The ICE Paragon Mod In Bloons TD 6!

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so the modded ice paragon again i have to say it is modded this is not the real paragon let's test out what weeboo jones has for us creator of this mod so we do first degree one ice get all pads and let's see we've got the cheapest of the bunch so far till hell freezes over it has the impale icon description sub-zero temperatures freeze blooms to the core penetrating all layers i'm sure it's going gonna enjoy penetrating all those ones crumble brittle balloons with the slightest touch doesn't really tell us much about what's gonna do but i guess we can see for ourself so what do we got we got a giant giant snowstorm around imbale i wonder if uh you can place okay you can this does also act as an ice platform and now we see how much damage let's do a bed so far not very good it looks like it does a hundred damage per tick it doesn't seem to it doesn't seem to do any more damage uh in range here it does it not really i reckon those eyeshard things are like the brittle attack it seems to affect it full map range though bad damage not very good but at least we're gonna pop it right oh ability also doesn't the absolute zero ability increase attack speed by fifty percent if it still works for the pericon then that's what it should do and i think it did shoot faster so at least we're gonna kill this guys it's okay it's at least gonna be it run 100 so that's good and uh render is done so this seems like just the addition literally additive ice paragon you have the giant range of snowstorm you have the mpl attack and then you have well the super brittle that gives more damage although it's not a whole lot of damage because i think ice going peel itself already does 50 damage right and if it's the same stat then that vulnerability will not add much to this guy itself but it will help for other towers like a sun god if it had one it does also have camo i think the reason why this has camo is because of the top hat as long as one one upgrade on a tower has camo or d camo then it can work the paragon itself will have camo can i test how much damage increase the riddle is uh yes okay 123 guys wait that's huge that's massive so normally the dart has three peers right and it did 123. what's 123 divided by three 41. wait no way are we talking plus 40 damage guys because that's what the math seems to be like each projectile does plus 40 damage to a balloon that's absolutely insane again you couldn't see it very much because npl air is 50 so that plus 40 is only like twice the damage but if you add another tower to it like again it's on avatar we're going to be shredding or look at the attack zone yeah i definitely do not think the real iceberg on when it comes out is going to do uh plus 40. i do think it'll be more than what brittle is which i think is plus four right now so if he died too bad i'm gonna drop into the tower just to show you how insane that buff is so it's gonna be one of those paragons or at least for this one i assume a couple paragons when nk releases it they're not going to be good solo so my one paragon test isn't going to be that accurate because again if there's support then obviously they won't do as well uh then other paragons i reckon that'll be the case for ice and glue and maybe in sniper so let's wait for 119 here i reckon we can beat the rest should we just drop a tower because like we know what this guy can beats up to 119. how would for funsies we drop into the tower like a sun god just to show you how much quicker it kills thanks to this damage buff watch the damage count sky rocket we'll do a 3-2-0 okay it's actually not as strong as i thought okay i thought it was gonna be superhuman damage is it still superhuman damage or am i am i blind i guess it's kind of hard to tell with these your monkey let me sell it okay attack zone can't brought frozen cannon no it can't it can let's try that does that seem like more damage i think it is that looks like a pretty yeah i think it's definitely better than is that plus 40 good it's hard to tell oh i think the biggest problem yeah yeah hold on so it's not a constant plus plus 40 because it starts to attack the brittle has to attack so if it spawns new balloons that new balloon may not be vulnerable so maybe that's why i didn't see as much of a damage increase as i would have expected because not all balloons were vulnerable again i think just wait till 119 then you can see it because that bat will be up for a long time and there's only there's only three of them so 119 i'm just gonna test first just to show you one damage when ice hits it it's suddenly 40 damage a shot so yes it is plus 40 buff absolutely nutty i'm gonna sell this after but let me just see it show you sun avatar mass amounts of damage yeah i believe that is indeed plus 40 even just super monkey yeah definitely doesn't do that much damage on zone now we want to see whether or not this guy can solo so we're going to reset that damage doesn't count all right can we do it i'm going to have to keep using the ice ability because that is indeed that is attack speed at the end of the day i think we'll lose to the second or third bad because the shots the the shots don't have a large radius right so it's only going to be working on one bad at a time either way you already know we're dead that's not even close right now this is almost as bad as the glue yeah almost as bad just a little bit better but still not even close to enough not even close now i reckon similar to glue this is going to destroy any non-bad round so we're going to survive all the way to round 140 so i think what i want to do now is try out the high level high level ice so maybe not 100 because it's really hard to get 16.2 million pops with impale let me tell ya i think i'm just going to get everything but the pop so that would get me a dewey 76 ice so i mean that's fine because it's the same as single player okay i think it's time to do it right let's do it yep that's 76 did it correctly now we see how much faster it pops compared to degree one let's go slow down for you okay that definitely shoots faster and definitely does damage faster as well now yeah it's very hard to tell like the damage amounts like does this do more than 50 damage per shot it's hard to tell and again the vulnerability is still plus 40. nothing different than that this is popping way faster though i think it has to do with uh yeah because it affects both damage and attack speed i'm assuming right now because if it was only attack speed that increased then no way that bad would have been killed that quickly but if you have two two multipliers then obviously that affects it way more i would assume oh yeah i didn't even use the ability to so that's even more damage i could have i could have gotten again if i use the ability it's 50 attack speed for i don't know how long but long enough i guess so now it's gonna be interesting to see if you'd be at 119 i'm pretty sure we can at least that'd be my guess and again as you see these rounds are a joke absolute complete utter annihilation and now we've got a paragon pops don't matter so here's what i'm gonna do to save some time we all know the like free option is the oh crap the money's not there i was gonna say we should just get go for a sniper paragon but it's seven hundred thousand dollars and i actually can't afford that actually i'm close i can always least cry okay we're literally right there 500 bucks let's uh afford it and then we can and install pretty quickly because again you already know this guy this guy can beat it it's just a matter of time all right seal and this is going to help lag a lot let's put in first and then i'll get rid of it when 119 comes okay okay the round's gonna end anytime soon yep so we got rid of it and now we test can we pop the 119 bats i think we get through one of them but again the problem is that he can only target one at a time so we might die the third one sadly or maybe there's a chance that one already got damaged a little bit never say never guys yeah we're definitely gonna fall the first one that back one is looking at thirty percent damaged hard to tell see that first one pop there oh nice we bought that one we popped that one really quickly uh i don't know if that was uh that was weird damn see that the bad was on the last uh damage threshold and then it popped immediately i wouldn't know if it goes to i charge or something or something like that but that was insanely fast and let's say we are going to be at 119. i think it was the ice shards yeah i think it was the ice shards too i guess our shards with this paragon does a crap ton of damage anyways next bad round is in 140 so i might drop a sniper but let me just see a few more rounds like uh with it alone just to see how good it is the plus 48 price is short as well oh that could be yeah that could totally be it that means single target might be worse because if there's only one balloon then we can't trigger shards that means 140 could very well be a game over anyways as you see anything that's not a bad instantly gets white so i'm gonna get back to sniper just to move the process along 140 guys let's do it i'm 99 sure we're dead but at least it's nice to see how much progress we're gonna make fast forwarded it's only like less than a thousand dbs so yeah it's obviously it not going to work yeah it's not close we don't even get 20 through unfortunate i would say like a quarter way through so far however i don't want to give up here because i feel like we can still beat normal bads we just can't beat fortified i think i want to buy a quick yeah because like this is like kind of support we should test with support so how about yeah attack zone in the mid just to allow frozen if it couldn't already so if you drop a quick tack zone two 205 let's just see how much quicker it pops watch the damage a couple thousand but that's not it we're waiting for it to get through this part this is when all attacks will hit and as you see the insane damage over ten thousand dps right there somehow the fortified bats still made it alive but it's okay we're gonna get it on the way around anyways just watch see that bad the non-fortified destroyed instantly and yeah attack zone with a plus 40 damage buff can easily take down 45 beds so there we go now i'm gonna get rid of it just to see if it can beat normal bads maybe without ice shards because again uh on these rounds there are other balloons so we could technically spawn some of them and it would help to do some bad damage yeah i see that the um the srams get shredded instantly because it's eye shards ice shards doing the plus 40 so that's why you see we have no problem beating any of the insides here just takes quite a while to get get all the way down all right here's a bad i believe bad spawns past 140 are random so well no ice shards so that's why we're not doing any damage to bads i would never i should target like make it not target bads on purpose just to get more eye shards procs like put on last pop those cmgs faster is that ever a good play either way i don't think it's good to rely on pair or uh rely on shards here because it's even with that like can it really do it so much more damage that's gonna kill this i don't think so rip so yeah in terms of soloing this thing is pretty much game over once you run into a bad past 119. so again that would be 140 or if you saw i made it past that uh the first round you get a bad spawn in free play and if i dropped another tower like attack zone to uh have it you know do a tandem we'd probably make it to around 300 so i think this is where i'm gonna leave the ice paragon definitely think the real iceberg on whatever comes out is going to obviously be different than this probably a little bit probably a little less like uh extreme so like not giving plus 40 damage to other towers and radius but it would probably also do some more damage more damage than this guy again nonetheless still a nice attempt at making predicting how a paragon would look like so again thank you to weeboo jones for making this mod it's a fun one you
Channel: ISAB
Views: 78,163
Rating: 4.9721723 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, btd5, btd battles, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 best hero, btd6 mod, btd6 glitch
Id: uqr_iwLZKbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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