70 (Every) Spider-Man Villains - Backstories Explored - The Mega Spider-Man List!

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foreign over six decades since Spider-Man was created and since then the friendly neighborhood superhero has grown steadily to become one of the most popular superheroes in the world a superhero is only as good as his Rogues gallery and the web Slinger has been challenged by some of the toughest villains in the Marvel Universe Snowden in this video we will explore every single Spider-Man villain to have ever existed from the most well-known to the most obscure before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin power of the Sun in the palm of my hand nothing will stand in our way Dr Octopus Auto Octavius AKA Dr Octopus has been one of the oldest Spider-Man villains and he has shown multiple sides of his character over the years he grew up through a traumatic childhood under an abusive father and he was coaxed by his father to use violence as a means of solving problems he grew up to became a genius nuclear physicist and he developed high-tech mechanical arms controlled by a computer this was supposed to help him in his research but the man was soon blinded by the extreme power of the four tentacle-like arms which got him the name Dr Octopus according to one story arc the mechanized arms got fused to his body after an accidental radiation and even his brain had mutated to give in to this suppressed evil side he took to a life of crime and this eventually brought him her loggerheads with Spider-Man the live-action movies explored his story arc quite thoroughly and the comic books have been quite generous in making his jewels with Spider-Man memorable using the immense power of his mechanized arms he often overpowers the web stinger and Spider-Man has to make use of some smart tactics to give the better of him while he has been majorly portrayed as a notorious super villain Dr Octopus has also been an anti-hero at times and teamed up with Spider-Man for a few missions am I Green Goblin the Green Goblin has been an evil personality adapted by several villains but the Incarnation of Norman Osborne is easily the most memorable one he grew up along with his father who was a failed business investor and Norman was determined to gain wealth and power when he was older however even he was later faced with a prospect of his business going bankrupt and his son Harry's life jeopardized this is when he struck a deal with the devil in exchange for his son's Soul the business started flourishing but he eventually paid the price for his evil deed now he wanted to rule the criminal underworld and he developed the Green Goblin suit with special powers unfortunately the powers also corrupted him and he had numerous encounters with Spider-Man he was among the rare members of Spider-Man's Rogues Gallery who found out his real identity and the live-action movies glorified his character further with William Defoe playing the role later his son Harry Osborne also used the green Goblin Alias and a psychologist named Dr Barton Hamilton became the next person to fall prey to The Temptations of the raw power the Green Goblin had exceptional combat skills used a flying hoverboard and had a variety of weapons and explosives to take down the enemies Spider-Man has been troubled by several notorious costumed villains but few have been as intimidating as the Green Goblin foreign every Spider-Man fan is familiar with a threat posed by the sentient alien symbiote venom has an amorphous liquid-like form and it survives and thrives after bonding with a host body preferably human all the Venom was introduced relatively late compared to some of the other major Spider-Man villains it immediately made an impact and became popular with the fans the first host of this nefarious symbiote was Spider-Man himself and it took some time for the web Slinger to realize that he was turning to his dark side under its effects eventually Spider-Man got rid of Venom but it went on to merge with Eddie Brock the trouble to journalists Venom thrives under the dormant and repressed Dark Side of every individual and adds to the same it gives the individual extreme strength and powers and Venom also have the ability to go undetected by the spider sense this shape-shifting alien symbiotes can mimic the appearance of other organisms and after bonding with Spider-Man it granted the hosts almost all the powers of the superhero however Venom can be vulnerable to powerful sonic waves and fire and this has been utilized by Spider-Man every now and then during their battles although venom has been a nemesis for Spider-Man getting the better of the superhero on countless occasions later on it also shifted its focus to do some good after Eddie Brock Venom also bonded with the likes of Flash Thompson and it has always been fun to witness the chaos and Madness associated with this entity [Music] Sandman the Sandman aka William Baker was a simple man from Queens New York who grew up through a troubled childhood following his father's abandoning the family he developed a fascination with sand and while he was bullied frequently he learned to fight back by slipping through the hands of the tormentors just like sand finally his troubles in school went to the extent where he was expelled and he turned into a violent bitter man he found himself in prison pretty soon but his real transformation happened after he escaped from prison and entered a nuclear testing site on a beach his body bonded with the radioactive sand and his molecular structure went through a permanent change he then acquired new powers and his life of crime made him fight Spider-Man quite frequently the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been kinder to the character and portrayed him as a tragic villain who ended up in his condition while struggling to raise money for his sick daughter he was shown to be responsible for Uncle Ben's murder and had a critical role in the origin story of Spider-Man however Sandman was not essentially evil in the comic books as well and he often allied with Spider-Man when the city faced greater threats after his transformation William Baker could not only change into his sand stage body but he also got superhuman strength and powers of sandblasts only water and extreme heat could make him vulnerable and ever since his Inception Sandman has been a memorable villain in Spider-Man's extensive Rogues gallery [Music] it would seem baffling that someone with no evidence superpowers could pose a serious threat to Spider-Man but Mysteria proved to be an exception his real name was Quentin Beck who was a master of special effects and illusion he worked as a stuntman in Hollywood and when he failed to make it big as an actor he took to a life of crime he managed to frame the friendly neighborhood superhero for a robbery case and he also used chemicals and Technology to outsmart Spider-Man during their fight he also joined the Sinister Six in order to get his revenge on Spider-Man and later story arcs explored his character further as an individual Quentin Beck had no superhuman skills but he uses his skills of magic hypnotism and Stage Illusions to good effects he is also a skilled combatant and uses several equipment and devices to help him fight his enemies in the MCU Mysterio appeared in Spider-Man far from home played by Jake Gyllenhaal and the character tricked Spider-Man into believing in a lie that he had created it took some time for the superhero to see through his Illusions and Mysterio was fought and defeated however the post credits revealed that Mysterio revealed the real identity of Spider-Man to the public before dying making him look like a Public Enemy it took some serious time travel and further complications to fix the wrong and once again his treachery made Mysterio gets Spider-Man into trouble foreign a number of super villains in both Marvel and DC Universe are stemmed from a horrible childhood and morbius is no exception his father abandoned the family and morbius also suffered from a rare blood condition that caused him to be isolated by his friends he was an intelligent young man but after being rejected in love things started going haywire for him he won the Nobel Prize in Biochemistry and an experimental treatment to cure his blood disease went wrong he turned into a Serial vampire who had to consume blood to survive just like a vampire he was also averse to sunlight and had similar Powers he developed fangs and his victims turned into vampires as well his interaction with Spider-Man came at a critical moment in the story arc where Spider-Man had developed six arms and was looking for a cure he soon realized that morbius's blood condition could be a potential cure and after their first fight Spider-Man tracked him down and managed to get some of his blood in a way morbius helped the friendly neighborhood superhero get rid of his strange condition and this notorious super villain also had a few run-ins with the X-Men besides many more future battles with Spider-Man himself apart from his usual vampire abilities Mobius could also hypnotize anyone looking at him directly and religious icons could not deter him like they could affect a regular vampire this ageless living vampire might not be one of the first names that come to mind when we think of Spider-Man villains but he is certainly among the most memorable ones [Music] you're a fish a coward is your idea of a fair hunt Craven the hunter Craven the hunter has been one of the most formidable Spider-Man enemies of all time and for a good reason his character started as a Russian immigrant named Sergey kravenov and he came to the U.S after his Noble family back home was killed during the events of the February revolution in 1917. he went on to become a big game hunter who took down powerful people just as a sport he set his eyes on Spider-Man because defeating him would make him the greatest hunter in the world he used certain jungle herbs to create a potion that granted him insane physical abilities and this portion would enhance his senses to superhuman levels Craven was a fierce Hunter who avoided using Conventional Weapons and took down his enemies with his bare hands he also abided by his own Twisted code of honor because he believed in Fair competition he often underestimated the true powers of Spider-Man and this got him defeated during a few of their fights he was also part of the Sinister Six purely because of his rivalry with Spider-Man but the web Slinger continued to Prevail in one of his story arcs Craven grew frustrated of his multiple failures and shot the superhero with a coma inducing drug before burying him and impersonating him in public however even this time Spider-Man came back to defeat him one last time there have been numerous story arcs featuring this Twisted supervillain and each one of them has been a memorable experience for the readers foreign Carnage just like Venom Carnage is also a deadly symbiote but luckily for Spider-Man the two didn't get along in fact Carnage is as much a nemesis for Spider-Man as he is an arch rival for Venom similar to Venom Carnage is also an amorphous parasitic alien symbiote and needs a human host to bond with while Venom was largely restricted to a few hosts Carnage had several and in many ways this symbiote was a darker and deadlier version of Venom some of Carnage's memorable hosts included the psycho killer Cletus Cassidy Karl malice Norman Osborne and even Gwen Stacy Carnage is regarded as a female symbiotes and even gave birth to an offspring called toxin some versions suggest that Carnage was more powerful than Spider-Man and Venom put together and this was because the Symbiotes to developed on Earth in an alien environment she is capable of planting evil thoughts in the host's mind using a symbiote's tendril and she has shown having all the powers of Spider-Man such as sticking to a wall or climbing tall surfaces effortlessly Carnage also has insane regenerative skills and there have been instances of her recovering after being ripped apart in half Cassidy one of Carnage's primary hosts had mastered the use of this symbiote to his advantage and his many Apple will made Carnage even stronger we believe that Carnage has been relatively underused in the Marvel Universe and there is a lot of scope to develop the character further lizard Dr Curtis Connors was a renowned geneticist until one of his research experiments went terribly wrong he was exploring the ability of reptiles to grow back their missing Limbs and he developed a lizard dna serum which would provide humans with similar abilities however he tested this on himself and turned into a dangerous anthropomorphic lizard Spider-Man initially helped him get rid of this condition but the traits of the lizard remained in his subconscious he would often turn into his lizard form and during these times he lost the usual control of his brain he believed that if allowed to continue one day the lizard form would completely take over and thus he always worked to find a permanent cure for his condition The Reptilian humanoid monster has encountered Spider-Man on countless occasions and many times the webslinger found himself on the wrong side of lizard's personality although most people know him as a recurring Spider-Man villain lizard has also been effective as as a capable Ally especially during his fight against drino in his transformed State Dr Curtis or lizard possessed extreme strength while also portraying significant intelligence he also had lethal's sharp claws and could scale walls quite easily his thick skin made him highly resistant to injuries and the razor-sharp teeth could land a lethal bite on his opponent overall lizard has been a remarkable character in the Spider-Man universe and his fights with Spider-Man have been iconic to say the least Willie you seem angry will destroy you foreign according to commonly used the mafia slang the word Kingpin means a crime Lord and this Marvel character surely lived up to his name he was easily among the deadliest mob bosses in New York City and his crime spree went on to have some superhero enemies such as Spider-Man and Daredevil he started off as a poor kid named Grant Fisk who was always bullied in school because of his obesity but he soon learned to fight back by forming a gang using his training in combat he was spotted by a mob boss who took him in as a mentor but Kingpin turned on his savior in QuickTime besides antagonizing the superheroes Kingpin also had some villainous enemies in the form of Hydra and madcher the infamous groups later he formed a massive criminal coalition to deal with the threats posed by the likes of Spider-Man one-on-one he couldn't stand a chance against the mighty superhero but his evil mind always had some plans to get the better of him he had some memorable face-offs against Daredevil and Punisher as well and he would usually fight them using his hired assassins or Rogue supervillains as we have discussed before his main strength is his intellect and he is also a skilled martial arts fighter the bald obese crime Lord can be highly deceptive and you would be amazed to learn about some of his personal accomplishments in the comic books a recent story arc portrayed him retiring gracefully and for the sake of the character we hope that Kingpin is brought back very soon [Music] foreign with some of the other origin stories of major Spider-Man villains Elektra also comes from humble beginnings he was a man named Maxwell Dillon working as an electrical engineer and line man while he was fixing your power line a sudden lightning caused his body to undergo certain mutagenic changes he became a human form of an electrical capacitor and his powers continued to grow steadily he took the name Electro and embraced a life of crime because he believed that his superpowers would be unmatched when he fought Spider-Man For the First Time The Friendly Neighborhood web Slinger was almost fried to death after touching him he made use of a fire hose to cause a short circuit and defeated him Electro has often disrupted Spider-Man's wall crawling abilities by using electrostatic forces and some of their later interactions haven't been as decisive as the first one in their extensive comic book storyline Electro has messed up Spider-Man multiple times and this creepy super villain has also fought daredevil on a few occasions he could generate powerful bolts of electricity of almost 100 000 volts and the electrical charge also made him super fast and Powerful Jaime Fox's version of Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had a few remarkable fight sequences starring Spider-Man and he recently reprized his role in Spider-Man no way home culture Adrian tubes aka the vulture might be a psychopath but he is also a genius with immense knowledge of Technology he studied as an electronic engineer and developed several incredible devices such as a super powered flight harness after he lost his job under unfair circumstances he turned to a life of crime taking the name vulture he developed an enhanced version of his flight harness which was electromagnetically powered and this allowed him to fly around the harness also enabled him with extreme strength and increased his lifespan instantly he went on to become a feared remorseless killer and his life of crime brought him in conflict with Spider-Man he developed a device to steal Spider-Man's Youth and this left the young superhero in an elderly form while transforming vulture into a young man fortunately the effect soon wore off and their future battles weren't so one-sided Peter Parker also developed a device to counter the powers of the vulture and it worked wonders when activated during Airborne fights and caused him to crash the vulture also proved to have amazing resistance to injuries and some of the Fatal Falls and blows did him little damage besides his powerful Wings vulture also had lethal fangs and Talons he added various other weapons to his Arsenal over the years which made him more versatile and threatening than ever before oh pick on someone your own size Rhino there is no one Ryan it is amusing how so many of the prominent Marvel and DC super villains have been inspired by animals Rhino is another addition to the long list and this character started off as a Russian Thug named Alexi stetsonvich he went through a number of chemical and radiation treatments that were intended to provide him with an armor-like artificial skin the experiments were successful and he not only gained an impenetrable skin but also superhuman Powers he was initially defeated by Spider-Man and sent to jail but there was more of him to come after his sentence was over he went through further augmentations and his strength was increased further now he also had a super durable skin that would make him Invincible but all the modifications did not help him when he faced the Hulk the Rhino suit however became quite a handy weapon during his future fights with Spider-Man besides rhino could also charge at his targets just like a rhinoceros and he could move its super fast speeds the Rhino suit could withstand extreme temperatures and protect him from almost all forms of external attacks the only major drawback for this super villain was a slow reaction time which allowed the likes of Spider-Man to how to maneuver him [Music] chameleon is famously known for being the first major villain encountered by Spider-Man during his journey as a superhero he was a man of Russian Origins named Dmitri smedyakov and from a very young age he showed signs of an incredible talent for disguise he could impersonate just about anyone and his masterful disguise skills made him take the title chameleon he even impersonated Spider-Man and got him framed for his primes but the treachery did not last long and he was eventually arrested later he managed to inspire Craven the hunter to get rid of the web Slinger and in a few story arcs chameleon even took on the likes of Iron Man and Hulk his mental condition worsened after his half-brother committed suicide and he wanted to make Spider-Man suffer the consequences of his pain he even formed an alliance with Harry Osborne the Green Gob but none of his plans ever amounted to something substantial he did however cause a mental breakdown for Spider-Man and he was also one of the few villains to uncover the real identity of Spider-Man as Peter Parker there have been a few morbid versions of chameleon such as the time when he brutally killed his victims and dumped them in an acid bath chameleon was a unique antagonist who started off with almost no superpowers as such but over time his impersonation skills became unbelievably real he made use of certain devices such as the holographic technology enabled computer to be changed into someone at the push of a button dressed like a scorpion where would I be behind you I'd end it now scorpion McGovern who later became scorpion was a private investigator who was assigned the task of finding out how Peter Parker got the best pictures of Spider-Man Peter easily managed to evade the prowling eyes of the detective but his employer Jay Jonah Jameson used gargan as a guinea pig for his new experiment this was supposed to enable him with the powers of a scorpion because the creature is a natural enemy of spiders magogan received a powerful club-like mechanical tale and many other superpowers that made him defeat Spider-Man twice however these experiments also messed with his mind and the predatory instincts of Scorpion soon took over his human sanity he harbored a maddening Vendetta against Spider-Man and attempted to destroy the friendly neighborhood superhero on multiple occasions a solid Blow from his tail landed some heavy damage on his enemies and he also had powerful pincers as a part of his costume which allowed him to tear apart Spider-Man's webbing the Scorpion armor continued to be further developed over the years and his numerous battles with the web Stinger made for some very exciting pages in the comic books a little late for Halloween named hobgoblin and you're right on time for your funeral just like the Green Goblin hobgoblin has been an alias for various super villains across the Marvel Universe one of the first ones was an egotistical billionaire Roderick Kingsley who altered Norman Osborne's formula to improve some of its aspects he took to a life of crime and framed others in an effort to get away he was eventually exposed by Spider-Man which caused him to flee New York but he returned soon afterwards in his hobgoblin Avatar a reporter named Edward Leeds was brainwashed by Broderick and filled in for the evil billionaire as the Hobgoblin during his absence later a petty Thug named Lefty Donovan also showed the results of the goblin formula and troubled the citizens briefly as hobgoblin several other villains have taken up the mantle and a vast majority of them ended up being Spider-Man foes and clashed with superhero the Hobgoblin Powers included an advanced Goblin glider and an array of explosives and weapons that made it an invincible fighting machine is the big shot Hero wall crawler stop let you want a hand a simple crew man on a cargo ship Morris bench was accidentally knocked overboard by Spider-Man unfortunately just as he fell into the waters a powerful experimental generator was being tested and a known radiation and exposure to certain bacteria changed him into the hydroman naturally he blamed Spider-Man for his condition and the sole purpose of his life became the destruction of the web slinging superhero he was defeated by Spider-Man but hydraman was not one to back down so easily in one of the story arcs he combined with Sandman to form a monstrous entity called the mud Thing Once Again Spider-Man emerged victorious in this conflict and hydroman went on to join the Sinister Syndicate a nefarious group of supervillains he also joined forces with a Green Goblin to get rid of Spider-Man but even their best efforts bore no results hydraman might not have tasted much success against Spider-Man but his certainly made for stiff competition for the superhero he had the powers of transforming into a liquid form and this enabled him to access certain small openings and areas that would be otherwise unreachable he could also increase or decrease his mass as he desired and later certain enhancements made him even stronger overall he was always a skilled fighter who deserves to be considered as a serious threat to Spider-Man many of us became familiar with the Shocker from Spider-Man the Animated Series but this iconic villain has been a troublemaker even in the comic book story arcs he was a man named Hermann Schultz who was a high school dropout with Incredible technological skills however he used his talents for crime and became a notorious burglar who was hailed as the world's finest safe cracker after he was caught during his initial attempts developed a pair of gauntlets which allowed him to shoot powerful high frequency air blasts he became known as The Shocker and when he encountered Spider-Man during one of his robbery attempts the superhero Was Defeated over the years he accomplished many of his bizarre plans including holding the entire New York City hostage or trying to ensure permanent youth he allied with various supervillains such as chameleon Dr Octopus and Norman Osborne and most of his conflicts were centered around Spider-Man shocker was quite a colorful character but one of the main reasons behind his constant failure was his paranoia and lack of confidence he was also dependent on his specialized suits without which he was virtually powerless I don't know how you found me Spider-Man but no one's going to find you The Jackal Alias was used by multiple supervillains but almost all of them challenged Cyberman Miles Warren is the best known version of Jackal and he was a professor who taught Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy he had an unhealthy Obsession for Gwen and when she was killed by Green Goblin Warren blamed Spider-Man for her Fates the insane biology Professor turned into the Jackal and ensured some memorable Jewels with Spider-Man he Blended his genes with the DNA of a jackal and this gave him superpowers like heightened strength Speed and Agility this order ego of Miles Warren sported a green suit along with gauntlets with sharp clawed edges on each finger he also trained in combat and experimented in cloning humans not only did he trouble Spider-Man he also set the trap for other major super villains to get the better of him before he learned that Peter Parker was Spider-Man he even held Peter Hostage to bring in in Spider-Man and later he made various attempts to clone Peter in one of the story arcs Jackal captured the superhero but let him go after realizing that Spider-Man was no match for his powers it was later revealed that one of his cloning attempts indeed succeeded and he even gathered a clone army to attack Spider-Man let's do this am I this sworn enemy of Spider-Man was a mobster who dressed up like he belonged to the 1920s his family had immigrated from the Soviet Union to Italy and he always dreamed of growing up to be a gangster he started as a small time Hitman and soon gained a reputation for Rising through the ranks of the mob later he killed his own father because he believed that his abusive parenting led him to become a villain during his tint with the mob he was once battered and bruised with severe injuries to his head a crazy surgeon who had lost his medical license found him and used this opportunity to redeem his glory Hammerhead was operated on and a part of his Broken Skull was replaced with a steel alloy however his only retained memory was of a mob boss from the 1920s and he started behaving like one after he woke up he then clashed with Spider-Man during a gang war and the superhero forced him to leave the country he came back for revenge and even kidnapped aunt made to gain leverage Spider-Man rescued his aunt and slowly Kingpin took over his position in the crime ring of New York Hammerhead continued to appear in various story arcs and even without any notable superhuman abilities he wasn't unique antagonist in the diverse supervillains gallery of Spider-Man [Music] oh hey spider Felicia the Magi are no joke you shouldn't be playing with them oh but I like that it won't be unfair to say that what that woman is to Batman black cat is to Spider-Man across their multiple story arcs black cat AKA Felicia Hardy has been everything from his sworn enemy to his love interest her father was a famous fat burglar and she had a traumatic experience in college where her boyfriend forced himself upon her however she refused to duck down as a villain and trained in combat unfortunately before she could get her revenge her boyfriend died in a car crash and she used her new skills in her burglary attempts during her life of crime she used the black cat costume and right from her first interaction with Spider-Man she felt an unexplained connection with him she trusted him and tried to gain his attention and in return the friendly neighborhood superhero tried his best to undo her criminal record after she proved her true intentions time and again Peter did get into a relationship with her but she started to grow insecure about her lack of superpowers this helped Kingpin layer trap for her and she underwent a procedure that got her bad luck which also affected Spider-Man eventually they broke up and she started robbing the rich to give to the poor in the course of time she fought the superhero led him into traps and their adorable Bond turned into enmity while black cat never had any superpowers she later acquired the ability to cause bad luck to anyone in her vicinity Calypso this voodoo priestess from Haiti posed a serious threat for Spider-Man quite a few times Calypso was a psychopathic woman and she was also associated with Craven the hunter before driving him to commit suicide in a later story arc she was shown to have incredible Supernatural powers which she acquired after sacrificing her younger sister she almost ended up killing Spider-Man before the superhero managed to fight back and she was seemingly killed in retaliation however the Menace soon resurfaced and this time Calypso was after hating in refugees whom she turned into zombie slaves she fought the likes of Daredevil as well but a bitter rivalry with Spider-Man always made for some mouth-watering stories she tried to use her spells on Spider-Man and alyosha but it did not work and she was eventually captured and killed by the latter Calypso's major abilities included her knowledge of the dark arts and she used to totem's Voodoo drums magic portions and various spells to achieve her Sinister plans she could also control the minds of her victims and resurrect to the dead but even with all these Supernatural Powers she never really became more than a serious nuisance for the wall crawler superhero punish The Punisher is regarded as one of Marvel's most popular anti-hero characters but he did find himself on the wrong side of Spider-Man on a few occasions this violent vigilante took out a vicious campaign against Crime where he did not shy away from murdering torturing or kidnapping his victims it all started after a mob violence killed his wife and two children and The Punisher became known for his unforgiving brutal methods since he was part of the United States Marine Corps he was a trained soldier and he was a master of using various deadly Firearms while you might rightly think that he is not a villain for Spider-Man to take down his actions often indicated otherwise the righteous Spider-Man did not approve of his methods and this brought them on opposing sides of a few intense Jewels besides the character of Punisher started off as a proper villain and he was once sent to New York to kill the Webhead superhero he has been a valuable Ally to Spider-Man as well but during the times when they traded a few blows he won a fair share of those fights back alone there's a poem in there somewhere you know better in me George Stone Lonnie Thompson Lincoln had a troubled childhood where he suffered extreme bullying by his peers soon the torture and Trauma pushed him to a life of crime and he became the big bully himself extorting others for protection money he went on to become a hitman and gave himself the appearance of a vampire to take his enemies by surprise he grew through the ranks of the criminal underworld and became known as tombstone he became one of kingpin's finest Hitmen and eventually he crossed paths with Spider-Man the Rivalry did not go as he had expected and the friendly neighborhood superhero soon defeated him and turned him in he soon broke out of prison and this time when Spider-Man apprehended him Tombstone wasn't going to be taken down easily in fact he almost beat Spider-Man to death before he was betrayed by an old friend exposure to an experimental gas caused his body to undergo some changes and his strength and other abilities grew to superhuman proportions he worked alongside other notable Spider-Man villains like Green Goblin but his consequent interactions with the superhero did not get him too many victories Mr negative a Chinese immigrant named Martin Lee tried to move to the U.S but he got up on a slave ship and a mob boss named silvermane turned him into a test subject an experimental drug was used on him and it gave rise to two distinct personalities Mr negative a ruthless Grime Lord who seeks to take over New York City and Mr positive a philanthropist who cares for the poor this dissociative personality disorder ensured that Mr negative did not have a shred of conscience or goodness but eventually it was closed that the man was aware of both his personalities Mr negative once tried to kill Spider-Man with a special formula called devil's breath but the web-slinging superhero escaped unhurt by holding his breath long enough he tried to destroy the superhero on a few other occasions and Mr negative also fought the likes of the Punisher his appearance was that of a photographic negative and he possessed superhuman apart from his ability to mind control others and use energy to charge various weapons around him with a very naughty boy let him go after his failed coup while Mephisto is mainly associated with Silver Surfer and Johnny Blaze one shouldn't forget that he was the one behind the transformation of Norman and Harry Osborne into the Green Goblin this demonic entity pulls their Satan and performed various rituals to achieve certain traits of the dark Forces he usually struck a deal with his victims in order to take over their souls and Mephisto has been a constant figure in Marvel Comics for decades besides creating Superman's greatest enemies he also clashed with Peter Parker's superhuman form on a few occasions and even struck a deal with a Spider-Man from Another Universe this powerful demon possessed astonishing magical powers and he was an immortal who could manipulate the forces of nature he was a shape-shifter and had the ability to alter time and dimensions when he wanted his regenerative Powers were extreme and he would acquire souls and continue to grow stronger even if his physical form got destroyed he would still continue to exist and come back in another form home he has been one of Marvel's deadliest super villains of all time and it would have been even better if we got to see more of his face-offs against Spider-Man living brain the initial version of the living brain was an extremely Advanced supercomputer created by Dr Petty it was being demonstrated at Midtown high school and it was claimed that the machine could give the answer to just about anything one of the students asked the machine about the real identity of Spider-Man as Peter Parker watched in horror luckily the living brain answered in a code that could not be deciphered two workmen who were transporting it wanted to use the device for gambling purposes and a tussle broke out which caused the machine to malfunction it went on a violent Rampage before Spider-Man swooped into action and shut it down several years later the living brain is modified by Dr Petty's son and the Machine gets clawed hands and the ability to fly around he built the machine to deal with a bully and once again Spider-Man had to step into control the living brain going rogue the main powers of the living brain lie in its analysis abilities and deduction skills it was built with a durable metal exoskeleton and rotating Limbs and later it was given sharp claws and flight abilities making it a deadly fighting machine in one story arc the living brain ended up defeating the Avengers with its intelligence and it was one of Spider-Man's smartest villains without a doubt no tinkerer an old man is hardly what you would imagine as a dreaded Spider-Man villain but tinkerer ensured that all doubts were kept aside when they faced off he was a man named Phineas Mason who was famously known for his Innovative inventions and designs of some really cool Weaponry he got the name terrible tinkerer in his business and he ran an underground shop under the guise of a radio repair store he also used radios to spy on important States officials to Blackmail them and during his fight against Spider-Man he was seen getting away in a flying saucer looking Hovercraft in typical Green Goblin style he also developed an advanced robot called the toy which was used to fight Spider-Man besides his direct conflicts with the superhero he also allied with the likes of Kingpin and helped Mysterio develop his suit he was associated with a few other supervillains like the vulture and later his son Rick Mason became an Infamous mercenary the main power of tinkerer lies in his incredible intelligence and inventions he specialized in weapons and although his old age limits his physical capabilities he makes up for such shortcomings with his deadly devices good man when you first look at Frederick Foxwell a quiet but dutiful reporter working for Daily Bugle you wouldn't really imagine a mob boss however the man led a secret double life as the big man who was the leader of an Infamous group called The enforcers in order to maintain his secret big man dressed up in oversized goats and a mask with giant boots to conceal his real appearance he tasted some success in the criminal underworld but his success story was interrupted after he locked horns with Spider-Man the friendly neighborhood superhero proved to be more than a match for the man and the entire group of enforcers is captured by the police with Spider-Man's help after serving time in prison he was rehired by The Daily Bugle boss and in gratitude he intended to work Faithfully This Time Around by this time crime master and Green Goblins Alliance had wreaked havoc across the city and phoswell was curious to learn about how Peter Parker was always getting the best photos of Spider-Man later when Kingpin took over as the new Crime Boss he wanted to regain his position as the big man but it was too little too late for Frederick Foxwell he eventually succumbed to a bullet wound and now his daughter would be up in Revenge crime Master there have been quite a few remarkable villains who posed as the crime Master over time but the first one to embrace the Alias was Nicholas Lewis senior AKA lucky Lewis he was a masked criminal who wanted absolute control of all his crime gangs operating in New York while Spider-Man naturally became one of his arch Rivals he was also opposed by the likes of Green Goblin especially after he discovered the real identity of the supervillain to be Norman Osborne the police were stripped off about his location and eventually got killed in the gunfight his son Nick Lewis Jr took up the mantle because he blamed Spider-Man for his father's death he teamed up with Janice phoswell the daughter of big man and after accidentally killing her he turned himself in later the likes of Bennett Braun also joined the ranks of crime master and once again his Sparks led him into fighting Spider-Man alongside many other supervillains in one of the story arcs crime Master teamed up with Green Goblin as well in an uneasy partnership but they kept betraying each other and eventually he was killed this particular super villain was not really super powered but important alliances and control of the underworld made him a potent threat for the web-slinging superhero iguana iguana was a result of some flawed experiments conducted by Curtis Connors the biologist who had turned himself into the lizard while trying to get rid of his condition he tested a new innovator on an iguana but the results turned the creature into a deadly mutated form it had the memories of the lizard and the mutant power which made it an adversary for both the lizard as well as Spider-Man however lizard and iguana were quick to form an alliance against the superhero and made life difficult for the web Stinger finally iguana was defeated by Spider-Man who used the innovator to increase the iguana's powers to infinite proportions this in turn decreased the effect of the lizard and Curtis Connor's condition was healed the abundance of powers almost made iguana explode and later it turned back to its original harmless form however this wasn't the last we saw of iguana and he was back to fight Spider-Man at the Central Park Zoo a few years later he tried hypnotizing the superhero but failed causing one more of his failures the powers of iguana included extreme strength sharp claws a powerful tale and an almost a Bulletproof Skin he could also hypnotize people by looking straight into their eyes but the tactics did not work with Spider-Man Spencer Smythe how long does it take for genius scientists to turn into ruthless super villains in the Marvel Universe well for the likes of Spencer Smythe the researcher of arachnids and Robotics the transformation came rather quickly when he chose the life of crime to continue his experiments he developed high-tech robots that were capable of tracking spiders he was hired to capture Spider-Man a robot went after the wall crawling through superhero and Spider-Man barely managed to escape by leaving his suit behind with the robot this provoked Spencer Smythe even further and he made his robots more evolved and called them spider Slayers however all his robots had a key flaw which was exploited by Spider-Man to defeat them every single time Spencer Smith had a tragic end to his career after he got exposed to radioactive materials during his experiments this meant that his death was supposed to be painful and he was helpless blaming Spider-Man for his fate in a last ditch effort he handcuffed Spider-Man with Jameson the man who hired him and planted a bomb with them which would explode within 24 hours unfortunately he passed away before he could watch his enemies destroyed and Spider-Man found a way to Defuse The Bomb but the legacy of Spencer Smythe wasn't completely gone and now his son Alistair Smythe took over the mantle robot Master gaunt while robot Master agent is regarded as one of the most terrifying Marvel villains of all time he started off as a scientist named Professor Mendel storm who worked for Oscorp Industries one of his major experiments included the magical chemical that turned Norman Osborne into the Green Goblin meanwhile Norman found out that the professor was embezzling funds and turned him over to the cops once he was found out he wanted revenge and used some lethal robots to try and kill Norman Osborne Spider-Man stepped in and foiled his plans and it looked like the man died of a heart attack shortly thereafter however he had already planned in advance for his death and his Spirit was transferred to a robotic body double this became the robot master and in a remarkable storyline he clashed with Spider-Man only to be defeated by the superhero later he returned in a cyborg form called the gaunt and Osborne tried to believe that he survived the Fatal heart attack because of the Green Goblin formula that he invented mendelstorm continued in his efforts to kill both Norman and Spider-Man and he even sent a sentinel robot for the job unfortunately for him none of his plans succeeded and he was perceived as one of those super villains with a lot of potential but very little impact as a scientist he was extremely skilled with robotics and chemistry and as gaunt he developed an enhanced physical form that was studied with various defense systems his head connected to a cyborg body was as creepy as it was powerful and he introduced further upgrades to his abilities such as laser projection and the power of flight kill Blackie this will be over soon maybe you told the wrong guy to chill Mountain Man molten man might have started his journey as a dreaded Nemesis of Spider-Man but he redeemed himself and refrained from his evil ways with time he was initially a man named Max raxton and his scientific skills were never appreciated at Oscar where he was a lab assistant for Spencer's Smythe when the latter invented a new metallic alloy to be in his robotic Creations the spider Slayers Mark tried to steal the product and accidentally spilled it over himself he was initially scarred for his life after his skin turned golden and absorbed the liquid alloy but soon he discovered that he now had certain superpowers as molten man he was not just extremely powerful but also invulnerable to damage even Spider-Man's webbing kept slipping off his frictionless metal skin he could also generate powerful Flames which could turn his enemies to ashes he picked certain criminal activities for monetary games and Spider-Man had to step in to stop the criminal from becoming worse he was imprisoned once but his cat and mouse game with law continued ensuring further face-offs with a wall crawling superhero over time molten man's condition became worse and the metallic skin started to consume itself he tried to find a cure desperately and finally during one of their fights he was knocked into a swimming pool which helped his metallic skin cool down although he was taken to a special prison for super-powered criminals he turned a new Leaf after his release he went on to repent his crimes and even allied with Spider-Man becoming his trusted friend Luther growing up as a poor scientist Norton G Fester was thought of as a crackpot by his colleagues but his fortunes changed after he discovered a mysterious meteor that had crashed into the Earth while experimenting on the meteor he accidentally Unleashed a strange gas from the object and it changed his physical Powers immensely all of a sudden he developed extreme strength and Agility there have also been instances where he could grow in stature by drawing from high energy sources and his powerful giant leaps made him a flower opponent for Spider-Man he immediately made the decision that these Powers would turn him into an Unstoppable criminal and embraced his dark side he took the name luta and he became a notorious robber gaining wealth and slipping past the cops every time however he required more of the meteor to continue and enhance his superpowers and during one such attempt he met some resistance from Spider-Man the friendly neighborhood superhero defeated him in a fascinating duuro that took place in a hot air balloon he went on to face the likes of Nighthawk in Spider-Man quite frequently but his success story had come to an end can't let you go back out there let Krieger and the tinkerer kill each other Hobie Brown was an Angry Young African-American teenager who got into trouble for his temper issues quite often he was fired from his job and eventually decided to dress up as a super villain to steal certain items he would then return the stolen goods in his original appearance trying to get a good name for himself he dressed up in a green and purple costume and once tried to rob the entire payroll of The Daily Bugle he got into a scaffold with Peter Parker who couldn't fight him with all his might because that could give away his secret identity during this fight Peter was thrown out of the window by Hobie and barely managed to save himself using his Spider-Man abilities meanwhile Hobie was traumatized by the extent of his actions and soon he was apprehended by Spider-Man in a one-sided fight however Spider-Man soon realized that the young man was not essentially evil and just a misunderstood fellow he wanted to give him a chance and spared him from the cops Hobie turned the new leaf and gave up his life of crime and even assisted the superhero on a few cases by imperson him to protect his secret identity there have been many interesting story arcs featuring the prowler some showing him as Spider-Man's adversary and others playing more to his good side although he was quite a capable fighter he had no apparent superpowers and used the advantage of his cool inventions such as the steel tipped gauntlets to climb walls and rubber insulated boots to absorb shocks in order to have an edge intricate situations finisher The Finisher AKA called fears belongs to a wealthy family infamously known for its amoral ways he took up the life of an assassin simply because of the challenge and thrill that came with it and he went on to work for the false Red Skull he killed a couple of CIA agents including Richard and Mary Parker and many years later he finally faced off against their son Peter Parker or Spider-Man the fight was short-lived for finisher who failed to finish off the web Slinger with his array of missiles the same missiles exploded after being led back by Spider-Man and he appeared to have been killed in the explosion he survived the blast but was never the same again he continued with the Sinister plans but they lacked the impact that he could have in his prime finisher did not have any superpowers and his main assets were his technological advancements and high-grade weapons that came with his suit unfortunately this also meant that he was helpless without the technological backup and Spider-Man made a quick meal of him during their encounter silvermane Maggio was one of the most feared crime syndicates in the Marvel Universe and silvermane was one of their prominent members his real name was Silvio Manfredi and he got the title Silverman because of his white silver-like hair although he started his journey with a career in Magic he went on to form his own crime ring he was first seen in Marvel Comics when he forced Dr Kurt Connors to make him a potion that would make him Immortal however he soon clashed against konas's Alter Ego the lizard and Spider-Man even though he managed to gulp down the serum quickly the potion did turn him younger but the problem was that the process did not just stop at that he continued to grow younger until he became an infant and finally disappeared completely in another appearance he forged an alliance with Hydra as a mob boss in the magia ranks he fought Daredevil Nick Fury and shield and there were some memorable battles with Spider-Man as well he also worked with prominent supervillains such as Kingpin and hammerhead even without any prominent superpowers he was a highly skilled combatant and his intelligent plans often spelled doomed for far superior opponents in one of the story arcs his brain and vital organs were transported into a robotic body and this gave him a certain superhuman capability he was still vulnerable because of his organs but he became more of a threat to the superheroes kangaroo as you can imagine a super villain named kangaroo would have been incredible in his leaping abilities and the presumptions will not be disappointed the first one to take up the Alias of kangaroo was Frank Oliver who was a researcher specializing in kangaroos in Australia he developed a special leaping ability like the animal over time after coexisting with them for years and Frank used his powers to step up his game in the boxing ring he also gained super speed and reflexes which made him a fierce fighter and ended up unfairly enduring one of his opponents during one of the fights to avoid criminal charges he fled to the United States and the authorities quickly nabbed him for illegal entry after he was detained Frank Broke Free and took up a life of crime as the supervillain kangaroo he encountered Superman during one of his robbery attempts and although the superhero recovered the robbed items Frank managed to flee Dr Jonas Harrow a disgrace surgeon and scientist helped him get additional superpowers with an air jet enhanced leaping and punching ability this time around Spider-Man found it tough against an opponent who was well matched in strength and abilities but finally kangaroo died a tragic death after being exposed to radiation Brian Hibbs took up the kangaroo identity after Frank but even he had no luck while fighting the Webhead superhero man Mountain Marco Michael Marco no known infamously by his Alias man-mount Mountain Narco was a member of the dreaded Maggio organization initially he was a loyal assistant to silvermane and when he thought that Dr Curtis Connor had killed silvermane he led a fierce attack on him Dr Connor was saved by Spider-Man who defeated Marco in a quick fight however the later story arcs bring about a stronger version of Marco it was revealed that maggia altered him genetically and made him way more powerful he also used the steroids and worked out vigorously for his mountainous build and strength he has been a part of the popular Civil War storyline where he fought alongside several other supervillains gathered under Hammerhead Iron Man and shield agents proved to be more than a match for this villainous group and they were all defeated Marco also faced off against Spider-Man 2099 and worked with one of kingpin's minions briefly man Mountain Marco possessed superhuman strength and stamina which almost matched Spider-Man whenever the two fought each other all his powers came from genetic alterations and still steroids and he also had a strong resistance to deadly attacks on him given Martin black was actually a mutant with a polite structure and abilities which got him the name Gibbon his earlier life saw him as an acrobat working in a circus wearing a gibbon suit and he started off admiring Spider-Man when he wanted to be a partner to the wall crawler Spider-Man laughed it off and Martin started believing that everyone around him considered him to be a freak meanwhile Craven the hunter took notice of his talents and brought him under his wing his strengths and Powers were enhanced and he was also given the herb broth that provided him with an animalistic rage it was still not good enough to defeat Spider-Man who made quick work of the ape-like mutants he was sent to prison but his obsession with Spider-Man continued there have been a couple of times where he actually helped the web Slinger fight his enemies but he has been largely seeking revenge for his past humiliations he joined the ranks of other lesser super villains but even their combined efforts were defeated by Spider-Man eventually he sold his Gibbon costume and later an unnamed criminal was seen donning the suit apart from his given-like appearance he also possessed super speed agility and superhuman strength and following the enhancement by Craven the Hunter he was definitely a villain who could have a more serious story arc around him John Jonah Jameson the third has been a constant presence amongst the notable Spider-Man antagonists and his story is quite a fascinating one he was the son of the publisher of The Daily Bugle and ironically enough this Spider-Man villain was actually saved by the superhero he was an astronaut and when his craft malfunctioned it was the friendly neighborhood superhero to the rescue later he was infected by spores that enabled him with super strength and also took a toll on his mind his father coxed him to fight Spider-Man and he used a special suit to fight the superhero he initially took the title of Colonel Jupiter but he turned into man wolf after he was transformed into a lycanthropic entity Mobius the living Vampire made use of his condition and he had some memorable run-ins with Spider-Man over the years however many of the story arcs actually portray him as an ally and he even convinced his father to let go of his hate for the superhero he started off as a talented astronaut and space pilot and later he gained Supreme strength to turn into a lethal fighter he also grew more violent and as the man wolf he also had an insanely Supreme healing Factor just like a traditional werewolf his appearance in Spider-Man the Animated Series is still remembered by the fans dog Gog was one of the last surviving members of an alien species who was discovered by Craven the hunter in his crashed spaceship he took in the juvenile Gog and trained him as his pets however soon Gog grew into a gigantic size and Craven the hunter plans to use him to conquer Savage land he uses Gog to fight Spider-Man and karzar and the web Stinger managed to defeat gorg by dragging him into a quicksand to where he sank he was was saved from this near-death situation by plunderer who went on to use him as his servant Gog was sent to steal the super soldier's theorem from New York and when the plan fails Gog flees to another dimension later he was taken in by Dr Octopus but Heroes like Mr Fantastic and solo defeated him yet again he was never really shown to be a creature of supreme intelligence but Gog managed his shortcomings with his insane strength he also had some specialized bracelets that enabled him to travel through Dimensions unfortunately he couldn't really think for himself or strategize and most of his story arcs show him as a sidekick or tool used by other super villains to accomplish their missions schema AKA Richard Fisk was completely unaware of the real profession of his father for a very long time he grew up in a wealthy family and even though his father was occasionally abusive he still loved him like a dutiful son later he realized that his father was the notorious Kingpin or Wilson a dreaded crime Lord he realized that the luxuries that he enjoyed as a child were only because of criminal activities and he was determined to make amends for his father's crimes he faked his death in a skiing accident and Kingpin believed it to be suicide and fell into depression soon a mysterious gang led by schema emerged in New York this organization was only focused on destroying kingpin's Empire and finally Kingpin got to know that his own son was after ruining his flourishing crime business the shock was too much for Kingpin to bear and after he went into a catatonic State Richard blamed himself for his father's condition he even joined Hydra and used their resources to return Kingpin to Good Health he eventually vowed to strengthen his father's organization and exchanged a few blows in fear spouts with Spider-Man he fought as his Alias Rose who wore a bulletproof suit but had no apparent superpowers apart from basic weapon skills and combat abilities Grizzly Maxwell Markham was a famous wrestler who was known for his brutal tactics which often left his opponents severely injured Jay Jonah Jameson wrote a scathing editorial demanding investigation on the matter and his license was revoked after years of struggle he obtained a sturdy exoskeleton which combined wonderfully with his immense strength he attacked The Daily Bugle office to get his revenge on Jameson but Spider-Man saved the day and defeated the fierce fighter he later tried to team up with Jackal to defeat the superhero but he had no luck once again and was sent to prison after an upgrade of his exoskeleton he demanded to take on the spider costume superhero yet again and this time Spider-Man faked his defeat to give him the satisfaction of not being a loser however this did not end his urge to get revenge and he joined the Spider-Man revenge Squad with others like Gibbon kangaroo and spot he teamed up with many others in his future endeavors but the super villain had no major success to show for against Spider-Man whilst he was already extremely strong as a wrestler the grizzly costume gave him sharp claws and fangs to add to his capabilities the exoskeleton also made him durable to any normal attacks against him tarantula a few super villains have used the code name tarantula but Anton Miguel Rodriguez was the first one to use the Alias he was a violent revolutionary in a South American Republic and switched allegiances with the fascist government after his organization brought false allegations against him later he started a criminal career in the U.S as Karen tiller and after hijacking a ferry service on Hudson River he was apprehended by Spider-Man after being defeated and thrown into prison by Spider-Man tarantula swore revenge and escaped the prison cells shortly thereafter he was hired by an evil Corporation to kill Spider-Man and they injected him with a specialized serum to give him superpowers the experiment was interrupted by Willow the Wisp and tanentula transformed into a gigantic spider-like creature in his mutated form he fought Spider-Man yet again and this time he proved to be more than a match for the superhero but he soon realized the true horrors of what he had turned into and jumped off at all building and begged the cops to shoot him dead he was killed and spared of his miseries but later a man named Luis Alvarez used his name to serve as a government agent for his country he also tried to assassinate Spider-Man but his plans failed just like his predecessor a few others took up the mantle of tarantula following his demise but almost all of them had brief run-ins with Spider-Man William Turner was born as a freakish mutant for some incredible Powers he could drain mental and emotional energy from those around him his vampiric psionic feeling accidentally got his mother killed and turned his father into an emotional wreck who committed suicide William was traumatized by the loss and he wasn't truly aware of his mutant Powers until much later it was revealed that his condition resulted from an experimental compound that was tested at the hospital where he was born he was sent to an orphanage where he protected himself against the bullies using his powers he was called the mindworm and William educated himself to turn into a genius despite all the hate that he received he fed off people's emotions in New York City to sustain himself but failed to feed off Peter Parker he tried to physically attack the superhero but Spider-Man was far too powerful and landed a severe blow to his head finally he realized that his criminal Bend of Mind came from a terrible childhood trauma and he became friends with Peter Parker there have been times when various criminals misused his mental condition Spider-Man tried to have his back every time but finally he was killed by a gang Goodwill Marvel never ran out of innovative new villain ideas and big wheel was another outrageous addition to their extensive Rogues Gallery the first antagonist to ride around in this massive metal wheel was Jackson wheel an unethical businessman accused to fund's embezzlement in a state of despair he sought help from tinkura who devised him the gigantic metal fitted with guns and other weapons it was capable of scaling buildings or driving around and Sanctuary inside the wheel was like being inside a tank he fought Spider-Man armed with a big wheel but after a fierce battle the wheel was thrown into the river and Jackson wheel was presumed to be dead another story arc revealed that he had survived and suffered the consequences for his crimes he was now an ally of Spider-Man willing to change his criminal ways after Jackson Another unnamed operator used the big wheel briefly before Spider-Man brought him down it wasn't exactly Spider-Man's most suspected villain because the giant metal wheel lacked any superpowers but the character of Jackson wheel did have an intriguing origin story human fly Richard Deacon was the first one to become the human fly the result of an experiment where the genetic coding of a housefly was imprinted on him Richard was initially a small time Thug and Spider-Man ruined one of his kidnapping attempts following which he was shot by the police he then volunteered to be a part of the experiment and finally his bullet wounds were healed and he was even given enhanced Powers but it was still not good enough to fight a seasoned superhero like Spider-Man who took him down like sweating a flower AI his mutations continued and his behavior started becoming more like a fly he would eat garbage develop other physical changes and had a few more run-ins with the friendly neighborhood superhero over time his powers started decreasing and he was captured by Spider Woman his revenge attempts never succeeded and Richard went down being inferior to Spider-Man and all other superheroes that he encountered some of his unique powers including the compound eye that allowed him to see in all directions his powerful vibrating wings that could send shock waves and the ability to fly around and scale walls his acidic vomit could dissolve metals and he also showed signs of mild regenerative abilities Willow the Wisp before turning into the notorious Willow of the Wisp Dr Jackson arvad worked as a physicist who had developed an uncanny control over electromagnetic attraction this enabled him to make adjustments to the density of his body and his abilities were then used for crime by his employer Jonas Harrow most of his Misadventures however were prevent by Spider-Man and Willow the Wisp took over killer strike's powerful battle suit to enhance his abilities in the Civil War story arc Willow the Wisp was seen yet again among the supervillain Army amassed by Hammerhead Iron Man and shield made quick work of the entire group and he was defeated just like his previous Endeavors Willow the Wisp had also developed superhuman strength apart from his ability to manipulate his physical body he could fly around at subsonic speeds and during these flights he looked like a glowing sphere which got him the name besides Jackson arvard was a brilliant scientist himself and his genius mind was always an asset in his criminal activities slide a chemical engineer named Jerome Beecher created a special non-stick coating that could be applied to just about anything but his invention was not valued by his employers after being fired Jerome created a special costume that was coated in this substance and he decided to use this specialized suit to rob banks he could effortlessly slide across floors and this got him the name slide he had super fast speed and it was almost impossible to catch him under normal conditions he also added a few pads on the suit so that he could grip objects and even Spider-Man's webbing could not affect him in his special costume in one of his story arcs he planned the bank robbery only to experience a one-on-one encounter with Spider-Man he was defeated and captured by the cops but he seemed content about giving a tough time to the web Slinger later he was seen in the Civil War story arc when he was made a part of a group called The Hero Hunters one of hammerhead's minions killed him for refusing to join his call and it was intended to send a message to others who hesitated to join after his death an unknown person took up the name slide and later yet another blue version of slide could be seen fighting Spider-Man Alastair Smythe he was the son of a notable Spider-Man villain Spencer Smythe who had spent his entire life trying to get rid of the superhero Alistair shared his father's hatred for Spider-Man and he developed some enhanced spider Slayers which were actually Advanced robots designed to kill the superhero he failed to get the job done and after being defeated by Spider-Man he joined Kingpin briefly until it clashed with his ultimate goal in mind he also enhanced his physical abilities by covering his body in a bio-organic carapace and it became a powerful armor for him besides he had previously lost the ability to walk and this adjustment allowed him to function better than before the new structure provided him with bird-like talons curved blades from each shoulder and smaller blades on each arm he even designed himself a web shooter fitted on his forearm to be an even match for Spider-Man he was still defeated but is urged to get revenge brought him at loggerheads with the superhero on a few other occasions sticks and stone Jacob icon was a homeless man who was approached to participate in the testing of some new pharmaceutical products they did not warn him about the risks and lured him into being a human guinea pig for a good pay what Jacob did not know was that one of the scientists was pursuing his own research on human immunity to cancer through a controlled exposure to the deadly disease the mutated cancer compound injected in Jacob did give him immunity but he became a deadly mutant a living cancer cell who could kill anyone merely by touching them it also altered his mind and he took up the name sticks with an unhealthy Obsession towards death the head of the research firm that hired him Gerald Stone felt guilty about his condition and wanted to find a cure however they both ended up being deadly mercenaries named sticks and stones and they did way more than break your bones a later story arc suggested that stixx's condition had worsened and he was now a massive rock monster Sticks and Stones fought Spider-Man in a grueling combat but they were both defeated by the superhero sticks in particular was a creepy and terrifying villain who believed that killing people enabled him to release them from all their troubles he gave off strong serial killer Vibes and it is a Pity that the creators did not feature him and stone in more intense storyline lines gray Goblin if you thought there could be nothing worse than Green Goblin you clearly did not know about Gabriel Stacey AKA gray Goblin he was the cloned son of Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborne and he along with her sister Sarah was subjected to some strange genetic experiments it was all a cunning Ploy by Harry Osborne to make his father and Peter Parker suffer and he even manipulated their memories to make them think that Norman Osborne was their real father both Gabriel and Sarah suffered from accelerated aging and they were both fed lies about Peter Parker being their real father when they were older they sought revenge on Spider-Man and despite his attempts to convince them Gabriel still wanted him dead for abandoning them when he later found out that Spider-Man wasn't lying he injected himself with a goblin serum and donned a gray version of the suit surprisingly he still wanted to kill Spider-Man and the web Stinger was saved by Gabriel's Sister Sarah he also had a few run-ins with Harry Osborne from whatever little we have seen of him in the comic books gray goblins seemed deadlier than Green Goblin variant with the same powers only in a greater magnitude Morlan Ezekiel was a man with similar Powers as Spider-Man and he warned the web sling out that people like him who acted as a two term between a man and a creature had many sworn enemies soon more land showed up and according to Ezekiel Moreland had existed timelessly to destroy all totem-based forces like Spider-Man slowly Moreland started stalking and tormenting Spider-Man and even his Spider Sense often failed to detect him around their fights were shockingly one-sided where the webslinger's best efforts always ended up falling short even when he tried to flee Moreland always managed to trace him and it seemed like a doomed cat and mouse game for Peter Parker after Consulting Ezekiel Peter lured molan into a nuclear power plant and got exposed to radiation so that Moreland would be burned under the impact eventually Spider-Man got the better of him as he steadily disintegrated and finally his own Minion shot him and made him crumble to he has plagued Spider-Man in various memorable comic book story arcs and each time it was an extremely difficult task for the superhero to fight The Entity that drained his life force more Lund could suck the life force by mere physical contact and also had superhuman abilities to make him a powerful combatant he was technically indestructible and thus it can be presumed that molan is still lurking around waiting to prey on Spider-Man shatra was a dreaded Cosmic entity who turned into a wasp-like dark goddess and had a particular dislike for spiders when she found out about Spider-Man she immediately perceived him as the perfect meal for her young ones and she followed him to earth when she first clashed with Spider-Man it was immediately clear that she was far more Superior and the dark goddess made life difficult for the superhero since he was well versed with the city he briefly managed to escape but shatra would always track him down she laid a trap for him by posing as a human who was his jilted lover and on a live interview angered by fake hello allegations Spider-Man crashed into the interview to attack her but this is exactly what she wanted he was almost paralyzed and rendered mindless by her toxins and eventually Ezekiel came to his rescue together they set a trap for shatra and finally Spider-Man got rid of his Nemesis however just like more Lund chatra is not someone who can be destroyed and technically she still exists in her own Dimension Massacre Marcus Lyman was a successful Trader working for a Wall Street firm along with his wife Marcus lemon was a successful Trader working for a Wall Street firm along with his wife after a near-death assassination attempt on him that left his wife dead his life changed completely a piece of shrapnel had lodged in his brain and even though it was moved his mind changed permanently he could no longer feel any emotion and he was sent to a mental institution for his condition Marcus Broke Free and started calling himself Massacre and Chaos ensued he created a hostage situation and even shot one of them to show that he wasn't playing around Spider-Man arrived to rescue the others but Massacre's Heavy Artillery barrage made it almost impossible for him in the confusion Massacre fled the scene but Spider-Man had secretly placed a tracker on him when he tried another hostage taking sting Spider-Man came prepared in a bulletproof costume and magnetic webbing Massacre Was Defeated and he revealed that his actions had no particular intention or motivation clearly he was a man out of his mind and he was sent back to the mental institution he went on yet another killing spree and the web Slinger had to jump into action yet again contrary to what many think Massacre had no superpowers apart from his ability to feel no emotion however his expertise with guns and weapons and his intelligent mind made him a threat no less dangerous than his superpower enabled counterparts overdrive this super villain had a unique ability that we all wish we had he could convert any regular vehicle into an insanely powerful and fast machine imagine doing that to your Toyota and changing it into a Lamborghini he was a race driver named James Beverly and he always dreamed of becoming a superhero after a deadly accident he was helped by power broker and Mr negative who soon took him as part of his criminal organization he wanted to steal a precious artifact from the museum but feared Spider-Man ruining his plans overdrive made sure that a high-speed chase followed because his car was traveling at incredible speeds Spider-Man eventually caught up only to find that overdrive was one of his biggest fans and simply wanted an autograph while this was a botched attempt he was further engaged by Mr negative to steal the Sonic pulse generator once again Spider-Man foiled the mission and when an angry Mr negative decided to get rid of overdrive for his repeated failures he simply converted a limousine into a super fast car and got away during one of his fights with Spider-Man he even changed into the spider mobile and shot the superhero with similar webs overdrive also worked for Kingpin and went back to work for Mr negative even after their Fallout while his bowels worked like magic in getaway situations staying away from the vehicle for too long also reversed to the effects screwball welcome to the world's fast ever live streaming supervision Screwballs started off as an internet personality and she was no more than an attention manga on social media she got her own camera crew to film all her crimes and her actions were then uploaded on a website during one of her criminal Antics she was nabbed by Spider-Man but screwball managed to get away she once dressed up as Spider-Man to fight in a stage to duel which would win the bookie a lot of money people would easily bet on the superhero only to lose their money because everything was pre-planned unfortunately for them the real Spider-Man broke into the scene and finally unmasked her she once stole 10 million dollars only to be taken down by the web Slinger yet again she was no more than a minor nuisance until she started working with Dr Octopus she was briefly used by the cunning supervillain to trouble Spider-Man but her fate remained the same screwball was like an influencer being a villain and her only noteworthy Powers included Supreme gymnastics skills Panda Mania Dr Lorena Dodson AKA White Rabbit was one of the most Sinister female mob bosses and she had numerous minions serving her crime ring Panda Mania was one of the members of her new organization and her real name was never revealed not much is known about her origin story except that she was employed by the White Rabbit along with many others all of whom were tasked with pulling off a major haste unfortunately the plan did not work out and pandomania was chased down successfully by Spider-Man who defeated her in no time she was captured and sent to a mental institution which indicated that she had some underlying psychological issues she possessed super strength and although the true extent of her powers was not displayed she was shown to lift the vehicle quite easily Regents given how this particular supervillain killed the entire group of Avengers except for Spider-Man it can be surprising how Regent is not so popular he was a man named Augustus Roman the CEO of Empire unlimited he kidnapped various unsuspecting superheroes and held them captive and the Avengers discovered that he harvested their genetic materials from their dead bodies to acquire their abilities he called himself Regent and killed off the entire Avengers team with only Spider-Man left to avenge them Peter Parker had decided to give up a superhero for the sake of his family but he had to jump back in business after the Sinister Six was Unleashed upon Him by Regent eventually Spider-Man along with Shield members took him down and he was taken into custody for his crimes the required a special holding device to keep him locked up and the citizens averted a major super villain Uprising following his demise Regent had taken the superpowers of various mutants and Vigilantes and superheroes like Iceman Cyclops storm Colossus Professor X Havoc Etc if the stasis tubes that contained their bodies could be destroyed regent would lose his powers as well carrier there have been a few antagonists who took up the name carrion but the first one on the list was a Miles Warren clone he somehow knew the the real identity of Spider-Man and certain alliance with the nefarious magia organization to kill the superhero he blamed Peter Parker for the death of Gwen Stacy and later revealed that he was a clone of Professor Miles Warren who went by his Alias Jackal who used the deadly spider amoeba to kill Peter but the latter managed to change into Spider-Man and used the same spider amoeba to destroy this evil clone one of Peter's rival students from the University Malcolm McBride became the second incarnation of carrion after getting exposed to an advanced genetic Creation in a test tube at Miles Warren's or glamoratory he then joined hands with the likes of hobgoblin to attack Spider-Man and also formed alliances with Carnage demo Goblin and doppelganger finally traveler managed to transform him back and he also eliminated all his memories about the entire incident Dr William Allen was the next to fall victim to the carrion Saga and later a new version of carrion in the form of a sentient virus could also be observed Guardian has been shown to possess telepathic Powers apart from his insane strength and durability the sentient carrion variant could infect the victims and control their physical forms Stanley Carter was a shield agent before being injected with a certain experimental drug that increased his physical abilities immensely he grew extremely violent and killed anyone caught on the wrong side of the law he decimated many of his victims before Spider-Man stopped him from killing his next one Peter Parker's first love Betty Brandt a furious Spider-Man almost beat him to death and he was then taken in Stanley Carter underwent treatment for his conditions but he kept having visions from his days as the senator eventually he snapped and after he emerged with a shotgun the police shot him dead the scene heater was later revived and continued to have Brief Encounters with Spider-Man in various story arcs another version of sinita was Emil Gregg Stanley Carter's delusional neighbor he was later revived as a zombie version of sinita before being destroyed by Eddie Brock there has also been a serial killer who was inspired by sinita and killed in similar fashion much like Captain America the original sinita had heightened physical powers and yet it was contained within the limitations of the human body foreign The Foreigner did not have any superpowers to shoot for but the deadly mercenary made up for his lack of superpowers with his martial arts skills he was in Prime physical States and he was often regarded as the greatest martial artist in the Marvel Universe his first appearance puts him as Spider-Man's opponent and he was seen admonishing another super villain named chance for failing to kill the superhero he turned his sights to kill the black cat but Spider-Man intervened later The Foreigner even framed Spider-Man for the murder of Blaze besides training the powerful mutant Sabertooth The Foreigner also took some daring hit jobs such as the mission to kill hobgoblin he mostly functioned As the skilled killer for hire and most of his run-ins with superheroes resulted from his assignments besides being a trained mercenary The Foreigner could also put someone in a hypnotic trance by looking them in the eye he was also a Master of Disguise and could impersonate just about anyone and his Peak physical skill often went to superpower proportions short the spot AKA Dr Jonathan on was a former scientist at MIT who went on to work for Kingpin he was tasked with recreating the radiation levels of cloak the superhero so that his powers could be replicated and he ended up creating a black circular portal to the other dimension after stepping into the portal he found himself in a different dimension he swam through the multiple portals around him and found his way back to the original Dimension however this inter-dimensional travel had affected his body and covered it in black spots he realized the true extent of his superpowers and even protected Kingpin from a combined attack of Spider-Man and a black cat he was eventually defeated by the superhero but his fate hardly changed in all their following Jewels but spot was always a unique super villain with a special ability he could manipulate reality making use of his dimensional controls and by creating a number of space warps he could confuse his enemies he also made use of multiple Dimensions to attack Spider-Man kicking and punching him from multiple angles with a superhero clueless about the next blow spot was also Immortal in some sense because the structure of his physical body would still preserve his existence answer Aaron Nicholson was known by his fellow criminals by the name answer because he seemed to have an answer to the trickiest of situations he worked for Hydra and while being an experimental guinea pig for Richard fisk's research he ended up developing superpowers such as enhanced physical strength or the power of flight however he soon realized that his powers were not constant and he could develop one temporarily depending on the need of the situation after he was sent by Kingpin to attack Spider-Man he seemed to be far less superior to the superhero but observing his attacks answer kept getting better and developed counter-attacks in QuickTime the course of the fight changed and Spider-Man was pinned down before black cat came to his rescue he was one of the rare super villains who overpowered Spider-Man in a direct conflict and his unique superpowers made him equipped enough to fight the greatest of threats he had an extensive storyline in the comics and his tragic relationship with Ruby Thursday is one of the memorable ones to check out demo Goblin we have already spoken about the Terrors of hobgoblin and now is the turn to learn about the root cause dimmer Goblin was a dangerous demonic entity that inhabited the limbo realm when Jason asked and astir the Demonic entity from other place for powers in return for his soul the essence of dimmer Goblin was fused with hobgoblin this helped hobgoblin infect Moon Knight with a deadly demonic virus and also helped in his fights against the host Rider and John Blaze once hobgoblin realized that he was better off without a demonic possession dimmer Goblin was released as a darker version of hobgoblin he killed just about anyone who was a sinner by dimmer Goblin standards and this includes the superheroes as well Gemma Goblin was defeated by Spider-Man widely combined with hobgoblin but eventually the Demonic entity was always a fair match for the superhero his incredible Powers included a magical mind-controlling ability apart from other Supernatural Powers the devil Goblin could also summon demons from hell to do his bidding and the shapeshifter had some serious combat skills as well the Lobo Brothers all Spider-Man fans are familiar with the threat posed by the Lobo cartel that was formed by the mutant Lobo Brothers Carlos and Eduardo they arrived in South Texas in the middle of raging gang wars and put an end to the infighting by uniting all the warring parties the former leaders were soon replaced by the Lobo brothers and Carlos deserved much of the credit for this diplomatic move trouble started Brewing when they tried to expand their operations to Dallas and New York City and found themselves at odds with existing crime Lords like Kingpin during one of their meetings Spider-Man attacked the gangs and a chaotic fighting ensued that got one of the Lobo Brothers killed Carl snowball was the only surviving member and he continued to run the cartel with his mutant sister Esmeralda Lobo they now dealt in human trafficking and Carlos Noble continued to have more run-ins with the friendly neighborhood superhero white rabbits laurina Dodson was born in a wealthy family but even after being surrounded by wealth she continued to Aspire for more her life was mundane and she found all her entertainment from the children's novel Alice in Wonderland she was married off to a much older man and she resented him so much that she finally killed him making it look like an accident she then inherited all his wealth and became the White Rabbit a Sinister criminal with a bunny-like costume she worked out a proper gang and their criminal activities were finally interrupted by Spider-Man she tried to form an alliance with the walrus a sworn enemy of Spider-Man but Spider-Man still overpowered them she also had encounters with a heroic frog man on multiple occasions White Rabbit had no apparent superpowers but she had the gift of knowledge and carried around an umbrella that could shoot sharp explosive carrots she also developed genetically altered killer bunnies which she used to attack her enemies stegbron a man named Vincent staggron was appointed by Shield to explore the DNA of dinosaurs from the secret realm of savage land but staggron was heavily influenced by how Professor Connors had turned himself into the lizard and he injected himself with dinosaur DNA for similar results the resultant of this silly experiment transformed him into a terrifying semi-humanoid stegosaurus looking creature and he also developed the ability to command other dinosaurs he transferred several dinosaurs from the Savage land to New York City and here he met the likes of Spider-Man a fierce battle followed and stegron was knocked into a river where it appeared that he had drowned however he soon returned and continued to Blackmail Professor Connors to help him restore dinosaur remains in the museum when the professor changed into the lizard the two mutated reptiles fought once again Spider-Man intervened to break them up and sent steggron into hibernation later he appeared yet again and threatened to take down Spider-Man in his dinosaur Avatar after teaming up with many other supervillains like Dr Octopus and vulture his elaborate story arcs show him as a strange dinosaur mutant with excessive powers and a prehensile tale that can be used as a weapon stayground like any other reptile is vulnerable to cold weather conditions and it was often used to subdue him black abbots the dakoth guru was an ancient sect that used their teachings to unleash the full potential of the human mind and the black Abbott used to be a monk of this sect he grew extremely powerful and also intended to use his powers for dominance blackabot had such insane powers that he could control everyone else and took control of the entire Brotherhood one of his Apostles posed as blackabot for decoy purposes but Spider-Man and the Human Torch made quick work of him eventually they got the actual black Abbot and Spider-Man managed to defeat him with the help of Thor he was later resurrected by the power of dor Mamu to destroy the Punisher but he did not fight Spider-Man in this state apart from his incredible mind controllability his black Abbot could also fire powerful psychic blasts and energy projections from his hands that would reduce his enemy to ashes doppelganger almost every superhero across Marvel and DC universes has fought a similar evil version of themselves and Spider-Man was not an exception the doppelganger was created as a vicious mindless entity that was an exact duplicate of Spider-Man but with animalistic Tendencies he engaged the superhero in a fierce battle along with demogoblin and hobgoblin but hobgoblin accidentally ended up killing doppelganger later demogoblin revived this vicious clone of Spider-Man and it continued to trouble the superhero further doppelganger also formed a mother child born with shriek and while protecting her from Carnage he sustained fatal injuries initial versions of doppelganger were not capable of speech but the later incarnations showed him with minimal speaking abilities it had very similar Powers as Spider-Man but in matters of pure strength the doppelganger overpowered the superhero the extra arms of doppelganger were armed with deadly Talons and the only major weakness of this morbid entity was its lack of intelligence shriek we just told you about doppelganger associating with streak as a motherly figure well shriek in reality did not exactly give away motherly Vibes she was a maniacal killer with a strange superpower Shri could manipulate sound in various ways and also use it to destroy her enemies she was also capable of using Hypersonic sound to induce emotions and those around her and shriek also showed signs of psionic abilities and levitation since she could read the Dark Side of someone's personality she could manipulate the individual accordingly she grew up with an abusive mother who drove her to drugs and ultimately she turned into a drug dealer herself after being shot by a police officer she first discovered a mutant abilities and she teamed up with Carnage briefly as they went on a killing spree she also manipulated the minds of the citizens to turn them against one another and eventually it all came down to a final showdown with the protector of the city Spider-Man she later blamed the web Slinger for her condition and the enmity has some memorable moments in their numerous comic book stories incandescent man Project Pegasus was experimenting on the ability of humans to draw in electricity and a test subject was exposed to bioconductors to see if he could do what was desired the experiment succeeded and failed at the same time while the man could draw electricity to himself the massive energy surge drove him crazy he fled the facility and ran into a river where the water drained his body of electrons and kept him afloat when men on a ferry rescued him the man emerged in his incandescent man Avatar and absorbed all the electricity from the surroundings he started wandering around Manhattan looking to drain all the electricity and eventually Spider-Man confronted him along with Cannonball and Candace and ban could also shoot electricity Bolts from his hands to destroy his enemies they realized that the main weakness of incandescent man was water and eventually he was knocked into the Hudson River so that all his powers got trained as it turned out a helicopter pilot who was trying to help Spider-Man and Cannonball was actually the twin sister of incandescent man and she wanted to destroy the place that caused his condition in the first place Boomerang it is an interesting story of how a young boy named Fred Meyers who was fascinated with baseball in Australia became one of the infamous Spider-Man villains a lot of it resulted from his greed after he materialized his dream of playing in a major league team he started to accept bribes and perform accordingly and eventually he was caught and removed from the sports by this time an evil organization called secret Empire spotted his talents and handed him a special suit and deadly boomerangs to do their dirty work after his initial clash with the Hulk Fred Meyers now known as Boomerang met his match in Spider-Man this happened when he was hired by Viper to develop a Sinister plan against shield and Spider-Man Nick Fury and black widow to come this threat later Boomerang also worked for Kingpin and tried to kill the web shooting superhero to impress the crime Lord he even fought Spider-Man as a part of sinister Syndicate but none of his several efforts bore any fruit against the superhero or the boomerang never had any superpowers as such he was still a force to reckon with because of his speed strength fragility and quick reflexes being a professional athlete he was in good shape and he was deadly with the use of his most valued weapon the boomerang he even developed some exploding boomerangs to add to his Arsenal hippo an innocent hippopotamus in the zoo had a massive change of Fate when high evolutionary turned the creature into a humanoid version his condition worsened after Venom at his left leg and he had to be fitted with a cybernetic appendage for the same Venom during the time was impersonating Spider-Man and hippo blamed the superhero for his condition later he joined a group called The redeemers to fight back against the web Stinger but their efforts failed another story arc portrayed some animosity between hippo and Spider-Man and even accompanied by Ronin the friendly neighborhood superhero found it tough going against him hippo went on to have many more alliances but none of them worked wonders to change his fate against Spider-Man in his humanoid form Hitler was extremely powerful with more physical strength than Spider-Man himself he also had an impenetrable skin that made it difficult to attack him and just like a hippopotamus he was very comfortable in aquatic terrains okay if you want it buy it [Applause] quite a few in the Marvel Universe have taken the name Beetle and the first one to embrace this Alias was Abner Jenkins he was a skilled mechanic who wanted some Adventure in his life he dressed up and fought under the beetle name but he was defeated by The Fantastic Four later Layla Davis a widow of a super villain named ringer took up the mantle and worked as a driver for the Sinister Syndicate however her story did not have a happy ending as she was crushed within her Beetle costume before her death however she had a few encounters with Spider-Man whom she blamed for her condition the superhero was too powerful for her and got her captured this version of beetle could be seen within a well-built suit and she also had superhuman strength along with a variety of weapons at her disposal her suit also came with artificial wings that enabled her to fly in the Civil War story arc three college students stole the beetle armor and even their fate had a terrible conclusion stored for them sweet Demon Speed Demon was initially introduced as wizard who was a part of the Squadron Sinister organization this team was built by Grand Master the cosmic entity to fight The Avengers and wizard is defeated along with the others later after dissociating himself with the Squadron Sinister wizard takes up the name Speed Demon this incarnation of wizard clashed with Spider-Man on a few occasions and as speed demon made his countless attempts to get the superhero killed much of the powers that speed demon possessed were courtesy of the Grand Master he had enhanced strength and super speed and he could run around in circles at incredible speeds to create a cyclone his amazing speed also helped him run across water surfaces or run up walls when required and he could execute complex Maneuvers even in his high-speed movements jack-o-lantern the first supervillain to embrace the identity of jack-o-lantern was Jason mcindale who was a trained mercenary he was initially under the wings of the CIA but later his violent nature got him expelled he became a mercenary and adopted the title jack-o-lantern he was defeated by Spider-Man during their first encounter but an even more embarrassing defeat came later when even a drunk Spider-Man ended up knocking him out Jason tried to steal the goblin formula to enhance his powers but the plan did not work out later Jason was empowered by the demon nasty and with his demonic Powers he almost killed Spider-Man before Mary Jane came to his rescue since then jack-o-lantern used his Newfound Powers as a mercenary and became one of the best in his job in another story arc he was possessed by dimmer Goblin and later after he had expelled the Demonic entity he teamed up with Spider-Man briefly to fight doppelganger and demo Goblin after Jason mcindale Stephen Mark Levin's picked up the mantle and he fought superheroes like Captain America and Spider-Man a few others also took up the jack-o-lantern identity but for us the most memorable one will always be Jason mcindale ringer Anthony Davis who fought his ringer was no more than a minor nuisance for Spider-Man but this villain did have an amusing backstory he started it off as an engineer for NASA but he was extremely jealous of Kyle Richmond and his wealth tinkerer helped him develop a special battle suit and Davis took the name ringer and tried to Rob Kyle Richmond's building he failed miserably and Richmond came as Nighthawk 2 to knock down a few of his teeth after being arrested and getting his teeth repaired Riga was made to fight Spider-Man by the beetle the web Stinger broke his repaired teeth one more time and he was caught by the long arms of the law yet again eventually he was killed by Scourge a deadly vigilante who slaughtered criminals for fun Keith Kraft used the ringer battle suit later on but he was no more successful than his predecessor the armor was quite strong and the original ringer actually used various devices placed on his wrists to weaponize the suit Anthony Davis's version of the ringer could also shoot powerful energy blasts from his wrists much like Iron Man but even these gimmicks were not enough to pose a threat to the major superheroes swore swarm will certainly rank among the creepier Spider-Man villains even though he wasn't the most threatening he was initially a man named Fritz Von Mayer Who was born in Germany and served as one of Hitler's best scientists he moved to South America after the second world war to avoid capture and took up a career in beekeeping he encountered a swarm of mutated bees and his efforts to enslave the intelligent bees went wrong when the Swarm devoured his entire body only his skeletal remains were left and exposure to these special mutant creatures allowed his Consciousness to be absorbed among the bees the Swarm surrounded his skeletal remains and his Consciousness could Now command the bees to do his bidding Spider-Man managed to successfully defeat him during a Face-Off by dowsing his costume in a special insecticide even though swarm lost the skeletal structure during this battle he came back yet again after teaming up with powerful villains like Craven the hunter in one of the story arcs swarm attacked Mary Jane who destroyed the bees using water even thousands of bees powered by human intelligence were not a really serious problem for the superheroes that swarm encountered it was still a unique antagonist nevertheless supercharger supercharger is exactly as the name suggests a living battery of extreme energy Ronnie Hillard grew up with a father who was a scientist obsessed with the study of superheroes even Ronnie helped out his father in his experiments but a fatal explosion in their power generator killed his father later Rodney was surprised to realize that the event also gave him superpowers in a fit of rage he blamed all the superheroes for his father's death and he was determined to give all superheroes a bad name he dressed up as supercharger and came on a television show with the intention to tarnish the image of old superheroes he planned to kill all those in attendance but Spider-Man came to their rescue and fought back he drained supercharger's Powers after connecting him to the electrical equipment in the studio his only superpowers were absorbing massive amounts of electrical energy and also releasing the same to cause some heavy damage to his enemies Verma Edward Whelan grew up under an abusive father and became a genetic scientist during one of his experiments he was exposed to certain chemicals that caused his skin to become pink and mutated and transformed into a cannibalistic humanoid rat he fought Captain America but the latter captured Vermin and turned him over to Shield they failed to keep him locked up and Spider-Man and Captain America had to fight him one more time even Craven the hunter disguised that Spider-Man ended up defeating Vermin just to prove that he was just as capable as the superhero finally the real Spider-Man got him captured yet again and he was even kept in an asylum briefly one of his most severe story arcs shows Vermin clones attacking Spider-Man lethally the webslinger was about to be slaughtered before Craven the hunter saved his life and helped him deal with the threat as Vernon Edward showed acute sensory abilities besides his brute strength he could turn back to his human form at will and he also had the power to control all rats and stray dogs within a search radius his animalistic ferocity made him a deadly opponent and Spider-Man learned this the hard way when he encountered a horde of vermin clones spider-side we have already brought you the tales of doppelganger and now is the time for yet another iconic Spider-Man clone used to fight the superhero after he first came out from jackal's pods he actually believed himself to be Peter Parker he even tried to prove to marry Jane that he was the real version of the web Stinger however the moment the real Peter Parker came near him jackal's programming kicked him and he shape-shifted into a monstrous form Kane Parker jackal's first attempt at cloning Spider-Man saved today by throwing a propane truck at spidercide seemingly destroying him he was later revived but spiderside never really troubled Spider-Man in direct conflict as a clone he possessed the same Powers as a superhero and the special program turned him into an animalistic and violent creature around Spider-Man with the sole purpose of Killing Him Proto Garland Proto Goblin was fortunate fates of Nels van Ada who worked as normal Osborne's assistant before he finally devised the goblin formula during the test phase Ada allowed himself to be tested upon and turned into a horribly mutated red creature he was then roaming around the gates of the facility and the cops arrived on the scene looking for a serial killer when they questioned him he attacked them and ran into the facility eventually he was thrown into a river when he tried to attack Norman Osborne and that was the last we heard of him The Amazing Spider-Man live-action movie featuring Andrew Garfield as the titular superhero apparently had plans to include protogoblin in the narrative they eventually decided to abandon the inclusion because Pluto Goblin would just add a tragic element to the plot and nothing substantial to the story gold Hearts superheroes couldn't be above the law and cold heart AKA Kateri desaranto believed in punishing the ones responsible for causing severe damage to humanity her own son was skilled when one of the superheroes was fighting a supervillain and she believed that all superheroes were morally wrong she took up the name coldheart and soon she had a memorable run-in with Spider-Man while he was fighting hobgoblin she intervened and froze Spider-Man's webline causing him to crash it allowed hobgoblin the chance to escape and Spider-Man quickly landed a few powerful blows to knock out cold heart shortly thereafter the Webhead managed to save hobgoblin's son but goldheart was back and froze him so much that he couldn't move a muscle she was about to finish off Spider-Man for good but hobgoblin's son Jay who had just been rescued pleaded with her to spare his life she was touched by the young boy's requests as it probably reminded her of her own son and she set out to pursue hobgoblin instead coldheart was not just a super killed martial artist she also possessed the power of cryonic swords that could freeze objects instantly Delilah Delilah was among one of the many skilled assassins in the Marvel Universe she ran into Spider-Man during one of her assassination attempts which was thwarted by the friendly neighborhood super hero after being denied her prize she planned with rose AKA Jacob Conover to get rid of Spider-Man for good they empowered Electro in a new Avatar and pitted him against the web Stinger the planned backfired after Electro failed but the duo still did not give up they got hold of Dr octopus's corpse and restored life in the dead body however while this new version of Dr Octopus kept Spider-Man busy Delilah's attempts to Ambush him failed after black tarantula broke her neck dilada displayed a few basic superpowers such as an increased strength stamina and an impressive healing Factor she was also a skilled fighter which made a job of an assassin a lot easier Puma Thomas Fireheart who later became Puma belonged to a Native American tribe and their tribe believed in an ancient prophecy which suggested that one day there would be a super powerful being among them who would destroy the world the tribe attempted to create the perfect Warrior for generation and Thomas Fireheart was the latest in the line of these brave men he could turn into a supremely powerful humanoid mountain lion at will and he was also a trained martial artist under the guidance of a Japanese Master Thomas was also very intelligent and he went on to own Fireheart Enterprises but he soon got bored of his mundane he decided to make use of his skills as puma and offered his Services as a mercenary one such Mission assigned him the task to kill Spider-Man but black cat foiled his plans he made another attempt to slay the web Slinger but he had a change of heart after watching him save innocent people later he even got to know that Peter Parker was Spider-Man and the two worked together on a few missions he wasn't exactly a Spider-Man villain in the true sense of the term but the man almost got the superhero killed and hence deserves a place in this list cardiac cardiac AKA Elias Wortham was more of an anti-hero who was driven to become a violent vigilante after the tragic death of his brother Joshua he blamed corporate Greed for his loss and he went through certain physical changes to make him sound strong enough to challenge the wrongdoers he replaced his heart with a beta particle reactor and the incredible energy surge allowed him super speed strength and quick reflexes he could also Channel all that energy through his fists and some of his missions brought him in conflict with Spider-Man he was busy raiding a company owned by Justin Hammer when Spider-Man first apprehended him but cardiac defeated Rhino and sticks and stone and managed to escape he returned later and when Spider-Man interrupted him while he was targeting a shipment of drugs he topped the superhero a humbling Lesson by defeating him however his real enemy was not Spider-Man and you're reminded the web Slinger not to misdirect his efforts [Music] desperate times creates many super villains who are forced into a life of crime something similar happened with Robert Farrell who couldn't pursue his education after his mother felt sick he had six brothers and sisters to care for and he chose to use a super powered skateboard and a special costume fitted with weapons to start a life as a burglar after he was defeated by Spider-Man during one of his first robbery attempts he went to tinkerer to enhance his skateboard that did not change his luck too much and all his encounters with Spider-Man resulted in heavy defeats this misguided young fellow later joined hands with Spider-Man for a few of his missions and Rocket racer redeemed some of his misdeeds with some good work cash is just their Thief you could call him the most insignificant Spider-Man villain and also the most important one this is because this minor character indirectly shaped the origin story of the superhero he was a small time Thug operating with his firearm to Target small businesses in New York City in the 2012 movie The Amazing Spider-Man he can be seen trying to run away after stealing money from a store clerk Peter Parker was present there but he refused to help because the owner of the store was greedy and eventually the thief ran into Peter's Uncle Ben Parker when he tried to stop the thief the man panicked and shot Uncle Ben in the chest before running away Peter had to witness the traumatic sight and he was furious at himself this inspired him to take up a life of crime and Spider-Man as we know him originated Thompson Flash Thompson is one of the most ironic Spider-Man villains because he bullies Peter Parker in high school but admires his superhero Alter Ego of course he's unaware of Spider-Man's secret identity but their conflicts provide some very entertaining events with time he became a good friend of Peter Parker and even discovered his secret identity he joined the US Army but his combat experience left him shaken he lost both his legs turned to alcoholism and eventually became the new host for anti-venom symbiotes he had a few grueling battles with his old friends but more often than not Flash Thompson was by his side as a trusted Ally after becoming a host for the Symbiote he grew a new pair of legs and with his military training Flash Thompson was already a skilled fighter he also gained healing abilities katsi of the Symbiotes and friendorfo he deserved to be taken seriously in either version J Jonah Jameson the hard-hitting editor-in-chief of The Daily Bugle often proved that the pen was mightier than the sword he did not shy away from his daring news reports and frequently carried out smear campaigns against Spider-Man he was a firm believer in the traditional law enforcement agencies and saw the superhero as a nuisance who simply Disturbed the existing talents in an ironic twist he employed Peter Parker as the photojournalist to take Spider-Man's photos and he was completely in the dark about Spider-Man working right in front of his eyes various versions of the editor portray him differently but his General animosity towards the superhero remains unchanged thank you foreign we have mentioned Sinister Six quite a few times in this video and it is about time that we explore the Sinister organization in Greater detail it was a dedicated supervillain Association that planned to get rid of the web-faced superhero and the founding members were some of his strongest antagonists put together the original Sinister Six included Dr Octopus Craven the hunter vulture Sandman Electro and the Mysterio it is a miracle that the superhero managed to survive their combined Onslaught but the organization never really tasted anything more than temporary or short-lived success against him enforcers only the hardcore Spider-Man fans will probably remember the enforcers of being one of his first enemies ever encountered the original members included fancy Dan ox and Montana and they all worked for the Crime Boss big man together they fought against Spider-Man but without much luck even teaming up with Superior supervillains like Green Goblin and Sandman did not change their fortunes Spider-Man revenge Squad the name of this organization is pretty self-explanatory isn't it Spider-Man revenge Squad comprised some of the rather unconventional Spider-Man villains such as kangaroo spot Gibbon and grizzly they were all individually destroyed by the superhero and now they wanted to stand a chance against him by uniting their powers unfortunately for them they continue to be battered by Spider-Man and some of the members completely gave up a life of crime after their multiple thrashing of the hands of the superhero Sinister Syndicate there have been multiple occasions when Spider-Man's antagonists banded together with a common goal and Sinister Syndicate was another of those nefarious organizations Beetle was the founder and the original group included Rhino Boomerang Speed Demon and hydro man however their main plan was not really the destruction of Spider-Man but simply to continue their business without any hassles it did not not take long for Spider-Man to dismantle the group With a Little Help from Silver Sable and Sandman inheritance this has to be the deadliest amongst all of the anti-spiderman groups because most of the members were somewhat superior to the superhero and some almost ended up killing him there were a clan of totemic hunters who fed on the life force of beings like Spider-Man who were a connection between the human and animal kingdom we have spoken about the terrorizing effect that shatra had on Spider-Man and the superhero almost lost his life during their conflict luckily for the superhero interactions with these entities have been rare and he always found a way to avoid getting killed we hope you enjoyed our very own library of every Spider-Man villain across all times do let us know in the comments below about your favorite ones from the list and also tell us why you fancy the villain laughs
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 306,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LwUsFsI2SXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 56sec (6896 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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