The Vietnamese noodle soup you'll LOVE as much as Pho | Bun Bo Hue | Marion's Kitchen

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this right here my friends is a vietnamese noodle soup classic it's spicy it's full of so much amazing flavor this is my version of bun bo hue [Music] so we all know about vietnamese fern noodle soup an amazing classic that i love this guy though is kind of like i think way up there with the fur um but not as well known internationally probably but um one of my favorite ones from vietnam i have to say like i can't stress enough how amazing this is because i really love it so there's not really any easy way to pretty this up or anything these are just pig strutters you'll need to go to your butcher ask for these see if you can get your butcher to slice them in half for you they can do that really easily on their machines that just will release a lot of the gelatin um from inside the bone so it's a pretty important thing so pop those into your like a really big pot the biggest one you've got you want it to be at least like six liters now we want to go in with um some oxtail so i've got oxtail that i've had my butcher also cut up into little pieces here and now the first little trick here is that we want to kind of blanch these bones and get rid of the first bit of kind of scum that you get off the bones for the first time you boil them um there's going to be a few non-instagramable uh you know sections of this video but don't worry it'll be very beautiful at the end okay so cover the bones with water i'm going to use the word scum a lot in this video as well so just be prepared okay now turn the heat on and you want to bring this to a boil and then there's going to be a lot of scum on the top we'll come back to it i'll show you hold on so you can kind of see what i was talking about uh this is the situation we've got right now um i'm gonna pull these bones out and so basically this first part is just about kind of like boiling off that first bit of gunk if you like and now you want to empty out and clean up that pot all right so i've got a clean pot i've actually rinsed these bones as well and now we're going to get everything back in the pot with some aromatics so bones go back in and i want an onion as well some ginger and some lemongrass so lemongrass really is one of the big flavors in this soup um so i've got quite a few about six uh stalks here and just to make sure i'm getting as much flavor uh released from those lemongrass stalks as possible i am just going to give them a little bit of a bash uh just to bruise them a little bit first you can see i've just tied them up with string that just keeps them together and just easy to remove a bit later on so that goes in and a really good pinch of salt here now we add another lot of water here five liters you can go a little bit more if you can if you've got a pot that's big enough um but i've got a six liter pot here so five liters will just fit now turn the heat on higher to start with and then once you can see that water just starting to simmer turn the heat down to about a medium and let that gently cook away for two hours that's right don't skimp so your patients will be rewarded i promise all right so here we are i've actually been skimming the surface of this every so often uh as that's been cooking so i've just got a little bit more here that i'm gonna pull out as well you're never gonna get all of the you know bits um but the more you can kind of pull out the better it'll make for a really nice beautiful sort of clear-ish broth at the end now the next thing i need to do here is i want to cook uh some beef shin so when i made this with my vietnamese render while ago she had these really big sort of um chunky bits of beef shin um i could only really get ossobuco uh which is a thin sort of slice across the bone um of beef shin and i think that's probably a lot easier for you guys to get in western supermarkets as well so that's what mine looks like i'm just going to pop that into our broth here with the bigger pieces of shin you do get like a nicer slice at the end so i mean you know still tastes the same it's just you know don't get you don't get the big slices but i'm okay with that now at this point i am going to top this up with a little bit more water just so it comes almost to the top again now just keep this bubbling away another hour and a half and then come back and see what's going on what you've been doing for the last hour and a half dax just been sitting on the couch twiddling your thumbs so you've been playing minecraft haven't you what level are you at are they even called video games these days no just games just games right i don't know i'm so uncool i should just stop talking about those things [Music] all right so my broth is like almost done here what i'm gonna do though is make what's called the satay um first before i get back to the broth so what you need to do is start out with some oil vegetable oil or peanut oil is fine here just a neutral tasting one though don't go in with olive oil it's got too much flavor and it's not an asian flavor okay now some garlic [Music] and i want some finely chopped lemongrass here as well now the idea here is we want to flavor the oil but you definitely definitely don't want to burn or over brown they get all brown the garlic at all i'm going to go in with some chili powder as well just give that like two minutes or so to kind of you know collect all the flavor get everything making friends in there alright so i can smell the garlic now and the lemongrass that's telling me this oil is ready i'm gonna add now uh what's called a natto so um anato typically you would use anato seeds for this but i couldn't find any seeds in my local area but i could find this enatto powder so i'm going to use the powder today so that's probably a good tip if you can't find the seeds maybe you could use the powder if you can't get a hold of either what you want to do is use some sweet paprika because that's going to give you that red color um probably won't give you it won't give you the exact same flavor but you'll at least get that lovely red vibe going on so let's get back to our stock now so we're kind of like almost there what i want to do is pull out our beef shin or your ossobuco whatever you've got that you're using and i also want to pull out all the other little bits and pieces the oxtail the trotters and you'll be surprised at just how much flavor there is in all of those little little fragments of meat there on the bone so don't waste it what i'd like you to do is just let that cool down until you can sort of handle it with your fingers and pick off all of that meat it's so tender it should literally almost like fall off okay so i've got most of the kind of bits or large bits out of my broth now but i do want to strain it so i've got this little set up here where i've got a fine mesh strainer but i've also put some muslin cloth in there just to really strain out all the little fine particles from my broth all right so now you should have a really lovely it's like kind of kind of like a golden colored broth here you can see the flavor now we've got to do the little finishing touches so this is kind of what i would call seasoning this broth if you're not someone who is used to eating a lot of shrimp paste or you think that you're not going to like that really funky flavor you want to turn it down a bit then maybe just go in for like then like about half of the shrimp paste that i'm calling for in the recipe you can always go in with more but i like more i want to like dissolve the shrimp paste a little bit first i'm going to mix it with a little bit of water [Music] did you drink this for a thousand bucks dax i considered it a thousand dollars that's an expensive bit of content okay so uh your shrimp paste mixture is gonna go into your broth here now the other little secret ingredient here well it's actually not so secret um my vietnamese friend that i make this with also uses this i mean i call them stock cubes flavoring cubes um even though we've made the stock from scratch uh we still put this in it's msg that's the magic ingredient it is what it is like you know asian street food now you also want some fish sauce here as well so i mean you know you can't be seasoning things vietnamese or thai things that's the one thing we share in common i think without some fish sauce okay but we're not finished here yet what we want to do is get our red oil mixture going in here oh now the one thing i've got to say earlier is i used powder here so i don't have to strain this but if you're using enatto seeds you would need to strain the seeds out before you add the garlic and the lemongrass and stuff because you don't want the seeds in the soup so there you go um but let's get this in here and now you have that beautiful characteristic way color that beautiful red oil on the top that is what you're going for my friends soup broth is done let's get our noodles cooked so the traditional noodle here is um it's a rice vermicelli noodle but if you have a look here um search out the rice vermicelli that's specifically for bunbo hui because if you have a look in here it's actually a rice noodle that's round so typically you kind of get pad thai noodles or fur noodles it's like spaghetti and rice noodle kind of mixed together it's a lot chewier has a really beautiful texture it's really worth seeking out it's very different okay and actually these take about like 15 to 20 minutes to cook believe it or not but they do so just let those cook until they're nice and tender all right so once your noodles are cooked you can just drain them off oh they really have such a cool texture i love these and now we can build our bowls and now ladle over that soup [Music] and then here's the thing you're never quite finished with a an asian little soup bowl you always need the condiments so um first up i want some spring onion on here some vietnamese mint so it's called vietnamese mint sometimes called luxa leaf as well if you can't get a hold of the vietnamese mint just use regular mint but it really has a beautiful flavor so if you can search it out that'd be great some bean shoots coriander leaves and a little sprinkling of some fried shallots so there you go guys my version of bun bo hue i haven't eaten this since i was in vietnam and i can't get there right now so i am ridiculously excited about this i cannot wait it's so good ah that flavor is just like out of this world amazing good like it is so it's just got this like slight amount of heat to it it's not overpoweringly spicy but you get like the beefiness the funkiness all the things it's so good and the herbs that when you add those extra bits and pieces the herbs even the lime juice and stuff just taste it to a whole new level [Music] the whole thing it's just like perfection so young [Music] hey friends i hope you enjoyed that one if you did why not hit the like button and even better i would love so much if you would subscribe and even hit that little bell button so you get notified every time i release a new delicious video thanks guys
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 336,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Street Food, Spicy Food, Chilli, Chili, Noodle Soup, Vietnamese Food, Vietnamese Cuisine, Rice Vermicelli Noodles, Bun Bo Hue, Pho, Slow-cook, Slow cooker, Instant Pot, Crock Pot, Homemade, Home Cooking, Tutorials, Recipes, Tips & Techniques, Chopsticks, Bean shoots, Bean sprouts, mint, Coriander, Cilantro, Lime, Lemon, Comfort Food, Slurp, Asian Cuisine, Oriental, Broth, Satay, Spring Onion, Scallion, Pig Trotters, Brown Onion, Lemongrass, Ginger, Salt, Beef Shin, Osso Bucco, Shrimp Paste
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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