This is the DIRTIEST Strategy in Bloons Tower Defense 6

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hello and welcome my heart-shaped butt nuggets how you doing on this wonderful day we're playing some chip smoke for you guys and if you want to shmoosh smush i don't want you to caress today what you smoosh that like button for me baby shmush it's so good because we're gonna do one of the dirtiest strategies almost as dirty as those heart-shaped poop nuggets in the entire history of the world now you might be asking yourself well what makes this strategy so gosh darn dirty chris why what what do you mean it's freaking dirty over here bro well you're gonna see why it's so gas darn dirty in the long run here but i just want you to understand one thing oben is the biggest druid buffer in the freaking game and when i say that man check this out nature's wrath all druids in range get plus one pierce baby now the reason why that's freaking sweet is that druids only pop one balloon per shot but they throw out you know five thorns or if you get the thorns swarm you get eight right so for going from eight to doubling that we're literally doubling our popping power just from having a druid in range of open over here at level two open that is crazy that means druids are extremely extremely powerful already so the reason why this is so dirty guys oh man there's a lot of reasons why this is such a dirty dirty dirty strategy but one of the main reasons is we're creating a giant druid orgy right now if you check them out there's just one giant bundle of druids all surrounded by our main man right here look at him he's not wearing any clothes at all this is stupendous admittedly one of our weaknesses was camo bloons so luckily i planned ahead a little bit and i knew that we were going to need this guy for round 24 but for around 33 yeah you probably don't want to rely on that guy so instead we're going to spend our money on radar scanning and we're going to get this bigger radius just everybody we know for the rest of the game is going to be in the range of this village we get an open buff we got camo detection we got our jungle drums when we finally get them this is going awesome so it's kind of ridiculous just in case you were curious is we have all zero zero zero druids right now doing this damage we're able to save up four thousand dollars with our village already up to radar scanner and i guess jungle drums too yeah even zero zero zero druids can be freaking amazing over here but now when we start to get them going then we start gonna start to see these real buffs coming into play here so let's get them going we're going to go for a bottom path druid all right this is going to be a drew to wrath but eventually we're going to get this populist guy which is really where the dirtiness comes into play because what happens with the druids is like no other except for maybe the shinobi ninja you can boost the attack speed and pierce and pierce for other druids in the radius and it can stack up to five times on any single druid so what you really want to do is get at least four of these guys probably five of these guys maybe even six of these guys and right now i've got seven of them all bundled up and you can buff the attack speed of your other druids in range so that means all of my zero zero zero troopers right now are gonna have that extra pierce um and of course that extra speed as well which is really where the awesomeness comes into play so we're gonna do it again with this guy down here check this out this is a moab glass bloom coming in here by the way guys this is going to be awesome also we are going to go for the thorn swarm not for the hard thorns we want to get these guys swarming all over the place and i guess for one of them i can get the heart of the oak and just put him on strong over here so check out this moa by the way this is a pretty beefy balloon i mean it it shouldn't really go down that easy for the amount of support that we bought so far but it does all right so what i want you guys to realize this is around 49 this is a a very big blue metal all right it's it's one i would i can't really say the beefiest blue level of the game or anything like that but like usually if you're going to struggle around 49 it's gonna be those rounds that you can easily struggle on and we're going to finish it off very very very well we're going to get another pop list here we're going to get another pop lost over here i want to get my thorn swarm and my thorn swarm over here and now i've got my sixth druid set up now the reason why i get six again if you can get it it's even better is because every single other druid is gonna be buffed five times it means that the uh only one of them are now all of them don't buff themselves so that's why you need six all right and then what you can do is if you want anything else beyond that well you could start to go for some more interesting upgrades for example maybe we want a heart of the thunder or maybe we want a druid of the storm you say oh that sounds interesting oh my god do we go all the way up to ball lighting well heck yeah we do dude heck yeah we do all right just so we're on the same page here round round 54. uh moabs chunks of ceramics i mean they've literally got nothing on us right now like literally nothing and we're about to get that ball lightning oh my god now this usually isn't that great of an upgrade but if you combine it with your other super speed and pierce combos this ends up being a pretty decent upgrade right here and in combination with that we can go for either upgrade really but i'm gonna go for the heart of the vengeance because this is going to end up increasing my attack speed by 10 percent um and i feel like that is going to help me out more than just getting a few extra forms because it's going to increase the attack speed of my lightnings as well and now we've got literally a giant cluster of death right here this is a dirty strategy wait wait did i tell you guys this was a dirty strategy because i forgot to mention one thing this is round 63 by the way but we just got a ridiculous buff without doing anything open yes at level 2 gave us that really awesome druid buff right well now open at level 11 which is a very key level to level to open it over here is nature's clarity all magic monkeys in range now this is not druids anymore this is all magic monkeys so we want to combine this with either a super monkey or a wizard or a ninja even like all right fine we can do that that's totally fine here but get plus five range okay that's not really that much but it's it's something i mean if we look at this here you can see how much bigger range it was uh you know comparatively now we can easily fit this guy in range that just like barely hanging on there that's okay good enough plus two pierce oh my god do you realize what that is right there that is a ridiculous amount of damage all right keep in mind these thorns do only one pierce then we added an extra pierce with our open buff now we're adding an extra two pierce and then we're adding an extra pierce for our druids on top of that that's five extra freaking pierce right here what what from one to five that is ridiculous that is crazy and that's why we got two different open buffs here because they're all just combining together and down falling on top of each other dominoing the effect here now we've got basically an unstoppable force these balloons are barely going to get past the zone right here this is ceramics coming through right now check it out when we see moabs ooh they made it to over here oh oh bfb's how far we're gonna make it over here this time oh yeah okay they made it over here okay we only got 20 000 saved up so i guess that could mean something for us so 75 is another pretty decently big level over here all right uh usually kind of a lot of moabs can be troublesome kind of depending on the situation um we're rocking it pretty hard here round 76 uh it should be actually kind of difficult but don't forget we did get one of these guys up all the way to heart of the oak we could get more up to heart of the oak i just feel like it's a little bit of a waste of money right it's like yeah it's only 380 bucks but also times six i mean yeah it's almost two thousand dollars right there that could be the difference between getting a fifth year upgrade and not getting a fifth year upgrade in time so we're gonna hold off on that and what we're gonna do instead is we're gonna go for this guy right here this is gonna be our wow look at that three nine nine nine nine that was cool all right this is gonna be our main main main man for a long time here guys trust me on that it's gonna be beautiful what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a one two three four a stronger stimulant and we still need oh wow almost thirty thousand dollars here to get a perimeter over here but trust me when i tell you guys this is gonna be awesome we're definitely gonna get the stronger acid and piercing potions with this guy because when we start to buff these guys we're going to get a ton of extra damage out of our perma brew over here uh we're popping over to round 80 at this point keep in mind i have not used open's abilities at all so far um they've just kind of been going it did not even make it past we still have the entirety of over here and the wrap around up here if we got some sort of infinite range tower especially doing damage over here maybe a monkey sub or something but i'd rather save up my money because we're actually pretty reasonably close here probably by 85 or 86 we should have this going can i just be straight with you guys for a second i'm actually feeling pretty good just about my life in general i feel pretty good about my life at this point i can tell you straight up about a year ago i watched one or two of my videos and i could tell you that i was i was feeling bad you know like really really bad about just like a lot of things and a lot of things have changed since then a lot of things are feeling a lot better and it's a lot thanks to you guys so i just wanted to give you guys a quick shout out and say thank you guys for helping me out i know that a lot i get a lot of messages sort of randomly saying i've gotten them through a tough time or they've come to my videos and know that i'm always gonna have a video up or something like that but i also want to say thank you to you guys for always getting me through my stuff all right holy guys have been so so supportive of me so i'm gonna say just again thank you guys so much i'm gonna end up going on my first vacation in a year it's been a while uh oh check this out got the money for it plus five thousand purple brew oh my god now check this out dude it's gonna take a few seconds for us to start getting perma root over here once all these guys get from rude the amount of pop and power we're gonna have is ridiculous right freaking ridiculous over here baby but yeah like i was saying i have been um oh my god look at these yellow open things that's pretty cool dude heck yeah look at that i'm loving them uh and he's level 16 already so we're still getting a little stronger okay okay i think everybody might be oh we're still in all apartment route here yet takes a little while to kind of get these guys going we got to get two more hopefully it's in range uh i could see how maybe it won't be in range oh that guy's at least in range this guy i don't know that's gonna be a little tough right there maybe it looks like he is you know he is gonna get it he's gonna get he got the acidic mister dip how could he not get the other one oh my god yes we're all officially purple brood over here whoa even open perma-brood baby like i'm saying i i think one thing that's been really good for me i've been going a lot on a lot of bike rides i've been trying to kind of uh mix my time up a little bit more uh and i've been trying to uh keep myself busy with some hobbies so i've been doing some fun things like um i've been taking care of some shrimp which has been really fun i've been finishing off my basement which has been really really fun uh time-consuming a little bit stressful but also really really fun and oh here we go check this out now normally ddts would be very problematic for us all right but because we have this acidic mixture dip this will give us that automatic non-stop lead popping power and that's why this is really important to go for all right instead a lot of people might try to force the avatar of wrath right thinking the only way to do this is with an avatar of wrath and i would say i think you're better off not going through the avatar of wrath i think you're better off going for this perimeter over here it's pretty much just as expensive well it's a little bit more expensive but you're gonna have that automatic lead popping power and all of these guys combined together are gonna be more powerful than an avatar wrap in my opinion so uh at this point it's just rock the blues now my real question is i don't know if we're gonna be able to afford an avatar of wrath i don't know in eight rounds we're gonna make uh you know 20 uh eight twenty four thousand dollars here but i'd like to try i'd like to try to save up over here you know even if we get in the middle of around 98 or 99 or 100 then we know we can go super duper late game or something like that and that would be really cool to me but we could also just go for a bunch of support towers like uh a glue gunner you know um getting a prince of darkness for some cleanup or even something weirder like trying to follow up our weaknesses with um some boat mullers or something like that there's so many options at this point but again i would like to save up for an avatar wrap if i can get it because i think that's just freaking cool then we fully finish out and fleshed out our dirty dirty strategy now this is round 95 this is ddt's popping up in here what we're gonna do is we're gonna throw down our trees all right or i guess our rock i suppose and just slurp up some of these extra balloons over here make forty dollars off of that that sounds terrible why did that happen i feel like we should have made way more money than that but okay all right that's fine open level 20 no 19. okay that's good that's good that's fine we'll deal with it uh like i said i just want to say thank you to you guys for uh helping me out like that um you know i i can i can have rough times too i always try to be positive in my videos but i'm still a human i'm still a real person i'm not a fake internet person that uh doesn't exist anymore all right this is gonna be literally perfect timing here guys right before round 98 probably the most important round in the game for getting a lot of pop of power here is our avatar wrath but before i get him check this out this guy alone 332 thousand three hundred thousand two hundred fifty three thousand and this guy in case you're thinking he did nothing two hundred thirty three thousand ridiculous here's our avatar wrath oh i gotta mod strong right now oh my god look at this pop count what is going on over here dude this is round 98 getting exploded in the very front of the map that is crazy talk crazy talk and we can do other stuff too i mean we can get an alchemist over here uh let's get in arrange the village let's get another um middle path unstable concoction let's get a random uh glue gunner over here i suppose if we're trying to take down moabs uh throw him down in range over here and we're going to get a bottom bath moab glue let's go let's go splatter and here it is round 100 baby finish it off strong beautiful check it out we're getting like a thousand pops a second or so it's only got 20 000 health total 22 000 or something like that this guy's gonna go down real fast over here we can even throw down our trees and see if that'll just suck up some crap oh my god the bad balloon died this is how far the blues got whoa and we obviously own the game so hopefully this uh kind of quick little video for you guys showed you off one of the dirtiest strategies in the entire game again if you guys want to press that like button for me to really appreciate that if you guys want to subscribe that would be absolutely wonderful thank you guys so much for watching and i hope you have a super duper delicious weekend
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 323,693
Rating: 4.8909793 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: iOlag-BJ-8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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