phone long enough to call the police however it would take a few hours for them to arrive disappointingly Maria had to walk up the main road to find responding officers as strangely the police could not find where the Villa was located it then took fire surfaces another two hours to find the house and after finally scaling the walls and breaking in they found the motionless body of Andrew he had been shot three times one wound to the arm and two to the heads a 38 revolver was found the scene planted at Andrew's hand and a haphazard attempt to make it look like he'd shot himself however with Maria being witnessed to the night's events that was going to prove very hard to believe since she already knew who Micah was the authorities were able to release an arrest warrant rather swiftly but as mentioned before that was after they'd already lost several hours she had fled using Andrew's Hummer truck which meant that theoretically she should easily be identified however with an engine so beefy it also highlighted that she may have already covered serious ground and so with that in mind an International arrest warrant was released the authorities of Spain Portugal France and Beyond were notified and as you can likely guess this story made International headlines here in the United Kingdom the news of Mr Bling's death brought both shock and Intrigue in the meanwhile Spain was dealing with an active crime scene and rumors and Whispers began to circulate back in Slovakia Maria was kept under the watchful of investigators Andrew's homes were put on lockdown and his family began to process their devastating loss and as all of this was happening Micah's silence lingered on unknown to everyone else at the time but Mike had actually spent the last three days traveling 3 000 kilometers or two thousand miles all the way back home to Slovakia now she actually abandoned the Hummer truck only two miles away from Andrew's Mansion before calling Peter for help and after being told about well everything that was going on Peter then turned full simp mode for Micah he flew over to Spain hired out a rental car and then drove a 2 000 miles back home although her parents initially denied its officers they were actually keeping in contact with her throughout those three days but I guess she realized how doomed she actually was because after getting home and hugging her parents she decided to hand herself into the authorities the entire trip was pointless though because after driving three days in One Direction she was then shipped all the way back to Costa Del Sol where she remained behind bars for her trial if you thought the story was over you are mistaken because Micah wouldn't go down with the clean conscience At first she claimed that she was pregnant with Andrew's child and traveled to Spain to tell him but after arriving at the property Andrew allegedly flew into a fist of Rage apparently the murder was an accident she claimed that Andrew had pulled out a gun aimed it at her face and then said this is where everything ends but after pulling the trigger the gun apparently fails to fire Micah claimed that she then threw herself at him thus causing a physical fight between the two she further claimed that after pulling the weapon off Andrew it suddenly went off which deafened her she then tried to run up the stairs to get away but he grabbed her legs to quote Micah's testimony I didn't realize I still had the gun in my hands I didn't know what happened but I managed to get upstairs and then there was silence and when I went back downstairs he was lying on the ground moving into the legal proceedings of this case the judge would not believe her story maybe if it were not so unbelievable then she would have had a Fighting Chance at claiming it was self-defense however as you and I and everyone else can see there were too many holes in her story to begin with Micah's pregnancy was a complete fabrication she was never pregnant with Andrew's child which therefore eliminated the suggestive motive in addition to this claiming that she couldn't remember taking three shots at Andrew is very hard to believe honestly the sheer audacity of this woman is quite remarkable Micah was also unable to explain how Andrew's body was so far away from the stairs where she claimed that apparently he had grabbed her by the legs after getting shot and as for the gun she'd placed in his hand to make it look like he'd taken his own life yeah Chief try explaining not one but two shots to the head if all of this wasn't enough already the gun was also proven to be illegally sold to Mica with the weapon's serial number scratched off it's probably no surprise that Michael kukakova was found guilty in this story the judge in her original trial expressed his belief that she had acted in a passionate state of mind and so in May 2016 she was sentenced to only 15 years behind bars after five days of deliberation in addition to her sentence the court ordered Micah and her family to pay 200 000 Euros to Andrew's family the equivalent of two hundred nineteen thousand dollars or 176 000 pounds it was learned that due to these legal bills Micah's parents were forced to sell the home in order to help keep their daughter afloat now two wrongs don't make a right but the move was likely a requirement anyway due to their daughter's actions the residents of their Town essentially exiled them and almost everyone refused to acknowledge their existence due to the actions Micah had committed to say that Micah had it easy in prison is a complete understatement her legal bills were paid by her parents she learned new languages behind bars taught other prison as English and even had special access to the prison's swimming pool and unfortunately her easy ride did not stop there although her original sentence was 15 years which by the way is already a pitiful amount for a murderer this was then further reduced to 13. when judges ruled that they are necessarily imprisoned her for breaking into Andrew's holiday home they knocked two years off her sentence but sadly the story gets even worse as after only eight years behind bars for the murder of another human being Micah Coca-Cola was released back into the Free World since then she hasn't wasted any time in living life to the Max and although she is theoretically on parole meaning she cannot leave the country being forced to spend a few years in a Mediterranean Paradise doesn't sound like the most grueling punishment Mica has since returned to social media including apps like Instagram and Tick Tock to flaunt her bikini body on camera it is also reported that apparently she has been pampering herself for beauty treatments all while failing to pay compensation to Andrew's family people have seen her at the gym in nightclubs and even at beach clubs lying on sun beds taking sheepish selfies by the coast and sprawling on the beach nobody would assume this woman often posing as if she were a model was actually a stone cold killer a murderer who ultimately snatched the life of a hard-working and successful businessman now Andrew Bush may have potentially had a problematic habit of dating younger women and with this unfortunately the lack of maturity often comes with the territory either way he never deserves to find himself intertwined with an obsessive controlling psychopath now Andrew seems to have accomplished many things with his life but his personality did not end with his job he was charismatic friendly determined and strong he maintained a good friendship with his ex-wife and was well loved by his daughter both of these women who now miss him dearly It is believed that micro set up home near the city of Seville where she will serve the remaining years of her sentence as a free woman it's quite disgraceful when you think about it if she had any remorse at all then she would be paying back her legal obligations however she hasn't paid a single penny to Andrew's family and instead has been flaunting herself on holiday anyway we don't actually know what she thinks or believes because so far she's rejected every news media interview saying that they have to pay her more if they want to hear her story honestly I feel so sorry for Maria and Andrew's family I feel the same way they do in this case that the justice system has failed them and allowed a remorseless killer to roam free now the Spanish system does tend to be rather sporadic when it comes to sentencing however in Micah's case many claim that maybe she got away with it because she has a pretty face I find this story very similar to that of Jodi Arias and in this case I think it should have received a sentence just as harsh though I guess different story different roles anyway folks I think that just about wraps up our case today thank you so much for being here for another video about coffeehouse crime I really do appreciate it so what do you think about this case do you think that Micah should have got longer Behind Bars and why do you think she was released so early let me know in the comments down below like the video If you haven't yet and please consider subscribing for free it really does help me out just a quick reminder that I'm currently giving away two free coffee machines so if you'd like to check that out please visit my social media you can find me at coffeehousecrime on Instagram or Facebook or at Coffee hate crime on Twitter anyway folks I think that just about does it thank you again for watching and as always I'll see you again very soon for another video Until That moment arrives though remember to look after yourself look after each other and of course stay safe thank you and goodbye
Channel: Coffeehouse Crime
Views: 1,266,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffeehouse crime, true crime, coffee house crime, crime
Id: I931vwAcTLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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