3 Dollar Homemade Ramen | But Cheaper

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hang on i know you're thinking josh ramen's usually cheap i'm not talking about instant ramen today maybe later i'm talking about the gourmet ramen that usually costs this per bowl when in reality you could make something yourself that costs this purple that is but cheaper [Music] okay so i know i said we're not going to talk about instant ramen obviously we will but that's going to be at the end the thing we really want to focus on is i want to make a nice proper bowl of ramen more specifically we're making a miso pork ramen for my god wow that's so small look how small it is i'm looking at it it's right there and it's so small a proper bowl of ramen isn't just satisfying it's an all-encompassing beautiful thing the experience of eating it shoving it in your face and it's just so good every single bite there's a little bit of something different in every bite so with all that said let's make this shall we right oh let's begin with our miso ramen broth first get a 5 quart heavy bottom pot or something similar it's not like the broth is gonna explode just because your pot is in five quarts anyway heat that over medium high heat completely dry until it's hot hot hot wow then add in half a pound or 225 grams of ground pork ideally you want something on the fattier side like 70 75 flatten and spread that out and let it sear for two to three minutes then flip and it should be a beautifully golden brown repeat that sear on the other side then break it up into small pieces and continue to sear until the pork is fully cooked and has rendered out quite a bit of fat once it reaches that point remove the pork and set it to the side now lure your pot heat to medium then add two medium shallots that have been finely diced seven cloves of finely minced garlic and a three inch knob of ginger that's been grated saute that for about three minutes stirring occasionally until all the veg is softened and is nice and fragrant then add one tablespoon or 14 grams of granulated sugar stir and cook that just until dissolved about one minute now add mr piggy back to the pot followed by one and a half tablespoons or 14 grams of ground toasted sesame seeds yes literally just sesame seeds that have been toasted till golden i did them in a pan and ground in a mortar and pestle till it reaches a powder you can also chop it with a knife if you don't have you know a fancy mortar and pestle i get it now stir that in then add 4 tablespoons or 60 grams of miso paste this can be yellow or red miso there are cheap options out there now stir all that together then add five and a half cups or one and a third liters of chicken stock which ideally is homemade right you know upset papa with store-bought right now this is totally optional but you can also add one tablespoon or 13 grams of han dashi granules again optional but it'll be extra awesome if you add it now let that come to a very light simmer then immediately cover it with a lid and keep it warm until ready to use by the way don't simmer the broth okay just literally keep it hot no simmering no bubbling just hot okay and that is your broth now we need to make arguably the most important part the toppings now let's talk brown butter corn i know some people are gonna whine oh i'm a little baby you know like corn in my ramen okay then don't add it more for us cool people in a medium sauce pot add 3 tablespoons or 42 grams of unsalted butter heat that over medium let that melt and cook until it begins to lightly brown you can certainly take it much further than this but i wanted a very light toasted flavor so i stopped here then immediately add half a cup of fresh corn kernels i prefer to cut them fresh off the cob but you know that's just me stir that into your butter and let that heat just until the corn is hot do not let these sit and cook in the butter i'm sick of the mushy corn out there today okay let's please just get some poppin juicy corn that's just hot i want a little bit of pepper in this okay season the taste with salt and that is your corn next up a beautifully quick soft-boiled egg obviously these are not marinated eggs and you can certainly marinate them but if you do that it's going to add time and price to this recipe so simply bring a sauce pot of water to a gentle boil then add your eggs and boil without a lid for seven minutes somehow these seven minutes are always the longest seven minutes ever immediately remove them from the water and place them in an ice bath to chill just until the eggs cool down enough to be warm but not ice cold about two minutes then just peel your eggs under running water to help the shells come off and that is a soft boiled egg right there i mean look at the lucy it's sad now last but not least is your ramen noodles please try to find straight ramen noodles if you can then just lower them into a pot of boiling water and boil them according to the package directions then drain them into a small colander and as a side note try not to cook them all the way to mushy you kind of want a pretty thorough al dente otherwise the noodles will overcook when you add the broth okay we have our toppings but before we assemble i want to show you one important trick with green onions of course we can slice them thin but it'd be a whole lot cooler if you take a green onion and then cut it along the green part at a very very steep bias and simply slice as thinly as you can and you'll end up with beautiful fine long threads of green onion then immediately dunk those in ice water and toss them around the sweater will wash off their abrasive flavors and it'll make them a little bit curly and they look so cute oh wow look at the little curly babies uh sometimes in restaurants people will call these green onion pubes and i'd like to just make this my call for y'all to stop it please okay it's nasty now it's assembly time get yourself a bowl and add your cooked nudes top that with your hot broth and some of the ground meat which will sort of naturally fall onto the broth anyway then add a generous couple of spoonfuls of your hot brown butter corn along with some of its butter a nice handful of thinly sliced green onion see doesn't it look so elegant that way then your runny soft cooked egg some additional toasted sesame seeds and optionally a couple of little squares of nori that have been cut out of a well a whole sheet of dory and that's it that is your beautiful bowl of ramen coming in at this price per bowl and this is a big bowl tell you right now brother that's a big freaking dub compared to what you would usually spend not to mention you have total freaking control okay so i mean look at this look at this got dang thing brother all this right here for this price oh hold on fellas i mean look at the broth the broth is like nice and creamy from the fat and the miso and it's just so looks so yummy yes yes i would pay twenty dollars for this easy it tastes just like a classic miso ramen it's salty it's rich with umami you got the fattiness from the pork some of that butter flavor with the corn and the butter plays really nicely the sweetness the crunch the egg it's meaty it's anxious mommy i already said it two times umami this is a proper ramen for an affordable price and it's not instant ramen this is the real but with that said i do think we should make an iteration of instant ramen which we're gonna do right now now i have another idea if you want to go even cheaper you could literally just take a packet of instant ramen noodles whichever your favorite is and by the way if you ever go to an asian grocery store you'll notice that there's a wonderland of dozens of instant ramen varieties papa tip for the day cook it according to the package directions and literally just top it with all the toppings that we've made here and hey maybe hit it with a little bit of chili oil because now your budget might allow it dang this actually does look pretty busting already i'm kind of annoyed how good this looks so this is obviously gonna save you money and time but i have a sneaky suspicion you may sacrifice in the flavor department or will you i think we need to have a little ramen stand off and see which one is the better one here dang is this like a butt better and a butt cheaper one [Applause] [Music] damn i'm a little bit annoyed at how good this looks because the other one took time and this one didn't look at the end of the day to make the actual soup base of this is not that much more additional time it's like maybe an extra 20 minutes i don't know why i'm throwing this out the window without even tasting it already you know what it's not as good right off the bat i can't believe i'm saying this i actually thought this was going to be just as good or if not better because it's you know instant ramen's always good no it's literally not as good guys we outdid instant ramen today on a butt cheaper this isn't even above better but now it is it's like but cheaper and what better with the songs combined we've made history on this show we defeated instant ramen and butt cheapered it although well this is probably cheaper isn't it it doesn't matter it doesn't matter the point is this is still cheap for a homemade ramen look at the end of the day whether you choose your instant ramen counterpart or you want to make it yourself i don't care man just elevate it a little bit think a little bit and you yourself very easily could have the best bowl of ramen you've ever made right here you want to know what else has a hot bowl of nudes and papa's hot miso juice b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it so did it brother we made a miso ramen a pork miso ramen that i think almost falls a little bit in line with the tonkotsu and by that i mean it's got that creaminess to it but you didn't have to wait hours and hours and hours because you kind of cut your way through the line of time using ground pork that's the key ingredient here as well as obviously the miso now miso is expensive i know i know but you use only a little bit you get a big chunky container of miso and you can use that miso in perpetuity so don't be like josh i have to go buy miso for the sake of my veggie unless you use that miso and then you have like 95 percent of it remaining and you throw it in the trash no no it did not cost that much to make it so anyway with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,543,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, but cheaper, joshua weissman but cheaper, ramen, homemade ramen, best ramen recipe, ramen recipe, homemade ramen recipe, ramen but cheaper, how to make ramen, how to make ramen noodles, best ramen, youtube cooking series, ramen noodles, tonkotsu ramen, how to make ramen broth, ramen broth, ramen broth recipe, the best ramen recipe, how to cook ramen, how to cook ramen noodles, easy ramen recipe, easy ramen, youtube recipes, miso ramen
Id: vHvwUEHcyvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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