The homemade ramen that DOESN'T take hours | Japanese Tantanmen Ramen | Marion's Kitchen

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this is one Pocky spicy and creamy this is one ramen noodle soup version you guys I couldn't want to make it's full of spicy pork chewy noodles and of course the most amazing broth this is my version of Japanese tan tan men all right so this one is like this awesome combination of ramen noodles with like a creamy spicy broth spicy pork I mean you know all the things that I love and it happens to be very very easy to make it home everyone's winning with this one all right let's do our spicy pork topping first of all it's need a little bit of oil garlic it's important gonna grate some ginger straight in there [Music] and now here comes the spicy so 10 10 men is basically like a mash up of Sichuan Dandan noodles and Japanese ramen noodles so of course we're using a fish one chili bean paste and this one is what kind of gives us the heat and like a bit of umami savoriness look if you can't get a hold of this one then go ahead and use a little bit of Korean gochujang I won't tell anyone you'll get to get a real beautiful color and a little bit of umami it'll be a slightly different flavors it's still delicious that's that I'm gonna add a little dash of socket and some soy sauce now what we want to do here is let that pork absorb all of that tasty goodness in that sauce so I'm just going to turn the heat down and let that simmer away until almost all of the liquid has been soaked up so in the meantime I'm gonna mix up a little paste which is going to turn everything beautifully kind of nutty and creamy and just a little spicy as well so to start off with we need some sesame paste now this is a Japanese sesame paste and it's made from roasted sesame seeds so it has a really beautiful almost bitter kind of flavor and a very intense flavor a lot of people say to substitute tahini for this one but I actually think the flavor is a little bit more like peanut butter so if I couldn't get a hold of the japanese-style sesame paste I would just use some peanut butter and that's that I'm gonna add some soy sauce some white vinegar and a nice little hit of chili oil here just give that a mix and I also want some spring onion here and I just want the pale part I'm going to finely slice that [Music] like that through until it's got a rather thick paste okay now to set those side and let's make Jeff Walker okay so take a look at this port you can see all that juiciness has now been absorbed and we're looking really good I'm going to pop that to the side and we're gonna get on to doing out breath so unlike your usual ramen broth this one is pretty much gonna take the same amount of time that it will to boil your noodles we just need to heat everything through it's got some chicken stock [Music] and some unsweetened soy milk so this is also going to add to the creaminess in the finished soup and just while that's heating our I need to do to prepare my bowl is just add in sort of like a heaped tablespoon of that pace that we made earlier and now that that soup is piping hot pull that over the top charge everything in there to make friends now I've got some ramen noodles here that just going to tip straight in there [Music] [Applause] and now we want some pork a little bit of greenery here I've got some bok choy that I've just briefly put into some hot water and of course because for me a ramen bowl needs an egg I need a little egg there and then just a little sprinkling of spring onions and there you go guys Wow if that is not one joyful looking ball I don't know what is look at that look at this look at the little bit of spicy red oil they're coming off the pork and seeping into that creamy broth ah tell you what this is just like the ultimate man so he's so quick to put together I mean you know so many ramen bowls take a long time and this one is just super quick I mean let's try some of that broth first of all hmm Wow I mean it tastes so complex it really does taste like you've been simmering that thing for like days honestly ah it's like magic it really is mmm - noodles and Paul hmm Wow now that is one really good bowl love it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 860,142
Rating: 4.9332027 out of 5
Keywords: tantanmen ramen, marion grasby, marions kitchen, ramen, noodle soup, ramen soup, marion grasby recipes, marions kitchen recipes, spicy japanese noodles, spicy ramen noodles, How to make ramen soup at home, creamy ramen soup, japanese ramen noodles, japanese ramen soup, spicy ramen recipe
Id: UsQ8A_3-6Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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