How To Make Shoyu Ramen At Home - Marion's Kitchen

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check out that ramen broth if you didn't think it was possible to make ramen at home believe my friends we are gonna make an epic bowl of ramen noodle soup okay guys we're gonna tackle ramen noodle soup today we're gonna do a show you styles so show you simply means soy sauce and this is going to be a soy sauce chicken based ramen broth soup that we're going to make so first up there's a couple of things we want to do to get our broth really flavorful and tasty and that kind of restaurant style depth of flavor and the first thing we want to do is deal with our chicken wings now the thing with any kind of broth or when you're using bones our broth the smaller the pieces that you can get them into the more it will release flavor and gelatin from the bones and all those good things so take your chicken wings just slice through the joints so that you've got three pieces rather than the one big large one but a whole big bowl of those here so to kind of speed up the flavor process through our stock I'm actually going to roast these first so that's gonna create like a browning and a meillard reaction on the outside of the chicken and it's that browning that stuff there that's the flavor we want in our soup and then I want some carrots as well and now let's get these guys started with some salt find out with broths the more that you can layer flavor and seasoning the better it will become and then a little bit of oil just to get things started just give those a good mix and I want to roast these in a hot oven for about 45 minutes or an hour until we get a really beautiful deep brown color now let's take a look at our chicken carrot and you can see the beautiful golden color we've got on that chicken that is all flavor my friends awesome so I'm gonna get this onto a heat and I just want to heat this up until it's sizzling now this part is all about making sure we don't leave any of that beautiful browning behind on the pan I'm gonna deglaze the pan with a little bit of water and now wait for that start bubbling again and now what you want to be doing is getting your spatula or your wooden spoon and really scraping out everything from the bottom of the pan the water will help you and the heat will help you but don't leave any of that flavor behind now if you have a look that liquid is a beautiful golden color already so now we've got all the bits and pieces off the bottom of the roasting tin now we're gonna get into our stock pot and start that broth going so I want to get my chicken and the carrot into my pot now just take your pan and pour all of that delightful liquid over your chicken and now for our aromatics these are these special ingredients that are gonna make a shoyu ramen broth super special I start off with me of kombu which is dried seaweed you grab this in Asian grocery Japanese supermarket now this is one of the essential ingredients for a traditional Japanese ramen broth it's gonna give us like a background savory flavor and a deep depth of flavor to our broth keeping on the same umami track we've got some dried shiitake mushrooms and some spring onion for some nice aroma and then I've got some garlic here I've just sliced a whole head of garlic in half that's gonna go in and then some slices of ginger now top that up with some more water and now we add in the show you or the soy sauce get there stir and now one of my big tips for making a really beautiful clear broth is to make sure that your aunts it's too hard we want a nice gentle simmer for about three hours and every so often while it's simmering just take a spoon and take off any of the sort of white foamy bits and pieces that rise to the top all right see you in three hours [Music] three hours later and we did in the meantime have a wardrobe malfunction with some pork and some hot oil anyway I'm fired but the dress is not fine so we've changed do things by the book here we're not swapping in and out as you know it's all for real so anyway let's get back to our ramen broth and I'm gonna save these beautiful shiitake mushrooms which are now lovely and rehydrated and we can slice those up and use them in the soup and it's broth it's smelling so amazing I can't even tell you guys okay so I'm gonna just pull out all these big pieces of aromatics and the seaweed take those out first and then just to make it easier to strain I'm just gonna start taking out these chicken pieces as well and a slotted spoon is gonna help you out here so the thing with this chicken is that it's been in here for three hours right and all of its beautiful flavor has gone into our broth which is great but it does mean that the chicken itself that chicken meat kind of doesn't have much flavor you can totally go ahead and shred it and eat it or add it to your your noodle soup but I tend to find it has lost a lot of its really good flavor it's okay because my mom is here filming with me today so she will happily take all of it home because you know Asian moms they never waste anything okay so this is looking good I've got most of my chunky bits out and I'm gonna strain this through a fine mesh sieve so if you don't have a really fine sieve at home you might find that your broth has quite a few particles in it if that's the case just put down a cheesecloth or a coffee filter and run the broth through that as well I mean it's got nothing to do with the Flavian totally just leave it as it is but if you want a restaurant style crystal-clear broth that's what you need to do but this one's looking good because we've got a very fine mesh strainer here now if you're a very Haitian person which I generally am NOT when it comes to food and we've already been simmering our broth for like three hours you would put this into the fridge overnight and then that would solidify the fat on the top of the broth and you could just scoop it off but I have a little trick to taking the fat off without having to wait so if you use some paper towel and then just rest it on the top of your broth paper towel will soak up most of the oil and the fat on the top let's do that a couple of times now look at that most of the fat and the oil is gone and we are ready to serve this guy up okay so now we've got a really great ramen broth I'm gonna just take enough that I need for the two bowls that I'm gonna make today because the rest I'm gonna save for later this freezes really well so I'm gonna let this broth come back up to a simmer I want it really nice and hot while it's doing that and it's gonna mix together a little seasoning so I've got some soy sauce here and I want to mix in some mirin so that's a Japanese cooking wine a little bit sweet so let's have a taste and see what we need to do here this is such a complex broth it's just you know you've got the beautiful savory flavors I can taste that chicken and all these background flavors like the spring onion and the ginger and the dried shiitakes are so good okay it does need seasoning though so I'm going to add in quite a bit of my seasoning sauce that I've made and you can just do this to taste so everyone likes a different level of saltiness and this is something that you can adjust on your own I'm also going to add it a little bit of just plain regular salt as well you want to darken the broth too much but I do need some extra oomph in there mmm now that is tasting perfect lovely so I've got my ramen noodles here and I'm gonna ladle over that hot soup look at the color of that amazing broth so special and now you can top this with a whole manner of different things I happen to have some cashew pork or slowly braised pork belly that I made the other day now I've got a video on this on my youtube channel so you can check it out if you're interested in making it so just put a slice of that on there and I've got some of those sliced shiitake --zz a little bit of spring onion and then to me ramen it's not ramen without an egg oh there we go this is one confident bowl of heaven I can tell you that right now restaurant style restaurant quality shoyu ramen at home you can totally make it it takes a little time but it's not difficult and the results are so good hmm gotta do the noodle slap ah and the soup oh that flavor I'm telling you so good you actually could believe you're eating this in a restaurant dad's gonna love this one oh I hope finish I'm finished don't finish yeah yeah what would you even take those out here dude I knew you were gonna take those I told everyone you were gonna take that you can take them if you are not ok well I'll leave the noodles you you either ticket [Music] if you've got any comments or questions pop them below and if you enjoyed the video why not hit that subscribe button plus the little Bell one and that way you'll get notified every time I release a new video thanks guys
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 1,003,607
Rating: 4.8804832 out of 5
Keywords: marions kitchen, marion grasby, marion's kitchen, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, ramen noodles, pork belly, pork belly recipes, pork belly recipe, shoyu ramen, shoyu ramen broth, ramen broth, ramen broth recipe, ramen broth recipe easy, ramen soup recipe, ramen soup recipe easy, ramen soup recipe chicken, chicken ramen noodles soup recipe, ramen noodle soup recipe, how to make ramen broth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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