How Long Can You Survive With Etienne? (Bloons TD 6)

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folks this is going to be an ugly challenge ugly so one village let's make sure all the stats are good i don't think we're gonna make it 100 so we'll do 40. can one etienne only it gets at least round 40 please so let's drop etn right here so yeah with uh at the end because he cannot hit leads we have to go for a mib asap instead of putting levels into the ntn which sucks sucks major dick luckily he does level up fast which is the only good thing but doesn't really matter when uh he's not very strong others have somehow better than me etienne is a flying dart monkey or jar monkeys if you want to use the ability how much pierces have i believe the drone has two piers level three and right now three wow it's remarkably bad for a level five yikes i know shoots fast so it's not it's not really zero zero damage zero zero it's closer to like a zero two zero monkey with fast shots but still very underwhelming so far oh also this is gonna be really bad uh with its drones only working in range i can't actually have the drones like over here at the exits because what i was thinking like we could probably take 2830 i think we have 225 lives plus uh road spikes i forget to do the math on the lads there but i think we could we can still survive but it would really help if we could have a drone in range so that we can actually pop some balloons when the light hits the spikes but it's not really the case here rip to that and yeah we can't buy mid by 30. if we're calling the one gwen challenge we made it like around 33 and then we got mid but yeah we're not getting it by it 28 or 30 that's for sure also this round okay i need the road spike so i got to go back let's use the ability immediately so i have it for 22 and forward and there's no touring i can do to change this guys i can't micro i just have to spring and pray and there goes our mana shields what do i do here do i have to restart because i use my ability too early 138 limes on 28 207 okay i have to restart with etienne touching the track slash exit i think is that the only way to survive all signs lead me to believe i have to use the drone to 28 so that the road spikes only use up one spike for each lead or at least like three two three because i need the drones to like kill the insides otherwise i cannot beat 20 or 30. this is bad yeah i don't i don't even know how to be like 15 21 with the spot this absolute atrocious spot but i'll try i'll try so yeah right now i'm thinking maybe just one plain village and then pump levels to the etienne which is gonna mean sure for my death for 37 but it's whatever let's just get there first so we only need a plane village for range range is still important on ntn so that the drones can reach a little further like here buy level level six usability immediately so and hope it's up by uh 22 the end of 22 that's all that matters like that that's very good very good very good please leave a red balloon yes this is awesome awesome even better it moved away because i'm pretty sure it joins us to reach like if it's here and a balloon's lair but this is really good this is the best rng you can ask for let me just wait now i'm screwed by that one red balloon please come in faster i need this to be up for 23. go go go what that was so weak that did nothing whatever i can almost buy level 7. maybe i saw the village for it then god damn it yeah i'm selling the village rip yeah the drones leave immediately so level seven it is we need the two drones so i don't need to buy range for this round i just have to use the ability i think for the end the more drones the more chance that uh the spikes get saved it all lies in this round round 30 has like 200 rb so ideally i keep all the lives here and retain some mana shield here we go here we go here we go use the ability let's watch the road spikes if i can what it only lasted two two leads this is bad i can't beat 30 if i take all this go back i expected it to last more than two legs damn we're really gonna lose at 30 aren't we the lowest ranking hero i know one of your only challenges aren't like you know the end all be all of how good hero is but we already know he's not good set to first okay let's let's first first no two leds again it's gone i just need three lights come on three lights give me three that was one you gotta be kidding me so there's some rng at least yeah two shots two shots should i just like give up because there's no way i'm getting out of this etienne and not the greatest one here only tower it's gonna be a death of round three now we're not done i think i'm gonna actually you know give it buffs and see and try the survival challenge because this is not it's not enough at tien we ain't seen anything at ntn yet at this point it just sucks to have to end this way all these drones and no that bomb power rest in piss i guess we have no choice other than to give it give us money for a minute so this is the money added on top of default cash so now that i'm here but we can just pump levels into x10 which is going to make things way easier so yes this is atm with mip only no other buffs not even called the arms which is purchasable if i want to go that route and jungle drums but i'll kill for now wow guys we gave camo to our own village this is amazing let's use drones here save me wow it's so bad how are you gonna leave that many lives with that many drones got to use the ability again wow like are you kidding me it's around 34 of all rounds if you have to use the ability for 34 here imagine 35 even on first it's leaking a lot uh what no i can't take this i'll try divide and conquer that was atrocious half or lives of 35. what do i do do i sell them hib i mean there's no let's still 37 so i might have to i can't take 82 lives i i might have to though this is actually about better than we did before 128 about to be 111 110 yikes i don't care i'm taking it 88 lives so bad level nine yes double damage our lord and savior has arrived and then soon you cap will save her life uh i might need to drop no i don't wow that's pretty good mold damage pretty good mold damage do i need to use the drones uh please say no thank you wow we did it we beat easy mode with a 7k cash head start wow let's keep going let's buy level 10 now so at least we have two abilities we use at our disposal ability oh ability's not okay okay you gotta use your cab i think it was a little overkill but there's no in between it's either it does no damage with two drones or it does a lot of damage so obviously i have to choose the one that let me survive 47 very good very good please stick around drones yeah not very long oh we'll buy level 11 gotcha three drones uh please save us please police arrest etienne for being bad go back wait no did i actually continue the round like that no i i didn't go on the game before the round ended oh this is bad i use my abilities and heavy lives what is this the targeting change oh it's zone defense now oh crap no no back to first that's why it was so bad well well guys we we may not reach our potential because of this mistake i was trying to bank on like not going home because you know challenge editor you can die and then you'll still keep all your uh your lives when you press restart anyways uh i'm just using new gav too many cerams it's really strong as you can tell it's just so weak when it's off cool down which is a lot of time see only a quarter of time and then drones itself is like 35 so basically you can have up time for the abilities over half the time but that's still 50 time where you're just stuck with three drones three barely uh graduated dark monkeys case in point right here we'll buy levels well for better upgrades but it's not going to be good enough let's restart all right this looks good three quarters of time or cool down on the drones um i'm gonna wait till last minute for you cab luckily it turns into really slow greens this is this is really good the three layers at a time wait for it now it's good ideally it'll nuke every everything wave three oh this is a good ass upgrade good ass ability if only it lasted a little bit longer so i guess you really just have to get through that early game hump so make etienne a bit useful i'm starting to see its power now but still if you need 7k worth of a village to make past early game you have a bit of a problem with hands it's kind of interesting because when i tested in sandbox the other time with ftn level 20 the ucav like the permanent you can't move it around was not very strong but i think it's because it's a bug apparently the permanent cab for level 20 is only of level 10 power so like you miss out on level 17. greatly increased damage again i want it i got it but yeah the permeate cap is kind of weak because it's only level 10. the duration of the ability i love 20 is reduced by 10 seconds is that actually true is this the first hero that level 20 you get a downgrade all right let me just take a look here i'm gonna use you cap even though the round's easy watch when it disappears about a third about four o'clock four thirty about the 445 mark we're gonna get level 20 and then see how long it lasts that would be so dumb if it lasts for less time because when i tested in sandbox that time i feel like it only lasted like until three o'clock 3 30 mark like obviously i'm not saying it's a downgrade in terms of uh damage because obviously level 20 would probably do a lot of damage more damage level 17 and you have the permanent cap but i'm talking about the ability like duration that makes it way less reliable which would be a really weird nerf okay so uh we'll just test right now how long does it how long does it last these blue missiles one quarter wow that's really bad that barely hit a quarter versus 36 before level 20. yeah that and it's kind of reliable you can't microwave you just have to pray that it's at the right place at the right time here's what i'm gonna do with the extra money i'm going to buy homeland not going to use it but if we do eventually die without using the village ability i will see how long he can survive with homeland but for now let's just let it go 95 is coming i'm scared because the issue is the long hard rounds you don't like it when it's long and hard here we go again i'm not using homeland so don't tell me to until we actually die let's use you can have a last minute if possible joints first now i have to make sure we don't die by blocking which is very quickly about to happen okay we have to use it early then there's no choice we can't use the ability too late otherwise it's yeah we get destroyed absolutely blasted blasted up behind so now halfway halfway in let it rip we'll draw more drones too do we still get caught blocked oh okay this is done this is game over man i'll use it even earlier then but still bad very bad early so early that it's it became the day before again i can't micro so it is what it is first is probably the best way for the drones to survive oh okay it's gone okay yeah we're done there's no amount of micro in my life that would allow us to work so we're going to use homeland this round two one three this should work homeland is hella nice much better much prettier so that does it that does it officially etienne the worst hero round 30 death with a mib does better up to 95 but still okay 98s in sandbox monkey meadows we died how about logs so when i use it now screw it all the way all the way hopefully uh wow wait we just killed everything oh was my time you just bad in sandbox i guess yeah i probably was garbage that being said i need to buy resale homeland to be 99 i did not expect to beat that that quickly that was pretty good but again it's a homeland you can make anything look good with the homeland even at zero zero zero darts so let's hopefully get oh no we don't have ucav even if i use homeland we may die here yiker is okay we're dead we're dead ideally i would have ended off 98 with like one balloon and then i have the ability for 99 but we had a dead end thanks to cool down timing issues it did too well 98s so it's game over 99 you
Channel: ISAB
Views: 320,873
Rating: 4.9323235 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, btd5, bloons td battles, btd battles, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 best hero, btd6 etienne, btd6 extreme, etienne, btd6 update
Id: Qi5SXO_golw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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