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[Music] so what you thought was homeless well I can't sit down on the curb and catch a ball say something freaky in the accent was that with me peaches now today's video by the title I'm pretty sure you guys know what the heck is about to happen broke another go bigger prank from p2 is a neighbor look today's video every time I do a gold-digger field it's always gonna be something slightly different and today we're switching it up our so I want to give a big shots of my blood Robby going crazy cuz he's the one that gave me this idea basically what's gonna happen I'm gonna be doing the homeless gold-digger praying so you supposed to worry about to take over USC to do a 360 for the car spider yo come on write this one through ten oh man can you to 15 at fifty nine ten and not just a bro that's a stat let me explain how we gonna do this video so now you guys are probably taking your P - how you gonna do is go dig a video every gold digger vide you do is a banger well today I got it all right so I'm gonna be acting like a homeless man alright so obviously you gotta see I'm dripped up right now I can't dress like this alright so I need a change the outfit I need to look kind of different right now let's change what three two one let's go oh you guys see oh yo peeps you gotta go this might be like the worst al fey out and every phenomena alive Oh Sylvester yes this is my road trip show my road trip like homelessness but you're tend to do looting you though my chance yeah they do look new so I know so what's that shot dirty no more yeah all right let's dirty it right there I don't care about these shoes these are - Tim these are from Walmart they're not team the whole goal the whole plan is for me to look homeless today bro let's do it come on all right you guys see he said my my shoes look too clean I guess I don't know how we're gonna do this I guess I'm gonna Oh brand-new Walmart in yeah see look at the difference is there a difference kisi on camera yeah there's a difference okay is this what you're talking about okay so this actually looks used right yeah yeah I swear to you if we find a gold digger that doesn't love that Ferrari bro I don't know what's gonna happen at this at that rate bro I don't know what's wrong with this room y'all say I don't know but let's complete the fake complete the pit how's it look dirty dirty let's do it come on if you got a new make sure you guys subscribe make sure guys hurry know of cases make sure you guys like the video we are about to see what's gonna happen I'm not sure if this is gonna work bro I'm peachy does my hair look grow does it look real enough be honest me nope yeah thing is people honest then will I take out my dreads my hair really does look like it let's see if we could catch a gold digger what that beautiful Ferrari let's go come on Mario so Pete's again what's gonna happen bro I'm gonna be at the gas station Joseph Esser man I'm kind of nervous to do this Bronco homeless on the streets no get at Department connect apart I'm gonna be holding a mug bro I never like I'm obviously not homeless so I'm just gonna look like I'm homeless bro so well I'm gonna do I'm actually gonna be sitting down so that's Tina find the good hiding spot but you're always finding high spots bro it's kind of nervous now hello let me do something real quick I don't know what I'm gonna say bro but just follow my lead okay yeah got it yeah bro so if he's gay what I'm gonna do we're in or miked up everything's might fit perfectly bro yo I'm really gonna be homeless for a little bit uh I'm gonna be camped outside this is kind of weird man but we're gonna see if people buy it we're gonna see what happens bro Shh Jesus Christ man I mean so far I haven't seen anybody I mean it's been in like a minute or so but hey we just gotta wait you know saying but you guys see put that arm in the air whoa second time whoa I'll go man thank you supposed to get all you saw me you something come in the car oh yeah see you're smart yeah hahaha that guy's a smart guy he he saw me pull up in this car okay we got away a little bit we need a fresh crowd alright so right now we're chillin have a good one man be bless this sucks man I broke no one's even showing me attention bro I've been walking around for a good amount and like I can't really get conversations like that dude like come on man what the hell's going on here I know I know there's no one around me right now but peach can't let me talk to you guys cuz I'm miked up right now tell me this isn't outfit of the year bro tell me my outfit is not off of the year come on stop playing with me bro this is a p2 trip season but I learned how to drift like this breath you can all know if we're even gonna find a gold digger honestly laughs like we might have just made the dumbest video 2019 this might have been the dumbest vid to the 2019 like pee tune did you really think that you're about to drop a bingo video today nope you guys have a blessed day damn bro so you're not gonna say hard to meet you mother you're very beautiful ma'am she didn't say anything back so this is how this went is how it is when you're homeless bro I get no law about here bro Frank Frank Frank Frank did you guys you guys can see it's getting kind of darker right now bro we're still you guys see how dedicated I am bro like bro just really applaud like my dedication bro it's getting darker but I'm still out here bro I've been homeless for like a good amount bro but I'm still in my bag I'm so Chung I'm trying to see what we can do bro I'm looking I see some girls walk by bro but I'm trying to find the best options that's what I'm here to do bro I'm waiting I'm dedicated bro this could take me all night bro I don't care I don't care bro yeah she'll suffer awaiting is getting kinda dark bro but I am determined like I said all crap there's a there's a beautiful girl walking by ah this like that this like the second one of the day I could never pull down bro alright how you doing hi you look very good today oh you actually have a ain't up and lean despair you look very very good you just want to let you know that what's your name well your name yeah well you you look very good that's one let you know that are you doing sir so it was episode oh what's your name sir well though nice to meet you man that's all you could do right there just say your name to say what's up say my name say my name huh I'm Nigerian yeah she's far too old you're Puerto Rican Parikh is are very beautiful but know that I puro Rica is a Nigerian appear to Ricky that's beautiful why because is it the way I look kinda yeah oh crap okay no I think it's broke he actually gave me a chance whether the thing is broke look literally she was actually giving me a conversation though she was actually giving me a conversation bro this is actually good I could really do this bro I really I really think I could do this I can rock this out bro she actually gave me a conversation bro like a lot of girls that have just been walking by me making me look like stupid because of the way I look but we're gonna see if we can get those but we're gonna see she's a gold digger he says he's Puerto Ricans she's very beautiful bro god damn brother there's not a lot of times I see got the conversation bro we're gonna wait so she gets out oh okay I'm lucky hike right now bro I'm lucky hyper we actually got the conversation okay okay the beautiful person Ricky young wanna give me a chance yeah no all right have a good day though yep I don't know if she's following me I'm hoping she's following me right now I'm hoping she's following me wait till she sees this wait till she sees this oh yeah oh yeah is he following me is she following me oh crap you scare me uh-huh you said what yeah y-yeah beautiful 48 488 spider what's up so what you thought us homeless well I can't sit down on the curb and catch a vibe that's what I do not not every person that has cars like this is dresses like in Gucci Louis Vuitton this is this I just dressed natural so I don't know I feel like I'm like really humbled in everything I just do whatever people do you know I'm saying like when I was in high school I'd ride my bike to gas stations that could I live around here I'll sit down right here so uh I don't know I just do all the regular stuff but I like the way you curved me you curved me in front of that guy that walked by I know you seen that I was being creepy I don't think I was being creepy I was being nice I thought I know what happened you thought I was creepy this based off the way I look just because I'm not dressing an expensive clothes like you like I see you have some Gucci shoes on and everything but now this is this is my beautiful baby but what's up all right you came over it was good are you fun now I wanted to say what's up to you man but like you disrespected me in front of a couple of people in the gas station like I'm pretty sure when you walked in the guest as he seen those people laughing at me you seen it you hang out really oh no man of house I was probably just gonna spend a night just by myself just catch a vibe you could go of me yeah I don't know I don't think you appreciate my fashion so you get you can help me with my fashion okay cuz I see you know how a dress I feel like I know how just but like you all see judge me immediately throw your Puerto Rico the program I was trying to say on that journey I feel like like I'm not jumping to conclusions but I feel like if we had a kid a Puerto Rican and Nigerian to tell me that it would be bald you know what we volunteer you know I really have to think about this one you know sorry we meet come on you Kirby like you literally Kirby like so what okay but you curved me like three or four years ago you know I bear seen that is so you're freaking like you got prove it prove its me like talking about a beautiful accent oh I mean yeah talk to me like they're yeah say say say something freaky in the accident what is that women I mean oh oh say that same say down my ear against again oh my god okay alright see now you're talking my language yeah you're talking about language alright I'm not gonna lie I feel dumb as hell you embarrass the the hell I mean in front of people but I flow we can make this work thing so I have a hug but perfume is a to freaking you know you need to give me some perfume that's why I need that's why there are you you can step aside though you go ahead step aside now you look good you look real good you look real good huh sorry sorry about like everything that happened honest you know who I was I'm just a regular guy in this city man people are crazy out here you know saying there's it's crazy how you really change their mind like in two three minutes and I've never seen anything like that I'd be like that I'm kind of second-guessing right now know if you say something freaky again and pure rican that we could talk feeling ha I like to actually a lot I like talking a lot you you want her out this car will you ever been a car like this this is a 48 a 488 spider Ferrari Alan let me start it up for you from sorrow for you yeah you go ahead yeah I'll let you do the honors here give me your finger give me your finger what which one do it I want you to start it what do you think you're gonna put your finger on yeah that's crazy I just met you at the gas station and everything that's crazy I've been saying you know I've been sitting outside for like an hour people that's been treating me bad and everything yeah cuz sometimes I just want to like aside from the car and everything I just want to like people to see me for me I'm saying size one types of people so you see me for me now okay so reach me I go where were you going off somewhere could you look good already where are you coming from did you drive for you did you take a lift oh okay for sure for sure I mean yeah we could go go ahead and dip hmm so what yeah sounds great right I'll let you drive in a little bit that's great you sure you shut your sure your friends won't be mad cuz like for sure so what do you do for a living it's going to school or something well I'm looking for it's kind of embarrassing I'm looking for a woman to spoil so I want to like spend money and just like spoil a beautiful him just like you now say but the thing is but the thing is let me have them go ahead and reverse this real quick guess where we started remember how you change your mind like in the first two three minutes I got something I want to do that huh oh we're good don't worry so you remember how you like this is my man's voice bro do is freaking dark I'm done see the golden raisin hey which happiest bro another one but that's pretty much gonna wrap with this video right here bro my she got like me she got subscribe man right you guys already said this was hands down like one of my foot in this video so Phil bro make sure you got sharing the videos to everyone you're freaking no bro I'm shooting that video but I gotta make this out so too long bro your pizza makes you guys subscribe make you guys join the family I'm jumping with so many beggars is freakin weak for y'all can i freaking love you guys all forgot ourselves mouth full right now look at my foot I'm gonna end this me I'm not gonna talk to my brother's go [Music]
Channel: P2istheName
Views: 4,280,990
Rating: 4.887114 out of 5
Keywords: p2 gold digger, the homeless milliomaire gold digger experiment, hoomantv, gold digger, prettyboyfredo, smoothgio, ace family, prince family, p2, p2isthename, ddg, prank, family, vlog, homeless experiment, david dobrik, mrbeast, morgz
Id: tZBc42RsFDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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